530 West 25th Street, New York, NY
Fine art photographer Linda Liao captures organic, fleeting moments that explore the themes nature, humanity, and sensorial discovery through surf culture. Through surf culture, Liao has learned the diversity and rich culture of the sport and its participants. By focusing her lens on the various aspects and conditions of this sport, she transforms into an auteur; an author of cultural commentary rather than a photographer. As an Asian American and avid surfer, Liao was naturally drawn to the the culture around surfing as an intersection of Hawaiian, Pacific Islander, and American culture. Liao has been passionate about photography and the arts since childhood and went on to obtain her MFA in Animation from the University of Southern California. While she was interested and skilled in many different mediums, she found photography to be an incomparable tool for documenting nature and culture. She is purely concerned with visual impressions; presenting a given moment, its natural lighting, color and action, in a single still. She hopes that by engaging her audiences sense of sight, she can inspire them to look at the world in a more discerning manner.
North Shore T, 2019 Color Digital Photography 13” x 19”
$ 8 0 0 – B U Y O N A RT-M I N E.C O M
Paddlescape A27, 2019 Color Digital Photography 13” x 19”
$ 8 0 0 – B U Y O N A RT-M I N E.C O M
Surferscape A56, 2019 Color Digital Photography 13” x 19”
$ 8 0 0 – B U Y O N A RT-M I N E.C O M
North Shore-A6, 2019 Color Digital Photography 13” x 19”
$ 8 0 0 – B U Y O N A RT-M I N E.C O M
Surferscape A44-0, 2019 Color Digital Photography 13” x 19”
$ 8 0 0 – B U Y O N A RT-M I N E.C O M
Surferscape A45-0, 2019 Color Digital Photography 8.5” x 11”
$ 5 0 0 – B U Y O N A RT-M I N E.C O M
Paddlescape A18, 2019 Color Digital Photography 13” x 19”
$ 8 0 0 – B U Y O N A RT-M I N E.C O M
Surferscape A46-0, 2019 Color Digital Photography 13” x 19”
$ 8 0 0 – B U Y O N A RT-M I N E.C O M
Surferscape B, 2018 Color Digital Photography 8.5” x 11”
$ 5 0 0 – B U Y O N A RT-M I N E.C O M
Surferscape A50, 2019 Color Digital Photography 13” x 19”
$ 8 0 0 – B U Y O N A RT-M I N E.C O M
Surferscape A47-0, 2019 Color Digital Photography 13” x 19”
$ 8 0 0 – B U Y O N A RT-M I N E.C O M
Surferscape A20, 2019 Color Digital Photography 13” x 19”
$ 8 0 0 – B U Y O N A RT-M I N E.C O M
North Shore-B3, 2019 Color Digital Photography 8.5” x 11”
$ 5 0 0 – B U Y O N A RT-M I N E.C O M
North Shore-B2, 2019 Color Digital Photography 13” x 19”
$ 8 0 0 – B U Y O N A RT-M I N E.C O M
Surferscape B2, 2020 Color Digital Photography 9.6” x 19”
$ 7 0 0 – B U Y O N A RT-M I N E.C O M
Surfscape SF, 2019 Color Digital Photography 8.5” x 11”
$ 5 0 0 – B U Y O N A RT-M I N E.C O M
As an artist, I am concerned with culture. As a photographer, I am concerned with documentation. Somehow, my creative path has combined fine art and photography. I plan to continue the practice by applying art photography methods to make cultural fingerprints. Anybody can press a button on a camera, though each photographer has a distinct vision and voice. I am not designing, following a systematic template. Collectively, my artwork reflects a medium to bring together a different way of seeing culture. For example, it may seem contrary whenever I photograph the beach 37 degrees N, though it happens and it is a testament to the American culture in which I reside. I would describe myself as an auteur who turned into cultural commentator.
530 West 25th Street, Ne w Yo rk , NY 2 1 2 - 2 2 6 - 4 1 5 1 Fa x : 2 1 2 - 9 6 6 - 4 3 8 0 W W W. A G O R A - G A L L E R Y . C O M W W W . A R T M I N E . C O M
© 2021 - Agora Gallery - All Rights Reserved The copyrights of artwork contained in this booklet are retained by the artists. Reproduction of any published material (images or text) is prohibited without the written permission of Agora Gallery.