Dubai today issue 1

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FREE ONLINE MAGAZINE Thursday, January 28, 2016



CCTV cameras installed in Dubai taxis The Roads and Transport Authority has installed CCTV cameras in taxis as part of a pilot project to monitor the performance of drivers and for general security, a senior official told Gulf News on Tuesday.

Continued on Page 4

Gulf braces for 13-day cold snap

Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, ruler of Dubai, is the most popular leader of the Gulf Cooperation Council on Facebook -- with 3.1 million 'likes' on the social platform, said a new study. Sheikh Mohammed, who joined the social networking site in 2009, also ranks third in the list of the most followed leaders on Facebook from the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), said the study by Burson-Marsteller, a public relations and communications firm. Sheikh Mohammed, who has over 11.4 million followers

across a number of social networks, including Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn and Google+, is a pioneer in using social media platforms in the Arab world, the study said. The study 'World Leaders on Facebook', is the latest research into how world leaders, governments and international organisations communicate via social media. Over the past eight years, Facebook has emerged as the platform of choice for world leaders and governments to engage with their constituents. According to the study, 169 of the 193 UN member states maintain an offi-

cial Facebook page. "Home to a young, increasingly connected and mobile population, the MENA region is progressing into a dynamic and vibrant area. The UAE, in particular, is known for its open business environment, cosmopolitan nature and impressive adoption of smart devices, making it a model country of what is best about the region," said Sunil Jo h n , Fo u n d e r a n d C E O Burson-Marsteller. The study found that 87 head of states, 82 head of governments and 51 foreign ministers maintain personal pages on the platform.

Continued on Page 2

Temperatures are expected to plummet to their lowest in the winter season – a forecast average of around 15 degrees and as low as 7 degrees at the weekend, the newspaper said. The January cold period is known in Saudi Arabia as Talei Al Balda, and is the result of strong north and northeasterly winds blowing across the Gulf.

Continued on Page 7


Table of Contents 2 - EMIR 3 - GOVERNMENT 4 - DUBAI NEWS 6 - GULF NEWS 10 - EVENTS 11 - TECHNOLOGY 12 - WORLD 13 - BUSINESS 14 - CULTURE 15 - LIFE 16 - SPORT

Dubai Today Issue 1 | 28/01/2016 Online Free Magazine Follow us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Find us on Google+


President and Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai, His Highness Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, on Wednesday received guest attendees of the 40th batch of Zayed II Military College graduation ceremony, at the college's Majlis in Al Ain. Attending guests included senior armed forces officers, heads of diplomatic missions, and military attaches in embassies of brotherly and friendly countries in the country. During the ceremony, guests congratulated His Highness Sheikh Mohammed on the graduation of the new batch of the sons of the nation and Arab countries. The reception was attended by Sheikh Hamdan Bin Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Crown Prince of Dubai. Source:


Thursday, January 28, 2016

RULER OF DUBAI SHEIKH MOHAMMED MOST 'LIKED' GCC LEADER ON FACEBOOK Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, ruler of Dubai, is the most popular leader of the Gulf Cooperation Council on Facebook -- with 3.1 million 'likes' on the social platform, said a new study. Sheikh Mohammed, who joined the social networking site in 2009, also ranks third in the list of the most followed leaders on Facebook from the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), said the study by Burson-Marsteller, a public relations and communications firm. Sheikh Mohammed, who has over 11.4 million followers across a number of social networks, including Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn and Google+, is a pioneer in using social media platforms in the Arab world, the study said.

The study 'World Leaders on Facebook', is the latest research into how world leaders, governments and international organisations communicate via social media. Over the past eight years, Facebook has emerged as the platform of choice for world leaders and governments to engage with their constituents. According to the study, 169 of the 193 UN member states maintain an official Facebook page. "Home to a young, increasingly connected and mobile population, the MENA region is progressing into a dynamic and vibrant area. The UAE, in particular, is known for its open business environment, cosmopolitan nature and impressive adoption of smart devices, making it a model country of what is best about the region," said Sunil

J o h n , Fo u n d e r a n d C E O Burson-Marsteller. The study found that 87 head of states, 82 head of governments and 51 foreign ministers maintain personal pages on the platform. Additionally, as of January 4 last, the combined accumulated total of 'likes' from world leaders reached 230,489,257 with a published total of 302,456 posts. Source :

HH SHEIKH MOHAMMED LAUNCHES DUBAI HEALTH STRATEGY 2021 ing Dubai as a main medical destination in the UAE and the wider region where one billion people live around us,” Sheikh Mohammed said after he approved the health strategy. The four approaches include health and lifestyle, excellence in providing service, smart HH Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid healthcare, and governance. The Al Maktoum, Vice President and strategy is aimed at achieving the Prime Minister of the UAE and following goals: Ruler of Dubai, has launched the Dubai Health Strategy 2021 to Ensuring a healthy and safe environstreamline the health sector in Du- ment for Dubai’s people bai. Aimed at revamping the indus- Ensuring the provision of a high try, the plan features four main ap- quality comprehensive and inteproaches, six objectives, 15 pro- grated health service system grammes and 93 initiatives, all of which are set to be brought in over Achieving innovation the next five years, reported na- Improving efficiency in providing tional news agency WAM. “The health care emirate of Dubai is facing a fiveyear challenge of improving health- Creating an integrated database to care services and rising to our ambi- be used for the smart government tions and aspirations for establish- policy

Other goals include creating an effective ecological system for the healthcare sector in Dubai in collaboration with the private and public sectors, in addition to restructuring DHA’s administration. Sheikh Mohammed said: “It is everyone’s responsibility to develop this vital sector and we will continuously follow up on the developments. Our confidence in the DHA leaders is determined by the volume of progress and development in medical services rendered to the public. “Our most important investment will be in the DHA medial cadres and staff because they are the real capital due to their knowledge, skills and continued training. We will also build strategic partnerships with the private sector to ensure the consolidation of Dubai as a capital for medical tourism during the coming period.” The strategy also aims to achieve customer satisfaction and protect the rights of patients.

1 Source :

Thursday, January 28, 2016




According to GCAA regulations, all drones must be registered with the authority, a process that currently cannot be completed at the point of sale. • UAE privacy and security laws prevent the use of private

drones from being flown with a camera unless approval is given by the GCAA, which is a problem as many drones are sold with cameras built-in. • Drone operators are legally responsible for the safe conduct of each flight and must know the rules, as failure to comply could lead to penalties or even criminal prosecution. • The drone must be inspected before each flight to check for damage and to make sure all the components work correctly. • Drones must always be kept within visual sight of the operator, only fly during daylight and at no higher than 400ft


The Ministry of Labour has advised employers and employees to retain the original copies of their contracts, in case disputes arise. In the event that a party claims a document was forged or false signatures used, the ministry reminded workers such matters would be referred to court. Humaid Al Suwaidi, assistant undersecretary of labour affairs at the ministry, urged workers to reach out to the ministry in such cases. He said employers in a dispute are required to bring the original job offer, which will be referred to the court for inspection. The ministry announced new rules for employment contracts at the start of the year to further ensure workers’ rights, and cement the relationship between employees and employers in a more transparent way. They included recruitment, contracttermination regulations, and rules on issuing work permits for moves from one job to another. Source : The National

(122m) above ground level. If a manned aircraft is seen or heard in the vicinity, the drone must be landed immediately. • The operator must make sure to avoid collision with people, other objects and other aircraft and it must not be flown in a manner that could endanger people or property. • If there is an accident, the operator must inform the GCAA. • It is illegal for the drone to be flown over a “congested” area, like streets, cities or public events. • The unmanned aircraft must stay at least 5km away from air-

ports, helicopter landing sites and restricted government and military areas. •The drone cannot fly within 200 metres of a person or building and cannot be flown overhead of groups of people at any height. •Private drones weighing more than 5kg cannot be flown outside of GCAA approved flying clubs. • If the drone is to be used for commercial activity, it must be approved by the GCAA and the authority must be notified if a drone is to be sold. Source : The National


UAE Minister of Economy discusses ways to boost UK relations with London Mayor Lord Mountevans. Sultan bin Saeed Al Mansouri, UAE Minister of Economy, and Lord Mountevans, the Lord Mayor of the City of London, discussed the excellent relations binding the UAE and Britain and ways of boosting them to better serve bilateral interests. The meeting, held at the offices of the Ministry in Dubai, was attended by Ahmed bin Abdul Aziz Al Shehhi, Undersecretary of Economic Affairs at the Ministry of Economy, and Philip Parham, Ambassador of the United Kingdom. The parties discussed the latest developments and changes in the level of eco-

nomic and trade coope r a t i o n b etween the t w o c o u ntries in a number of sectors of common interest. The two sides welcomed the strengthening of cooperation in new areas with the aim of widening horizons of joint investment. They emphasised the importance of speeding up negotiations on the signing of an MoU to support innovation between the two countries. The two sides exchanged views on current economic issues in the international arena, most notably oil prices and the challenges faced by some of the major economic areas, including the euro area. The minister said the UAE's economic diversification policy helped reduce the impact of falling oil prices on the country's economy. The country is planning to revitalise nonoil economic sectors, which currently account for 70 per cent of the

state's GDP compared to only 30 per cent contributed by the oil industry. The meeting also touched on the value-added tax under consideration now by t h e G u l f Co o p e rat i o n Council, which is a logical step, according to Lord Mountevans. He said the British side is ready to provide technical cooperation in support, training and consulting in the field of tax regulations. Lord Mountevans commended the outstanding UAE-UK bilateral relations, noting that both countries are leading financial centres in the area. He is seeking to be briefed on the opportunities for cooperation to strengthen bilateral economic ties during his tour to GCC countries. He said economic relations between the two countries have witnessed remarkable growth over the past years which was reflected in the trade volume, which touched £12 billion in 2014. UAE investments in Britain are also witnessing a steady increase. Source :


Thursday, January 28, 2016



The Roads and Transport Authority has installed CCTV cameras in taxis as part of a pilot project to monitor the performance of drivers and for general security, a senior official told Gulf News on Tuesday. Each taxi has been equipped with three tiny cameras, one installed near the centre mirror of the vehicle, covering only the driver, while the other two are set up at the front and rear of the taxi, externally. Abdullah Yousuf Al Ali, CEO, Public Transport Agency, RTA, said: “The installation of cameras in taxis is a project under trial. The project has been ongoing over the past six months.

Until now a few taxis have been equipped and we are testing the system with different types of cameras to get the best results. Each taxi includes three CCTVs, one on the driver only [not covering passengers] and the other two for rear and front [outside the vehicle].” The RTA is yet to decide if all taxis in Dubai, including those operated by franchises, will have the cameras. “Since the project is yet under trial we have not launched or prescribed any mandatory rules,” Al Ali said. “I took a cab [Dubai Taxi] from Emirates Towers Metro station on Tuesday and I was surprised to notice a CCTV camera installed in a car’s sun visor. The Ethiopian driver said it was installed last month and it’s already working,” an expatriate told Gulf News.

The cameras, the official explained, will help RTA monitor the performance of drivers and is for “general security”. The CCTV cameras will provide feed to the transport authority’s control centre. The pilot phase is expected to last a few months and during this period feedback will be taken from drivers and passengers. “It is an interesting addition to the technologies and security systems available on taxis. Though one may not always like to be monitored closely, it will definitely make you feel safer in a taxi,” said Alan Cremer, a health professional, who uses taxis frequently. Apart from bringing a sense of security to passengers, it also serves as a back up for taxi drivers in cases of dispute.


India is looking to very high level interactions with the UAE in 2016 as well. "We hope such high levels contacts will cement our partnership further in the weeks and months ahead, "said India's Ambassador to the UAE T.P. Seetharam while speaking at a dinner-reception he hosted to celebrate the 67th Republic Day. The reception was attended by more than 500 diplomats, government officials and the community members. Shaikh Nahyan bin Mubarak Al Nahyan, Minister of Culture, Youth and Social Development and Saqr Saeed Ghobash, Minister

of Labour, were the chief guests on the occasion. In his brief speech, amb a s s a d o r s a i d : " Fo r India-UAE relations, 2015 was indeed a very special year." The visit to the UAE of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi in August 2015, "will be remembered as one that resulted in a paradigm shift in the way we see each other." And already exce l l e n t p e o p l e - to people relationship with significant economic content was transformed and elevated to a comprehensive strategic partners h i p wh i c h i s t r u ly multi-dimensional, he said. Both countries have set ambitious targets for trade and investments and listed 30-specific areas of cooperation inc l u d i n g s e c u r i t y,

counter-terrorism, space, defence productions, IT, Infrastructure, energy, renewables and a host of other areas including several new fields of cooperation, the ambassador said. Indian ministers and experts are engaged actively in following up and implementing what leaders of the UAE and India had agreed upon. The large Indian community is also contributing in many ways to the developmental activities of the UAE to enhancing the bilateral relationship. He lauded the services of Saqar Saeed Ghobash for his several initiatives which are benefiting the Indian workers. The reception was attended by people from various walks of life. Source :

“I won’t mind having a camera installed in my vehicle. In fact, it will help me do my job better. Often, we run into disputes with passengers and we don’t have anything to prove our case when the matter is taken to the authorities. The cameras will help in this regard,” said Mohammad Furqan, whose taxi is not yet equipped with a CCTV camera. The CCTV cameras are the latest in a series of enhancements that Dubai’s fleet of taxis is going through. The smart gadgets on taxis include Global Positioning System, LCD touch screens on select taxis, Nol and credit card payment system being installed in phases as well as airport check-in facilities on airport taxis. Source :


B u i l d i n g s i n F u- coordinates from j a i ra h w i l l s o o n satellites to provide have a 10-digit geo- detailed information graphic address and about location and be part of the e- access points by usaddress smart sys- ing 10 unique numtem, Makani (My bers for individual Address). buildings. Hussain Dubai Municipality Lootah, director genand Fujairah Munici- eral of Dubai Mupality on Tuesday nicipality, said the s i g n e d a n a g r e e- M a k a n i s y s t e m ment to enact the would be enacted at Makani system in all government and Fujairah. private buildings for Makani will enable the use of everyone people to locate in Fujairah. “The buildings with an system will be made accuracy of one me- a v a i l a b l e o n a l l tre by using a Quick smartphones and Response code for smart devices in fub u i l d i n g s i n t h e ture,” he said. emirate. The system acquires real-time The National

Thursday, January 28, 2016




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GE is working with UAE health chiefs to use private finance to develop radiology departments in hospitals. The UAE Ministry of Health has signed a deal with GE that would give the US company rights to equip and service radiology departments in 11 hospitals starting this year. As part of the deal, GE would upgrade and invest in imaging equipment in the hospitals instead of the government. It would also train the radiologists to use the latest equipment. Its distributor, Abu Dhabi International Medical Services, would manage the departments. GE would be paid per patient from the insurance companies that work with the ministry. The deal was signed on the sidelines of the Arab Health exhibition that opened in Dubai yesterday. Radiology departments at the hospitals would be connected to a central hub built by the Ministry of Health. With the teleradiology technology, the radiologists could share diagnostic images between hospitals,

saving time and costs. GE expects as many as 30 patients a day, in a large public hospital in the UAE, would use the equipment. Tumbling oil revenues are leading to greater use of private finance to fund infrastructure projects and run services across the reg i o n a s g o v e r nments’ budget surpluses come under pressure. GE said that the upgrades would be in place this year in the 11 hospitals. “It would save the ministry the investment in machines – not every hospital has the technician to read the images – and it would save time as well as costs in the long term,” said Maher Abouzeid, the president and chief executive for eastern growth markets at GE. “No matter where the oil prices are, health care is needed. [The governments] need to do more with less and private-public partnerships will take the burden of health care.” RadNet, a Los Angeles-based company that operates

imaging centres, which is listed on Nasdaq, is also looking to enter the UAE market. “There are large amounts of money being spent on these but you need the specific expertise in imaging,” said Ranjan Jayanathan, the chief information officer at RadNet. It wants to focus on hospitals as well as outpatient centres where initial startup costs are far less than at hospitals. It is implementing a public-private partnership with Qatar’s Primary Health Care Corporation, which operates 21 primary healthcare centres in the count r y, t o p r o v i d e screening services, including mammography. RadNet does not provide equipment but works with a third-party groups, such as Fujif ilm Medical Systems in Qatar, to provide them. Imaging is among the most attractive of healthcare segments in the UAE for operators and providers because of the revenue it generates. The National


Thursday, January 28, 2016


QATAR DUBAI, QATAR STOCK MARKETS RISE IN EARLY TRADING Dubai and Qatar's stock markets rose in early trade on Wednesday following a bounce back in oil prices since those bourses last traded, while blue-chip banks weighed on Abu Dhabi. Brent crude was at $31.74 as of 0643 GMT, down 1.1 percent for the day, but it had been trading below


$30 when the Dubai and Qatar markets closed on Tuesday. Dubai's index rose 0.9 percent in brisk early trading - volumes in the first 15 minutes were more than double those of the previous session. D e y a a r D e v e l o pment was the top gainer, jumping 5.0 percent after the de-

veloper reported a 14 percent rise in fourth-quarter net profit on Tuesday. Profit came in at 101.5 million dirhams ($27.63 million) compared to an analyst's forecast of a net loss of 28.9 million dirhams. Rival developer Emaar Properties was up 2.2 percent. Abu Dhabi's bourse slid 0.4 per-

cent. Blue-chip lenders First Gulf Bank and Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank were the main drags, falling 2.4 and 0.9 percent respectively. But Dana Gas, the natural gas explorer, was up 2.5 percent to claw back most of the previous day's 2.4 percent drop.

DU AUCTION TO RAISE MONEY FOR AL JALILA FOUNDATION Telecoms company du has announced packages that will be auctioned to raise funds for the Al Jalila Foundation. People will be able to bid for the unique phone number 052 111 1111 as part of a package, along with various other exclusive numbers. Part of the money raised during the auction will go to the Al Jalila Foundation to fund medical research.


The auction takes place on February 6 and is organised by OnLine Auctions. Proceeds from the 2015 du special numbers auction were used to support more than 90 charity projects, including building mosques and arranging Umrah trips, as well as individual cases for people in need and special medical cases.


Muscat: Farmers in Oman may soon be covered by agricultural insurance, Oman Chamber of Commerce and Industry (OCCI) said. The OCCI on Tuesday invited the Capital Market Authority (CMA) and insurance companies to discuss the development of new insurance products for the agricultural sector, a press release from the Chamber said. On Monday, a meeting had taken place at OCCI between the Chamber,

the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, and the CMA to discuss proposals to activate agricultural insurance by implementing recommendations issued at a forum organised by the Chamber last December. These recommendations were established with the cooperation of leaders and specialists in both the government, as well as the private sector, the press release said Redha Al Saleh, vice president of OCCI and head of Insurance, said the Chamber during last December’s forum had recommended taking serious steps to help farmers cover the risk of damage to their crops and products.

Al Saleh said after Gonu and other tropical storms, farmers experienced major losses, as they were not insured. Many farmers’ associations complained that their members were not covered for such damage. “Many of them do not have insurance, as insurance companies do not see it as a profitable sector,” he said. Al Saleh said the insurance companies will have to be convinced to cooperate with the sector, as they currently do not have products that cover agriculture. He added that the government will form a new company to cover this insurance in case insurance firms themselves think a new agricultural insurance is not feasible.

Besides, knowledge among farmers will have to be improved. “Some of them do not want to insure themselves. So we will have to raise awareness and convince them to get insurance,” he added. In early March, the CMA will organise a meeting with all the insurance companies. The Ministry of Agriculture, meanwhile, will present a working paper on the infrastructure of the insurance. The CMA will conduct a survey among the insurance companies seeking to know their wishes, according to a press release from OCCI. Source :


Thursday, January 28, 2016





GCC countries are expected to enter a 13-day cold period from Wednesday, Emirates247 reported. Temperatures are expected to plummet to their lowest in the winter season – a forecast average of around 15 degrees and as low as 7 degrees at the weekend, the newspaper said. The January cold period is known in Saudi Arabia as Talei Al Balda, and is the result of strong north and northeasterly winds blowing across the Gulf. Saudi astronomer Salmal Al Ramadan, a member of the astronomy association in the Eastern Saudi province of Al Qateef, was quoted as saying the cold snap would be centred on the kingdom, but extend to neighbouring Gulf countries. Light rain is forecast in the UAE over the next two days, it was reported. Source :

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Bahrain MPs have called for the government to place a 30 percent cap on its stake in state-owned assets as it aims to boost government revenues in the wake of falling the oil price, it was reported. Lawmakers called for Mumtalakat Holding Company, the Gulf state’s its sovereign wealth fund, to reduce its stakes in government owned assets to 30 percent, according to a report by Gulf Daily News. Mumtalakat currently owns stakes in a range of companies including, flag carrier Gulf Air, the Bahrain Airport Company (BAC), telco Batelco, Aluminium Bahrain (Alba) and the National Bank of Bahrain (NBB). However, the proposal excluded the sale of stakes in oil and gas-related industries and the Bahrain International Circuit. The proposal has been drafted by the cabinet and has been approved by the parliament and the Shura Council.

Thursday, January 28, 2016


“It means that the government can free up some of its funds,” said Abdulrahman Buali, chairman of the parliament financial and economic affairs committee. However, the proposal was not universally welcomed:

“Privatisation, or the reduction of government shares as a first step, will harm the power of those companies and affect employment there,” argued MP Abdulrahman Bumajeed. “If we fully privatise those companies it means we will be unable to monitor their activities – we are already facing difficulty in that… We are already probing Mumtalakat’s affairs and should wait for recommendations before approving these amendments.” Source :

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The National Assembly yesterday agreed to hold a special debate on Feb 9 to discuss g over nment plans to lift or reduce subsidies on public services and fuel. The government is expected to brief the Assembly with the recommendation of a study by an international consultant agency proposing raising the prices of petrol, electricity and water as part of a compreh e n s ive re fo r m p rogram. Finance Minister Anas Al-Saleh told reporters the government program deals with rationalization of subsidies and economic reforms to stimulate the private sector and national economy as a whole.

The minister refused to say if the issue has been settled and the raising of charges is only a matter of time and is awaiting the debate in the Assembly, saying that the issue will be decided along with the Assembly. Saleh said that the difference between Kuwait and other Gulf states, which have taken decisions to raise prices to face the budget deficits, is that the Kuwaiti government has constitutional obligations. HH the Amir last week told editors of local dailies that the government will increase the price of petrol, electricity and water. Saleh also said that the government has calculated revenues in next fiscal year’s budget at an oil price of just $25 a barrel, sharply lower than the $45 price adopted in the current fiscal year 2015/2016 which ends on March 31.

Thursday, January 28, 2016






KUWAIT TODAY During an earlier closed door session in parliament, the Assembly also discussed the performance of the Kuwait Investment Authority and the conditions of financial reserves. The annual surplus of Kuwait’s budget is transferred to the general reserve, while ten percent is deducted for the Reserve Fund for Future Generations, said Saleh said. The minister’s statement came in response to parliamentary questions on Kuwait’s financial surplus in the past few years. He said that deficit in the budget is an annual issue that depends on oil prices and expenditure, as there are people wondering how Kuwait could face deficit while it has financial

reserves. “Having a def icit this year doesn’t necessarily mean we will face the same problem next year,” he noted during the Assembly’s ordinary session, reported state news agency KUNA. In other parliamentary news, MPs Jamal Al-Omar and Mohammad Tana traded insults during the Assembly session yesterday after the latter accused Omar of covering up corruption charges. The two lawmakers insulted each other’s origin, with each claiming to be a true Kuwaiti. The Assembly also rejected a new draft law that requires men and women to undergo counseling before they tie the knot. Several MPs criticized the proposal as against the

t ra d i t i o n s o f t h e country. Head of the women’s committee MP Saleh Ashour said they included the provision to follow the experiment of Malaysia, which introduced such a requirement to bring down a rising divorce rate that hit 70 percent. Ashour said that the average annual divorce rate in Kuwait is hovering around 30 percent, while in some years it exceeded 50 percent. The lawmakers however approved in the first reading a draft law for commercial agencies in Kuwait which a number of MPs blasted as prom e r c h a n t . C o mmerce and Industry Minister Yousef AlA l i s a i d t h e l aw breaks a monopoly.




Thursday, January 28, 2016

ST. REGIS PLANS FIFTH UAE OPENING FOR PALM JUMEIRAH ISLAND Starwood Hotels & Resorts has inked a deal with Dubai, United Arab Emirates developer Nakheel to open a St. Regis hotel within its mixeduse building The Palm Tower. The St. Regis Dubai, The Palm will be part of the 52story luxury development at the center of Palm Jumeirah Island. Once St. Regis opens at The Palm in 2018, Dubai will become the first city globally to boast three of the brand’s hotels, a testament to the increasing importance of the UAE as a luxury market. H i - r i s e h o s p i t a l i t y
 The St. Regis Dubai, The Palm will house 289 guest rooms and suites within the first 18 floors of the tower. Upper floors will house 504 apartments in The Palm Tower Residences. Taking advantage of the lofty structure, the hotel will include an infinity swimming pool on the 50th floor with 360-degree views and a restaurant on the 51st level overlooking the city. The tower will be connected to the new 4.4 million-squarefoot Nakheel Mall, which features 350 stores, 12 restaurants, a Vox Cinema, a medical center and fitness complex. St. Regis entered the Middle East with The St. Regis Saadiya t I s l a n d R e s o r t , A b u Dhabi in 2011. It has expanded its presence in the region with a location in Doha, Qatar as well as other properties in Abu Dhabi and Dubai, including one catering specifically to polo (see story). The hotel brand’s parent company Starwood has been rapidly adding properties to its portfolio, particularly in nearby Asian nations. Starwood Hotels & Resorts is expanding its presence in Asian markets to capitalize on emerging regions and expand its services.

Thursday, January 28, 2016



DRONE WITH CAMERAS ILLEGAL IN THE UAE, OWNERS TOLD The authority will launch a campaign this year to educate consumers about the rules, and they will publish a map showing airspace from where drones are banned. In the meantime, consumers are confused, particularly about the ban on cameras.

Drone enthusiasts who fly the gadgets equipped with cameras are breaking a littleknown law that has been in force for nine months, they were told on Monday. In addition, few owners know that they are required to register their drone with the General Civil Aviation Authority. The rules came into force last April, three months after recreational drones strayed on to flight paths at Dubai airport and grounded passenger planes. Compliance with the rules is difficult because most drones come with inbuilt cameras, and because it is not possible to register with the authority at the point of sale. “Only a limited number of private drone operators have knowledge of the law regarding entering civil airspace, air traffic control and avoidance procedures and safety issues surrounding that,” said Mohammed Al Dossari of the GCAA.

“They’ll have to start removing the cameras from the drones sold here as I think most of them have them,” said Sean Blacksmith, from the UK. “It’s going to be very difficult to enforce that rule and I don’t think it’s fair to blame the buyer because you don’t make much of a choice as the camera is already on the drone,” Mr Blacksmith said. Imran Yousif, 22, from Pakistan, had been considering buying a small drone as a birthday present for his nephew but was having second thoughts. “The problem is that no one will register it because it’s too easy for them not to at the moment – and then you have the added problem of the cameras,” he said. “I can understand the concerns the government has about safety but I think it should first ask the manufacturers not to include cameras or make them easy to remove.

“Otherwise it’s very difficult “Drones all have their own for a normal person to under- serial number so if there is an stand what they should do.” incident I can easily check who the owner is and have Vinod Kumar, manager of Ul- the details. timate Hobby in Al Garhoud, said most people were un- “This is not something the government has advised us to aware of the regulations. do, it’s something we felt was “When someone buys a important to do ourselves.” drone from us we inform A n o t h e r G CA A off i c i a l , them that they must register Waleed Al Riyami, said: with the GCAA, because it’s a requirement and they could “We had a case recently when get into trouble if they don’t,” Abu Dhabi Airport had to be he said. “I would say for most closed for an hour because a people thinking about buying private drone came close to its airspace. “These are the a drone, they have no idea. kinds of things we hope to “If you go to the malls and prevent in future by having buy a drone no one will tell campaigns to educate the pubyou that this has to be done lic.” and I think that is a problem. Meanwhile, the panel of “There should be some kind judges for the second UAE of registering once the drone Drones for Good competition is bought in the shop, other- has been announced and feawise people will forget or tures a host of experts from some will not bother at all.” academia in the UAE and A manager at the Hobby Cen- abroad. tre in Al Garhoud said shops About 20 teams will compete should be given an official in the semi-final stage of the booklet detailing the rules national and international and regulations for drone op- categories on February 4, erators to follow. “This way the retailer can better inform w i t h a U S $ 1   m i l l i o n the customer when he is buy- (Dh3.67m) first prize in the international and Dh1m naing the drone,” he said. tional categories up for grabs. “For our own shop we make Mr Al Dossari and Mr Al Risure we have Emirates ID and yami were speaking at the contact information about the Drones Middle East confercustomer just in case there is ence held at Marriott Al Jadan accident or if the drone is daf in Dubai. flown in a restricted area. Source : The National



The government-backed developer of the United Arab Emirates' railway n e two rk says i t h a s halted progress on the second stage of the project. Etihad Rail said Tuesday it was suspending the tendering process seeking bids from contractors to develop an extension that would have linked the Emirates'

P a u l K e n n y, founder of the daily deals voucher site, has admitted publishing a fake press release about’s breaking the record for e-commerce in the region in September 2010. Kenny was speaking at a panel discussion, titled The Challenges of Starting, Growing and Exiting a Business, held this

border with Saudi Arabia at Ghweifat with the Omani border at al-Ain. It says it suspended the process to review "the most appropriate options for the timing and delivery of this phase of the project." It did not elaborate. Operation of the first phase of the rail network began last month. Source :

morning at the Frioul Restaurant, Souk Madinat Jumeirah. The event was organised by Club Fit for Business and Creative Zone. On 22 September 2010,, one of the few ecommerce start-ups at the time, announced that buyers had rushed to claim the latest offer of a AED 10 meal at Vapiano restaurant before the deal closed. Source :


Thursday, January 28, 2016


GERMANY WARNS RUSSIA OVER TEEN 'RAPE' CASE Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said it was "clear" she had not gone missing voluntarily. Hitting back, the German government said it was "impermissible" to make political use of the case. The alleged incident has sparked antimigrant protests among some in Germany's Russian community. German authorities are already under pressure after a wave of sexual assaults over New Year in the city of Cologne, most blamed on migrants. 'Political propaganda' Accusing Germany of a cover-up in the case of Lisa F, Mr Lavrov said "I hope G e r m a n y h a s w a r n e d R u s s i a that these problems are not swept under against politicising a case involving the carpet". the alleged rape of a German- But his German counterpart, FrankWalter Steinmeier, warned against using Russian girl. the case "for political propaganda, and The teen, named only as 13-year-old Lisa to enflame and influence what is already F, said she was abducted and raped by a difficult debate about migration within migrants, but German police have said Germany". there is no evidence of either.

"I can only advise the Russian authorities to stick to the findings of the investigation," he said. German police concluded that sexual contact was not forced in the case of Lisa F, whose full name is protected for legal reasons. The age of consent in Germany is 14 and prosecutors are investigating two men for child abuse. Kremlin-backed media have often been accused of using propaganda to stir up trouble with Russian-speakers living in the Baltics, the BBC's Damien McGuinness says. But now some fear the same tactic could be being used in Germany, possibly to keep Chancellor Angela Merkel on the back-foot when it comes to the fate of EU sanctions imposed on Russia because of the conflict in eastern Ukraine, our correspondent adds. Source :


Greece has "seriously neglected" its obligations to control the external frontier of Europe's passport-free Schengen zone, the European Commission says in a draft report. The assessment found failures to register, check and fingerprint migrants arriving in November. Greece is now likely to be given three months to rectify the situation. If it does not improve, the EU may recommend that other Schengen states reintroduce temporary border controls. The Greek government has hit out at what it called the EU's "blame games", criticising the lack of "common action" by European countries to respond to the migrant crisis.

More than 850,000 migrants and refugees arrived in Greece last year. A further 4 4 ,000 have reached the Greek islands since the start of 2016, mostly arriving on Lesbos, Samos and Chios from the Turkish mainland. There is growing pressure on Athens to deal with the flow of migrants, most of whom go on to travel through Europe to countries such as Germany and Sweden. Several EU states, including Austria and Hungary, have already introduced temporary border controls, as the principle of passport-free travel comes under increased strain. On Wednesday, European Commission Vice President Valdis Dombrovskis told a news conference in Brussels that the "draft report concludes that Greece seriously neglected its obligations" under the Schengen agreement. He said there were "serious deficiencies in the carrying out of external border controls that must be overcome and dealt with by the Greek authorities".

Spot checks by EU inspectors in November found Greece was failing to register arrivals properly, to fingerprint everyone, to see whether identity documents were genuine, and to check people against Interpol and other databases. EU Commissioner for Migration Dimitris Avramopoulos conceded that Greece had "started undertaking efforts towards rectifying and complying with the Schengen rules" since then. However, "substantial improvements" were needed. Responding to the draft report, the Greek government said it was "not constructive to isolate Greece for creating a media impression", based on outdated information. A spokeswoman said Greece had repeatedly asked for help from the EU's border force Frontex to boost controls, but that the response had been "small". Criticising a lack of EU progress on the crisis, she said: "Greece has done more than it could to stand to its obligations. We expect from everyone else to do the same."

Serious warning The report must be approved by other Schengen members before the Commission can set the three-month deadline. But this is a serious warning to Greece to improve things, says the BBC's Damian Grammaticas in Brussels. Otherwise, border checks to limit the movement of migrants within Europe may be instituted, preventing those in Greece from travelling north. Timing is crucial - by the BBC's Damian Grammaticas in Brussels The prospect of many thousands more refugees and migrants coming this summer is what's worrying the countries they head for, primarily Austria, Germany and Sweden. Germany's Chancellor Angela Merkel told an audience on Tuesday: "Of course we must significantly reduce the number of refugees and we are working on that." Source :

Thursday, January 28, 2016




Developers in the GCC will struggle to raise bank funding for new projects this year as liquidity tightens across the region, according to the JLL consultancy. It highlighted the lack of bank funding as the main trend to a ffe c t p ro p e r ty m a rke t s across the UAE in 2016. Citing worsening bank results for the 2015 financial year, where local banks reported increasing provisions against bad loans, JLL Mena’s head of research, Craig Plumb, said: “Banks are understandably becoming more cautious, it’s going to be more difficult to get lending and the terms are going to be tighter. “We’re looking at an increasing interest rate environment – that’s not going to help.” As well as tightening bank funding, Mr Plumb said that appetite among investors in bond markets and capital markets for property would besubdued.

“The international markets for both bonds and IPOs are relatively cautious at the moment. There has been a lot of uncertainty. Bond investors are cautious, particularly towards the Middle East at the moment.” • JLL’s key trends for UAE property in 2016 He added that 12 months ago, it had been aware of 30-plus companies in the region that had been seeking to raise money on capital markets through an initial public offering. “I think if we were to do the same thing now, that would be nearer to five than 30. We see some IPO activity, but perhaps not as much as was expected at the beginning of last year.” Other trends the company is predicting for 2016 is for developers to seek corporate clients who are willing to sign a long pre-lease for significant portions of buildings (build-to-suit), and more building sales and leasebacks

as companies look to free up cash in estates. JLL also forecasts that the nature and pace of capital flowing out of the Middle East into property markets (mainly London and the US) will change. About US$11 billion was spent by Middle East investors last year and this was largely through sovereign wealth funds. This figure is expected to slow and a greater proportion of investment is expected to come from private investors. For Dubai, JLL is predicting a further decline in sale prices for residential units of about 5 to 10 per cent this year. Rents will also decline, but at a slower pace of 3 to 5 per cent. In Abu Dhabi, residential sales growth was flat last year and the company expects a slight decline in prices of 5 per cent in 2016, mainly in off-prime locations. Rents are likely to remain stable.

A report by Standard & Poor’s published this month stated that UAE banks were likely to have lower earnings this year, with lower oil prices leading to a drop in deposits from government and corporate clients, cutbacks by some government clients on infrastructure projects and weakened sentiment in the real estate market. S&P said this has inevitably led to comparisons with the market collapse in 2009, but the credit analyst Timucin Engin said: “this time is different”. He said underwriting practices at UAE banks are now much stronger and the balance sheets of its government-related entities are healthier. “We are likely to see a gradual but longer deterioration in operating conditions for banks over the next several quarters or years,” said Mr Engin. Source : The National




Ex pl o re rs o n a 50 0 kilometre camel trek across the UAE desert on Monday reached the halfway stage of their 10-day journey. The trip, organised by the Hamdan bin Mohammed Heritage Centre, set out to showcase the nomadic existence of Emirati travellers of generations past. Twenty expatriates from countries such as India, Malaysia and Oman agreed to live as the Bedouin did, in tents, phone free and travelling by camel, led by experts including Moham-

med bin Taryem, the renowned UAE explorer. Said Ibrahim Abdul Rahim, director of event management at the Hamdan bin Mohammed Heritage Centre, said: “This trip will give everyone on it a once-in-a-lifetime experience that will live long in their memories, but a great many of them will be only too keen to go exploring again in the years to come.” Mohammed Fansouri bin Mohammed Faheemi, from Malaysia, is one of the explorers on the adventure.

“This is a very fruitful programme and I hope that, through it, I will gain further insight into Emirati culture and heritage,” he said. “This camel ride will open people’s eyes and let them get to know even more about the Emirati people.” The travellers set off on the first leg of their 50km daily journey at about 7.30am, stopping to rest at noon for two hours before travelling on to set up camp at sundown. Source : The National

DSF 2016: DUBAI COMES ALIVE WITH PERFORMANCES, SHOPPING OFFERS Throngs of people have continued to flock to the Dubai Shopping Festival (DSF) to enjoy great deals and lively entertainment options. Among the most popular venues has been the Market Outside The Box in Burj Park, which attracted thousands of visitors and families on Friday and Saturday. The market includes a variety of fashion retailers, as well as homegrown entertainers. "I came to Burj Park specifically to check out Market OTB which I have read and heard about a lot lately. I really liked it. It's a beautiful and innova-

tive idea, much like other DSF events," said Egyptian expat Mohammed Al Bahy. "The second we stepped into the market, my children went on a hunt for the play area," Al Bahy added. "It is a simple and free of charge area and what's great about it is that you can leave your kids safely in the hands of the supervisors at the location." Organisers have noted that over 600 children under five years old have been registered at the play area since it opened. I came to the market to enjoy the fun activities. I

like this corner because they gave me an apron to wear to keep my clothes clean and because I am going to keep my drawing at the end," said 10year-old Palestinian Yasmina Abu Ghazaleh. "I came here with my mom. She went shopping and I stayed here to play. I am also going to meet my friend here to have even more fun and to enjoy." Market OTB will be open until January 30 from 4pm to 10pm on weekdays, and from 10am to 10pm on weekends at Burj Park.

Thursday, January 28, 2016


There are few other places on earth where you can stretch out and relax at the beach in the morning, snowboard on real snow after lunch, and then venture out into the desert on a 4x4 expedition – all before enjoying dinner at a breathtaking height of a 50-storey skyscraper. As well as being one of the safest cities in the world, Dubai is very much geared to families. Most of its hotels have special facilities for younger guests, including the luxury resorts for which the Emirate is renowned. You’ll be able to take advantage of spacious family suites, informal restaurants where early dining is on the menu, and kids’ clubs where they can be entertained all day under careful supervision. Aquatic fun is big in Dubai, too, and two of its waterparks are every bit as exciting as the mega parks in Europe and Florida. Aquaventure at Atlantis The Palm, a resort on the seaward side of the Palm Jumeirah archipelago, features rides and slides with gentle flumes for the younger ones as well as some that are guaranteed to get the adrenalin pumping. There’s Poseidon’s Revenge, which sees you plummet and loop at up to 37mph, and Aquaconda, a rafting adventure in which riders career down the largest fibreglass tube in the world. Located next to the soaring sail of the Burj Al Arab, Wild Wadi Waterpark boasts more than 30 rides and attractions. You can sit back and float along the lazy river of Juha’s Journey, or seek the aptly-named thrills of Tantrum Alley and Burj Surj. The park also has advanced surfing simulators, including the Wipeout FlowRider. Installed in only three other places worldwide, it makes a huge artificial wave by shooting out more than seven tonnes of water per second. The animal kingdom provides many of Dubai’s most popular attractions. Highlights at the Dubai Aquarium & Underwater Zoo include a fearsome 17ft crocodile known as King Croc and the Kraken’s Lair – a shadowy domain ruled by the octopus, squid and nautilus. Source :

Thursday, January 28, 2016

INDIAN AND SAUDI WIN US $1M IN DUBAI DUTY FREE RAFFLE An Indian expatriate from Dubai and a Saudi national both won $1 million in the Dubai Duty Free Millennium Millionaire promotion drawn on Tuesd a y a t t h e C o ncourse C, Dubai International Airport. Noushad Mohamm e d Us m a n h a s been trying for years before he finally struck gold in the promotion. The news reached the lucky winner while on holiday in his home city of Edavanna, India. Mr Usman, 47, has a restaurant business in Dubai and his family is arranging their return trips to Dubai to visit Dubai Duty Free and receive the cheque.

The other dollar m i l l i o n a i r e a nnounced on Tuesday was Ali Al Suhaibani, 48, a Saudi from Dhahran. “It is a very emotional moment for me and my family. I am a regular participant of the Millennium Millionaire promotion and thrilled that I finally got the lucky ticket!” said Mr Al Suhaibani. Thushara De Silva, a Sri Lankan living in Mombasa, Kenya, was presented his million-dollar cheque. Two more winners were unveiled on Tuesday in the Finest Surprise Promotion, one of the world’s longest running duty free promotions. The National

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Leading diagnostics kit makers have set their sights on the UAE as mandatory healthcare insurance increasingly covers their costs. Great Ormond Street Hospital (Gosh), Britain’s best-known children’s hospital, plans to market its new prenatal diagnostic tests, said Trevor Clarke, a director at Gosh. It has had an international patient support office in Dubai since 2005. It is in talks with two hospitals, one each in Dubai and Abu Dhabi. The tests cost between £500 (Dh2,609) and £2,000, which can be used to find out the gender of the foetus as early as seven weeks and for postnatal blood tests for children. Some of the tests for pregnant women to detect some rare conditions can be conducted as early as 10 weeks and could do away with more invasive procedures such as amniocentesis. “Kuwait is our biggest referral market followed by

the UAE and new services such as these would help attract new patients,” Mr Clarke said. The UK hospital gets 2,000 patients a year from the Arabian Gulf region. It has 42 beds for international patients and plans to add 10 more in August. The public hospital has 350 beds for children. Gosh is not the only entity looking to bring its diagnostics to the UAE. Trivitron Healthcare, an Indian medical technology company, is in talks with two major lab chains in the UAE to introduce its newborn screening test that can detect 50 genetic disorders, said G S K Velu, the founder and managing director of Trivitron. The kits will be provided by its Finnish subsidiary, Labsystems Diagnostics, which was acquired in 2012 for €15.8 million (Dh62.8m). In April, the New Yorklisted biotechnology company Thermo Fisher Scientific invested US$5m in

Dubai Science Park free zone. People are “expecting and a s k i n g fo r p re m i u m healthcare facilities to save them the expense of travelling overseas”, said Ahsan Ali, the head of business operations at the private equity firm Ashmore, which is one of the investors in the 100-bed King’s College Hospital (KCH) that expects to open in Dubai in 2018. “The governments have been supporting their citizens and residents who travel overseas for health care at a high cost and practicalities for travel could be difficult for some.” A KCH clinic opened in Abu Dhabi in 2014. Three other KCH clinics are expected to open in Dubai in the first quarter of next year. Apart from paediatrics, gynaecology and obstetrics, it would also cover orthopaedics and endocrinology. Source : The National


Thursday, January 28, 2016



A second gold for Ab- A l a h b a b i ( 6 1 0 . 1 ) dulla Sultan Alaryani claimed his country’s second gold of the and a win for Abdulla day. Austria’s Johann Alahbabi highlight Windhofer (609.1) outday three of the IPC scored Alahbabi twice Shooting World Cup. but it was not enough overall, and he finished Abdulla Sultan Alaryani with silver. Thailand’s secured his second Chatchai Senachan gold medal in as many (607.5) was third. days at his home IPC The double win for the Shooting World Cup in UAE see them at the Al Ain, United Arab top of the medals table Emirates (UAE), on with four golds with Monday (25 January), two days left of compeas teammate Abdulla tition. Alahbabi also claimed Russia are second with victory. two golds, two silver Alaryani barely faltered and one bronze, and on his way to first Australia are third with place in R7 (men’s one of each colour. 50m rifle three positions SH1), adding to Slovakian world and his podium-topping European title holder performance in R1 Veronika Vadovicova (men’s 10m air rifle (206.7) returned to the standing SH1) from the top step of the podium after disappointment previous day. on Sunday (24 JanuHe took an early lead ary). during the kneeling round, building his lead The 32-year-old led the throughout the prone scoring throughout R2 and standing to finish (women’s 10m air rifle standing SH1), outwith a 455.7 score. shooting second-place The Ukrainian duo of A u s t r a l i a n N a t a l i e Iurii Stoiev (454.0) and Smith (203.4) whom A n d r i i D o ro s h e n k o she lost to the previous (432.1) finished in sec- day. Russian Svetlana ond and third respec- Dementyeva (179.6) tively. completed the medalIn R9 (mixed 50m rifle lists with bronze. prone SH2), the UAE’s

Sheikh Nahyan bin Mubarak Al Nahyan, Minister of Culture, Youth and Community Development and Chairman of the General Authority for Youth Sports We l f a r e , h a s c o mmended the important role being played by Emirati youth in developing the sports sector, thanks to the vision of the wise leadership in promoting insti-

tutions in general and sports sector in particular. Sheikh Nahyan made the remark while receiving a copy of a Master Degree thesis, titled, "Impact of the application of governance in sports institutions in the UAE from the standpoint of decision-makers." It was prepared by Rashid Ibrahim Al Mu-

tawa, Director of Strategic Planning and Corporate Excellence at General Authority for Youth Sports Welfare. The minister congratulated Al Mutawa for his outstanding performance, wishing him to implement the content of the thesis so as to advance the sports in the UAE. Source :

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