The Leadership Issue is Out!

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北京爱见达广告 DM

北京爱见达广告有限公司 京工商印广登字 201000068 号 北京市朝阳区建国路 93 号 10 号楼 2801 第 116 期 2012 年 11 月 16 日印

In Business. In Beijing

The Leadership issue

Hospitality lessons from Westin Financial Street's Stephen Ford NOV 29 – DEC 12, 2012



编制:北京爱见达广告有限公司 agendabeijing

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Letter from the editor The “Peter Principle” states that in your career, you get promoted until you reach the level at which you are incompetent, and there you remain. This is a humorous counterpoint to the hierarchical systems which venerate leaders for their positions rather than their abilities. Throughout my working life (and I’ve worked in numerous industries), I’ve seen people employed above their capabilities: people who were valued for their skills in a particular discipline and then assumed to have the people skills necessary to be a good leader. The two do not always correlate, as I’ve seen from head of departments in high schools shouting at their subordinates (no, it wasn’t me), and bar managers who systematically alienated their former colleagues once elevated. Management and leadership are far harder tasks than we underlings usually imagine, with an entirely different skillset, and failing to recognize that is a sure path to failure. But what is leadership? I think it has something to do with vision – having a holistic view of the entire organization (weeding out bottlenecks, anticipating problems, recognizing talent, streamlining systems), but also seeing where the industry is going and how to stay competitive. This last is where the real talent makes itself known. Business - capitalism - is endlessly dynamic, and having the vision to foresee possibilities and anticipate dangers is an inestimable quality. It is thus always a pleasure when you meet industry leaders at the top of their game. Since I’ve been managing editor of Agenda, I’ve had the opportunity to meet some remarkably capable executives, directors and senior managers. In this issue, we’re pleased to spotlight several further examples of Beijing’s business leadership. Hotels are leading the way in transforming Beijing’s service culture, it’s a fiercely competitive industry, and their general managers are regularly in charge of several hundred employees – no post for shrinking violets. Meanwhile, we also hear from serially successful entrepreneur Brian Magierski, mobile health app builder Yusheng Zhang, relocation expert John Sun, and radio boss Barry Keohane. And of course we have our tech, HR, law and negotiation columns, reviews, events, and more. Enjoy!

Contents 4 Stephen Ford

General Manager, Westin Financial Street

8 China Negotiation 10 Tech Head - Dating Apps 12 Law Briefing

Merger & Acquisition Hacking

14 Brian Magierski CEO, Appconomy

10 The Stylist - Christmas Tree ABC 26 Insight - Ask An Entrepreneur Yusheng Zhang, Apricot Forest

Michael Cormack, Managing Editor

30 Insight - On The Job

John Sun, Santa Fe Relocation Services



Cover Spotlight

come over to my place

Stephen Ford, General Manager of The Westin Beijing Financial Street on hotels and hospitality Interview by Rachel Chen, photo by Mitchell Pe Masilun

The hotel industry has grown exponentially for the past two decades in Beijing. As part of Starwood Hotels & Resorts, The Westin Beijing Financial Street has been consistently providing high level service to meet both the business and leisure needs of their customers. Agenda met Stephen Ford, the new General Manager of the hotel and the Vice President and Area Managing Director for Starwood Hotels & Resorts with more than 40 years of professional management experience in the industry. He shared his passion for this business and how he finally found a place to call home. What’s your background in the hospitality industry? I’ve been working in the hospitality industry my whole life. I went to a business school in the UK and then I started working as a management trainee for five years, working my way up. After that, I moved to South Africa in 1975 and stayed there on and off for 20 years, with four years in America in between. In the early 1990s, I went to work for Zimbabwe Sun, looking after twenty hotels because the tourism trade in Zimbabwe in those days was huge. In 1995, I came to Shenyang, China, and opened a five-star property there. Then I moved to Beijing, stayed for two years, and then I joined Starwood. We opened The Westin Shanghai which was the first Westin in China. After that, I went to Indonesia for two years, India for three years, then came back to China, in Sanya this time, and stayed for another two years. Then I moved to Shenzhen to open the St Regis Shenzhen, and now I’m back in Beijing again. I’ve had wonderful life experiences in this industry because it covers so many cultural aspects of different people, lifestyles and needs.



You’ve worked in numerous Chinese cities what has led you to stay for such a long time? China has always been fascinating to me and I was intrigued from the moment I came to China in 1995. I loved the country as soon as I first arrived. I knew that there was great potential here, as we’ve seen with the great changes over the past two decades. It’s been a great experience and China is my home now. I don’t plan to go anywhere else. What are the day-to-day tasks of a hotel general manager, and who directly reports to you? A general manager is usually accountable for the whole hotel. Some operational departments report to the hotel manager, and some departments report to the general manager. Typically, sales and marketing, finance, and human resource departments will report to me. How do you network with clients? If I’m new to a particular city, I rely heavily on my director of sales and marketing to take me out to meet our clients. From there, I also develop my own network and then I invite them over. I always thank the clients for their support and I have met a lot of great people along the way. What level of employee do you involve yourself in directly, and what are your management tools? My management tools are my experience and how I relate to all levels of employees. It doesn’t mean that I direct orders to all departments of the hotel, but I recognize all the staff in the hotel and I respect them for what they are doing. If I see something they can do better, I will take some time to talk to them. In the meantime, I will also talk to their manager about what I’ve done to make sure

“I’ve had wonderful life experiences in this industry because it covers so many cultural aspects of different people, lifestyles and needs” AGENDA


Cover Spotlight there’s no miscommunication. Basically, if I see position where I can learn. Even though I don’t something needs to be changed, I will channel do training courses anymore, I’m learning all the time. To me, the most important aspect in one’s it through there. career is to have faith in your own ability. How do you recruit? And how do you manage the high staff turn over rate in this in- What are the main lessons of being respondustry? Unfortunately, we are going through a sible for a large and diverse staff? Are there phase where there is a lot of new supply in the lessons specific to China? You have to have hotel field, and this new supply often attracts integrity - that’s absolutely the fundamental associates working here or somewhere else; one - and you should also have respect for and that’s what creates the turnover. However, everyone. the struggle does have some advantages too. Quite often, we know that in our hotels in the How has the industry evolved during your south, we’ve got people from Beijing working time, and what are the current trends? Starthere. When we open a new hotel in Beijing, wood has managed to expand in the upper those staff get a chance to get promoted back upscale tremendously well. We are the largest to Beijing. So a lot of our recruitment is internal, upper upscale and luxury hotel company in within the group. Moreover, we have a very China. Twelve years ago, we had ten hotels good relationship with hotel schools so we and now we’ve got 107 operating hotels and get many interns. Those interns usually spend another 110 in the pipeline. We are not the six months to a year with us, and we really only one expanding like this - our competitors work hard on them in the hope that they will are expanding too. Everyone in this industry become permanent staff once they successfully has benefited from the huge change in China’s complete their training. Actually the success rate demographics. For example, the number of is quite high. And we also have management middle-income Chinese people beginning to travel abroad is growing exponentially and that’s trainees from overseas. what has created the demand in the market To what extent is the service industry in place, the resort and hotels. China still dependent on outside expertise? When do you think that might end? When I As five star hotels have settled in Beijing, first arrived in China, this industry heavily relied the hospitality industry has become really on expats because it was hard to find local ex- competitive. What value do you think is the perts. Over the past fifteen years, though, the most important prerequisite or qualification Chinese have developed so much in terms of for the Westin Financial Street to succeed in management and language skills. Now we’ve this business? Our property is not the newest got many good Chinese general managers and anymore; it’s ultimately the service delivery that that’s how it should be. Our job is to develop will keep the customers coming back. As the those with strong potential to take them up to number of Chinese business and leisure travelthat level. But the exceptions would probably be ers has grown phenomenally, the key is to proin the kitchen, as Western executive chefs and vide a very constant high level service delivery in order to keep the customer brand loyal. expert pastry chefs will always be needed. How much managerial training have you had, and how much has learned been on the job? What have been the best or most profound lessons? I’ve been a general manager for 25 years and I’ve had area responsibility for twenty of those years. But I still think I’m in a



Finally, what lessons do you have for aspiring hotel peoplex? Never stop working. Now we’ve got 28 operating hotels and six opening next year in the northern part of China, so we will be very busy. But I’m still passionate about my job and that’s what keeps me going.

“My management tools are my experience and how I relate to all levels of employees”




Negotiating to Win in China

The curse of strength and how to play your hand I believe American negotiators have come to see China as the counter-party of last resort. China is simply not perceived as a source of opportunity any more – regardless of what statistics or numbers indicate. Negotiators in America have become convinced that business in China isn’t a fair game: that they can’t trust the partner or that there is too much to lose. But Americans also fear that the Chinese can’t be avoided – that somehow, some way, they will be engaging with a Chinese entity as a supplier, customer, competitor or partner in the near future. That makes the Americans nervous – and a little suspicious. Strength is not strategy When Americans are nervous, they get tense. A tense American wants to look strong – he wants to win, disengage and go back to “normal”. Unfortunately, this is a losing strategy for the Americans. It’s possible to negotiate effectively with Chinese but it’s not a simple matter of posturing, opening with an aggressive offer and then compromising in the middle. Learning to ne-



gotiate with a Chinese counterparty is a two part process – and most Americans only want to learn the first step. First you have to analyze the negotiating landscape and understand your Chinese counterparty’s position – but then you have to make adjustments. Unfortunately, when I tell American negotiators about the adjustment process, they assume I mean that they have to persuade the Chinese side to adjust its goals, positions and methods. Nope. That’s simply not the way it works. When Americans are negotiating with Chinese counterparties, it’s the American side that has to adjust its approach if they want to be successful. Step 1: Analysis. First you have to understand the other side to be able to analyze their strategies, methods and goals. I can show the American side what they need to know about their Chinese counter-party and to analyze their negotiation patterns and tactics. But the ability to know your opponent is not enough. Analysis

is good, but is nothing without the second step in the process: adjustment. The American impulse is to explain the weaknesses in their opponent’s line of thought and persuade or pressure them into changing their position. This tends to be counterproductive with Chinese negotiators who are accustomed to meeting strength with redirection, delays, and claims that higher authorities are preventing them from making concessions. Step 2: Adjustment. Analysis is a function of knowledge, but adjustment is a skill you need to prevail – either as a partner or a successful competitor. If you want to prevail, you have to be willing and able to change your own approach to the negotiation. • Planning Americans tend to walk into negotiations with little planning or a very limited range of possible outcomes in mind. This isn’t an effective tactic with Chinese counterparties, since one of their key goals is to learn about your technology or business process. The more time you spend in wide-ranging, big-picture discussion, the more you are revealing. They are already executing their goals while you haven’t even started. • Research. Preparation and research is the second Achilles heel for American negotiators – particularly when the Chinese counterparty is a partner, colleague or supplier. I realize that the Chinese side are more familiar with the situation than you are – but that’s the point. They walk into the negotiation with an advantage, and it’s your job to neutralize it. You must develop independent sources of market intelligence before you start negotiating. • Listening. All negotiators know the value of listening, but often this gets forgotten when the counterparty is Chinese. Listening does not mean waiting for them to stop talking. Don’t get worn down. If they are talking, you are learning. A good Chinese negotiator doesn’t respond to what you say right away – it’s common for him to confer with his team before crafting a response that doesn’t necessarily address your points. It’s a good tactic that

you should consider incorporating into your negotiating practice. • Deal structure. Americans tend to structure all their deals to insulate them from the fallout of worst-case scenarios. Failed deals are bad because you can lose your investment and opportunity cost – but “successful” deals can put your IP, technology, patents and client lists at risk. Be proactive about structuring smarter China deals in advance. • Persuasion. Chinese negotiators aren’t susceptible to logic or pressure – since most of the time they start off believing (correctly or not) that their position is stronger than yours. When you are dealing with a Chinese counterparty, the only options you have are to stay at the table or walk away. If you are going to convince them that your threats of withdrawal are credible, then you have to have a realistic, plausible option at your disposal. The only way to be convincing – and persuasive – is to have a Plan B ready before you sit down. You’ll notice that none of these adjustments requires you to change the way the Chinese side operates in the negotiation until the last step – where you have given yourself the choice between staying at the table and walking away. Most of the steps we’re discussing in this series of posts are preparatory steps – not unlike the ones you should be doing before all your negotiation. But when your counterparty is from China, you have to adjust so that you have the knowledge and flexibility to know when to fold your hand and walk away. Andrew Hupert trains and coaches Western businesses to negotiate successfully and effectively with Chinese counter-parties. He publishes and, and recently wrote The Fragile Bridge - Managing Chinese Business Conflict.



TECH HEAD The beauty of life lies in having someone to share every moment, both sweet and bitter. But with Beijing home to such an immensely large population, if you’re single you might be asking why hasn’t Cupid aimed his arrow at you? With social media growing at an unstoppable pace, there are plenty of potential opportunities for you to showcase yourself online. Now true love might be only a click away…

Cyber connections

Six hot dating apps Compiled by Jessica Zhang

WeChat Linking with your QQ, Facebook and mobile contacts, WeChat (or Weixin in Chinese) is a brilliant tool which allows you to keep in touch with your friends and contacts in real time. WeChat starts by offering users easy access to QQ messages (even when offline), regular and video chat, and “moments” where you can post photos and updates for all to see. Unlike weibo, your friends will only see comments from users who are also their friends, which offers more room for privacy. Beyond that, WeChat’s “Look Around”, “Shake”, and “Drift Bottle” functions expose you to others around. With such an extensive feature package, WeChat has rapidly become the hottest social app in Asia. Don’t be left out. momo If you don’t know momo, watch out. This location-based social network has risen to be one of the hottest Chinese apps on the



market, with which you can easily “hook up” with strangers nearby. As Operations Director Wang Li told Agenda (issue 111), what makes momo stands out from other social networking tools is that it helps Chinese connect with people around. Just shake your phone and it will automatically send a signal to others nearby, allowing anyone nearby to connect.You might have your doubts, but here’s the story of an Austrian friend of mine, a big momo fan. Once I bumped into him in Sanlitun Village with his eyes glued to his phone. “Who are you waiting for?” I asked. “A friend I just met on momo. We are going to a bar together!” You see, it does work. QQ Every Chinese has an ID card and a QQ number. As one of the most prominent chat tools, QQ came to prominence when I was still in primary school. All this time later, it still has a strong share in the Chinese social-

networking market. What’s the secret of its longevity? Try it yourself and you’ll see why. It’s not only an effective tool to keep in touch with friends and business contacts: you also make new friends online. You can search for friends by age, gender, city, blood type, or even if their computer has a camera that will enable video chat. Starting from QQ, you can also play QQ games with your new friends and gradually foster your friendship. A fact: my cousin from Xiamen met his wife from Guiyang on QQ and their love prospered from playing QQ games together. That’s modern romance. What’s App “What’s up?” If you need to know the answer, then you should log onto What’s App. As a cross-platform mobile messaging app, it allows you to send unlimited messages, images, videos and audio media messages to your friends without worrying about the SMS financial burden. In a global context, this app is available in myriad languages. To better spot where your friends are or let your friends know where you are, you can share your current locations. As for searching friends, it can be linked with your Facebook and Twitter account. If you want to make an international call or send international messages, Skype

may be obolete now that What’s App is here. Zoosk With its ambitious claim to boost your romantic life, Zoosk “guarantees” you a fun love-searching journey and privacy protection (so your friends or significant others won’t know you’re using it). To increase their success rate, Zoosk users can depict their ideal partner when registering, in height, education, religion, smoking and drinking habits, and so on. Zoosk boasts more than 80,000 members enjoying its service every day. Sounds like plenty of fish in the sea, doesn’t it? Whether it’s true or not, its users’ profiles look stunning. It might just be worth a shot. Skout These people are true believers of serendipitous meetings and they’ve created an app that help people easily establish new connections under the guidance of their mobile. Skout’s users give it high credit for helping them discover new friends nearby or continents away, and it’s especially helpful when you move to a new city. Whether you’re looking for an weekend activity partner, or for someone in another country with whom you can trade culture, now’s the era that you can skout your other half.



Law Briefing

Merger and Acquisition Hacking

Yet another thing to worry about

Getting that China merger or acquisition done right is a difficult proposition. From choosing the right target to crunching the numbers, from due diligence to post-deal restructuring, there are already numerous pitfalls, and some devious cyberthieves out there just found a new way to make it more difficult.

shareholders was generous enough that they will not turn around and compete with your new operation. Even if everything else goes well, you still have all those “known unknowns” to freak out about. You know what I’m talking about: tax, labor, intellectual property, environmental and other liabilities that may not have been disclosed properly during due diligence. Additionally, despite having your people go over the target’s books with a fine-tooth comb, there could still be any number of “financial irregularities” lurking out there, and that’s assuming you were given the right set of books. It’s enough to give someone insomnia.

We really did not need this experience to get worse, did we? It’s not as though M&A deals are stress-free. Sure, one can be exceedingly careful in selecting a deal, running endless projections using the best formulae money can buy, but there are no guarantees in this business - just ask Time Warner how their merger with AOL went. And if your target is a Chinese company, that checklist of things to worry about just got longer. You are now faced with integrating a But wait: if you think things are already bad new team with a completely different culture, enough, here is a new wrinkle: cyberespiohoping that the payout you gave to the local nage. No, really. You may have read about it in



a Michael Crichton novel or thought that this only happens to high-tech defense contractors that manufacture flux capacitors or sonic screwdrivers.

However, we now have a track record to look at that includes several M&A deals involving Chinese companies and incidents of hacking. Bloomberg cites several recent deals involving foreign companies, such as BG Group, ArcelorMittal and Chesapeake Energy. As usual, no one knows who was responsible for the hacking, although IP addresses can be traced to Mainland China, and some experts believe that “state-backed hackers” are the culprits.

Think again. On November 5, the news broke that Coca-Cola had been the victim of hackers back in 2009. According to BBC News, after fooling a senior executive into clicking through a malicious link (there is indeed a sucker born every minute), hackers were able to infiltrate Coke’s systems undetected and then proceeded Hackers are apparently no longer content makto access commercially sensitive information for ing mischief or going on phishing expeditions, hoping to find something interesting or profitseveral weeks. able. No, now we are talking about targeted, This of course is not the first time a multinational timely attacks that may very well be commiscorporation has been the victim of cyberespio- sioned by parties to an M&A deal. Is this simply nage; this has been going on for some time now. hard-knuckled competition? Evidence of China’s So many publicly-listed US companies have aggressive industrial policy? No one knows been hacked in recent years, and have then for sure, but what we can say with certainty failed to disclose relevant facts to their share- is that the security environment surrounding holders, that the Securities and Exchange Com- M&A deals needs to be ratcheted up by a few mission (SEC) issued guidelines on the subject in notches. 2011 that called for greater transparency. Thus far, and as the Coca-Cola incident illustrates, Unfortunately, corporations will not solve this voluntary disclosure has not exactly caught on problem by simply stiffening their own internal defenses. Hackers targeting M&As and in boardrooms in Fortune 500-land. other sensitive deals apparently know their way Disclosure rules and regulatory issues aside, around a corporate transaction and have gone there is something even more insidious going after the networks of law firms, accountants, on here, which brings us back to M&A. The Coca- investment bankers, and consultants. Years ago, Cola files the hackers were virtually ransacking when one of my responsibilities was oversight back in 2009 related to Coke’s proposed acquisi- of my law firm’s IT department, I used to be tion of Huiyuan Juice Group, a record-breaking solicited by cybersecurity firms who warned of deal, in terms of size, whose approval was pend- just this sort of hacking. Back then, we figured ing under the authority of China’s Ministry of “That won’t happen to us.” These days, that is a Commerce.You may remember this as the first naïve statement. big foreign-related M&A deal scrutinized under China’s 2008 Anti-Monopoly Law. Stan Abrams is an IP/ According to Bloomberg, three days after these files were accessed, the deal “collapsed.” The implication here is that this data was somehow used to influence the terms of the acquisition, although since the Ministry of Commerce ultimately rejected it, apparently that strategy did not work out so well.

IT lawyer and professor who has been living and working in Beijing since 1999. He blogs at, commenting on law, trade and IP.




it’s app to you

Brian Magierski, CEO of Appconomy Text by Jiao Li, photo courtesy of Brian Magierski

There’s something intriguing about serial entrepreneurs – we often have an image of the lonely inventor perspiring to create one great product. But some people build something cool and move on, time and again. One such example is Brian Magierski, who has numerous strings to his bow: co-founder, President & CEO of Kalivo, Inc (a commercial software service provider), co-founder and CEO of, co-founder of Moxie Software, and currently President & CEO of Appconomy, which creates mobile apps for business. He told Agenda about their technology and studying the Chinese consumer.

carrying or forgetting paper coupons and membership cards, and can reward you for repeat business with the same merchants. We have the Jinjin mobile marketing and commerce platform for Food & Beverage chains and other “small box” retailers, providing the consumer value described earlier. We have Jinjin Retail, for “big box” retailers to manage shopping lists and in-store navigation. Perhaps most important, we think our merchant customers will find Jinjin has a unique ability to “close the loop” between the millions that merchants spend on promotional offers to attract customers and the actual redemption behavior by their shoppers. There is powerful, strategic value for merchants to have Would you please introduce yourself and real, decision-making data on this cause-andyour company? I have founded and led several effect (promotion-redemption) activity. start-up companies that that were funded by venture capital and have created successful Considering you come from a Western backreturns for employees and shareholders. I have ground, how do you adapt to the business three young daughters and my family and I preferences of Chinese consumers? There live in Shanghai. Learning Mandarin has been are three things that help us: first, we have a difficult but very rewarding. Appconomy (or艾 strategic ally and investor with Neusoft, China’s 普科美) was founded in November 2010 and largest IT solutions and software company. Secis focused on providing mobile technology for ond, we study our Chinese mobile consumers global brands. Our Jinjin technology is a cloud- closely, to really understand what kind of design based platform for mobile marketing and com- they would enjoy the most. Third, we work very merce that connects consumers and merchants hard to develop good communication and understanding among our Chinese and American through a mobile marketplace and apps. team, which helps them be better designers, What distinguishes your products from the developers, marketers, and salespeople. Before competition? Quite simply, we think Jinjin will launching Jinjin, we had built mobile apps do the best job of helping merchants connect for two very large Chinese businesses and for with new consumers and keeping their best several companies in the US. Even so, with all customers, using mobile technology and the our preparation, I would consider Jinjin’s market power of smartphones. It’s easy to use: the entry to be in the very early stages. Presently, Jinjin marketplace app is available for iOS and consumers can download it and use it for dining Android, and can be downloaded at jinjinapp. and other retail goods and services in Beijing, com. It provides great value: consumers using Shanghai and, soon, other large Chinese cities. Jinjin get dining discounts and rewards, and Ultimately, we hope to achieve downloads by can share coupons with friends and family. It’s five million people within a year, which means convenient: Jinjin lets you avoid the trouble of we still have much work to do.



What suggestions do you have to entrepreneurs in the technology industry who are considering doing business in China? It may sound simplistic, but success is all about the strength of your team. First, I’m fortunate enough to have a great co-founder in our Executive Chairman, Steve Papermaster, as well as our core employees and key contractors. Second, we have a tremendous set of investors, including Qiming Ventures, Neusoft, and True Ventures. Third, we’ve had great business partners in China, like Neusoft and our early technology and service provider partners, who helped us make good decisions about everything from color palettes to network server selections.

Jiao Li is the Head of International Strategy and Investment at the Great Wall Club, a CEO member-based business platform for the mobile Internet industry. A King’s College London graduate, she spends her time tracking the latest trends in technology and culture. Find out more at Check out



fine diner The Indian subcontinent is home to perhaps the only cuisine which can challenge Chinese food for its variety, history and flavorsomeness, to coin a phrase. With supermarkets still offering almost exclusively domestic fare, there are fortunately many Indian restaurants throughout Beijing to satisfy your craving for something spicy. Here’s Agenda’s culinary tour guide to the subcontinent.

Curries with class

Eight Beijing venues spice it up Compiled by Mike Cormack

Ganges Indian Restaurant 恒河印度餐厅 Ganges is established as one of Beijing’s top Indian eateries, with five locations around the city (from Wudaokou to CBD). Offering a wide selection of chicken and lamb curries including familiar fare like korma and tikka masala, we recommend the chicken kadhai for a spicy yet subtly flavorsome curry. Sweep up your curry with the range of fresh naan breads and cool the spice with a mango lassi. Daily 11am-11pm. 1) 138A, B1/F, The Place, 9 Guanghua Lu, Chaoyang District (6587 2999); 2) 5/B, Hairun Apartments, 2 Jiangtai Lu, Chaoyang District (5135 8353); 3) 6/F, Wudaokou U-Center, Chengfu Lu, Haidian District (6262 7944) 4) Stall 202, 2/F, Bldg 1, Shimao Department Store, 13 Gongti Beilu, Chaoyang District (6416 0181) 5) 2/F, Paddy O'Shea's, 28 Dongzhimenwai Dajie, Chaoyang District (6417 0900) 恒河印度餐厅, 1) 朝阳区光华路9号世贸天阶地下1层138A; 2) 朝阳区将台路2号海润国际公寓底商5号; 3) 海



淀区成府路五道口U-Center6层 4) 朝阳区工体 北路13号世贸百货1号楼2层202 5) 朝阳区东直 门外大街28号爱尔兰酒吧2层

Mirch Masala 马沙拉之香 This Nanluogu Xiang spot (having moved back after a stint in Ritan Park) offers South Indian delights in a cozy space just off the main drag. Choose from kebabs, mango lassi, butter chicken, aloo paratha, tandoori grill, Rajasthan hukkas, desserts and more. Vegetarian and vegan friendly options are available. All Chinese and foreign credit cards accepted. Daily 11am-10.30pm. 1 Jingyang Hutong (50m west off Nanluogu Xiang), Dongcheng District (6406 4347) 东城区景阳胡同1号(南锣鼓巷往 东50米)

Mughal’s Restaurant 莫卧尔印度餐厅 This Nali Patio venue serves up authentic Mughal style Indian and Pakistani tandoori

and curry dishes to the Sanlitun masses. With a nicely-decorated restaurant, good service and ample portions, this is one of the best Indian joints in the city. Daily 11am-3pm, 6-11pm. 4/F, Nali Patio, 81 Sanlitun Lu, Chaoyang District (5208 6082/134 6638 2160) 朝阳区三里屯路81号那里花园4层

Raj Indian Restaurant 拉兹印度餐厅 Another restaurant combining Indian flavors with a twist of old Beijing charm. Located in a 200-year old courtyard close to the Drum Tower, Raj offers a wide variety of authentic Indian dishes at reasonable prices. Daily 11am-2pm, 5-11pm. 31 Gulou Xidajie (west of the Drum Tower), Xicheng District (6401 1675) 拉兹印度餐厅, 西城区鼓楼西大街31号

Punjabi Indian Restaurant 本杰比 The Beijing branch is part of a nationwide chain and serves up tasty Punjabi cuisine with a focus on tandoor-roasted meats. They offer a great value weekly buffet special on Tue (RMB 88), Fri and Sat (RMB 98) starting from 6pm, featuring live Punjabi Bhangra dance performances. Daily 11.15am-11.15pm. 2/F, C-8 Lucky Street, 1 Chaoyang Gongyuan Lu, Chaoyang District (5867 0221/23) 朝阳区朝阳公园路1号好 运街C-8号2层

Tadka The Mariott North East’s prime Indian restaurant, Tadka has established itself as the Indian restaurant of choice for those in the Xiaoyun Lu hotel district, and beyond. Though perhaps lacking the cosy warmth of smaller venues,



fine diner

Tadka boasts one of the best menus in the Indian restaurant scene, and its brass tandoor ovens give it the tools to deliver the goods. Daily 11.30am-2.30pm, 5.30-10.30pm. 2/F, Beijing Marriott Hotel Northeast, 26A Xiaoyun Lu, Chaoyang District (5927 8888/8328) 朝阳区霄

Jiangtai Lu, Shoudu Jichang Lu, Chaoyang District (6436 7678, 6437 6688 ext 3811) 3) L222, Europlaza, 99 Yuxiang Lu, Tianzhu Zhen, Shunyi District 1) 朝阳区建国门外大街光华东里8号中


海广场北楼2层F2-03 2) 朝阳区首都机场路将 台路丽都假日酒店广场缤纷廊3层 3) 顺义区天 竺镇裕翔路99号欧陆时尚购物中心L222室

The Taj Pavilion 泰姬楼印度餐厅 Consistently popular among business lunchers and casual diners alike. Try the Chicken tikka, tandoori gobi (cauliflower kebabs), or dal palak (yellow lentils cooked with spinach). Daily 11.30am-2.30pm, 6-10.30pm. 1) F2-03, 2/F, North Tower, China Overseas Plaza, 8 Guanghua Dong Li, Jianguomenwai Dajie, Chaoyang District (6505 5866); 2) 3/F, Holiday Inn Lido,

Khan Baba 汗巴巴巴基斯坦餐厅 This Sanlitun Soho joint offers a hearty buffet lunch (11.30-3) at a reasonable RMB 45, though this includes only one soft drink. The selection isn’t very broad, but if you’re in the neighborhood it is a great spot to refuel. Daily 11am-3pm, 6-10.30pm. Building 2-511, Sanlitun Soho, Chaoyang District (8527 0411) 朝阳区三里屯Soho




A Glass of Gewürztraminer

Eastland Gewürztraminer from Gisborne, New Zealand Text by Mike Cormack

Gewurztraminer literally means ‘perfumed or spiced traminer’, “traminer” being a family of white grapes derived from the village of Tramin in South Tyrol (today part of Italy). Gewurztraminer is one of the first types of grapes to begin ripening in Gisborne in summer and is particularly attractive to small birds. The grapes must be carefully protected with fine nets to avoid being damaged by birds before they are ready for making wine. Once they are ripe for winemaking, they are fine examples of white grapes to eat fresh from the vine, with sweet and intense flavours of lychee, rose petal and ginger. These delicious flavors and aromas are also present in the wine, and match perfectly with vibrant seafood dishes, especially those with hints of chilli and lemongrass. Gewurztraminer partners particularly well with Thai king prawns with basil and chili. The fruit for this wine was selectively harvested and then pressed slowly after careful cool skin contact maximised varietal intensity. Controlled fermentation at low temperatures retains the complex characters of Gewürztraminer

giving a bouquet of flavors with layers of spice, rose petal and lychee. A delicate acidity balances the luscious oily texture of this wine.

Available from: and Pinkel’s (A07 Floor 1, Wenhuayuan East Road No.6, Daxing District) from RMB 380.



the stylist The freezing winter has officially arrived in Beijing. We at Agenda know that hard working business people like you will be particularly busy at this time of year, but the good news is that you’ll doubtless have a lot of swanky events to go to as the year’s end approaches; and you’ll need some smart new outfits to match. Whether you’re attending your annual company meeting or private Christmas parties, we have a winter fashion list to help you shine on every occasion.

winter cool

Eight hot Beijing stores for cool winter fashion Compiled by Rachel Chen

SHANGHAI TANG 上海滩 Claiming to be the first and the leading luxury lifestyle brand emerging from China, Shanghai Tang (pictured above and right) is an international clothing chain company producing ready-to-wear and accessories for both men and women. Inspired by 1930s Shanghai glamour, they specialize in producing oriental-infused items such as qipaos and “East meets West” fashion collections. Moreover, they also produce high quality seasonal wear such as leather and fur coats which are perfect for winter. Daily 10am-10pm. B1/F, Grand Hyatt Beijing, Oriental Plaza, 1 Dongchang’an Jie, Dongcheng District (8518 7228)东城区东长安街1号东方广场东君悦大酒 店UG层 DKNY DKNY (Donna Karen New York) delivers the



latest New York fashions. Their winter collection features a great variety of high quality fashion and accessories such as evening dresses, sweaters, ladies blouse, blazers, leather hand bags and many other winter must-haves which are easy to match to create that smart and sexy look of your own. Daily 10am-10pm, 3025, 3/F, Zone B, Shin Kong Place, 87 Jianguo Lu, Chaoyang District (6530 5888) 朝 阳区建国路87号新光天地3025 Kiton Claiming to provide “the best of the best”, Kiton is an Italian brand founded in the 1960s focusing on producing men’s tailored clothing. In the 1990s, they started production of “seven folds” ties, using traditional Neapolitan techniques, and they’ve been world famous ever since. Their ties come in a great collection of distinctive colors and patterns and

are made of high quality natural British silk. It would be a hot pick to match with your suits. Zone A, 2/F, 8 Shin Kong Place, 87 Jianguo Lu, Chaoyang District (6530 5888) 朝阳区建国路87 号新光天地3028号

NE•TIGER(东北虎) Proclaimng themselves top of the Chinese fashion and luxury brand foodchain, NE•TIGER was founded by Mr. Tiger Zhang in 1992. As an inheritor of Chinese clothing culture and heritage, this brand has a philosophy aiming to “Integrate Antiquity to the Present [and] Converge Chinese and Western”. For 20 years, they have introduced gowns and Chinese and Western wedding dresses; many Chinese stars such as Zhang Ziyi and Gong Li have worn their pieces. This year, they have launched a banquet of fur in their flagship store for their winter season. 1) AA31,UG, New Oriental Plaza, 1 Dongchangan Jie, Dongcheng District (8518 6397) 北京东方新天地首层AA31(东城区东长 安街1号)2) 2F 209A-210, Cuiwei Plaza, 23 Fuxing Lu, Haidian District (8823 9210) 北京翠微广 场二层209A-210(海淀区复兴路23号)

Club Monaco With its first store hailing from Toronto, Canada, Club Monaco is another perfect pick for business casual in the winter. Best known for its “black and white” style, you can easily pair their pieces with colors to create that professional look in the office. In addition, it’s great to go to for their 100% cashmere scarves and sweaters. Unit 3002, Shin Kong Place, 87 Jianguo Lu, Chaoyang District (6530 5888) 朝阳区建国 路87号新光天地3002号

ZARA ZARA have embedded themselves in the public consciousness as they expand their fashion business all over the world. The newly opened ZARA in Gemdale Mall in the CBD has launched a great winter collection for business elites. Mainly in black and white, this boutique store features business essentials for ladies such as silk blouses, pencil skirts, blazers and suits, leather jackets and of course wool and fur jackets. 10am-10pm, 1/F, Gemdale Plaza, 91 Jianguo Lu, Chaoyang District (5825 5555) 朝阳区建国路91号金地广场

Charlies & Keith Charlies & Keith is a Singaporean fashion brand producing stylish hand bags, shoes and accessories with affordable prices. If you are a fan of this Southeast Asian label, you can check out their newly opened location in Gemdale Mall for the key pieces that embody style and functionality. 10am-10pm, 1/F, Gemdale Plaza, 91 Jianguo Lu, Chaoyang District (5825 5555) 朝阳区建国路91号金地广场 Christian Louboutin Christian Louboutin is truly a French work of art in the shoe industry. Their sexy and stylish high heels with bloody red bottoms totally light up the floor. You can wear them anytime and anywhere, to be the centre of attention and outshine your friends and rivals in any social party. N4-10, Sanlitun Village North, 11 Sanlitun Lu, Chaoyang District 朝阳区三里屯路 11号Village北区N4-10



the List Tech BRIEFING


Gameloft country manager Eric Tan talks hardcore mobile gaming The mobile gaming market has exploded in the last few years with smartphones becoming widely accessible to the mass market. According to research firm SuperData, the worldwide mobile game market is valued at US $2.7 billion but is poised to grow to $7.5 billion by 2015. Asia alone is predicted to account for nearly half of that with $3.2 billion in market size. To learn more about the fascinating world of mobile gaming, I sat down to chat with the Country Manager of Gameloft China, Eric Tan. Gameloft is a Paris based world leading digital and social game publisher. Publicly listed in Paris, the company has been at the forefront of developing and publishing games. They are well known for self-operating established game franchises such as Asphalt, Real Football, Modern Combat, and N.O.V.A.: Near Orbit Vanguard Alliance, and also partners with major rights holders including Marvel, Hasbro, FOX, Mattel and Ferrari. In 2012, their most successful game was Dungeon Hunters 3 on iOS in terms of grossing revenue.



Starting from a big vision back in 1999, Michel Guillemot, one of the co-founders and owners of leading video games publisher and developer Ubisoft, made a bet that mobile gaming would be huge. At a time when ‘Snake’ on Nokia cellphones was the big thing, Guillemot saw into the future of mobile gaming capabilities today. Now Gameloft comprises 5,000 developers across 25 studios and distributes in over 100 countries. In China, the company has three studios in Beijing, Chengdu and Shenzhen and is the number one international publisher of iOS games by top grossing revenue, according to App Annie, in the first half of 2012. As a testament to its dedication to high quality, Gameloft also earned the coveted top spot of Top 50 mobile developers of 2011, as ranked by PocketGamer. According to Tan, Gameloft “commissions our games cross-platform” across feature phones, smartphones, tablets, smart-TVs set top boxes. This means working with chip set makers like MTK and smart TV makers like Lenovo and

Hisense.” Eric says the advantage of this, is to thinking about the “whole eco-system, rather than a piecemeal approach” to attacking the market.

Of course making a strong game is only the first part of the story. The other important part of a successful game is its distribution strategy. For Gameloft, hitting the key channels of handset manufacturers like Samsung, Nokia, Huawei and App Stores like Apple, Android, Windows is equally important. From a business development perspective, Gameloft attacks the market from both an external and internal angle. Externally, the company builds strong relationships with app store managers by providing regular updates about games and new releases to sync in with promo plans to get “top deck placement”. Internally, the company uses digital marketing promotions and has discovered that since China is so price sensitive “revenue earned from price discounts over holiday periods is greater than getting top deck placement in an app store”

As a well established gaming company, Gameloft has defined a diversified pricing strategy to deliver strong cash flow. On one end, “freemium” games allow players to download for free and buy upgrades or In App Purchase (IAP) items for a fee. “China gamers are so price-sensitive that the trend is going towards freemium,” says Tan, a trend backed up by research from App Annie stating freemium revenue has increased 25 times since last year on iOS. “Paymium” is a hybrid model where players first pay to download and also have the option to buy upgrades or IAP goods which offers “attractive and instant cash flow”. On the other end of the scale is the more traditional premium model where you For other developers looking to take advantage have to pay to play. of the enormous gaming market in China, Tan According to Tan, “Every four years seem to be a had some valuable insights to take notice of. breakthrough” for Gameloft. He explained that First, ‘localize’ games down to cultural elements, in 1999/2000, Gameloft started with a deal with graphics and language. Second, take advantage Nokia for one project; in 2003/2004 the com- of open channels that dominate traffic like pany branched out into Java games and opened Tencent, UCWeb and 360, since these platforms new offices around the world; in 2007/2008 have the largest pool of active gamers who are Apple App Store delivered exponential revenue willing to pay. Lastly, although iOS will be a growth and in 2011/2012, the gaming world has cash cow, “We are only at the tip of the iceberg moved towards a trend of social and freemium when it comes to Android” and Tan thinks that games. Throughout all these phases, Gameloft it’s worth prioritizing resources that way. has “maneuvered successfully to adapt to these As a true Gameloft man, Tan admitted his fatrends and opportunities.” vorite game is the Asphalt Racing series and Tan was very proud when talking about the says it’s simply “part of the job.” A dream come company’s differentiating ability to partner true for any gamer! with movie studios and said it’s what they “do best.” Through exclusive partnerships, they Jason Lim is an have made hit games like Ice Age Village with Australian-born tech Fox; Batman: The Dark Knight Rises with Warner writer with technode. Bros and Spider Man with Sony. Although these com and helps peomovie studios have millions of dollars to spend ple find housing in on games and their own gaming resources, Beijing with his star“Time after time, they come back to us and tup that’s a sign of approval that we make great games,” says Tan.



the stylist Christmas just ain’t the same without a Christmas tree. The evergreen totem, like no other symbol of the holiday, provides the cheer that may be lacking in Beijing during the festive period. Readers who consider Ebenezer Scrooge a Christmas role model may be happy to do without a tree – and environmentally conscious readers may agree – but for those who just have to have a shengdan shu, we’ve compiled this list of places to find the ideal tree (real or plastic) for your home.

Christmas Tree ABC

Nine spots to get your Christmas totems Compiled by Tricia Chai and Rachel Chen

Fake Plastic Trees

Hongqiao Market), Chongwen District (6711 7499) 红桥天乐玩具市场,崇文区天坛公园东

Alien Street Market Alien Street (near Ritan Park) has numerous vendors selling trees of different sizes – prices vary from stall to stall. Laofanjie Shichang, Yabao Lu (south of Fulllink Plaza), Chaoyang District (8561 4647) 老番街市场,朝阳区雅宝路


Beijing Wantong Market The price of the trees are fully negotiable: if you are good at bargaining, this will be a good place to get your customized Christmas tree. 2 Fuchengmenwai Dajie, Xicheng District (6804 6283) 北京万通批发市场,阜成门外大 街2号

Hongqiao Tianle Market Prices neogotiable. Daily 8.30am-7pm. East gate of Temple of Heaven Park (right behind



IKEA If you want a Christmas tree to match your minimalist Scandinavian furniture, this is the place to come. Daily 10am-10pm. 1 Taiyang Gonglu, Dongbahe (northwest corner of Siyuan Qiao), Chaoyang District (400 800 2345) ikea. 宜家家居, 朝阳区东坝河太阳宫路1号 (四元桥西北角)

Jenny Lou’s (Shunyi Branch) Jenny Lou’s in Shunyi offers trees of varying sizes, including a compact, easily portable 100cm tree (RMB 198) as well as a larger 200cm tree (RMB 298) with cute Christmas lights for those with more space to play with. Stock of trees is limited, so check by phone

before you go to the shop to buy. Daily 7.30am-10pm. Pinnacle Plaza, Shunyi District (8046 2316/3302) 婕妮璐,顺义区白辛庄村,

South bank of Liangma River, Dongsanhuan Beilu, Chaoyang District (6461 7591, 136 4114 9126) 亮马花卉市场,朝阳区东三环北路, 燕


莎商城南, 亮马河南岸

Jenny Lou’s (Chaoyang branches) Jenny Lou’s Chaoyang branches not only sell trees, but also a selection of decorations for hanging on your overgrown shrub. Prices vary according to the size of tree ordered. Free delivery within a 2.5-mile radius. Daily 8am-10pm. 1) West of Lane Bridge, north of Laiguangying Donglu (8470 1557) 2) 6 Sanlitun Beixiaojie, Chaoyang District (6461 6928)

Laitai Flower Market Both real and plastic trees of various sizes (150-240cm) are available here. Real trees run from 120-210cm and cost around RMB 5001,000. Fake trees are 150cm-240cm in height with their price ranging from RMB 100-500. Thousands of decorations are also on offer. Delivery available. Mon-Thu 9am-6pm, Fri 9am-6.30 pm, Sat-Sun 9am-7pm. 9 Maizidian Xilu, Chaoyang District (139 1153 0783, 136 9911 8678) 莱太花卉市场,朝阳区麦子店西

婕妮璐,1)长岛澜桥西侧 朝阳区来广营东路北 侧; 2) 朝阳区三里屯北小街6号


The Real Deal Liangma Flower Market It receives mixed reviews, but Liangma is a fairly reliable option for picking up both real and plastic trees of various sizes. Real trees range 120cm to 500cm high (RMB 15012,000). Plastic trees are about the same size and height with similar prices. The market also offers a large range of accessories for decorating your tree. Trees can be delivered. Please do remember to reserve if you need a tree of more than five meters. Daily 8.30am-6pm.

A tree for life, not just for Christmas Rather than buy a large tree which will shed its pines and be thrown away before your stomach has settled from the pounding it takes on Christmas Day, why not buy a smaller, evergreen tree or shrub which you can keep all year round and decorate when the time comes? Perhaps you already have a suitable candidate sitting in the corner of your living room – get the decorations out and dress it up to the nines for December 25.




Health Goes Mobile

Yusheng Zhang’s Apricot Forest leads the way on mHealth Text by Jessica Zhang, photo by Lova

ON BACKGROUND I first studied at a medical school in Beijing and later pursued a MPH/MBA on Healthcare Management and Policy at Johns Hopkins University. While working as a clinical research manager at Wellpoint Inc. in Washington D.C., I attended a mobile health (mHealth) conference, which sparked new thoughts on this industry. While mHealth is gaining popularity in the US, it is still at a nascent stage in China. That is what led me to found Apricot Forest. ON PRODUCT With a mission to make it easier for physicians to work, we are dedicated to making the best medical mobile apps. We now have two products and over 100,000 physicians in China using our services. One product is used for healthcare reference, offering a large free database for physicians to use. The other is used to keep them up to date with the latest research in their field of expertise, and includes more than fifty medical journals. ON STAFFING Recruiting the right talent is always our highest priority. We have sixteen professionals and one intern at the moment. Another intern, an American from John Hopkins University, is coming by the end of this year. It is often a big challenge to hire talent who have enough working experience. We look for people through our personal networks, and also through professional networking websites such as Zhaopin. Right now, we are also looking for software engineers, people who have SNS operating and marketing experience, and those who are familiar with the e-marketing pharmaceutical area.

we have four departments today: Administration and HR, Medical Information, Products, and IT & Development. ON MARKETING We take two marketing approaches, for online and offline. In online marketing, we mainly use weibo and Renren; in offline marketing, we send out booklets to all kinds of medical conferences, and also put up advertisements outside hotels. ON CAPITAL So far we have one venture capital fund backing us, Bluerun. ON IP PROTECTION I don’t think we have any IP protection problems - yet! ON OFFICE Our office is located in a residential building, because it is not only much cheaper compared to office buildings, it is also close to our clients and subway stations. All our staff sit together, which allows us to share our thoughts freely. We encourage our staff to perceive themselves as the owners of the owner of the company, and they are encouraged to come up with creative ideas.

ON COMPANY PHILOSOPHY Our company philosophy is based on three things: first, we want to provide a working environment where everyone is inspired to create valuable new products. Second, we encourage our staff to be lifelong learners and to spot good things to learn from each other. Third, our business is founded on humanistic principles; we put a priority on helping solve ON COMPANY STRUCTURE With Apricot Forest only being founded last year, medical problems before making profits.



ON AMBITION There are three goals we want to achieve: to have at least 30% of physicians in China using our products by 2014; to come up with a mature product line; and finally, to generate US $1 million revenue per year. ON INDUSTRY ISSUES One of the most challenging issues at hand is to look for the optimal business model. I consider ours to be quite ideal, and the most practicable model we could adopt at this stage. It is similar to the one used by Epocrates, which is an American firm working in a similar field, yet combined with the realities of the Chinese medical system. ON BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT Beijing’s business environment is quite dynamic and entrepreneur-friendly. As long as you have a great story and a great team, you can have a shot in making your dream come true.



the fine diner weekend traveller With winter incipient, now is the time to get out the thermals and dust off the ski boots. Beijing may be on something a plateau, which is excellent for cyclists, but with it also near the meeting place of the Xishan and Yanshan mountain ranges, good winter sports facilities are easily accessible. Whether you’re a noob or a natural, these resorts will have something for you. Let it snow!

Take to the Slopes

Sweet spots for skiing and snowboarding around Beijing Compiled by Jiang Jun and Rachel Chen

Nanshan Ski Village This highly popular ski resort in the Miyun County area offers 21 trails to accommodate all skill levels and terrain preferences. One of the largest snowboard parks in the country, Quicksilver Nanshan Mellow Park, is sure to tame even the wildest daredevils out there. It also has the latest rental equipment, 150 certified instructors in its snow school, two modern high-speed quad lifts, a double lift, and thirteen rope tows. Prices, as you’d expect vary, depending on how long you want to ski or ride. Winter opening times: 9am-5.30pm; Spring opening times 9am-6pm. RMB 120-260 per person (Mon-Fri); RMB 180-390 (Sat-Sun). Entrance fee: RMB 20. An RMB 200 deposit is required for rentals; if you have your own ski equipment, there’s a 30 percent discount on the overall price. Nanshan shuttle buses take express way all the way and are on service



throughout the week. Return fares are RMB 35. Located 62 km from Wanghe Bridge, it’s a 30-minute drive on the Jingcheng Expressway. Shengshuitou Village, Miyun County (8909 1909) 南山滑雪场, 密云河南 寨镇圣水头村

Jundushan Ski Resort Located just 30 km from downtown, this resort is great for seasoned skiers who just want to get some runs in, but also ideal for beginners and intermediates. The seven trails, which meet international standards, are served by two-person cable tows. Night skiing is an option during the week at RMB 80 per person. RMB 100-220 (Mon-Fri), RMB 150-360 (Sat-Sun). Entrance fee: RMB 20. 588 Zhenshun Village, Cuicun Town, Changping District (6072 5888)军都山滑雪场, 昌平区崔村 镇真顺村588号

Wanlong Ski Resort For the more serious skiers and boarders, this resort offers nineteen runs, thirteen of which are for advanced skill levels. This was the first resort to open in China and remains popular with its longer season and favorable conditions. RMB 240-1520. Rentals: RMB 40-270. Congli County, Zhangjiakou City, Hebei (0313 4618888, 4613872) 万龙滑雪场, 河 北省张家口市崇礼县红花梁

Duolemeidi Mountain Resort Italian companies Leitner and Dolomi Superski Group have created a resort in the Western mold and a 4-star hotel called I-Snow that offers shuttle bus transport from Beijing (every Friday evening and Saturday morning) to Duolemeidi and back (every Saturday and Sunday afternoon) at RMB 120/person for round trip. They have one beginner trail serviced by a magic carpet (conveyor belt), two intermediate trails about 2,000 meters long each, and one advanced run that’s 980m long. A six-person, wind-blocking, high-speed chairlift takes skiers and boarders to the peak. Thirty experienced teachers (all with basic English skills) can get you started. A weekday ski pass of 10 days are RMB 1180 and RMB 2680 with ski equipment rentals. A weekend ski pass of 10 days are RMB 1980 and RMB3480 with ski equipment rentals; a full season pass is RMB

4980. Weekday opening hours are 8:30am4:30pm while weekend opening hours are 8:30am-5pm. Duolemeidi Mountain Resort is located in Hebei province, Zhangjiakou city, Chongli county, 226km northwest of Beijing. You will reach the mountain resort with natural scenic beauty after a three hour drive from Beijing taking Badaling Highway to Zhangjiakou. From Zhangjiakou directly follow the signs. Chongli County, Zhangjiakou City, Hebei (4000 801 810, 1196842622)duolemeidiski. com/en/index.asp 多乐美地滑雪场度假山庄, 河北省张家口市崇礼县四台嘴乡喜鹊梁

Qiaobo Ice and Snow World Named after the first Chinese person to win a medal in the Winter Olympics, Qiaobo is an indoor, year-round resort in Beijing. It’s great for beginners, with instructors and rentals ready to help you down 200-meter and 300meter long runs. There is also a five-obstacle snow park and a 30-meter long children’s trail. Prices come in all sorts of different packages depending on what activities you want to do. Weekday daytime opening hours are 10am-9pm; nighttime opening hours are 5-9pm. Weekend daytime opening hours are from 9am-10pm; weekend nighttime opening hours are from 6 to 10pm. 6 Shun’an Lu, Shunyi District (6941 9999) qbski.com乔波冰雪世界, 顺义区顺安路6号



INSIGHT - on the job

Relocation, relocation, relocation

John Sun, Business Development Manager with Santa Fe Relocation Services Text by Mike Cormack, photo by Sui



It’s said that people will move home at least seven times in their life. I personally have moved nine times already, from my hometown to Beijing, from China to Europe, and beyond. My job, or my company’s job, is to help people to relocate themselves all over the world, no matter if they are an individual customer or a corporate account.

it’s better to be a ping pong player in China. I have experienced many excellent managers who truly taught me a lot not only about the work but also how to be a good person. It’s hard to say who the best is. My current manager Sabrina found me, brought me to this industry and has shared all her knowledge and experience with me selflessly. Derrick is the boss promoted me to the management of the company. Chad taught me to lead by example because that’s what he is doing day by day. I’ve been really lucky to meet all of them in each step of my career.

For Chinese, nothing is more important than family. I like the feeling of listening to those families when they need my assistance, and to be a consultant for their relocation. To address their concerns by introducing the details of our services and explaining the process really makes There’s something new here every day. And me feel helpful. you can create and build things as you wish. Listen to your customers. Be aggressive and My biggest challenge was when I was the creative. vice general manager of an Egyptian comBeing customer-centric is the key for our pany in Cairo during 2007 and 2008. You can’t services, always. You might not believe it but imagine how tough it is when you have to face the most important skill is to listen to the cli- the challenges on languages and culture conent. We have to know that it is not what we flict. It was the most unforgettable experience in understand which leads us to the best solution my career, but I learnt to be patient and strong. but what the client says. If there is something When I look back on it, I believe that those two I am proud of from what I’ve learnt on this job, years helped me understand relocation better. it is that you must always concentrate on the client’s needs and communicate with them in We successfully managed and settled more than 300 expats in the city of Dalian within 18 the proper way. months. This must be a record in China! I ran my own company when I was in Finland back in 2005. If I remember correctly, my first Workforce mobility and the entire relocation industry are developing dramatically. People deal brought me 13,500 euros. and projects are changing and requests are Tired? Never. I feel tired physically sometimes changing. We have to keep updated all the time but I never lose my passion. It’s always there, to ensure the best solutions can be delivered. because I meet different challenges all the time This is challenging but also enjoyable. and new faces each day. My wife helps me to My wife is the most amazing person in my schedule our travel plans which refresh me. life. And she also surprises me from time to I started semi-professional soccer training time in my jobs. She is a designer working when I was only six years old. Before I entered at CRI and the inspiration of my work. What I university, I won soccer championships in my can’t do, but she can do, is turn my ideas into hometown, at all levels from primary school to graphic pictures as they are in my mind. It’s a senior high school. To be a football player was perfect match. my dream for quite a long time and even today Check out playing football is still part of my life. Ironically,





Training and motivating new recruits Okay folks, I’d like to talk a bit more about inhouse training. But before I do I just wanted to take this opportunity to announce that Antal recently won two awards at the Global Recruiter Asia Pacific Awards in Singapore - for Best Overseas Operation, and Best 'Association of Professional Staffing Companies' Member. We were also Highly Commended for our InHouse Training – so hopefully what I say should be helpful! As I’ve said in previous columns, I write these HR tips from a broad perspective, hopefully to cover all different types of businesses that you manage. I appreciate that you may not have tens of thousands of RMB to spend on training budgets, but you don't need to bring in specialists in order to provide an added value to your staff - it can come directly from you. You have been brought over here to do one



(or no doubt several) of a number of tasks – to build, improve, and enhance the business you run; to increase revenue and market share so you clearly already have a fair share of the knowledge yourself. Then look at the team you have around you and ask yourself what skills they have that they could share with the rest of the team. For example, as part of our initial induction here at Antal, we nominate senior staff within the business to provide training on the areas at which they are specifically strong. It's not rocket science but it works. It also allows new recruits to hear anecdotes and experience from those doing the training. Having trained staff in over ten countries myself, this is an area that is constantly touched upon by those in class. They not only hear the theory of what they should be doing, but invariably they will hear real stories of what can go wrong. This is always of great interest!

With any and all training you need to have a structure in place. The classic formula is that you say what you are going to cover, you cover it, and then you say what you have covered. However, the next steps are as important as the training itself. Spending a day in a seminar room covering how to use the IT systems is all well and good, but retention of that information will be minimal (even with a great trainer), if there's no follow up. If you have picked your "Top Guns" within your team to share their experience and knowledge with the new recruits on their induction - make sure they themselves are comfortable at training, as for many it can be a daunting prospect. It is advisable (language permitting) to sit in each and every session that you are offering, and it’s also a good idea to have a back up where possible. Once completed, you should allow your new team members the opportunity to provide candid, confidential feedback. Over the years I’ve found that people aren’t comfortable doing this in the confines of the classroom, but prefer to take it away and maybe mull over that evening. How about you set up a suggestion box somewhere in the office? They can then return their thoughts at their own time. As the manager, it is your sole responsibility to ensure that your team knows the basics - period. Over the years we have realized that some staff take to reading or video tutorials better than perhaps a more-interactive face to face environment, so you need to be able to replicate all that is done in the classroom either online, or in old-fashioned manuals. This is never truer than in a multinational company, where all staff need to be aware of the global brand values, products and services. Fortunately these can easily be shared through a company intranet. At Antal, we house all of our intellectual property in this manner, including all of our training documents, so no matter what

time zone, our staff can access the information they need. On our intranet, we have typed (and where necessary translated) manuals, videos, and audio files, as well as a range of PowerPoint presentations to cover any topic on which a recruiter may need assistance. Once all your newbies have gone through the induction stage, they will then, knowing the Chinese, be looking for the 'next steps' - what courses can they do to enhance what they now know. At Antal, as a sales-driven business, we have put together a very simple but effective training program lasting 30/60/90 days. At each monthly milestone, the individual has to hit certain KPIs in order for them to then move onto the next level. Any longer than a month then a task can seem arduous, causing staff to lose focus and direction. Keep it in short sharp bursts. All this learning is tracked in personnel files, and re-visited at probation time. As I have mentioned previously, facts are critical when promoting staff or letting them go. It takes away the emotional element. Now all of this has centered on what should be done by you and your team for your new recruits, without spending any of your budget. Next issue, we will focus on additional training in order to retain staff. @sjantal

Sarah Jones is Head of Operations at Antal International, winner of “Best International Recruitment Agency” at the 2012 Recruiter Awards.



WEEKEND TRAVELLER Tokyo’s cityscape – the stuff of a thousand sciencefiction fantasies – is vertical, vibrant and loud. This massive city of nonconformists, salarymen, ancient shrines, and exquisite food couldn’t be called the most restful destination, but still, the city makes for a endlessly stimulating weekend away from Beijing. Here’s Agenda’s picks for a weekend break in Japan’s jaw-dropping capital.

Time To Go To Tokyo

A weekend in the Land of the Rising Sun Compiled by Laura Petryshen

Tokyo has been recognized by the Michelin Guide as the world’s capital of gastronomy. But what’s really remarkable about the city is how much care is lavished upon the most humble dishes. For starters, ramen in Tokyo does not refer to instant noodles. It’s the main dish at hundreds of specialist restaurants and the subject of obsessive blogs. To understand the ramen frenzy, head over to Ikaruga. The noodle broth here – a rich, fatty pork bone and bonito ambrosia – is umami perfection. For a more modern take, ride out to Bassa Nova. This tiny joint is dim, the tables coated in stainless steel, and the ramen pan-Asian. The bowl to order here is the Thai-style green curry ramen, a match made in noodle heaven. If you’re hungry on the go, just duck into a department store – almost all of Tokyo’s large department stores have food courts on the basement floor. And these are no tacky food



stalls – Tokyo’s depachikas are more likely to contain excellent French pastries, beautifully laid out Japanese pickles, and mochi (sweet glutinous-rice cakes). These are often connected to subway stations – it won’t be easy to use the Beijing subway after this! Of course, no trip to Japan would be complete without sushi, and if you’re planning your weekend trip three months in advance, try to snag a seat at Sukiyabashi Jiro, made famous by the 2011 documentary Jiro Dreams of Sushi. Failing that, Fukuzushi in the Roppongi district or Araki in Ginza both serve up excellent sushi in traditional atmospheres. When it comes to sleep, do like Scarlett Johanssen and Bill Murray and stay at the Park Hyatt, the setting of Sofia Coppola’s Lost in Translation (the crushing alienation and lounging around in underwear is op-

tional). The Ritz Carlton Tokyo, meanwhile, is located in Tokyo’s highest building, with some rooms offering views of Mount Fuji on clear days. The hotel also contains a 200-yearold rebuilt teahouse on its 45th floor. More reasonable rates can be found at traditional boutique hotel Andon Ryokan, with tatamimat floors and award-winning design (the downside, however, is shared bathrooms). Tokyo is remarkably rich in activities. Finding the Grand Sumo Stadium in Ryogoku is a piece of cake – just follow the large men walking around with robes and topknots. Tournaments are held throughout the year; tickets can be found at html. Tournaments generally last throughout the afternoon, with the final match occurring between 4 and 6 p.m. For sightseers, the city isn’t all concrete jungle – it also boasts its fair share of ancient temples. The largest – and most popular with tourists – is the Sensō-ji Temple in the Asakusa district. Founded in 628 AD (and rebuilt after the Second World War), this Buddhist temple is unusual in that it’s a shopping as well as a spiritual destination. The street leading to the temple, Nakamise-Dōri, is filled with traditional shops selling everything from noodles to paper. And inside the lovely temple complex, you can consult with oracles and fortune-tellers, for a consideration. As for the evening, Tokyo nightlife can offer whatever – really, whatever – you’re looking for. Is your idea of fun watching women in bikinis stage fights with giant robots? Being handcuffed to a soundtrack of human screams? Being served drinks by giant puppets? All these can be arranged at Robot Restaurant, The Lockup and Kagaya, respectively. For something more ordinary, you can check out the Absolut Icebar Tokyo (cover charge will get you a parka and gloves), or Lovenet, where you can do karaoke sitting in a hot tub.

For a quintessential Tokyo experience, however, check out the Kabukichō area. This claustrophobic district is one of Tokyo’s most notorious nightlife areas, said to contain thousands of Yakuza gangsters. The backstreets are full of tiny bars – some with only four seats – with eccentric decorations and drinks. Try a Sakura Soda, a mix of cherry-blossom liqueur and soda water, or a Japanese whiskey, and take a well-deserved break. Absolut Icebar Tokyo, Cover charge ¥3,500. 4-2-4 Nishi-Azabu, Minato-ku, Roppongi District. Sun-Thu 6:00pm-0:00am; Fri-Sat 6:00pm-2:15am. 03-5464-2160. Andon Ryokan Nightly rates from ¥8,190. 2-34-10 Nihonzutsumi, Taito-ku; +81 (0) 3 3873 8611. Bassa Nova 1-4-18 Hanegi, Setagaya-ku. 03 3327 4649. Monday - Friday, 5 p.m.-2 a.m.; Saturday, Sunday & Public Holidays, noon-2 a.m. Fukuzushi, 5-7-8 Roppongi, Minato-ku; +81 (0) 3 3402 4116; 11:30 a.m.-2 p.m. and 5:30 p.m.-11 p.m., closed on Sunday and national holidays. Ikaruga 1-9-12 Kudanshita, Chiyoda +81 3-3239-2622 Park Hyatt Rooms from ¥41, 650. 3-7-1-2 Nishi Shinjuku, Shinjuku-Ku Tokyo 163-1055. (+81 3 5322 1234). The Ritz Carlton, Tokyo Akasaka 9-7-7, Minato-ku, 81 (0) 3 6434 8009. Sensō-ji Temple 2-3-1 Asakusa, Taitō-ku. 03/3842-0181. Free admission. Sukiyabashi Jiro Honten, Lunch ¥17,850; dinner ¥25,200. Tsukamoto Building B1F, 4-2-15 Ginza, Chuo. 03 3535 3600. Lunch 11.30am-2pm, dinner 5-9 pm. Closed Wednesdays.




Behind The Red Door: sex in china

by Richard Burger

Sex, like so many aspect of life in China, is an area of remarkable ambivalence, ambiguity and polysemic irreconcilability. Bath houses and pinklit “hairdressers” flourish alongside (or perhaps because of ) Confucian familial piety and official hostility to pornography. Prostitution is visibly endemic, subject to conspicuously and knowingly ineffective crackdowns. Sex education is sporadic, but abortion is easy. In his wide-ranging book, Richard Burger takes the reader on a swift tour of the historical and present-day realities of sex and relationships in China. Dividing the content into sensible sections (“The Family”,“Homosexuality”,“Dating and Marriage”, “The Sex Trade”), this is a riveting read combining analysis, anecdote, testimonial and data. Perhaps the most illuminating section is that on homosexuality, with parental pressure leaving many gay and lesbian Chinese little option but to enter into simulated or loveless marriages, though some brave NGOs and support groups are beginning to make some headway. Giving an insight into what goes on in China’s most private moments, Burger finds Chinese sexual behavior perpetually oscillating between Qing repression and Tang sensuality. Both poles still exist; it often Get It: Behind The Red Door: Sex In China is available from just depends where and when you look.

Richard Burger is author of the caustic “Peking Duck” blog commenting on Chinese news and current affairs, and an experienced journalist and corporate communications expert. He worked with Global Times and the Baltimore Sun, and played a key role promoting the 2008 Beijing Olympics.






THE OCCUPy HANDBOOK edited by Janet Byrne

Analyzing the Occupy movement’s deep-seated origins in questions that the country has sought too long to ignore, some of the greatest economic minds - from Paul Krugman and Tyler Cowen to prominent labour leaders and young, cuttingedge economists - The Occupy Handbook captures the Occupy Wall Street phenomenon, giving readers an on-the-scene feel for the movement as it unfolds while exploring the heady growth of the protests, considering the lasting changes wrought and recommending reform. An essential handbook to the occupation, The Occupy Handbook is the source for understanding why 1% of the people in America take almost a quarter of the nation’s income and the long-term effects of a protest movement of which even the objects of its attack can find little fault.

10am-9.30pm. Shop 3B201, Zone 3 ChinaWorld Mall, 1 Jianguomen Wai Avenue,Chaoyang District (8535 1055) 朝阳区建国门外 大街1号国贸商城三期地下2层


off % 10 ok et bo dg d an an . ue H ne ss y O si p e hi cu ag g t O c at P e





Janet Byrne has written for the Huffington Post, The Wall Street Journal, and the New York Times, contributed to numerous books, including The Concise Dictionary of Scientific Biography (winner of the Dartmouth Medal), working in both conventional and digital/e-book forms.





East 33 东三十三 With Raffles Beijing Hotel having recently been voted in a readers poll as fourth in the top hotels in China, their restaurant is well worth a try. Conveniently located on Wangfujing, East 33 in Raffles offers both Asian and Western cuisines during lunch hours, with Chinese and Western set menus selecting fine selections for customers of both preferences. In addition, they also serve seafood hot pot buffet dinner on the weekends. RC Daily 6.30am-10.30pm. Raffles Beijing Hotel, 33 Dongchangan Jie, Dongcheng District (6526 3388 ext 5171) 东城区东长安街33号北京饭店莱佛士 Perfect for a fine business lunch. Signature dishes include grilled salmon dame, Italian salad, and spaghetti al mare (set lunch at RMB 98 or RMB 128 per person). Most likely to impress: the restaurant’s cozy dining ambience with Chinese elegance.



Wifi √ Parking √ Fapiao √ Private Room √



business dinner

Contemporary International

Grill 79 Towering over the rest of the CBD, the China World Center Phase 3 (the “Big Blue” building) is home to the highest restaurant in Beijing, Grill 79. Suitably, it is a duskily-lit, luxurious place home to high-rollers. Grill 79 also boasts one of the best wine lists in the city, while their fantastically tender Wagyu beef is a particular specialty, and the Roasted Fois Gras (with peanut butter powder) is an innovative take on a traditional indulgence. MC Daily 6.30-10.30am, noon-2pm, 6-10pm. 79/F, China World Summit Wing, China World Trade Center Phase 3, 1 Jianguomenwai Dajie, Chaoyang District (6505 2299 ext 6424) 朝阳区朝阳区建国门 外大街1号国贸大酒店79楼

Perfect for impressing dates, clients and business partners. Signature items include David Blackmore Australian Wagyu Beef (Ribeye 220g RMB 1230), Mixed Seafood Selection on Ice (RMB 1600), Roasted Fois Gras (RMB 220). Most likely to impress: the view on a clear day is stunning, while on a busy night it is also captivating.



Wifi √ Parking √ Fapiao √ Private Room √




Nightclub and Lounge

The World of Suzie Wong Club 苏西黄俱乐部 Located near Chaoyang Park, Suzie Wong Club is a lounge infused with 1930s Shanghai glamour which has just celebrated its 10th anniversary. It’s a fun location to take a sip of their decadent cocktails on their newly renovated rooftop patio in the summertime; while in winter (more pertinently!), you can stay in to enjoy dancing in their elegant rooms with hits from a rainbow of genres. If you are tired of Sanlitun, Suzie Wong’s is an old favorite which keeps on delivering. RC Daily 8.30pm-late. 1A Nongzhanguan Lu (west gate of Chaoyang Park), Chaoyang District (6500 3377) 朝阳区农展馆路甲1号朝阳公园西门 Perfect for a ladies night or a gentlemen’s night out. Signature drinks include Around The World (RMB 70), Absolutely Heaven (RMB 70), Pineapple Martini (RMB 50), and Long Sex On The Island Beach (RMB 70). Most likely to impress: the 1930s Shanghai nightlife inspired interior design.



Wifi √ Parking √ Fapiao √ Private Room √





General Manager – Content, MYFM China Radio Network Text by Mike Cormack, photo by Lova

Hi Barry, is now a good time to call? Hi Agenda, now is great.

Yes… Ninety…

Let’s get to it then. Which major corporation Yes… has its HQ in Redmond, Washington? …Nine? Nineteen Oh… is it Apple? ninety-nine? Microsoft, I’m afraid. What is the name of the Tokyo Stock Exchange? (Pausing) I’d say… the Footsie? Oh, no, it’s the Nikkei!

Right! (Eventually!) Where is Cathay Pacific airlines based? (With James Bondian Just in time! The baht is the currency of confidence) H o n g Kong. which country? (Confidently) Thailand. Indeed. Which company Easy. Lending her name to a famous brand, recently became the world’s who was the Greek goddess of victory? largest computer manufacHmmm… turer? Ah, I know this - is it Lenovo? It’s a big sports company. Okay, is it Adidas? Exactly. What was the name of the man who invented denim jeans? Nike – close! (Laughs) Mr Levi? The coin’s always falling on the other side! Yeah, pretty much – Mr Levi Strauss. Finally, What are the odds? Next: in which area of which area of Beijing has recently opened a Shanghai is the financial district? third Apple store? Is it Downtown? (Uncertain) Oh gosh... I’d say… Sanlitun? No, sorry – it’s Pudong. What nationality is No, there’s one there already. The new one’s the richest man in the world? in Wangfujing. Indian, I’d guess. Well, I’ll know where to avoid then! You guess wrong, I’m afraid. He’s Mexican Quite right. Thanks, Barry. and worth a cool $73bn. Name one of the No problem, Agenda. Have a good afternoon. “Big 4” accountancy firms. (Smoothly) PricewaterhouseCoopers. Barry Keohane gets a solid seven out of twelve. Can you do better? Email editor@agendabeiRight. What year did China enter the World to take part. Trade Organisation? Nineteen…





The agenda Thursday, NOV 29 9AM-5PM Motivate Your Team C512, Lufthansa Center

The Benelux Chamber of Commerce is pleased to invite you to a two-day training about «Motivate your Team» on November 29 and 30. In this seminar, they will troubleshoot bottlenecks for assembled teams and provide guidelines and insight into launching team initiatives. RMB 9240 for members and RMB 11440 for non members. 50 Liangmaqiao Lu, Chaoyang District 朝阳区凯宾斯基饭店亮马桥路50号

Tel. 6465 3388

Tuesday, DEC 4

Friday, NOV 30 5PM Wine Salon Fridays Bar Veloce

The Oxford and Cambridge Club Beijing is pleased to invite you to attend their annual Christmas Ball 2012. With a four course traditional British Christmas dinner, wine paring, a luxury raffle & auction prizes followed by dancing ‘til midnight, it’s a great way to get into the holiday spirit. 7 Dongsanhuan Beilu, Chaoyang District

朝阳区工体北路4号院(1949西门对 面)

朝阳区东三环北路7号金茂北京威斯汀 大饭店

Tel. 6586 1006

Wednesday, DEC 5 11-2AM Italian Wines at Aria Bar Aria


朝阳区建国门外大街1号中国大饭店二 层阿丽雅

Tel. 5922 3388

China World Wine Team invites you to join them to explore the traditional grapes varietal of Italy for the October period. They will show case different wines produced by traditional Italian grapes varietal to take you on a journey through different parts of Italy. China World Hotel, 1 Jianguomenwai Dajie, Chaoyang District (6505 2266 ext 36) Tel. 6505 2266 ext 36/6505 5838

Sunday, DEC 9 7.30-9PM IFC: Handel’s Messiah The International School of Beijing (ISB)

International Festival Chorus caps off an extraordinary 10th anniversary year with its annual rousing performance of Handel’s much-loved Messiah, performed with its sister orchestra, Peking Sinfonietta. 10 Anhua Jie, Shunyi District 顺义区安华街10号

Tel. 8149 2345

Monday, DEC 10 11.30AM-1PM Ganges Lunch Buffet Ganges Indian Restaurant

Sample the full variety of Indian food at Ganges Indian Restaurant - fragrant Rice dishes, barbequed Tadoor food, delicious Naan bread, as well as your favorite curries, soups and salads. Stall 202, 2/F, Bldg 1, Shimao Department Store, 13 Gongti Beilu, Chaoyang District 朝阳区工体北路13号世贸百货1号楼 2层202

Tel. 6416 0181



7PM-MIDNIGHT 2012 OCCB Charity Christmas Ball Westin Beijing Chaoyang

Come to Bar Veloce on Fridays for free tastings and discussions hosted by Sommelier Krishna Hathaway (with occasional guest speakers/ winemakers) featuring a flight of wines of a different style or region, changing weekly. Courtyard 4 (opposite west entrance of 1949 - The Hidden City), Gongti Beilu, Chaoyang District

1-4PM Using Coaching Skills to Empower Your Team (Chinese Language) Radisson Blu Hotel Beijing

Danish Chamber invites you to a business event about coaching skills. In this workshop designed for leaders and managers, you will have an opportunity to understand the skills needed to coach effectively in the workplace. 6A Beisanhuan Donglu, Chaoyang District

Saturday, DEC 1

Tel. 5922 8888

Thursday, DEC 6 8-10AM Permanent Establishment for Corporate, How to Do It? Hilton Beijing

Are you seeking for details about starting a business in China? Do you have some concern about your current establishment about tax and other related topics? BenCham and the SwissCham organize an Breakfast seminar about “Permanent Establishment for Corporate”. 1 Dongfang Lu, Dongsanhuan Beilu, Chaoyang District 朝阳区东三环北路东方路1号希尔顿 酒店

Tel. 5865 5050

Highlights for Thu, NOV 1 – Wed, NOV 14 Sunday, DEC 2 NOON-3PM Bubbly Sundays The Westin Beijing Financial Street

8AM The 4th China Overseas Investment Fair China World Hotel



Tel. 6606 8866

Tel. 8525 1111 ext 309

The Westin Financial Street’s awardwinning brunch features a huge international buffet, an action-packed kid’s corner and al fresco barbecue in a Zen garden. RMB 428 per person includes free-flow champagne, wine, beer and cocktails. 9B Jinrong Jie (Financial Street), Xicheng District

6.30-10.30PM Christmas Kooka Networking Aria

10.30AM-2.30PM Brand New Unlimited Dim Sum Brunch DoubleTree by Hilton Beijing

Join them to celebrate Christmas AustCham-Style! Bring your Christmas spirit along to Aria Bar at China World Hotel. Enjoy an Australian Christmas Dinner, drinks and a chance to catch up with friends prior to the great Christmas exodus from Beijing. This will be their last Kooka for the year so come along and help make sure it’s a big one! 2/F, China World Hotel, 1 Jianguomenwai Dajie, Chaoyang District

With over 20 years Cantonese culinary experience, Sui Yuan restaurant’s new Chinese chef Mr. Johnson Zheng and his team present you a brand new Dim Sum menu with more than 40 different kinds of Dim Sum. 168 Guanganmenwai, Dajie, Xicheng District 西城区广安门外大街168号北京希尔顿 逸林酒店

朝阳区建国门外大街1号中国大饭店二 层阿丽雅

Tel. 63381999 ext 1726

Tel. 6595 9252

Tuesday, DEC 11

Join the BritCham for this special edition of their Speakers’ Series where writer and China expert, Jim McGregor joins them to discuss his latest book ‘No Ancient Wisdom No Followers: The Challenges of Chinese Authoritarian Capitalism’. 7 Dongsanhuan Beilu, Chaoyang District

China Overseas Investment Fair (COIFAIR) is an important platform for Chinese enterprises seeking to go global, and for foreign agencies looking to attract Chinese investment. This year the Fair has the theme of ‘Invest and Cooperate for a Better World’. 1 Jianguomenwai Dajie, Chaoyang District

Saturday, DEC 8

Friday, DEC 7

8.30-10.30AM Breakfast with Jim McGregor: No Ancient Wisdom, No followers The Westin Beijing Chaoyang

Monday, DEC 3

Wednesday, DEC 12 7.30-9PM Balboa Style Swing Classes Modernista

Come to learn to swing with the best Swing dance teachers in town such as Josh Dominick and Leru! 44 Baochao Hutong, Gulou Dongdajie, Dongcheng District 东城区鼓楼东大街宝钞胡同44号

Tel. 136 9142 5744

Get listed! Email

Events Deadline December 27 issue: December 6

朝阳区东三环北路7号金茂北京威斯 汀大饭店

Tel. 5922 8888





EVENTS NOV 29 thu 8-10.30AM Behavioural Based Safety Hilton Beijing

BenCham invites you to a seminar about behavioural based safety. At this seminar the basic elements of this subject and the steps involved in its implementation are explained. The informative session will answer questions such as: How does behavioural safety differ from traditional safety programs? What comprises a behavioural safety program? And how can the observation process best be established? Etc. RMB 100 for members and RMB 300 for nonmembers. 1 Dongfang Lu, Dongsanhuan Beilu, Chaoyang District 朝阳区东三环北路东方路1号希尔顿酒店

Tel. 5865 5050 b20121129-behavioural-safety-qse

9AM-5PM Motivate Your Team C512, Lufthansa Center

The Benelux Chamber of Commerce is pleased to invite you to a twoday training about «Motivate your Team» on November 29 and 30. In this seminar, they will troubleshoot bottlenecks for assembled teams and provide guidelines and insight into launching team initiatives. RMB 9240 for members and RMB 11440 for non members. The price includes: training fees, educational material, coffee breaks, lunches and tax.

50 Liangmaqiao Lu, Chaoyang District 朝阳区凯宾斯基饭店亮马桥路50号

Tel. 6465 3388 events_beijing/b2012

11.30AM-10PM White Truffle Extravaganza Cepe

Considered equally luxurious as “goose liver” and “caviar”, white truffles play an important role in enhancing the flavor and smell of a dish. This November, the new Executive Chef, Nathan Brown of Cepe Italian Restaurant will use the lavish earthy treasure to create luxurious Italian dishes. The Ritz-Carlton Financial Street, 1 Jinchengfang Dongjie, Jinrong Jie, Xicheng District 西城区金城坊东街1号北京金 融街丽思卡顿酒店意味轩

Tel. 6601 6666

5.30-6.30PM CBBC Webinar Launch: Do you really know who this client is? Your Desktop

CBBC is delighted to launch its new webinar platform, ‘An Expert on your Desktop’. In this first webinar, ‘Do you really know who this new client is?’ they take a look at due diligence. Are you completely sure about the background of that person applying to be your ‘man on the ground in China’? Doing proper due diligence can make a huge difference to your success in China. This webinar is intended to be a basic introduction for those doing business in and with China. free for

both members and nonmembers. cbbc-webinar-launch-do-youreally-know-who-client

NOV 30 FRI 9AM-5PM Motivate Your Team C512, Lufthansa Center

The Benelux Chamber of Commerce is pleased to invite you to a twoday training about “Motivate your Team” on November 29 and 30. In this seminar, they will troubleshoot bottlenecks for assembled teams and provide guidelines and insight into launching team initiatives. RMB 9240 for members and RMB 11440 for non members. The price includes: training fees, educational material, coffee breaks, lunches and tax. 50 Liangmaqiao Lu, Chaoyang District 朝阳区凯宾斯基饭店亮马桥路50号

Tel. 6465 3388 events_beijing/b2012

1.30-5.30PM Selling With Style Radisson Hotel, Ballroom 1

Swedish Chamber of Commerce of China invites you to a Chinese training about selling with style. This training program aims at equipping sales people with the skills of observation and judgment of behavioral style as well as psychological and cognitive dimensions. It guides sales people to manage interactions with clients in regards to communication, follow-up, customer maintenance and contract signing etc. 6A Beisanhuan Donglu, Chaoyang District 朝阳区北三环东路甲6号

Tel. 5922 3388 events/bei_jing/2012-11-30%28bj%29-selling-with-style

5PM Wine Salon Fridays Bar Veloce

White Truffle Extravaganza Considered equally luxurious as “goose liver” and “caviar”, white truffles play an important role in enhancing the flavor and smell of a dish. This November, the new Executive Chef, Nathan Brown of Cepe Italian Restaurant will use the lavish earthy treasure to create luxurious Italian dishes. The Ritz-Carlton Financial Street, 1 Jinchengfang Dongjie, Jinrong Jie, Xicheng District 西城区金城坊东街1号北京金融街丽思卡顿酒店意味轩

Come to Bar Veloce on Fridays for free tastings and discussions hosted by Sommelier Krishna Hathaway (with occasional guest speakers/ winemakers) featuring a flight of wines of a different style or region, changing weekly. Courtyard 4 (opposite west entrance of 1949 - The Hidden City), Gongti Beilu, Chaoyang District



EVENTS 朝阳区工体北路4号院(1949西门对面)

Tel. 6586 1006

7-9PM Can´t be missed, the Nordic After Work at St. Regis! St. Regis Hotel

If you have not yet joined their Nordic Chamber After Work at St. Regis, you have something to look forward to. Mark your calendar for today when the Swedish Chamber kick off the weekend at St. Regis Press Club Bar. RMB180 net per person inclusive of free flow of wines, local beer, soft drinks, gin and vodka mixes and canapés. 21 Jianguomenwai Dajie, Chaoyang District 朝阳区建国门外大街21号国际俱乐部饭店

Tel. 6460 6688 events/bei_jing/2012-11-30%28bj%29-can-t-be-missed-thenordic-after-work-at-st-regis

7.30-9PM IET Social – Engineer Networking Event Bookworm

At this upcoming IET networking event, BritCham invites two experts to share their insight and experiences regarding career development and change management. Xiaocheng Zuo, Pricing Director for Asia-Pacific, Motorola will share his experience in change management. And the second speaker, Liu dong, an Engineer from CERISTAR Electric, will be looking at the barriers engineers face when dealing with overseas projects and what certifications are needed in the global market. Courtyard 4, Gongti Beilu, Chaoyang District 朝阳区工体北路4号院

Tel. 6586 9507 iet-social-%E2%80%93-engineer-networking-event-0

8.20PM-1AM Rendez-vous Bar “Class of 1992” Cocktails Kempinski Hotel Beijing

Every day till the end of November in Rendez-vous Bar, they turn back the clock to 1992 with homemade signature cocktails to celebrate 20 years of Kempinski Hotel Beijing. Discover the elegance of the “Beijing” with Martin Miller gin infused Chinese green tea, or sample the “King Corvinus” with cinnamon infused Bourbon whisky. Cocktails starting at



2012 OCCB Charity Christmas Ball The Oxford and Cambridge Club Beijing is pleased to invite you to attend their annual Christmas Ball 2012. With a four course traditional British Christmas dinner, wine paring, a luxury raffle & auction prizes followed by dancing ‘til midnight, it’s a great way to get into the holiday spirit. Even better, all proceeds from the Ball will benefit Half the Sky Foundation, an international NGO changing the face of orphan care in China. RMB 45 and subject to 15% surcharge. Lufthansa Center, 50 Liangmaqiao Lu, Chaoyang District 朝阳区凯宾斯基饭店亮马桥路50号

Tel. 6465 3388 ext. 4225

DEC 1 sat 11AM-3PM Weekend Brunch Brussels Bar and Restaurant

Saturday and Sunday Brunch featuring fresh pancakes and French toast as well as their own “crepes” spin on some tradition Brunch items: try their eggs benedict crepes, or steak & eggs crepes with Bearnaise. Courtyard 4 (opposite west entrance of 1949 - The Hidden City), Gongti Beilu, Chaoyang District 朝阳区工体北路4号院(1949西门对面)

Tel. 6591 9525/ 134 8880 4794

11.30AM-3PM Aroma Weekend Brunch @ The Ritz-Carlton, Beijing Aroma

Continue the Sunday feast at The Ritz-Carlton, Beijing, Aroma brunch is now open for the all weekend. Enjoy the relaxing weekend Brunch at Feast, with a wide selection of special work-fry dishes and BBQ, and very special products like imported Boston Lobster, Norwegian Salmon, French Foie Gras, Australian Beef Steak, and more new delicacies.

Executive Chef Bruno shared his exclusive recipe to turn a dinning experience into a lasting memory. 83A Jianguo Lu, Chaoyang District 朝阳区华贸中心建国路甲 83号丽思卡尔顿酒店

Tel. 5908 8161

7PM-MIDNIGHT 2012 OCCB Charity Christmas Ball Westin Beijing Chaoyang

The Oxford and Cambridge Club Beijing is pleased to invite you to attend their annual Christmas Ball 2012. With a four course traditional British Christmas dinner, wine paring, a luxury raffle & auction prizes followed by dancing ‘til midnight, it’s a great way to get into the holiday spirit. Even better, all proceeds from the Ball will benefit Half the Sky Foundation, an international NGO changing the face of orphan care in China. RMB 680 for members and RMB 780 for nonmembers. 7 Dongsanhuan Beilu, Chaoyang District 朝阳区东三环北路7号金茂 北京威斯汀大饭店

Tel. 5922 8888

8.30-11.30PM Latin & Ballroom Dance Party Sino-Chu Wine Bar

Their Latin & Ballroom Dance Party is held tonight. To attend their dance party there is a RMB 30 minimum

purchase requirement from the Sino-Chu. Food and drinks can be enjoyed at the tables surrounding the wooden dance floor. 18 Liangmahe Nanlu (behind the Australian embassy), Chaoyang District 朝阳区东直门外大街亮马河 南路18号亮马河红酒屋

Tel. 8532 2418

DEC 2 SUN NOON-3PM Bubbly Sundays The Westin Beijing Financial Street

The Westin Financial Street’s awardwinning brunch features a huge international buffet, an action-packed kid’s corner and al fresco barbecue in a Zen garden. RMB 428 per person includes free-flow champagne, wine, beer and cocktails. RMB 398 without alcohol. RMB 198 for kids between six and twelve. All prices are subject to a surcharge. 9B Jinrong Jie (Financial Street), Xicheng District 西城区金融街乙9号威斯汀大酒店

Tel. 6606 8866

Barolo New Menu Barolo

“Chef of the Year” Gianluca Visani offers his new creations and brings the taste of traditional Italian home cooking by presenting diners the vibrancies and romance of Italy with a burst of flavors in a delectable and inventive way. 2/F, The Ritz-Carlton Hotel, China Central

Place, 83A Jianguo Lu, Chaoyang District 朝阳区建国路甲83号北京丽思卡 尔顿酒店巴罗洛意大利餐厅

Tel. 5908 8151

NOON-4PM Bubbly Brunch@SALT SALT

Add sparkle to your weekend with SALT’S New Weekend Brunch with delightful contemporary menus and indulgent, fresh and seasonally-style. New innovative twists, wines and beers and Gaby’s seriously spicy Bloody Mary are also offered. Non-alcoholic and children’s options are also available. Reservations encouraged. 2/F, 9 Jiangtai Xilu (opposite the Japanese School, west of Rosedale Hotel), Chaoyang District 朝阳区将台西路9号2层(珀丽酒店西边)

Tel. 6437 8457

DEC 3 MON 8AM The 4th China Overseas Investment Fair China World Hotel

China Overseas Investment Fair (COIFAIR) is an important platform for Chinese enterprises seeking to go global, and for foreign agencies looking to attract Chinese investment. This year the Fair has the theme of ‘Invest and Cooperate for a Better World’, and will feature exhibitions, forum sessions, investment promotion seminars and high-end meetings.

1 Jianguomenwai Dajie, Chaoyang District 朝阳区建国门外大街1号中国大饭店

Tel. 8525 1111 ext 309

6PM-2AM Monday Industry Night at XIU XIU

Every Monday, working in the hospitality or airline industry? Join them for Absolut Vodka at RMB 300 per bottle and selected beers at RMB 150 per six bottles. All night long at XIU! 6/F, Park Life, Beijing Yintai Centre, 2 Jianguomenwai Street, Chaoyang District 朝阳区建国门外大街2号, 北京银泰中心6层

Tel. 8567 1108

DEC 4 TUE 1-4PM Using Coaching Skills to Empower Your Team (Chinese Language) Radisson Blu Hotel Beijing

Danish Chamber invites you to a business event about coaching skills. In this workshop designed for leaders and managers, you will have an opportunity to understand the skills needed to coach effectively in the workplace; practice how to empower people using the GROW coaching model; and learn how to structure coaching sessions for motivation development and change. RMB 120 for members and RMB 220 for nonmembers. 6A Beisanhuan Donglu, Chaoyang District 朝阳区北三环东路甲6号北京皇家大饭店

Tel. 5922 3388

8-9.30AM How should foreigners relate to and understand China and which myths are true and untrue? Radisson BLU Bubbly Brunch@SALT Add sparkle to your weekend with SALT’S New Weekend Brunch with delightful contemporary menus and indulgent, fresh and seasonally-style. New innovative twists, wines and beers and Gaby’s seriously spicy Bloody Mary are also offered. Non-alcoholic and children’s options are also available. 2/F, 9 Jiangtai Xilu (opposite the Japanese School, west of Rosedale Hotel), Chaoyang District 朝阳区将台西路9号2层(珀丽酒店西边)Tel. 6437 8457

China will shortly take over as the world’s strongest economy after USA, how will this affect us? Will Kina rule the world? Do we need to learn Chinese? Will the Swedish krona be exchanged to Yuan? Take the opportunity to listen to Frédéric Cho, special adviser, Asia Corporate Finance at Handelsbanken Capital Markets and



EVENTS Vice Chairman of Sweden China Trade Council. Members - one free of charge, and RMB 150 per person from the 2nd participant. Non members for RMB 500 per person. 6A, Beisanhuan Donglu, Chaoyang District 朝阳区北三环东路甲6号丽笙酒店

Tel. 5922 3388 bei_jing/2012-12-04-%28bj%29how-should-foreigners-relate-to-andunderstand-china-and-which-mythsare-true-and-untrue

8PM-MIDNIGHT Year End Party at The Ritz-Carlton, Beijing The Ritz-Carlton, Beijing

Celebrate your year end party at The Ritz-Carlton, Beijing, which offers a comprehensive service and memorable experience provided by a dedicated team of professionals and well experienced specialists. Whether you are looking to organize a team building activity or a private party, their ladies and gentlemen will take care of all the details for you. 83A Jianguo Lu, China Central Place, Chaoyang District 朝阳区建国路甲83号华贸中心

Tel. 5908 8973 Default.htm

DEC 5 WED 11-2AM Italian Wines at Aria Bar Aria

China World Wine Team invites you to join them to explore the traditional grapes varietal of Italy for the October period. They will show case different wines produced by traditional Italian grapes varietal to take you on a journey through different parts of Italy. China World Hotel, 1 Jianguomenwai Dajie, Chaoyang District (6505 2266 ext 36) 朝阳区建国门外大街1号中 国大饭店二层阿丽雅

Tel. 6505 2266 ext 36/6505 5838

11.30AM-10PM New Discovery at Yu Yu

Yu welcomes you to a brand new menu that bring an unforgettable gastronomic experience, keeping “the way of Yu” by mixing classic Cantonese cuisine with Chef Ku’s new creations. Beside the new menu, their Executive Chinese Chef Ku also creates



New Discovery at Yu Yu welcomes you to a brand new menu that bring an unforgettable gastronomic experience, keeping “the way of Yu” by mixing classic Cantonese cuisine with Chef Ku’s new creations. Beside the new menu, their Executive Chinese Chef Ku also creates a memorable weekend for you with their exquisite unlimited Cantonese Dim Sum Brunch. 83A Jianguo Lu, China Central Place, Chaoyang District 朝阳区建国路甲83号华贸中心 Tel. 5908 8111 a memorable weekend for you with their exquisite unlimited Cantonese Dim Sum Brunch. 83A Jianguo Lu, China Central Place, Chaoyang District 朝阳区建国路甲83号华贸中心

Tel. 5908 8111

5.30-6.30PM CBBC Webinar: PRC VAT Reforms Your desktop

In BritCham’s second webinar session, they’ll be taking a look at the important reforms that are seeing China move from a business tax system to a VAT system. This already been rolled out in a number of areas, including Beijing and Shanghai and will ultimately be the model upon which the entire PRC bases its taxation.

6-8PM Absinthe Green Hour Modernista

Absinthe was a popular drink in France, Switzerland, Spain and many other European countries during the 18th, 19th and 20th Centuries. Come to Modernista’s “Green Hour” to enjoy their bigger Absinthe collection! Now there are more than 20 new kinds of excellent Absinthe, served in a traditional way. Come to meet Green Fairy and taste authentic Boheme flavour! Special Absinthe deals are up to 25% discount in their Absinthe selection. 44 Baochao Hutong, Gulou Dongdajie,

Dongcheng District 东城区鼓楼东大街宝钞胡同44号

Tel. 136 9142 5744

6.45-7.45PM Let‘s do Heyrobics (This is Sweden – Members only) 3e International School

Bring your sports shoes and put on your Sports T-shirt, Swedish Chamber invites you to do Heyrobics and enjoy the happiness it brings to you - the most popular gymnastic exercise in Sweden! Free to attend. 2/F, 3e International School, 9-1 Jiangtai Xilu, Chaoyang District 朝阳区将台西路9-1号,3e国际学校2层 jing/2012-12-05-%28bj%29-heyrobics

9PM-1AM Regi Brown back on stage! Mix

Can’t wait any longer for the return of this soulful vocalist? Then you are more than welcome to reignite your Jazz passion with Regi Brown’s soothing melodies at Mix in The Westin Beijing Chaoyang. The Westin Beijing Chaoyang, 7 Dongsanhuan Beilu, Chaoyang District 朝阳区东三环北路7号金茂 北京威斯汀大饭店

Tel. 5922 8880

DEC 6 thu 8-10AM Permanent Establishment

for Corporate, How to Do It? Hilton Beijing

Are you seeking for details about starting a business in China? Do you have some concern about your current establishment about tax and other related topics? This seminar is the place for you to be. In the morning of December the 6th, BenCham and the SwissCham organize an Breakfast seminar about “Permanent Establishment for Corporate”. RMB 200 for members, RMB 400 for nonmembers. 1 Dongfang Lu, Dongsanhuan Beilu, Chaoyang District 朝阳区东三环北路东方路1号希尔顿酒店

Tel. 5865 5050 b20121206-permanent-establishment

9AM-5PM PowerPoint for Presenters Lufthansa Center

The Benelux Chamber of Commerce is pleased to invite you to a full day training about “Powerpoint for presenters”. This course will introduce you to concepts to use PPT to your advantage and prepare not only great presentations but something people can meaningfully walk away with. RMB 1500 for members, RMB 1800 for non members. Price includes material and lunch. 10% discount for the second participant of the same company, 15% discount for the 3rd registration and above of the same company. 50 Liangmaqiao Lu, Chaoyang District 朝阳区凯宾斯基饭店亮马桥路50号

Tel. 6465 3388 b20121206

DEC 7 fri christmas-kooka-networking


Noon-2.30PM Niajo Business Lunch Niajo

9AM-3PM French Brunch Le Petit Gourmand



Tel. 5208 6052

Tel. 6417 6095

6.30-10.30PM Christmas Kooka Networking Aria

10.30AM-2.30PM Brand New Unlimited Dim Sum Brunch DoubleTree by Hilton Beijing

Come to Niajo, the traditional Spanish restaurant, and try their weekly changing three-course menu for only RMB 98, including a glass of soft drink, house wine or tea. Coffee or tea after desserts is also included. Their dishes are prepared with fresh ingredients to offer the maximum flavor and highest quality. 3/F, Nali Patio, 81 Sanlitun Lu, Chaoyang District

Join them to celebrate Christmas AustCham-Style! Bring your Christmas spirit along to Aria Bar at China World Hotel. Enjoy an Australian Christmas Dinner, drinks and a chance to catch up with friends prior to the great Christmas exodus from Beijing. This will be their last Kooka for the year so come along and help make sure it’s a big one! 2/F, China World Hotel, 1 Jianguomenwai Dajie, Chaoyang District 朝阳区建国门外大街1号中 国大饭店二层阿丽雅

Tel. 6595 9252

Start off your Saturdays and Sundays with their generous French Brunch offer, which will satisfy a strong hunger and a sweet tooth both with its association of eggs, bacon, potatoes and sausages, but also their fresh fruits salad and its French pastries for only RMB 98, don’t miss out on one of the best brunch deals of the city! 3/F, Tongli Studios, Sanlitun Houjie, Chaoyang District

With over 20 years Cantonese culinary experience, Sui Yuan restaurant’s new Chinese chef Mr. Johnson Zheng and his team present you a brand new Dim Sum menu with more than 40 different kinds of Dim Sum including steamed bean curd skin rolls with abalone sauce, steamed prawn dumpling with spinach, baked barbecued pork with pine nuts and crystal scallop dumpling with chives, a buffet of cold appetizers, congee and dessert, free flow of selected Chinese tea. Do not put limits to your pleasure! 168 Guanganmenwai, Dajie, Xicheng District 西城区广安门外大街168号 北京希尔顿逸林酒店

Tel. 63381999 ext 1726

6.30PM-MIDNIGHT Christmas Party in Beijing Radisson Blu Hotel

Brand New Unlimited Dim Sum Brunch With over 20 years Cantonese culinary experience, Sui Yuan restaurant’s new Chinese chef Mr. Johnson Zheng and his team present you a brand new Dim Sum menu with more than 40 different kinds of Dim Sum. Do not put limits to your pleasure! 168 Guanganmenwai, Dajie, Xicheng District 西城区广安门外大街168号北京希尔顿逸 林酒店Tel. 63381999 ext 1726

Please mark your calendar for the Traditional Swedish Chamber of Commerce’s Christmas celebrations. RMB500 per person for members and RMB1000 per person for non members. 6A Beisanhuan Donglu, Chaoyang District 朝阳区北三环东路甲6号北京 皇家大饭店一层大宴会厅

Tel. 5922 3388 jing/2012-12-08-%28bj%29-christmasparty-in-beijing



EVENTS 7PM-LATE The Best of British Christmas! The Ritz Carlton, Beijing

All the magic and excitement of a British Christmas will come to Beijing as BritCham and CBBC invite you to join us for the Best of British Christmas! Their annual Christmas party is one of the key events in the business calendar, bringing together just under 200 leading members of the British business community and Chinese clients with a special interest in the UK. 83A Jianguo Road, Chaoyang District 朝阳区建国路甲83号华贸中心

Tel. 8525 111 ext 301

DEC 9 SUN 11AM-4PM Bubbly Sundays The Westin Beijing Financial Street

The Westin Financial Street’s awardwinning brunch features a huge international buffet, an action-packed kid’s corner and al fresco barbecue in a Zen garden. RMB 428 per person includes free-flow champagne, wine, beer and cocktails. RMB 398 without alcohol. RMB 198 for kids between six and twelve. All prices are subject to a surcharge. 9B Jinrong Jie (Financial Street), Xicheng District 西城区金融街乙9号威斯汀大酒店

Tel. 6606 8866

NOON-4PM SALT Bubbly Autumn Sundays SALT

Indulge in Chef Paulo De Souza’s delicious brunch choices such as Shrimp and Potato “Tortilla”, Serrano Ham Crunchy Rolls, Seared Rare Tuna, Spinach-Basil-Ricotta Malfatti with Provencale Cherry Tomatoes, Grilled Lamb Chops and Grilled Pita with Paprika Humus, Spanish Style Seafood Rice and his mouthwatering spring desserts. Add from the refreshing selection of Gaby’s seasonal wine list, splash out with a slightly indulgent cocktail or two, or go “free-flow”. 2/F, 9 Jiangtai Xilu (opposite the Japanese School, west of Rosedale Hotel), Chaoyang District 朝阳区将台西路9号2层(珀丽酒店西边)

Tel. 150 1144 0032, 6437 8457



Ganges Lunch Buffet Sample the full variety of Indian food at Ganges Indian Restaurant - fragrant Rice dishes, barbequed Tadoor food, delicious Naan bread, as well as your favorite curries, soups and salads. Ganges Lunch Buffet - offering Starters, Curries, Tandoor BBQ, Salads, Soups, Rice and Dessert for just RMB 55. Stall 202, 2/F, Bldg 1, Shimao Department Store, 13 Gongti Beilu, Chaoyang District 朝阳区工体北路13号世贸百货1号楼2层202 Tel. 6416 0181

7.30-9PM IFC: Handel’s Messiah The International School of Beijing (ISB)

International Festival Chorus caps off an extraordinary 10th anniversary year with its annual rousing performance of Handel’s much-loved Messiah, performed with its sister orchestra, Peking Sinfonietta. Considered the official start to Beijing’s Christmas season, 2012 marks IFC’s 10th Beijing performance of this classic and muchloved choral masterpiece, which this year will be conducted by IFC Musical Director Nicholas Smith OBE, and will feature soloists from the choir. 10 Anhua Jie, Shunyi District

being consistent, integrating “hard skills” and “soft skills” and help people to grow, coaching them more than telling them, are key factors of success. This seminar will help you to articulate the different knowledge you have developed during the four first modules. RMB 9240 for members, RMB 11440 for non members. The price includes training fees, educational material, coffee breaks, lunches and tax. 50 Liangmaqiao Lu, Chaoyang District 朝阳区凯宾斯基饭店亮马桥路50号

Tel. 6465 3388 b20121210_global_manager_program_module_5


Tel. 8149 2345

DEC 10 MON 9AM-5PM Leadership and Coaching C512, Lufthansa Center

The Benelux Chamber of Commerce is pleased to invite you to a two-day training about “Leadership and Coaching” on December 10 and 11. Convincingly giving sense to people,

11.30AM-1PM Ganges Lunch Buffet Ganges Indian Restaurant

Sample the full variety of Indian food at Ganges Indian Restaurant - fragrant Rice dishes, barbequed Tadoor food, delicious Naan bread, as well as your favorite curries, soups and salads. Ganges Lunch Buffet - offering Starters, Curries, Tandoor BBQ, Salads, Soups, Rice and Dessert for just RMB 60. Stall 202, 2/F, Bldg 1, Shimao Department Store, 13 Gongti Beilu, Chaoyang District

朝阳区工体北路13号世贸 百货1号楼2层202

Tel. 6416 0181

DEC 11 TUE 8.30-10.30AM Breakfast with Jim McGregor: No Ancient Wisdom, No followers The Westin Beijing Chaoyang

Join the BritCham for this special edition of their Speakers’ Series where writer and China expert, Jim McGregor joins them to discuss his latest book ‘No Ancient Wisdom No Followers: The Challenges of Chinese Authoritarian Capitalism’. At this breakfast seminar, Jim will give their members an exclusive and in-depth insight into his latest work revealing thoughtprovoking insights into the world of China’s authoritarian capitalism. RMM 300 for members and RMB 500 for nonmembers. 7 Dongsanhuan Beilu, Chaoyang District 朝阳区东三环北路7号金茂 北京威斯汀大饭店

Tel. 5922 8888


9AM-5PM Leadership and Coaching C512, Lufthansa Center

The Benelux Chamber of Commerce is pleased to invite you to a two-day training about “Leadership and Coaching” on December 10 and 11. Convincingly giving sense to people, being consistent, integrating “hard skills” and “soft skills” and help people to grow, coaching them more than telling them, are key factors of success. This seminar will help you to articulate the different knowledge you have developed during the four first modules. RMB 9240 for members, RMB 11440 for non members. The price includes training fees, educational material, coffee breaks, lunches and tax. 50 Liangmaqiao Lu, Chaoyang District 朝阳区凯宾斯基饭店亮马桥路50号

Tel. 6465 3388 b20121210_global_manager_program_module_5

11.30AM-1AM Aria Bar’s Single Malt and Cigar Pairing


Enjoy eight different kinds of finest single malts, from Macallan 12 Years to Glenmorangie 10 Years, perfectly accompanied by three kinds of premium cigars, such as Romeo Belvederes and R&J No3. Fonseca at Aria Bar of China World Hotel. RMB 288 plus a 15% service charge for a double shot serving of single malt whisky and one cigar. 2/F, China World Hotel, 1 Jianguomenwai Dajie, Chaoyang District 朝阳区建国门外大街1号中 国大饭店二层阿丽雅

Tel. 6505 2266 ext. 36 / 6505 5838

3.30-6PM Impactful Communication using the Meyers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI®) Radisson BLU Hotel Beijing

During this fun and interactive seminar Robin Ball will take you through several exercises to determine your personality type by participating in a self-estimate exercise; identify and better understand the strengths and pitfalls in your communication style and how to best leverage those strengths and work on areas for development; consider how to adapt your communication style to fit the type of those you are communicating to or with, thus boosting your impact and effectiveness as a manager or leader. This event is organized by Danish Chamber of Commerce, German Chamber, British Chamber, French Chamber, and Israel Chamber. RMB 200 for members and RMB 400 for nonmembers. 6A Beisanhuan Donglu, Chaoyang District 朝阳区北三环东路甲6号丽笙酒店

Tel. 5922 3388

DEC 12 WED 7.30-9PM Balboa Style Swing Classes Modernista

Aria Bar’s Single Malt and Cigar Pairing Enjoy eight different kinds of

finest single malts, from Macallan 12 Years to Glenmorangie 10 Years, perfectly accompanied by three kinds of premium cigars, such as Romeo Belvederes and R&J No3. Fonseca at Aria Bar of China World Hotel. RMB 288 plus a 15% service charge for a double shot serving of single malt whisky and one cigar. 2/F, China World Hotel, 1 Jianguomenwai Dajie, Chaoyang District 朝阳区建国门外大街1号中国大饭店二层阿丽雅 Tel. 6505 2266 ext. 36 / 6505 5838

Come to learn to swing with the best Swing dance teachers in town such as Josh Dominick and Leru! 44 Baochao Hutong, Gulou Dongdajie, Dongcheng District 东城区鼓楼东大街宝钞胡同44号

Tel. 136 9142 5744
















Oasis Healthcare

Grace Beijing Hotel Harmonicare Beijing United Family

Radisson Blu Hotel

Beijing United Family 21st Century Healthcare International SOS

International Medical Center

Hong Kong International Medical Clinic

Hilton WangFuJing Peking Union Hospital

Vista Clinic Grand Millennium Beijing Bayley and Jackson Beijing United Family

Raffles Beijing

Beijing Aier-Intech Eye Hospital





































































Line 9


Line 15

Changping Line Fangshan Line Yizhuang Line














Business Business Listings Chambers of Commerce

AHK (Delegations of German Industry & Commerce) AmCham-China (The American Chamber of Commerce) Austcham Beijing British Chamber of Commerce in China BENCHAM (Benelux Chamber of Commerce in China) Camera di Commercio Italiana in Cina (China-Italy Chamber of Commerce) CCIFC (French Chamber of Commerce and Industry in China) DCCC (Danish chamber of commerce in China) European Chamber (European Union Chamber of Commerce in China) Hong Kong Chamber of Commerce in China (HKCCC) ICCCI (INDIA CHINA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE & INDUSTRY) IsCham China (The Israeli Chamber of Commerce in China) Singcham (Singapore Chamber of Commerce and Industry in China) Spanish Chamber of Commerce in China Swedish Chamber of Commerce in China Swisscham (Swiss Chinese Chamber of Commerce Beijing) Joinway Dental +8610-84476092 Professional Networking

Beijing Entrepreneurs 2/F, Annex to Sunjoy Mansion No. 6 Ritan Road, Chaoyang District (6569 1321) 朝阳区北京市朝阳 区日坛路6号新族大厦2层

Viva Beijing Professional Women’s Network Meets last Wednesday of every month. Entrepreneur’s Organization Beijing Chapter Serviced offices

Vantone Commercial Center 万通商 务中心 1) 26-27/F, Tower D, Vantone Center, A6 Chaoyangmenwai Dajie,



Chaoyang District (5905 5905) 朝阳区 朝阳门外大街甲6号万通中心D座26-27 层; 2) 8/F, Tower A, 2 Fuchengmenwai Dajie, Xicheng District (8804 7288) 西 城区阜城门外大街2号A座8层 vantone-

Servoffice International Centre 世 鳌商务中心 1) 5/F, CBD International

Tower, 16 Yongan Dongli, Chaoyang District 朝阳区永安东里16号 CBD国际 大厦5层; 2) 4/F, Teda Times Center, 15 Guanghua Lu, Chaoyang District 朝阳 区光华路15号泰达时代中心4层; 3) 12/F, Oversea Plaza, 8 Guanghua Dongli, Chaoyang District 朝阳区光华东里8 号中海广场南楼12层; 4) 10/F, SOHO Nexus Center, A19 Dongsanhuan Beilu, Chaoyang District 朝阳区东三环北路甲 19号 SOHO嘉盛中心10层; 5) 9/F, Tower A West, Tianyin Mansion, A2 Fuxingmennan Dajie, Xicheng District 西城区 复兴门南大街2号 天银大厦A座西9层; 6) 1 Sanfeng Beili, Chaoyang District 朝阳 区三丰北里1号 SBC Business Serviced (Beijing) Co., Ltd. 11/F, Tower A, Gateway, 18 Xiaguangli Beilu, Dongsanhuan, Chaoyang District (59231166) 朝阳区 东三环霞光里北路18号佳程广场A座11层 APBC Offices 1) 16/F Gemdale Plaza Tower A, 91 Jianguo Road, Chaoyang District (5920 8333) 朝阳区建国路91 号金地中心A座16层; 2) 10/F, World Financial Center, East Tower, 1 Dongsanhuan Zhonglu, Chaoyang District 朝阳区东三环中路1号环球金融中心东 塔10层 (5920 8336); 3) 17/F Ping An

International Financial Plaza, Tower B, 1-3 Xin Yuan Nan Road, Chaoyang District 朝阳区新源南路1-3号平安国际 金融中心B座17层 (5829 1888) Regus 12 locations available in Beijing: China World Tower 3, Zhongguancun Metropolis Tower, NCI Centre, China Life Tower, IFC, Parkview Green (Opening Soon), Financial Street Excel Centre, Prosper Center, Kerry Centre, Pacific Century Place, China Central Place, Lufthansa Center (400 120 1205) 国贸三期,中关村欧美汇大厦,北京新华 保险大厦中心,北京中国人寿大厦,财源 国际中心, 芳草地,雷格斯卓著中心,雷 格斯北京世纪财富中心,嘉里中心,盈科 中心,华贸中心,燕莎中心


Kingdom Travel Specializes in corporate and holiday travel planning and offers airline, hotel, car, and cruise reservation services. Staffed by professional travel consultants. Apt 718, Bldg 2, Guanghualu Soho, 22 Guanghua Lu, Chaoyang District. (5870 3388, fit@ kingdomtravel. 中侨国旅, 朝阳区光华路22号光 华路SOHO 2号楼718室

Sunflower Travel Specializes in leisure and business travel, offering international and domestic trips, and customized trips to create a unique travel experience. 22D, Bldg B, Ginza Mall, 48 Dongzhimenwai Dajie (8447 6361), Dongcheng District. (8447 6361) 东城 区东直门外大街48号东方银座B座22D)

TUI China Travel Co. Ltd. Travel services from an international team. Offers city tours, tour packages with special interest groups and individual travel arrangements all over China, as well as to Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia and other Asian countries. Unit 921-926, Bright China Chang An Bldg, Tower 2, 7 Jianguomennei Dajie, Dongcheng District. (8519 8800, 途易, 东城区建国门 内大街7号光华长安大厦2座921-926 Airlines

Air Canada Rm C201, Lufthansa Center, 50 Liangmaqiao Lu, Chaoyang District. (400 811 2001) 加拿大航空, 朝阳区亮马桥路50号燕莎中心C201

Air France Rm 1609, 16/F, Bldg 1, Kuntai International Mansion, 12A Chaoyangmenwai Dajie, Chaoyang District. (400 880 8808) 法国航空, 朝阳区朝阳门外大街甲12号昆泰国际大厦 1号楼1609室

Korean Air 901-3, Hyundai Motor Towers, 38 Xiaoyun Lu, Chaoyang District. (8453 8137, 40065 88888) 朝阳区霄云路38号现 代汽车大厦901-3号

Phillipine Airlines Unit 1621, Tower 2, Bright China Chang An Building, No. 7 Jianguomennei Dajie, Dongcheng District (6510 2991) cn.airphillipineairlines. com 菲律宾航空,东城区建国门内大街7 号光华长安大厦2座1621室


Turkish Airlines W103, Lufthansa Center, 50 Liangmaqiao Lu, Chaoyang District. (6465 1867) 土耳其航

Country Holidays Rm 2804, Bldg 11, Jianwai Soho, 39 Dongsanhuan Zhonglu, Chaoyang District (+21 3222 0616, cn) 朝阳区东

United Airlines C/D1, 15/F, Tower A, Gateway Plaza, 18 Xiaguangli, Dongsanhuan Lu, Chaoyang District. (8468 6666) 美国联合航空, 朝阳区东三


空, 亮马桥路50号燕莎中心W103

环路霞光里18号佳程广场A座15层C/D1 Hotels

Grace Beijing Unit 1, 706 Houjie, 798 Art District (enter from north gate), 2 Jiuxianqiao Lu, Chaoyang District. (64361818) 酒仙桥路2号院798艺术区 706后街1号

Westin Beijing Financial Street, 9B Jinrong Jie (Financial Street), Xicheng District., Xicheng District (6606 8866) 西城区金融街乙9号威斯汀大酒店

Shangri-La Hotel Beijing, 29 Zizhuyuan Lu, Haidian District (6841 2211) 海 淀区紫竹院路29号北京香格里拉饭店

Kempinski Hotel, Beijing Lufthansa Center, 50 Liangmaqiao Lu, Chaoyang District (6465 3388) 朝阳区亮马桥路50 号凯宾斯基饭店

Renaissance Beijing Capital Hotel, 61 Dongsanhuan Zhonglu, Chaoyang District (5863 8888) 朝阳区东三环中路 61号北京富力万丽酒店


The Millennium Residences @ Beijng Fortune Plaza Bldg 6, Fortune Plaza, 7 Dongsanhuan Zhonglu, Chaoyang District (8588 2888) 朝阳区 东三环中路七号院六号楼 Westin Financial Executive Residences 9B Financial Street, Xicheng District (6629 7587) 西城区金融大街乙9 号 Fraser Residence CBD Block B, Ocean International Centre, 58 Dongsihuanzhonglu, Chaoyang District (5870 9188, 40088 16988, sales.frbeijing@ 朝阳区东四环中 路58号远洋国际中心B座北京辉盛庭国际 公寓

Embassy House 18 Donzhimenwai Xiaojie, Dongcheng District (8449 9000) 东城区东直门外小街18号万国公寓 embassyhouse.comHospitals

Radisson Blu Hotel Beijing 6A Dongbeisanhuan Road, Chaoyang District. (5922 3388) 北京市朝阳区北三



21st Century Health Care - Beijing Glory Clinic Mon-Fri 8am-7pm, Sat-Sun 9am - 6pm; 24 hour house call service. 40 Liangmaqiao Lu, Chaoyang District. (84446168 (English/Chinese)8444 6160 (Japanese) 6468 6021(Korean)) 朝阳区亮马路40号

Hilton Beijing Wangfujing, 8 Wangfujing Dongjie, Dongcheng District (5812 8888) 东城区王府井东街8号北京 王府井希尔顿酒店

The Westin Beijing Chaoyang, 7 Dongsanhuan Beilu, Chaoyang District (5922 8888) 朝阳区东三环北路7号金茂 北京威斯汀大饭店

DoubleTree by Hilton Beijing, 168 Guang’anmenwai Dajie, Xicheng District (6338 1999) 西城区广安门外大 街168号希尔顿逸林酒店

Marriott Beijing Northeast, 26A Xiaoyun Lu, Chaoyang District (5927 8888) 朝阳区霄云路甲26号海航大厦万 豪酒店

Hilton Beijing, 1 Dongfang Lu, Dongsanhuan Beilu, Chaoyang District (5865 5000) 朝阳区东三环北路东方路1 号北京希尔顿酒店 Serviced apartments

Ascott 1) Ascott Beijing, 108B Jianguo Lu, Chaoyang District (6567 8100) 朝 阳区建国路108B; 2) Ascott Raffles City Beijing, 1-2 Dongzhimennan Dajie, Dongcheng District (8405 3888) 东城 区东直门南大街1-2 3) Somerset Grand Fortune Garden Beijing, 46 Liangmaqiao Lu, Chaoyang District (8451 8888) 朝阳区亮马桥路46号; 4) Somerset ZhongGuanCun Beijing, 15 Haidian Zhongjie, Haidian District (5873 0088) 海淀区海淀中街15号; 5) Luxury Serviced Residence Beijing, 17 Jianhua Nanlu, Chaoyang District (6566 2200)


Bayley & Jackson Medical Center Mon-Fri 9am-6pm, Sat 9am-5.30pm. 7 Ritan Donglu, Chaoyang District. (8562 9998, after-hours emergencies 8562 9990, bjhealthcare. com 庇利积臣医疗中心, 朝阳区日坛 东路7号

Beijing Intech Eye Hospital Daily 8.30am-4.30pm. 1/F, 4-5/F, Panjiayuan Plaza, 12 Panjiayuan Nanli, Chaoyang District. (6771 5558, customerservice@ 英智眼 科医院, 朝阳区潘家园南里12号潘家园 大厦1层,4-5层

Beijing International SOS Clinic Mon-Fri 8am-8pm, Sat-Sun 8am-6pm. Suite 105, Wing 1, Kunsha Building, 16 Xinyuanli, Chaoyang District. (Clinic: 6462 9112, 24hr hotline 6462 9100, 北京国际救援 中心, 朝阳区新源里16号琨莎中心1座 105室

Mon-Thu 9:30am-7:30pm, Fri-Sun 9.30am-4.30pm. Unit 818, Pinnacle Plaza, Tianzhu Real Estate Development Zone, Shunyi District. (8046 5432, fax 8046 4383) 北京和睦家医院诊所, 顺义区天竺开发 区荣祥广场818号

Beijing United Family Hospital Mon-Sat 8.30am-5.30pm. 24-hour emergency care. 2 Jiangtai Lu (in the Lido area), Chaoyang District. (5927 7000, 5927 7120 (ER ), fax 5927 7200) 北京和睦家 医院, 朝阳区将台路2号

Hong Kong International Medical Clinic Daily 9am-9pm. 9/F, office tower of the Swissotel, 2 Chaoyangmen Beidajie, Dongcheng District. (6501 4260, 6553 2288 ext 2345/6/7) 北京港澳国际医务诊所, 东城区朝阳门北大街2号港澳中心瑞士酒 店办公楼9层

International Medical Center (IMC) Daily 24hrs. S106, S111 Lufthansa Center, 50 Liangmahe Lu, Chaoyang District. (6465 1561/2/3, 6465 1384/28, 北京国际 医疗中心,朝阳区亮马桥路50号燕莎中心 写字楼1层S106

OASIS Healthcare Beijing’s fullservice international luxury hospital. 9 Jiuxianqiao North Road Chaoyang District, Beijing,100015 China 北京市朝 阳区酒仙桥北路9号 +86 400 UR OASIS Vista Medical Center Daily 24hrs. Level 3 Kerry Center Shopping Mall , No.1 Guanghua Road, Chaoyang District (8529 6618, fax 8529 6615, vista@ 维世达 诊所, 朝阳区光华路1号嘉里中心B29

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诊, 朝阳区东三环武圣北路54号

Beijing Service Apartment for Rent Daily/Monthly/Yearly @ Sublet.CN FULL SERVICE: 24H Hotline: 008610-6493-8285, 6491-2993 Email: Website:

Beijing United Family Shunyi Clinic

Dongzhimen/Sanlitun Area:

Beijing Puhua International Clinic Mon-Sun 9am-6pm. 54 Wusheng Beilu, Dongsanhuan, Chaoyang District. (8773 5522, 8911 6665 (24hr hotline)) 北京普华门



CLASSIFIEDS Harbor City, Studio, 40m², ¥300/night or ¥3,900/month; Seasons Park - 海晟名苑: Studio, 47m² with open kitchen, ¥399/night or ¥6,000/month; 1 Br, 65-75m², ¥580/night or ¥8,5009,000/month; 2 Br, 100m², ¥12,000 2 Br, 128m², ¥13,500 2+1 Br, 148m², ¥15,000 3 Br, 160m², ¥16,000 3 Br, 205m², ¥24,000 East Avenue – 逸盛阁: 1 Br, 85m², from ¥ 9,500 1 Br, 100m², ¥ 12,000 2 Br, 130m², ¥ 15,000 Shimao Gongsan Plaza – 世茂工三: Studio, 64 – 90 m², from ¥ 9,500 1 Br, 103 – 112 m², from ¥ 14,000 2 Br, 140 m², from ¥18,000 Tunsanli/Yongli International – 屯 三里/永利国际 Studio, 64 – 70 m², from ¥ 8,000 1 Br LOFT, 110 m², from ¥ 13,500 New MOMA - 万国城: Studio, 100m², ¥8,500 2 Br, 140m², ¥14,000 3 Br, 245m², ¥20,000 Sanlitun SOHO - 三里屯SOHO: 1 Br, 120m², ¥15,000 2 Br, 150m², ¥18,000 2 Br, 170m² ¥20,000 3+1 Br, 245m², ¥33,000 3+1 Br, 260m², ¥35,000 International Wonderland - 首开 幸福广场: 1 Br, 95-120m², ¥8,500 2 Br, 125 - 140m², ¥13,000 Regentland/Worker Stadium/DongsishItiao - 瑞士公寓: 1 Br, 80 - 95m², ¥11,000 2 Br, 125m², ¥15,000 3 Br, 140m², ¥18,000 Guangcai Int’l Apartment - 光彩 国际: 3 Br. 217m², ¥23,000 4 Br. 270m², ¥25,000 Lufthansa Area: Beijing SOHO Residences - SOHO北 京公馆: 1 Br. 80m², ¥13,000 3 Br. 245m², ¥ 25,000 Gemini Grove - 星源汇 1 Br. 80m², ¥11,000 1 Br. 90m², ¥13,000 CBD Area: Central Park - 新城国际: Studio, 75m², ¥9,500 1 Br. 90m², ¥13,000 2 Br. 125m², ¥17,000 2 Br. 130m² duplex, ¥18,000 3 Br. 190m², ¥23,000 3 Br. 220m², ¥ 25,000 4 Br. 265m², ¥33,000 Windsor Avenue - 温莎大道: 1 Br. 90m², ¥1,000 2 Br. 158m², ¥14,500



3 Br. 300m², ¥25,000 Fortune Plaza - 财富中心: Studio. 70m², ¥9,000 1 Br. 90 m², ¥12,000 2 Br. 140m², ¥16,000 3 Br. 205m², ¥19,000 Global Trade Mansion - 世贸国际: Studio. 80m², ¥9,000 2 Br. 170m², ¥17,000 3 Br. 260m², ¥19,000 CBD Private Castle - 圣世一品: 2 Br. 115m², ¥10,000 2 Br. 148m², ¥14,000 3 Br. 170m², ¥17,000 Dawanglu Area: China Central Place - 华贸中心: 1 Br. 90m², ¥9,000 2 Br. 125m², ¥14,000 3 Br. 165m², ¥17,000 Gemdale Int’l Garden - 金地国际: 2 Br. 148m², ¥17,000 3 Br. 199m², ¥22,000 Chaoyang Park Area: Palm Spring - 棕榈泉: 2 Br. 138m², ¥15,000 3 Br. 192m², ¥20,000 3 Br. 218m², ¥25,000 Park Avenue - 公园大道: 2 Br. 174m², ¥16,000 3 Br. 180m², ¥18,000 3 Br. 193m², ¥26,000 Oceanwide Int’l Residential District - 泛海国际: 3 Br. 185m², ¥16,000 4 Br. 245m², ¥23,000 Greenlake Place - 观湖国际: 3 Br. 173m², ¥14,000 3 Br. 192m², ¥16,000 4 Br. 260m², ¥26,000 Beijing Golf Palace - 高尔夫公寓: 3 Br. 270m², ¥29,000 Star River - 星河湾: 3+1 Br. 260m², ¥26,000 Courtyard for Lease: Jiaodoukou 2+2 Br. 200m², ¥32,000 Lama Temple 2 Br New Renovate. 130m², ¥26,000 Forbidden City, 2 Br Modern Style, 131m², ¥26,000 Dongsi Courtyard Office, 350m², ¥55,000 Services

Beijing CYTS car rental service group Luxury car rental promotion Big car rental brand, unbeatable price   Brand new vehicle fleet, full insurance Professional, experienced staff, local trained English-speaking driver   Multi-language tour guide   Tailor-made solution   24*7 standing by Contact us for more discount information   T: 57458067, 13718943926

Beijing TOP-A Vehicle Service Ltd Set up to specifically cater for the needs of the expatriate communities, we provide: English-speaking driver, long/short term leasing, airport pick up/drop off, sedan, van, and bus. Tel: 6438 1634, 135 0123 7292 service@ Network services: Unblock websites, securing web surf, Access to your favor sites such as Facebook, Youtube or Twitter etc. for RMB30/month. Also, offer VoIP services and use mobile make international call without using a calling card or broadband internet connection as low as RMB0.15/minute. Contact Roger @ 186.6435.8006 or Beijing EX-PATS Service Healthy, reliable, experienced, English-speaking housemaid/nanny. Free agency and 24-hour English service. EXPATS Life group also serves with Mandarin, car leasing, English-speaking driver, Chinese driving license, vehicle registration. Tel: 6438 1634, 135 0123 7292 www. General

Lily’s Antiques Specializing in high-class antique furniture (mainly from northern China, in walnut and Elmwood) and cus­ tom-made furniture, for the local market. Also wholesale for antique and newly made furniture. Excellent service for international transportation of furniture. Furthermore a wide selection of acces­ sories is offered. 1) Daily 8.30am-6pm. Gaobeidian Showroom, 6 Gaobeidian Furniture Street, Chaoyang District. Con­tact Lily Quan (6572 9746, 138 0139 6309), (8579 2458, www.lilys-antiques. com); 2) Visit by Appointment, Factory and Ware­house Address, Baimiao industry area, Songzhuang town, Tongzhou District. Contact Lily Quan (6572 9746, 138 0139 6309) (138 0139 6309) 华伦古 典家具, 1) 朝阳区高碑店家俱一条 街69号; 2) 通州区工厂地址, 通州 区宋庄镇白庙村工业大院 The best Tattoo studio in China Creation Tattoo is the first professional body art studio in Beijing. We provide service below: Tattoo, Personal body art design, piercing, microdermal ,Tattoo removal. We  has created the perfect platform to satisfy the needs for body art with professional equipments and personnel. welcome to custom. Add: 4309, Bldg 4, Jianwai Soho, 39 Dongsanhuan Zhonglu, Chaoyang District Tel:010-58691886 Website:www. 地址:北京市朝阳 区建外SOHO东区4楼4309号

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