the communications issue is out

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北京爱见达广告 DM

北京爱见达广告有限公司 京工商印广登字 201000068 号 北京市朝阳区建国路 93 号 10 号楼 2801 第 114 期 2012 年 10 月 26 日印

In Business. In Beijing

The Communications issue

Ogilvy's Scott Kronick pushes the message NOV 1 – NOV 14, 2012



编制:北京爱见达广告有限公司 agendabeijing

A True Run Media Publication General Manager: Michael Wester Operations Director: Toni Ma Editorial Director: Jerry Chan

Editorial Managing Editor Michael Cormack Assistant Editor Rachel Chen Contributors Jessica Zhang, David Kuo, Laura Petryshen


Chief Art Director Jacopo Della Ragione Art Director Susu Luo Visual Planning Joey Guo Photographers Sui, Mitchell Pe Masilun, Lova Designer Xi Xi

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Letter from the editor I am a rehabilitated ad man. My previous job was senior copywriter for a big advertising conglomerate, which involved writing the headlines and supporting text in adverts of all shapes and sizes. It might seem easy, but the discipline of writing headlines is extremely demanding, and one little different from poetry. Shell’s 1980s “Put A Tiger In Your Tank” headline is brilliant for its opening two trochees and iambic ending (Put A Tiger In Your Tank), the concision of the call-to-action, the alliteration, and the finality of the “k” sound which closes it. Or how about “You’ll never get a better bit of butter on your knife”? That’s just marvelous. Allying a razor-sharp mastery of words (their metre, connotations and resonances) with a strong understanding of the messages any client wishes to convey is the essence of a good copywriter, and I have the greatest respect for anyone who can do that. It sure ain’t easy. In all their ways, advertising and public relations are about harnessing creativity for commercial purposes. This isn’t to denigrate it: in fact, working for a company which requires creativity, to order, for all manner of clients and purposes, is an endless, extraordinarily demanding challenge. In the advertising and PR world, this means not only imaginative content but also innovative strategies. Every company knows they should be on weibo, but there’s far more to engaging the China market than that, as otherwise successful companies like Amazon and Groupon can testify. Hearing what top level companies are doing in China is therefore fascinating stuff. Ogilvy are the largest advertising and PR firm in the world; their PR President for North Asia, Scott Kronick, tells us about communications and creating dialogue. Weber Shandwick are similarly one of the largest PR agencies in the world. Executive VP Alistair Nicholas talks campaigns and changing behaviours. We also hear from a local web and digital designer on what it takes to make it in a competitive market. And of course, we have our usual law, tech and HR columns, a review of the iPhone 5 and an insight into Nanjing, and lots more besides. Enjoy!

Contents 4 Scott Kronick

President of PR, North Asia, Ogilvy

8 Alistair Nicholas

Executive Vice-President, Weber Shandwick

10 Tech Head - iPhone 5 12 Law Briefing

The Great Currency Debate

14 Will Gray

Founder, Broadcast Creative

Michael Cormack, Managing Editor

26 Ask An Entrepreneur

Albert van Lawick van Pabst, SDS Ventures

28 The Fine Diner - A Pizza Beijing 36 Weekend Traveller - Nanjing



Cover Spotlight


Ogilvy PR North Asia President Scott Kronick talks about cross-national conversations Text by Laura Petryshen, photo by Sui



One of the giants in the advertising world, Ogilvy are as well known for their public relations work. With two decades in China, Scott Kronick is President of Ogilvy PR in North Asia and has many a story to tell about communication, advising on “Brand China”, and changing local behaviors. When did you come to China? I came to China in 1995. I first visited China in 1993 I think it was, but I moved here in 1995. What was your first impression? I was fascinated. It was raw China back then, soon to ride the development curve, but still very fresh with a little bit of contrast between the old and the new and the ambition, so I’ve had a wonderful experience. I’m an Ogilvy lifer, so I’ve been with them for 25 years and was at the time working at the New York office. Then in 1991I had a chance to work in the Taiwan office. I became part of the Ogilvy Taiwan organization, and the management asked me to help with the development of the China business. So I came over with the chairman, Mr. T.V. Song, set up the PR business, and that’s how we got started. The PR business was absolutely in its infancy. It was really just on the cusp of fast growth, lots of multinational companies wanting to come in and form communications programs to communicate with the Chinese, while some Chinese organizations wanted better communications with the outside world. So it had everything going for it and really at that period of time it was a case of how much can we do, how fast can we scale up? What’s the secret to your success in PR? Our philosophy and our goal is to be the most international of the local PR agencies and the most local of the international PR agencies. We want to be closest to the market and also flexible in dealing with our clients. That takes a combination of both Chinese staff that are very experienced and international people who have worked long enough in the China market that we don’t have to teach them about China nu-

ances. I credit our success on the fact that my direct reports all have been here for around ten years. We have a deep trust, we have a common vision, and I have a really great team. I’ve been very lucky. Can you elaborate about “China nuances”? I think you need to get underneath the skin of what’s happening in China. Most people know that this government cares first and foremost about social stability. If you look at what happens in the world and ask how it affects stability, you can start to peel away. I hang out with a lot of foreign journalists and sometimes I try to figure out where things are headed and read the tea leaves a bit; if you can understand what’s going on, you have an added value. How should companies in China manage their relationships with the government? I think companies that want to be successful here don’t look at what they’re selling and how that fits into where China’s at. They look at what China needs and how their products or services fit into that. It’s not about you, it’s about them and how you fit into that objective. You advised the government on managing “Brand China” during the 2008 Olympics. How has the government done in recent years on this front? It’s a process. If you look at where China is today and the way in which the world looks at China today as opposed to the way people looked at China 15 years ago, it’s totally different. People asked if I rode a bicycle to work every day or if I wore a Mao suit. Today it’s all about the economic rise and threat. I’ve seen good Chinese officials, and Chinese government responses to things that were just brilliant, like the Sichuan earthquake, for example, where I genuinely believe there was care and concern. As the Chinese have become more comfortable with dealing with foreigners, foreign entities and foreign reporters, they’ve become much more confident in their communications. But if they lack that confidence, they close down, don’t say anything, and then everything goes backwards. When the food



Cover Spotlight crisis happened, part of the problem was that different ministries were responsible were for different approvals and they didn’t talk to each other. They wanted to guarantee that the food here is safe and good, but I told the government official I met, “If you try guarantee that, nobody will ever believe you. But if you explain a little bit about why the situation occurred and what you’re doing to address it, it’s a totally different situation.” I understand that you recently did a survey on branding Asian cities. How did Beijing stack up? Beijing came out in the study somewhere in the middle. Hong Kong and Singapore are the top two. There are a number of factors that contribute to that: ease of doing business, air quality, culture, etc. Beijing came in eighth. That doesn’t surprise me. I think there’s a lot of room for Beijing to grow. From a business standpoint, everybody wants to be here. From a quality of life standpoint, it’s challenging. Beijing is rich in culture – it’s not boring by any means. I think the real challenge that exists in Beijing is the environment. How prevalent is the practice of giving out “red envelopes” to the press these days? That has, for the most part, gone away. There’s something called, from the time that I came, called a transportation



fee. That existed because journalists – local journalists and some of their organizations – weren’t reimbursed for going to press conferences. The beautiful news is that it’s changing. There a lot of multinationals that insist on not paying the transportation fees.

eat the food and visit the panda reserve. Beijing and Xi’an and Shanghai get so much attention that they needed the boost. What kind of problems do companies operating in China face routinely? I think a lot of times it’s misunderstanding. They might launch a new product with a new variant that is a higher, more sophisticated mix of ingredients in the product that weren’t properly communicated so we have crises there. There are sometimes ways that multinationals deal with labor issues that create problems, there are sometimes misunderstandings in joint venture relationships that have not gone the way that they had planned. They don’t want to damage their long-term reputation but they have to change or exit. We help to provide a context for understanding the problem.

Is the media more cozy with business here than elsewhere? I read some articles in the foreign press or watch some news reports and it is as biased as Chinese media. Actually, I think the journalism environment in China has improved dramatically. Of course there are certain things that are allowed to be reported on and are not. I don’t think that necessarily takes place in the business community. Is the standard of journalism different? I think amongst young people things are getting better. I wouldn’t say the media is cozier with business. They don’t come in with a preconceived us-against-them What campaigns are you particularly proud mentality. of? Lenovo’s global expansion is one thing that China is incredibly difficult because you’re oper- I’m proud of. I think the work we’re doing for ating with less information than you’re normally Chengdu is world-class. Sometimes I’ll watch a exposed to in other place. So it’s much more spokesperson on television that we trained that difficult because there’s less information. Public I feel is much more confident and comfortable information, data, rule of law, steps to getting in communicating what their vision is and I very licensing, almost everything. Sometimes the take much pride in that. Those types of things reason it doesn’t exist is because it hasn’t been make me feel very good. With most client comcreated. So is that difficult? Yeah! Is that inter- panies, we have significant campaigns that are esting? Yeah! Does that create opportunities? helping them enter the China marketplace. I love it. I’ve stopped looking at others to lead us. As a Can you give me an example? I think what leader you have to define new paths of where Chengdu wants to do in terms of attracting for- you’re going to operate. Mongolia was an obvieign direct investment and in terms of promot- ous one. Three clients asked me about it and it ing tourism to people outside of China who’ve was the same feeling I had in 1995 when people never heard of Chengdu is cool. I’ve never had wanted us to have a presence here. I thought a client that was as easy to work with, as hungry we should do something there – it was a noand ambitious as those guys. That campaign brainer. And social media, it’s the same thing! has been hugely successful. The world search People want to do it, they just don’t know how for Pandassadors (“Panda Ambassadors”) has to do it. Leaders need to lead and you need been hugely successful. The strategy is to build room to fail. But the biggest crime would be awareness that in Chengdu they’re open and not trying. that the government wants to work with industry to develop an investment climate, that they Check out want tourists to come and experience Chengdu,





Executive Vice President of Weber Shandwick, Alistair Nicholas Text by Rachel Chen, photo by Sui

Weber Shandwick is one of the leading public relations agencies in the world. Unlike one-way advertising, they have brought up numberous influential campaigns in China to change the mind set of people’s behavior for the past decade. Agenda met Alistair Nicholas, Executive Vice President of Weber Shandwick, to see what he has to say about doing public relations in China. When did you come to China and what’s inspired you to stay on for as long as you have? I came to China in 2000 and I first worked in another PR agency. I found that China is a very interesting place to work in PR. If you were to work in Australia, or the US, the market is so developed, you’ll tend to only be doing one particular thing while China is a challenging, interesting and exciting place to be doing PR in because it’s changing so fast, the market and economy is growing so fast and there’s a lot you can do here. At Weber Shandwick do general business practices stay the same regardless of the country, or do you alter your practices for the Chinese market? Generally, they stay the same. For instance, marketing healthcare is about marketing healthcare products and the people who work in that practice are basically from that area. The way it works in China is just as sophisticated as the way in the west. Does Weber Shandwick have specialties in particular industries, and if so, which? Weber Shandwick is the world’s largest PR firm which means we cover everything you can imagine. We have healthcare practice, technology practice, corporate public affairs, consumer marketing, and within those, we also have self practice and day-to-day practice. We have teams special-



ized in aviation and marine practice, travel and tourism practice, etc. How prevalent is the hongbao culture and how is it done? It happens a lot here. Historically, when international companies first come here, they’ve been told about it and then they started to follow it. When I arrived years ago, we had a discussion with other international agencies about what to do with the hongbao culture. Then we agreed on what the hongbao fee should be, and we would always make the journalists sign before they collect them to make it more transparent. But I think the market is starting to change; the magazine Caijing refused to take hongbao, and Chinese media consumers have the ability to see what’s real and what’s not. So to be on those trusted media, you probably need to get a good PR agency to help you get your story onto the magazine because you cannot buy their editorial copy. What PR challenges do companies in mainland China routinely face? One challenge is how to make the public believe that your story is not being paid for because the ultimate challenge is to achieve authenticity. Another is how PR is different from paid advertisement in China. The second main challenge is social media. Social media is changing the dynamics of traditional media all around the world and how do you engage in public through social media and keep them interested and coming back. Which campaigns in China are you particularly proud of? PR is about changing behavior to change people. One of the most interesting campaigns happened when I first come to China, when there was no particular dog ownership. There were very strict leash laws on when to take your dogs out. We had a campaign and

worked with government officials to change the public’s perception of dogs carrying diseases. By establishing a legal dog ownership, it can help reduce the numbers of illegal dogs and to educate people to get their dogs the necessary shots. For the second half of the campaign, we did a lot of research to show the public the value of having dogs and it totally changed the culture of dog ownership in China. Other campaigns we did were about chocolate and cereal. There’s a Chinese cultural stereotype that chocolate and imported cereal were not healthy when I first arrived here, so we did campaigns about the nutrition of chocolate and western cereals and now you get to see brands from all over the world come to the Chinese market.

What are the one, five and ten year goal for Weber Shandwick in China? One year goal: another growth of 100 people in the company to expand the business. Five year goal: to be regarded as the number one PR agency in the world because we currently ranked as top three. Ten year goal: we’ve just launched an “Emerging China” practice which is about taking Chinese companies international. In ten years, hopefully, Chinese clients will take up to 70% of the business in China.

What difficulties are you facing in China now? It’s a real challenge to find people that are qualified and experienced in the mid and senior level. Training is very important and we actually have a requirement that everyone does a 48-hour in-house and outdoor training per year to help retain staff. The second is how to integrate social media into our campaigns. Social media is the essential trend but it’s so new and changing so fast, we need to find people who are skilled at doing it. Chinese institutions tend to have a top-down approach to information sharing. How do you advise companies to open themselves up for dialogue? Social media is playing a really important role but some companies are still afraid to open themselves up to it. You cannot control what others are saying about your company, but by using social media you can actually help defend yourself and respond whenever there are negative comments.

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TECH HEAD If anything significant happened to the tech industry in the past month, we would all have a unanimous answer: the iPhone 5! Apple called it “the biggest thing to happen to the iPhone since the iPhone”. The “thinnest, lightest and fastest iPhone ever” is rich with remarkable new features, yet it’s still not flawless. Whether this new iPhone will live up to the fanboys’ expectations or not, one thing is certain: sales will break records and there’ll be mile-long queues outside Apple stores the day it arrives.


The pros and cons of the iPhone 5 Compiled by Jessica Zhang

An American friend called me: “Hey, the iPhone 5 is out! Need me to smuggle some into China?” My first reaction was, “What’s so special about it? How different can it be from the iPhone 4S?” While there’s always the cachet of having the latest Apple product, you wonder how many are buying it for the functionality. Knowing something about the new features before having it will make you stand out in any tech conversations. Agenda summarizes the pros and cons.

watch clearer HD video and read more easily. Yet its width remains the same as previous incarnations, so that you can still easily operate it with one hand. That is why Apple proudly claims that “It’s not just bigger, it is just right!” Even the new headphones are more comfortable and durable to our ear-buds.

Better photos A friend of mine took a series of iChina photos using his iPhone 4S, and with a little polishing, the photo quality was astonishing. Now with a bigger screen to play with, the iPhone 5 comes with 8MP iSight camera Pros capable of shooting in panorama. If you swing the photo around you, it will automatiSleeker design The iPhone’s unique design cally put the shots together into a seamless stands out from competitors. With the same width, this thinnest and lightest iPhone is 18% enlarged one. With shared photo streams, you thinner, 20% lighter and has 12% less volume. can publish these photos to specified friends So why does size matter? With the screen feel- who can add comments and like them on webpages or apps. Watch out, camera stores! ing larger to the rest of the phone, you can



Faster internet With 4G LTE, the iPhone 5 offers ultrafast wireless browse, download, and streaming content at blazing-fast speeds. Combined with its powerful A6 Chip, you can enjoy faster internet speed with even better battery life. Although offering the same talk time as the iPhone 4S, the new iPhone allows for two more hours web browsing. Yet with the internet so stubbornly frustrating in China, this new feature might not be so very attractive to Beijingers. Cons Self-made maps Apple had the foresight to constantly produce and innovate its own apps so that it does not rely on any other software sources. It wasn’t long before Apple abandoned Adobe Flash Player and created its very own. This time Apple expands its battle with Google and boldly comes out with its first Apple Maps that relies mostly on TomTom. However, this new innovation has incurred user complaints with lots of geographical mistakes. Rumors are circulating that Apple will resume using Google Maps with the iPhone 6. If you are grumbling about

the inconvenience of this, you could wait a little longer to web browse Google maps. Lightning connector The old connector has been around a good while and Apple says that it’s time to innovate so as to prevent its accessories from being obsolete. The all-new lightning connector seems to be much sturdier and smaller, with faster transfer speeds. But it just doesn’t fit any existing accessories, docks or chargers, which means you have to spend an extra US $30 on an adapter plug or $30 or $40 on an eight-inch cable “tail”. In pricing, Apple rarely shows mercy towards its loyal fans. Also worth noting: the new iPhone could be very pricey when upgrading apps. So the next question is, when will the iPhone 5 be out in China? It was released in Hong Kong on September 21st and according to the latest news from China Unicom, it should arrive in mainland China around December. This is a significant change, since Apple releases in mainland China have always delayed for over three months. So take your time to review the new features and see if HTC, SamSung and Windows Phone can trump it.



Law Briefing

The great Currency Debate

It’s time to move on

China has been one of the hottest and most contentious issues in the American election this year. Not a day goes by without an advertisement or speech made by one of the presidential candidates that does not address outsourcing, the loss of manufacturing jobs, trade disputes or cybersecurity. And then there’s the value of China’s currency, the yuan, which has been a subject of passionate debate for almost a decade. Long enough, in my opinion. I think it’s time to stop. I am writing this column in mid-October, when the value of the yuan just hit an all-time high of 6.264 to the US dollar. The usual pundits and analysts were consulted and, as is so often the case, they failed to agree on a cause of the currency’s movement. Some suggested that China was wary of US criticism and was boosting the yuan’s value in order to forestall further bashing by American candidates. Others pointed to China’s economic woes, stating that a strengthened yuan signaled confidence in an economy that has recently shown signs of capital flight.

unfair trade practices, or unsustainable imbalances. Why? Because the financial analysts knew a long time ago that this issue moved from being a genuine concern of American and Chinese companies to an issue kept on life support by politicians, think tanks and lobbyists. On October 12, the US Treasury Department announced that it would be delaying publication of its semi-annual report on currency manipulation. The Treasury’s statement was released on a Friday to minimize media attention. When President Obama took office, the USD/ yuan rate was at about 6.84. Each time the White House had the opportunity, through the Treasury Department, to label China a currency manipulator, it has declined to do so. Four years later, the yuan is at an all-time high, and although the current administration does continuously call for continued revaluation, it has never once formally accused China of breaking any rules.

It is therefore a sure bet that when the Treasury report is released, it will once again avoid Nowhere in that discussion is there mention labeling China a currency manipulator. So why of China’s failure to strengthen its currency, of the delay? Although the value of the yuan is no



longer top priority in terms of actual policy, it is here, the value of the yuan does not even make the top 25. still a hot political issue. So why does this issue remain so alive on the campaign trail, particularly for Mitt Romney? Virtually the only political constituency left that is still pushing on this issue is trade unions, no friends of the Republicans. The obvious explanation is that: a) China is a useful “bad guy”; b) the media is familiar with the dispute; and c) no matter what happens, Obama can be called to task Business cycles, trade patterns and basic statisti- for not doing enough. Sounds like a winner. cal data actually mean little in political debates, and since both candidates for president have It has now been several years since a US presibeen bashing China during the 2012 elec- dent, via the Treasury Department, has labeled tion campaign, very few in the media seem China a currency manipulator, and the value concerned that the language used in the cur- of the yuan has, in fits and starts, increased rency debate has not changed in over a decade significantly during that time. So when will this despite significant shifts in the value of the issue finally be retired? yuan itself. It might be a while. Election cycles notwithSome bilateral problems are apparently “sticky.” standing, there is a common belief that if WashThey are easy to grab onto but difficult to dis- ington does not maintain pressure on China by card. The currency issue used to be a significant routinely complaining about the value of the problem, one that the US business community yuan, Beijing will lurch backwards, devaluing brought up repeatedly, forcing the government the currency in an effort to boost exports. While to prioritize it during bilateral negotiations. In this is rather unlikely, the scenario caters to surveys of US companies in China during the another widely-held belief in Washington: that the US is the center of the universe and that a 2000s, it was one of the top concerns. speech or two by a Senator or Congressman These days? Not so much. The US-China Busi- can influence Chinese economic policy. And ness Council just released its 2012 China Busi- so it continues. ness Environment Survey, and when it comes to the value of the yuan, the trend seems ex- The dispute over the value of the yuan may be rapidly reaching the “mere political remnant” ceedingly clear: stage in its existence, but that remnant may still Despite all the rhetoric about China’s exchange be with us for a number of years. rate harming the competitiveness of US companies in China, currency once again failed to Stan Abrams is an IP/ make the top twenty-five issues of concern. IT lawyer and profesOn the Saturday following Treasury’s announcement, presidential candidate Mitt Romney released a statement saying that: “Four years after promising to take China ‘to the mat’ for its manipulative currency practices, President Obama has once again failed to live up to his word.”

From the amount of attention given this issue by US politicians, these results are remarkable. In campaign literature and speeches, the currency issue is almost always in the top three in terms of US-China bilateral problems, but for US companies that are actually doing business

sor who has been living and working in Beijing since 1999. He blogs at, commenting on law, trade and IP.





Broadcast Creative founder Will Gray on web and digital design Text by Laura Petryshen, photo by Sui

It’s not just the big boys who are moving into Beijing’s advertising and PR world. Smaller boutique companies can use their edge and agility to handle the smaller yet perhaps more numerous companies which need digital promotions, building a creative undergrowth which informs the Beijing style. One such company is Broadcast Creative, a web design and digital publishing company founded by Englishman Will Gray. He spoke to Agenda about going it alone and keeping it creative. What’s your background in design? When I first came to Beijing I taught design and art in a university, but I had a bit of free time so I was doing volunteer work for social and environmental organizations, designing posters. The main thing I then did was work for a language institute, designing their magazine. I would create a theme for each issue and bang out a magazine every month. That was my first real open slate, where you get a job and you can really mould it around your ideas. Then I went to work for this PR/events company called Imagine. That was almost the opposite, working with huge clients like BP, Siemens, and Mercedes, but I found the process of pitching projects really inefficient. A lot of the big brands want to be perceived as creative, to be sold ideas that are tremendous and exciting, but when it actually comes to implementing them to fit in with their own brand and philosophy, it doesn’t always work. You end up having to make huge compromises. So then you decided to found Broadcast Creative? It was really coming out of having been in Beijing for four years and just wanting to be my own boss, to be in the position where I defined how things were done, and making sure that creative ideas were followed through. When you first meet a new client, they’ll say:



“We had a designer before and they really didn’t make what I wanted.” You’ve got companies that do jobs outside their skill set, to keep the company profitable. But it doesn’t really benefit the industry because the client doesn’t really know where to get brochures, say. They end up with a bad result because they’ve asked a website designer to do a brochure because of an existing relationship. How does Broadcast Creative connect with clients? We’re in a six-month development cycle. We’re finding out what we do, how we do it, and where we sit in the market. We just want to get a couple of projects, see how well we do, create systems, and then once we’ve done that six months (in November), we’ll have defined our position. We’re pushing ourselves towards digital publishing. We’re most interested in developing traditional print content but in a digital format – using apps, websites to support magazines and brochures. People here spend a lot of time on the subway reading their Kindles and iPads, but companies still think the most effective way to promote themselves is through print. But what do you do with a brochure? Do you go into the subway and hand it out? It’s not effective anymore. How is doing design in Beijing different from what you might do in, say, New York? It differs in the expectation of how something is completed. For example, we had a client who set up three companies and he wanted three logos to tie them all together, with each being kind of independent. What Chinese people expect, especially from logo design is that they want to integrate things like feng shui, or very complex visual translation of the meaning of words. So this guy wanted a mountain, but it had to have three rivers that curve and meet

at the same point. For him this is a very critical execution of how these three things come together, and it took us a long time to get exactly the right curves. There are very different aesthetic principles. How about appealing to Chinese audiences as opposed to an audience elsewhere? Is there a difference? I think there’s also a very complex system of visual representations for what Chinese people respond to. The most obvious one is the family unit, which of course comes out in Western advertising as well, but in Chinese advertisements you tend to see – especially around the Chinese new year – you see the grandmother, grandfather, mum, dad, then the single child and the other set of grandparents. Without being raised in the culture and responsive to it, it can be difficult to be able to hit the right chords.

phy. If someone understands the philosophy of the company but the skill level is low, you can train that person. If you get someone skilled but who has no interest in the company philosophy, that’s more difficult. Luckily, we’ve attracted people who are really nice. Our philosophy is “let’s do something enjoyable and actually enjoy it”. If you’re happy, people will feel good about working with you. You should also never feel like you’ve reached the top of your learning curve. We’re constantly making mistakes, constantly making jumps forward, constantly working to improve.

Any other standard narratives you’ve noticed? Patriotism – it sounds obvious but if you look at the essential voices of society, the government here, it’s about patriotism, family, those very obvious key themes. There’s a strong requirement for Chinese advertising to retain traditional values. You would never want to be perceived as a person who doesn’t care about your family, or doesn’t have national pride, so you would want to purchase products that connect you to those things. I also see the narrative of internationalization. There’s one milk ad I’ve seen, with the message, “We should embrace Western people in our society” – a push for people to accept this new Western influence on their lives. How have you gone about recruitment? Recruitment here is really difficult. When we started it was difficult to connect people to our philosophy. You need two things from a staff member: skill, and an understanding of the company philoso-

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THE STYLIST Beijing winters can be particularly harsh with their Harbin temperatures and desert aridity. Now that the freezer season is on its way, are you ready to combat the cheerless temperatures? To survive the chill, great warm alcoholic drinks are a fun way to combat the ice. Agenda has prepared a recipe list of winter warmers to help you start your winterlicious Beijing time.

Winter Warmers

The hottest drinks to warm your Beijing winter freeze Compiled by Rachel Chen

Hot Gin Toddy Everyone knows Gin and Tonic is a popular drink in the summertime but for winter, have you ever tried a Hot Gin Toddy? It’s particularly good with Broker’s Gin as its aromatic scent helps you freshen up quickly, and it has a smooth, well-rounded taste. To get started, you need 2 oz Broker’s Gin (Bombay Sapphire would also be fine), 1 teaspoon sugar, a few drops of Angostura bitters, boiling water and you can use slices of lemon as garnish. Sake You can drink Japanese Sake either hot or cold. Typically, the taste of Sake changes with temperature, and you can choose the temperature which best matches the food or the season. But to break the routine of drinking Sake and to make it taste more exotic, you can always drink it with Tiffin, the tea liquor.



To get started, you need 30ml Sake and 30ml Tiffin. Place Sake and Tiffin into the glass and stir well then pour soda water on top. Mulled Wine When winter swirls in, nothing compares to a toasty mug of mulled wine (pictured right). Mulled wine, as the vine’s version of a hot toddy, is a traditional winter holiday treat in many countries, its cinnamonny aroma one of the most suggestive scents of Christmas. To start, you need one bottle of red wine: you don’t have to use the expensive ones; a cheaper red of decent quality will do the trick. With 1 bottle red wine, 60g/2oz demerara sugar, 1 cinnamon stick, grated nutmeg, and half an orange (sliced), add all to a saucepan and heat slowly – do not boil or the alcohol will evaporate. Heat until the sugar has dissolved and then serve.

Hot Buttered Rum Hot buttered rum is a mixed drink containing rum, butter, hot water or cider, a sweetener, and various spices (usually cinnamon, nutmeg, and cloves). It’s one of the most popular old fashioned holiday drinks. There are various recipes, but I like to keep it simple. Get together 1 small slice soft butter, 1 tsp Demarara sugar, ground cinnamon, ground nutmeg, and allspice, 2 oz dark rum such as Captain Morgans. Place the butter, sugar and spices at the bottom of an Irish coffee glass or mug, mix well, add the rum and hot water, stir and then serve. Voila! Irish Coffee Coffee lovers: don’t miss this one. The Irish had the right idea when they combined robust Irish whiskey with hot, black coffee. This hot cocktail has long been a favorite in Irish pubs (and homes). Beyond choosing the best Irish whiskey possible, using fresh whipped cream can turn the mundane Irish Coffee (pictured left) into something spectacular. You need 1 oz of Bailey’s, 1 oz of Irish whiskey, fill with hot coffee, then garnish with whipped cream and powdered chocolate as you like.

whisky, or rum (we prefer whisky, of course); 1 tbsp of honey; 1/4 of lemon; one cup of hot water and a tea bag. Coat the bottom of a mug or an Irish coffee glass with honey. Add the whisky and the juice of the lemon quarter. On the side, heat water in a tea kettle and add the tea bag to make hot tea. Pour the steaming tea into the glass and stir. Feel free to experiment with your favorite types of tea or skip it all together and use hot water alone. Tea Cup Blazer It takes courage for people to mix alchohol with fire. If you dare to have a go, try the Tea Cup Blazer. To make this winter drink, you need 30ml of Tiffin, the tea liquor, 30ml of dark rum, 1/5 Bar Spoon white sugar, and Angostura Bitters. The method: preheat a balloon glass with a dash of hot water, then discard the water. Pour Tiffin and rum into the glass and add the bitters and sugar. Ignite the content of the glass and swirl until sugar dissolves. Add the twist of orange and cinnamon stick then smother the fire. Serve in a new ballon glass and garnish with cinnamon stick and orange twist. (Thanks to Ezee Beverages for the recipes.)

Hot Toddy The Hot Toddy is a classic winter warmer. To prepare, you need 1 oz of brandy,

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KEEPing STAFF keen

More benefits of in-house training

More on the importance of staff training: last issue, I looked at what training you could offer your staff as cost-effectively as possible, by doing it internally. Now I’d like to look at what other options you may have.

the reason someone joins you or stays with you – it is all part of motivating staff and enhancing their engagement. This year at Antal China, we have initiated the New Business English Certificate Course, or BEC as it is commonly known. We know it’s important for all of our staff, from the most junior all the way up, to have at least a basic knowledge of business English: to be able to understand and write emails, through dealing with people professionally over the phone and face-to-face, as well as, of course, having to deal with us seniors (like myself ) who are sadly yet to master the Chinese language.

First off, for your local Chinese employees there is a pretty obvious method, and that’s to provide them with English training. This is a great way to engage staff; regardless of level of ability, tenure, age, discipline or skill set – everyone is applicable, and trust me, they love it. The key here is to pick an accreditation that provides training on multiple levels and to tailor to suit your people. You also need to ensure that the course you are providing them with is recognized. The latter is critical insofar as your staff As with all language courses, to begin with your will want to proudly add this to their CVs and employees sit a test to ascertain their current LinkedIn accounts. For your business, it could be ability. They are then allocated their appropri-



You cannot forget the other end of the spectrum though - us non-native speakers. If your company has hired ex-pats either through relocation internally or from hiring here, ensuring that they have Chinese language training is critical. This may include you as the manager, too. Here, I’m not specifically talking about business level Chinese; I am talking about language to enable you to get around the city. (Although of course if you already are at business level Chinese, then I am simply envious). For us ex-pats it should be the company’s role to offer a variety of referenced tutors and for the employee to trial, and pick and choose whom they feel most comfortable learning with. It’s might be worth noting that I’ve been advised that it’s important Enlisting your staff onto a training course can that women have female tutors, and men male also assist in retention. It is the company that tutors, for a better pronunciation when learning pays for the training and certification; therefore those all important tones. if they leave, they don’t get it anymore. It is worth noting too that some companies detail Outside of dealing with the language issue, in employment contracts that should an em- there exists a plethora of training available to ployee leave (within a certain time frame) then your company on almost every topic, through the training that has been provided (whether practically every communication channel, so it is completed or not) should be covered at cost over to your HR or training department to evaluby them. There is a valid argument for this, as ate what is needed, and how cost-effectively you don’t want your employees to be trained you can implement. Do remember that should at your expense, for them to up and leave, and you be spending tens of thousands of RMB in for one of your competitors to benefit from this area, “golden handcuffs” could be the way forward. your investment. ate level accordingly, and then over a period of weeks and months they have their lessons. Some employers I have spoken with fret about this taking their staff members away from the all important business in hand, but I find that with regards to the timings of the lessons, it is best to try and share the time equally with the employee. To give you an example, here our staff finish their working day at 6pm as standard, so we timetable two hour lessons for 5pm. That way we are technically giving them an hour of the working day to train, and they are reciprocating by giving an hour of their free time. If they are not willing to invest time in improving themselves, then why should we?

If, like Antal, you decide to offer the training without the constraints on an employee’s contract, it can still act as a retention tool. The classes that are currently running last over many months, and from the feedback we have had internally not only do all our students want to finish their courses, and pass with flying colours, but others yet to be enlisted are itching to start. What I have found is that with all of our local Chinese staff, there is an inherent desire to improve and to be more professional, in all elements of their business activity. As a manager here, it’s a delight to see. Quite frankly, back home in the UK I think many would see learning or training like this a chore.


Sarah Jones is Head of Operations at Antal International, winner of “Best International Recruitment Agency” at the 2012 Recruiter Awards.



Tech head In an era of ever increasing malware and nefarious online users, with China particularly known for bugs and viruses, keeping your data safe should be a high priority. Whether it is bank or credit card statements, pictures, tax records, or your screenplay, your data should be password protected to keep prying eyes out. Before you step through airport security, make sure your files are equally secure and encrypted.


Five data security software to protect your files Compiled by David Kuo

Kruptos 2 Professional Kruptos 2 Professional is one of the highest rated and useful file encryption programs out there. The simple interface allows users to drag and drop files and folders for easy 256bit encryption to prevent them from being modified, read or even deleted without the correct password. Users can also create encrypted ZIP and self-extracting files, and send these over the internet. Kruptos works seamlessly with Windows explorer: double clicking an encrypted file opens a password prompt, and after editing, Kruptos will automatically reencrypt files and then “shred” the original file. Real-time and speedy encryption is another program perk while encrypting/decrypting large files takes no time at all. For the casual user who isn’t looking for full disk encryption or creating “lockers”, this program is for you. Users can download Kruptos 2 Professional



trial version which allows for a 30-use trial before purchase, but for US $24.95, it is one of the cheapest and most user-friendly data encryption programs out there. MyInfosafe More and more people are storing sensitive personal and corporate data on cloud servers. For those that have a mind to keep things private, skip the cloud and encrypt files instead. MyInfosafe reminds users of this danger via an inoffensive app that sits quietly in the system tray waiting. Separate menus for managing different types of content make it easy to use. Contacts and addresses are easily managed as are your personal health and financial records. MyInfosafe also offers portability options for users to store encrypted data on USB keys. A 30-day trial period should be enough time to experiment with the features and the full version can be

purchased for US $29.95. Also noteworthy is the support that MyInfosafe offers. Video tutorials, online help and in-program tips make navigating and using this software much easier than most others encryption programs. Folder Lock For both dilettante and techsavvy alike, Folder Lock provides a plethora of security options combined with an easy to use, colorful graphic interface to prevent files from theft, virus attacks, and snooping spouses. One great security option is a virtual keyboard which can prevent key-loggers from capturing key strokes on your keyboard. Users create “lockers” to store data and these lockers cannot be deleted without the correct password. Other security features include the option to “shred” original files after encryption and a force shutdown of your computer after excessive failed attempts to enter a password. One downside to Folder Lock is that the trial is only for 15 uses, which is hardly enough to experiment with all the functions. Also, the portability feature to store data on a USB is only available to registered and paying users. Despite these downsides, the program is reliable and protects the integrity of your data.

really have something to hide, TrueCrypt is the ultimate, open-source encryption software with multiple levels of protection should someone force you to divulge a password, and with eleven algorithms to choose from to keep uninvited guests guessing, secured data is sure to remain secure. TrueCrypt allows users to store encrypted data in “containers” or partitioned volumes and automatically deletes keystroke and mouse movement logs should your computer already be under observation. Once hidden volumes are unmounted, the data will be inaccessible, unsearchable, and indistinguishable from other random data. The user manual is hefty but is representative of the advanced and powerful features included in this absolutely free encryption program. TrueCrypt is geared to the already computer literate and encryption-initiated so don’t look for too much in-program help. Users need to completely understand what they are doing before using this program and doing something disastrous.

Eraser We have all seen enough spy movies to know that deleted data and damaged hard drives can be easily recovered by experts with a few simple keystrokes. One aspect of data security is making sure files that have been deleted have truly been removed from your computer. Eraser is a Windows security tool that will remove sensitive data from your hard drive by overwriting it several times to remove any magnetic remains from the hard drive. This freeware is very customizable and users to define overwriting methods. TrueCrypt For the tinfoil hat paranoiac or for those who do



insight - social media


PR and communications consultant and nightlife blogger Jim Boyce Text by Mike Cormack, photo by Lova

What social media platforms are you on, and what are your handle(s) on them? I’m on weibo, Facebook and Twitter as "beijingboyce", which is the Yahoo email account I made just before moving to this city and which has become my ID for anything social, although I occasionally tweet as “grapewallchina”. I use plenty of others – LinkedIn, GooglePlus, forums, video and photo sharing sites – but those first three absorb over 80 percent of my social media time. What do you get from each of these platforms? Which do you most heavily use? I mainly use weibo and Facebook, for keeping up with family, friends and acquaintances, following work-related topics and people, posting about what I'm eating or drinking, and blogging. I especially like the instant messaging features on both sites. In a matter of minutes, I can often arrange a meeting between a journalist and an interviewee or get a start on organizing a group of wine judges for a tasting. It's fast, efficient and leaves a record. I could use other means, such as Skype, but I have a higher concentration of acquaintances on weibo and Facebook. Where do you get your own news from? I have basically 'contracted out' news gathering to those I follow on social media, especially when it comes to Twitter. While I sometimes go to sites for mainstream media like The Atlantic, Wall Street Journal or China Daily, it is no longer routine. I usually access them after seeing a link on a social media site. And I get those links by following people I trust or who are widely read - anyone from a journalist to a bartender to a consultant to a friend. Following people with particular interests also leads me to interesting places, from sites talking about seasonal produce in Beijing to reviews of Texas wines.

two hours a day and I do find it worthwhile. If I trust someone's news sense, and they read a dozen mainstream media sites a day and post the relevant links, it saves me a good deal of time, just as people interested in something like wine in China might find it useful to follow me. I also find social media worthwhile in finding partners for projects, in tracking topics or companies related to my work, and for stream of consciousness exchanges that often lead to new ideas – or at least some laughs. Are you on weibo? If so, what’s your take on it? I like weibo's flexibility and features, which seem to get better by the month. Besides the obvious - posting and commenting - I like the ease of following conversation threads, the many templates for uploading photos, and the instant messaging system. Some people tell me they haven't joined weibo because their Chinese isn't good and they're unsure if using English is okay. I've been posting on weibo, mostly in English, and have found it a very useful way to meet people and to learn about the China market. Has being on social media been beneficial to your life or career in Beijing? Yes. In terms of career, it has connected me to people, places and information - sometimes at dizzying speed - and allowed others to connect with me.

In terms of life, I have used these sites to organize parties, share information on bars and restaurants, and simply have fun. To give one example - and to make a shameless plug – my blog is holding a contest with a prize that includes an overnight stay in the Beijing Hilton's presidential suite, two tickets to the hotel's Food & Wine Experience, and dinner and breakfast. For How much time would you say you spend me, this is a fun project and it is driven almost on social media daily? Is it worth it? Up to solely by social media.



@beijingboyce @beijingboyce



the List Tech BRIEFING

HUAWEI AND ZTE vs. congress

Chinese spies or protectionist scapegoats?

ZTE have significant reach into global wireless networks like the ones operated by Verizon and AT&T in America. Since wireless networks control much of American infrastructure, the real national security threat lies in China’s potential to control everything from the whole financial After a year long investigation, the US House system to power grids. You can imagine what Intelligence Committee concluded that Huawei kind of problems and devastation someone and ZTE were a national security threat because could cause with such power. they have attempted to extract sensitive information from American companies. Overarch- As a result of the report, recommendations ing this threat, the Committee was unsatisfied have been made to the US government and at both companies’ lack of co-operation in American companies to stop doing business explaining their relationship with the Chinese with Huawei and ZTE. Beyond being bad for government. Fundamentally, the American business, the allegations have already caused government believes that Huawei and ZTE are other countries to be suspicious of their credengaged in espionage for the Chinese govern- ibility and risk profile. In March, Huawei was ment and have the capability to engage in blocked from a $36 billion Australian National Broadband contract after the Australian Security cyber warfare. Intelligence Organization recommended the As the second and fifth world’s largest makers Australian government not to consider Huawei’s of wireless telecoms equipment, Huawei and bid over security concerns. Now Canada’s govIt’s no secret that Chinese brands are not as internationally reputable or well known. The latest trade conflict between the US and China promises to change that - but not necessarily for the better.



ernment is getting in on the game, excluding Huawei from a bid to build a secure Canadian government communication network over similar security risks. The British government also investigated the security concerns of Huawei but concluded there is no risk. However, the lack of trust granted to the two companies has spread quickly and has already caused both companies billions in contracts. The spat comes at a very vulnerable time for both America and China. America is currently in the thick of presidential elections and China is set to reshuffle its top leadership later this year. As the two largest economies, America and China are balancing on a fragile high-wire between rival and ally. On one hand, America needs to sustain China as a close trading partner but on the other hand it must protect its own national security. However, some Chinese see the whole saga as a political game to win more votes during a presidential election to show who has more political muscle to stand up against China. The economic ramifications from this latest conflict will likely run into the billions. For Huawei and ZTE, contracts with governments and major multinational companies have already been scratched and with the two employing some 140,000 and 90,000 employees worldwide respectively, the already contracting economy in China could be significantly impacted. This exacerbates problems for Chinese companies who are struggling to swim their way upstream onto the global stage. The Muddy Waters whistle blowing on Chinese companies listed on American stock exchanges for accounting fraud and poor corporate governance has already hurt the reputation of China. To top it all, last month, President Obama ordered a Chinese company to divest its interest in wind farm projects near a Navy base in Oregon where drone aircraft training takes places. To make it even more painful for China, the US Department of Commerce will now impose high tariffs on solar panels imported from China.

The Huawei and ZTE case adds to the barrage of American trade embargoes against Chinese companies, and now these enterprises are getting angry at what they see as double standards and politicization. Both companies have adamantly disputed the claims of the report. Huawei has called the claims “baseless” and believes that the purpose of the reports is to “impede competition and obstruct Chinese ICT companies from entering the US market.” ZTE too believes the findings are unfair, stating that it had had set “an unprecedented standard for cooperation by any Chinese company with a congressional investigation.” China’s Xinhua news agency has similarly described America’s Cold War protectionist mentality as “not a wise choice for Washington.” Up to the time of writing, China has been relatively calm about the allegations of national security threats against Huawei and ZTE. But what happens when America starts to rattle the cage too much? If the risk is genuine, America certainly has a legitimate reason to block these telecom companies from further business within its shores. But the consequence of being wrong could be almost as damaging to the relationship between the two dominant nations. If Chinese people start losing their jobs because America politicians have started calling their companies spies, the issue could flare up into violent protests and boycotting of American products, along the lines of previous protests in China. America must tread carefully before taking action against big Chinese companies, especially if they are linked to the government somehow.

Jason Lim is an Australian-born tech writer and blogger with




a shared value

Working on sustainable ventures with Albert van Lawick van Pabst Text by David Kuo, photo by Sui

ON BACKGROUND I grew up partly in the Dutch countryside and hold a degree in Fauna and Nature Management. After working in London and Amsterdam as a clean tech investment banker and in Beijing as a diplomat, I founded a sustainable ventures and capital advisory firm called SDS Ventures. We have offices in Beijing and Shanghai and partnerships in Hong Kong and Amsterdam. ON PRODUCT SDS Ventures provides hands-on financial advisory and business development advice to sustainable technology companies and investors that aim at growing in, through and out of China. So our customers tend to be tech-entrepreneurs and investors (institutional and private). Our clients are based in places like the Netherlands, Vietnam and Guangdong. An example is a biomass company that we are setting up. This company builds biomass gasification plants, producing ultra-clean gas from rice husk, corn straw and wood waste. We are mana gi n g t h e finances and the fundraising as well assisting with the business development.



ON STAFFING There are with four professionals and one intern. The labor market in Beijing is quite puzzling with so many people looking for jobs. We prefer to get personal referrals or meet people while working in the field. Currently SDS Ventures is looking for someone who understands finance but likes to do more hands-on work with entrepreneurs as well. ON COMPANY STRUCTURE The structure of the company is very simple. The holding is based in Hong Kong and we are setting up a WOFE on the mainland. The offices are in Beijing and Shanghai and partnerships are with like-minded firms in Hong Kong and Amsterdam. Working with US firms is a workin-progress. ON MARKETING So far, I think SDS Ventures has marketed itself through completing projects exceptionally well. One can be fairly aggressive in promoting results when you have done them to a high degree of satisfaction for the client.

ON COMPANY PHILOSOPHY Our corporate philosophy hinges on three notions. First, China is diversifying away from manufacturing towards product development and Research & Development. At the same time, Europe wants to capitalize on its innovation lead. The innovation stage becomes where East and West cross paths, so that’s where we see the most possibilities. Second, venture capital is one of the last industries to globalize, which has important implications for entrepreneurs that see China as their best opportunity. Third, we believe in “Creating Shared Value” as the new paradigm in sustainable entrepreneurship. It leverages unique resources and expertise to create economic value by creating social value. The coal dust solutions technology is an excellent example of unlocking shared value in China. These three notions open breathtaking new opportunities for entrepreneurs, as long as they can be boiled down to an understandable earnings model.

ON AMBITION The dream outcome is that we and our clients grow with China’s next phase of development. ON CAPITAL We are bootstrapping mostly, but also leverage Practically speaking, that would imply that in our relationships with VCs, family offices and 3-5 years’ time we have been instrumental in guiding the growth of a handful of technology DFI’s to support the growth of our clients. companies in China. By then, we should dedicate 70% (instead of 10%) of our time in working ON IP PROTECTION IP protection is our core business. We protect with Chinese companies expanding abroad. our own technology by continuous innovation and value chain configuration. And that is also ON BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT what we advise our clients. Patent application The center of gravity in China’s fund industry is only the beginning of the process, if nothing is located in Beijing, which helps attract new else. We haven’t had any problems with IP theft. technology. Ideally, there should be a real meltThe reason is probably because we prefer to ing pot for technology companies and investors work with technology companies that do not in a central area of town. In reality, the picture is quite scattered with places like Tsinghua Scimerely rely on patents. ence Centre in the North, financial institutions in the west and the fund industry in CBD. That’s ON OFFICE Our office environment is quite modern, on the a shame because it deprives Beijing of an inter19th floor of the Fosun Building on Sanlitun. It is connected “Beijing Valley” area which clusters nice to work in the party district, especially on finance, science and entrepreneurship. Friday afternoons! But as we are expanding, we Check out may look at other areas in town.



the FINE THE fine DINER diner When people start to miss home, some may phone family or flip through photo albums. However, there is a group of people that have a much more visceral remedy: comfort food. For those foreigners in China, nothing hits home like the perfect pizza pie. Forget Pizza Hut and Papa John’s; Beijing is replete with great pizza parlors that far surpass the generic mega-chain corporate offerings. Here’s Agenda’s take on the best pizza in the city.


Seven prime Peking pizza parlors By David Kuo

Gung Ho! Pizza 叫板披萨 With three outlets (Lido, Shuangjing and Sanlitun) Gung Ho! Pizza (pictured above) delivers quality pizza to Chaoyang. With ten signature gourmet pizzas, fresh pasta and good-sized salads, hangover or comfort food has rarely been so tasty. Gung Ho! is primarily a deliverybased service, though if you’d prefer, you can eat at the counter of their China View HQ or outside on the picnic tables if the weather’s nice. Daily 11am-11pm. Shop 2, Hairun International Apartments, corner Jiangtai Lu and Fangyuan Xilu, Chaoyang District (5135 8557) 朝阳区将台路2号海润国际公寓(将台路和方园 西路的十字路口)

Kro’s Nest 鸟巢 The Kro has been making pizza for a long time and his pizza has been hailed by many as some of the tastiest to be had in Beijing. With huge portions and an extensive menu,



there is plenty of options to choose from. The newer Liangmaqiao location has a comfortable and open design that is great for large groups. Winner of both the Beijinger’s 2011 Restaurant Awards for “Outstanding Pizza” and “New Restaurant of the Year”, Kro’s Nest (pictured right) is a longtime Beijing favorite – for good reason. Daily 11am-midnight. Courtyard 4, Gongti Beilu (across from Salsa Caribe), Chaoyang District (8523 6655) 朝阳区工体北路 4号院 (卡利宾拉丁舞俱乐部对面)

Tube Station Pizza 站点披萨 This three-venue joint is another local specialty, offers American-style pizza, onion rings, chicken wings and beer. Not fancy, but sometimes that’s what hits the spot. Mon-Thu 11am-10.30pm, Fri-Sun 11am-midnight. Inside Workers’ Stadium North Gate (next to Vics), Chaoyang District (6553 5253) 朝阳区工体北 门内

The Tree 隐蔽得树 Pizza and beer. What better combination? The Tree, a bit hard to find but worth the search, has one of Beijing’s largest imported beer selections with many great brews on tap. Should you find yourself hungry in between pints order up some modestly priced and consistently delicious pizza baked in their stone ovens. The pizza menu is short but rich, and seats fill up quick so for the weekend diner make to arrive early. For those that enjoy the pub atmosphere, top-notch beers, and pizza pies, The Tree is your destination.100m west of Sanlitun Bar Street, Youyi Youth Hostel (behind Poachers Inn), Chaoyang Distrcit (6415 1954) 朝阳区三里屯酒吧街往西100米友谊旅馆

proposition. Daily 11am-11pm. 1/F, Tower AB, The Office Park (Yuanyang Guanghua International), 10 Jintong Xilu (near Central Park/The Place), Chaoyang District (8590 6428) 朝阳区


The Den 敦煌 As you’re an urbane, sophisticated Agenda reader, I have no doubt that you never catch yourself at 4am in Sanlitun craving some nourishment. But if you did, The Den is the place to go. The pizzas are surprisingly good - they clearly know their market. (Just keep it to yourself next day). Daily 24hrs. 4 Gongti Donglu (next to City Hotel's main entrance), Chaoyang District (6592 6290)朝

金桐西路10号远洋光华国际AB座1楼(近新城国 际/世贸天阶)

O Sole Mio This Gongti area restaurant serves pizza and other Italian standards with no surprises. The cozy atmosphere is nice and if you live in Gongti, it’s great for delivery. Pizzas range from RMB 6080. Daily 10.30am-midnight.1/F, Jiezuo Dasha, 55 Xingfucun Zhonglu, Chaoyang District (6417 7022) 朝阳区幸福村中路55号杰座大厦1层

Annie’s 安妮意大利餐厅 With nine locations across the city (from Dawang Lu to Shunyi), Annie’s is the homegrown pizza chain of choice. And no wonder: with a family-friendly atmosphere (several locations have kids’ play areas) tast food and reasonable prices (salads and pasta are RMB 20-40, pizzas RMB 28-58), Annie’s makes Italian food a daily 阳区工体东路4号城市宾馆正门旁边



INSIGHT - on the job


Founder of Chi Fan for Charity, Michael Crain Text by Rachel Chen, photo by Sui



I am the founder of Chi Fan for Charity and I am also the senior consultant and director of administration at the Beijing representative office for Bingham McCutchen LLP. As for my charity, we participate with mostly expat restaurants in Beijing to hold events. We get a table for ten in each restaurant each time and we sell the tickets, the restaurants provides a great meal, and we worked together to bring people in, all the revenue we generated from that night’s event goes to charity. In the US and western culture, charity is part of what you do. If you are fortunate to have something, there’s always someone less fortunate around you. I’ve always interested in doing something for charity but I used to work in the US embassy and didn’t have enough time for it. Then in 2009, I left the embassy and got together with a lot of friends including friends in the restaurant industry here in Beijing who also wanted to get involved in charity events, and that was how this Chi Fan for Charity idea come out. Knowing that there’s a segment of population that needs help and we are able to do something to help them is great. This is one of the motives that keeps us going when the job gets tiring. We sit together on Saturday night, have dinner and party with old and new friends but make sure the money goes to charity. One of the most important skills is to be able to ask someone to get the job done no matter if it’s a charity or a professional job. For me it’s to ask the restaurants to see if they are able provide a table for our charity event. We are still being told no sometimes, but I think it’s not about being shy but believing in what you are doing. My childhood dream job was to be a postman so that I can drive around town and it sounded really cool to a five-year old. But for now, I think I just won’t have the time and patience to do that anymore, especially in Beijing where the system is totally different from the one in the US.

My best bosses have been people who can recognize my talent and efficiency and allow me to have a position where I can fully utilize those talents. Everyone learns something from every job that they do. I was fortunate to have worked in different levels of jobs including working for the President of United States before I came to China when I had to be able to read quickly with a clear head. When I moved to China to work for the US ambassador, I had to be really knowledgeable of the details of subjects to anticipate questions that he might have. What I found most successful was being able to anticipate my boss’ questions two or three steps ahead. And I think this is when you can show the company your worth. Currently, Chi Fan For Charity has been really satisfying me. We’ve been able to raise a lot of money for some really good causes and also get engaged in the expat restaurant industry. My first job was to work as a model for Dillard’s, a mid level department store in the US. I also helped the sales and retail and I got $10 per hour. Back in 20 years ago, that was a pretty decent pay. I’ve worked there from high school to college for years, then I realized that retail was not something that I wanted to do for my life. But it was a very good working experience. The thing I enjoy the most about my job is that I know that we are able to help people in need and we also get to know a lot of great people from the restaurant industry here. The general advice I would give to people who wants to get in to the charity industry is that you have to be really passionate about it and realize the fact that you are not getting any money out of it. You may upset people when you don’t intend to, and people may upset you on the way too, but you just have to keep the faith up. Check out for the upcoming charity event on November 10



THE meeting place Entrepreneurs and bootstrappers don’t have cash to waste, when they have any cash at all. But if you’re looking to have any kind of meeting, it might be best to get out of the apartment, especially when it’s been doubling as your office anyway. Agenda has a list of different low-cost sites for a budget meeting, whether you’re interviewing interns and pitching to angel investors. (Just remember to thank us when the IPO comes through).

Meeting ON a budget

Six places for a low-cost business conference Compiled by Rachel Chen

Serviced centers

区阜成门外大街2号A座8层 vantonecommer- Vantone Commercial Centre万通商务中 心 Vantone Commercial Centre (pictured above and over the page) provides fully serviced office and catered conference center facilities for business users. Facilities include virtual offices, serviced offices, and large and small conference rooms. The offices are furnished with modern designs to create that professional look of a busy working environment. You can easily get access to their two convenient locations in the heart of the east and west side of the capital for your business convenience. 1 ) 26 &27F, Tower D, Vantone Center, 6A Chaowai Dajie, Chaoyang District (5905 5905) 朝阳区朝外大街甲6号万通中心D座 26&27层;2) Beijing Fuchengmen Center, Tower A, 8/F, Vantone New World Plaza, 2 Fuchengmenwai Dajie, Xicheng District (8804 7288) 西城



ServCorp世服宏图 ServCorp is one of the leading Australian companies providing virtual office and serviced office. They have locations in Asia, the Middle East, Europe, Australia, and New Zealand. Their Beijing branch offers quality reception services, virtual and serviced office for your company needs to ensure you have control over your business wherever you are at a reasonable prices. You can always test try their free trial promotion. 1) Level 24, Tower 3, China Central Place, 77 Jianguo Road, Chaoyang District 朝阳区建国路 77号华贸中心写字楼3座24层 (8588 0100); 2) Level 19, Tower E2, Oriental Plaza, 1 East Chang An Avenue, Dong Cheng District (8520 0500) 东城区东长安街一号东方广场E2办公楼19层



ESQUIRES Coffee Houses Located in The Place, one of the most accessible spots of the CBD area in Beijing, ESQUIRES Coffee Houses 99C Ninety-Nine Degrees Under the same was first founded in Vancouver and going on ownership as Le Petit Gourmand, Ninety-Nine to become popular all over the world. ClaimDegrees is a newly opened bar in Sanlitun ing to serve 100% certified Fairtrade organic with an open air roof top patio. They have an beans in all of their coffee based beverages, superlative range of 99 cocktails, and private this café has a nice and quiet ambience which rooms in black and red décor. If you want to is good for business related meetings. (So, keep it casual, this might be a fun place have no - no Starbucks!) L121, Trends Tower, Building a business meeting. Private rooms are also C, The Place, 9 Guanghua Lu, Chaoyang District available for reservation. 4/F, Youth Hostel Hotel, (6587 1271) 朝阳区光华路9号世贸天街C座时尚 Sanlitun Beijie, Chaoyang District (6416 9971) 朝 大厦1层L121 restaurants and bars could be great alternatives for your business gatherings.


Cafe California Open Sauce 加州开源餐吧 This café and restaurant offers decent Chinese food in set menus at reasonables price and is located conveniently in the Wanda Plaza of the CBD area. If you want to have a private business meeting, their dinning area on the second floor would be ideal for mid size meets. Please make reservations before going; prices are negotiable. 1-15, Wanda Plaza Tower 19, 93 Jianguo Lu, Chaoyang District (5820 6862/ 139 0100 5331) 朝阳区建国路93号万达

Nomads Mongolian Restaurant and Bar Nomads Mongolian Restaurant and Bar offers Mongolian cuisine with a tang of France. Most materials are imported directly from Mongolia. They have traditional Mongolian-style private rooms that are good for your group meeting. If you are looking for somewhere exotically different to bring people together for work and then socialising, why not try this one? 2 Sanlitun Beixiaojie (opposite the South Korean embassy), Chaoyang District (186 1180 6811) 朝阳区三里屯北小街2号(韩国领事馆对






The $10 Trillion Prize

By Michael J. Silverstein, Abheek Singhi, Carol Liao, and David Michael The enormous domestic consumer markets of China and India, while still embryonic, represent prizes of unparalleled strategic and financial significance for every global company you can think of. With both countries rapidly developing an affluent middle class with money to spend, the burning questions for marketers is what these consumers want, and what their motivations are. This book by leaders of Boston Consultant Group aims to unlock those very issues, via a tripartite analysis: first, the rise of these new consumers, the significance on their home nations and the broader global economy; second, an ethnographic analysis of these new classes, detailing their “preferences, appetites and aspirations”; and third, lessons for business leaders. Each section contains a wealth of data, infographics and contextualizing anecdotal stories, from a breakdown in educational attainment to an eye-popping chart examining the Chinese diet from 1960-2020 to the 28 year-old Beijing resident who spends 60% of her monthly outgoings online. Appendix B, looking at the risks in each nation, is a reminder that developing countries by definition lack the stability of the developed states, and that Get It: while the prizes for successful companies maybe The $10 Trillion Prize is available from Taobao and stupendous, the risks remain significant.

Michael J. Silverstein is one of the founders of The Boston Consulting Group’s global consumer practice, Abheek Singhi is the leader of BCG’s India consumer practice, Carol Liao heads BCG’s China consumer practice, and David Michael leads BCG’s globalization practice.



WEEKEND TRAVELLER Everyone schoolchild knows Beijing is the capital of China. However, Nanjing was the “capital city for ten dynasties.” Though the city has become modernized over the years, it has never lost its charm and is rich in cultural and historic relics showing you more deeply into China. Only a 90-minute flights from Beijing, it is very much worth spending a weekend to taste another flavor of where east meets west.

Nanjing’s Southern Beauty

Door of the East and West, throat of the South and North Compiled by Jessica Zhang

As the famous Tang-dynasty poem goes, ”Everyone has praise for Chiang-nan fair / A traveler may well get old here” (人人尽说江南 好,游人只合江南老). Chiang-nan (Jiang Nan) was long a favorite tourist spot for ancient emperors. Nanjing, situated in the center of the Chiang-nan area, is redolent of ancient Chinese culture, alongside the modern city’s striking economic growth. As the provincial capital of Jiangsu, China’s richest province, the city is growing much convenient and friendly for foreigners, and recent years have seen an ever-greater influx of expats working and living in Nanjing. For anyone interested in Chinese history, Nanjing is a must-visit. The city has fine collections of records of Sun Yet-sen and other Kuomingtang leaders’ life events and contributions in the Presidential Palace. Dr. Yat-sen’s Mausoleum is located in the outskirts of the city,



frequented by history lovers and tourists who like a holistic view of the city landscape. Close to Dr. Yat-sen’s Mausoleum is Ming Palace, a historic relic where you can appreciate the value of the Ming Dynasty to the development of China. One last necessary historic spot is The Memorial Hall of the Victims in Nanjing Massacre by Japanese Invaders. The statues and lines sketched on them make such an impression that visitor cannot fail to appreciate the significance of maintaining peace in the world. Nanjing is one of the cities which holds Confucius, a great thinker and educator of ancient China, in the highest esteem. It may not be exaggerating to say that one could never fully appreciate Chinese culture without a clear understanding of Confucianism. Nanjing Confucius Temple is built for consecrating and worshiping Confucius with his statue and

38 vivid panels detailing his life. In front of the temple lies the beautiful Qinhuai River, where a time spentboat-riding and savoring the delicious snack will brighten up your evening. Close by, Gate of China (Zhonghua Men), weathered and rained upon for more than 600 years, is a renowned ancient gate in China with the most complex castle structure in the world. If you are looking for the more modern side of the city, Xuanwu Lake is quite a laid-back spot to be in the evening. To enjoy a truly frenzied nightlife, don’t miss visiting 1912 Bar Street, a downtown night spot as popular as Sanlitun Village in Beijing. Around this neighborhood, you can find bars and nightclubs of all sorts, ranging from foreigner-favorite Luanshi Jiaren 1912 Store to Seven Club with elegant Ming Dynasty style dÊcor. As a young lady, I always cannot wait to plunge into C Lounge, a stylish cocktail bar which offers women free cocktails before 22:00 every Thursday. As for coffee and photograph lovers, 3 coffee, near Nanjing University, has a pleasant ambiance for enjoying some specialized coffee and desserts to idle away late afternoons with your friends. With the ambition to preserve

the memory of the old city itself, the cafe displays an array of unique cameras and films and is a constant photo-fan gathering place. Fancy for some nice wines? The most thumbsup spot is Number Wine, working with Chateau Puech Haut and som other famous French wine brands, providing top-notch Gallic bottles at a wide range of prices. To enjoy the most authentic local food, Nanjing Dai Pai Dong is a food heaven for anyone who has a thirst for southern-style cuisine. In order to give its customers the most real Chinese restaurant experience, the restaurant is decorated in an antique fashion and even correspondingly its staff are all wearing classic traditional Chinese clothes. Come with any mission for shopping? Xinjiekou, located in the center of the city, is a popular business center just third to Wangfujing in Beijing and Nanjing Lu in Shanghai. As you can imagine, it covers everything you might ever be interested in purchasing. Probably it might be a good idea to bring home some local specialties as souvenirs, such as yuhua stone and silk cloth. Above all, don't forget to share with us your own discoveries while traveling in this great city!




Steve Jobs

by Walter Isaacson

Steve Jobs’ life spanned several dichotomies: the vegetarian guru-hunting seeker who took commodity fetishism to new levels; the tech guru who couldn’t program; the anti-materialist who asked Apple to buy him an airplane; the consummate showman who frequently broke down in tears when in conflict. Walter Issacson’s biography was written with Jobs’ full cooperation (the author notes conducting over forty interviews between them), but is unsparing on his flaws, as well as his triumphs. Describing Jobs as some kind of Nitzschean superman may seem overcooked, but his extraordinary charisma is shown again and again. The book is an excellent overview of Jobs’ life, but with most of his efforts taking place in the corporate environment, there are few shocks. Issacson’s prose also, surprisingly, is efficient but lacks a luminous quality.

10am-9.30pm. Shop 3B201, Zone 3 ChinaWorld Mall, 1 Jianguomen Wai Avenue,Chaoyang District (8535 1055) 朝阳区建国门外 大街1号国贸商城三期地下2层


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Walter Isaacson is a writer and biographer. He is the President and CEO of the Aspen Institute, a nonpartisan educational and policy studies organization based in Washington, D.C. He has been the Chairman and CEO of CNN and the Managing Editor of Time. He has written biographies of Henry Kissinger, Benjamin Franklin, Albert Einstein and Steve Jobs.





The Taj Pavilion Indian Restaurant 泰姬楼 The Taj Pavilion Indian Restaurant is one of the most popular spots for Indian food lovers. They have just finished their mouthwatering Tandoori Bar-B-Q Festival and are ready to bring more Indian flavors to Beijing. Join them at any of their three locations to enjoy authentic Indian spices. RC 1) L222, Europlaza, 99 Yuxiang Lu, Tianzhu Zhen, Shunyi District 顺义区天竺镇裕翔路99号欧陆时 尚购物中心L222室,泰姬楼印度餐厅 (8046 3238); 2) F2-03, 2/F, North Tower, China Overseas Plaza, 8 Guanghua Dong Li, Jianguomenwai Dajie, Chaoyang District 朝阳区建国门外大街光华东里8 号中海广场北楼2层F2-03, (6505 5866); 3) 3/F, Holiday Inn Lido, Jiangtai Lu, Shoudu Jichang Lu, Chaoyang District 朝阳区首都机场路将台路丽都假日酒店广场缤纷廊3层 (6436 7678) Perfect for an exotic lunch treat. Signature dishes include Raan-E-Mogul (grilled whole leg of lamb marinated in yogurt and spices, RMB 138), Butter Chicken (RMB 78), and Rasgullah (round balls of cream cheese deep fried in a hot sugar syrup, RMB 25). Most likely to impress: their Taj Pavilion inspired interior design.



Wifi √ Parking √ Fapiao √ Private Room ×




business dinner


Rumi 入迷 Persian food is a unique proposition in Beijing, but Rumi doesn’t rest on its laurels, offering some excellent dining in pleasant surroundings. The bright white décor might be dazzle the eyes, but it swiftly evokes Rumi’s Arabic lineage, while the patio is fine for al fresco dining and peoplewatching in the warmer months. Rumi’s staple cuisine is the hearty kebabs, on beds of fluffy rice. Drinks include perfect homemade lemonades; no alcohol is served, but corkage applies if you bring your own. MC Daily 11.30am-midnight. 1A Gongti Beilu (opposite Zhaolong Hotel), Chaoyang District朝阳区工 体北路甲1号兆龙饭店对面 (8454 3838)

Perfect for a taste of Persia. Signature items include Chicken Shish Kebab (RMB 75), Beef Koobideh (RMB 69), Shirazi Salad (RMB 32). Most likely to impress: the succulent kebabs aren’t to be bettered in Beijing.



Wifi √ Parking √ Fapiao √ Private Room ×




Membership Club

Club 49 四九汇 Located in the elegant area of the newly opened 1949, Jinbao Jie, Club 49 is an exclusive membership club that offers delicate Cantonese cuisine, fine wine and art. Their new Bollinger Champagne bar and lounge has a decent selection of some of the best sparkling wines from all over the world and they go great with the signature duck dishes of Duck de Chine. In addition, some private rooms offer inner courtyard gardens for personal preference. RC Daily 11.30am-2pm and 5-10.30pm. 98 Jinbao Jie, Dongcheng District (6521 1949) 东城区金宝 街98号

Perfect for a private VIP meeting or family reunion. Signature champagnes include Bollinger, Special Cuvee (RMB 1,230), Bollinger, R.D (RMB 5,570), and Prieure Lichine 2007 (RMB 1,488). Most likely to impress: the club is fulfilled with Chinese elements, statues, and artistic paintings.



Wifi √ Parking √ Fapiao √ Private Room √




Erica Chen

Director of Communications, International Montessori School of Beijing Text by Mike Cormack, photo by Lova

Good afternoon Erica. Is this a good time Bang on. What does KPI stand for? I should know this, it was in my last performance to talk? review…! It was… oh, I don’t know! Hey Agenda! Now is great. Have you been told what this quiz in- Key Performance Indicator. You’ll remember it in the next performance review, I bet! volves? Which company did Alibaba buy 20% of Not really… itself back from last week? We’re looking for “Beijing’s Brainiest Boss”, I have no idea. so we’re asking the kind of things that you should know from management or uni- Yahoo!, at the bargain price of seven billion dollars. versity. Damn, I wish I could buy myself for $7bn. (Sounds concerned) Oh my god! Well let’s get to it and see how you do. Which That’s two of us. Which city will hold the next company has the largest market cap in the Summer Olympics? Ah, I know, it’s in Brazil – is it Rio? world at present? Is it… (tentative in the extreme) Apple…? Yes indeed. Good job, that’s the only Brazilian city I could It sure is. think of! Wow! Which company did Mitt Romney used to run? Oh gosh, I don’t know anything about him… I have no idea, sorry!

Two Beijing subway stations intersect three lines. Can you name one of them? (Audibly gazing into the distance) I’m trying to visualize the subway lines in my head… is it Guomao?

It was Bain Capital, the venture/vulture No, that’s lines 1 and 10. capital fund. I’m sorry, I have no idea! That sounds about right! One is Dongzhimen and the other is XizhiIndeed. Name three Chinese banks. Bank of China, Chinese Commerce Bank and men. Wait, Dongzhimen has three? Bank of Beijing. Nicely done. What is the capital of Bolivia? Yes, it has the airport line too. Aaah, I should know this! It’s (a long pause) Oh, right! La Paz?



What is the dialing code for Shanghai? If Beijing’s is 10. Oh I should know… but I don’t! It’s 21. Now you’ll know when Shanghai’s calling. To two decimal places, what is the value of pi? 3.14! Correct! And finally: the release of which product almost caused a riot in Sanlitun Village? The iPhone 4S. That’s the one. Thanks very much, Erica. Have a great weekend. Thanks, Agenda. Erica gets a very creditable score of six out of twelve. Think you can do better? Email editor@ to take part.



The agenda Thursday, NOV 1 11.30AM-10PM It’s Crab Time of the Year at Summer Palace Summer Palace

Celebrating a seasonal specialty, a special menu featuring hairy crab dishes will be offered at Summer Palace Chinese restaurant in China World Hotel till end of November. China World Hotel, 1 Jianguomenwai Dajie, Chaoyang District 朝阳区建国门外大街1号中国大饭店 夏宫

Tel. 6505 2266 ext 34/ 6505 5838.

Friday, NOV 2 8PM Halloween Masquerade Party Centro

Who’s behind the mask? Centro will never tell. In Centro’s Halloween Masquerade Party this year, everyone get prepared to Party into the night with their resident DJ, sip on limited edition bottles of Piper Jean Paul Gaultier and get pumped up for a high-energy dance performance. Lucky guests will win limited edition coffrets. 1/F, Kerry Hotel, 1 Guanghua Lu, Chaoyang District

Saturday, NOV 3 6.30PM Red Carpet Night 798 ART SPACE

The European Union Chamber of Commerce in China is glad to invite you to parade down the Red Carpet, celebrating the opening of the 5th Annual EU Film Festival in magnificent style. 4 Jiuxianqiao Lu, Chaoyang District 朝阳区酒仙桥路4号

Tel. 6462 2066 ext. 23

朝阳区光华路1号北京嘉 大饭店1层

Tel. 8565 2398

Tuesday, NOV 6 Noon-2.30PM Niajo Business Lunch Niajo

Come to Niajo, the traditional Spanish restaurant, and try their weekly changing three-course menu for only RMB 98, including a glass of soft drink, house wine or tea. Coffee or tea after desserts is also included. Their dishes are prepared with fresh ingredients to offer the maximum flavor and highest quality. 3/F, Nali Patio, 81 Sanlitun Lu, Chaoyang District

Wednesday, NOV 7

Thursday, NOV 8

9PM-1AM Regi Brown back on stage! Mix

8.30AM-8PM 2012 China International Trade Facilitation Forum Xinhai Jin Jiang Hotel

Can’t wait any longer for the return of this soulful vocalist? Then you are more than welcome to reignite your Jazz passion with Regi Brown’s soothing melodies at Mix in The Westin Beijing Chaoyang. The Westin Beijing Chaoyang, 7 Dongsanhuan Beilu, Chaoyang District 朝阳区东三环北路7号金茂北京威斯 汀大饭店

Tel. 5922 8880


Tel. 5208 6052

Sunday, NOV 11 8.20PM-1AM Rendez-vous Bar “Class of 1992” Cocktails Kempinski Hotel Beijing

Every day till the end of November in Rendez-vous Bar, they turn back the clock to 1992 with homemade signature cocktails to celebrate 20 years of Kempinski Hotel Beijing. Discover the elegance of the “Beijing” with Martin Miller gin infused Chinese green tea, or sample the “King Corvinus” with cinnamon infused Bourbon whisky. Lufthansa Center, 50 Liangmaqiao Lu, Chaoyang District 朝阳区凯宾斯基饭店亮马桥路50号

Tel. 6465 3388 ext. 4225



Monday, NOV 12 11.30AM-1PM Ganges Lunch Buffet Ganges Indian Restaurant

Sample the full variety of Indian food at Ganges Indian Restaurant - fragrant Rice dishes, barbequed Tadoor food, delicious Naan bread, as well as your favorite curries, soups and salads. Stall 202, 2/F, Bldg 1, Shimao Department Store, 13 Gongti Beilu, Chaoyang District 朝阳区工体北路13号世贸百货1号楼 2层202

Tel. 6416 0181

China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) and China Association of Port-of –Entry (CAOP) will hold China International Trade Facilitation Forum ceremoniously in Beijing on November 8-9, 2012. 61 Jinbao Jie, Wangfujing, Dongcheng District 东城区王府井金宝街61号 upcoming-events/4759

Highlights for Thu, NOV 1 – Wed, NOV 14 Sunday, NOV 4

Monday, NOV 5

NOON-3PM Bubbly Sundays The Westin Beijing Financial Street

6PM-2AM Monday Industry Night at XIU XIU

Every Monday, working in the hospitality or airline industry? Join them for Absolut Vodka at RMB 300 per bottle and selected beers at RMB 150 per six bottles. All night long at XIU! 6/F, Park Life, Beijing Yintai Centre, 2 Jianguomenwai Street, Chaoyang District

The Westin Financial Street’s awardwinning brunch features a huge international buffet, an action-packed kid’s corner and al fresco barbecue in a Zen garden. RMB 428 per person includes free-flow champagne, wine, beer and cocktails. 9B Jinrong Jie (Financial Street), Xicheng District

朝阳区建国门外大街2号,北京银泰中 心6层

Tel. 8567 1108


Tel. 6606 8866

Friday, NOV 9 NOON-2PM Lunch with Angelica Cheung, Editor-in-chief of Vogue China East Beijing

6.30PM-4AM The Beijing British Charity Ball 2012 Kerry Hotel Beijing



Tel. 8426 0888 lunch-angelica-cheung-editor-chiefvogue-china

Tel. 8565 2646

AustCham Beijing invites you to a special lunch with inspirational Editor-in-Chief, mother and UniSA MBA graduate, Angelica Cheung. Angelica joined Vogue China as Editorial Director in 2005 and spearheaded the launch of the publication. 22 Jiuxianqiao Lu, Chaoyang District

Tuesday, NoV 13 NOON-11.30PM 2-Star Michelin Chef, Gennaro Esposito Takes Centre Stage The Westin Beijing Financial Street

The Westin Beijing Financial Street is flying in Chef Gennaro from Rome to work his magic and present his masterpieces for lunch and dinner on 13 and 14 November 2012 to cap off the hotel’s Hats Off series 9B Jinrong Jie (Financial Street), Xicheng District

Saturday, NOV 10

You are invited to attend the 2012 British Charity Ball, this year with the theme “James Bond – Shaken not Stirred!”. The dress code for this event is black tie and ball gowns, and there will be plenty of fun and games in store. 1 Guanghua Lu, Chaoyang District

Wednesday, NOV 14 7.30-9PM Balboa Style Swing Classes Modernista Come to learn to swing with the best Swing dance teachers in town such as Josh Dominick and Leru! 44 Baochao Hutong, Gulou Dongdajie, Dongcheng District 东城区鼓楼东大街宝钞胡同44号

Tel. 136 9142 5744

Get listed! Email

Events Deadlines November 29 issue: November 8 December 13 issue: November 22


Tel. 6629 7815





EVENTS NOV 1 thu 11.30AM-10PM It’s Crab Time of the Year at Summer Palace Summer Palace

Celebrating a seasonal specialty, a special menu featuring hairy crab dishes will be offered at Summer Palace Chinese restaurant in China World Hotel till end of November. Their menu will include dishes created by Chef Kenny Chen and Hou Xinqing such as steamed hairy crab with Hua Diao. China World Hotel, 1 Jianguomenwai Dajie, Chaoyang District 朝阳区建国门外大街1号中国大饭店夏宫

Tel. 6505 2266 ext 34/ 6505 5838.

5PM-MIDNIGHT Monthly Industry Night At Bar Veloce Bar Veloce

Come to Bar Veloce’s promotional night for industry professionals that present their business cards and enjoy complimentary snacks and 10% off special wines on offer. Come between 6-8pm to also enjoy their Happy Hour Selection, two for the price of one, with 14+ wines to choose from. Courtyard 4 (opposite west entrance of 1949 - The Hidden City), Gongti Beilu, Chaoyang District 朝阳区工体北路4号院(1949西门对面)

Tel. 6586 1006

NOV 2 FRI 8AM-6.20PM FT Chinese Annual Forum 2012 Sofitel Wanda Beijing British Chamber of Commerce in China is pleased to invite you to FT Chinese Annual Forum 2012. Inaugurated in 2008, FT Chinese Annual Forum has been regarded as an extraordinary platform for sharing professional insights. After being held in Beijing, Qingdao and Shanghai over the recent years, the theme for this year is “Present & Prospect: Decisionmaking in Transformation”. Financial Times and will once again bring together world class economists, policy makers, influential entrepreneurs and media pioneers to review the year of 2012 and to expect the coming year. RMB 648 for members and RMB 1080 for non-members. Tower C, Wanda Plaza , 93 Jianguo Lu , Chaoyang District 朝阳区建国路93号万达广场C 座,北京万达索菲特大饭店

Tel. 85877579

10AM-NOON LPS Grand Opening reception Legendale Hotel Beijing The European Union Chamber

of Commerce is glad to invite you to attend the Grand Opening reception of LPS Beijing -The Luxury Properties Showcase today at Legendale Hotel Beijing. LPS Beijing is firmly established as China’s leading luxury property Show. The 4th consecutive edition of LPS Beijing (Nov 2-4, 2012) will welcome over 70 exhibitors from 26 countries, including many EU countries such as France, Spain, Portugal, Italy, UK, Cyprus, Romania and Hungary. LPS Beijing is organised in cooperation with prestigious official partners such as Lamborghini, Dassault-Falcon, Baccarat, Beneteau, Hastens, and many more. The event is free of charge but there are limited numbers of invitations available, so they will allocate the tickets on a “first-come, first-served” basis. 90-92 Jinbao Jie, Dongcheng District 东城区金宝街90-92号励骏酒店 upcoming-events/4797

5PM-MIDNIGHT Wine Salon Fridays Bar Veloce

Come to Bar Veloce on Fridays for free tastings and discussions hosted by Sommelier Krishna Hathaway (with occasional guest speakers/ winemakers) featuring a flight of wines of a different style or region, changing weekly. Courtyard 4 (opposite west entrance of 1949 - The Hidden City), Gongti Beilu, Chaoyang District朝阳区工体北路4号院 (1949西门对面)

Tel. 6586 1006

8PM Halloween Masquerade Party Centro

Who’s behind the mask? Centro will never tell. In Centro’s Halloween Masquerade Party this year, everyone get prepared to Party into the night with their resident DJ, sip on limited edition bottles of Piper Jean Paul Gaultier and get pumped up for a high-energy dance performance. Lucky guests will win limited edition coffrets. 1/F, Kerry Hotel, 1 Guanghua Lu, Chaoyang District 朝阳区光华路1号北京嘉 大饭店1层

Halloween Masquerade Party Who’s behind the mask? Centro will never tell. In Centro’s Halloween Masquerade Party this year, everyone get prepared to Party into the night with their resident DJ, sip on limited edition bottles of Piper Jean Paul Gaultier and get pumped up for a high-energy dance performance. Lucky guests will win limited edition coffrets. 1/F, Kerry Hotel, 1 Guanghua Lu, Chaoyang District 朝阳区光华路1号北京嘉 大饭店1层

Tel. 8565 2398

NOV 3 sat 11AM-3PM Weekend Brunch Brussels Bar and Restaurant



EVENTS Saturday and Sunday Brunch featuring fresh pancakes and French toast as well as their own “crepes” spin on some tradition Brunch items: try their eggs benedict crepes, or steak & eggs crepes with Bearnaise. Courtyard 4 (opposite west entrance of 1949 - The Hidden City), Gongti Beilu, Chaoyang District 朝阳区工体北路4号院(1949西门对面)

Tel. 6591 9525/ 134 8880 4794

11.30AM-3PM Aroma Weekend Brunch @ The Ritz-Carlton, Beijing Aroma

Continue the Sunday feast at The Ritz-Carlton, Beijing, Aroma brunch is now open for the all weekend. Enjoy the relaxing weekend Brunch at Feast, with a wide selection of special work-fry dishes and BBQ, and very special products like imported Boston Lobster, Norwegian Salmon, French Foie Gras, Australian Beef Steak, and more new delicacies. Executive Chef Bruno shared his exclusive recipe to turn a dinning experience into a lasting memory. 83A Jianguo Lu, Chaoyang District 朝阳区华贸中心建国路甲 83号丽思卡尔顿酒店

Tel. 5908 8161

Agua Brunch Agua

Agua brunch features 4 tapas to share, 6 choices of main courses and 7 choices of desserts from the ‘a la carte’ menu for only RMB 198 per person. 4/F, Nali Patio, 81 Sanlitun Lu, Chaoyang District 朝阳区三里屯路81号那里花园4层

Tel. 5208 6188/5208 6198

11.30AM-10.30PM White Truffle Extravaganza Cepe

Considered equally luxurious as “goose liver” and “caviar”, white truffles play an important role in enhancing the flavor and smell of a dish. This November, the new Executive Chef, Nathan Brown of Cepe Italian Restaurant will use the lavish earthy treasure to create luxurious Italian dishes. The Ritz-Carlton Financial Street, 1 Jinchengfang Dongjie, Jinrong Jie, Xicheng District 西城区金城坊东街1号北京金 融街丽思卡顿酒店意味轩

Tel. 6601 6666

6.30PM Red Carpet Night 798 ART SPACE



White Truffle Extravaganza Considered equally luxurious as “goose liver” and “caviar”, white truffles play an important role in enhancing the flavor and smell of a dish. This November, the new Executive Chef, Nathan Brown of Cepe Italian Restaurant will use the lavish earthy treasure to create luxurious Italian dishes. The Ritz-Carlton Financial Street, 1 Jinchengfang Dongjie, Jinrong Jie, Xicheng District 西城区金城坊东街1号北京金融街丽思卡顿酒店意味轩 The European Union Chamber of Commerce in China is glad to invite you to parade down the Red Carpet, celebrating the opening of the 5th Annual EU Film Festival in magnificent style. In the awe-inspiring, artistic atmosphere of 798 ART SPACE, mingle with European film stars, the EU delegation, officials, members and friends of the chamber. This event will be highlighted by artistic performances to bring you back to classic scenes of most prestigious European movies. Fine wines, spirits and exquisite European food will be served during the evening. RMB 798 for members and RMB 1,000 for non-members. 4 Jiuxianqiao Lu, Chaoyang District 朝阳区酒仙桥路4号

Tel. 6462 2066 ext. 23 upcoming-events/4616

8.30-11.30PM Latin & Ballroom Dance Party Sino-Chu Wine Bar

Their Latin & Ballroom Dance Party is held tonight. To attend their dance party there is a RMB 30 minimum purchase requirement from the Sino-Chu. Food and drinks can be enjoyed at the tables surrounding the wooden dance floor. 18 Liangmahe Nanlu (behind the Australian embassy), Chaoyang District 朝阳区东直门外大街亮马河 南路18号亮马河红酒屋

Tel. 8532 2418

NOV 4 SUN NOON-3PM Bubbly Sundays The Westin Beijing Financial Street

The Westin Financial Street’s awardwinning brunch features a huge international buffet, an action-packed kid’s corner and al fresco barbecue in a Zen garden. RMB 428 per person includes free-flow champagne, wine, beer and cocktails. RMB 398 without alcohol. RMB 198 for kids between six and twelve. All prices are subject to a surcharge. 9B Jinrong Jie (Financial Street), Xicheng District 西城区金融街乙9号威斯汀大酒店

Tel. 6606 8866

Taste of summer @ Barolo of The Ritz-Carlton, Beijing Barolo

“Chef of the Year” Gianluca Visani offers his new creations for summer, and brings the taste of traditional Italian home cooking by presenting diners the vibrancies and romance of Italy with a burst of flavors in a delectable and inventive way, and perfectly matched with exquisite regional Italian wines. Let them invite you to enjoy a master chef at the top of his craft. 2/F, The Ritz-Carlton Hotel, China Central Place, 83A Jianguo Lu, Chaoyang District 朝阳区建国路甲83号北京丽思卡 尔顿酒店巴罗洛意大利餐厅

Tel. 5908 8151

NOON-4PM Bubbly Brunch@SALT SALT

Add sparkle to your weekend with SALT’S New Weekend Brunch with delightful contemporary menus and indulgent, fresh and seasonally-style. New innovative twists, wines and beers and Gaby’s seriously spicy Bloody Mary are also offered. Non-alcoholic and children’s options are also available. Reservations encouraged. 2/F, 9 Jiangtai Xilu (opposite the Japanese School, west of Rosedale Hotel), Chaoyang District 朝阳区将台西路9号2层(珀丽酒店西边)

Tel. 6437 8457

NOV 5 MON NOON-2PM Agua Business Lunch Agua

Agua’s lunch menu changes weekly and it includes a choice of three starters, four main courses and three desserts with only RMB88 for two courses and RMB98 for three. 4/F, Nali Patio, 81 Sanlitun Lu, Chaoyang District 朝阳区三里屯路81号那里花园4层

6PM-2AM Monday Industry Night at XIU XIU

Every Monday, working in the hospitality or airline industry? Join them for Absolut Vodka at RMB 300 per bottle and selected beers at RMB 150 per six bottles. All night long at XIU!

6/F, Park Life, Beijing Yintai Centre, 2 Jianguomenwai Street, Chaoyang District 朝阳区建国门外大街2号北京银泰中心6层

Tel. 8567 1108



Tel. 5908 8973 Default.htm


Noon-2.30PM Niajo Business Lunch Niajo

11-2AM Italian Wines at Aria Bar Aria


朝阳区建国门外大街1号中 国大饭店二层阿丽雅

Tel. 5208 6052

Tel. 6505 2266 ext 36/6505 5838

8PM-MIDNIGHT Year End Party at The Ritz-Carlton, Beijing The Ritz-Carlton, Beijing

6-8PM Absinthe Green Hour Modernista

Come to Niajo, the traditional Spanish restaurant, and try their weekly changing three-course menu for only RMB 98, including a glass of soft drink, house wine or tea. Coffee or tea after desserts is also included. Their dishes are prepared with fresh ingredients to offer the maximum flavor and highest quality. 3/F, Nali Patio, 81 Sanlitun Lu, Chaoyang District

Celebrate your year end party at The Ritz-Carlton, Beijing, which offers a comprehensive service and memorable experience provided by a dedicated team of professionals and well experienced specialists. Whether you are looking to organize a team building activity or a private party, their ladies and gentlemen will take care of all the details for you. 83A Jianguo Lu, China Central Place, Chaoyang District

China World Wine Team invites you to join them to explore the traditional grapes varietal of Italy for the October period. They will show case different wines produced by traditional Italian grapes varietal to take you on a journey through different parts of Italy. China World Hotel, 1 Jianguomenwai Dajie, Chaoyang District (6505 2266 ext 36)

Absinthe was a popular drink in France, Switzerland, Spain and many other European countries during the 18th, 19th and 20th Centuries. Come to Modernista’s “Green Hour” to enjoy their bigger Absinthe collection! Now there are more than 20 new kinds of excellent Absinthe, served in a traditional way. Come to meet Green Fairy and taste authentic Boheme flavour! Special Absinthe deals are up to 25 % discount in their Absinthe selection. 44 Baochao Hutong, Gulou Dongdajie, Dongcheng District 东城区鼓楼东大街宝钞胡同44号

Tel. 136 9142 5744

9PM-1AM Regi Brown back on stage! Mix

Can’t wait any longer for the return of this soulful vocalist? Then you are more than welcome to reignite your Jazz passion with Regi Brown’s soothing melodies at Mix in The Westin Beijing Chaoyang. The Westin Beijing Chaoyang, 7 Dongsanhuan Beilu, Chaoyang District 朝阳区东三环北路7号金茂北京威斯汀 大饭店

Bubbly Brunch@SALT Add sparkle to your weekend with SALT’S New Weekend Brunch with delightful contemporary menus and indulgent, fresh and seasonally-style. 2/F, 9 Jiangtai Xilu (opposite the Japanese School, west of Rosedale Hotel), Chaoyang District 朝阳区将台西路9号2层(珀丽酒店西边) Tel. 6437 8457

Tel. 5922 8880

NOV 8 thu 8.30AM-8PM 2012 China International



EVENTS Trade Facilitation Forum Xinhai Jin Jiang Hotel

China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) and China Association of Port-of –Entry (CAOP) decide to hold China International Trade Facilitation Forum ceremoniously in Beijing on November 8-9, 2012. It will be the most comprehensive annual event with the highest specification, the largest scale and the most far-reaching influence in the field of China’s international trade facilitation. The theme of the forum is Trade Facilitation, New Engine for International Trade & Economy Recovery. RMB 1,780 for members and RMB 2,780 for non-members. 61 Jinbao Jie, Wangfujing, Dongcheng District 东城区王府井金宝街61号 upcoming-events/4759

6-8.30PM Spanish Wine Tasting at China Bar China Bar

Enjoy a passionate night of wine tasting at China Bar and delight in the aromas of Spanish wines from Juan Gil Family and flavorful tapas-style side dishes. Gil Family Estates is composed of eight companies located in different D.O., each one with its own personality perfectly defined but working in excellent tuning with the rest. In fact they share a declared bet for the indigenous varieties and the effort in the conservation of the rich, though scarce, patrimony of old vines. They also share the desire of being competitive world wide and this is what guides them in the search for quality of the wines and the presentation of their products. RMB 350 net per person, inclusive of wine tasting of 10 glasses and RMB 550 net per person, inclusive of premier wine tasting and a workshop hosted by winery. Please book in advance and pre-payment is required. 65/F, Park Hyatt, 2 Jianguomenwai Dajie, Chaoyang District 朝阳区建国门外大街2号柏悦酒店65层

Tel. 8567 1840

NOV 9 fri 8.30AM-8PM 2012 China International Trade Facilitation Forum Xinhai Jin Jiang Hotel

China Council for the Promotion of



Wine Salon Fridays Come to Bar Veloce on Fridays for free tastings and discussions hosted by Sommelier Krishna Hathaway (with occasional guest speakers/winemakers) featuring a flight of wines of a different style or region, changing weekly. (Reservations required, limited seating). Courtyard 4 (opposite west entrance of 1949 - The Hidden City), Gongti Beilu, Chaoyang District朝 阳区工体北路4号院(1949西门对面)

International Trade (CCPIT) and China Association of Port-of –Entry (CAOP) decide to hold China International Trade Facilitation Forum ceremoniously in Beijing on November 8-9, 2012. It will be the most comprehensive annual event with the highest specification, the largest scale and the most far-reaching influence in the field of China’s international trade facilitation. The theme of the forum is Trade Facilitation, New Engine for International Trade & Economy Recovery. RMB 1,780 for members and RMB 2,780 for non-members. 61 Jinbao Jie, Wangfujing, Dongcheng District 东城区王府井金宝街61号 upcoming-events/4759

NOON-2PM Lunch with Angelica Cheung, Editor-in-chief of Vogue China East Beijing

AustCham Beijing invites you to a special lunch with inspirational Editor-inChief, mother and UniSA MBA graduate, Angelica Cheung. Angelica joined Vogue China as Editorial Director in 2005 and spearheaded the launch of the publication. For the past seven years Ms Cheung has led its growth to international acclaim. Join AustCham today for a fantastic 3-course lunch at East Beijing, Swire Hotel’s newest location near 798 Art District in Lido

for what promises to be a great chance to hear Angelica speak. Please note, places are limited and RSVP is essential. RMB 600 for members and RMB 650 for non-members. 22 Jiuxianqiao Lu, Chaoyang District 朝阳区酒仙桥路22号

Tel. 8426 0888 lunch-angelica-cheung-editor-chiefvogue-china

5PM-MIDNIGHT Wine Salon Fridays Bar Veloce

Come to Bar Veloce on Fridays for free tastings and discussions hosted by Sommelier Krishna Hathaway (with occasional guest speakers/winemakers) featuring a flight of wines of a different style or region, changing weekly. (Reservations required, limited seating). Courtyard 4 (opposite west entrance of 1949 - The Hidden City), Gongti Beilu, Chaoyang District 朝阳区工体北路4号院(1949西门对面)

Tel. 6586 1006

Times Vary China International Green Innovative Products & Technologies Show 2012 Room 101

British Chamber of Commerce in China invites you to China International Green Innovative Products &

Technologies Show 2012. The event is set to showcase world leading green technologies, products and services from all around the world that will help to meet increasing demands as economies transition towards a green future. 12 Jianguomenwai Dajie, Chaoyang District 朝阳区建国门外大街12号

Tel. 8526 1628/6559 9082

NOV 10 SAT 9AM-3PM French Brunch Le Petit Gourmand

Start off your Saturdays and Sundays with their generous French Brunch offer, which will satisfy a strong hunger and a sweet tooth both with its association of eggs, bacon, potatoes and sausages, but also their fresh fruits salad and its French pastries for only RMB 98, don’t miss out on one of the best brunch deals of the city! 3/F, Tongli Studios, Sanlitun Houjie, Chaoyang District 朝阳区三里屯后街同里3层小美食家

Tel. 6417 6095

11.30AM-10PM New Discovery at Yu Yu

Yu welcomes you to a brand new

menu that bring an unforgettable gastronomic experience, keeping “the way of Yu” by mixing classic Cantonese cuisine with Chef Ku’s new creations. Beside the new menu, their Executive Chinese Chef Ku also creates a memorable weekend for you with their exquisite unlimited Cantonese Dim Sum Brunch. The Ritz-Carlton Beijing, 83A Jianguo Lu, Chaoyang District 朝阳区建国路甲83号北京丽思卡尔顿酒店

Tel. 5908 8111

NOON-3PM Agua Brunch Agua

Agua brunch features 4 tapas to share, 6 choices of main courses and 7 choices of desserts from the ‘a la carte’ menu for only RMB 198 per person. 4/F, Nali Patio, 81 Sanlitun Lu, Chaoyang District 朝阳区三里屯路81号那里花园4层

Tel. 5208 6188/5208 6198

6.30PM-4AM The Beijing British Charity Ball 2012 Kerry Hotel Beijing

You are invited to attend the 2012 British Charity Ball, this year with the theme “James Bond – Shaken not Stirred!”. The dress code for this event is black tie and ball gowns, and there will be plenty of fun and games in store. 1 Guanghua Lu, Chaoyang District 朝阳区光华路1号嘉里中心饭店

Tel. 8565 2646

NOV 11 SUN 11AM-4PM Bubbly Sundays The Westin Beijing Financial Street

The Westin Financial Street’s awardwinning brunch features a huge international buffet, an action-packed kid’s corner and al fresco barbecue in a Zen garden. RMB 428 per person includes free-flow champagne, wine, beer and cocktails. RMB 398 without alcohol. RMB 198 for kids between six and twelve. All prices are subject to a surcharge. 9B Jinrong Jie (Financial Street), Xicheng District 西城区金融街乙9号威斯汀大酒店

Tel. 6606 8866

11.30AM-3PM Fizztastic Sunday Brunch Vasco’s

Showcasing an array of brunch favorites and international selections, complemented with free-flowing premium champagne, the “Autumn fizztastic” offers the appetizing seasonal spring treats featuring the seasonal vegetables, fresh seafood, new fruits, soft tommy, healthy soup and more. All of them are creativity and presented in style by their innovative team. 5/F, Hilton Beijing Wangfujing, 8 Wangfujing Dongjie, Dongcheng District 东城区王府井东街8号希尔 顿北京王府井酒店5层

Tel. 5812 8888

NOON-4PM SALT Bubbly Autumn Sundays SALT

New Discovery at Yu Yu welcomes you to a brand new menu that bring an unforgettable gastronomic experience, keeping “the way of Yu” by mixing classic Cantonese cuisine with Chef Ku’s new creations. Beside the new menu, their Executive Chinese Chef Ku also creates a memorable weekend for you with their exquisite unlimited Cantonese Dim Sum Brunch. 83A Jianguo Lu, China Central Place, Chaoyang District 朝阳区建国路甲83号华贸中心 Tel. 5908 8111

Indulge in Chef Paulo De Souza’s delicious brunch choices such as Shrimp and Potato “Tortilla”, Serrano Ham Crunchy Rolls, Seared Rare Tuna, Spinach-Basil-Ricotta Malfatti with Provencale Cherry Tomatoes, Grilled Lamb Chops and Grilled Pita with Paprika Humus, Spanish Style Seafood Rice and his mouthwatering spring desserts. Add from the refreshing selection of Gaby’s seasonal wine list, splash out with a slightly indulgent cocktail or two, or go “free-flow”. 2/F, 9 Jiangtai Xilu (opposite the Japanese School, west of Rosedale Hotel), Chaoyang District



EVENTS 朝阳区将台西路9号2层(珀丽酒店西边)

Tel. 6437 8457

8.20PM-1AM Rendez-vous Bar “Class of 1992” Cocktails Kempinski Hotel Beijing

Every day till the end of November in Rendez-vous Bar, they turn back the clock to 1992 with homemade signature cocktails to celebrate 20 years of Kempinski Hotel Beijing. Discover the elegance of the “Beijing” with Martin Miller gin infused Chinese green tea, or sample the “King Corvinus” with cinnamon infused Bourbon whisky. Cocktails starting at RMB 45 and subject to 15% surcharge. Lufthansa Center, 50 Liangmaqiao Lu, Chaoyang District 朝阳区凯宾斯基饭店亮马桥路50号

Tel. 6465 3388 ext. 4225

NOV 12 MON 8AM The 4th China Overseas Investment Fair China World Hotel

China Overseas Investment Fair (COIFAIR) is an important platform for Chinese enterprises seeking to go global, and for foreign agencies looking to attract Chinese investment. This year the Fair has the theme of ‘Invest and Cooperate for a Better World’, and will feature exhibitions, forum sessions, investment promotion seminars and high-end meetings. Attendees will come from a range of Chinese enterprises, financial institutes & professional service providers, international business associations, research institutes and government agencies. 1 Jianguomenwai Dajie, Chaoyang District 朝阳区建国门外大街1号中国大饭店

Tel. 8525 1111 ext 309

11.30AM-1PM Ganges Lunch Buffet Ganges Indian Restaurant

Sample the full variety of Indian food at Ganges Indian Restaurant - fragrant Rice dishes, barbequed Tadoor food, delicious Naan bread, as well as your favorite curries, soups and salads. Ganges Lunch Buffet - offering Starters, Curries, Tandoor BBQ, Salads, Soups, Rice and Dessert for just RMB 60.



2-Star Michelin Chef, Gennaro Esposito Takes Centre Stage The Westin Beijing Financial Street is flying in Chef Gennaro from Rome to work his magic and present his masterpieces for lunch and dinner on 13 and 14 November 2012 to cap off the hotel’s Hats Off series 9B Jinrong Jie (Financial Street), Xicheng District 西城区金融街乙9号威斯汀大酒店 Tel. 6629 7815 Stall 202, 2/F, Bldg 1, Shimao Department Store, 13 Gongti Beilu, Chaoyang District 朝阳区工体北路13号世贸 百货1号楼2层202

Tel. 6416 0181

Noon-2.30PM Niajo Business Lunch Niajo

Come to Niajo, the traditional Spanish restaurant, and try their weekly changing three-course menu for only RMB 98, including a glass of soft drink, house wine or tea. Coffee or tea after desserts is also included. Their dishes are prepared with fresh ingredients to offer the maximum flavor and highest quality. 3/F, Nali Patio, 81 Sanlitun Lu, Chaoyang District 朝阳区三里屯路81号那里花园3层

Tel. 5208 6052

1-4PM Global Ready Leadership (Chinese Language) Radisson Blu Hotel Beijing

Danish Chamber of Commerce in China invites you to their workshop about how to develop your capability as a global leader with guest speaker, Linda Wang, MDS Executive Coach and Trainer. Linda has successfully helped several Fortune 500 companies in China develop their leadership in the areas of communication, crisis management, marketing and spokes-

man training. RMB 120 for members and RMB 220 for non-members. 6A Beisanhuan Donglu, Chaoyang District 北京市朝阳区北三环东路 甲6号北京皇家大饭店

Tel. 5922 3388

NOV 13 TUE NOON-2PM Classic Business Set Lunch Dynasty Plaza

Catering to business people’s need for convenient and nutritious food, Dynasty Plaza presents a series of 5-course set lunch menus starting from RMB 98. Besides selected salads, soups, desserts and fresh fruits, choose your own favorite main course from braised tenderloin in red wine sauce, pan-fried salmon, Penne carbonara, New York club sandwich or Hainanese chicken rice. Take a break from the hustle and bustle and satisfy your palate. Sunworld Dynasty Hotel, 50 Wangfujing Dajie, Dongcheng District 东城区王府井大街50号北京天伦王朝酒店

Tel. 5816 8888 ext. 8298

NOON-11.30PM 2-Star Michelin Chef, Gennaro Esposito Takes Centre Stage The Westin Beijing

Financial Street

Gourmands in Beijing are in for a treat this November as 2-star Michelin Chef Gennaro Esposito makes a special two-day appearance at the awardwinning Prego Italian Restaurant. The Westin Beijing Financial Street is flying in Chef Gennaro from Rome to work his magic and present his masterpieces for lunch and dinner on 13 and 14 November 2012 to cap off the hotel’s Hats Off series which brings in chefs from all over the world every year. The price for your indulgence is RMB 400 net per person for a three-course lunch and RMB 800 net per person for a seven-course dinner inclusive of welcome cocktails and wine pairing. Cocktail starts from 6pm. 9B Jinrong Jie (Financial Street), Xicheng District 西城区金融街乙9号威斯汀大酒店


NOV 14 WED 11.AM-2.30PM Pasta e Basta at Trattoria La Gondola Kempinski Hotel Beijing

Take your lunch to the next level with their special Pasta Business Lunch offered at Trattoria La Gondola, seven days a week. Indulge true Italian cui-

sine during every lunch paired with a grand selection of Italian wines. Don’t waste another lunch on simplicity; treat yourself to the most divine pasta in town. Lufthansa Center, 50 Liangmaqiao Lu, Chaoyang District 朝阳区凯宾斯基饭店亮马桥路50号

Tel. 6465 3388 ext. 4215

11.30AM-1AM Aria Bar’s Single Malt and Cigar Pairing Aria

Enjoy eight different kinds of finest single malts, from Macallan 12 Years to Glenmorangie 10 Years, perfectly accompanied by three kinds of premium cigars, such as Romeo Belvederes and R&J No3. Fonseca at Aria Bar of China World Hotel. RMB 288 plus a 15% service charge for a double shot serving of single malt whisky and one cigar. 2/F, China World Hotel, 1 Jianguomenwai Dajie, Chaoyang District 朝阳区建国门外大街1号中 国大饭店二层阿丽雅

Tel. 6505 2266 ext. 36 / 6505 5838

wealth of experience as a writer and commentator on Chinese political, economic and social affairs. He was formerly editor of The South China Morning Post, The Observer and Reuters World Service as well as a senior correspondent for The Economist. This event is organized in collaboration with AustCham and the Canada China Business Council. RMB 600 for members and RMB 800 for non-members (including a 3-course meal). 2/F, China World Hotel, 1 Jianguomenwai Dajie, Chaoyang District 朝阳区建国门外大街1号中 国大饭店二层阿丽雅

Tel. 6505 2266

7.30-9PM Balboa Style Swing Classes Modernista

Come to learn to swing with the best Swing dance teachers in town such as Josh Dominick and Leru! 44 Baochao Hutong, Gulou Dongdajie, Dongcheng District 东城区鼓楼东大街宝钞胡同44号

6.30-9PM A Dinner with Jonathan Fenby China World Hotel

BenCham Beijing is proud to invite you to a business dinner today with Jonathan Fenby. Jonathan has a

Tel. 136 9142 5744

9PM-MIDNIGHT Taste of The Best ROOMbeijing

Best lounge music and best price often don’t mix, unless it’s done by ROOMbeijing. Champagne bottles are 50% off from 9pm till midnight for every night for the summer. Featuring their best DJs from Spain: DJ Cad & DJ Yauman every Wed till Sat. Kitchen opens till 1am. No entrance fee but table bookings are highly recommended. Rm 301-302, 3/F, Park Life, Yintai Centre, 2 Jianguomenwai Dajie, Chaoyang District 朝阳区建国门外大街2号 银泰中心301-302室

Tel. 8517 2033

Ladies Night @ Zeta Bar Zeta Bar

Aria Bar’s Single Malt and Cigar Pairing Enjoy eight different kinds of

finest single malts, from Macallan 12 Years to Glenmorangie 10 Years, perfectly accompanied by three kinds of premium cigars, such as Romeo Belvederes and R&J No3. Fonseca at Aria Bar of China World Hotel. RMB 288 plus a 15% service charge for a double shot serving of single malt whisky and one cigar. 2/F, China World Hotel, 1 Jianguomenwai Dajie, Chaoyang District 朝阳区建国门外大街1号中国大饭店二层阿丽雅 Tel. 6505 2266 ext. 36 / 6505 5838

Enjoy an evening where females are definitely on top. There will be complimentary Zeta Bar special cocktails for the ladies and sexy tones played by their international DJ for you to dance the night away. Free to attend. 1 Dongfang Lu, Dongsanhuan Beilu, Chaoyang District 朝阳区东三环北路东方路1号

Tel. 5865 5000
















Oasis Healthcare

Grace Beijing Hotel Harmonicare Beijing United Family

Radisson Blu Hotel

Beijing United Family 21st Century Healthcare International SOS

International Medical Center

Hong Kong International Medical Clinic

Hilton WangFuJing Peking Union Hospital

Vista Clinic Grand Millennium Beijing Bayley and Jackson Beijing United Family

Raffles Beijing

Beijing Aier-Intech Eye Hospital

































































Line 9


Line 15

Changping Line Fangshan Line Yizhuang Line











Business Business Listings Chambers of Commerce

AHK (Delegations of German Industry & Commerce) AmCham-China (The American Chamber of Commerce) Austcham Beijing British Chamber of Commerce in China BENCHAM (Benelux Chamber of Commerce in China) Camera di Commercio Italiana in Cina (China-Italy Chamber of Commerce) CCIFC (French Chamber of Commerce and Industry in China) DCCC (Danish chamber of commerce in China) European Chamber (European Union Chamber of Commerce in China) Hong Kong Chamber of Commerce in China (HKCCC) ICCCI (INDIA CHINA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE & INDUSTRY) IsCham China (The Israeli Chamber of Commerce in China) Singcham (Singapore Chamber of Commerce and Industry in China) Spanish Chamber of Commerce in China Swedish Chamber of Commerce in China Swisscham (Swiss Chinese Chamber of Commerce Beijing) Professional Networking

Beijing Entrepreneurs 2/F, Annex to Sunjoy Mansion No. 6 Ritan Road, Chaoyang District (6569 1321) 朝阳区北京市朝阳 区日坛路6号新族大厦2层

Viva Beijing Professional Women’s Network Meets last Wednesday of every month. Entrepreneur’s Organization Beijing Chapter Serviced offices

Vantone Commercial Center 万通商 务中心 1) 26-27/F, Tower D, Vantone Center, A6 Chaoyangmenwai Dajie, Chaoyang District (5905 5905) 朝阳区 朝阳门外大街甲6号万通中心D座26-27



层; 2) 8/F, Tower A, 2 Fuchengmenwai Dajie, Xicheng District (8804 7288) 西 城区阜城门外大街2号A座8层 vantone-

Zhonglu, Chaoyang District (+21 3222 0616, cn) 朝阳区东


Servoffice International Centre 世 鳌商务中心 1) 5/F, CBD International Tower, 16 Yongan Dongli, Chaoyang District 朝阳区永安东里16号 CBD国际 大厦5层; 2) 4/F, Teda Times Center, 15 Guanghua Lu, Chaoyang District 朝阳 区光华路15号泰达时代中心4层; 3) 12/F, Oversea Plaza, 8 Guanghua Dongli, Chaoyang District 朝阳区光华东里8 号中海广场南楼12层; 4) 10/F, SOHO Nexus Center, A19 Dongsanhuan Beilu, Chaoyang District 朝阳区东三环北路甲 19号 SOHO嘉盛中心10层; 5) 9/F, Tower A West, Tianyin Mansion, A2 Fuxingmennan Dajie, Xicheng District 西城区 复兴门南大街2号 天银大厦A座西9层; 6) 1 Sanfeng Beili, Chaoyang District 朝阳 区三丰北里1号

Kingdom Travel Specializes in corporate and holiday travel planning and offers airline, hotel, car, and cruise reservation services. Staffed by professional travel consultants. Apt 718, Bldg 2, Guanghualu Soho, 22 Guanghua Lu, Chaoyang District. (5870 3388, fit@ kingdomtravel. 中侨国旅, 朝阳区光华路22号光

SBC Business Serviced (Beijing) Co., Ltd. 11/F, Tower A, Gateway, 18 Xiaguangli Beilu, Dongsanhuan, Chaoyang District (59231166) 朝阳区 东三环霞光里北路18号佳程广场A座11层 APBC Offices 1) 16/F Gemdale Plaza Tower A, 91 Jianguo Road, Chaoyang District (5920 8333) 朝阳区建国路91 号金地中心A座16层; 2) 10/F, World Financial Center, East Tower, 1 Dongsanhuan Zhonglu, Chaoyang District 朝阳区东三环中路1号环球金融中心东 塔10层 (5920 8336); 3) 17/F Ping An

International Financial Plaza, Tower B, 1-3 Xin Yuan Nan Road, Chaoyang District 朝阳区新源南路1-3号平安国际 金融中心B座17层 (5829 1888) Regus 12 locations available in Beijing: China World Tower 3, Zhongguancun Metropolis Tower, NCI Centre, China Life Tower, IFC, Parkview Green (Opening Soon), Financial Street Excel Centre, Prosper Center, Kerry Centre, Pacific Century Place, China Central Place, Lufthansa Center (400 120 1205) 国贸三期,中关村欧美汇大厦,北京新华 保险大厦中心,北京中国人寿大厦,财源 国际中心, 芳草地,雷格斯卓著中心,雷 格斯北京世纪财富中心,嘉里中心,盈科 中心,华贸中心,燕莎中心

Haidian Instant Office For Sublease Inside Raycom InfoTech Park. Internet access/telephone/furniture/reception/ available, good for small business. Contact Richard at 138 0121 0262


Country Holidays Rm 2804, Bldg 11, Jianwai Soho, 39 Dongsanhuan

华路SOHO 2号楼718室

Sunflower Travel Specializes in leisure and business travel, offering international and domestic trips, and customized trips to create a unique travel experience. 22D, Bldg B, Ginza Mall, 48 Dongzhimenwai Dajie (8447 6361), Dongcheng District. (8447 6361) 东城 区东直门外大街48号东方银座B座22D)

TUI China Travel Co. Ltd. Travel services from an international team. Offers city tours, tour packages with special interest groups and individual travel arrangements all over China, as well as to Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia and other Asian countries. Unit 921-926, Bright China Chang An Bldg, Tower 2, 7 Jianguomennei Dajie, Dongcheng District. (8519 8800, 途易, 东城区建国门 内大街7号光华长安大厦2座921-926 Airlines

Air Canada Rm C201, Lufthansa Center, 50 Liangmaqiao Lu, Chaoyang District. (400 811 2001) 加拿大航空, 朝阳区亮马桥路50号燕莎中心C201

Air France Rm 1609, 16/F, Bldg 1, Kuntai International Mansion, 12A Chaoyangmenwai Dajie, Chaoyang District. (400 880 8808) 法国航空, 朝阳区朝阳门外大街甲12号昆泰国际大厦 1号楼1609室

Korean Air 901-3, Hyundai Motor Towers, 38 Xiaoyun Lu, Chaoyang District. (8453 8137, 40065 88888) 朝阳区霄云路38号现 代汽车大厦901-3号

Phillipine Airlines Unit 1621, Tower 2, Bright China Chang An Building, No. 7 Jianguomennei Dajie, Dongcheng District (6510 2991) cn.airphillipineairlines. com 菲律宾航空,东城区建国门内大街7 号光华长安大厦2座1621室

Turkish Airlines W103, Lufthansa Center, 50 Liangmaqiao Lu, Chaoyang District. (6465 1867) 土耳其航 空, 亮马桥路50号燕莎中心W103

United Airlines C/D1, 15/F, Tower A,

Gateway Plaza, 18 Xiaguangli, Dongsanhuan Lu, Chaoyang District. (8468 6666) 美国联合航空, 朝阳区东三 环路霞光里18号佳程广场A座15层C/D1 Hotels

Grace Beijing Unit 1, 706 Houjie, 798 Art District (enter from north gate), 2 Jiuxianqiao Lu, Chaoyang District. (64361818) 酒仙桥路2号院798艺术区 706后街1号

Westin Beijing Financial Street, 9B Jinrong Jie (Financial Street), Xicheng District., Xicheng District (6606 8866) 西城区金融街乙9号威斯汀大酒店

Shangri-La Hotel Beijing, 29 Zizhuyuan Lu, Haidian District (6841 2211) 海 淀区紫竹院路29号北京香格里拉饭店

Kempinski Hotel, Beijing Lufthansa Center, 50 Liangmaqiao Lu, Chaoyang District (6465 3388) 朝阳区亮马桥路50 号凯宾斯基饭店

Renaissance Beijing Capital Hotel, 61 Dongsanhuan Zhonglu, Chaoyang District (5863 8888) 朝阳区东三环中路 61号北京富力万丽酒店

Radisson Blu Hotel Beijing 6A Dongbeisanhuan Road, Chaoyang District. (5922 3388) 北京市朝阳区北三

海淀区海淀中街15号; 5) Luxury

Serviced Residence Beijing, 17 Jianhua Nanlu, Chaoyang District (6566 2200) 朝阳区建华南路17号,, The Millennium Residences @ Beijng Fortune Plaza Bldg 6, Fortune Plaza, 7 Dongsanhuan Zhonglu, Chaoyang District (8588 2888) 朝阳区 东三环中路七号院六号楼 Oakwood Residence Beijing No. 8 Dongzhimenwai Xiejie, Chaoyang District, Beijing (5995 2888)北京市朝阳 区东直门外斜街8号 oakwood-residence-beijing Fraser Residence CBD Block B, Ocean International Centre, 58 Dongsihuanzhonglu, Chaoyang District (5870 9188, 40088 16988, sales.frbeijing@ 朝阳区东四环中 路58号远洋国际中心B座北京辉盛庭国际 公寓

Embassy House 18 Donzhimenwai Xiaojie, Dongcheng District (8449 9000) 东城区东直门外小街18号万国公寓 embassyhouse.comHospitals

Healthcare Hospitals


Hilton Beijing Wangfujing, 8 Wangfujing Dongjie, Dongcheng District (5812 8888) 东城区王府井东街8号北京 王府井希尔顿酒店

The Westin Beijing Chaoyang, 7 Dongsanhuan Beilu, Chaoyang District (5922 8888) 朝阳区东三环北路7号金茂 北京威斯汀大饭店

DoubleTree by Hilton Beijing, 168 Guang’anmenwai Dajie, Xicheng District (6338 1999) 西城区广安门外大 街168号希尔顿逸林酒店

Marriott Beijing Northeast, 26A Xiaoyun Lu, Chaoyang District (5927 8888) 朝阳区霄云路甲26号海航大厦万 豪酒店

Hilton Beijing, 1 Dongfang Lu, Dongsanhuan Beilu, Chaoyang District (5865 5000) 朝阳区东三环北路东方路1 号北京希尔顿酒店 Serviced apartments

Ascott 1) Ascott Beijing, 108B Jianguo Lu, Chaoyang District (6567 8100) 朝 阳区建国路108B; 2) Ascott Raffles City Beijing, 1-2 Dongzhimennan Dajie, Dongcheng District (8405 3888) 东城 区东直门南大街1-2 3) Somerset Grand Fortune Garden Beijing, 46 Liangmaqiao Lu, Chaoyang District (8451 8888) 朝阳区亮马桥路46号; 4) Somerset ZhongGuanCun Beijing, 15 Haidian Zhongjie, Haidian District (5873 0088)

21st Century Health Care - Beijing Glory Clinic Mon-Fri 8am-7pm, Sat-Sun 9am - 6pm; 24 hour house call service. 40 Liangmaqiao Lu, Chaoyang District. (84446168 (English/Chinese)8444 6160 (Japanese) 6468 6021(Korean)) 朝阳区亮马路40号 Bayley & Jackson Medical Center Mon-Fri 9am-6pm, Sat 9am-5.30pm. 7 Ritan Donglu, Chaoyang District. (8562 9998, after-hours emergencies 8562 9990, bjhealthcare. com 庇利积臣医疗中心, 朝阳区日坛 东路7号

Beijing Intech Eye Hospital Daily 8.30am-4.30pm. 1/F, 4-5/F, Panjiayuan Plaza, 12 Panjiayuan Nanli, Chaoyang District. (6771 5558, customerservice@ 英智眼 科医院, 朝阳区潘家园南里12号潘家园 大厦1层,4-5层

Beijing International SOS Clinic Mon-Fri 8am-8pm, Sat-Sun 8am-6pm. Suite 105, Wing 1, Kunsha Building, 16 Xinyuanli, Chaoyang District. (Clinic: 6462 9112, 24hr hotline 6462 9100, 北京国际救援 中心, 朝阳区新源里16号琨莎中心1座 105室

Beijing Puhua International Clinic Mon-Sun 9am-6pm. 54 Wusheng Beilu, Dongsanhuan, Chaoyang

District. (8773 5522, 8911 6665 (24hr hotline)) 北京普华门 诊, 朝阳区东三环武圣北路54号

Beijing United Family Shunyi Clinic Mon-Thu 9:30am-7:30pm, Fri-Sun 9.30am-4.30pm. Unit 818, Pinnacle Plaza, Tianzhu Real Estate Development Zone, Shunyi District. (8046 5432, fax 8046 4383) 北京和睦家医院诊所, 顺义区天竺开发 区荣祥广场818号

Beijing United Family Hospital Mon-Sat 8.30am-5.30pm. 24-hour emergency care. 2 Jiangtai Lu (in the Lido area), Chaoyang District. (5927 7000, 5927 7120 (ER ), fax 5927 7200) 北京和睦家 医院, 朝阳区将台路2号

Hong Kong International Medical Clinic Daily 9am-9pm. 9/F, office tower of the Swissotel, 2 Chaoyangmen Beidajie, Dongcheng District. (6501 4260, 6553 2288 ext 2345/6/7) 北京港澳国际医务诊所, 东城区朝阳门北大街2号港澳中心瑞士酒 店办公楼9层

International Medical Center (IMC) Daily 24hrs. S106, S111 Lufthansa Center, 50 Liangmahe Lu, Chaoyang District. (6465 1561/2/3, 6465 1384/28, 北京国际 医疗中心,朝阳区亮马桥路50号燕莎中心 写字楼1层S106

OASIS Healthcare Beijing’s fullservice international luxury hospital. 9 Jiuxianqiao North Road Chaoyang District, Beijing,100015 China 北京市朝 阳区酒仙桥北路9号 +86 400 UR OASIS Vista Medical Center Daily 24hrs. Level 3 Kerry Center Shopping Mall , No.1 Guanghua Road, Chaoyang District (8529 6618, fax 8529 6615, vista@ 维世达 诊所, 朝阳区光华路1号嘉里中心B29

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Beijing Service Apartment for Rent Daily/Monthly/Yearly @ Sublet.CN FULL SERVICE: 24H Hotline: 008610-6493-8285, 6491-2993



CLASSIFIEDS Email: Website: Dongzhimen/Sanlitun Area: Harbor City, Studio, 40m², ¥300/night or ¥3,900/month; Seasons Park - 海晟名苑: Studio, 47m² with open kitchen, ¥399/night or ¥5,800/month; 1 Br, 75m², ¥580/night or ¥7,900/ month; 2 Br, 100m², ¥10,000 2 Br, 128m², ¥13,000 2+1 Br, 140m², ¥14,000 3 Br, 160m², ¥15,000 4 Br, 250m², ¥25,000 East Avenue – 逸盛阁: 1 Br, 85m², ¥ 10,000 1 Br, 100m², ¥ 12,000 2 Br, 130m², ¥ 15,000 Shimao Gongsan Plaza – 世茂工三: Studio, 64 – 90 m², from ¥ 7,500 1 Br, 103 – 112 m², from ¥ 14,000 2 Br, 144 m², from ¥18,000 Tunsanli/Yongli International – 屯 三里/永利国际 Studio, 64 – 70 m², from ¥ 7,000 New MOMA - 万国城: Studio, 100m², ¥8,500 2 Br, 140m², ¥14,000 3 Br, 245m², ¥20,000 Sanlitun SOHO - 三里屯SOHO: 1 Br, 120m², ¥14,000 2 Br, 150m², ¥19,500 2 Br, 170m² ¥20,000 3+1 Br, 245m², ¥30,000 3+1 Br, 260m², ¥33,000 International Wonderland - 首开 幸福广场: 1 Br, 95-120m², ¥7,500 2 Br, 125 - 140m², ¥10,000 Regentland/Worker Stadium/DongsishItiao - 瑞士公寓: 1 Br, 80 - 95m², ¥9,500 2 Br, 125m², ¥14,000 3 Br, 140m², ¥17,000 Guangcai Int’l Apartment - 光彩 国际: 3 Br. 217m², ¥20,000 4 Br. 270m², ¥25,000 Lufthansa Area: Beijing SOHO Residences - SOHO北 京公馆: 1 Br. 80m², ¥13,000 3 Br. 245m², ¥ 25,000 Gemini Grove - 星源汇 1 Br. 80m², ¥11,000 1 Br. 90m², ¥12,000 CBD Area: Central Park - 新城国际: Studio, 75m², ¥9,000 1 Br. 90m², ¥12,000 2 Br. 125m², ¥16,000 2 Br. 130m² duplex, ¥16,000 3 Br. 190m², ¥20,000 3 Br. 220m², ¥ 23,000 4 Br. 265m², ¥33,000



Windsor Avenue - 温莎大道: 1 Br. 90m², ¥9,500 2 Br. 158m², ¥14,500 3 Br. 300m², ¥25,000 Fortune Plaza - 财富中心: 1 Br. 70m², ¥8,500 2 Br. 140m², ¥14,000 3 Br. 205m², ¥19,000 Global Trade Mansion - 世贸国际: Studio. 80m², ¥9,000 2 Br. 170m², ¥17,000 3 Br. 260m², ¥19,000 CBD Private Castle - 圣世一品: 2 Br. 115m², ¥10,000 2 Br. 148m², ¥12,000 3 Br. 170m², ¥15,000 Dawanglu Area: China Central Place - 华贸中心: 2 Br. 125m², ¥14,000 3 Br. 165m², ¥16,000 Gemdale Int’l Garden - 金地国际: 2 Br. 148m², ¥15,000 3 Br. 199m², ¥20,000 Chaoyang Park Area: Palm Spring - 棕榈泉: 2 Br. 138m², ¥14,000 3 Br. 192m², ¥20,000 3 Br. 218m², ¥24,000 Park Avenue - 公园大道: 2 Br. 174m², ¥16,000 3 Br. 180m², ¥18,000 3 Br. 193m², ¥26,000 Oceanwide Int’l Residential District - 泛海国际: 3 Br. 185m², ¥15,000 4 Br. 245m², ¥22,000 Greenlake Place - 观湖国际: 3 Br. 173m², ¥13,000 3 Br. 192m², ¥15,000 4 Br. 260m², ¥25,000 Beijing Golf Palace - 高尔夫公寓: 3 Br. 270m², ¥29,000 Star River - 星河湾: 3+1 Br. 260m², ¥26,000 Courtyard for Lease: Jiaodoukou 2+2 Br. 200m², ¥32,000 Lama Temple 2 Br New Renovate. 130m², ¥26,000 Forbidden City, 2 Br Modern Style, 131m², ¥26,000 Dongsi Courtyard Office, 350m², ¥55,000 Services

Beijing CYTS car rental service group Luxury car rental promotion Big car rental brand, unbeatable price   Brand new vehicle fleet, full insurance Professional, experienced staff, local trained English-speaking driver   Multi-language tour guide   Tailor-made solution   24*7 standing by Contact us for more discount information   T: 57458067, 13718943926 Beijing TOP-A Vehicle Service Ltd Set up to specifically cater for the needs of the expatriate communities, we provide: English-speaking driver, long/short term leasing, airport pick up/drop off, sedan, van, and bus. Tel: 6438 1634, 135 0123 7292 service@ Network services: Unblock websites, securing web surf, Access to your favor sites such as Facebook, Youtube or Twitter etc. for RMB30/month. Also, offer VoIP services and use mobile make international call without using a calling card or broadband internet connection as low as RMB0.15/minute. Contact Roger @ 186.6435.8006 or Beijing EX-PATS Service Healthy, reliable, experienced, English-speaking housemaid/nanny. Free agency and 24-hour English service. EXPATS Life group also serves with Mandarin, car leasing, English-speaking driver, Chinese driving license, vehicle registration. Tel: 6438 1634, 135 0123 7292 www. General

Lily’s Antiques Specializing in high-class antique furniture (mainly from northern China, in walnut and Elmwood) and cus­ tom-made furniture, for the local market. Also wholesale for antique and newly made furniture. Excellent service for international transportation of furniture. Furthermore a wide selection of acces­ sories is offered. 1) Daily 8.30am-6pm. Gaobeidian Showroom, 6 Gaobeidian Furniture Street, Chaoyang District. Con­tact Lily Quan (6572 9746, 138 0139 6309), (8579 2458, www.lilys-antiques. com); 2) Visit by Appointment, Factory and Ware­house Address, Baimiao industry area, Songzhuang town, Tongzhou District. Contact Lily Quan (6572 9746, 138 0139 6309) (138 0139 6309) 华伦古 典家具, 1) 朝阳区高碑店家俱一条 街69号; 2) 通州区工厂地址, 通州 区宋庄镇白庙村工业大院 The best Tattoo studio in China Creation Tattoo is the first professional body art studio in Beijing. We provide service below: Tattoo, Personal body art design, piercing, microdermal ,Tattoo removal. We  has created the perfect platform to satisfy the needs for body art with professional equipments and personnel. welcome to custom. Add: 4309, Bldg 4, Jianwai Soho, 39 Dongsanhuan Zhonglu, Chaoyang District Tel:010-58691886 Website:www. 地址:北京市朝阳 区建外SOHO东区4楼4309号

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