530 West 25th Street, New York, NY
Jinny Park is an emotive painter—every thought, feeling, and unspoken word displays itself on canvas in speckled, tidal configurations. The South Korean artist battled a challenging financial situation ten years ago from a personal investment failure. The result was a cyclical negative perception on life and an alcohol dependency. Throughout time, Park began to pick up the pieces and found enjoyment in family and the simpler things. It was then a chance encounter drawing with children’s crayons that his extraordinary artistry was revealed and issued a new take on the possibilities of life. “Instead of a liquor bottle, I held a brush and started painting what I wanted to paint freely,” Park says. “The pain in my heart was relieved a lot while painting.” Painting became a therapy for the artist, and remains one today. His acrylic coated canvases resemble what one may view as the visual representation of various auras. Electric blues may roll into tranquilizing bronzes or a sliver of sepia may weave through a maze of magnetic black, white, and green inclusions. No matter the selected palette, the picture calls for admirable attention and consideration.
Apart from creating art, Park savors other hobbies that nourish and test his intellect; examples include studying philosophy, quantum physics, and listening to music. He holds a master’s degree from Hanyang University Graduate School of Business Administration (MBA) and majored in culture and arts management. He hopes his art sparks a sense of happiness among onlookers. Most pleasantly, Park believes everyone is born an artist and that it is something everyone can do.

When I watch a movie, I become a movie When I listen to music, I become music When I see red, I become red, and when I see yellow, I become yellow, Especially when I look at you, I become you In the change of the time, I change according to people and the environment When I turn into music, a movie, or someone, The brushwork that pours out according to their time and environment, It conceived life with its own unique patterns and colors I am them, they are me I am you, you are me.

530 West 25th Street, New York, NY 212-226-4151 Fax: 212-966-4380
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