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Project/Assessment Task: Brief: Live National Competitions – YCN and RSA Select one (or more) briefs from National Student Competitions: YCN & RSA You are invited to work on a selection of live creative briefs, written by commercial organisations, each offering a range of challenges. This will enable you to benefit from engaging fully with contemporary communication challenges, gain increased confidence, visibility and employability, and a unique opportunity to showcase your emerging creative talent. This project will require you to explore, compile, share and analyse, research, and individually work up concepts and outcomes. Research the company, commercial venture or organisation to determine it’s key offer, services, attributes, characteristics etc. Research, analyse and build insight into who the main target audiences are, and determine what would increase their engagement and commitment with your chosen company, commercial venture or organisation, as proposed by your chosen brief.

Waste not - want not Design a way to encourage and support individuals, households, businesses and/pr communities to reduce food waste. Problem: people are buying more products, than they really need. 30% of food goes to the bin. Aim: encourage people to plan them shopping list and avoid wasting food and save money. Methodology : I am going to create a game, where you will have limited space in the trolley and loads of different products. Your aim is to pick the products you will be eating during the week. What meals will you eat? Are these products won’t go out of date before you eat them? Make sure all these products fit to your trolley! If you need more space, you might need to remove some items and exchange them. Research: According to WRAP people: Buying too much – particularly due to special offers such as buy one, get one free deals; Buying more perishable food – often as the result of trying to eat more healthily; Choosing food on impulse – often driven by ‘spontaneous’ and ‘top up’ shopping high sensitivity to food hygiene – many say they wouldn’t take a chance with food close to its ‘best before’ date, even if it looked fine; Not liking the food prepared – 22% of families with children stated that not liking a meal was a cause of food waste; Not having time to plan meals. Development: waste not - want not project is supported from Waitrose, that is why I am using products which you can find in Waitrose. I picked various products, which people are buying every day and I drew a trolley. For now my game looks like a puzzle, where you have limited choice of products. I asked my friends to try this game and they liked it. You can see them shopping choices in following pictures. However it is just an idea, which I can develop to Shopping app. If I would continue this project I would like to make a game, which you can play online, so each product would have different points ,because of how healthy it is and how much energy will it give you, so your aim would be to plan your shopping and score more points by choosing right products.

PRACTISE YOUR SHOPPING SKILLS On the right side you can see that you can fit less than 50% of products to your trolley. What products will you choose? I asked my friends to participate in this game and check if my game works. 1st participant - Jovita lives healthy life style, goes to gym, so she chose more vegetables, fresh meat and fish, also rice and oats. She said that she always plans her shopping so task was very easy to her. 2nd participant - Justas also didn’t take long to fill the troley. He said that this game could have more choice of products and you could plan your shopping for all month! That would be more challenging than planning your meals for a week.

Mind your money Design a way for people to improve their financial capability and manage their money better. Problem: many people can’t manage them money, and when it comes to financial shock like: loose their jobs, car brokes down and other unexpected costs they don’t any savings to cover these costs. Aim: design a book/game which would help improve financial capability Methodology: I am going to make a book for students which would help to manage money better. Students life are quite different from middle-age group, because needs are different, so managing the money will be different as well. In my book you will find pages with holidays planning, harmful habits, also savings, investments, fututre etc. I want to prepare students for the next step and teach them how to spend less than you earn. In this book will be 9 different envelopes and money which you have to divide into different categories. Also in the last page you will find some advise how to do it right. Practise managing your money right now! Make the money make more money! Research: Spend less money than you earn: If you earn $30,000/year and you spend $31,000/year, you’ll end up in a spiral of debt that’s hard to walk away from. If you spend exactly as much as you earn every year, you’ll never be prepared for emergencies or major life changes. Spending less than you earn allows you the freedom to save, to prepare for the future, and deal with the inevitable crises that life throws at you. The bigger the gap between your income and your spending, the better. Always plan for the future: This doesn’t just mean retirement. When a store offers to let you pay off some gadget in 6 months with no interest, you need to know you can pay it off, or avoid that deal. Establishing an emergency fund will allow you to deal with unexpected car repairs or medical bills. Having a retirement plan will ensure you have income when you’re unable to work anymore. Your finances should always look forward beyond the current month. Make your money make more money: Want to know how the rich keep getting richer? It’s because money can grow while you sleep, provided you save some of it. Properly invested money earns more money over time. Don’t just sock all your cash away in a low-interest savings account. Invest in things that will earn you more money than you had before. Sometimes that’s an investment account, but sometimes it’s starting a business, or even getting an education to get a better paying job.


Fixed costs (50-60%): This should include every cost that you know is coming each month, that rarely change. That means rent, gas, power, groceries, your cellphone bill, and anything else that generally stays the same. Some of these may vary a bit from month to month, but are at least somewhat predictable, and are necessary for regular life. Investments (10%): As you build your savings (which we’ll discuss later on), you’ll eventually want to invest some of your money so it grows over time. If you have any investments like a company 401(k) that come out of your paycheck, you can count it here. Savings (5-10%): Short- and long-term savings should go in this category. This includes saving up for vacations, gifts, or large purchases like a new TV or computer. You should also include an emergency fund— which is just a block of money you keep in a savings account for unexpected emergencies like car repairs or sudden bills—in this category. Guilt-free spending (20-35%): This category is where you can put whatever you want. Dining out, drinking, or splurging on entertainment is often seen as a financial vice, but the truth is, we do these things because we enjoy them. As long as you have the other three categories covered you can spend this money without feeling guilty about your budget.


Manage your money!

I made a book, which will help you to divide your money right and put away some money for future and unexpected costs. First of all go to the page “Your Income“ and get the amount of money you expect to get next month. After that divide it the way you want. Next go to the last page and read advise about money managing and see where you do mistakes or how well you organize your money.


Create a campaign to inspire and motivate university students to recycle.

One man’s waste

Design a way to help eliminate the concept of waste within developed societies by promoting it as a valuable material resource. Problem: University students therefore represent a significant proportion of the adult population in the UK, and with the average student creating around 1.5 tonnes of waste during a three-year degree course, there is enormous potential to boost recycling rates in the UK by encouraging more students to recycle. Aim: Encourage students to recycle and reuse. Methodology: I am going to find the ways how to creatively reuse the existing materials that we have already mined from the earth. I am going to make a book for students with loads of examples and ways how they could reuse things which are they going to throw out. Research: Heineken WOBO (bottle that’s a brick) Altantic Leather (leather made from fish skins, notably salmon) Freecycle Marks & Spencer Shwopping initiative Obsidian Project by Studio Drift Newspaper wood Flip-flops made from recycled tyres


UCC Coffee Creatively re-launch Grand Café coffee to improve engagement with current and new customers.

Coffee with a conscience You may not have heard of Grand Café coffee but the chances are you will have tasted it! As our most popular coffee brand; there are over 10,000 customers using it in the UK. This market leading ethical food service brand is credible coffee at its best and the ideal brand for the ethically aware business. Grand Café promotes the social and economic benefits of certified coffee whilst providing a feel good factor and peace of mind to the customers who buy it. These coffees can’t stop showing off when it comes to credentials - each of the four variants in the range are fully certified, showing that we’re doing our bit to sustain the lives and lands of the farmers who grow our coffee. The certifications are Rainforest Alliance, Soil Association and Fairtrade - all unique concepts that support communities and projects in different countries around the world. Not to mention that the coffee is great — freshly roasted beans, expertly blended and each with its own distinctive taste.



Grand Café Rainforest

Grand Café Fairtrade

Grand Café Triple Certified

Grand Café Fairtrade Decaf

Tasting notes: Chocolately, sweet, with a hint of its slow roast, gives this blend real character. Bright and balanced with citrus hints and a clean and balanced aftertaste.

Tasting notes: Deep, intense coffee with a full body and lasting taste.

Tasting notes: Rich, balanced coffee with red fruit top notes and a sweet creamy finish.

Tasting notes: A clean mouth feel with a hint of sweet watermelon. All the flavour but without the caffeine.

The source: Peru, Guatemala, Sumatra

The source: Peru

The source: Colombia, Honduras, Brazil

The source: Colombia, Vietnam, Peru


Inspired by other coffee designs I started making sketches for Grand Coffee. I was concidering should I use ornaments, typography or make some patterns. Also I was thinking what label should I use?

I made 4 patterns for each coffee. First pattern is for Rainforest. This coffee sweet and chocolately thats why I made pattern, which reminds melting chocolate. Second pattern is for Fairtrade. Big coffee beans represent that is strong, deep and intense coffee. Third pattern is for Triple Certified coffee. I used cherries because coffee taste has hint of red fruits. Last pattern is for Fairtrade Decaf. I used small slices of watermelon, because taste is fresh with hint of watermelon.

CHOOSING COLOUR AND MAKING PACKAGE DESIGN I chose green for Rainforest, because of the name. Yellow for Fairtrade, because it is intense colour and yellow is intense and bright colour. Red for Triple Certified, because it has hint of red berries, and mint/blue colour for decaf, because it leaves you fresh aftertaste.



I decided to add colour to the package, because now it looks more like tea packages. Therefore I added brown colour to the patterns background.


I wasn’t happy about my final design, so I decided to develop it and try different layout. It looks a lot different, but I left a bit of pattern’s on the sides of the pacake, which tells how coffee tastes like (hint of watermelon. chocolately, strong or with hint of red berries.)


Project and development by: Agne Baksyte Student ID: U1363657 The University Of Huddersfield 2016

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