1 minute read

Intergenerational bonds bloom with Edinburgh Garden Partners


We catch up with our friend, Debs Hahn, project coordinator at Edinburgh Garden Partners (EGP), to find out how the organisation connects gardeners of different ages and abilities.

Tell us about the work EGP does?

EGP matches older garden owners who struggle to make the most of their space with volunteers looking for space to grow. We support the partners to come to an agreement about how they will share, plan and work together, and all produce grown is shared. Every partnership is different - some garden owners are actively involved in growing, and others are happier to let the volunteer get on with it and enjoy a cup of tea and a blether after.

What are the intergenerational benefits of bringing young and old gardeners together?

There’s loads! For a lot of our garden owners, it’s a chance to share their knowledge and experience with a younger person, and our volunteers tell us how much they benefit from this. In other cases, it’s more about a younger person bringing a space to life so that an older person can enjoy their garden more. EGP gives younger people a chance to try out growing vegetables, but it’s also about meeting someone new from a different generation and feeling more connected to the community.

Do you have tips for someone looking to start gardening/ growing food?

Give it a go! Gardening is about learning what works in your space and watching the space to see where the sunlight is at different times of year, what is already growing and what the soil looks and feels like. Start small, if anything works then you feel really proud and build on your success! Invite people to help if you can - many hands make light work and talking it through with someone really helps.

What benefits do you think gardening brings to older people?

The benefits are really varied. For some people it can help them to be healthier and more active or gets them eating more freshly grown veg. Seeing a garden grow can have a real impact on older people’s wellbeing too. People tell us they feel more connected to nature and to the changing seasons and that it has helped them to cope with life’s ups and downs.

Visit www.edinburghgardenpartners.org.uk

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