Amarillo Magazine - March 2022

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MARCH 2022

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AMARILLO ENTERPRIZE CHALLENGE Learn about the 4 local businesses who won this year’s challenge





BEGINNING TO REBUILD Man loses home of 70 years to Cadillac Fire

RESTAURANT ROUND UP Crowd enjoys samples of all kinds at event

A COMMUNITY NEED Kids Inc. unveils plans for new sports complex

CITIZENS ON THE MOVE 40 Under 40 sponsored by FirstBank Southwest

In every issue


FEATURED ARTIST Dr. Shelley Armitage

16 8

806 INC. Chamber of Commerce Ribbon Cuttings



Featured artist because there are so many to be told. And at the same time, my mother’s health was declining. So, while I was walking and being excited to witness all this history, I was also taking care of my dying mother. The book is kind of an interviewing of all these diff erent stories,” she said. Armitage spoke about how the book allowed her a new perspective on her life and let her notice her surroundings and life in a way that she wouldn’t have previously noticed. “What happened during the course of these walks, and what (it) made me realize, is that I had some reckonings towards myself for the resentment that I was holding towards my family during that time that I was able to work through and release and forgive,” she said. Armitage’s book “Walking the Llano: A Texas Memoir of Place” and her other creations are available for purchase on her website at e


Former West Texas A&M professor Dr. Shelley Armitage was recently inducted into the Texas Institute of Letters (TIL) for her memoir “Walking the Llano: A Texas Memoir of Place.” The memoir focuses on the Canadian River Valley in the western Panhandle, north of Vega, Texas. “This award was kind of a nice surprise for me. I always thought that the TIL was impenetrable because all the submissions are anonymously nominated, so for me to be nominated and recognized is a big deal,” Armitage said. Since 1963, TIL has celebrated Texas literature and recognized distinctive literary achievements among current and former Texas residents. The TIL’s membership consists of the state’s most respected writers – including winners of the Pulitzer Prize, National Book Award, PEN/Faulkner Award, Academy Award, Americas Award, International Latino Book Award, Lambda Literary Award, MacArthur Fellowship, and Guggenheim Fellowship. Membership is based on ongoing and exceptional literary accomplishment. Sergio Troncoso, president of the Texas Institute of Letters, stated in a news release: “The Texas Institute of Letters continues to identify and honor outstanding writers from all literary genres. Our newest members have expanded literary audiences to include diverse voices and readers, and have opened minds with books that reconsider history and scholarship,” Armitage is professor emerita and former Roderick Professor at the University of

Texas at El Paso. Armitage was also a professor at the University of Hawaii, and WTAMU. She is a holder of several Fulbright professorships in American literature, and she has been awarded three NEH grants, an NEA, and a Rockefeller grant. She has published more than 50 refereed articles on subjects such as photographic criticism, the arts, popular culture, multicultural literature, and gender studies, along with eight award-winning books, with the most recent being “Walking the Llano.” Armitage currently resides in Las Cruces, New Mexico, and continues to manage the family farm and its native grasslands. Both are places that inspired her latest memoir that was inducted into TIL. The memoir follows Armitage over a year as she walks 30 miles from her family farm to the Canadian River over several summers, including Ysabel Gurule’s adobe house, a native American who befriended Armitage’s father. “That’s how the story started, looking at the arc of these two men’s lives and how they overlapped, my father and Ysabel Gurule, and then I thought about how my life overlapped with that, too,” Armitage said. “Along the way, I saw all this history, these ancient sights of the Comanche and Kiowa, and it was just incredible to see and experience. And that, of course, is when I started writing, and of course, I was faced with the challenge of how to write the story

ABOVE: Ysabel Gurule, who inspired Shelley Armitage’s memoir, “Walking the Llano.” TOP: The cover of “Walking the Llano,” shot in the Canadian River Breaks. The work was written by Shelley Armitage, who was recently inducted into the Texas Institute of Letters. PHOTOS COURTESY OF SHELLEY ARMITAGE




AMARILLO ENTERPRIZE CHALLENGE REWARDS FOUR LOCAL BUSINESSES our local businesses were awarded a total of $399,000 from the Amarillo EnterPrize Challenge at a ceremony recently held at the WT Enterprise Center. Established in 1996, the EnterPrize Challenge is a WT Enterprise Center program funded by the Amarillo Economic Development Corporation that provides local businesses a chance to develop a plan to secure potential capital for investment. Companies to qualify must bring in 51% of their revenue from outside of the region. More than 100 businesses have received grants of up to $100,000 since the program’s inception. Thirteen businesses submitted proposals to be screened and prepared through group coaching workshops that helped

them develop investor fact sheets. Of those 13, eight were chosen to off er business plans, with six fi nalists accepted to personally present their business plans to a team of fi ve judges. Amarillo Economic Development Corporation President and CEO Kevin Carter spoke about choosing these four businesses for the awards. “These businesses are set for success; their business plans were very well done,” Carter said. “We believe the products they are selling will be a tremendous boost to our economy.” Three businesses were awarded $100,000 for their submitted economic plans. 11 Marketing + Design, owned by Walter Stellman, was awarded $100,000 for its Amarillo-based marketing agency. The company established in 2017 has grown



Michael Cuviello Amarillo Globe-News | USA TODAY NETWORK



MARCH 2022

from a purely digital agency specializing in web design and marketing to a full-service agency that, while considering themselves experts in internet marketing, also deals with all forms of advertising available. Helping businesses of any size get found on Google business is its specialty. “This award will help fast-track our business because there are not a lot of people doing what our business does,” Stellman said. Brian and Ashlee Gwin, owners of Fat Mama Feeds in Amarillo since 2019, were also awarded the total grant amount of $100,000. Fat Mama Feeds buys, processes, distributes and delivers soybeans and deer corn to dealers, hunters, and big game ranches throughout the region. According to the owners, their product is currently the only 100% soybean feed on the market. The grant is to help them expand their propri-

WT Enterprise and the Amarillo Economic Development Corporation awarded four companies, Think Metal, Fat Mama Feeds, 11 Marketing + Design, and Vvntus with the 25th Amarillo Enterprize Challenge awards at the WT Enterprise Center. PHOTOS BY NEIL STARKEY

etary business to bring more jobs and investment into the region. “We have some really big plans that are going to make the Amarillo Panhandle region a hub for wildlife supplemental feeds,” Ashlee Gwin said. The owners feel that they will grow their business and staff to take on a more signifi cant share of the market with this infl ux of funds. “We are fi nally going be building the facilities to be able to compete with major manufacturers of wildlife feed. It means growing, scaling and bringing jobs to Amarillo as a real company,” added Brian Gwin. Seth Bernard, the owner of Think Metal, a metal fabrication company in Canyon, was awarded $100,000 for its computer numerical controlled (CNC) fabrication process to create custom metal designs sold worldwide. The company specializes in metal art and signage primarily sold via ecommerce. Think Metal opened in 2015. More than 90% of its product is sold outside of the Amarillo region. Spearheading the company’s entry into the challenge was Thomas Cunningham, general manager. “We are still a relatively small company and growing; the funds from the EnterPrize Challenge are going to project us to the next level,” Cunningham said. “With these funds, we are looking to expand to create more jobs and revenue for the Amarillo region.” Receiving a $99,000 award to expand their company was Vvntus (pronounced ven-tus), owned by Matt Garner and Jason Herrick. The Amarillo-based company, founded in 2021, researches, develops and

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manufactures food for animal feed and human food, specializing in food additives that specialize in increasing healthy meat and dairy production.

“This recognition is a validation of our hard work,” Garner said. “This will allow us the ability to solicit investors to help increase our market and create more jobs.” Gina Woodward, interim executive director of the WT Enterprise Center, said, “The Amarillo EnterPrize Challenge has done so much to contribute to Amarillo’s growth over the last 25 years. Helping to grow local businesses that are bringing in money from outside the area and in turn growing our economy is a win/win for everyone.” e




Beginning to

rebuild Brianna Maestas Amarillo Globe-News | USA TODAY NETWORK


hile many families and individuals have been aff ected by fi res throughout the city and region recently, one Amarillo man is working to rebuild his whole life. Brooks Rogers, 90, lost his home of 70 years in the “Cadillac Fire” on Feb. 21. Rogers is currently staying in a hotel funded by the Red Cross while everything settles. The Cadillac Fire got its name because it was near the Cadillac Ranch public art installation and sculpture, which lies across Interstate 40 from the neighborhood where the fi re burned through four homes and 11 outbuildings.

Remains of the homes burned in the Cadillac Fire still smolder the following morning, Tuesday in the Indian Hills Neighborhood. NEIL STARKEY




MARCH 2022


Man loses home of 70 years to Cadillac Fire

The grass fi re burned an estimated 143 acres before it was brought under control through the help of multiple agencies and fi rst responders. Overall, nearly 250 other structures had been threatened during the fi re — 96 homes, 18 commercial buildings, 98 outbuildings and 37 other camper vehicles. Thick, black smoke could be seen for miles, and charred land and debris could be seen the following day. Despite the damage and quick spread of the fi re, no casualties or injuries were reported. “Someone has to be watching over me,” said Rogers, who is both hearing and visually impaired. He was working in the shop behind his home when a couple of his friends alerted him about the fi re. “I had no idea what was going on. My friend had seen the grass fi re and came to fi nd me,” Rogers said. “They said we had to go now and helped me grab some things and got in the car. If it had not been for them, I don’t think I’d be here.” According to Heather Sottile, one of Rogers’ longtime friends who arrived to help, they grabbed Rogers’ medications and two outfi ts before leaving the home that was engulfed in fl ames 30 minutes later. “The fi re was a couple houses down. We didn’t think to grab much more than him and the few things we did. ... If we would have been there longer and continued to get things out of the house, I don’t know if we would have made it out of there,” Sottile said. “The possessions are just possessions. It will take a long time to get him back to where he was, where he was as independent as he was, but we can replace that. We can’t replace him,” Sottile said.

A system to live on his own Rogers has been visually impaired his whole life with Ushers Syndrome and had lost all vision approximately 50 years ago. He lived in the house since its creation in 1966. He had perfected his system, which allowed him his independence to focus on some of his hobbies that include travel, history and his role as an antique gunsmith. “A lot of history was lost in that house. He’s all about history. In fact, when we went out to the house, the fi rst thing we found was his grandfather’s World War II helmet. It was just laying there, on top of the ash and rubble,” Sottile said. “The only thing still standing was the chimney and mailbox in the ash,” Rogers said. Computer software allowed him to navi-

So many people have reached out to me to help. I’m not used to Emergency crews responded to a windswept fi re that destroyed four homes near the Cadillac Ranch and I-40.

it, but they tell me that now it’s my turn to take.”


gate the Web and browse his favorite online pastime, eBay. A scanner read aloud his mail, and puff paint on his stove helped him control the heat when cooking. Rogers’ system allowed him his everyday independence in his home in the Indian Hills Neighborhood. “I have some of the most wonderful friends, and one good thing out of all this, is I’ve gotten to realize just how many friends I have,” Rogers said. “So many people have reached out to me to help. I’m not used to it, but they tell me that now it’s my turn to

take.” Rogers’ current goal is to gain back a computer and the two computer software programs, JAWS and Open Book, paired with a model 100 Cannon fl atbed scanner to allow him some independence again, and then to work to rebuild his home. Individuals can help Rogers by donating to the Hansford Brooks Rogers account at any Amarillo National Bank location, or online at Rogers’ GoFundMe site at e





RESTAURANT ROUND UP Photos by Neil Starkey

A crowd enjoyed various kinds of samples off ered by more than 50 restaurants and wineries at the Restaurant Round Up, held in early March at the Rex Baxter Building at the Tri-State Fairgrounds. The evening featured food and wine from local favorites, as well as student culinary showcases, a chefs' competition, live music by Insuffi cient Funds and more. The event's organizer, the Panhandle Chapter - Texas Restaurant Association, said proceeds would go toward PRA scholarships, Local culinary classes, Meals on Wheels, Snack Pak for Kids and High Plains Food Bank.

MAIN: Chef Addison Hitt from Cask & Cork restaurant and Chef Shelby Swindell from Metropolitan restaurant compete in a mystery basket cooking challenge. 10



MARCH 2022

CLOCKWISE FROM TOP LEFT: Gracie Fernandez and Claudia Aguilera enjoy visiting and samples from the various restaurants; Stephanie Oberbrockling, Cristian Ibarra and Fabian Ibarra enjoy samples; Falco Martinez grabs a sample of dessert; Culinary students from Hereford High School, Paulina Gutierrez, Katie Martinez and Victoria Sturgeon, compete with other high schools; Merlina McAffrey enjoys a bite from one of the various restaurants; Alberta Batchelor picks up a sample; Wanda Gross and Genlater Brown enjoy their evening trying samples. e MARCH 2022 | AMARILLO.COM/AMARILLO-MAGAZINE



community need


Brianna Maestas Amarillo Globe-News | USA TODAY NETWORK


ids Incorporated announced the kick-off of its fundraising campaign for a new, multi-sport athletic complex at a news conference held inside the Kids Inc. Warehouse. Since then, the organization has gotten some pretty signifi cant contributions heading toward its goal. “Can we really take this one opportunity 12


to make this thing happen? I think we can, and I think we have the right people to make it happen. This is a community project,” said Jimmy Lackey, Kids Inc. president and CEO. Kids Inc. is receiving a 90-acre land donation from Rockrose Development, located south of Loop 335, between I-27 and Coulter Street, to create the complex. “We couldn’t be more excited. This is really an honor to be a part of, to see the support, and I grew up playing Kids Inc. |

MARCH 2022

sports. ... Anyone who has raised kids in this community knows how desperately the community needs something like this,” said Matt Griffi th, vice president of Rockrose Development. In another news conference, Lackey announced its offi cial name, the Rockrose Sports Complex, after the Rockrose land donation, as well as three separate $2 million donations made by Amarillo National Bank, Caviness Beef Packers, and an anonymous donor.

Jimmy Lackey, president and CEO of Kids Inc., announces plans for Kids Inc. to build a sports complex near the corner of Coulter Street and Loop 335 during a recent news conference. PHOTOS BY NEIL STARKEY


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Our goal is always to invest in the communities that we serve, and Amarillo is our community.”

“We’re joining other local philanthropists on one of the most important projects of our generation, and we want this gift to provide incentive and momentum to this project because it will benefi t our children and the community as a

whole,” said William Ware, president of Amarillo National Bank. “It’s something our city has needed for years, and we’re losing families, employers and talents to other cities because we don’t have a complex like this,”

Ware said. “Kids inc. has been successful for 77 years now. Most recently, they completed a project similar to this in another town, and it’s real successful. ... This will no doubt do the same for Amarillo as well,” said Regan Caviness, vice president of Caviness Beef Packers. Then, Toot’n Totum added a $1 million donation of its own, announced by Kids Inc. as the

fundraising campaign continues full speed. “For Toot’n Totum to step up and help us in this way means the world to us. And they are encouraging others to do the same, and that’s just as important. ... I don’t have a tangible way to say ‘thank you’ other than to say thank you,” Lackey said. “We’re planting a crop that is going to fl ourish for many years for children and families in this community for years to come.” “Our goal is always to invest in the communities that we serve, and Amarillo is our community. It’s where we were founded in 1950, and we are going to continue to do everything that we possibly can, not only for this community, but also the Texas Panhandle,” Andrew Mitchell, vice president of operations and fuel with Toot’n Totum said. Lackey said that he plans to keep the momentum and has other donations in progress.


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MARCH 2022

He added that this project is truly a community eff ort. “It takes everyone participating in this in whatever capacity or level they can. I mentioned Brad’s Deal going on a hike across the Grand Canyon and taking pledges that are benefi ted to us. It all adds up. Wing Stop came to the offi ce the other day and handed us a check for $5,000 to go to this. We didn’t ask for that, but they all count. Every single donation adds up to what this complex will be,” he said.

Project outlined in construction phases Lackey spoke about the project in two phases. Phase 1 will include a $30 million outdoor complex with approximately 60 acres of lighted synthetic turf sports fi elds, for sports such as baseball, softball, and soccer. He said they choose synthetic turf for its low maintenance and timely turnaround after rainfall. According to the Kids Inc. president, thus far, Kids Inc. sits well past 30% in acquired funds for Phase 1 of the sports complex. Lackey said he was confi -

dent that once the funding was acquired, they could have Phase 1 of the complex completed within an approximate seven-month timeline. “Hypothetically speaking, if we had the funds by July 1, I’m confi dent that we’d have it out and ready to play on by next spring,” Lackey said. After the completion of funding raised for the outdoor complex, the committee then plans to move on to Phase 2, which will consist of the creation of an indoor facility that is being designed to include a track as well as basketball and volleyball courts. Kids Inc. also planned to dedicate fi eld space to Amarillo College’s intercollegiate sports. Mark White, director of intercollegiate athletics for Amarillo College, said in a news release: “We are thrilled to be included in this much-needed facility. ...This wonderful facility gives us a fi rst-class place to practice daily. Having this turf fi eld for practice is also a great recruiting tool.” Individuals can view a promotional video of the complex or a 3D virtual tour online at e


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ABOVE: Rockrose Sports Park is the name of the new sports complex that Kids Inc. is hoping to build near Coulter and the Loop 335. LEFT: Jimmy Lackey, president and CEO of Kids Inc., stands with the Ware family with Amarillo National Bank as they donate $2 million for the Rockrose Sports Park project.

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Chamber of Commerce Ribbon Cuttings

The Amarillo Chamber of Commerce hosted a ribbon cutting for NU-DAY Spa & Salon, 7522 SW 45th Ave. The business’s website is and phone number is (806) 358-9998.

The Amarillo Chamber of Commerce hosted a ribbon cutting for Relief Today, 2822 Wolfl in Ave. The business’s website is https:// and phone number is (806) 641-6452.

The Amarillo Chamber of Commerce hosted a ribbon cutting for Papillon Knittery, 1942 Civic Circle. The business’s website is and phone number is (806) 3312002.

The Amarillo Chamber of Commerce hosted a ribbon cutting for Copper Axe Company, 6801 S. Bell Ste 400. The business’s website is and phone number is (806) 567-5486.





MARCH 2022

(GET TO KNOW YOUR) Locally Owned Businesses 2022

Pictured from left to right: Patrick Proffer, MD, Liana Proffer, MD, Caylar Harper, Kayla Combs-Hernandez, Emily Barrett, Shelley Bell, Chelsey Barrett, FNP-C, Kylee Cornelius, BSN-RN, Karen Proffer, MSN, FNP-C, Summer Clark, MD, Paul Proffer, MD

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How we give back?

1. Partnering with other quality local businesses 2. Serving as guest speakers for organizations to discuss skin health and rejuvenation 3. Supporting multiple local charities through sponsorships

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his year’s Citizens on the Move awards are presented by FirstBank Southwest. The Citizens on the Move 40 Under 40 Business Professionals awards were added in 2018 to honor younger people who are making a diff erence in the community. Other annual honors sponsored by FirstBank Southwest include Headliners and the Amarillo Globe-News Man and Woman of the Year, which were announced in January. Recipients of the Citizens of the Move 40 Under 40 recognitions are nominated by friends, family, co-workers and others in the community. The following are this year’s Citizens on the Move sponsored by FirstBank Southwest:

Ryan Cotgreave PT, DPT

Age: 37 Occupation: Director of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at Northwest Texas Healthcare System About: I have been married to Lindsay Cotgreave for 12 years, and we have two children: Charlie, 9, and Grayson, 7. What drives you to succeed? 1 Peter 5:2-4 perfectly summarizes my motivations to succeed. We are called to watch over and eagerly serve people that are under our care. Improving patient care through the growth and development of our staff inspires me to passionately pursue progress.




MARCH 2022

Devin Barnett

Age: 35 About: This couple is focused on helping others succeed in Amarillo businesses. They own two very young and prosperous companies that focus on people and their successes. Renu paint is owned by Devin and Floor Covering International is Abbye’s focus. They build the company by building the people they serve.

Thomas Werner

Abbye Barnett

Age: 32 About: This couple is focused on helping others succeed in Amarillo businesses. They own two very young and prosperous companies that focus on people and their successes. Renu paint is owned by Devin and Floor Covering International is Abbye’s focus. They build the company by building the people they serve.

Age: 34 Occupation: Owner/Vice President of Keyhole Lock and Safe About: I have a wonderful wife (Courtnie) who is always there to support me. I have 3 kids, twin 10-year-olds (Cadie and Caden) and a 4-year-old (Jackson). What drives you to succeed? I have found a passion in taking care of the security needs of the people in our area. This passion has served as a driving force for continued learning and innovation in my fi eld. Innovation creates an exciting work environment for me, and leads back to my passion for providing my community with the best security services available.

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MARCH 2022

Rachel K. Smith

Jonathan Bowers

Age: Latest age unavailable Occupation: Entrepreneur, part owner of Bowers MX Track About: This young entrepreneur bought his grandfather’s business and has turned it into a large fi rm. He is very interested in the growth of Amarillo. In addition, he’s part owner in Bowers MX Track, which brings in riders and families from all over the United States.

Age: 36 Occupation: Vice President/Director of Marketing at FirstBank Southwest About: My husband, Tyler, and son, Emerson, mean everything to me. They are my foundation of support, personal cheer squad, motivators, and anything else I might need. They are there for me during the ups and downs, encourage me to overcome all diffi culties in life, and to achieve success. They are the best thing I could have ever wished for, and have both been instrumental in my success. What drives you to succeed? As a marketer, I’ve always been motivated by creative projects and being able to draw a connection between my eff orts and the organization’s bottom line. One of the best things is having the opportunity to lead campaigns from ideation through launch, and seeing the leads become customers. FirstBank Southwest’s culture is centered around treating others with respect and really caring for their staff . They allow me to express my idealism without fear of failure. I love how the bank encourages creativity and innovation!

Congratulations, RACHEL


It’s such a blessing to work for an employer who promotes a culture of support and trust, and also demonstrates a commitment to their employees through professional growth, and their desire to bring out the best in their BANK .” employees! FBSW is Rachel Smith Vice President, Marketing Director for FirstBank Southwest



Andrew J Brandt

Age: 36 Occupation: Author About: My wife Jennifer and I are both fi rst-generation college graduates from WTAMU. We met in 2017 and are a blended family; we welcomed a baby girl together in July 2020. What drives you to succeed? The day our daughter Elliott was born in July 2020, I had two immediate thoughts: the fi rst was: this is the most beautiful child I have ever seen. The second was: I do not make anywhere near enough money. The more I live, the more I see that this life isn’t about me; it’s about creating a legacy that will outlast my years on this earth. Also, I really love spoiling my wife.

Kait Bradford

Age: Latest age unavailable Occupation: Photographer and owner of Three Feather Photo Co. About: The amount of things Kait has overcome, whether it’s personal life or professional life, is mind blowing. She’s a local photographer and owns the Three Feather Photo Co. Being a photographer during the COVID-19 pandemic isn’t something I, myself, would want to go through. From canceled weddings to not being able to have regular shoots in fear that someone would have COVID and give it to you, she made it through with all the clients she’s had, and then some.




MARCH 2022

Meaghan Collier

Age: 39 Occupation: Communications & Marketing Manager at Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center; CoHost of The Chat on KGNC & NewsChannel10 Too; Executive Director of the Alex O’Brien Tennis Foundation; Co-Owner of Good Sort Music Group About: I’ve been married for nearly 10 years to Cody Crouch, who is the head coach of the very successful Hereford High School tennis team. We have two adorable dogs, Sir Myles and Bradford. We’re lucky to live close to my parents, Debbie and Gary, who still live in Canyon in the house I grew up in. What drives you to succeed? I’ve always been incredibly motivated to serve my community by providing information and making connections. After being a teacher in New Orleans and now working in health care, I’ve become increasingly aware that fi ghting for equity in education and ensuring access to quality mental and physical care are two of the most worthy causes to champion.

Brande Bigham

Age: (39 when nominated) Occupation: Broker/Consultant at Managed Benefi ts About: My husband, DJ, and I have a very active 12-year-old son William, who always keeps us on the go! I am also a proud stepmom to our 24-year-old, Broc, who just welcomed home a new baby girl, Joplin. What drives you to succeed? I always want to do the very best that I can for our clients, their employees and families.

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Alicia Jimenez Deleon

Kathryn Coppinger

Age: 39 Occupation: Operations Program Manager at Xcel Energy About: I have been married to my husband of 20 years, Eric. We have two beautiful daughters Charlie and Andy, who are my world. What drives you to succeed? God and my family.

Age: 37 Occupation: Artist and Owner, Addiction Tattoo Studio About: My family is the reason why I thrive to be successful as a mother, wife, business owner and mostly a loving person. My family has always supported me through anything and everything. We take care of each other, and being together is what means the most to us. What drives you to succeed? My family and my personal goals in life.

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MARCH 2022


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Jason Crespin

Age: 38 Occupation: Managing/Artistic Director at Amarillo Little Theatre About: I am a proud son, brother, uncle and godfather to my beautiful family that lives mostly in New Mexico. My extended family are those that I have grown up with over several years at the Amarillo Little Theatre. What drives you to succeed? What drives me to succeed would be the students of the Amarillo Little Theatre Academy. They constantly inspire me by their kindness, their dedication and their passion for learning. They make me want to do my very best every day I come to work. Sidekicks Stay & Play is an enrichment next and tocare-focused Swann Animal boarding and daycare facility for dogs and cats. We pride ourselves on providing the very best possible care for your best friend. We are located next to Swann Animal Clinic at Plum Creek for easy access to veterinary care, if needed.

Seth Solomon

Age: (39 when nominated) Occupation: Veterinarian at Swann Animal Clinic. About: I have the privilege of sharing my life with Lindsay as we raise our two beautiful daughters, Paige and Brynn. Our greatest joy is spending quality time and experiencing life with them as they grow and change. What drives you to succeed? My goal, personally and professionally, is to make a positive impact on the lives of as many people as possible. I make every eff ort to contribute to the growth and success of those around me.

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Christopher Erb

Age: 25 Occupation: Entrepreneur and musician About: A few years ago, he left his job as a pizza delivery driver to pursue his passions in graphic design and music and hasn’t looked back. His graphic design company, Umbrella Theory, is thriving after years of hard work and dedication to obtaining clients and meeting their needs in a timely manner. His band, Neon Graves, has performed in front of audiences from Amarillo to Austin and beyond, and had more than 300,000 streams on Spotify in the year 2021 alone. He currently resides in south Amarillo with his fi ancée, Kira and their dog, Eris. Christopher embodies the spirit of Amarillo. A true Amarilloan doesn’t back down, no matter how pressed his/her back is into a wall. They keep fi ghting, and they work their hearts out to get to where they want to be.

Kristen Chilcote

Age: 29 Occupation: Broker Assistant/Agent at Gaut Whittenburg Emerson Commercial Real Estate. What drives you to succeed? I’m driven by my desire to learn new things and take on new challenges so that I’m constantly growing as an agent and contributing to my team. I’m motivated by the gratifi cation of overcoming diff erent challenges in my business to become the best version of myself so I can better help others. I believe that even the smallest details can make a big diff erence, especially in the real estate world.

Born and raised in Amarillo, Kristen Chilcote represents the third generation of local real estate agents in her family. She has worked for Gaut Whittenburg Emerson since 2019 and has played a crucial role in more than 150 transactions totaling more than $30 million in value. During the 6 years prior to joining Gaut Whittenburg Emerson, Kristen worked as a legal assistant for a large law firm. She is a member of the North Texas Commercial Association of Realtors as well as the National Association of Realtors.

Kristen Chilcote


Congratulations, Kristen, on your Well deserved recognition!



MARCH 2022

Ady Brady

Beau Gabert

Age: 37 Occupation: Vice President at Boyd’s Equipment, Inc. About: Our family has been a part of this community for over 80 years. We are proud to be raising the 5th generation of our family in this great town. What drives you to succeed? The satisfaction of helping someone else fi gure out a solution to their problem. If it requires learning a new skill to accomplish that, all the better.

Age: 24 Occupation: Author and marketing manager at Don Harrington Discovery Center About: West Texas A&M alumnus Ady Brady offi cially published the non-fi ction book titled, “The Wonderful You.” The book invites women to unlock a new perspective on life transitions, friendship, and unlearning toxic beliefs, according to an article in The Prairie News. What drives you to succeed? My passion and drive comes from a desire to uplift those around me as I grow and go. If I can work to do better, both professionally and as a person, I can make real change and exude authentic love. This drives me to jump into new things, learn as much as I can, and be connect with everyone I meet. My family and friends have stood beside me through many seasons of change, and with every change we rise together. I am so incredibly blessed and so wildly thankful for them and for my amazing team at DHDC for trusting my vision for positive change!

The staff and Board of Don Harrington Discovery Center and Wildcat Bluff Nature Center are excited to say

Congratulations, Ady, on your nomination! "Ady's talent and leadership have been a wonderful addition to the DHDC and WBNC teams. She has elevated our marketing and communications to reach more people, and better engage our community in learning about our world and how it works.

40 Under 40

Her enthusiasm and excitement are driving forces within our team. Ady truly exemplifies the spirit of the 40 under 40 nominations, and we are proud to have her on our team!"



Stacia Hauser Age: 38 Occupation: Mortgage Loan Offi cer at Amarillo National Bank About: My husband and I have been residents of Canyon for almost 20 years and have three beautiful children. What drives you to succeed? Helping others to be successful in life and homeownership. Living out God’s full purpose He has for me.

Kaleb McCarrell Age: (39 when nominated) Occupation: Corporal, Amarillo Police Department About: I have 4 amazing kids that are my everything. What drives you to succeed? The thought of failing and being average.

McKinley Herzberger Age: 37 Occupation: Owner of Dream Party Tx (a luxury sleepover rental business) About: I have the sweetest daughter, Sidney, who is 8 years old, and I have been married to my husband Matt for 13 years. What drives you to succeed? Success can be measured in many ways. I don’t know that I’ve achieved success yet, but I do believe that I’ve provided some great relief, beauty, and fun for the Amarillo area since creating Dream Party TX. There are so many wonderful and driven people in our community with great plans on how to improve and bring excitement to our area, and I’m honored to be a part of that movement. Ultimately, I just strive to be a strong role model for all ages, that it is never too late to try something new and daring.




MARCH 2022

Jessica Hunnicutt Age: 37 Occupation: Jessica Hunnicutt Financial Advisor About: I am a single mom of an amazing little boy, Cortland. He is 8 years old. What drives you to succeed? Living with purpose and making a diff erence.


WE ARE HIRING! We would love to hire even more outstanding people like Cpl. McCarrell. Apply online at Starting pay is $54,720.00. No experience needed. Get paid while you attend the Police Academy.

You must be a citizen of the USA (can be a naturalized citizen), Must possess a valid Texas Driver’s license, must have graduated high school or GED equivalent (plus 12 college hours). Honorably discharged members of the military receive 5 preference points on the entrance exam. Must be at least 21 and no older than 44 on the first day of the academy. No felony or Class A criminal convictions. Must be able to read, write and speak in English at a high school graduate level. For more information, go to the Amarillo Police Department website at and click on Employment. AM-16114968

Jason Ashley

Quintin Marquez Age: 36 Occupation: Community Development Manager at City Federal Credit Union About: Both my parents grew up in the panhandle. I have a younger brother who has three wonderful kids with his wife. What drives you to succeed? I love to help others, and this city has a such a passion for helping people in need. I want to be a voice for people that are not heard all the time. I like to inspire Hispanic youth into becoming whatever they aspire to, with passion and hard work you can accomplish anything.

Age: 36 Occupation: Co-owner of Wyben Roofi ng About: My wife, Ashley, and I reside in Canyon with our three children: daughter, Payton and sons, Jackson and Benjamin. Ashley and I spend the majority of our free time chasing our kids around from the baseball fi eld to the basketball court. What drives you to succeed? I always want to ensure that my clients are getting the best customer service that I can off er. I strive to provide a positive customer experience, with a top quality product, to give my customers the peace of mind that they each deserve.

Brian Montoya

Chrisy Mitchell Age: Latest age unavailable Occupation: Sanford-Fritch ISD - Elementary School About: This young lady is a busy mom of three kids of her own. She is amazing; not only is she a super mom, she also works for SFISD Elm school with special-needs children. She is a very caring beautiful person who defi nitely goes above and beyond. 30



MARCH 2022

Age: 31 Occupation: Supervisor/Hyperbaric Safety Director at BSA Advanced Wound Care and Hyperbarics. About: I am married to my beautiful wife Ashlee, and we have four amazing kids: Rylie, Jaxton, Copeland, and Zoey. They defi nitely keep us busy, with ages ranging from 1-7, but we adore them and have so much fun. What drives you to succeed? My family is what drives me more than anything. They give me a sense of success that is unmatched. Motivation is something that comes from within for me; it’s the feeling of ownership, the feeling of pride and the sense of accomplishment when working toward aspirations. I have a passion with what I do, and I channel the motivation that comes with that to drive me. I also love being part of something bigger and greater than myself, and that goes with having the ability to help others. Whether it’s been in my military career or my medical career, being there for others and knowing they can trust in me is crucial for me as a person and a leader. Persevering through adversity or obstacles while maintaining the sense of values I have instilled in me gives me the motivation to succeed.

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Courtney Paschal

Gabriel Morgan Age: 29 Occupation: Owner, Phone Medic of Amarillo About: I have a beautiful wife of almost three years, two cats and a dog. I’ve always been attracted to success, always wanted to be the best at everything I do. For me I think it’s the process. Falling in love with the process will drive you to succeed and go harder, even on the days you don’t want too!

Age: 33 Occupation: Business Development Center Manager, Street Toyota About: My husband Brad supports me in every way. My parents instilled a hard work ethic in me and my two brothers support and encourage me to be a better big sister. I strive to be a better person daily and help everyone that I can. What drives you to succeed? My goal is to make a diff erence every way that I can in my career and in my personal life. When my employees succeed, I feel like I succeed.

Libbie Peters Age: 30 Occupation: Former leasing manager and interim general manager for Westgate Mall About: I am a single mother to an amazing and energetic 6-year-old girl. We love exploring outside, especially taking frequent trips to Palo Duro canyon. I grew up in Amarillo, and I’ve always been proud to be from the Panhandle and I’m honored to accept this recognition. What drives you to succeed? My daughter — I want to show her the hard work and dedication pays off , and you can achieve anything as long as you stay determined, and my own competitive spirit. 32



MARCH 2022

Amanda Schaumburg Age: 39 Occupation: Speech language pathologist and owner of Panda Speech and Language Services About: I am married with one son and two stepsons. Our family has a passion for travel, and by the time our oldest graduates, we will have been to all 50 states! What drives you to succeed? My family is my inspiration! I have built a successful company with their support and encouragement.


Jen Uff ord

Jess Shelton Age: 32 Occupation: CEO and Owner of WHITEFOX Styling Studio About: My family embodies strength, authenticity and love. Building memories together with our little Charlie Jane and my husband, Josh, as we grow is the greatest gift on earth. What drives you to succeed? Building a beautiful and abundant life for my family and for my WHITEFOX girls.

Age: 34 Occupation: Compliance Offi cer, Education Credit Union About: I have been happily married to the love of my life for nine years, and together we have a sweet and adventurous 2year-old daughter. As a family, we love to travel, enjoy the outdoors, serve others, and spend time with our families. What drives you to succeed? God has blessed me with an internal drive toward success and future goals. When my daughter was born, this added strength to my drive. I also have the most wonderful support system that encourages and pushes me to the best I can be every day.

Brandy Spangler Age: 38 Occupation: Currently sitting for the CPA exam About: I have been married to my best friend and biggest supporter for the last 22 years. We have amazing children who continue to impress us with achievements that are far beyond our expectations. What drives you to succeed? I am driven by a desire to solve problems or create solutions. There is always a better, more effi cient way, and I am always looking to improve or speed up a process. If I am successful at this process, it allows resources of a business to be better allocated. 34



MARCH 2022

Aaron Vallance Age: 27 Occupation: Financial advisor at Northwestern Mutual About: My family is native to Amarillo, and we have a heart for the community here. Amarillo is home and we want to see the people here thrive. What drives you to succeed? Myself 30 years in the future. I want to be able to look back at my career and life and know that I did all I could to bring value to my family and the community.








Jennifer Ufford Compliance Officer Education Credit Union




RELIABLE Community



Alyssa Vance Age: 31 Occupation: Project Interior Designer Parkhill About: Born and raised in Amarillo, I married my high school sweetheart, Tyler, and together we have two beautiful boys, Brady, 5, and Hayes, 2. We live in Canyon and spend our time as a family hiking, skiing, and cooking together. What drives you to succeed? Every day I pack lunches, pack bags, and get little ones ready for school. Then, it’s off to work after drop off . It can be hard being a working mom, but I know I’m setting a strong example for my sons and what it means to fi nd personal success. Knowing they look up to me makes me work that much harder and pushes me to be the best version of myself each and every day.

Britnee Vernon Age: Latest age unavailable About: Britnee has worked for the same company for the last 8 years, dedicating her kindness and professionalism to the community of clients we serve. Her demeanor is always bright and cheerful, she makes others smile no matter what kind of day they have had! I appreciate her greatly as my coworker and believe she should be one of your 40 under 40!

Fabian Villanueva

David Nicolas Meraz Age: 33 Occupation: Marketing Director for Street Volkswagen About: I grew up in Azle, Texas, where my family still lives on a farm. What drives you to succeed? I work hard, and I learn from my failures. I’m not perfect, and the only way I’ll truly succeed is by growing and learning daily. 36



MARCH 2022

Age: Latest age unavailable Occupation: Barber About: He has been through so much in the past 15 years, but he is now a barber, trying to get his own barber business. He works six days a week going to work; then after work goes to his side job landscaping. He helps me as I am a single mother of two boys; he helps me with them whenever I need, also helps my third son with his music. My family and I love and appreciate him so much; he is still strong and generous after everything he has gone through. We hadn’t had him in our lives for the past 10 years; I know we don’t tell him much, but we are so grateful to have him back in our lives.


to our Marketing Director,


Always Putting Our Community First! ‘Citizens on the Move 40 Under 40’

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Maegen Whitney

Age: 27 Occupation: Supply Chain Procurement Professional at Bell Textron About: My husband, Chase, and I have been married three and a half years, and we’re expecting our fi rst baby this September! Our parents provide us with an abundance of love, support, and guidance, and we would be lost without them. It’s important to me to strive to become the best version of myself and follow the path God has planned for me. I’m passionate about my family and maintaining a balance that allows me to excel at work while being a supportive wife, loving daughter and friend, and an involved member of my community.

Jentry Williams

Age: 36 Occupation: Owner and Physical Therapist at Re-form About: My husband, Clinton Williams is an engineer at Pantex, and we have one 7-year-old daughter, Adeli. What drives you to succeed? I am often driven by personal experience and failure. When I experience something not working well, I am challenged to fi nd a solution. e

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MARCH 2022

Breast care experts that specialize in one thing: Texas Breast Specialists–Amarillo uses leading edge technology for breast imaging and diagnostics, including 3D mammography and contrast-enhanced mammography. Leveraging these technologies provides patients with highly accurate results and may help detect some cancers earlier. The fellowship-trained, female physicians of Texas Breast Specialists–Amarillo are committed to helping patients get the care they need.

To learn more, please visit Lova Arenivas, M.D. • Sara S. Woodward Dyrstad, M.D. TEXAS BREAST SPECIALISTS–AMARILLO 1000 S. Coulter Street, Suite 100 Amarillo, TX 79106 806-457-2060 Se habla español.

The A.R.T.S. of Healing EXPLANATION OF THE TWO SPECIALTIES: Many people suffer from allergies, asthma and a variety of rheumatologic conditions, including rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, psoriatic arthritis and spondyloarthritis. These are our specialties at Allergy A.R.T.S., but most people don’t understand the connection between all these conditions. Many of these conditions are related because they are disorders of the immune system. Your immune system is a complex network of cells, tissues and organs that

Constantine K. Saadeh, MD, FAAAAI, FACR

work together to protect you from disease and infection. It helps your body recognize these “foreign” invaders. Then its job is to keep them out, or if it can’t, to find and destroy them. If your immune system cannot do its job, the results can range from relatively mild to severe and debilitating. Even when occurring at moderate levels, we understand how these conditions can affect your health and well-being.

An allergy is a reaction by your immune system to something that does not bother most other people. Its symptoms are usually a reaction to an allergen or irritant. Dr. Saadeh is board certified and recertified in both allergy/ immunology and rheumatology. Such continuing commitment to excellence and current best practice is vital in the delivery of up to the moment standards of care. He has additional training in his specialties for both pediatric and geriatric patients. He follows American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology and United States Pharmacopeia guidelines in mixing his patients’ allergy serum; all done under the

Nicole Davey-Ranasinghe, MD, FACP, FACR

safety and purity of a laminar venthood. Rheumatologic conditions are autoimmune diseases which cause your immune system to attack healthy cells in your body by mistake. Autoimmune diseases can affect many parts of the body. Dr. Nicole Davey-Ranasinghe is a young, progressive face at Allergy A.R.T.S. Her fresh perspective, commitment to the practice of medicine, and twenty-first century approach, are all lending great rheumatology expertise to the lives she serves. She maintains current board certification and recertification as indicated in her specialty of rheumatology.


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