Olga Fedorova | Agora Gallery Represented Artist

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530 West 25th Street, New York, NY



Olga Fedorova is a visual artist, currently living in Abu Dhabi, UAE. She pursues a minimal aesthetic with her artworks which are predominantly a combination of photography and digital manipulation and design. Fedorova’s work includes a surrealist element, juxtaposing characters and objects against blank or sparsely decorated backgrounds. As a photography all of her planned photoshoots were stopped due to the pandemic, therefore the most recent body of work was created in response and in dialogue with the current global pandemic. Fedorova has a degree in graphic design and photography and is continuously pursuing her education in photography and other art fields. Her previous artwork had solely been photography. Within her more recent body of work, Fedorova uses her graphic design education along with her photographic experience to process her emotions regarding COVID-19 and her time in quarantine. She creates the work to express specific messages and concepts, turning to graphic design work to pursue clarity. The works are precise with controlled color palettes and crisp edges indicating the care and time spent in reflection with each work.


Alone, 2020 Print on Silk Paper 16.5” x 12” $ 7 5 0 – B U Y O N A RT-M I N E.C O M

Kindness Broadcasting, 2020 Print on Silk Paper 16.5” x 12” $ 7 5 0 – B U Y O N A RT-M I N E.C O M

Suffering, 2020 Print on Silk Paper 16.5” x 12” $ 7 5 0 – B U Y O N A RT-M I N E.C O M

Take Off, 2020 Print on Silk Paper 16.5” x 12” $ 7 5 0 – B U Y O N A RT-M I N E.C O M

First Order, 2020 Print on Silk Paper 16.5” x 12” $ 7 5 0 – B U Y O N A RT-M I N E.C O M

Gang, 2020 Print on Silk Paper 16.5” x 12” $ 7 5 0 – B U Y O N A RT-M I N E.C O M

Hooked, 2020 Print on Silk Paper 16.5” x 12” $ 7 5 0 – B U Y O N A RT-M I N E.C O M

Jellyfish Style of Life, 2020 Print on Silk Paper 16.5” x 12” $ 7 5 0 – B U Y O N A RT-M I N E.C O M

Be Like Cat, 2020 Print on Silk Paper 16.5” x 12” $ 7 5 0 – B U Y O N A RT-M I N E.C O M

Listen to Your Own Vinyl, 2020 Print on Silk Paper 16.5” x 12” $ 7 5 0 – B U Y O N A RT-M I N E.C O M

I Bet Life is Much Worse There, 2020 Print on Silk Paper 16.5” x 12” $ 7 5 0 – B U Y O N A RT-M I N E.C O M

Quarantine is to Wave from My Balcony to Your Balcony, 2020 Print on Silk Paper 16.5” x 12” $ 7 5 0 – B U Y O N A RT-M I N E.C O M

Time, 2020 Print on Silk Paper 16.5” x 12” $ 7 5 0 – B U Y O N A RT-M I N E.C O M

Life Long Isolation, 2020 Print on Silk Paper 16.5” x 12” $ 7 5 0 – B U Y O N A RT-M I N E.C O M

Wind of Change, 2020 Print on Silk Paper 16.5” x 12” $ 7 5 0 – B U Y O N A RT-M I N E.C O M

Who Watch Us, 2020 Print on Silk Paper 16.5” x 12” $ 7 5 0 – B U Y O N A RT-M I N E.C O M

This project was born as a spontaneous reflection of my range of emotions that I have experienced during COVID19 quarantine. Under these circumstances, I felt a need to create something to release and reflect all my emotions. I decided to depict what was going on in my own life that I felt would be relatable for many other families around the world. The ideas reflected in this project were all born as a result of the unique conditions in which we are living now. ‘Pandemic’ became the center of discourse with families, friends and relatives. This project is intended to reflect all of us, as a global community and as smaller communities of families and friends, during this pandemic. I work with the theme of minimalism in my photographs and graphic depictions. I use photography represents the real, and graphics to represent the surreal. In combining the two mediums, I use a limited palette with simple forms and shapes in order to make my work more approachable and understandable.


530 West 25th Street, Ne w Yo rk , NY 2 1 2 - 2 2 6 - 4 1 5 1 Fa x : 2 1 2 - 9 6 6 - 4 3 8 0 W W W. A G O R A - G A L L E R Y . C O M W W W . A R T M I N E . C O M

© 2021 - Agora Gallery - All Rights Reserved The copyrights of artwork contained in this booklet are retained by the artists. Reproduction of any published material (images or text) is prohibited without the written permission of Agora Gallery.

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