530 West 25th Street, New York, NY
Originally from Northern Lebanon, painter and sculptor Joe Koury has returned to his artistic passion after over 30 years in the banking world. Despite his career in banking, the artist continued to develop his love of the arts over the years. He moved to New York in the 1980’s to focus on painting and sculpting, professionally exhibited his work around the world, and even built a small art museum called Mezzo Art Lounge with his own two hands. Koury creates lively impressionist works which feature vivid colors and instinctual brush strokes. Using an original blend of styles and techniques, he creates abstract and landscapes scenes. Each detail is applied thoughtfully gracefully, as color and form merge in his imaginative pieces. The conceptual meets the literal as he draws in elements from the natural and physical worlds, providing viewers an escape from the chaos in the world.
Indian Summer, 2020 Acrylic on Canvas 45” x 82.5”
$ 4 0 0 0 – B U Y O N A RT-M I N E.C O M
Strangers, 2020 Acrylic on Canvas 45” x 82.5”
$ 4 0 0 0 – B U Y O N A RT-M I N E.C O M
Broken Lines, 2020 Acrylic on Canvas 45” x 82.5”
$ 4 0 0 0 – B U Y O N A RT-M I N E.C O M
Infinite Imagination, 2020 Acrylic on Canvas 45” x 82.5”
$ 4 0 0 0 – B U Y O N A RT-M I N E.C O M
Geometric Imagination, 2020 Acrylic on Canvas 35.5” x 82.5”
$ 3 7 0 0 – B U Y O N A RT-M I N E.C O M
White Spring, 2020 Acrylic on Canvas 41” x 50” $ 2 8 5 0 – B U Y O N A RT-M I N E.C O M
Winter Arc, 2020 Acrylic on Canvas 45.5” x 57”
$ 3 2 0 0 – B U Y O N A RT-M I N E.C O M
My Flowered Garden, 2020 Acrylic on Canvas 45.5” x 46.5” $ 2 9 0 0 – B U Y O N A RT-M I N E.C O M
Solidarity, 2020 Acrylic on Canvas 45.5” x 67”
$ 3 5 5 0 – B U Y O N A RT-M I N E.C O M
Saharian Oasis, 2020 Acrylic on Canvas 45.5” x 57”
$ 3 2 0 0 – B U Y O N A RT-M I N E.C O M
Unbroken Bonds, 2020 Acrylic on Canvas 45” x 82.5”
$ 4 0 0 0 – B U Y O N A RT-M I N E.C O M
Divine Nature, 2020 Acrylic on Canvas 45.5” x 43.5” $ 2 8 0 0 – B U Y O N A RT-M I N E.C O M
My Philosophy, 2020 Acrylic on Canvas 29.5” x 65.5”
$ 3 0 0 0 – B U Y O N A RT-M I N E.C O M
Energetic Joy, 2020 Acrylic on Canvas 43.5” x 49” $ 2 9 0 0 – B U Y O N A RT-M I N E.C O M
Blossom, 2020 Acrylic on Canvas 43.5” x 43.5” $ 2 7 5 0 – B U Y O N A RT-M I N E.C O M
Dancing Waves, 2020 Acrylic on Canvas 45” x 82.5”
$ 4 0 0 0 – B U Y O N A RT-M I N E.C O M
Painting is how I battle the indifference of human beings; and my canvases are my arsenal. I fell in love with the freedom painting provides and the liberty it gives me to cover canvases with lively colors and brushstrokes of different techniques. These vibrant colors create intrigue among art lovers and pose a cache of unanswered questions - what deeper meaning are the paintings trying to convey? Is there a message hidden in them somewhere? I am inspired by anything around me: nature, love and people. I paint with both oil and acrylic, depending on the theme and color structure I want to achieve.
530 West 25th Street, Ne w Yo rk , NY 2 1 2 - 2 2 6 - 4 1 5 1 Fa x : 2 1 2 - 9 6 6 - 4 3 8 0 W W W. A G O R A - G A L L E R Y . C O M W W W . A R T M I N E . C O M
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