Reviewing 2012 issue is out

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北京爱见达广告有限公司 京工商印广登字 201000068 号 北京市朝阳区建国路 93 号 10 号楼 2801 第 118 期 2013 年 1 月 4 日印

In Business. In Beijing

Reviewing 2012 DEC 27, 2012 – JAN 9, 2013



编制:北京爱见达广告有限公司 agendabeijing

A True Run Media Publication General Manager: Michael Wester Operations Director: Toni Ma Editorial Director: Jerry Chan

Editorial Managing Editor Michael Cormack Assistant Editor Rachel Chen Contributors Jessica Zhang, Brittany Haney, Stan Abrams, Sarah Jones, Matthew Stinson, Jason Lim


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Letter from the editor The year’s end is always a fine time for reflection. You can survey what’s been learned, what achievements made, what disappointments encountered, and what possibilities have bloomed. A trick I learned from Bill Clinton in his excellent memoirs My Life is to sketch out your plans and ambitions, for the short-, medium-, and long-term, and to review where you’ve got with them every three months or so. It is one of the unremarked truths of adulthood that freed from the schedules and cycles of education, it is easy to drift through life without taking stock of where you’re going or what you’re doing. But as every business guide will tell you, going over your strengths and weaknesses is an indispensable tool to better know yourself. Thus, in this yearending issue, we have taken stock of the people we feel have best exemplified our ideal interviewees in 2012, and indeed our ideal readers (the two being very similar). Our spotlights section in this issue therefore is a sample from the best interviews we have done over the year, and the kind of people we think are “Agenda people”. So who are these people? Well, there’s economics professor and blogger Patrick Chovanec, restaurateurs Jennifer Eden and Gaby Alves, China-watcher extraordinaire Bill Bishop, Jiepang CEO David Liu, accounting professor and blogger Paul Gilis, wine expert Angqian, healthcare pioneer Roberta Lipson, and recruitment and startup expert Andy Mok, amongst others. All of them help make Beijing the great city it is, and personify its development. It’s been a pleasure and honor to feature them all. And as we review 2012, we also look at the best tech gadgets released, some of our favourite restaurants for a New Years Dinner, and look forward to some of the best venues for a New Year party. As something draws to an end, it’s also a possibility for a new beginning. This issue – the one in your hands – will be the last print issue of Agenda. Treasure it! It has been an enormous pleasure and privilege to edit Agenda, but as we all know, digital is the way forward. From 2013, we will be digital-only, through our website Stay in touch, and we’ll see you there!

Contents 4 Best Spotlights 2012 10 Top Tech 2012 12 Law Briefing

Sino-US Accountancy Strife

18 Chinese Negotiation

When To Walk Away, How To Say Goodbye

24 Frank Yuan

General Manager, Polycom

26 Gareth Repton

Creative Director, Luma Lu

Michael Cormack, Managing Editor

26 Insight - On The Job

Bill Watson, Education Director, Toni & Guy

36 Weekend Traveller - Macau



Cover Spotlight


Some of our favorite spotlights from 2012 Compiled by Mike Cormack

Over the course of 2012, we’ve had the pleasure of meeting and profiling dozens of Beijing’s finest, in fields from haute couture to finance, from hospitality to high tech. With the talent field in Beijing only ever increasing Patrick Chovanec, Tsinghua professor and blogger at Thomas Orlik of the WSJ wrote a book about reading China’s economic indicators. How much of a problem is the opacity of the system? The National Bureau of Statistics says China has a long way to go in statistical measuring. It’s something of a black box. Sometimes rules change and nobody is told, and they don’t revise the figures to take account of that – this has even happened with the monetary measure M2. A lot of statistics are fed to people from local officials with vested interests. So even if they’re

trying to be honest, it’s difficult. You can’t take anything on face value and have to see it all as a mosaic. Much of what I do is gather data points and extrapolate from that to form a story.

Paul Gilis, Peking University professor and blogger at I am a professor at the Guanghua School of Management. I teach China’s future business leaders. It is an awesome responsibility, and wonderfully rewarding. I mostly teach in our International MBA program, where students from all over the world come to learn China and to get a top ranked MBA education. One of my goals is to keep the kids off the street – Wall Street. Too many of our graduates end up in finance, yet the world desperately needs their talent directed towards more important problems. I encourage students to find careers that will build business, create jobs and Street pays too well, and we do a pretty good solve social problems. It is tough, because the job preparing them for life there.



Quan Lily of Lily’s Antiques Given the booming market for antiques and high-end living generally, how do you manage when antiques by definition have a finite supply? In other words, how do you meet demand? I am always buying antiques, but the quality has gone down as the supply has decreased. Our Chinese antiques section (Lily’s Antiques) is now only one of the four branches of our business, alongside Lily's Living (modern and imported furniture and decoration), Lily's Museum collection (high end antiques from China and Europe), and Lily's Factory (custom made furniture). As time has gone by, we’ve expanded our range to help us cope with higher demand and to expand our customer base. We now also have a collaboration with a Spanish designer, for example.

popular just now; its elegant features and simplicity fits in well with modern furnishings and approach. It is also the most expensive and so usually the most popular! Local Chinese also like Qing Dynasty style furniture. Expats tend to go What periods are particularly prized for for a single distinctive style while local Chinese antiques? Why is this? Ming Dynasty is very tend to like a more eclectic style. Model Anina of With your blog, you capture the day to day activities of a model, as well as showing many great examples of how to use technology. How did you evolve that? I believe in women-designed technology. That is what I am trying to do – and it is not easy to discover what this should look like or be. By writing about this integration in technology I can show how I use it every day in my life. I can interact with others to share my discoveries and thoughts on technology is going, and contribute to global happenings shaping the world online. What fashion apps have you created? Can you explain them to our readers? 360Fashion Network has developed a mobile app platform that allows businesses to create their own media ( 360 Fashion Network has apps available on every mobile phone (search for 360fashion) on any app store from Android, iPhone, iPad, Blackberry, Nokia, Windows Phone 7 and Samsung phones). I just

launched my own iPhone fashion game, Anina Dress Up ( in Chinese for women to discover their fashion style and new brands using their mobile phone. 360 Fashion Network offers apps and e-commerce websites for 3rd-party brands worldwide with social media built in and an online strategy to help them create their presence online.



Cover Spotlight Mickey Du, investment team manager at Innovation Works Tell me a little bit about Innovation Works. Innovation Works is an early-stage venture capital fund based in Beijing, China. It was set-up in late 2009 by Dr. Kaifu Lee (previously, head of Google China and Microsoft Research Asia). Innovation Works has only one purpose in mind: to invest in the most talented entrepreneurs in China, addressing the largest internet market and opportunity in the world. We operate a dynamic 8,000 square meter facility in Beijing (and will soon add another facility in Shanghai), and have a full-time team of 45 individuals across our investment and operations teams. What are some of the more interesting companies being groomed at Innovation Works? Umeng ( is an example of a company we seed-financed from the formative stages. They are building mobile developer tools and a mobile ad network, allowing developers in China to accelerate growth through real-time analytics, cross-promotion, and an advertisement management tool. Zhihu ( is a Q&A-based social knowledge network. Zhihu, Angqian, wine expert for CHEERS I am the wine expert for CHEERS. I train store managers and staff as well as customers how to understand wine. We hold a 10-day intensive training for new employees and also online classes on where I teach about the different types of grapes and wines, how to taste the differences, and then pairing wine with food. I also do wine tastings at our stores. So basically my job is to be a teacher of wine. I grew up in a nomadic family in the mountains of Tibet, so my childhood dream was to get an education and travel and see the world. I started out as an English teacher in Tibet to primary school kids. I believe that time was so valuable to my career because it helped me developed the teaching skills that I use today.



as an open web community and having dedicated mobile applications, curates high-quality content to be shared across multiple knowledge domains. Diandian ( is a social network creating the highest standard for lightblogging in China. It provides a context-aware, multi-platform, live-streaming service.

Frank Yu of Kwestr How do you organize everything? What software do you use? I am a big fan of lists. My startup started out as gamified real world lists of things to do. Nowadays, I use the iOS calendar to organize my days and to do list. For project management I use an app created in Beijing by my friend Marc called Do It Tomorrow. It’s a Zen masterpiece of simplicity that duplicates a paper to do list. Has being on social media been beneficial to your life or career in Beijing? That’s a bit of a loaded question since I am a “social media pundit” so my life, my work and most of my friends are part of it in some way or another. Yes, it is essential for foreigners and Chinese to know social media. Otherwise, you are just one of 1.3 billion people in China. When I say you have to know social media, I mean it’s more than just being a user; it’s about understanding the demographics and reach of each medium.



Cover Spotlight

Jonathan Smith of music promoters No Go Die and The Syndicate

consistent great music and spread the word as far and wide as you can.

What does music promotion entail, in Beijing? Is it different from western countries? If you compare London and Beijing, then London has a much larger number of people regularly going to gigs, concerts and festivals. Beijing doesn’t have that yet, so promotion is about location and growing the pockets of people who crave varied music events. Beijing has less of the tribalism you find in London. Someone can be at a punk gig one night and drum’n’bass the next, without feeling that one type of music defines their lifestyle. Having said that, the essentials of promotion are the same: provide

What’s your advice for aspiring young entrepreneurs in Beijing? If you’re looking to start a business, then you’re in the right place. I’ve found Beijing to be a very fertile environment with more than its fair share of entrepreneurs. Typically they have all seen the whole range of success, failure, setbacks and victories. Surround yourself with the right people and get as much advice as you can so that every decision is an informed one. But only you can decide what to do with the advice and that’s the exciting part of starting your own business!



Bill Bishop, China news-aggregator and blogger at How would you compare weibo and Western social media? Weibo has a much richer feature set that allows much deeper conversation and much broader dissemination of information than does Twitter. The way you can retweet and comment on individual weibos means that each one can become a node in a much bigger conversation, as opposed to the ephemeral nature of Twitter. Weibo also exists in a much different politicalinformation environment, one in which many people do not believe official sources and so are much more willing to believe what they see on weibo.

consumers is to figure out who to trust, and I think a social network like Twitter can help with that as if you are an idiot the community will figure it out fairly quickly.

Will social media supplant journalism, take it someplace new or just be a supplement? It should supplement it and improve it. The old days of a handful of editors determining the news agenda, especially about China, are gone. That is a good thing, except perhaps for those editors and their bosses. But the challenge for

I have noticed more and more of China-based Western journalists using Twitter. Many seem to have resisted at first, but now they, and I think all journalists in general, realize that they need to build a personal brand beyond the news organization for which they report. Some use weibo as well.

David Liu of Jiepang What exactly is Jiepang and how is it different from Foursquare? Jiepang is a local, social mobile app that helps friends share and discover places. Our users “check in” on Jiepang, and share that they’ve arrived at a place. It helps people keep in touch, and also discover new places. In China, there’s just more people and naturally more social networks – Sina Weibo, Tencent and Weixin (WeChat), RenRen, Kaixin, Douban, to name just a few. Jiepang connects with all of them. Most Jiepang users are of the so-called post80s/post-90s generations, highly connected through social media and relatively comfortable meeting new friends through relevant social networking. I think Jiepang has a unique op- friends with similar interests and backgrounds, portunity to help Chinese users discover new by seeing that they frequent similar places.



Cover Spotlight Megan and KC Connolly of chART Contemporary Why did you enter the industry? What attracted you to it? Megan: We grew up with art all around us in New York City. Our father was a huge appreciator of art and always took us to galleries. Art helps you gain insight and understanding into a different world. When I first came to China as an exchange student in 1998, I had pretty low expectations about the creativity in China; however, I was surprised and thrilled to find such a vibrant community with lots of things to say. I remember getting text invites to underground art exhibitions. Originally, I was a Cultural Anthropology major, but after China, I decided to change my career path to contemporary Asian art. I then lured my in China; the country invests a lot of time and sister, a sculpture major, to come work with me money into the creative industries. A perfect in Beijing and she soon became hooked too. example is 798 District. There could always be more support; for example, our business should Are there issues particular to China that the be considered a not for profit business but China industry faces? KC: The art industry is huge does not understand that type of stuff.

Roberta Lipson of Beijing United Hospitals To talk glibly about China’s opening up and reform period makes it sound like the country turned from isolation to Hong Kong-like openness with the utterance of Deng Xiao Ping that “It does not matter what color a cat is, as long as it catches mice”. In reality it takes far longer to turn the ship of state, with customs and practices long-ingrained, around. We should therefore tip our collective hats to those pioneers who came to China thirty years back and worked to restructure and improve the industries they served. Roberta Lipson is one such trailblazer. First coming to mainland China in 1979, she has been at the forefront of the development of the international standard medical industry within the country since co-founding Chindex in 1981. Through their subsidiary United Family Hospitals, (of which Roberta serves as chairman of the board), they opened the groundbreaking Bei-



jing United hospital in 1997, with further such openings in Tianjin, Shanghai and Guangzhou. Her story is the story of private industry opening up areas hitherto untouched, and of someone with the vision to foresee opportunities long in advance.

Andy Mok of Red Pagoda and Startup Weekend Beijing Tell us about Startup Weekend Beijing – how did it get started, what’s your vision for it? We limit attendance to no more than 40 entrepreneurs per event and make it a bit more structured by bringing in well-known and successful VCs and angel investors like Xiaojun Li, a partner at IDG; Yinan Li, a partner at GSR Ventures and former Baidu CTO; Robin Chan, an angel investor in Twitter and FourSquare; and Fritz Demopolous, co-founder of This is a unique and highly efficient way for entrepreneurs to get guidance from a number of investors who really know what they’re talking about. So far, we’ve held four Startup Weekend Beijing events and plan on doing one every quarter. What were the best ideas to come out of the last Startup weekend, and what came of them? We’ve had about sixteen teams so far and at least five of them have received VC or angel funding from investors such as Kai-Fu

Lee’s Innovation Works, Blue Run Ventures and Dave McClure’s 500Startups. Our winners have included Wodache, a ride-sharing application; Apricot Forest, a way for doctors in China to keep up with important news and research; and Duanzimi, a social website that connects people who have space to spare with those who are looking for a place to stay.

Gaby Alves and Jennifer Eden of SALT and Zest Jennifer, with a background in media and broadcasting, why change? I began working with SALT part-time, doing their marketing, which pretty much uses the same tools as broadcasting and journalism. The role grew and I then got the opportunity to start Zest Coffee Shop as part of the SALT Group. I’d worked in hospitality and sales a lot before so I jumped at the chance. I am a big believer in constantly challenging yourself and using your skills across broad range of jobs – everything I have done crosses over in some way. Gaby, what are the biggest misconceptions people have about female entrepreneurs? I think they underestimate the huge amount of work that goes on behind the scenes. People see me in the restaurants enjoying myself, but

what they don’t know is that I’ve been up since 7am taking calls and doing accounts, and then back home at 11pm to the computer to wrap up the day.



TECH HEAD No one can deny that our everyday life is closely intertwined with all sorts of tech products. Shrewd businessmen are aware of this modern truth, and seek to sate our tech cravings with ever greater gadgets. 2012 has seen the most intense competition in the tech field with multifarious new products flowing onto the market as fast as they can. At the end of the year, we have selected a list of the hottest smartphones and tablets - but remember, there’s always more to come.

TOP TECH 2012 - smartphones and tablets

All this year’s hottest technology Compiled by Jessica Zhang

Smartphones iPhone 5 Apple is the most profitable tech giant, as we all know. But we might disagree if you still see the iPhone as your only and best pick when selecting a smartphone. Apple still has an edge due to the fact that it has an amazingly loyal fan base, and owning the latest iPhone still offers youngsters a sense of pride and “face”. As Tim Cook has said, China accounted for 15% of the company’s sales for the last fiscal year. With such solid numbers, we were right to expect another buying craze for the iPhone 5 after December 7th (with over two million now sold in China alone). To heat it up further, Apple has begun selling the unlocked version of the iPhone 5, the very first time it has offered the smartphone without carrier subsidies.



Samsung Galaxy S III We’ve seen an increasing number of iPhone lovers switch to join the Samsung brand, and there are signs from all sides showing that it’s a perfect rival for iPhone 5. For people who have been used to iOS operating systems, it might take a while to get used to the Android operating system. In terms of calling, emailing and other common phone uses, both handsets are top class. The apparent edge for Samsung is that it is a larger size, and in terms of sharing content, Samsung is much better adapted to the Chinese market. Nokia Lumia 920/Google’s Nexus 4/HTC 8X iPhone and Galaxy undoubtedly have been the two most successful smartphone brands in 2012. However, there are still several excellent ones worth mentioning. With its

arresting appearance that neither Samsung nor Apple can compare with, the Nokia Lumina 920 has built a solid market share being the best Windows phone available on the market. The 920 runs on Windows Phone 8 and comes with some unique features, like a touchscreen that works even when you wear gloves. In Apple’s “maps war” against Google, we can clearly see that Google has designs on the profitable smartphone market. Google’s Nexus 4, targeted at tech-obsessed consumers, is their best phone so far and sold at a cheaper price compared to the aforesaid smartphones. HTC has gained popularity in recent years and its latest product, HTC 8X’s performance on the sales chart is again very impressive. With its stylish outlook and a 2.1 MP front camera with an ultra-wide lens, this phone is sure to be especially popular among female users who care most about photo quality and fashionable looks. Tablets iPad 4/iPad Mini Having both the iPad 4 and the very first iPad Mini out in this same year, Apple is a must-mention in the tablet market. Though these two products are supposedly targeted at two different kinds of user, and have achieved marvelous sales numbers, we can safely assume that they certainly have crossed into each other’s market share. Whether this is a win-win or win-lose situation for Apple, remains to be seen. While the iPad 4 is another regular upgrade, the iPad Mini with a smaller size tends to cater to consumers’ taste better and is predicted to outperform the iPad 4 in sales.

avid readers. What makes the Kindle stand out is that it offers the users the best reading experience. Personally I find reading on Kindle hurts my eyes less than on the iPad, especially late at night. In addition, users will be offered access to content they have previously purchased once signed into their Amazon account, from books, music and videos. Barnes and Noble Nook HD While Barnes & Noble is a household name in the US, it is still new to the Chinese market compared with big names like Amazon. With current trends compelling almost all the print media to go digital, the Barnes and Noble Nook HD was created, along with its family members Nook HD+, Nook Simple Touch with GlowLight and Nook Simple Touch. While the Kindle Fire can be more about watching movies, Nook is thoroughly made for reading. As this product has a shorter history, there might be a bit more tech issues awaiting to be fixed. However, I’m all thumbs up for this product as I’m a fan for the brand, and I truly appreciate their efforts in offering the readers the best food for thought across all media.

Amazon Kindle Fire HD This second generation of Amazon’s Kindle Fire line is available in two sizes: 7 inch and 8.9 inch - maybe that’s why Apple thought it had to launch its mini iPad. Though the iPad is on everyone’s lips, the Kindle is still highly competitive due to the strength of the Amazon brand. This product is particularly popular for consumers who are



Law Briefing

beancounter brawl

Sino-US accountancy strife is more than meets the eye There are few ways for foreigners to capitalize on the unprecedented, sustained economic growth that China has enjoyed over the past few decades, and each of these channels, be they portfolio or direct investment, have significant risks. The ongoing dispute between US and China regulators concerning US-listed Chinese companies has dramatized some of those risks, revealing not only some very poor choices by foreign investors, but also the lengths to which Beijing will go to protect domestic firms accused of wrongdoing. For the better part of a decade now, foreign investors have viewed US-listed Chinese companies as a fairly decent bet, a way to get in on the China growth phenomenon without having to sacrifice the legal protections offered by US securities laws. That was the idea, at any rate. As it turns out, not all of the US-listed Chinese companies have been exactly forthcoming with their disclosure of material facts, the mandates of US law notwithstanding. A series of account-



ing scandals in 2011 and 2012 served as a wakeup call for many China investors. Cue the American regulators, specifically the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), which has primary jurisdiction over public companies. Among other mysterious issues that remain unclear, the SEC would like to know more about the audits that were conducted on nine Chinese companies suspected of wrongdoing and the working papersused in the process. The easiest way for the SEC to conduct such an investigation would be to go directly to the accounting firms that performed these audits. These are accredited auditors that, it turns out, are China branches of global accounting firms. Sounds fairly straightforward; a quick phone call to PricewaterhouseCoopers or Ernst & Young should fix the problem, yes? Not so fast. The reply from the big accounting firms has been “So sorry, but the Chinese

I can only think of two other explanations: nationalism and protectionism. It is possible that Beijing simply wants US investigators to accept the results of Chinese regulatory investigations. In other words, “They should take our word for it.” This is unlikely to be a persuasive argument; the PCAOB has negotiated agreements with all The SEC continued the volley on December 3, other major economies in the world that allow 2012, when it announced that because of failure for inspection of foreign auditors. Why should to comply with SEC’s orders, PWC, Ernst & Young, China be different? KPMG, Deloitte, and BDO were in violation of US If one were a cynic, one might also suspect law, including the Sarbanes Oxley Act. that Beijing’s actions, which have the tempoWhat happens next? If local auditors refuse rary effect of protecting Chinese companies to cooperate with the SEC, then they could from unwanted US government scrutiny, are eventually be forced to de-register from the US protectionist in nature. If so, this is extremely Public Company Accounting Oversight Board short-sighted. (PCAOB). Unless both governments negotiate a way to move forward with this dispute, the If the Chinese regulators cooperate with the potential end game might be: a) no future SEC, then yes, several PRC companies may US-listed Chinese companies; and b) existing run into serious trouble and could even face US-listed Chinese companies, suddenly without criminal charges and de-listing. That, however, is a worst-case scenario, and even if a handful auditors, would have to de-list. Yikes! of Chinese companies are nabbed by the auYou might be wondering why, with so much at thorities, the majority of other US-listed Chinese stake, the US and China governments have not companies would be unaffected. been able to fix this problem. Good question. On the American side, the SEC is acting to protect On the other hand, if this back-and-forth game investors. There is ample evidence that several of regulatory tennis is allowed to continue, the US-listed Chinese companies have engaged in best-case scenario is depressed share values for dodgy business practices. Moreover, word has it all US-listed Chinese companies, who remain that the SEC has no problem cooperating with under a dark cloud until all this is cleared up; Chinese regulators, in a sense looking over the the worst-case scenario is that all of these enshoulder of local investigators as they peruse terprises are forced to de-list. the files of these auditors. The path forward seems clear. It remains to be On the China side, are the regulators really seen whether the regulators will stop playing worried about the disclosure of state secrets? games and get on with it. Anything is possible, but a quick glance at my handy list of US-listed Chinese companies Stan Abrams is an IP/ does not reveal any defense contractors or IT lawyer and profesother firms that are likely to be in possession of sor who has been living state secrets. Moreover, one would think that and working in Beijing if Beijing had a problem with disclosure for a since 1999. He blogs specific target company, some sort of ad hoc at, mitigation process could be arranged, instead commenting on law, of a blanket refusal applied to all of the comtrade and IP. panies involved.

government will not allow us to give you this information.”The reason put forward by Beijing, according to the accounting firms, is that disclosure of such information would be a violation of China’s state secrets laws. In effect, the regulatory ball was hit back onto the SEC’s court.



fine diner As 2012 is finally coming to an end and we look to have survived the “end of the world”, we need to toast still being here as who we are. Speaking of making a toast, who can resist the temptation of having a well rounded dinner with lots of wine with their loved ones? Agenda has prepared a list of some of the best dining spots for you to bring in the new year. So bon appétit, everyone!

time to toast 2013

Eight best Beijing dining spots for a new year’s dinner Compiled by Rachel Chen

Aria 阿丽雅 The multi-award winning Aria of China World Hotel offers contemporary European cuisine. Signature dishes like Foie Gras, Blackmore’s Wagyu Beef, lobsters and European desserts created by their Australian Chef de Cuisine David Pooley will bring your dining experience up to the next level. For oenophiles, Aria is also a good place to experience exotic wine tastings. Daily 5.30-10pm. 2/F, China World Hotel, 1 Jianguomenwai Dajie, Chaoyang District (6505 2266 ext 6644) 朝阳区建国门外大街1号 中国大饭店二层

Kerry’s Kitchen 嘉品 Located conveniently in Kerry Hotel in the CBD, Kerry’s Kitchen (pictured above) offers authentic Asian and international cuisine to satisfy different tastes with both buffet and a



la carte options and a good variety of beverage choices. Start your New Year celebration with Kerry’s gastronomic brunch buffet full of their signature dishes of both local and Western cuisine and a lot more of their festive goodies to enjoy. Daily 6-12.30am. 1/F, Kerry Hotel, 1 Guanghua Lu, Chaoyang District (8565 208) 朝阳区光华路1号,北京嘉里大酒店1层 Duck de Chine 全鸭季 After the success of the first Duck de Chine in 1949, the Hidden City in Sanlitun, Elite Concepts has opened a second location in the heart of the city, 1949, Jin Bao Jie. With an (of course) predominately duck based menu, Duck de Chine (pictured right) offers some of the best traditional and innovative duck dishes in town, including the popular Peking style roast duck with their exclusively

homemade dipping sauce and duck soup. 1) Daily 11am-2.30pm, 5.30-10.30pm. 1949, The Hidden City, Courtyard 4, Gongti Beilu (opposite the south gate of Pacific Century Place Mall), Chaoyang District (6501 8881) 朝阳区工体北路 4号院 (太平洋百货南门对面); 2) Daily11.30am2pm and 5-10.30pm. 98 Jinbao Jie, Dongcheng District (6521 1949) 东城区金宝街98号 Home Plate Bar-B-Que 本垒美式烤肉 Home Plate BBQ is undoubtedly the ideal place for carnivores. They offer typical American food and drinks with affordable prices in a family-friendly fashion. This small but cozy restaurant has always been popular with all the homesick North Americans that miss their bar night out with best buddies. Their signature dishes such as BBQ cheese fries, Buffalo wings and pulled pork BBQ sandwich are finger-licking good. Daily 11am-10pm. 35 Xiaoyun Lu courtyard (from Dongsanhuan Beilu, head 20m north of Xiaoyun Lu intersection and take the first right), Chaoyang District (5128 558)

朝阳区霄云路35号院(东三环北路,过霄云路路 口,往北走20米,到第一个路口右转)

Element Fresh 新元素 Known for showing the healthier side of American food, Element Fresh is justly famous for their homemade warm and cool salads, sandwiches, pasta, wraps, weekend brunches, and their customized Asian sets which will satisfy both local and foreign tastes. The newly renovated Sanlitun location has launched some of their winter specials. The warm spinach salad with blue cheese, caramelized apples and candied walnuts, and rack of lamb are surprisingly good. Mon-Fri 10am-11pm, Sat-Sun 7am-11pm. S8-33, Bldg 8, Sanlitun Village South, 19 Sanlitun Lu, Chaoyang District (6417 1318) 朝阳区三里屯路19号三里屯Village 南区8号楼S8-33

Capital M Located on the renowned Qianmen Street, Capital M (pictured overleaf ) is famous for



fine diner its exceptional location, warm service and traditional European cuisine. As one of the most high-end restaurants in Beijing, their delicious New Year menu has everything you could wish for. You can grab a lazy brunch on Sunday; enjoy high tea with friends; chill with family at dinner time in this classic dinning place; or have a fabulous cocktail or Martini night with your friends at their Glamour Bar. Mon-Fri,11am-2.30pm, 6-10.30pm; Sat-Sun 11.30am-5pm, 6-10.30pm (afternoon tea between 2.30-5pm). 3/F, No.2 Qianmen Pedestrian Street (just south of Tian'anmen Square) (6702 2727) 北京市前门步行街2号3层 Daccapo 迪卡博意大利餐厅 Located on the second floor of the Regent Beijing, Daccapo Italian restaurant claims to touch your five senses with their authentic Italian cuisine by award-winning Chef Mario Cittadini. Some of their signature dishes include Tomato and cherry mozzarella salad, basil pesto, garlic croutons; Parmesan risotto



with wine & shallot jus; steamed sea bass, spinach, cherry tomato & black olive ragout and Vanilla pannacotta, and strawberry coulis. Daily noon-2.30pm and 6-10.30pm. 2/F, The Regent Beijing, 99 Jinbao Jie, Dongcheng District (8522 1789) 东城区金宝街99号北京丽晶酒店 2层

Haidilao Hot Pot 海底捞火锅 If you haven’t been to Haidilao Hot Pot yet, it’s time to go. As one of the winners of this year’s the Beijinger Reader Restaurant Award, Haidilao lives up to expectations with great service, fresh ingredients, cheerful atmosphere as well as board games, shoe shiners and manicurists to help you pass the time while you wait for your table. Serving up the best Sichuan style hot pot in the city and with several locations scattered across town, you are sure to have a great meal no matter where you live. 2A Baijiazhuang Lu (next to No. 80 Middle School), Chaoyang District (6595 2982) 朝阳区白家庄路 甲2号(八十中学西侧).



Commanderie du Grand Moulin Text by Mike Cormack

Merlot had a bit of a tough time of it after the film Sideways, where wine-aficionado Miles denigrates it in favor of Pinot Noir. US sales in the year following its release dropped 2% while those of Pinot Noir rose 16%. Nonetheless, Merlot is the most widely planted of the primary grapes in Bordeaux, and one of the most popular red wine varietals. Merlot wines usually have medium body, with hints of berry, plum, and currant; its softness, fleshiness, and early ripening make it a popular grape for blending with the sterner, later-ripening Cabernet Sauvignon. Such flexibility has contributed to making it one of the world’s most planted grape varieties One such blend you should enjoy is Commanderie du Grand Moulin. It’s one easy to drink and enjoy for most of the population. Perhaps Commanderie du Grand Moulin is as good as it could be as a starting point for Bordeaux beginners. Comprising 70% Merlot, 25% Cabernet Sauvignon, and less than 5% Cabernet Franc, it generates a perfect balance between the first taste and lasting flavor. If wine tasting is reading a novel, this one must be the one part of story that can be easily understood.

My personal favorites for what food should go with this particular wine - perhaps, Beijing Roast Duck? But be sure that the wine is served between 5°C to 12°C; otherwise it might ruin every other taste at the dinner.

Get It: Commanderie du Grand Malin is available from The Honest Place, 6 Xiao Huang Zhuang Lu, Dongcheng





When to walk away, how to say goodbye – and where to go next. It is tragic that so many foreign negotiators in China engage exclusively with a single Chinese counterparty and have no idea what they’ll do if things don’t work out perfectly. Good Chinese negotiators encourage this de facto exclusivity, and will maneuver Westerners into a position where not only are they the foreigner’s sole source of materials or products, but also of information, market intelligence and access to service providers. If you give up exclusivity in China too soon and too cheaply, then you are putting yourself in an extremely weak position. Source of power: walk away Western negotiations are trained that the strongest negotiator is the one who can walk away. In most negotiations, that is the main source of bargaining power. In China, however, it’s not so simple. A Chinese partner isn’t afraid



of you going off on your own – particularly if he already has your technology, IP and product design. In China the real source of power is your ability to team up with another Chinese counterparty – which your existing partner sees as a true threat. You are best off shopping for new partners outside of the guanxi sphere of your existing partner – which often means going to another city. The shortest distance between you and success in China may be a side trip to Hangzhou or Chongqing. Patience is a virtue – and a competitive advantage Chinese are very hospitable hosts, and they’ll go out of their way to make sure your trip is as pleasant as possible. That often means picking you up at the airport when you arrive – and arranging for their driver to take you to the

airport when it’s time to go home. Experienced negotiators know that the drive to the airport is expensive, because once the Chinese side knows when you are leaving they use your de-facto deadline to apply pressure. There are a lot of counter-tactics to this ploy, but they all revolve around two basic moves that you have to prepare in advance. First, be completely ready to go home without a signed agreement. Stay calm, stop looking at your watch, and simply say that if you have to finish negotiating over the phone, that’s what you’ll do. Put them in a position where they have to report to their own bosses that you are leaving things up in the air and the balance of power shifts in your favor. Second, never negotiate with your luggage in the trunk of their car. Arrange your own transport home and make sure that you going directly from your hotel to the airport. I try to make plans that involve me going to another Chinese city after an important negotiation – sending the signal that I am capable of functioning in China without them. The fallacy of fidelity Americans often assume from all the talk of guanxi and face that loyalty is a respected and expected part of Chinese negotiation. It isn’t. Chinese partners will always demand exclusivity from Western businesses, but the fact is they don’t really expect it and don’t know what to do with it when they get it. It’s simply a competitive ploy – they want to prevent you from applying pressure. When your prospective Chinese partners ask for exclusivity, your best recourse is to laugh as though they have delivered a good punch-line, and then feign embarrassment. They should see that you are no pushover. When it comes to exclusivity requests, you have three options. The simplest and most effective is to tell your counterparty that you expect to have one major supplier, distributor or partner, and two minor ones. If your counterparty still insists on exclusivity, then you have to either find someone else or listen to his justification.

Another possibility is to allow him to believe he is your only partner and learn the business from him while you either quietly search for an alternative or remain open to new offers. While this sounds pragmatic, it is almost certain to result in bad feelings. If you say that you are planning to have multiple partners, he has a strong incentive to perform well. If he discovers that you are looking for new partners, he will feel you’re not reliable – and attempt to maximize his profit in the time he has, often by stealing IP or using low quality materials. The final option is the weakest – and unfortunately the most common. That is to give up exclusivity to the first partner you meet and allow him to represent your interests in China. He becomes your presence in China – your single source of not only products and/or services, but also information, connections, staffing, and market data. This is like proposing on a first date – it may work out, but the odds are it will end badly. Chinese partners want exclusivity not because they think they can grow the business best, but because they will be able to operate without competition or oversight. The best negotiators walk into every meeting knowing exactly what they will ask for, what they will settle for, and when they will walk away. In China, you also have to know where you will go once you start walking. You have to set that up in advance and make sure your existing counter-party knows that you have options. Andrew Hupert trains and coaches Western businesses to negotiate successfully and effectively with Chinese counter-parties. He publishes and, and recently wrote The Fragile Bridge - Managing Chinese Business Conflict.



THE STYLIST One of the most thrilling things about celebrating the New Year is seeing what’s new. Each year end, we appreciate what we have achieved in the year past and greatly look forward to the unknown in the year ahead. Besides buying gifts for your beloved families and friends, December is also a time for celebration. And when I say celebration, I mean parties. It’s just no December without parties, especially in a city that never sleeps.


Nine fabulous Beijing nightspots to welcome 2013 Compiled by Rachel Chen

Centro Get ready to bring in the New Year at Centro (pictured above). Start the night off with Centro’s house band featuring lead singer, Danielle. Then join them as they pump up the beat and ring in 2013 with one of Sydney’s hottest, DJ Emme. Get down to her funky underground sound that’s brought many a night to life. Daily 24hrs. 1/F, Kerry Hotel, 1 Guanghua Lu, Chaoyang District (6561 8833 ask for Centro) 朝阳区光华路1号北京嘉里大饭 店1层

Zeta Bar Located in Hilton Beijing, Zeta Bar (pictured right) is always popular as they provide stylish décor with a sexy party vibe. This hotel lounge also has a semi-private upstairs booth for you and your friends to have a wonderful private count-down night. Or you can just dance the night away with the beautiful people in town, and get down with one of the hottest party beats mixed by Zeta’s



resident DJ. Mon-Thu, 6pm-2am, Fri-Sun, 6pm3am, Sun, closed. 2/F, Hilton Beijing, 1 Dongfang Lu, Dongsanhuan Beilu, Chaoyang District (5865 5050) 朝阳区东三环北路东方路1号希尔顿饭 店2层

Mix If you are tired of all the techno, drum and bass, hip-hop, and R&B music, come to Mix at The Westin Chaoyang for a soulful new year’s count down with Regi Brown back on stage. The classic and intimate atmosphere of Mix will charm you with their swinging jazz night and marvellous cocktails, wine and champagne. 5pm-1am.1/F, Westin Beijing Chaoyang, 7 Dongsanhuan Beilu, Chaoyang District朝阳区朝阳区东三环北路7号金茂北京威 斯汀大饭店

Atmosphere As the highest lounge in the capital, Atmosphere bar in the China World Summit Wing is the place to go for a to-the-

next-level New Year’s party. With a breathtaking skyline view of the nighttime Beijing, you and your friends will be carried away breathless. Mon-Fri, noon-2am; Sat and Sun, noon-4am. 80/F, China World Summit Wing, 1 Jianguomenwai Dajie, Chaoyang District (6505 2299 ext 6433) 朝阳区建国门外大街1号北京国 贸大酒店80层

SPARK Originating in Taipei’s signature 101 Building, SPARK nightclub is known for its thrilling interior design and is a hot spot for both celebrities and the cool crowd. SPARK provides some of the best electro and drum and bass music to party goers. With an upscale atmosphere, you could find yourself having just as much fun as partying in NYC. Mon-Fri, 10pm-2.30am; Sat-Sun, 10pm-4am. B108, The Place, 9 Guanghua Lu, Chaoyang District (186 1841 5929) 朝阳区光华路9号世贸 天阶B108

Elements Elements is all about making the hottest party trends and dancing with the most beautiful people in town. With their exotic dance performances and their stylish interior design, you will have a wonderful New Year’s counting down party getting the most out of the party scene. Mon-Sun 9pm-6am. West Gate of Worker’s Stadium, 58 Gongti Xilu, Chaoyang District (6552 6223) 朝阳区工体

1863. As a private VIP lounge, Maison Camus offers top quality Chardonnay, Bordeaux, Camus XO cognac, foie gras and cheese platters. It’s an elegant and intimate gathering place to have a new year’s celebration with people who love wine culture. 4pm-midnight. 4/F Reignwood Center, 8, Yongan Dongli, Jianguomenwai Dajie, Chaoyang District (8528 9518/ 138 1085 0974) 朝阳区建国门外 永安东 里8号华彬中心四层

V-Plus Located in the heart of the capital’s club zone and bar street, V-Plus is another high end lounge by Vics Group. Not aiming at people-watching and dancing, V-Plus is more about their classic, romantic interior design and decent cocktail list. Guests can have fun sticking to their own crowd for a New Year’s Eve bash and enjoy a great view of the Workers’ Stadium from their glass window, without worrying about the uninvited. 7pm-late.14/F, Bldg 3, China View, 2 Gongti Donglu, Chaoyang District (8587 1233) 朝阳区工体东路 2号中国 红街3号楼14层.


LAN Club Claiming to be the most prestigious club in the capital, LAN Club is always a popular destination for hipsters and local celebrities. This New Year’s Eve, they will team up with DJ Victor and DJ Eagel to play the hit dancing music and the LED dancers will warm you up in the winter and counting down with you to welcome 2013. Daily 11am-10.45pm. 4/F, LG Twin Towers, 12B Jianguomenwai Dajie, Chaoyang District (5109 6012/13) 朝阳区建国 门外大街乙12号LG双子座4层

Maison Camus With a cognac history stretching back 150 years, five generations of the Camus family have nurtured their business since



the List Tech BRIEFING


Taobao and TMall smash RMB 1 trillion barrier Alibaba’s e-commerce companies, Taobao and Tmall, collectively made an incredible RMB 1 trillion (US$159.5 billion) in sales within 11 months from January to November 2012 – no joke. If you aren’t familiar with either, Taobao is an e-commerce platform for merchants to set up an online storefront, like eBay; while TMall is an online channel for bigger brands to sell products, like Amazon.

world record by hitting RMB 19.1 billion (US $3.06 billion) in one day, beating the previous record holder day of ‘Cyber Monday’ in the U.S. with sales of US $1.25 billion. On the day, the pair dominated market share, with Taobao‘s sales accounting for 95% and TMall’s sales for 55% over competitors like 360Buy, Suning, Amazon China and DangDang, according to iResearch.

In the days leading up to the biggest online sale of the year, online shoppers prepared their buying strategy to ensure they would get their desired products. As the day started, the sales numbers shocked me and I had to do a doubletake. Here’s what happened: in the first minute alone, 10 million people visited TMall, it took just 10 minutes to reach RMB 250 million in sales and another 27 minutes to hit RMB 1 billion in sales. Some individual popular TMall stores even To boggle your mind even more, let’s look at recorded RMB 100 million in sales on the day. some figures from November 11th, known as Singles’ Day for its representation of 11.11. The The supersonic growth of TMall and its clout juggernaut duo of Taobao and TMall broke a has lead market researcher, Euromonitor, to

Like comparing the size of planets in our solar system, let’s put 1 trillion yuan in perspective. The amount equates to 2% of China’s GDP in 2011; it eclipses the nominal GDP of countries like San Marino and would even cover the public sector debt of Hungary. Now do you understand the magnitude of Alibaba’s group of companies?



improved. I have especially been impressed by 360Buy’s same-day delivery guarantee. But many Tier 3 and 4 cities still do no not have a sophisticated logistics and supply chain to sate the demand of orders. Since Taobao accounts for nearly half of all the packages shipped in In May this year, Yahoo Inc. sold 40% of its stake China, Alibaba invested in Star Express and HTO, in Alibaba back to the Chinese company for and will also pump US $4.6 billion into building $7.1 billion, valuing the ecommerce giant at a network of warehouses across the country. $40 billion. That puts Alibaba Group at the top of the most valuable private tech companies in Since Taobao and TMall are in essence gigantic the world according to Business Insider, above sales channels, there has been an emerging companies like Bloomberg, Twitter and fellow breed of social-commerce start-ups that are Chinese e-commerce star, 360Buy. An IPO how- piggy backing on top of the established platever is on the roadmap for Alibaba in a few years forms. Two of the more famous Chinese players and is expected to be the largest IPO in Chinese in the space are Meilishuo and Mogoujie. The sites work by curating deals from Taobao and internet history. displaying them like Pinterest, where users are Who would have guessed Jack Ma, a former able to view the products, share it with friends English lecturer, would be at the helm of such over social networks like Sina Weibo and click a powerhouse tech company? Ma now has an to be directed to buy directly from Taobao. estimated net worth of US $3.4 billion, placing The sites then make Cost Per Sale referral fees him on the Forbes China Rich List at number 11, from Taobao. Although both start-ups can’t hide the fact they are clones of Pinterest, they or 442nd in the world. are respected in China for identifying a viable China’s ecommerce market has indeed been business model before Pinterest itself did, even a growth engine for China’s economy and the though it is the 38th highest ranking site in the government has clearly recognized it. In the world by traffic. 12th Five Year Plan released by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, China The digital evolution of retail in China has come aims to double the value of e-commerce sales a long way since the times when shops were to RMB 18 trillion by the end of 2015 to become only government run and private shops only the clear leader in the globe. According to con- opened in the early 1990s. China’s meteoric sulting firm BCG, ecommerce will represent 8% ecommerce rise follows China’s economic asof all retail sales by 2015. With an estimated 193 cension. For Jack Ma’s Alibaba and Taobao million online shoppers and a growing middle companies, the next markets to conquest are class with money to spend, the goal is by no countries outside China. means a pipedream. predict that it will overthrow Amazon as the number one ecommerce site in the world. By 2017 it is estimated that the B2C platform could hit US $12 billion in sales, more than Amazon’s estimated US $10 billion.

But with such growth there will always be growing pains and we must not forget that China is still a developing country, although it is the second largest economy in the world. One of the biggest challenges for ecommerce companies is logistics or getting product to consumers. In major cities like Beijing and Shanghai, shipping prices, speed and reliability has greatly

Jason Lim is an Australian-born tech writer with technode. com and helps people find housing in Beijing with his startup




sounds and looks right

Frany Yuan, general manager, Polycom Text by Jiao Li, photo by Sui

You’ve been working for a multi-national company for nearly six years now. How different has it been working in China compared to working in Canada? The biggest difference is the pace. When I moved back to China six years ago, it was like immediately moving into the fast track. It is bumpy, tough and full of excitement. In Canada, the market is mature and stable. Most people enjoy life and focus on the balance of work and life. Meanwhile, in China, the market is dynamic and highly competitive. One needs to put in 120% of effort to stay ahead of the game. For young people, there is more excitement and opportunities in China. We work hard and play hard in Beijing. What is the most innovative thing that Polycom has produced in your eyes? The core value of Polycom products is to eliminate the distance in human collaborations. Polycom has introduced tens of products since its creation in 1990. To my mind, there are three products that are truly revolutionary: Soundstation, Viewstation and the CloudAxis video network.

Check out



Soundstation is the first product of its kind to enable people to have a natural conversation over distance. In the meeting rooms of most MNCs, there is a speaker phone in the shape of triangle. That is the Soundstation. Because of the huge success of the Soundstation, Polycom went IPO in NASDQ in 1996.

Even today hundreds of thousands of people wired network. We are trying achieve the same rely on Soundstation to have conference calls over the lossy wireless network. with customers and partners. Some of the video conferencing systems are Viewstation is the first fully integrated video relatively expensive - where is the producend point that is easy to use and affordable for tion cost greatest and do you think it will enterprises. The Viewstation enables people to change in the future? The product cost is still have face to face conversations over distance. one of the limiting factors for mass deployment Shortly after the introduction of Viewstation, of the video conference technology. When we many customers abandoned the former video introduced Viewstation, we brought the cost to conference industry market leader PictureTel one third of the original one and market grew and adopted the solution from Polycom. In significantly. In the near future, we will see video 2001, Polycom became the leader of video endpoint that costs only one fifth of the current product. It has always been my dream to bring conference and acquired PictureTel. the video technology to everybody. CloudAxis video network is again the first of its kind to connect enterprises, SMBs and consum- Does it make it more convenient to be a ers over video globally. Today we have a global Chinese Canadian working in China? Would telephone network. In the near future, we will it be different if you did not have a Chinese have a global video network. We announced background? I had a bit of reverse culture CloudAxis in Oct 2012. Tens of service providers shock when I moved back to China six years around the world have signed up to the global ago. Knowing the language and the culture is definitely a must if we want to be successnetwork. ful working in China. As long as we stay open How does Polycom work to differentiate minded and are willing to learn, we will do well itself from giants like Cisco? Focus, agility regardless of our background. and collaborations through standard. We are a medium size company with 4000 employees It is getting close to “Doomsday”: where do globally. Our focus is to provide the best au- you want to spend your life on that day? The dio and video solution for our customers. We romantic version is to hold the hands of beloved introduce new technology and adapt to the ones and wait for the end to come. The reality customer need faster. We also believe in the is that I will participate in the Doomsday party open standard to create an inclusive ecosystem of the Great Wall club. Afterwards I will leave for for all video solutions to work together, regard- my trip to South America, where the prophecy originated. less of the manufacture. Polycom produces an impressive video conferencing system. How much time do you spend on your own system during work and where do you think it can be improved? I spend about 30% of my time in front of the Polycom video solution. I have good meetings with the team regardless of my physical location. I have meetings in office, at home and on the road. We are trying to make our solution better each day. The key focus is the user experience in a harsh environment. As of today we have a nearly perfect high definition video call in the

Jiao Li is the Head of International Strategy and Investment at the Great Wall Club, a CEO member-based business platform for the mobile Internet industry. A King’s College London graduate, she spends her time tracking the latest trends in technology and culture. Find out more at




business in motion

Gareth Repton, creative director for Luma Lu Text by Jessica Zhang, photo by Lova

ON BACKGROUND I’d been working in feature films in London for the past six or seven years, where I created Hollywood-style films. I worked at companies such as the Moving Picture Company, Double Negativ, as well as a few other firms. After working in London, I had the fantastic opportunity to come to China to work on Zhang Yimou’s The Flowers of War. I came here and worked on that film for a few months, fell in love with China and stayed here. I have not gone home since. As for my educational background, after university, where I focused on Virtual Reality Design, I did some other training in Canada at the Vancouver Film School and Vanarts, which are some of the best places in the world to learn animation film. ON PRODUCT At the moment Luma Lu offers two things: creative arts and professional training. The creative arts include visual effects, from digital to physical installations. We also do post-production for films, as well as graphics and design. The other side of the business is a professional training workshops. Coming from London, especially with my background in film, I have realized that there is a big gap in the market here in Beijing for this kind of professional training. That’s why we offer these short courses, during which we try to get students better equipped to work in the industry.

Check out



We offer beginner, intermediate and advanced courses; each course lasts two days. These courses are quite intense; people benefit a lot from them. We teach

ON INDUSTRY ISSUES I think creativity has always been difficult here. Getting people away from a kind of textbook way of thinking to a more creative and experimental way of thinking isn’t always easy. Don’t just look at old things and just reproduce them, try to be slightly more original! In this way, film is a very challenging area, because it takes a kind of special person, who can be creative but at the ON CAPITAL It’s all self-funded by us at the moment. In the same time can be quite logical and technical, so it takes almost both ways of thinking. future, we might be open to venture capital. five or six students per class. I strongly believe it’s important to keep the groups small to get the best tuition from the lecturers. At the moment 70% of our courses are bilingual and 30% are just English, but we hope to improve that over the coming months. All the course material will be in Chinese and English.

ON STAFFING All the teachers at the moment are part-time, teaching only at the weekends for us. We have five teachers, including myself. Each teacher teaches a specialized subject: film, editing, graphic design, motion graphics, life drawing, and photography. We also have two people working here full-time, including myself, as well as a couple of interns. Over the next six months, we will start to add more people to the team.

ON AMBITION After we have got the courses running, my dream is to maybe eventually open a school in Shanghai and expand within Beijing. We’re trying, for example, to set up a second base in Gulou.

ON COMPANY PHILOSOPHY In terms of the school, our philosophy is that we’re not a university, we do not lecture, we teach you the skills you need to know in order to get a job in the industry. We’re not going to ON COMPANY STRUCTURE The business is split into two sections: on the teach you old textbook methods, we focus on one side we offer visual effects, post-production, what you need to get a job. as well as graphics and design. The other side of the business is the professional training ON IP PROTECTION This hasn’t been a problem yet. These kinds of courses. courses have been around in the West for years; this is not a new thing. It wouldn’t surprise me ON MARKETING At the moment, most of the marketing is done if people do start copying us. However, I think, online through social channels, such as Weibo you can steal the idea, but you cannot steal the and Douban, and we’ve also recently started people who are teaching. It’s all about having using Vimeo. In addition, we do advertising the the right people, who have been working in the old fashioned way with leaflets and posters. We industry for years. So it’s not something you can also try to plug into existing networks - that’s steal right away. At the same time, these kinds of how a lot of traffic is driven to us in terms of schools are growing in Beijing rapidly, but this is the workshops. Last but not least, we’re doing a good thing; I welcome new courses! film screenings, where you can meet local filmmakers, who show their films and then speak ON BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT As film, graphic design, advertising and TV are about them. quite new industries, I think there is not a huge demand at the moment. However, I think there ON OFFICE Our office is cozy. We all work quite well here, will be over the next few years. I think the indusand are in the process of building a bigger try will really start blossoming soon. team.




Anger Management and Resolution

Keeping calm in the hectic office environment I don’t like the word “control” when talking about emotions. We can’t choose how we feel; we just do. There was a time in my life when I was working for the US court system and had inmates referred to me for “anger management.” I told them that I wasn’t there to get rid of their anger because anger sometimes serves a healthy purpose (like protecting someone you love from harm). But it is important to learn to manage the anger and resolve it in healthy ways. Anger Types Everyone has remarkably similar physical responses to anger. Blood pressure rises, facial expressions change, adrenaline pumps. From experience, I’ve noticed four general styles of anger:



• Passive – You don’t want to rock the boat or lose the relationship, so you don’t say anything and hold your anger inside. This type of anger can have a lot of negative physical consequences (e.g., ulcers, cancer, etc.). • Violent – You yell, scream and often have tendencies toward physical violence. Vandalism and abuse are often the result of this type of anger. • Passive-aggressive – Your anger is expressed indirectly (e.g., spread rumors, slit tires, guilt trips, etc.). • Healthy – You do not raise your voice. Instead, you state the reason for your anger and give the perpetrator a chance to apologize/ explain the situation. This expression of anger also helps you regulate your emotional state.

“Temper” Your Temper Generally, the best way to “temper” anger is to make social connections. Dr. Daniel J. Siegel – child psychiatrist and clinical professor of psychiatry at the UCLA School of Medicine – said, “From early infancy, it appears that our ability to regulate emotional states depends upon the experience of feeling that a significant person in our life is simultaneously experiencing a similar state of mind.” Studies have shown that people in convertibles experience less road rage than people in sedans with tinted windows. Why? Because convertibles give you a stronger sense that you are being watched by other people, and being able to see the person you’re angry with keeps you from objectifying or dehumanizing him or her. Additionally, people who are good at regulating their anger are good at regulating other emotions when they become too intense. Healthy expressions of displeasure are much more helpful than trying to hold it in. When I’m upset by an unexpected event perpetrated by a stranger, I express my displeasure in a humorous way and with a smile so that I make sure to connect with the perpetrator. When I’m upset by a loved one, I make sure to deal with the issue in person so that the connection helps to preserve the relationship. When I get upset by an email or something online, the worst thing would be to send an immediate angry response. If the offense threatens a relationship you consider important, it’s generally good to deal with the conflict in person, again, to make that connection with both your words and body language. So much of the context of communication is lost in cyberspace. Faulty Alternatives Many people have heard it said that hitting a pillow or working out their frustrations is a good way to manage anger. Giving physical release to anger is called catharsis. Catharsis provides temporary relief, but it doesn’t resolve the anger. In the 1970s, there was treatment for anger called primal scream therapy, which encour-

aged people to vent their frustrations with a primal scream. However, practitioners found that people started becoming addicted to the method without resolving the root of their anger. When primal scream therapy sessions were unexpectedly canceled, participants found that their anger was activated and felt helpless with their increased level of activation. Others have suggested counting to ten or focusing on breathing as ways to manage anger. These methods have proved effective for delaying immediate, angry, unwise responses. However, the anger still needs to be resolved. Empathy from others, making meaningful social connections, is widely recognized as the best way to resolve anger. Express Empathy So the next time you get stood up, don’t write an angry email or give your friend the cold shoulder. Approach her, tell her (without raising your voice) how angry you are and why, and give her a chance to explain what happened. The next time your new employee screws something up, don’t shout and them and make them frightened of seeking guidance. Try to find out why the mistake occurred and put in place systems to prevent future accidents. You can’t control anger, but you can channel and resolve it. Show some empathy, and seek it out when you need it for yourself. During the cold months when we’re trapped inside with colleagues and others, we could all use a reminder to “cool down.”

Rob Blinn, PhD SEP Clinical Psychologist & Department Chair Beijing United Family Hospital and Clinics



INSIGHT - on the job


Bill Watson, education director for China and southern hemisphere, Toni & Guy Text by Mike Cormack, photo by Sui

I have worked for Toni & Guy for eighteen years, and used to manage all their academies. The company is built on its educational status and it was my job to police the standards to promote the brand. Now I’m in charge of the southern hemisphere for Toni & Guy, for the new growth markets. The thing is to educate the local population to your standards.

technical skills can be taught. Hairdressing in the 1980s was about identity and all the subcultures, but meeting different types of people helped me empathize with and understand them. Spending time travelling for the company was about opening up to other influences and experiences. So meeting people who teach me new things, still, makes me a more open person.

I had really good educators when I was young who really made an effort with me and that was inspiring. I come from New Zealand and some of them had gone to work with Toni & Guy and Vidal Sassoon. But what first inspired me into this industry? You have remember this was back in the 1980s – everything was very tribal. You had the punks, the rastas, the goths. It was all linked to hairstyle. All these different groups had their own style, it was fascinating.

I wanted to be a footballer, in central midfield, for Newcastle. My dad is a Geordie so I didn’t have much choice. Later on, my sister was a clothes designer, and also the tribal fashion style of the 1980s really influenced me.

It’s really cool to make people happy. I’ve never lost that satisfaction. I can be doing the hair of a little old lady and helping her look good and I just feel chocolate.

My best boss has been Toni Mascolo, who started up the company with his brother Guy. He’s a self-made man who moved to England in the 1950s and started and built up the company. He treats all staff ilke family, the way Italians do. He runs the business side, but sees things in layman’s terms – is there a benefit? Why are we doing it? He still goes into the salon twice a week, because he likes the contact with the shop floor. I’ve known him for seventeen years. He’s funny, charming and witty.

My office isn’t really an office. I prefer to do most of my work from home – the office isn’t an effective place to work and always has so many distractions.

It sounds funny, but when I look at the staff, I see myself when I was that age. They’re all on their life journey and it’s a privilege to be part of it. What I’ve learned through teaching, and from travelling the world and being exposed to different tastes all the time, is that there are little geniuses all over the place. It’s not just the expected cities that are hoarding all the talent Managing my first academy in London in 1998 and 1999 taught me most. It was tough. any more. There were people who had real presence and The key is to be people-centered and to care so clashed when you put them together. Also I how they are getting on. You can teach people was managing people who I was friends with, to cut hair, but not to really care about the so it was like the football player becoming the customers – that has to be within them. All the player-manager. The thing was to learn how to



get the most out of people – the hardest people to work with can be the most talented, so you have to learn how to juggle that. And to appreciate that not everyone is going to like you! It was awesome getting posted to Kiev then Russia, and then China nine years ago. The whole time it’s been tough and imperfect but it’s now growing. The next one is in Pakistan. The more rural and out-there it is, the more fun! There are 1.4 billion people in China and the infrastructure is developing. It can be chaotic so the thing is ensure the structure is right and that communications are tight. Everyone has got to know what they’re doing and what their role is in contributing to the collective goal, like a football team. It’s not about having a team of people doing the same thing, it’s about how you fit into the overall collective and contribute to the success. Coming from New Zealand, you don’t expect things you see on TV come true. My teacher Malcolm Edwards, this terrific guy from Glasgow, asked me to do New York Fashion Week, just out of nowhere. It was intimidating, but a major rush and great fun. If you’re nervous, that’s a good thing – if you’re too comfortable then there’s no fear. My first job was working in a bookstore. I qualified for university but I didn’t want to go. Enjoy what you do. If you love it, you’ll be good at it. Back in New Zealand, my mates went to university and became lawyers and now feel jealous because they’re stuck there. It was easier to move around and try things out back in the day. So find what you love and do it.

check out





When to use headhunters and recruitment agents I have been writing this column for several months now, and have often been asked by you, the readers, “Why should we managers even use a recruitment company?” I have often been told that it must be easy to find candidates especially being here in China, either through word of mouth or connections, through buying adverts (relatively cheaply) on Zhaopin, or other more specific sites, such as for example

stage turn to a recruitment firm for assistance. Here are just eight of the main reasons why companies turn to the services of the recruitment professional. 1) Finding the right people takes time, so outsourcing allows you to focus on your core business. Usually your recruiter will plan the timeframes ahead, so interviews slots are agreed at the beginning of the process to avoid unnecessary constraints on your timetable.

My answer to all of these is – yes, of course you can recruit using any or a combination of these 2) With the vast majority of recruiters these days, methods. However, it’s not as easy as it looks. Go you are offered a guarantee, so it’s a low risk ahead and try it, but invariably you will at some option: if the candidate you hired in the first



place doesn’t work out for certain reasons, the placement I recall was earlier on this year in our recruitment firm will within a specified time- office in Shanghai – our client had an urgent requirement for a specific project hat had already frame usually offer a free replacement. commenced, they called us on the Wednesday 3) As a company, of course you can do your afternoon, by Friday morning we had interviews own advertising but this will only attract the planned for later that day, and on the following active or semi-active talent pool. What about Monday the candidate was placed! all those candidates who think they are happy in their current jobs, and just don’t know there’s 7) Even weeks into hiring your new person, a better job waiting for them with you? Recruit- your recruitment consultant will follow up ers can tap into the passive and semi-passive with them personally to find out how they are getting on in the business. All of this informajobseeking market through headhunting. tion, the pros and the cons of the role, the peo4) Recruiters have both market and industry ple, and the company will be fed back to you. knowledge. We are in the market every day, talking with candidates, interviewing them, 8) Using a recruiter can be an exceptionally talking with clients, and meeting them. That’s effective way of getting a message through what we do. Recruitment firms differ in the to your competition; it can even be a stealth way they operate, however. Just to give you an method of branding. Imagine a recruiter workinsight: here at Antal, we have discipline experts ing on your behalf contacting all of your direct in industry fields. For example in our Healthcare competitors explaining that you are increasing team, we have people dealing solely in Research your headcount due to launching a new prod& Development positions, people dealing solely uct next year? in Sales roles, and others in Marketing roles, and so on. This format creates a wealth of knowl- If you are stuck in a rut with finding talented edge, using which we consult with our clients people or maybe you want to discuss your as to whom they should hire, for what role, and 2013 headcount strategy, why not get in touch at what price. In addition, we don’t just find with me, or any other appropriate recruitment out the run-of-the-mill information that can be agent in your industry? We would all be happy sourced on Google by anyone with the ability to to help you find the person and the talent you type and read. We try to uncover the nitty gritty, want. so that we should (if we are half decent) know @sjantal who works for who in a company, whether they get on with each other or not, why they were hired, and why they were fired. This information when used appropriately can be priceless. 5) With sourcing senior roles as well as replacement hires confidentiality can be imperative, so engaging a recruiter to assist you ensures that your company name remains undisclosed until the appropriate time. 6) Candidates, candidates, candidates – recruiters can tap in to their resources within hours of receiving your requirements. The speediest

Sarah Jones is Head of Operations at Antal International, winner of “Best International Recruitment Agency” at the 2012 Recruiter Awards.



WEEKEND TRAVELLER We all know there are dualistic people, but if there is a double-sided city, I wouldn’t hesitate to nominate Macau. A beautiful city looking serene and graceful in the daytime, by night this sleepless town is full of ongoing feasts and carnivals. Famous as a gambling mecca, the city has a lot more to share than that. It is where you can be immersed in traditional Chinese culture, take pleasure in Portuguese architecture, and on top of all, splurge on an exceptionally fun trip.

Gamble Away Your Holiday in MACAU

Port city, cultural gateway and Las Vegas of the East Compiled by Jessica Zhang

As Beijing's winter gets colder and colder, the attraction of a tour into the southern cities seems increasingly irresistible. Hong Kong sounds fun, but perhaps a bit too crowded and stressful. Guangzhou has the sunshine, but maybe it lacks excitement. Yet somewhere in between there lies Macau, a city that is laid-back, beautiful and with endless activities going on. It is a historic city where civillisations collide. It is a modern city which has world-class casinos. It is an expensive city where you make an instant fortune or lose your shirt overnight. It is a cheap city where there is almost no need to pay for transportation, since hotel shuttle buses take you everywhere you might care to visit. When it comes to this superbly contradictory city, there is not a single adjective capable of defining it. Yet one certain thing is that, you are doomed to



fall in love with it even if you stay for a weekend. I did, and I bet you would, too. So the first question is: where to stay? The Venetian Macao is the unanimous answer. This grand hotel has the biggest casino in the city inside, the widest variety of luxury dining and shopping outlets, amazing architecture and a breathtaking canal which gives visitors the illusion of being in Venice. Another very competitive option is Grand Lisboa. You can hardly avoid seeing this 58-floor iconic building in the heart of the city. With its 24hour entertainment service, it has earned a reputation of being one of the best casino hotels in Asia. Now where to visit? There are so many landmarks in this city that they can't all be

enumerated, so here are my own favorites. Senado Square is an urban center where local public events and celebrations are held. If you feel that by day it is a touch touristy, as I did, you should try visiting at midnight. It was very peaceful, but powerfully atmospheric as well. Nearby, St. Dominic's Church is a great example of local Portuguese architecture. The Ruins of St. Paul's is the sole remains of the greatest church in Macau and has been praised for its importance in the city's Catholic history. Walking up to the Ruins of St. Paul's, you will see many tourists lining up for a small local egg tart shop. Though the store design looks inconspicuous, it has been featured by many tourism programs. Within walking distance, Mount Fortress was the city's principal military defense structure, but is now a fine place for getting a bird's-eye view of the whole city. As a panda lover, I also strongly recommend you to visit Giant Panda Pavillion. With limited tickets each day, it's safer to book tickets in advance or at least check their availability online.

shopping. But if you have time, Macau is where you can buy everything you want, from clothing, jewelry to antiques. The most convenient places to shop, again, are the shopping outlets at the hotels as I mentioned before. There are no lack of stores near the city landmarks as well, but prices could well be more expensive since you are new and less likely to haggle.

Next, what to eat? Portuguese Egg Tart is one of the best-known foods and of course a must-try. Lord Stow's Bakery and Margaret Cafe e Nata are easy to find and offer steaming hot egg tarts. French toast, milk tea and egg tart make for the best afternoon tea. Tai Lei Loi Kei's Pork Chop Bun has seen people line up for hours to get some, every day. There are no ingredients sandwiched apart from buns and pork chops, which makes it stand out out from other burger joints. However, it might be too oily for Westerners. For a fancy dinner, it is easier just to splurge on the restaurants where you stay or in the casinos. Venetian Macau Bambu Buffet Restaurant offers quite some different kinds of food, from BBQ to sushi. Its fresh seafood has been frequently praised, and quite rightly.

Mount Fortress Rua de S.Paulo, on the top of Central Persimmon Hill, Macau Peninsula, 7am-7pm

And finally, where to shop? Compared with Hong Kong, the city seems to have fewer major shopping malls and higher retail prices, since most people do not come here for

The Venetian Macao Estrada da Baía de N. Senhora da Esperança, (853 2882 8888) Grand Lisboa Avenida de Lisboa, Macau (853 2828 3838) reservation@grandlisboa. com Senado Square Dr. Su Yali, 1st Street Senado Square Plaza St. Dominic’s Church Centre of Macau, Rua S.Domingos 10am–6pm Ruins of St. Paul’s Ruínas da Antiga Catedral de São Paulo

Giant Panda Pavillion Seac Pai Van Park, Coloane (closed on Mondays) Lord Stow’s Bakery 1 Rua da Tassara, Coloane Town Square (853 2888 2534) 7am-10pm Margaret Cafe e Nata Edificio Kam Loi (853 2871 0032) 6:30am-10pm, closed Wednesdays Tai Lei Loi Kei’s No.18, Largo Gov. Tamagnini Barbosa, Vila de Taipa (853-28827150, 853 6689 1343) 12pm-6.30pm Venetian Macau Bambu Buffet Restaurant No.18, Largo Gov. Tamagnini Barbosa, Vila de Taipa (853 8118 9990) MondaySunday 11am-5pm




Designated Drivers by G.E. Anderson

China’s desire to ascend the rankings in every scale, from GDP to Olympics medals, is patent. One such manifestation is to have world-leading brands, and it’s here that China’s failure to develop a successful car company is keenly felt. Explicating this state of affairs, G.E. Anderson’s book Designated Drivers is an acute dissection of the travails of the auto industry, particularly in the post-1978 reform period. For those who believe a communist government is a monolithic entity, the book will be a sure eye-opener, as Anderson shows how various agencies and government levels (central, provincial and local) compete, conflict and (occasionally) cohere into a strategic policy. Anderson displays a fine grasp of the material, with a scholarly analysis of both the industrial context and policy formulation (to a degree rarely seen for China), along with case histories of the joint ventures (some partnerships being more enthusiastic than others) and independents which today make up the present auto sector. Some may find the policy section a little dry, but the case histories are fascinating. (Did you know that Geely bought its first factory from a prison?) who count. The lessons for foreign businesses trying to enter China are no less pertinent. While the book never lets up its focus on the auto industry, it also serves an excellent primer into GET IT Chinese industrial policy and the economic actors Designated Drivers is available from

G.E. Anderson is a specialist in finance and Chinese political economy and recently completed a PhD in political science at UCLA, where his research focused on industrial planning, business–government relations, and corporate governance. He is a contributing writer for Forbes, and a political risk and strategy consultant at his firm, Pacific Rim Advisors.






What Color Is Your Parachute? by Richard N. Bolles

Career expert Richard N. Bolles has now written forty-one books with the same title: What Color Is Your Parachute? A Practical Manual for Job-Hunters and Career-Changers. Bolles not only updates the book each year, but also reconceives and rewrites it, so that each edition is vastly different from the year before. Inventions in the book this year include a brand-new transferable skills grid, and a revamped version of his famed self-inventory instrument, the Flower Exercise. What Color Is Your Parachute? has helped millions discover their unique gifts, skills, and interests. This has allowed them to land a job even in hard times, and to create a new, interesting, and inspiring career and life. With fresh insights into salary negotiation, entrepreneurship, and social media, What Color Is Your Parachute? has everything you need to dust off your motivation and find your dream job.

10am-9.30pm. Shop 3B201, Zone 3 ChinaWorld Mall, 1 Jianguomen Wai Avenue,Chaoyang District (8535 1055) 朝阳区建国门外 大街1号国贸商城三期地下2层

off % 10 r et u d g Yo an Is ? ue or te ss l u e. s i o ch n hi t C ra e O gt a a g in Wh P t Pa a




Richard Nelson Bolles is a native of Milwaukee, a former Episcopal clergyman, and a bestselling author. He was the 2006 recipient of the National Samaritan award, and in 1996 the Library of Congress named his book as one of 25 that have shaped reader’s lives. What Color Is Your Parahute? has appeared on the New York Times best-seller list (paperback non-fiction) for a total of 288 weeks.





Haru Teppanyaki and Sushi Bar 尚水长廊铁板烧餐厅 Aiming to be the top teppanyaki restaurant in the city, Haru Teppanyaki and Sushi Bar is an elegant Japanese restaurant located in the heart of Sanlitun Village North. Not only do they offer authentic Japanese sushi and tappanyaki, they also boast a very private dining environment and cozy atmosphere for everyone who enjoys high-end Japanese dining style. Alternatively, you can simply just enjoy some of their best cocktails and sushi in their sushi bar. Reservation is highly recommended. RC Daily 11.30am-2pm; 5.30-10pm. Unit N4-30, 3/F, Sanlitun Village North, 11 Sanlitun Lu, Chaoyang (6415 2112) 朝阳区三里屯路11号院(Village北区)F号楼三层N4-30单元 Perfect for impressing someone who’s never had a quality Japanese dining experience Signature dishes include Compiete Cucumber Nigiri Set (RMB 158 for six pieces), Seared Foie Gras (RMB 128 for 100g), Prawn Teppanyaki (RMB 88 for one piece), Australian Filet Mignon (RMB 285 for 150g), and Matsytake Mushroom Teapot Soup (RMB 48). Most likely to impress: each teppanyaki diner gets the chance to enjoy watching your own chef flaming the work of art in a thrilling way right in front of you.



Wifi √ Parking √ Fapiao √ Private Room √



business dinner

American Grill

Chef Too Nestled in a charming neighborhood near Chaoyang Park, Chef Too brings a piece of New York City to Beijing cuisine. This restaurant specializes in providing an fine dining experience with its relaxing atmosphere, excellent service and a premium selection of imported steaks. From rib-eye to filet mignon, Chef Too takes pride in using a wood-burning grill and minimal seasoning to bring out the meat’s natural flavor. Though known as a popular steak restaurant near the park, the menu offers an array of dishes, including lobster imported from Maine. BH Tue-Fri 11am-2pm, Sat-Sun 9.30am-3pm, Tue-Sat 5.30-10pm. Opposite West Gate of Chaoyang Park, Chaoyang District (6591 8676) 朝阳区朝阳公园西门(3号门)对面 Perfect for meeting a friend for brunch over the weekend Signature items include Sunday brunch at just RMB68-98 per person, with eggs benedict, pancakes, french toast, huevos rancheros and more. Most likely to impress: steak lovers and seafood lovers alike.



Wifi √ Parking √ Fapiao √ Private Room √


Whiskey Bar & Lounge

OBAN Lounge Whiskey lovers - prepare yourselves for Beijing’s best kept secret. Named after the popular scotch, OBAN Lounge offers over 140 single malt whiskies from all over the globe. From aged Macallan to Glenmorangie, this venue aims to please whiskey enthusiasts. In addition to the impressive array of spirits, OBAN provides a relaxing, sultry atmosphere with warm décor and soulful music. If you prefer a nice Cuban cigar with your glass of whiskey, be sure to check out OBAN’s cigar list. BH 5:00pm-2:00am. Nongzhan North Street West (6508 8498) 朝阳区 农展馆北路西口

Perfect for listening to sultry blues and jazz while enjoying your favorite single malt.

Wifi √ Parking × Fapiao √ Private Room ×

Signature items include Glenmorangie 10 yrs (RMB 70), Speyside 12 yrs (RMB 80), Jura (RMB 130). Most likely to impress: the bottles of fine single malts all lined up and ready to savor.







Operations and Key Account Manager - North China, Logwin Logistics Text by Mike Cormack, photo by Lova

Hi, Jens. Hi, Agenda.

known as Weixin)? (Doubtful) Would it be… Huawei?

How goes it? Fine – just too busy recently!

I’m afraid not: it’s Tencent. What is the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act better known as? Oh my word. (Thinking really hard). Hmmm…

That’s the trouble with being a boss. I’m not even a big boss, just a small boss!

It’s named after a US president. Well, let’s see how you do today. Which com- (Going through them all, apparently) Bill Clinpany is the private employer in the world? ton… George W. Bush… Obama… Ah, no, I Private employer? I’d guess it should be Wal- don’t know! mart. It’s known as Obamacare. It should be and is Walmart. In the Microsoft Ah, of course! office suite, what is the database program Which Chinese province has the highest called? GDP? Excel – oh, no, Access. Would it be Jiangsu? Just in time there! Who is the current chairYes indeed. If there’s 10 mao in one RMB, man of the Federal Reserve? (Exhaling) Whoa, that’s a tough one… no, I really there’s ten of what in one mao? There’s ten fen in one mao. don’t know. It’s Ben Bernanke. He’s a bit less high profile Absolutely. What is the US tech stock market than Alan Greenspan though. What does the called? (Confident) The Nasdaq. B in BMW strand for? “Bayerische”, or Bavarian. Right. What was JFK airport formerly known as? Indeed. Who owns Alibaba? If only you’d asked about German airports…! I don’t know… Mr Zhang? Mr Wang? It’s Jack Ma. And which city is Alibaba based Sorry! It was formerly Idlewild airport. Thanks, Jens. in? Thanks, Agenda. Ooooh, is it… Shanghai? Very close, but no – it’s Hengzhou. Which Jens gets a decent six out of twelve. Want to take Chinese company produced WeChat (also part? Email



The agenda Thursday, DEC 27 11.30AM-10.30PM Yunnan Mushroom Zen5es

5PM-MIDNIGHT Friday, It’s Xiu Time Xiu

朝阳区东三环北路7号金茂北京威斯 汀大饭店

朝阳区建国门外大街2号,北京银泰中 心6层

The ultimate and authentic feast prepared at Zen5es gives you an exquisite selection of Yunnan mushroom in Cantonese style from their Master Chef Cheung. 4/F, the Westin Beijing Chaoyang, 7 Dongsanhuan Beilu, Chaoyang District Tel. 5922 8880

Tuesday, JAN 1 1-6PM Festival Afternoon Tea at Lobby Lounge Lobby Lounge Lobby Lounge greets the coming New Year with festival afternoon tea, meant to be savoured and enjoyed at leisure in the opulence of its majestic Chinese palace-inspired surroundings, to the accompaniment of live classical music. 1 Jianguomenwai Dajie, Chaoyang District 朝阳区建国门外大街1号

Tel. 6505 2266 ext 37

Friday, DEC 28

Kickoff the weekend with resident band METRO supported by one of Beijing’s hottest DJs, DJ Alston. It’s Xiu-Time. 6/F, Park Life, Beijing Yintai Centre, 2 Jianguomenwai Street, Chaoyang District Tel. 8567 1838

Wednesday, JAN 2

Thursday, JAN 3

9PM-1AM Regi Brown back on stage! Mix

11AM-11PM 2012 New Winter Menu Flamme International Grill

Can’t wait any longer for the return of this soulful vocalist? Then you are more than welcome to reignite your Jazz passion with Regi Brown’s soothing melodies at Mix in The Westin Beijing Chaoyang. The Westin Beijing Chaoyang, 7 Dongsanhuan Beilu, Chaoyang District 朝阳区东三环北路7号金茂北京威斯 汀大饭店

Tel. 5922 8880

Sunday, JAN 6 8.30-11.30PM Timeless Jazz Press Club Bar

The Back Yard Band duo with Sarah Fullerton returns to Press Club Bar. Indulge yourself in the smooth and silky jazz live performance and celebrate an extraordinary evening with classic cocktails prepared by St. Regis Beijing’s experienced bartenders. Lobby Level, The St. Regis Beijing, 21 Jianguomenwai Dajie, Chaoyang District 朝阳区建国门外大街21号, 北京瑞吉酒店

Tel. 6460 6688 ext 2380/2381

FLAMME’S Winter Menu will be ready for your tasting pleasure. There are 20 new dishes for you to try and some old favourites are back! Paul Mathew has developed new innovative cocktails to quench your thirst during the dry winter of Beijing. S4-33, Sanlitun Village, 19 Sanlitun Lu, Chaoyang District 朝阳区三里屯路19号三里屯Village3 楼S4室

Tel. 6417 8608

Monday, JAN 7 6 -10PM Year End Party at Aroma Aroma

Celebrate your year end party and enjoy a lavish buffet with various selections at Aroma, which offers international gourmet experiences featuring mouth-watering Chinese, Indian, Japanese, Southern Asian and Western dishes from an open kitchen setting, with exciting desserts for sweet endings. The Ritz-Carlton Hotel, 83A Jianguo Lu, Chaoyang District 朝阳区华贸中心建国路甲83号丽思卡 尔顿酒店

Tel. 5908 8161



Highlights for Thu, NOV 1 – Wed, NOV 14 Saturday, DEC 29 11AM-3PM Weekend Brunch Brussels Bar and Restaurant

Saturday and Sunday Brunch featuring fresh pancakes and French toast as well as their own “crepes” spin on some tradition Brunch items: try their eggs benedict crepes, or steak & eggs crepes with Bearnaise. Courtyard 4 (opposite west entrance of 1949 - The Hidden City), Gongti Beilu, Chaoyang District 朝阳区工体北路4号院(1949西门对面)

Tel. 6591 9525/ 134 8880 4794

Sunday, DEC 30 NOON-3PM Bubbly Sundays The Westin Beijing Financial Street

The Westin Financial Street’s awardwinning brunch features a huge international buffet and an action-packed kid’s corner. RMB 428 per person includes free-flow champagne, wine, beer and cocktails. RMB 398 without alcohol. RMB 198 for kids between six and twelve. All prices are subject to a surcharge. 9B Jinrong Jie (Financial Street), Xicheng District 西城区金融街乙9号威斯汀大酒店

Monday, DEC 31 6.30PM-2AM A Capital New Year’s Eve Capital M

Begin your New Year’s Eve in the Capital with Champagne cocktails and nibbles from the kitchen, followed by a sumptuous seven-course menu. As the clock strikes 12, savour the unforgettable experience of a Champagne toast on the terrace overlooking Tian’anmen to the tune of their traditional bagpiper countdown. 3/F, 2 Qianmen Pedestrian Street (southeast of Qianmen), Chongwen District 崇文区前门步行街2号3层

Tel. 6702 2727

Tel. 6606 8866

Saturday, JAN 5

Friday, JAN 4

9AM-3PM French Brunch Le Petit Gourmand

9AM-4PM “Esprit Dior” The National Museum of China

Start off your Saturdays and Sundays with their generous French Brunch offer, which will satisfy a strong hunger and a sweet tooth both with its association of eggs, bacon, potatoes and sausages, but also their fresh fruits salad and its French pastries for only RMB 98, don’t miss out on one of the best brunch deals of the city! 3/F, Tongli Studios, Sanlitun Houjie, Chaoyang District

Explore Dior through the decades: couture, accessories and perfume. Besides featuring a collection of over 100 dresses, the exhibition also includes contemporary artwork and photography by Chinese artists. Free to attend. East side of Tian’anmen Square, Dongcheng District 东城区天安门广场东侧, 中国国家博物馆

Tel. 6512 8910


Tel. 6417 6095

Tuesday, JAN 8 11.30AM-10PM Winter Seafood Hot Pot Beijing Marriott Northeast

Hot pot is the best choice for cold winter, bring your friends or your family to enjoy the warmth at Choy’s Seafood. Starting from RMB 399 for two people or more. 26A Xiaoyun Lu, Chaoyang District 朝阳区霄云路甲26号海航大厦万豪酒店

Tel. 5927 8888/ 137 1834 3715

Wednesday, JAN 9 9PM-MIDNIGHT Ladies Night @ Zeta Bar Zeta Bar

Enjoy an evening where females are definitely on top. There will be complimentary Zeta Bar special cocktails for the ladies and sexy tones played by their international DJ for you to dance the night away. Free to attend. 1 Dongfang Lu, Dongsanhuan Beilu, Chaoyang District 朝阳区东三环北路东方路

Tel. 5865 5000





EVENTS DEC 27 thu 11.30AM-1PM Ganges Lunch Buffet Ganges Indian Restaurant

Sample the full variety of Indian food at Ganges Indian Restaurant - fragrant Rice dishes, barbequed Tadoor food, delicious Naan bread, as well as your favorite curries, soups and salads. Ganges Lunch Buffet - offering Starters, Curries, Tandoor BBQ, Salads, Soups, Rice and Dessert for just RMB 55. Stall 202, 2/F, Bldg 1, Shimao Department Store, 13 Gongti Beilu, Chaoyang District 朝阳区工体北路13号世贸 百货1号楼2层202

Tel. 6416 0181

11.30AM-10.30PM Yunnan Mushroom Zen5es

The ultimate and authentic feast prepared at Zen5es gives you an exquisite selection of Yunnan mushroom in Cantonese style from their Master Chef Cheung. 4/F, the Westin Beijing Chaoyang, 7 Dongsanhuan Beilu, Chaoyang District 朝阳区东三环北路7号金茂 北京威斯汀大饭店

Tel. 5922 8880

5.30-11PM Menu Degustazione Prego

If you fancy a hearty Italian fare, look no further as Executive Sous Chef, Mauro Bellodi creates a full

four-course degustation menu with seasonal produce promising to take you to the beautiful provinces of Italy. Using only the freshest of ingredients and traditional methods handed down from his great grandmother, don’t miss out on his potato cream soup with foie gras, grilled beef tenderloin and Tiramisu, to name a few. RMB 428 per person plus a 15% surcharge for a four-course dinner menu including appetizer, entrée, main course, dessert and a glass of red or white wine. 1/F, The Westin Beijing Financial Street, 9B Jinrong Jie, Xicheng District 西城区金融大街乙9号北京金 融街威斯汀大酒店1层

Tel. 6606 8866 ext 7815

DEC 28 FRI NOON-1AM Mr.Luo Ning Piano Trio East Shore Live Jazz Cafe

Luo Ning was born in a family of music in China and he is now one of the most excellent pianists of JAZZ in Beijing. He has his own unique understanding and expression on JAZZ piano and classical music, and he is famous for his consummate playing skill and ebullience and enthusiasm. Since 1998, Luo Ning has frequently played in domestic and international stage of JAZZ, classical, popular or folk music, and he ever worked with JAZZ musician KENNY GARRETE, JENS WINTHER and so on. 2/F, 2 Qianhai Nanyanlu (just to the west of the post office on Di’anmenwai Dajie),

Xicheng District 西城区地安门外大街前海南 沿2号楼2层, 东岸咖啡

Tel. 8403 2131

5PM-MIDNIGHT Wine Salon Fridays Bar Veloce

Come to Bar Veloce on Fridays for free tastings and discussions hosted by Sommelier Krishna Hathaway (with occasional guest speakers/ winemakers) featuring a flight of wines of a different style or region, changing weekly. Courtyard 4 (opposite west entrance of 1949 - The Hidden City), Gongti Beilu, Chaoyang District 朝阳区工体北路4号院(1949西门对面)

Tel. 6586 1006

Friday, It’s Xiu Time Xiu

Kickoff the weekend with resident band METRO supported by one of Beijing’s hottest DJs, DJ Alston. It’s Xiu-Time. 6/F, Park Life, Beijing Yintai Centre, 2 Jianguomenwai Street, Chaoyang District 朝阳区建国门外大街2号, 北京银泰中心6层

Tel. 8567 1838

DEC 29 sat 11AM-3PM Weekend Brunch Brussels Bar and Restaurant

Saturday and Sunday Brunch featuring fresh pancakes and French toast as well as their own “crepes” spin on some tradition Brunch items: try their eggs benedict crepes, or steak & eggs crepes with Bearnaise. Courtyard 4 (opposite west entrance of 1949 - The Hidden City), Gongti Beilu, Chaoyang District 朝阳区工体北路4号院(1949西门对面)

Tel. 6591 9525/ 134 8880 4794

11.30AM-3PM Aroma Weekend Brunch @ The Ritz-Carlton, Beijing Aroma

Ganges Lunch Buffet Sample the full variety of Indian food at Ganges Indian Restaurant - fragrant Rice dishes, barbequed Tadoor food, delicious Naan bread, as well as your favorite curries, soups and salads. Ganges Lunch Buffet - offering Starters, Curries, Tandoor BBQ, Salads, Soups, Rice and Dessert for just RMB 55. Stall 202, 2/F, Bldg 1, Shimao Department Store, 13 Gongti Beilu, Chaoyang District 朝阳区工体北路13号世贸百货1号楼2层202 Tel. 6416 0181

Continue the Sunday feast at The Ritz-Carlton, Beijing, Aroma brunch is now open for the all weekend. Enjoy the relaxing weekend Brunch at Feast, with a wide selection of special work-fry dishes and BBQ, and very special products like imported Boston Lobster, Norwegian Salmon, French Foie Gras, Australian Beef Steak, and more new delicacies. Executive Chef Bruno shared his exclusive recipe to turn a dinning



EVENTS experience into a lasting memory. 83A Jianguo Lu, Chaoyang District 朝阳区华贸中心建国路甲 83号丽思卡尔顿酒店

Tel. 5908 8161

Agua Brunch Agua

Agua brunch features 4 tapas to share, 6 choices of main courses and 7 choices of desserts from the ‘a la carte’ menu for only RMB 198 per person. 4/F, Nali Patio, 81 Sanlitun Lu, Chaoyang District 朝阳区三里屯路81号那里花园4层

Tel. 5208 6188/5208 6198

8.30-11.30PM Latin & Ballroom Dance Party Sino-Chu Wine Bar

Their Latin & Ballroom Dance Party is held tonight. To attend their dance party there is a RMB 30 minimum purchase requirement from the Sino-Chu. Food and drinks can be enjoyed at the tables surrounding the wooden dance floor. 18 Liangmahe Nanlu (behind the Australian embassy), Chaoyang District 朝阳区东直门外大街亮马河 南路18号亮马河红酒屋

Tel. 8532 2418

DEC 30 SUN NOON-3PM Bubbly Sundays The Westin Beijing Financial Street

The Westin Financial Street’s award-winning brunch features a huge international buffet and an action-packed kid’s corner. RMB 428 per person includes free-flow champagne, wine, beer and cocktails. RMB 398 without alcohol. RMB 198 for kids between six and twelve. All prices are subject to a surcharge. 9B Jinrong Jie (Financial Street), Xicheng District 西城区金融街乙9号威斯汀大酒店

Tel. 6606 8866

Barolo New Menu Barolo

“Chef of the Year” Gianluca Visani offers his new creations and brings the taste of traditional Italian home cooking by presenting diners the vibrancies and romance of Italy with a burst of flavors in a delectable and inventive way. 2/F, The Ritz-Carlton Hotel, China Central Place, 83A Jianguo Lu, Chaoyang District 朝阳区建国路甲83号北京丽思卡 尔顿酒店巴罗洛意大利餐厅



Bubbly Sundays The Westin Financial Street’s award-winning brunch features a huge international buffet and an action-packed kid’s corner. RMB 428 per person includes free-flow champagne, wine, beer and cocktails. RMB 398 without alcohol. RMB 198 for kids between six and twelve. All prices are subject to a surcharge. 9B Jinrong Jie (Financial Street), Xicheng District西城区金 融街乙9号威斯汀大酒店 Tel. 6606 8866 Tel. 5908 8151

Authentic American Brunch @ One East One East

Indulge in a true American style Sunday Brunch. Compliment a perfect afternoon with an unlimited speciallyselected beer and wine buffet or build your own Bloody Mary Bar. RMB 188 per person for a two-course set lunch, RMB 228 per person for a three-course set lunch, and RMB 268 per person for a four-course set lunch. Add RMB 98 per person for “build your own” Bloody Mary, wine & beer buffet. 1 Dongfang Lu, Dongsanhuan Beilu, Chaoyang District 朝阳区东三环北路东方路1号

Tel. 5865 5000

NOON-4PM Bubbly Brunch@SALT SALT

Add sparkle to your weekend with SALT’S New Weekend Brunch with delightful contemporary menus and indulgent, fresh and seasonally-style. New innovative twists, wines and beers and Gaby’s seriously spicy Bloody Mary are also offered. Non-alcoholic and children’s options are also available. Reservations encouraged. 2/F, 9 Jiangtai Xilu (opposite the Japanese School, west of Rosedale Hotel), Chaoyang District 朝阳区将台西路9号2层(珀丽酒店西边)

Tel. 6437 8457

DEC 31 MON 5.30-10PM Celebrate New Year with Renaissance Renaissance Beijing Hotel

Be immersed into a fabulous New Year atmosphere at Renaissance Café and savor the delights of their splendid buffet dinner with free flow house wine, gluhwein, local beer and soft drinks. Their live band shows will blow you away while the lucky draw prizes surprise you.RMB 588 net per person and children of 12 years and below enjoy half price. Renaissance Beijing Hotel, 36 Xiaoyun Lu, Chaoyang District 朝阳区朝阳区霄云路3北京国航万丽酒店

Tel. 6468 9999 ext 3121

6-10PM Sparkling New Year’s Eve Senses

Celebrate the past year and look forward to the next one with a meal and bubbly toast at Senses. 1/F, The Westin Beijing Financial Street, 9B Jinrong Jie, Xicheng District 西城区金融大街乙9号北京金融 街威斯汀大酒店1层味餐厅

Tel. 6629 7810, 6606 8866 ext 7810

6.30PM-2AM A Capital New Year’s Eve Capital M

Begin your New Year’s Eve in the Capital with Champagne cocktails

and nibbles from the kitchen, followed by a sumptuous seven-course menu. As the clock strikes 12, savour the unforgettable experience of a Champagne toast on the terrace overlooking Tian’anmen to the tune of their traditional bagpiper countdown. 3/F, 2 Qianmen Pedestrian Street (southeast of Qianmen), Chongwen District 崇文区前门步行街2号3层

Tel. 6702 2727

7PM-MIDNIGHT New Year’s Eve - Champagne & Oysters Enoterra

Come and celebrate the arrival of the New Year with all of us at Enoterra, with a special: A bottle of Champagne and 6 French Oysters for only RMB 888. D405, Nali Patio, 81 Sanlitun Lu, Chaoyang District 朝阳区三里屯路81号那里花园D405室 Tel. 5306 3400/ 5208 6076

7PM-3AM New Year’s Eve Countdown Party Xiu

The night before the big one. Dress in red and gold for New Year’s Eve countdown party at Xiu with one of the best live bands in the city, IMPACT, supported by Beijing’s hottest DJ, DJ Alston. 6/F, Park Life, Beijing Yintai Centre, 2 Jianguomenwai Street, Chaoyang District 朝阳区建国门外大街2号, 北京银泰中心6层

Tel. 8567 1838

New Year’s Eve Mascarade Kissing Party with Dj CAD


Try to avoid a year of bad luck by kissing the closest person around on the first second of the New Year! To spice it up, no one without a mask will be allowed to the party! So keep an eye on your misterius sexy ones until your kiss unveils their true identity! Our special Dj & live music combo will bring some groovy funk, latin soul and boogaloo to make you dance the 2013 night up! 44 Baochao Hutong, Gulou Dongdajie, Dongcheng District 东城区鼓楼东大街宝钞胡同44号

Tel. 136 9142 5744

9pm-late Red Carpet Theme Party Atmosphere

Paint the town red and bring in 2013 at the peak of Beijing! The Lounge and Atmosphere bar presents Red Carpet theme party on 31 December 2012. Dress in your finest Hollywood glamour and party the night away. Doors open from 9 pm with tickets priced at RMB 300 per person inclusive of a welcome drink. 80/F, China World Summit Wing, 1 Jianguomenwai Dajie, Chaoyang District 朝阳区建国门外大街1号北 京国贸大酒店80层

Tel. 6505 2299 ext 6433

JAN 1 TUE 11.30AM-3PM Recovery Bubbalicious Seasonal Tastes

After numerous Christmas and yearend parties with families and friends,

it’s a good way to welcome the New Year by experiencing the Recovery Bubbalicious Brunch on the first day of 2013! Get yourself recovered with generous fresh food and healthy soups added to the already tempting buffet spread, and enjoy the special therapy that their “nurses” will bring to you. Detailed entertainment includes kids club fun activities such as face painting; nurses passing around with a trolley where there are soups and recovery food; doctor chefs; a recovery cocktail corner; milkshake and hot chocolate stations. All prices are subject to 15% surcharge. Join them for a memorable beginning of 2013! 2/F, Westin Beijing Chaoyang, 7 Dongsanhuan Beilu, Chaoyang District 朝阳区东三环北路7号金茂 北京威斯汀大饭店2层

Tel. 5922 8880

NOON-5PM New Year’s Day Brunch at SALT SALT

Start the New Year in style with SALT’S two-three courses New Year’s Eve Bubbly Celebration and our all-day New Year’s Boozy Brunch. Signature dishes include poached lobster, foie gras-cocoa torchon, duck salad, beef tenderloin, premium angus rib-eye, passionfruit panna cotta, white chocolate cheese cake, dark chocolate cremeux. RMB 268 for two courses, RMB 308 for three courses, RMB 488 for two courses and 3 hours free flow of drinks, and RMB 548 for three courses plus three hours free flow of drinks. 2/F, 9 Jiangtai Xilu (opposite the Japanese School, west of Rosedale Hotel), Chaoyang District 朝阳区将台西路9号2层(珀丽酒店西边)

Tel. 6437 8457

1-6PM Festival Afternoon Tea at Lobby Lounge Lobby Lounge

Recovery Bubbalicious After numerous Christmas and year-end parties with families and friends, it’s a good way to welcome the New Year by experiencing the Recovery Bubbalicious Brunch on the first day of 2013! 2/F, Westin Beijing Chaoyang, 7 Dongsanhuan Beilu, Chaoyang District 朝阳区东三环北路7号金茂北 京威斯汀大饭店2层 Tel. 5922 8880

Lobby Lounge greets the coming New Year with festival afternoon tea, meant to be savoured and enjoyed at leisure in the opulence of its majestic Chinese palace-inspired surroundings, to the accompaniment of live classical music. Not to be missed are the delightful miniature pastries created by China World Hotel’s award-winning pastry team such as Cherry Milk Chocolate Cake, Baked Hazelnut Cake with Mixed Berries, Cream Chanty with Cassis Jelly Shooter. Festival Afternoon Tea is RMB298 plus 15% service charge including two hot drinks.



EVENTS 1 Jianguomenwai Dajie, Chaoyang District 朝阳区建国门外大街1号

Tel. 6505 2266 ext 37

JAN 2 WED 5.30-9.45PM Joyful Celebrations at Summer Palace Summer Palace

Celebrate the most splendid and eagerly anticipated of holidays, the upcoming Spring Festival, surrounded by the blessing of families and friends, with delectable Chinese New Year cakes and beautifully packaged hampers from China World Hotel, Beijing. The traditional treats include the fortune fish rice cakes, turnip cake, an assortment of dumplings stuffed with lotus, red bean or sesame pastes, or a dazzling selection of Chinese New Year gift sets and Spring Festival hampers. For your Spring Festival celebrations, choose from an attractive selection of inviting set menus made-up of superbly crafted Huaiyang and Cantonese dishes at Summer Palace. 1 Jianguomenwai Dajie, Chaoyang District 朝阳区建国门外大街1号

Tel. 6505 5838 ext 34

6-8PM Absinthe Green Hour Modernista

Absinthe was a popular drink in France, Switzerland, Spain and many other European countries during the 18th, 19th and 20th Centuries. Come to Modernista’s “Green Hour” to enjoy their bigger Absinthe collection! Now there are more than 20 new kinds of excellent Absinthe, served in a traditional way. Come to meet Green Fairy and taste authentic Boheme flavour! Special Absinthe deals are up to 25 % discount in their Absinthe selection. 44 Baochao Hutong, Gulou Dongdajie, Dongcheng District 东城区鼓楼东大街宝钞胡同44号

Tel. 136 9142 5744

9PM-1AM Regi Brown back on stage! Mix

Can’t wait any longer for the return of this soulful vocalist? Then you are more than welcome to reignite your Jazz passion with Regi Brown’s soothing melodies at Mix in The Westin Beijing Chaoyang.



Joyful Celebrations at Summer Palace Celebrate the most splendid and eagerly anticipated of holidays, the upcoming Spring Festival, surrounded by the blessing of families and friends, with delectable Chinese New Year cakes and beautifully packaged hampers from China World Hotel, Beijing. 1 Jianguomenwai Dajie, Chaoyang District 朝阳区建国门外大街1号 Tel. 6505 5838 ext 34 The Westin Beijing Chaoyang, 7 Dongsanhuan Beilu, Chaoyang District 朝阳区东三环北路7号金茂 北京威斯汀大饭店

Tel. 5922 8880

Broadway Musical Man of La Mancha Nine Theater

A haunting tale of a magical dream, winner of 5 Tony Awards, Seven Ages Production presents Man Of La Mancha, a smashing return engagement of 40 Performances during Christmas Season. It’s hilarious, overwhelming, more heart-wrenching than ever. Starring and directed by Joseph Graves and performed in English with Chinese Subtitle. Ticket priced at RMB 880/580/380/280/180/ (you can get a ticket with an equivelant price by paying another 80 RMB only at every Tuesday and Wednesday). Chaoyang District Culture Center, 17 Jintai Xili, Xiaozhuang, Chaoyang District 朝阳区朝阳区小庄金台西里17号 朝阳区文化馆内, 9个剧场

Tel. 400 0282 577, 8599 1188/6011/0377

JAN 3 thu 11AM-11PM 2012 New Winter Menu Flamme International Grill

FLAMME’S Winter Menu will be ready for your tasting pleasure. There are 20

new dishes for you to try and some old favourites are back! Paul Mathew has developed new innovative cocktails to quench your thirst during the dry winter of Beijing. Try his pairings on their Chef’s recommendations and don’t forget to try the warm cocktails listed on the FLAMME blackboard. S4-33, Sanlitun Village, 19 Sanlitun Lu, Chaoyang District 朝阳区三里屯路19号三里 屯Village3楼S4室

Tel. 6417 8608

Noon-2.30PM Niajo Business Lunch Niajo

Come to Niajo, the traditional Spanish restaurant, and try their weekly changing three-course menu for only RMB 98, including a glass of soft drink, house wine or tea. Coffee or tea after desserts is also included. Their dishes are prepared with fresh ingredients to offer the maximum flavor and quality. 3/F, Nali Patio, 81 Sanlitun Lu, Chaoyang District 朝阳区三里屯路81号那里花园3层

Tel. 5208 6052

NOON-3pm Authentic American Brunch @ One East Hilton Beijing

Indulge in a true American style Sunday Brunch. Compliment a perfect afternoon with an unlimited speciallyselected beer and wine buffet or build your own Bloody. Two-course set

lunch for RMB 188 per person; threecourse set lunch for RMB 228 per person; and four-course set lunch for RMB 268 per person; or add RMB 98 per person for “build your own” Bloody Mary, wine and beer buffet. 1 Dongfang Lu, Dongsanhuan Beilu, Chaoyang District 朝阳区东三环北路东方路1号

Tel. 5865 5000

Mosto Business Lunch Mosto

Two-course set lunch in Mosto is only RMB 95 with desert for RMB 15. 3/F, Nali Patio, 81 Sanlitun Lu, Chaoyang District

JAN 4 fri 9AM-4PM “Esprit Dior” The National Museum of China

Explore Dior through the decades: couture, accessories and perfume. Besides featuring a collection of over 100 dresses, the exhibition also includes contemporary artwork and photography by Chinese artists. Free to attend. East side of Tian’anmen Square, Dongcheng District 东城区天安门广场东侧, 中国国家博物馆

Tel. 6512 8910


Tel. 5208 6030

5-8PM Glühwein House Kempinski Hotel Beijing Lufthansa Center

Relax with your colleagues, family and friends and enjoy a glass of mulled wine at their traditional wooden hut on their Paulaner terrace. What could warm you better than their deliciously spiced hot wine and grilled Nürnberger sausages in the bread roll, while warming your hands over their open fire in the shine of their lightened Christmas trees. Beijing Lufthansa Center, 50 Liangmaqiao Lu, Chaoyang District

11AM-10PM S.T.A.Y. Restaurant Presents A Winter Repertoire S.T.A.Y.

Established by French chef Yannick Alléno, S.T.A.Y. Restaurant in ShangriLa Hotel, Beijing presents a new menu analogous to a new musical movement that is in tune with the warm winter sun. The newly created gourmet cuisine plays against winter’s chill while adding a pleasant tune to the winter symphony for the delight of lovers of French cuisine. Valley Wing 1/F, Shangri-La Hotel, 29 Zizhuyuan Lu, Haidian District 海淀区紫竹院路29号北京香 格里拉饭店新阁一层

Tel. 8882 6727

朝阳区亮马桥路50号, 凯宾斯基饭店

Tel. 6465 3388 ext. 4212

8PM Perfectly Crafted Annual

Party at JW Marriott Beijing JW Marriott Hotel Beijing

JW Marriott Hotel Beijing newly launched 2012 Annual Party Package. Located in the centre of business district, JW Marriott Beijing offers a pillarless Grand Ballroom of 1,230 square meters, the state-of- art technology and specially crafted dining options, a dedicated event management team is delight to prepare a superb party for you. 83 Jianguo Lu, China Central Place, Chaoyang District 朝阳区华贸中心建国路83号

Tel. 5908 6688

9-11PM Gypsy Jazz, The Hot Club of Beijing Le Petit Gourmand

Following the tradition of Django Reinhardt’s Hot Club of France in the 1930’s, the Hot Club of Beijing came up in Beijing. 50% Chinese and 50% French, it aims at giving a 100% swing to its audience through Gipsy Jazz standards. 3/F, Tongli Studios, Sanlitun Houjie, Chaoyang District 朝阳区三里屯后街同里3层, 小美食家

Tel. 6417 6095

JAN 5 SAT 9AM-3PM French Brunch Le Petit Gourmand

Start off your Saturdays and Sundays with their generous French Brunch offer, which will satisfy a strong hunger and a sweet tooth both with its association of eggs, bacon, potatoes and sausages, but also their fresh fruits salad and its French pastries for only RMB 98, don’t miss out on one of the best brunch deals of the city! 3/F, Tongli Studios, Sanlitun Houjie, Chaoyang District 朝阳区三里屯后街同里3层小美食家

Tel. 6417 6095

10.30AM-2.30PM Brand New Unlimited Dim Sum Brunch DoubleTree by Hilton Beijing Brand New Unlimited Dim Sum Brunch With over 20 years Cantonese culinary experience, Sui Yuan restaurant’s new Chinese chef Mr. Johnson Zheng and his team present you a brand new Dim Sum menu with more than 40 different kinds of Dim Sum. Do not put limits to your pleasure! 168 Guanganmenwai, Dajie, Xicheng District 西城区广安门外大街168号北京希尔顿逸 林酒店Tel. 63381999 ext 1726

With over 20 years Cantonese culinary experience, Sui Yuan restaurant’s new Chinese chef Mr. Johnson Zheng and his team present you a brand new Dim Sum menu with more than 40 different kinds of Dim Sum including steamed bean curd skin rolls with abalone sauce, steamed prawn dumpling



EVENTS with spinach, baked barbecued pork with pine nuts and crystal scallop dumpling with chives, a buffet of cold appetizers, congee and dessert, free flow of selected Chinese tea. Do not put limits to your pleasure! 168 Guanganmenwai, Dajie, Xicheng District 西城区广安门外大街168号 北京希尔顿逸林酒店

Tel. 63381999 ext 1726

JAN 6 SUN 11AM-2PM Champagne Sunday Brunch VIC

French savoir faire is showcased with the unparalleled quality and variety of breads, pastries and cheeses on offer. Your children will love the dedicated area especially arranged for them with games, toys, Wii animation game, DVD corner, special activities under the good care of our hostess. RMB 408 per person with soft drinks and juices; RMB 438 per person with wines, beers, soft drinks and juices; and RMB 498 per person with champagne and all. All prices subject to a 15% surcharge. 6/F, Tower C, Wanda Plaza, 93 Jianguo Lu, Chaoyang District 朝阳区建国路93号万达广场C座

Tel. 8599 6666

New Discovery at Yu Yu welcomes you to a brand new menu that bring an unforgettable gastronomic experience, keeping “the way of Yu” by mixing classic Cantonese cuisine with Chef Ku’s new creations. Beside the new menu, their Executive Chinese Chef Ku also creates a memorable weekend for you with their exquisite unlimited Cantonese Dim Sum Brunch.83A Jianguo Lu, China Central Place, Chaoyang District 朝阳区建国路甲83号华贸中心Tel. 5908 8111 Rice and his mouthwatering spring desserts. Add from the refreshing selection of Gaby’s seasonal wine list, splash out with a slightly indulgent cocktail or two, or go “free-flow”. 2/F, 9 Jiangtai Xilu (opposite the Japanese School, west of Rosedale Hotel), Chaoyang District 朝阳区将台西路9号2层(珀丽酒店西边)

11AM-4PM Bubbly Sundays The Westin Beijing Financial Street

The Westin Financial Street’s awardwinning brunch features a huge international buffet, an action-packed kid’s corner and al fresco barbecue in a Zen garden. RMB 428 per person includes free-flow champagne, wine, beer and cocktails. RMB 398 without alcohol. RMB 198 for kids between six and twelve. All prices are subject to a surcharge. 9B Jinrong Jie (Financial Street), Xicheng District 西城区金融街乙9号威斯汀大酒店

Tel. 6606 8866

NOON-4PM SALT Bubbly Sundays SALT

Indulge in Chef Paulo De Souza’s delicious brunch choices such as Shrimp and Potato “Tortilla”, Serrano Ham Crunchy Rolls, Seared Rare Tuna, Spinach-Basil-Ricotta Malfatti with Provencale Cherry Tomatoes, Grilled Lamb Chops and Grilled Pita with Paprika Humus, Spanish Style Seafood



Tel. 150 1144 0032, 6437 8457

7.30-10PM Prague Philharmonia Orchestra Concert National Centre For The Performing Arts (NCPA)

The Prague Philharmonic Orchestra was established in 1995 by Czech musicians with the German conductor Friedemann Riehle. The Prague Philharmonic Orchestra quickly developed into one of the leading orchestras for CD-recording in Europe. The orchestra plays about 200 recording sessions every year. The Prague Philharmonic Orchestra works with labels such as Decca, EMI, Sony BMG and many international film studios. Tickets may be purchased at the box office or by calling the number below. 2 Chang’an Jie, Xicheng District 西城区西长安街2号, 国家大剧院

Tel. 6655 0000

8.30-11.30PM Timeless Jazz Press Club Bar

The Back Yard Band duo with Sarah Fullerton returns to Press Club Bar. Indulge yourself in the smooth and silky jazz live performance and celebrate an extraordinary evening with classic cocktails prepared by St. Regis Beijing’s experienced bartenders. Lobby Level, The St. Regis Beijing, 21 Jianguomenwai Dajie, Chaoyang District 朝阳区建国门外大街21号, 北京瑞吉酒店

Tel. 6460 6688 ext 2380/2381

JAN 7 MON 11.30AM-10PM New Discovery at Yu Yu

Yu welcomes you to a brand new menu that bring an unforgettable gastronomic experience, keeping “the way of Yu” by mixing classic Cantonese cuisine with Chef Ku’s new creations. Beside the new menu, their Executive Chinese Chef Ku also creates a memorable weekend for you with their exquisite unlimited Cantonese Dim Sum Brunch. 83A Jianguo Lu, China Central Place, Chaoyang District 朝阳区建国路甲83号华贸中心

Tel. 5908 8111

11.30AM-11.30PM Festive Menus and Private Events Green T. House Living

Green T. House Living introduces a range of new T. Cuisine dishes by

JinR as a special occassion luncheon or dinner with tea ritual. Dishes from Jasmine T. roast duck, GREEN T. wasabi prawns, tender sesame oolong lamb, their final season’s harvest home grown veggies, Earl Grey cheesecake, chocolate fondue and more. RMB 388 or RMB 588 per person, or RMB 888 with selected wines and Champagne. 318 Hegezhuang Village, Cuigezhuang, Chaoyang District 朝阳区崔各庄乡合各庄村 318号紫云轩茶事

Tel. 8456 4922 ext 8, 136 0113 7132, 136 0113 7232

6-10PM Year End Party at Aroma Aroma

Celebrate your year end party and enjoy a lavish buffet with various selections at Aroma, which offers international gourmet experiences featuring mouth-watering Chinese, Indian, Japanese, Southern Asian and Western dishes from an open kitchen setting, with exciting desserts for sweet endings that specially prepared by an excellent culinary team at The Ritz-Carlton, Beijing. RMB 288 net per person, including soft drinks, juice, beer and wine. (Bookings require a minimum of 20 persons) The Ritz-Carlton Hotel, 83A Jianguo Lu, Chaoyang District 朝阳区华贸中心建国路甲 83号丽思卡尔顿酒店

Tel. 5908 8161

JAN 8 TUE 11.30AM-1AM Aria Bar’s Single Malt and Cigar Pairing Aria

Enjoy eight different kinds of some of the finest single malts, from Macallan 12 Year Old to Glenmorangie 10 Year Old, perfectly accompanied by three kinds of premium cigars, such as Romeo Belvederes and R&J No3. Fonseca at Aria Bar of China World Hotel. RMB 288 plus a 15% service charge for a double shot serving of single malt whisky and one cigar. 2/F, China World Hotel, 1 Jianguomenwai Dajie, Chaoyang District 朝阳区建国门外大街1号中 国大饭店二层阿丽雅

Tel. 6505 2266 ext. 36 / 6505 5838

11.30AM-10PM Winter Seafood Hot Pot Beijing Marriott Northeast

Hot pot is the best choice for cold winter, bring your friends or your family to enjoy the warmth at Choy’s Seafood. Starting from RMB 399 for two people or more. 26A Xiaoyun Lu, Chaoyang District 朝阳区霄云路甲26号 海航大厦万豪酒店

Tel. 5927 8888/137 1834 3715

NOON-2.30PM Winter Special@ One East Buy One Get One

Free Business Lunch One East

Take advantage of the special buy one get one free set lunch winter special promotion at One East. Enjoy the twocourse set lunch menu at RMB 128 per person, and the three-course set lunch menu at RMB 138 per person. Enjoy the best taste and value of the winter with the American restaurant in town. All prices are subject to 15% surcharge. 1 Dongfang Lu, Dongsanhuan Beilu, Chaoyang District 朝阳区东三环北路东方路1号

Tel. 5865 5030

JAN 9 WED 11.AM-2.30PM Pasta e Basta at Trattoria La Gondola Kempinski Hotel Beijing

Take your lunch to the next level with their special Pasta Business Lunch offered at Trattoria La Gondola. Indulge true Italian cuisine paired with a grand selection of Italian wines. Don’t waste another lunch; treat yourself to the most divine pasta in town. Lufthansa Center, 50 Liangmaqiao Lu, Chaoyang District 朝阳区凯宾斯基饭店亮马桥路50号

Tel. 6465 3388 ext. 4215

9PM-MIDNIGHT Taste of The Best ROOMbeijing

Best lounge music and best price often don’t mix, unless it’s done by ROOMbeijing. Featuring their best DJs from Spain: DJ Cad & DJ Yauman every Wed till Sat. Kitchen opens till 1am. No entrance fee but table bookings are highly recommended. Rm 301-302, 3/F, Park Life, Yintai Centre, 2 Jianguomenwai Dajie, Chaoyang District 朝阳区建国门外大街2号 银泰中心301-302室

Tel. 8517 2033

Ladies Night @ Zeta Bar Zeta Bar

Winter Special@ One East Buy One Get One Free Business Lunch Take advantage of the special buy one get one free set lunch winter special promotion at One East. Enjoy the two-course set lunch menu at RMB 128 per person, and the three-course set lunch menu at RMB 138 per person. 1 Dongfang Lu, Dongsanhuan Beilu, Chaoyang District 朝阳区东三环北路东方路1号 Tel. 5865 5030

Enjoy an evening where females are definitely on top. There will be complimentary Zeta Bar special cocktails for the ladies and sexy tones played by their international DJ for you to dance the night away. Free to attend. 1 Dongfang Lu, Dongsanhuan Beilu, Chaoyang District 朝阳区东三环北路东方路1号

Tel. 5865 5000
















Oasis Healthcare

Grace Beijing Hotel Harmonicare Beijing United Family

Radisson Blu Hotel

Beijing United Family 21st Century Healthcare International SOS

International Medical Center

Hong Kong International Medical Clinic

Hilton WangFuJing Peking Union Hospital

Vista Clinic Grand Millennium Beijing Bayley and Jackson Beijing United Family

Raffles Beijing

Beijing Aier-Intech Eye Hospital





































































Line 9


Line 15

Changping Line Fangshan Line Yizhuang Line














Business Business Listings Chambers of Commerce

AHK (Delegations of German Industry & Commerce) AmCham-China (The American Chamber of Commerce) Austcham Beijing British Chamber of Commerce in China BENCHAM (Benelux Chamber of Commerce in China) Camera di Commercio Italiana in Cina (China-Italy Chamber of Commerce) CCIFC (French Chamber of Commerce and Industry in China) DCCC (Danish chamber of commerce in China) European Chamber (European Union Chamber of Commerce in China) Hong Kong Chamber of Commerce in China (HKCCC) ICCCI (INDIA CHINA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE & INDUSTRY) IsCham China (The Israeli Chamber of Commerce in China) Singcham (Singapore Chamber of Commerce and Industry in China) Spanish Chamber of Commerce in China Swedish Chamber of Commerce in China Swisscham (Swiss Chinese Chamber of Commerce Beijing) Joinway Dental +8610-84476092 Professional Networking

Beijing Entrepreneurs 2/F, Annex to Sunjoy Mansion No. 6 Ritan Road, Chaoyang District (6569 1321) 朝阳区北京市朝阳 区日坛路6号新族大厦2层

Viva Beijing Professional Women’s Network Meets last Wednesday of every month. Entrepreneur’s Organization Beijing Chapter Serviced offices

Vantone Commercial Center 万通商 务中心 1) 26-27/F, Tower D, Vantone Center, A6 Chaoyangmenwai Dajie,



Chaoyang District (5905 5905) 朝阳区 朝阳门外大街甲6号万通中心D座26-27 层; 2) 8/F, Tower A, 2 Fuchengmenwai Dajie, Xicheng District (8804 7288) 西 城区阜城门外大街2号A座8层 vantone-

Servoffice International Centre 世 鳌商务中心 1) 5/F, CBD International

Tower, 16 Yongan Dongli, Chaoyang District 朝阳区永安东里16号 CBD国际 大厦5层; 2) 4/F, Teda Times Center, 15 Guanghua Lu, Chaoyang District 朝阳 区光华路15号泰达时代中心4层; 3) 12/F, Oversea Plaza, 8 Guanghua Dongli, Chaoyang District 朝阳区光华东里8 号中海广场南楼12层; 4) 10/F, SOHO Nexus Center, A19 Dongsanhuan Beilu, Chaoyang District 朝阳区东三环北路甲 19号 SOHO嘉盛中心10层; 5) 9/F, Tower A West, Tianyin Mansion, A2 Fuxingmennan Dajie, Xicheng District 西城区 复兴门南大街2号 天银大厦A座西9层; 6) 1 Sanfeng Beili, Chaoyang District 朝阳 区三丰北里1号 SBC Business Serviced (Beijing) Co., Ltd. 11/F, Tower A, Gateway, 18 Xiaguangli Beilu, Dongsanhuan, Chaoyang District (59231166) 朝阳区 东三环霞光里北路18号佳程广场A座11层 APBC Offices 1) 16/F Gemdale Plaza Tower A, 91 Jianguo Road, Chaoyang District (5920 8333) 朝阳区建国路91 号金地中心A座16层; 2) 10/F, World Financial Center, East Tower, 1 Dongsanhuan Zhonglu, Chaoyang District 朝阳区东三环中路1号环球金融中心东 塔10层 (5920 8336); 3) 17/F Ping An

International Financial Plaza, Tower B, 1-3 Xin Yuan Nan Road, Chaoyang District 朝阳区新源南路1-3号平安国际 金融中心B座17层 (5829 1888) Regus 12 locations available in Beijing: China World Tower 3, Zhongguancun Metropolis Tower, NCI Centre, China Life Tower, IFC, Parkview Green (Opening Soon), Financial Street Excel Centre, Prosper Center, Kerry Centre, Pacific Century Place, China Central Place, Lufthansa Center (400 120 1205) 国贸三期,中关村欧美汇大厦,北京新华 保险大厦中心,北京中国人寿大厦,财源 国际中心, 芳草地,雷格斯卓著中心,雷 格斯北京世纪财富中心,嘉里中心,盈科 中心,华贸中心,燕莎中心


Kingdom Travel Specializes in corporate and holiday travel planning and offers airline, hotel, car, and cruise reservation services. Staffed by professional travel consultants. Apt 718, Bldg 2, Guanghualu Soho, 22 Guanghua Lu, Chaoyang District. (5870 3388, fit@ kingdomtravel. 中侨国旅, 朝阳区光华路22号光 华路SOHO 2号楼718室

Sunflower Travel Specializes in leisure and business travel, offering international and domestic trips, and customized trips to create a unique travel experience. 22D, Bldg B, Ginza Mall, 48 Dongzhimenwai Dajie (8447 6361), Dongcheng District. (8447 6361) 东城 区东直门外大街48号东方银座B座22D)

TUI China Travel Co. Ltd. Travel services from an international team. Offers city tours, tour packages with special interest groups and individual travel arrangements all over China, as well as to Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia and other Asian countries. Unit 921-926, Bright China Chang An Bldg, Tower 2, 7 Jianguomennei Dajie, Dongcheng District. (8519 8800, 途易, 东城区建国门 内大街7号光华长安大厦2座921-926 Airlines

Air Canada Rm C201, Lufthansa Center, 50 Liangmaqiao Lu, Chaoyang District. (400 811 2001) 加拿大航空, 朝阳区亮马桥路50号燕莎中心C201

Air France Rm 1609, 16/F, Bldg 1, Kuntai International Mansion, 12A Chaoyangmenwai Dajie, Chaoyang District. (400 880 8808) 法国航空, 朝阳区朝阳门外大街甲12号昆泰国际大厦 1号楼1609室

Korean Air 901-3, Hyundai Motor Towers, 38 Xiaoyun Lu, Chaoyang District. (8453 8137, 40065 88888) 朝阳区霄云路38号现 代汽车大厦901-3号

Phillipine Airlines Unit 1621, Tower 2, Bright China Chang An Building, No. 7 Jianguomennei Dajie, Dongcheng District (6510 2991) cn.airphillipineairlines. com 菲律宾航空,东城区建国门内大街7 号光华长安大厦2座1621室


Turkish Airlines W103, Lufthansa Center, 50 Liangmaqiao Lu, Chaoyang District. (6465 1867) 土耳其航

Country Holidays Rm 2804, Bldg 11, Jianwai Soho, 39 Dongsanhuan Zhonglu, Chaoyang District (+21 3222 0616, cn) 朝阳区东

United Airlines C/D1, 15/F, Tower A, Gateway Plaza, 18 Xiaguangli, Dongsanhuan Lu, Chaoyang District. (8468 6666) 美国联合航空, 朝阳区东三


空, 亮马桥路50号燕莎中心W103

环路霞光里18号佳程广场A座15层C/D1 Hotels

Grace Beijing Unit 1, 706 Houjie, 798 Art District (enter from north gate), 2 Jiuxianqiao Lu, Chaoyang District. (64361818) 酒仙桥路2号院798艺术区 706后街1号

Westin Beijing Financial Street, 9B Jinrong Jie (Financial Street), Xicheng District., Xicheng District (6606 8866) 西城区金融街乙9号威斯汀大酒店

Shangri-La Hotel Beijing, 29 Zizhuyuan Lu, Haidian District (6841 2211) 海 淀区紫竹院路29号北京香格里拉饭店

Kempinski Hotel, Beijing Lufthansa Center, 50 Liangmaqiao Lu, Chaoyang District (6465 3388) 朝阳区亮马桥路50 号凯宾斯基饭店

Renaissance Beijing Capital Hotel, 61 Dongsanhuan Zhonglu, Chaoyang District (5863 8888) 朝阳区东三环中路 61号北京富力万丽酒店


The Millennium Residences @ Beijng Fortune Plaza Bldg 6, Fortune Plaza, 7 Dongsanhuan Zhonglu, Chaoyang District (8588 2888) 朝阳区 东三环中路七号院六号楼 Westin Financial Executive Residences 9B Financial Street, Xicheng District (6629 7587) 西城区金融大街乙9 号 Fraser Residence CBD Block B, Ocean International Centre, 58 Dongsihuanzhonglu, Chaoyang District (5870 9188, 40088 16988, sales.frbeijing@ 朝阳区东四环中 路58号远洋国际中心B座北京辉盛庭国际 公寓

Embassy House 18 Donzhimenwai Xiaojie, Dongcheng District (8449 9000) 东城区东直门外小街18号万国公寓 embassyhouse.comHospitals

Radisson Blu Hotel Beijing 6A Dongbeisanhuan Road, Chaoyang District. (5922 3388) 北京市朝阳区北三



21st Century Health Care - Beijing Glory Clinic Mon-Fri 8am-7pm, Sat-Sun 9am - 6pm; 24 hour house call service. 40 Liangmaqiao Lu, Chaoyang District. (84446168 (English/Chinese)8444 6160 (Japanese) 6468 6021(Korean)) 朝阳区亮马路40号

Hilton Beijing Wangfujing, 8 Wangfujing Dongjie, Dongcheng District (5812 8888) 东城区王府井东街8号北京 王府井希尔顿酒店

The Westin Beijing Chaoyang, 7 Dongsanhuan Beilu, Chaoyang District (5922 8888) 朝阳区东三环北路7号金茂 北京威斯汀大饭店

DoubleTree by Hilton Beijing, 168 Guang’anmenwai Dajie, Xicheng District (6338 1999) 西城区广安门外大 街168号希尔顿逸林酒店

Marriott Beijing Northeast, 26A Xiaoyun Lu, Chaoyang District (5927 8888) 朝阳区霄云路甲26号海航大厦万 豪酒店

Hilton Beijing, 1 Dongfang Lu, Dongsanhuan Beilu, Chaoyang District (5865 5000) 朝阳区东三环北路东方路1 号北京希尔顿酒店 Serviced apartments

Ascott 1) Ascott Beijing, 108B Jianguo Lu, Chaoyang District (6567 8100) 朝 阳区建国路108B; 2) Ascott Raffles City Beijing, 1-2 Dongzhimennan Dajie, Dongcheng District (8405 3888) 东城 区东直门南大街1-2 3) Somerset Grand Fortune Garden Beijing, 46 Liangmaqiao Lu, Chaoyang District (8451 8888) 朝阳区亮马桥路46号; 4) Somerset ZhongGuanCun Beijing, 15 Haidian Zhongjie, Haidian District (5873 0088) 海淀区海淀中街15号; 5) Luxury Serviced Residence Beijing, 17 Jianhua Nanlu, Chaoyang District (6566 2200)


Bayley & Jackson Medical Center Mon-Fri 9am-6pm, Sat 9am-5.30pm. 7 Ritan Donglu, Chaoyang District. (8562 9998, after-hours emergencies 8562 9990, bjhealthcare. com 庇利积臣医疗中心, 朝阳区日坛 东路7号

Beijing Intech Eye Hospital Daily 8.30am-4.30pm. 1/F, 4-5/F, Panjiayuan Plaza, 12 Panjiayuan Nanli, Chaoyang District. (6771 5558, customerservice@ 英智眼 科医院, 朝阳区潘家园南里12号潘家园 大厦1层,4-5层

Beijing International SOS Clinic Mon-Fri 8am-8pm, Sat-Sun 8am-6pm. Suite 105, Wing 1, Kunsha Building, 16 Xinyuanli, Chaoyang District. (Clinic: 6462 9112, 24hr hotline 6462 9100, 北京国际救援 中心, 朝阳区新源里16号琨莎中心1座 105室

Mon-Thu 9:30am-7:30pm, Fri-Sun 9.30am-4.30pm. Unit 818, Pinnacle Plaza, Tianzhu Real Estate Development Zone, Shunyi District. (8046 5432, fax 8046 4383) 北京和睦家医院诊所, 顺义区天竺开发 区荣祥广场818号

Beijing United Family Hospital Mon-Sat 8.30am-5.30pm. 24-hour emergency care. 2 Jiangtai Lu (in the Lido area), Chaoyang District. (5927 7000, 5927 7120 (ER ), fax 5927 7200) 北京和睦家 医院, 朝阳区将台路2号

Hong Kong International Medical Clinic Daily 9am-9pm. 9/F, office tower of the Swissotel, 2 Chaoyangmen Beidajie, Dongcheng District. (6501 4260, 6553 2288 ext 2345/6/7) 北京港澳国际医务诊所, 东城区朝阳门北大街2号港澳中心瑞士酒 店办公楼9层

International Medical Center (IMC) Daily 24hrs. S106, S111 Lufthansa Center, 50 Liangmahe Lu, Chaoyang District. (6465 1561/2/3, 6465 1384/28, 北京国际 医疗中心,朝阳区亮马桥路50号燕莎中心 写字楼1层S106

OASIS Healthcare Beijing’s fullservice international luxury hospital. 9 Jiuxianqiao North Road Chaoyang District, Beijing,100015 China 北京市朝 阳区酒仙桥北路9号 +86 400 UR OASIS Vista Medical Center Daily 24hrs. Level 3 Kerry Center Shopping Mall , No.1 Guanghua Road, Chaoyang District (8529 6618, fax 8529 6615, vista@ 维世达 诊所, 朝阳区光华路1号嘉里中心B29

Commercial and service classifieds cost RMB 300 for the first 20 words, and RMB 15 for each additional word. To submit a classified ad: 1) e-mail: stacyzhao@; 2) submit your ad directly online at; Free ads will be placed on a space-available basis and at the discretion of the editor. For more information on how to place a classified advertisement in Agenda call Stacy: 5820 7700 ext 822 ACCOMMODATION AVAILABLE

诊, 朝阳区东三环武圣北路54号

Beijing Service Apartment for Rent Daily/Monthly/Yearly @ Sublet.CN FULL SERVICE: 24H Hotline: 008610-6493-8285, 6491-2993 Email: Website:

Beijing United Family Shunyi Clinic

Dongzhimen/Sanlitun Area:

Beijing Puhua International Clinic Mon-Sun 9am-6pm. 54 Wusheng Beilu, Dongsanhuan, Chaoyang District. (8773 5522, 8911 6665 (24hr hotline)) 北京普华门



CLASSIFIEDS Harbor City, Studio, 40m², ¥300/night or ¥3,900/month; Seasons Park - 海晟名苑: Studio, 47m² with open kitchen, ¥399/night or ¥6,000/month; 1 Br, 65-75m², ¥580/night or ¥8,5009,000/month; 2 Br, 100m², ¥12,000 2 Br, 128m², ¥13,500 2+1 Br, 148m², ¥15,000 3 Br, 160m², ¥16,000 3 Br, 205m², ¥24,000 East Avenue – 逸盛阁: 1 Br, 85m², from ¥ 9,500 1 Br, 100m², ¥ 12,000 2 Br, 130m², ¥ 15,000 Shimao Gongsan Plaza – 世茂工三: Studio, 64 – 90 m², from ¥ 9,500 1 Br, 103 – 112 m², from ¥ 14,000 2 Br, 140 m², from ¥18,000 Tunsanli/Yongli International – 屯 三里/永利国际 Studio, 64 – 70 m², from ¥ 8,000 1 Br LOFT, 110 m², from ¥ 13,500 New MOMA - 万国城: Studio, 100m², ¥8,500 2 Br, 140m², ¥14,000 3 Br, 245m², ¥20,000 Sanlitun SOHO - 三里屯SOHO: 1 Br, 120m², ¥15,000 2 Br, 150m², ¥18,000 2 Br, 170m² ¥20,000 3+1 Br, 245m², ¥33,000 3+1 Br, 260m², ¥35,000 International Wonderland - 首开 幸福广场: 1 Br, 95-120m², ¥8,500 2 Br, 125 - 140m², ¥13,000 Regentland/Worker Stadium/DongsishItiao - 瑞士公寓: 1 Br, 80 - 95m², ¥11,000 2 Br, 125m², ¥15,000 3 Br, 140m², ¥18,000 Guangcai Int’l Apartment - 光彩 国际: 3 Br. 217m², ¥23,000 4 Br. 270m², ¥25,000 Lufthansa Area: Beijing SOHO Residences - SOHO北 京公馆: 1 Br. 80m², ¥13,000 3 Br. 245m², ¥ 25,000 Gemini Grove - 星源汇 1 Br. 80m², ¥11,000 1 Br. 90m², ¥13,000 CBD Area: Central Park - 新城国际: Studio, 75m², ¥9,500 1 Br. 90m², ¥13,000 2 Br. 125m², ¥17,000 2 Br. 130m² duplex, ¥18,000 3 Br. 190m², ¥23,000 3 Br. 220m², ¥ 25,000 4 Br. 265m², ¥33,000 Windsor Avenue - 温莎大道: 1 Br. 90m², ¥1,000 2 Br. 158m², ¥14,500



3 Br. 300m², ¥25,000 Fortune Plaza - 财富中心: Studio. 70m², ¥9,000 1 Br. 90 m², ¥12,000 2 Br. 140m², ¥16,000 3 Br. 205m², ¥19,000 Global Trade Mansion - 世贸国际: Studio. 80m², ¥9,000 2 Br. 170m², ¥17,000 3 Br. 260m², ¥19,000 CBD Private Castle - 圣世一品: 2 Br. 115m², ¥10,000 2 Br. 148m², ¥14,000 3 Br. 170m², ¥17,000 Dawanglu Area: China Central Place - 华贸中心: 1 Br. 90m², ¥9,000 2 Br. 125m², ¥14,000 3 Br. 165m², ¥17,000 Gemdale Int’l Garden - 金地国际: 2 Br. 148m², ¥17,000 3 Br. 199m², ¥22,000 Chaoyang Park Area: Palm Spring - 棕榈泉: 2 Br. 138m², ¥15,000 3 Br. 192m², ¥20,000 3 Br. 218m², ¥25,000 Park Avenue - 公园大道: 2 Br. 174m², ¥16,000 3 Br. 180m², ¥18,000 3 Br. 193m², ¥26,000 Oceanwide Int’l Residential District - 泛海国际: 3 Br. 185m², ¥16,000 4 Br. 245m², ¥23,000 Greenlake Place - 观湖国际: 3 Br. 173m², ¥14,000 3 Br. 192m², ¥16,000 4 Br. 260m², ¥26,000 Beijing Golf Palace - 高尔夫公寓: 3 Br. 270m², ¥29,000 Star River - 星河湾: 3+1 Br. 260m², ¥26,000 Courtyard for Lease: Jiaodoukou 2+2 Br. 200m², ¥32,000 Lama Temple 2 Br New Renovate. 130m², ¥26,000 Forbidden City, 2 Br Modern Style, 131m², ¥26,000 Dongsi Courtyard Office, 350m², ¥55,000 Services

Beijing CYTS car rental service group Luxury car rental promotion Big car rental brand, unbeatable price   Brand new vehicle fleet, full insurance Professional, experienced staff, local trained English-speaking driver   Multi-language tour guide   Tailor-made solution   24*7 standing by Contact us for more discount information   T: 57458067, 13718943926

Beijing TOP-A Vehicle Service Ltd Set up to specifically cater for the needs of the expatriate communities, we provide: English-speaking driver, long/short term leasing, airport pick up/drop off, sedan, van, and bus. Tel: 6438 1634, 135 0123 7292 service@ Network services: Unblock websites, securing web surf, Access to your favor sites such as Facebook, Youtube or Twitter etc. for RMB30/month. Also, offer VoIP services and use mobile make international call without using a calling card or broadband internet connection as low as RMB0.15/minute. Contact Roger @ 186.6435.8006 or Beijing EX-PATS Service Healthy, reliable, experienced, English-speaking housemaid/nanny. Free agency and 24-hour English service. EXPATS Life group also serves with Mandarin, car leasing, English-speaking driver, Chinese driving license, vehicle registration. Tel: 6438 1634, 135 0123 7292 www. General

Lily’s Antiques Specializing in high-class antique furniture (mainly from northern China, in walnut and Elmwood) and cus­ tom-made furniture, for the local market. Also wholesale for antique and newly made furniture. Excellent service for international transportation of furniture. Furthermore a wide selection of acces­ sories is offered. 1) Daily 8.30am-6pm. Gaobeidian Showroom, 6 Gaobeidian Furniture Street, Chaoyang District. Con­tact Lily Quan (6572 9746, 138 0139 6309), (8579 2458, www.lilys-antiques. com); 2) Visit by Appointment, Factory and Ware­house Address, Baimiao industry area, Songzhuang town, Tongzhou District. Contact Lily Quan (6572 9746, 138 0139 6309) (138 0139 6309) 华伦古 典家具, 1) 朝阳区高碑店家俱一条 街69号; 2) 通州区工厂地址, 通州 区宋庄镇白庙村工业大院 The best Tattoo studio in China Creation Tattoo is the first professional body art studio in Beijing. We provide service below: Tattoo, Personal body art design, piercing, microdermal ,Tattoo removal. We  has created the perfect platform to satisfy the needs for body art with professional equipments and personnel. welcome to custom. Add: 4309, Bldg 4, Jianwai Soho, 39 Dongsanhuan Zhonglu, Chaoyang District Tel:010-58691886 Website:www. 地址:北京市朝阳 区建外SOHO东区4楼4309号

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