Fernando Ekman | Agora Gallery Represented Artist

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530 West 25th Street, New York, NY

Fernando Ekman is a Brazilian artist with an impressive career in the world of movies. His work ranges from film directing, to set designer, to art director. Though his work has led him to many paths within the film industry, his work comes from a deep passion and speaks to themes of memory reconstruction. Being a self-taught painter allowed Ekman to perfect his talent using different mediums and tools. The artist now regularly uses several mediums such as coal, India ink, watercolor, and oil. Ekman brings life and feeling with the effort to show the importance for all the little things that help us live. In a notable series, he draws inspiration from the forestages of the theater; the part of the stage that extends between the curtain and the orchestra, a theme that no doubt stems from his love for films and theater set design. Ekman aims to develop a narrative within each of his compositions surround themes of meaning and memory.


Boca de Cena_II, 2018 Season on Canvas 43.5” x 43.5” $ 6 0 0 0 – B U Y O N A RT-M I N E.C O M

Boca de Cena_Cena Aberta, 2015 Pastel, Coal Bitumen and Gold on Canvas 31.5” x 39.5”

$ 4 0 0 0 – B U Y O N A RT-M I N E.C O M

Redneck Chair, 2014 Watercolor on Paper 45” x 29.5” $ 4 7 5 0 – B U Y O N A RT-M I N E.C O M

Habana Chair, 2014 Watercolor on Paper 45” x 29.5” $ 4 7 5 0 – B U Y O N A RT-M I N E.C O M

Remingtone, 2015 Watercolor Paper 45.5” x 46” $ 5 8 0 0 – B U Y O N A RT-M I N E.C O M

Spanish Royal Chair Watercolor on Paper 45” x 29.5” $ 4 7 5 0 – B U Y O N A RT-M I N E.C O M

Opera Philadelphia, 2019 Oil & Pastel on Canvas 19.5” x 22” $ 2 6 5 0 – B U Y O N A RT-M I N E.C O M

Olivetti Linea 98, 2015 Watercolor Paper 36.5” x 46”

$ 5 2 5 0 – B U Y O N A RT-M I N E.C O M

Boca de Cena - Catarse I, 2015 Ink & Pigment on Paper 44.5” x 46”

$ 5 7 5 0 – B U Y O N A RT-M I N E.C O M

Boca de Cena - Arco, 2015 Oil & Pastel on Canvas 39.5” x 39.5” $ 5 0 0 0 – B U Y O N A RT-M I N E.C O M

The Time Machine, 1990 Acrylic 63” x 63” $ 8 0 0 0 – B U Y O N A RT-M I N E.C O M

Ópera, 2015 Oil Pastel on Canvas 16” x 20” $ 2 3 0 0 – B U Y O N A RT-M I N E.C O M

Teatro di San Carlo, 2015 Oil & Pastel on Canvas 31.5” x 39.5” $ 4 5 0 0 – B U Y O N A RT-M I N E.C O M

Teatro Santa Helena, 2012 Oil & Charcoal on Canvas 47.5” x 59”

$ 6 7 5 0 – B U Y O N A RT-M I N E.C O M

Boca de Cena II, 2015 Oil & Pastel on Canvas 31.5” x 39.5”

$ 4 5 0 0 – B U Y O N A RT-M I N E.C O M

Thalian Hall, 2019 Oil & Pastel on Canvas 22” x 22” $ 2 8 0 0 – B U Y O N A RT-M I N E.C O M

My work deals heavily with themes surrounding memory. Working as a scenographer for a television network in Brazil, I have spent many days contemplating the forestages of theaters where actors perform with passion and recite from memory beautiful pieces of art as well as reenactments of life. As such, it is these scenes that I choose to depict in my work—although in my paintings the stages are devoid of any actors or musicians, standing as only empty memories of the art that was brought to life upon them.


530 West 25th Street, Ne w Yo rk , NY 2 1 2 - 2 2 6 - 4 1 5 1 Fa x : 2 1 2 - 9 6 6 - 4 3 8 0 W W W. A G O R A - G A L L E R Y . C O M W W W . A R T M I N E . C O M

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