Spécial export des Fruits et Légumes du Maroc

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Agriculture du Magherb / Fruit Logistica 2019 P. 1

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Sarl de presse Au capital de 100 000,00 dhs R.C.: 127029 I.F.: 01006251 Patente N° : 35870166


22 bis, rue des Asphodèles Résidence Zakia - Quartier Burger 20380 Casablanca Tél. : + 212 5 22 23 62 12 + 212 5 22 23 82 33 Fax : +212 522 25 20 94 agriculturemaghreb@gmail.com


Publication Director Abdelhakim MOJTAHID Chief Editor Abdelhakim MOJTAHID Our Journalists Abdelmoumen Guennouni Hind ELOUAFI

Summary Moroccan fruits and vegetables


Fruit Logistica


Worldwide growth potential

Successful Moroccan participation Moroccan tomatoes




Morocco Expects Record




Berkane’s clementine


Morocco Nadorcott Seedless


Organic Agriculture


A success story !

A very dynamic sector Citrus Production in MY2018/19 A long tradition in producing citrus fruits True Ambassador of Moroccan citrus Naturally seductive

Subscription Khadija EL ADLI Graphic Designer Yassine NASSIF Print PIPO

Tous droits de reproduction autorisés avec mention impérative et complète du journal.


Steady development in Morocco




Agriculture du Magherb / Fruit Logistica 2019 P. 3

Worldwide growth potential With their contribution to the country’s food security, growth, employment and external exchanges, Agriculture and Agri-food industry constitute key sectors for the Moroccan economy. They represent respectively 15.5% and 5.5% of the nominal GDP. These sectors, which benefit from a particular attention of the public authorities embodied mainly in the Moroccan Green Plan (promotion of high added value agricultural sectors, aggregation allowing small business to access exports’ market...), have various hidden opportunities for export development related mainly to sustained growth of the world demand, geographical proximity of the European and African markets, conclusion of a plenty of free-exchange agreements and trade agreements with partner countries... Among the main sectors of activity, agricultural and agro-industrial sector has undeniable advantages making Morocco one of the most attractive countries in terms of investment in the region. In this context, Morocco has made considerable efforts to improve the investment environment in this sector particularly in the context of the Green Morocco Plan (GMP) by improving the framework conditions and the modernization of institutional, legislative and regulatory systems regulating the economic activity and strengthening the attractiveness of

the Kingdom to domestic and foreign investors. Launched in 2008, the GMP has put the investment at the core of its equation of development and modernization of this sector, and this through triggering a wave of massive investment, around new domestic and international investors operating in the sector, with investments created around private projects or win-win aggregations

Agriculture du Magherb / Fruit Logistica 2019 P. 4

through specific and adapted Morocco Offer. The performances of the agri-food exports during the last years prove the strong potential for development


which needs to be boosted by an ideal exploitation of the undeniable comparative advantages granted to this sector. The problem of the upstream of the agri-food sector, which used to present one of the major constraints of the sector, is now being lifted with the implementation of the Moroccan Green Plan that is reaching its cruise phase. In this context, the performance of the agri-food sector in exports faces, with regard to the structural change of the agricultural upstream, some challenges related mainly to the necessity: - of a larger diversification of the product/market couple in exports, - a better boosting of the expanding agricultural production which promises good perspectives with, mainly, the implementation of Agropoles, - and a stronger responsiveness to face the merciless rivalry of the Mediterranean countries in particular. Morocco’s agricultural sector is the largest in the region in terms of arable and irrigated land. A rich know-how, a temperate climate, quality and an allocation of water resources favor agriculture, and the very long gro­wing


season allows Morocco to produce a wide variety of vegetables and fruits. Fresh fruits and vegetables belong to Morocco’s top five export catego­ ries which represent one fourth of all Moroccan exports. The Kingdom can offer a wide variety of products that are exported and recognized for their quality in all continents. During the last years, the Moroccan exports of fresh agri-food products were highly concentrated on the European continent (including Russia). Per country, France was at the top, followed by Russia, Spain and Netherlands. Huge opportunities are also to cease in high potential markets, particularly at the level of Arab countries of the Middle East and in the African market as well.

The Strengths of the Sector

In the Mediterranean region, Morocco is a leading supplier of fruit and vegetables and enjoys comparative advantages which have led to it being well positioned on international markets. - Morocco, is a platform for Europe, the Middle East, and Africa, enjoys an ideal geographical location which makes of it an export platform for the EU market, the U.S. East Coast and other markets.

- Morocco also enjoys a quality image abroad and has strong ability to differentiate its products. - The agricultural sector comes at the forefront of the national development priorities because of the role it plays in the economic and social fabric of the country; the Green Morocco Plan is proof. - The eating and organoleptic quality of citrus and vegetables. - The diversity of products: varieties of oranges, berries, tomatoes, vegetables... - Crops are used to feed the country’s exports and offer significant opportunities for the local food industry. - The preferential access that Morocco has to some markets (EU, USA, EFTA, Quad, etc.) to obtain several agricultural and agro-industrial products of interest for its local market. - Soil resources

Fruits and vegetables sector

Of the crops set to be developed under the national agricultural strategy, Green Morocco Plan (Plan Maroc Vert, PMV), fruit and vegetables offer considerable opportunities for growth. As such, the cultivation of high-value fruits and vegetables has been identified as a top priority under pillar I of the PMV, which focuses on boosting revenue from agricultural exports. Today, Morocco has

Agriculture du Magherb / Fruit Logistica 2019 P. 5

robust fruit and vegetable production levels and is an important supplier of unprocessed agricultural exports to Europe.


Exportations per kind

Drivers for Fruits and Vegetables Industry:

· Soil and climate conditions are quite favorable, enhancing the productivity of crops · Control over production: Good knowhow, quality

management system, vertical integration between large greenhouses and exporters · Long grow season, particularly, toward the southern part of the country · Sufficient packing, storage, and export infrastructure. · Favorable geographic location, providing a better export platform to the European Union, Russia, Africa, and the US eastern coast.

Restraints for Fruits & Vegetables Industry:

· Entry quotas and prices being imposed to enter the European Union, the main export market · Unfavorable situation, regarding economy, in exports as compared to Spanish and Turkish rivals - logistics add up to 30% of the average cost price · Increasing costs associated with production factors like fertilizers, energy, and crop protection products. · Lack of diversification in export markets.

Trade Analysis

Bolstered by the efforts carried out by exporters under the Green Morocco Plan to boost upstream production, exports of fresh food have witnessed a significant uptick in recent years, with fruit and vegetables accounting for around 95% of exported fresh goods. Morocco has

Global exports of early vegetables (KT = x1000 tonnes) Famille (KT) making

considerable efforts to achieve diversity in agricultural production in order to boost its competitiveness in the international markets. The kingdom exports around 50 types of fruits and vegetables. Citrus fruits form the largest category of exports followed by tomatoes, beans, peppers, zucchinis, melons, berries, etc. The production of citrus fruits is expected to reach around 2,6 million metric tons while, for tomatoes, the estimated figure is 1.25 million metric tons, in 2019. Among citrus fruits, around 34% of the total production is exported and the rest 66% is consumed at the domestic level. Citrus families that are grown in the kingdom include oranges, clementine, mandarin, lemons, and grapefruits. About 600,000 metric tons of citrus fruits and 530,000 metric tons of tomatoes are expected to be exported during 2019, the European Union and Russia being the major export markets. Competition in export markets is fierce, challenging Morocco’s ability to expand market share, particularly in Europe. In the case of citrus, a number of Mediterranean countries like Spain, Egypt and Turkey, produce similar products and export to the same markets around the same time. While the EU is likely to remain the main export market for Moroccan goods, the kingdom is increasingly looking into diversifying its customer base to supply more markets notably in the Middle East, Eastern Europe and Africa. Regarding tomato, due to restrictions on exports to the EU markets, such as, entry quotas, prices and prohibitive tariff protection, increased orientation towards the Russian market, has been observed. Moroccan fruits and vegetables imports, to West Africa, has been increasing rapidly. Morocco is ranked fourth amongst suppliers to West Africa.

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Other vegetables



Fruits (excluding citrus)




1 124

1 181

Exportations per market Market (KT)





1 052,3




Gulf Countries



Other markets



1 124

1 181


Cumulative exports of other vegetables Product (Kt)



Grean Beans









Sweet corn


















Exports of other vegetables per market Market (Kt)












Gulf countries



Other markets







The Moroccan Association of Producers and Producers/Exporters of Fruits and Vegetables Av. Mly Ismaïl, Dar Illigh – Imm.A5- Bur 209 - Cité Nahda – Agadir- Maroc


The Apefel regroups 550 producers / exporters and 80% of moroccan fruits and vegetables export.

Tél : + – Fax : + E-mail : agafonte2011@gmail.com


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Fresh Express

An adequate formation and information.


A respected traceability.

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Water is scarce, we learnt to optimise it.

Adresse: zone industrielle, lot. B 628. 80000 AIT MELLOUL Tél : +212 5 28 24 59 45 Fax : +212 5 28 24 59 44 E-mail : adghamidfreshexpress@gmail.com Tél : + – Fax : + E-mail : contact@gpa-export.com Zone Industrielle III, Agadir Tél : +212 5 28 33 10 10 - Fax : +212 5 28 33 35 82 E-mail : fatimaz.saoas@gmail.com


We respect the international standards.

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Les Domaines Agricoles (Agadir)

Tél +212 528.32.37.89 - Fax +212 528.32.37.86 E-mail : nazha.geda@gmail.com


Promoting the Moroccan product.

Tél + - Fax + E-mail : houda.akiab@lymouna-matysha.com


Adresse siège: Douar Touzaikou, Khmiss Ait Amira, Chtouka Ait Baha. Adresse courrier : BP 1362 Z.I Ait Melloul Tél : 0528 81 22 24/25-- Fax : 0528 812 234 E-mail : direction@qualiprim.ma

Prim Atlas

Tél : + - Fax : + E-mail : bouchra.primatlas@gmail.com


Tél : + Fax : + E-mail : secretariatsuncrops@gmail.com



Tél + Mail direction.freshtom@hotmail.com Karima.ghali@yahoo.fr www.agri-mag.com


Agriculture du Magherb / Fruit Logistica 2019 P. 7

Fruit Logistica

Successful Moroccan participation

FRUIT LOGISTICA is the leading trade fair for the global fruit trade and has been held annually since 1993. In 2018, over 3,100 exhibitors from more than 80 countries and more than 75,000 buyers and trade visitors from 130 countries attended. In 2019, as usual, FRUIT LOGISTICA will offer its blend of industry-leading exhibitors, networking opportunities, innovative products and services and topical conference sessions. Those involved in fresh produce industry from across the entire supply chain will once again have the opportunity to meet suppliers from all over the world and order the products best suited to their customers.


nternational export promotion is an uninterrupted task and Morocco must be present in all events dedicated to international trade to promote its flagship products including fruits and vegetables, communicate on its production quality potential and establish professional contacts with importers from across the world. In this context comes the 19th participation of Morocco Fruit Logistica taking place February 06-08 in Berlin. Over forty producers, exporters, and professional associations plan to exhibit on a surface of 1,000 sqm a wide range of fruits and vegetables produced

throughout the Kingdom (citrus, different varieties of tomatoes, various vegetables, berries, melon, grapes, avocados, ...). Moroccan exporters see it as the ideal place to establish and build the personal trust, which is so essential for dealing successfully in perishable products such as fresh fruit and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables from Morocco are highly appreciated by distribution networks all over the world and needless to say by their clients. This is rather evident if we consider the quality of the production thanks to a rigorous management of crops and packing units and a total respect of all international standards.

Agriculture du Magherb / Fruit Logistica 2019 P. 8

Networking opportunities Morocco’s participation in Fruit Logistica is important not only to consolidate relations with traditional customers, but also to build new partnerships. “Fruit Logistica is a real showcase for our products, an exhibitor explains. It gives us the chance to meet our customers from all over the world for three days and make our plans for the whole year. This helps us avoid making long trips and, hence, saves us time and money”. “We are also here to try to identify current trends in consumer behavior in order to adapt our business strategies and, of course, to see what is happening with our competitors”, another exhibitor adds. For some exporters, meeting rooms are www.agri-mag.com

never empty during the three days of the event, thanks to pre-arranged appointments. Others take advantage of their participation to promote their new products or launch new ones. For example Morocco’s Nadorcott producers association (APNM) takes advantage of its participation in the fair to promote the new label “Morocco Nadorcott Seedless” guaranteeing the best of the late-season mandarines

produced in their home soil. This new internationally recognized label reflects the natural and premium aspect of theses fruits and guarantees the worldwide uniqueness of this mandarin. For this purpose, a far-reaching communication plan was developed by APNM to make this label synonymous with demand, quality and trust. As for the many Moroccan visitors who attend the fair, they are unanimous in

Morocco main exports

praising the range of the fair’s offer and the quality of business contacts. Their focus goes primarily to fresh fruits and vegetables, but also to seeds, crop protection, packaging, packaging machines and of course: the innovations of the year that are the subject of the annual Fruit Logistica Innovation Award, which rewards new products and services achieving real revolutions in the fresh produce sector.



























Agriculture du Magherb / Fruit Logistica 2019 P. 9

Moroccan tomatoes A success story ! The tomato sector in Morocco has evolved a lot in recent decades. Whether for early harvest, industrial or seasonal, techniques and equipment are modernized. However, and despite the immeasurable progress, there are still challenges ahead.


orticulture is one of the most relevant segments of the Moroccan agricultural sector. In addition to its economic importance, the sector is also socially important, accounting for a high share in rural employment. Within the horticultural sector, tomato production plays an important role. Tomatoes constitute one of Morocco’s most important fresh exported agricultural products and a main revenue earner. At the social level, the sector creates an average of 9 million working days per year on production, packing and processing. Moreover, it plays a role of new technologies development driving for agricultural and agro-industrial sector. It also makes it possible to inject billions of Dh in foreign currency into the national economy thanks to exports. The Moroccan tomato sector has a dual structure. Production for the domestic and export markets is usually separated. While tomatoes for the export market are always produced in technically highly advanced production systems in plastic greenhouses, tomatoes for the national market mainly stem from open field production. Nevertheless, interlinkages exist on both sides. Currently, the production of fresh tomatoes meant for export (off season) seems almost stable at around 6,000 ha of greenhouses, basically in the Souss-Massa region, providing a total production of 1.1 million Tons per year.

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Agriculture du Magherb / Fruit Logistica 2019 P. 11

The Souss-massa, which is the biggest vegetable producing region in Morocco, enjoys very favourable conditions, which enables it to ensure high quality production in the best conditions: - Land availability - Favourable climate conditions with regular temperatures, longer periods of sunshine, - Experienced producers and workforce, and significant presence of engineers and technicians both in production units and among input and equipment suppliers which contributes substantially to the promotion of technological development, - Grouping traditions (farmer cooperatives, packing units), - Receptive operators open for development, - Packing, storage and export infrastructure

- Better investment and financing capabilities Structure of the sector The production and marketing chain can be subdivided into three major levels: the production or farm level, the packing level, and the exporting level. The Moroccan export sector shows a highly integrated value chain. A wide range of producers are involved in the sector, from large-scale plantations cultivating more than 200 ha, to small producers with less than 10 ha. In addition, the sector has a particular social importance in that it offers income possibilities to those with little access to land, and moreover provides possibilities of employment in rural areas, where there tend to be few other alternative jobs. The largest part of production, is produced in completely integrated export

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structures. These may either take the form of producers of various sizes, which are organized into farmers’ cooperatives at the packing station level, or in enterprises which contain all levels of the production and marketing chain. The second important organizational form of the sector is that of semi-integrated exporters. These are large enterprises which have their own private packing stations where they process products from their own farms. In addition, these enterprises process and sell tomatoes from other producers on a commission basis. The least important organizational form of the sector is that of the non-integrated exporters, which represent less than 10% of the exported early tomatoes. These exporters take the tomatoes on a commission basis or buy them from several different small and medium-sized producers. Given the exposure to customers making safety demands, Moroccan growers are very advanced in safety risk management. While basic IPM practices such as frequent pest and disease scouting, compliance with spraying deadlines before harvesting, treatment recording, the use of resistant varieties, yellow traps and insect-proof for gates and openings, the elimination of contaminated plants and equipment cleaning have been adopted by a vast majority of growers. Growers are also very familiar with practices already well-established in Souss-Massa such as the use of pheromones, biological auxiliaries and footbaths at each greenhouse entrance. Souss-Massa growers have generally succeeded in reaching the level of their European competitors, notably in France and Spain, potential still exists for upgrading practices High comparative advantages The strong know-how of Morocco in the production of tomatoes allowed it to hold the highest comparative advantages compared to the rival countries. Tomatoes’ branch is granted a particular attention in the framework of the program-contract entered into by the Govwww.agri-mag.com


Agriculture du Magherb / Fruit Logistica 2019 P. 13

ernment and the branch’s representatives. The action plan of implementing this program-contract is, particularly, about: - Expanding the areas under greenhouses and those of open filed. - Equipping most farms with drip irrigation system. - Developing the aggregation - Increasing the packaging capacity by upgrading the existing units and creating new ones with the aim of adapting our products with the development of foreign markets’ requirements. Growth has been accelerated by a number of incentives, particularly those related to supporting the inputs (farms equipment, acquisition of greenhouses, water-saving irrigation...), the development of the performances of the Moroccan tomatoes branch production shows an improvement at the level of produced volumes per cultivated hectare.

Tomato exports Over the last years, Morocco has worked hard to secure its reputation in the minds and hearts of international importers as a reliable source of high-quality tomatoes in the winter. Growers and exporters have been heavily active when it comes to raising their game to meet international standards, and investments are common practice nowadays across Agriculture du Magherb / Fruit Logistica 2019 P. 14

the tomato sector. Morocco is one of the world’s major exporters of tomatoes. With a share of 7% of total international exports, the kingdom currently ranks fourth, behind Mexico, the Netherlands and Spain, and is the EU’s main supplier of tomatoes by far among countries outside the Union. The export potential in tomatoes has increased steadily and reached 530,000 t in 2018. It accounts for nearly 50% of the total exports of horticultural products (1.18 million tons). In terms of turnover, the increase is even more significant. In 2008, exports generated Dh 2,036 billion. In 2016, this figure amounted to 4.867 billion dirhams, which represents an increase of 139%. Europe remains Morocco’s primary destination, with up to 90% of exports absorbed by the EU. Morocco has signed several agreements with the European Union. The most recent negotiations reinforced Morocco’s preferential access to European markets for several agricultural products. The main preference is for tomatoes. The analysis of the Moroccan tomatoes exports per country shows that they are mainly intended for France, followed by Russia, Spain and the United Kingdom. In cultivation, major changes have been emerging for some time. While round tomatoes dominated production and exports for a long time, the product www.agri-mag.com

range has now been extended considerably. Small-diameter tomato varieties, such as cocktail, cherry and plum tomatoes, now account for 35% of export deliveries. The rather high share of cherry tomatoes is related to the high competition in the EU market. Cherry tomatoes gained importance in Moroccan exports, since they are less affected by restrictions concerning minimum entry prices to Europe.

Competitiveness on foreign markets Morocco has a long history of export-oriented production, especially in the early vegetables subsector. Public and private players in the Moroccan value chain have long been aware that safety is a key challenge for competitiveness on foreign markets, in particular the markets of the EU. Exporters organize themselves individually and collectively to comply with EU regulations (traceability, MRL and forbidden molecules) and private customers’ standards (at the grower level, GAP certificates and extra MRL). Over the last decade, good agricultural practices, traceability and external audits have been widely implemented in Moroccan greenhouses and packing units as a prerequisite of access to European markets. Supply chains with tight vertical integration have been a key factor in this process.

Efforts to comply with residue constraints are also collective given the potential negative externalities on national reputation that arise when an exporter is controlled at the EU border with an excess of residues. I fact, exporters has pulled out all the stops when it comes to certification and working to the necessary standards for the European market has now become a matter of course among Moroccan shippers. The majority of exporters know and practice international procedures and standards have become commonplace. The modern farm management techniques used by producers are progressing all the time. “Since focusing our attention on demanding markets, we have heard the tears and desires of consumers - their preoccupations are ours, and the subjects that keep cropping up again and again are: how can we guarantee food

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Agriculture du Magherb / Fruit Logistica 2019 P. 15

safety and what measures can we take in the future years” explains an exporter. To do that, exporters have reinforced their production and integrated management teams. The controls put in place guarantee healthy products.

Market diversification Compliance with health and environmental protection standards, rules of certification and traceability, and continuous diversification in supply are essential assets enabling Moroccan produce to continue to occupy a top position on shelves serving the most demanding consumers. While the EU is likely to remain the main export market for Moroccan goods, the government is working to diversify agricultural trade partners to limit risk and generate new sources of income. In the export strategy of Moroccan operators, significant changes have been emerging in recent times. Due to restrictions on exports to EU markets, increased orientation toward the Russian market has been observed. Deliveries of Moroccan tomatoes to Russia increased quite considerably.

Meeting markets requirements To meet the requirements of European trade, the Moroccan export companies

have in recent years made great efforts to comply with European standards in terms of quality assurance and regulations on maximum residue levels. A central watchdog role for Moroccan exports is played by the Etablissement Autonome de Contrôle et de Coordination des Exportations. To assure compliance of export products with the legal regulations in the EU, the EACCE has made it mandatory in all packing stations to maintain registers for all phytosanitary measures, to have a monitoring plan and to carry out residue analysis. Independent laboratories verify the results. A major player in the marketing of Moroccan fruit and vegetables is the multimodal platform of the International Market of St. Charles in Perpignan, located directly on the Spanish-French border. In addition to the residue investigations already performed in Morocco, all Moroccan products are subject to a further inspection of incoming goods within the scope of “Démarche Qualité Saint Charles’’. Finally, it should also be noted that environmental impact is increasingly taken into consideration. Indeed, the issue of environment is becoming a major concern in target markets (recycling, footprint and carbon footprint) and Moroccan exporters are increasingly aware of it.

Packing units Tomato exporters use the latest techniques in terms of fruit and vegetables quality preservation from harvest to market with the aim of ensuring the arrival of fresh products to consumer with the highest possible quality and in full respect of applicable laws and regulations. Since first machinery of the 1980s, packing has remarkably developed as a result of the development of the requirements of target markets’ needs: deadline, sophisticated sorting and food security constraints. Fruit and vegetables packing and sorting methods have developed considerably. Manual and visual sorting in packing units has gradually been replaced by more efficient new generations of electronic machinery.

Logistics Currently, two transportation channels are used by Moroccan exporters of fresh tomatoes: International road transport (TIR) and maritime container transport. Logistics costs are very high and can represent up to 50% of the cost price of exported fruit and vegetables, these costs are three times higher than the same costs in Spain. However, despite the high performance achieved by Moroccan exporters and producers in terms of production techniques, valorization and marketing, there is no doubt that many challenges and difficulties are still to be overcome in the future: global economy fluctuations, increasingly drastic regulations (safety, traceability), competition, changes in consumption patterns ... Therefore, it is of paramount importance for this industry to continuously anticipate consumer expectations and develop the tools necessary to address these challenges.

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Agriculture du Magherb / Fruit Logistica 2019 P. 17

Berries A very dynamic sector


he Moroccan berries industry is making strong progress, with the raspberry and blueberry coming to prominence alongside the strawberry. Initially planted in northern Morocco where they enjoy favourable pedoclimatic and water conditions, berries have now spread as far as Souss region in the south of the kingdom. Interest from European consumers in these berries, Morocco’s undeniable competitive assets – its proximity to the European market and labour costs – as well as government support mean that even now tomato greenhouses are being converted to these fruits, and that the objectives initially set under the “Maroc Vert” plan are being exceeded. Fresh and frozen red berries are among

Morocco’s main export products. The Gharb and Loukkos regions account for around 70% of national red berries production in Morocco. The considerable development of this sector which rests on three main species (strawberries, raspberries and blueberries) is attributed to several key assets of these regions, namely, favorable climate conditions, good quality soils, mastery of production, packing and storage techniques, skillful workforce, proximity to Europe and State investment incentives. In 2018, the total area of ​​red fruits was 7106 ha for a total production of 173,715 T (132 000 T of strawberry, 1 9,665 T of blueberry, 21,890 T of raspberry and 160 T of blackberries). Today, the red berries sector in the region generates over 3.44 billion DH turnover and over 8 million days of work throughout the value chain which contributes to job creation in the rural

Agriculture du Magherb / Fruit Logistica 2019 P. 18

areas. This sector also contributes to the development of farm-related activities, the economic benefits of which are noticeable on the region.


In Morocco, strawberries’ farming has considerably developed in the early 1990s. Acreage has significantly grown from 750 hectares with 31,000 tons of production in 1995 to 3,300 ha (50ha organic) in 2018 and an average annual production of 140,000 tons in the recent years in nearly 600 farms. Two thirds of this production is exported, including 20% of fresh production from November to March and 45% of frozen production from April to July while the remaining third goes to the local market. Thus, during the 2017-18 crop year, Moroccan exports of fresh strawberry reached 16,500 T and 51,840 T in the frozen state. On the technical level, strawberries farming has witnessed remarkable www.agri-mag.com


g n i k c s a t i p n e u t a g i l n i i f z f A d f re e an Products




Blueberry Fresh and frozen

Mr. SLIMANI : 0661466810 f.slimani@africanblue.com

Lotissement Belle Vue n° 220 BP N° 15 14302 MOULAY BOUSSELHAM


Strawberry and Blueberry

ZOUITINA : 0537902813 / 0537432347 agrogailessarl@gmail.com

Bahara Ayad BP N° 1 CP -14302 MOULAY -BOUSSELHAM


Frozen strawberry

Angel MILLAN : + 34 626 989 396-06 61 28 03 16 angel@arbagri.com



Frozen strawberry

Mr. ESSOUSI Allal: Tél : 06 61 15 17 64/ Tél : 06 61 28 54 44 Ou Mme AZOUI Fatiha : Tél : 06 61 58 99 00 atagrisarl@yahoo.fr



Blueberry and blackberry

Melle Imane ALAMOURI imane.alamouri@atlanticblue.ma

Rue Kadi Ayad, Résidence Rencontre, bloc G app. n°552 - 90 000 Tanger

Mr. Nabil BELMKADDEM: Tél :0661815736 nbelmkaddem@bestberry.net

Douar Gla, Route de Larache, Moulay Bousselham


Fresh and frozen strawberry Raspberry


Strawberry, Raspberry and Blueberry

Mr Mouhsine ISMAILI : Tél: 06 60 10 99 90 mismailiyis@gmail.com

Km 6 - Route de Moulay Bousselham 14302 MOULAY BOUSSELHAM



Mr Said LAHSIKA : Tél: 0661961685/ cooplukus@hotmail.com Mr Mohamed HARGAL : Tél: 06 61 47 51 55 mhargal2@gmail.com

Douar Laghdira -BP 99 -LARACHE


Frozen strawberry

Mr. ESSOUSI Allal :Tél : 06 61 15 17 64 Tél : 06 61 28 54 44 : Ou Mme AZOUI Fatiha Tél : 06 61 58 99 00

Lot 31 Zone industrielle -BIR RAMI BP 1378 -KENITRA


Frozen fruits and vegetables

Mr Mustafa LABYAD : Tél: 06 61 37 91 02 m.labyad@dirafrost.ma

Route de Rabat, km 15-Laoumra - LARACHE


Strawberry, Raspberry and Blueberry

Mr. Said ZELIl:Tél: 0537901832 Said Zelai SZelai@driscolls.eu




Mme IKHLASS Fatima Zohra : Tél : 18 45 49 61 06 felgarlarache@gmail.com / gerant@felgar.ma

B.P. 186 : LARACHE


Frozen strawberry

Mr YOUSFI Mohamed:06 61 07 48 27 myousfi@frigodar.com

Oulad Aguil ciadat Lalla Mimouna BP : 32 -14302 MOULAY BOUSSELHAM



Mr. Luis VELASCO SANCHEZ -Tél : 06 61 91 69 08 gerencia@txula.com

Route de Rabat km15 Laouamra.Larache


Fresh and frozen strawberry

Mr MASRAR Jalal +212 661 085291 Fruitscongeldunord@yahoo.fr



Fresh and frozen organic Strawberry

CHAIB Larbi: 06 61 41 76 21 AARAB Mohamed : 06 76 94 83 79 / fresouer@yahoo.fr

Km 12 ; Route de Moulay Bousselham


Fruits Frais et Surgelés

+212 661 085291 Fruitscongeldunord@yahoo.fr



Fresh and frozen Strawberry, Raspberry and Blueberry

Mr. Mansour :Tél: 06 61 24 43 91 / palmafrut@hotmail.fr

Rue Cadi Ayad, Résidence Rencontre Bloc G 1er étage n° 552 / 90 000 TANGER palmafrut@hotmail.fr


Red Berries (Fresh and Frozen)

Hicham ZOUID : Tél : 06 68 37 51 86 :hzouid@laragel.com

BP 4414 Eloufae /LARACHE laragel@laragel.com


Strawberry, Raspberry and Blueberry

Mme Mouna:Tél: 05 37 90 32 07 natberrymaroc@menara.ma

Avenue MOULAY IDRISS EL AZHAR BP 379 / 92000 Larache


Frozen Strawberry

Jan SEVENHUYSENS : +31 620 421 390 Jan.sevenhuysens@messem.biz

Douar LAHYAIDA Km 15 Route de Moulay Bousselham LAOUAMRA


Strawberry, Raspberry and Blueberry

Mr. Miguel TSUCHYA : 0034 663 196 096 Mr. Sergio ESPADA : 06 61 26 85 43 / gharbex@yahoo.fr

Rue 6 Quartier Industriel KENITRA : gharbex@yahoo.fr


Raspberry and Blueberry

-Mr. Emmanuel LEBON:06 61 10 40 54 / elebon@royal.es - Mr. François MASSE : 06 61 90 07 17 / fmasse@royal.es

Résidence Mehdi, 38 rue Mohamed Abdou BP1268 - KENITRA


Fresh Strawberry

Mr. Luis VELASCO SANCHEZ :Tél : 06 61 91 69 08 gerencia@txula.com : delsur.sol3@gmail.com

Route de Rabat km15 Laouamra. - LARACHE

Mme Kawtar EL FARISSI :06 61 30 62 34 gmnzln@gmail.com

Hostal n°4 – 2 bis2-BP 776 - LARACHE

www.agri-mag.com VENTIA SARL AU Fresh Strawberry

Route de/Rabat-Tanger - Zone Industrielle Agriculture du Magherb Fruit Logistica 2019 P. 19

development over the past 20 years in Morocco. From an open field system, it went to small tunnel covers and then to greenhouses (for large producers) along with technical improvements throughout the production process, from planting to harvest through fertilization, irrigation and integrated pest management. Farming systems applied to strawberries changed from an extensive but little productive model to a highly productive intensive one, reflected by the average production per hectare which increased in 20 years time from 17 to 45 tonnes / ha. It should also be stressed that the distinguished dynamism of producers in the region in terms of traceability certification. Indeed, almost all Morocco’s red berries exports are EurepGAP certified and the majority of packing stations and freezing units are HACCP certified. These facilities meet the technical standards of the most demanding markets such as the European or American ones. It is worth noting that the attraction of this sector resulted in the settlement of some European companies in particular which contributed substantially to its development through the use of the most advanced techniques. Moreover, this key sector ensures the transfer of technology to other farming sectors, notably drip irrigation which is now largely used by producers of vegetables, watermelon, industrial tomato, melon ... Moreover, strawberries significantly promoted women’s access to employment. Women now represent 100% of the workforce in harvesting and in packing stations (unemployment basically eliminated in the region). Concerning marketing, strawberries have three main commercial channels: fresh strawberries meant for export, fresh strawberries destined for the local market and frozen strawberries. The local

market is supplied through mediators who purchase directly from farmers or from packing units. Diversification Professionals have long felt the need to diversify red berries varieties meant for export. In this regard, they opted for new varieties with better performance, especially in terms of precocity, organoleptic qualities and conservation. In general, savvy producers opt for a combination of several varieties in order to cover the whole cycle and better meet the requirements of markets (precocity, fresh, frozen). Producers are particularly open to varieties with high tasting value to meet the growing market demand. Generally, the varieties opted for are the same as in the Huelva (Spain), but

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with different proportions. Each variety requires adequate treatment to fully manifest its genetic potential. Therefore, farmers must master appropriate techniques, mainly in terms of fertilization (programs differ from one variety to another) in order to balance productivity, production regularity and quality of the fruit throughout the season. It is worth mentioning that professionals are examining the establishment of a research centre in the Larache region meant to carry out tests on the different existing varieties to determine the most suitable ones to the local production conditions and to the local markets and help seize opportunities of exporting fresh red berries in April and May. The ideal variety of strawberries for Morocco should have the following characteristics: - Precocity: entry into production the first week of December - Productivity: high (over 900 g / plant) - Form of fruits: conical - Colour: Red both inside and outside - Taste (minimum rate of 8) - Solid fruit allowing long shelf-life and cuts for frozen -Tolerance to pests and diseases

Raspberries and Blueberries

In addition to strawberries production diversification which resulted in the extension of export period and access to additional markets, some producers explored other means of diversification by introducing new very high value added fruit species highly demanded in European markets: small red berries, especially raspberries and blueberries. Morocco enjoys a comparative advantage when it comes to the production of berries / small red winter berries destined for EU markets, thanks to its geographical location, its favourable agricultural and climatic conditions and its qualified workforce. On the economic level, the introduction of www.agri-mag.com

Geographical location

First Goji-Berry farm in Morocco

14 Km from the European continent

More than 46,000 plants of Goji imported from Germany

Use of organic plant protection products

The Goji plantation of W.P &P Agro Corporation is located in Northern Morocco in the Tangier-Tetouan-Al Hoceima region, Larache agricultural zone (Laaouamra) Common name : Scientific name : Cultivar : Botanical family :

Goji Berry Lycium barbarum Big Life Berry Solanaceae

This optimal geographical location allows us to deliver fresh Goji berries throughout the harvesting season in the highest quality to the world market. On a 12 hectare (12,000m2) plantation area in Morocco, grown on sandy soil with drip irrigation system using solar energy

We comply on a daily basis with international Crop Protection standards and Good Agricultural Practices (GAP).

With our local bees

Natural pollination

Global G.A.P., GRASP certified ECOCERT certification in progress.

Early harvest starting from June

We support the objective of organizing a global standard for Good Agricultural Practices

Our first berries are picked in June, by hand with care and joy, by an experienced local workforce

Our Products

GGN 4059 883202 663 Dried Goji

100% Goji Oil

Distribution and Marketing www.agri-mag.com

Fresh Goji


Germany Souad Daim +49 221 2766613 contact@goji.ma

Belgium & Holand Morocco Nabil Hassoun Semlali Rachid +32 486602201 +212 661 33 11 37 nabil.hassoun@hotmail.com smd.ryan@gmail.com Agriculture du Magherb / Fruit Logistica 2019 P. 21

new species of berries in strawberries producing regions has given a boost to the sector in the sense that it enabled producers to diversify their offer in the European market. Europe cannot meet its own needs of berries during winter and part of spring. Though several European countries are producers of berries, their production reach the market only from June to July. During the rest of the year, supply is ensured from Chile, Mexico and more recently Spain. Thus, Morocco can easily have access to the European market even in the presence of these countries because the Kingdom’s proximity to Europe gives it a considerable advantage compared to the South American countries unfavourable because of exorbitant air transport costs. Morocco is able to compete with Spain. In fact, Spanish companies themselves are settling in Morocco for the same reasons. The Kingdom is already one of the main EU suppliers of fresh strawberries. The same importers and marketing agents of strawberries in the EU are in charge of marketing raspberries, blackberries and blueberries. Starting in 2004, some horticulturalists located in the Loukkos perimeter introduced the first raspberry varieties with low shilling needs and which offer a better chance of adapting to the region’s climatic conditions. This attempt has been successful since the acreage has increased from 30ha in 2005 to 1,890 ha in 2018 for a production of 21,890 T. The quantities exported during the 201718 crop year were 20,510 T including 19,350 T in the fresh state and 1160 T in the frozen state. Agriculture du Magherb / Fruit Logistica 2019 P. 22

The blueberry only started in 2008 with 150 ha and currently covers 1,900 ha for a production of 19,650 T in 2018 (average yield 10t/ha). Exports during the 2016/2017 season were 18,673 T including 18,013 T in fresh and 660 T in deep-frozen state.


Total berry exports during the 2017/2018 season (ended June 30, 2018) are 107,683 T. The Souss region exported 1,273 tons of fresh strawberry, 11,473 tons of fresh and frozen raspberry and 1,833 tons of fresh blueberry. Moroccan red berries are now being exported to 41 countries in 5 continents The EU remains the first destination of Moroccan red berries, with 95% of the exported volume. Spain leads with 35% of the volume, followed by France (33%) and the UK (20%). However, besides diversifying its offer, Morocco is working on diversifying markets in order to improve its exports and remedy to European market fluctuations.

Future prospects

For future prospects and as part of the Green Morocco Plan, the program contract planned for the years 20192023 aims to achieve the following objectives:


Greenhouses, a real asset

The use of protective structures for production improves both productivity and quality. It allows to significantly prevent the risk of diseases that spread during wet and high humidity periods. Moreover, without the use of these structures, harvest would not be possible in rainy weather. The berries would therefore be too ripe which will reduce the quality of fruits meant for export. Berries production in greenhouses substantially reduces undesirable moisture rates in the soil caused by heavy rainfall minimizing therefore the risk of soil diseases.

Berries packing and freezing units:

Strawberries development required the establishment of packing infrastructures in a region hosting some 23 packing and freezing units, with a fresh packing capacity per unit of 20 to 40 tonnes / day and a freezing capacity per unit of 20 to 50 tonnes / day. The main packing and freezing infrastructure of strawberries are based essentially in the Loukos region but regional production is also processed by freezing units in other regions. According to professionals, prvocessing capacity of available units exceeds by


far the potential of current production and existing infrastructure is largely underutilized. It should be noted that

the same units can be used for other red fruits either fresh or frozen.

Organization of the berries’ sector

On the organizational level, the new Moroccan inter-professional federation of red fruits held on January 6, 2018 its first Constitutive General Assembly. The Moroccan sector of red berries is managed by two associations: the Moroccan association of red berries producers (AMPFR) and the Moroccan association of strawberries packer and exporters (AMCEFR). Among the missions of these professional association is to contribute to the upgrading of agricultural businesses, disseminate market information, enhance technical and organizational capacities of agricultural businesses, train farmers and agribusiness professionals.

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160 producers at your service Cooperative M’BROUKA Z.I. Tassila, route de Marrakech, BP. 278, Agadir. Tel. +212 5 28 83 32 11 Fax. +212 5 28 83 46 16 E-mail : mbrouka@menara.ma

Cooperative SOFIA-SUD

Km. 42 Route de Taroudant, Ouled Teïma, Taroudant. Tel. +212 5 28 52 68 97 Fax. +212 5 28 52 61 94 Agriculture du Magherb / Fruit Logistica 2019 P. 24 E-mail : sofiasud@menara.ma


Z.I. Km.1, route de Biougra, Aït Melloul, Agadir. Tel. +212 5 28 24 13 91 Fax. +212 5 28 24 16 56 E-mail : primasouss@menara.ma

Cooperative COMAPRIM Tin Mansour, C.R Inchaden, Agadir. Tel. +212 5 28 30 31 01 Fax. +212 5 28 30 31 00 E-mail : comaprim@menara.ma


C.R Temsia Tel. +212 5 Fax. +212 5 E-mail adrar@


Z.I, Lot 626 B, r Aït Mello Tel. +212 5 Fax. +212 5 E-mail : catla



a, Aït Melloul. 28 31 92 15 5 28 31 95 21 @copadrar.ma

tive ATLAS

route de Biougra, oul, Agadir. 28 24 83 99 5 28 24 72 56 as@menara.ma



Z.I, Lot 604 B, BP. 546 Admine, Aït Melloul, Agadir Tel. +212 5 28 24 15 93 Fax. +212 5 28 24 15 95 E-mail : sofprim@iam.net.ma

Cooperative TOUBKAL Z.I, Aït Melloul, Agadir. Tel. +212 5 28 24 15 38 Fax. +212 5 28 24 33 87 E-mail : amcas@menara.ma


Aït Melloul. Tel. +212 5 28 30 88 17 Fax. +212 5 28 24 39 89 E-mail : dardourprimeurs@menara.ma

Coopérative COFIMA Douar Ben Cheikh, Temsia Tél.: +212 5 28 31 90 09 Fax : +212 5 28 31 90 19 Email : cofima2007@yahoo.fr

Agriculture du Magherb / Fruit Logistica 2019 P. 25

Morocco Expects Record Citrus Production in MY2018/19

Morocco is expecting record citrus production for the 2018-19 season. Post expects Morocco’s citrus production for Marketing Year 2018/19 to reach an estimated 2.6 million metric tons, increasing 18 percent over the previous marketing year. Tangerine/mandarin production should increase by 14 percent over the previous year to 1.35 MMT, while orange production should increase by 18 percent to 1.2 MMT and lemon/lime production to reach 45,000 MT. Much of the increase in production is due to favorable weather conditions and increases in the area harvested, as younger trees begin to bear fruit. Tangerine/mandarin exports should total about 585,000 MT while orange exports should reach around 190,000 MT.

Tangerines/ Mandarins, Fresh

Post forecasts Morocco’s tangerine/ mandarin production for MY 2018/19 at 1.35 MMT, an increase of 14 percent compared to MY 2017/18 due to favorable weather. Post also revised MY 2017/18 production numbers based on final official data.

Post forecasts tangerine/mandarin domestic consumption at 765,000 MT in MY2018/19, an increase of 18 percent over 2017/18 to more closely follow per capita consumption trends. Post also updates MY 2017/18 fresh domestic consumption reflecting remaining available supply in the balance sheet after accounting for year-end trade data. Post projects tangerine/mandarin ex-

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ports for MY 2018/19 to reach 585,000 MT, 9 percent more than MY 2017/18 due to increased supplies. Russia and the European Union remain Morocco’s primary export destinations. Post also updates MY17/18 exports based on year end trade data. Exports to the United States increased by 30%, aided by regained market access for Morocco’s Berkane region. www.agri-mag.com


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Oranges, Fresh


Orange production for MY 2018/19 is forecast at a record 1.2 MMT, up 18 percent over MY 2017/18 due to favorable weather and increased area as new orchards begin production. Post also revised MY 2017/18 production numbers based on final official data. Post forecasts MY 2018/19 domestic consumption of fresh oranges at 950,000 MT an increase of 15 percent due to high production. According to industry contacts, many farmers had to dump their products in local markets, causing prices to drop to their lowest levels. Post also updates domestic consumption for MY 2017/18, based on available remaining supplies following year-end trade figures. Post projects orange exports for MY 2018/19 to reach 190,000 MT, 42 percent more than MY 2017/18 due to more available supply. That said, industry contacts are highly pessimistic on Morocco’s ability to export any additional volumes this year given what they perceive as intense competition within the




region by other major exporters. Post also updates MY17/18 exports number based on year end trade data. Exports to the United States have been increased by 230%, supported by regained market access for Morocco’s Berkane region.

Orange Juice

Post forecasts orange juice production for MY 2018/19 at 60,000 MT, 20 percent higher than MY 2017/18 based on industry contacts and supported by more available fruit for processing. Post forecasts MY 2018/19 domestic consumption at 3,800 MT up 33 percent over the previous season on higher available supplies. Post revised its estimate for MY2017/18 from 4,100 MT to 2,866 MT following year-end trade figures. For MY 2018/19, Post forecasts orange juice exports to increase to 4,300 MT and imports lower to 2,100 MT on higher production. Note: Morocco began exporting significant volumes of frozen orange juice in MY 2017/18 to the Netherlands and France. The citrus processing sector in Morocco is facing rigid competition in sourcing raw materials in the fresh citrus market. This is mainly due to the low prices offered by orange juice processors compared to prices offered in the fresh market. There are five citrus processing plants currently operating in Morocco, of which three are producers of single strength orange juice that can hardly meet demand from local market buyers. Fresh oranges delivered to juice processors are currently estimated at about

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50,000 MT annually. Moroccan Citrus Producers Association (ASPAM) long-term goal is to have 200,000 MT of fresh citrus allocated annually for juice processing. This quantity would be the equivalent of about 60 million liters of juice. Morocco’s orange juice market is currently estimated at about 50 million liters, of which 20 million comes from processing fresh citrus and the rest is imported juice or from concentrate (from South America).

Lemons/Limes, Fresh

Post forecasts lemon/lime production for MY 2018/19 to reach 45,000 MT, 25 percent more than MY 2017/18, again on good weather conditions during the growing season. Post forecasts MY 2018/19 fresh domestic consumption at 28,000 MT, allowing for a slight increase in per capita consumption and no change in MY 2017/18. Post projects lemon/lime exports for MY 2018/19 to reach 17,000 MT, 88 increase over MY 2017/18 based on available supplies. Around 40% of exports are shipped to the EU, with 30-35% going to Russia and a further 15-17% to North America. The local market absorbs 70% of production volumes. Citrus Growers Association earlier this year said he was pleased with how national production had grown over the last decade, but noted that exports were lagging behind expectations. This was partly because of stiff competition in the EU market, and the industry is hoping to develop African and Asian markets.



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A long tradition in producing citrus fruits Citrus fruits landed on Moroccan soil in the 7th century. The mild climate was ideal for growing this type of fruit. But the real development of the citrus industry goes back to the beginning of last century, when French growers created large orchards. Over the past decade, Morocco’s citrus sector grew significantly with the introduction of new varieties grown in different regions of the kingdom. As a result, the citrus supply dedicated for export diversified widely and production and marketing periods became more widespread.


itrus is considered one of Morocco’s most successful and best organized agricultural sectors. The sector’s ability to generate $350 million annually in foreign currency and support local job creation has made it favored in recent years, primarily through implementation of the Moroccan Green Plan which originally set a target of increasing Morocco’s citrus production from 1.9 to 2.9 million Tons by 2020 through the

investment of 9 billion dirhams ($1.0-1.2 billion). Total Morocco’s citrus production in 2018 was estimated at 2,3 million tons, including oranges, easy peelers and other citrus of which 34% are intended for exports. The rest of the production (66%) is intended for fresh consumption at the level of the local market and to juice industry. Total planted area for citrus is estimated by the Ministry of Agriculture at 127,000 ha of which 115,000 ha are productive. There are several citrus production areas in Morocco, following the climate,

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geographical situation and water availability. The most important ones are the Souss Valley, around the city of Agadir (32% of the total production), the Gharb (20%), located in the north of the capital Rabat, the Moulouya Valley (16%), near the Algerian border, Tadla (13,5%), near the high Atlas Mountains, as well as the Haouz (13,5%) region, near Marrakech and finally Loukkos region in the north of the kingdom(1,5%). Souss Valley is, however, by far the most important citrus production area in the country. The region accounts for nearly half of Morocco’s citrus production, and about 70% of its total citrus exports. This is equally the first region where modern techniques and technologies for citrus production and packing have been implemented. The range of citrus varieties grown in Morocco includes oranges, small fruits such as clementines and mandarines, lemons and grapefruits, both from conventional and organic production. Some of the most renowned varieties are: Nour, Nadorcott, Ortanique, Salustiana and Maroc late. The packing of citrus is carried out in 48 units, of which 24 are in Souss, 20 in the regions of the center and 17 in the Eastern region. An important effort has been made in packing infrastructures, with a large number of facilities which adopted the quality management and certification systems required by European importers and supermarket chains. Citrus branch constitutes the main www.agri-mag.com


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packaging and delivery. It should be noted that there is a wide range of varieties in Morocco, several of which are new hybrid varieties, such as Nadorcott (Afourer) that is gaining popularity compared to other varieties. These varieties have the advantages of being a higher quality and harvested later which extends the marketing season and thus increases their availability to the export markets. Moroccan production of clementines and mandarins stretches from October to April. The Fine clementine is the “early riser”, while the Nour and the Nadorcott mandarin are harvested from January to April. The main production regions of easy peelers are Souss Massa (31%), Berkane (17%), Tadla (%17), Gharb (%21) and Haouz (%7). Each region enjoys source of income for 13.000 citrus producers. This branch allows to provide, directly or indirectly, a total of 25 million working days per year (18 million in orchards and 7 million in packing units, juice industry and other activities) and revenues in exports of more than MAD 3 billion. It should be noted that almost the total area planted with citrus is equipped with a micro-irrigation system. Citrus branch presents many advantages as it, mainly, benefits from important investment incentives and has great hidden opportunities which are, in particular, the existence of free exchange agreements, possibilities for market diversification, as well as a full expansion of the interior market. Even if significant efforts have been made to achieve a sustained development for the production and exports of citrus within the framework of Morocco Green Plan, this branch is impeded by, among others, aging orchards in some regions, weak supervision of small and medium producers, weak efficiency of the use of irrigation water, particularly in the Gharb, increasing scarcity of water resources mainly in Souss, as well as the increase of production factors’ costs, particularly energy, fertilizers and crop protection products. Morocco exports to 30 different countries, mainly Russia and the European Union, followed by Canada,

The US market as well as the Gulf region.

Clementines and Mandarins

Real ambassadors of Morocco’s rich culture

In Morocco, climate conditions are ideal for growing easy peelers; the days are hot and sunny and the nights are cool. Therefore, Moroccan tangerines and mandarins have wonderful colour and great taste. But favourable climate conditions and rich soil aren’t the only things needed for superior taste. The cultivation of clementines and mandarins is an art that demands knowhow and experience. Rigour is also required at all stages of production,

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exceptional climate conditions that result in fruit with superior taste.

Their soil is rich, the water pure and the sun shines beneficently down 300 days of the year. These unparalleled areas provide the perfect combination of qualities necessary to ripen fruit that produces an unbelievably delicious and memorable taste. Once the harvest is complete, the citrus fruit is sent on to packing stations. This is when extremely rigorous quality controls are employed while sorting the fruit. To do so, digital imaging and manual sorting with a blue lamp are used, in order to spot defects. The fruit is then washed, dried, polished, sized, and packed in various packaging. Russia maintains its position as the top destination for Morocco’s clementine/ mandarin exports.



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Berkane’s clementine True Ambassador of Moroccan citrus Clementines of Berkane are undoubtedly one of the best varieties of the Moroccan orchard. Easily recognizable, thanks to their unique color, juiciness, exquisite sweet flavor and seedlessness, Clementines of Berkane have everything it takes to consolidate the Morocco label and meet a growing demand. Their reputation makes them highly demanded in the international market (Russia, Europe, USA, Canada), due to their good image in customers’ minds and their low grade-outs rate.

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heltered by highlands with a relatively mild coast Mediterranean climate and high quality soil, the vast plains of the region of Berkane offer huge opportunities for citrus production. In this extraordinary terroir, clementines of Berkane, brought to the region in the 1940s, showed some unique organoleptic properties that gave them their national and international reputation. One of the main strengths of the region of Berkane is proximity to European markets, notably through the port of the city of Nador. Another asset is traceability, thanks to the Protected Geographical Indication label (PGI Berkane clementine) which



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market with a focus on those of high-end products demand. They are also aware of the need to extend the collective approach to marketing and develop the marketing strategy of the region’s flagship product.

Production and packaging guarantees the link of the product to its territory throughout production, harvesting and packaging. It ensures the excellent quality of the product whose stages of production take place in the famous region of Berkane. Derived solely from “Clementine Fine de Berkane” and “Nour”, the fruits must be seedless, of orange to red-orange color and non-adherent skin. It is worth recalling that the IGP label was established with the main following objectives: • fighting against unfair competition and protect products against misuse. • providing customers with information about the origin and the quality of products • preserving and promoting national and regional heritage through better knowledge of the terroir and the know-how of the producers. As a matter of fact, operators consider the PGI label as an asset to reconquer the European

The annual citrus production in the region averages 290,000 tons (20,000 ha), almost 60% of which are seedless clementines. Production and quality are in constant progress, thanks to the modernization of farming techniques, the know-how of farmers and the rejuvenation of the orchards. On the technical level, producers are provided with guidance by engineers and technicians who advise farmers on good practices in citrus cultivation which optimizes orchards performance. In this context, it should be noted that exporters have established strict quality control policies and imposed drastic compliance with export standards on farmers, which resulted in significant quality improvement. Moreover, professionals will establish an inter-professional citrus research and development center aimed at improve transfer of technological knowledge and innovation with regional branches. The center will carry out research programs addressing producer’s major concerns,

particularly in terms of varietal behavior, rootstocks, orchards management and production factors rationalization. Harvested between early October and early January, clementines of Berkane are processed in 20 packing stations with a total capacity of 140,000 t/year. Almost all of these stations are equipped with refrigeration units and designed primarily for degreening and storage. To meet all HACCP quality requirements in packing stations, considerable efforts have been deployed to modernize facilities and upgrade infrastructure. Most of these stations also achieved several certifications that allow them to export to the most demanding international markets. As far as employment is concerned, clementines play an important socioeconomic role. As a matter of fact, orchards and packing stations provide some 2.5 million workdays. As for annual gross revenues, they can easily reach more than 600 million DH, contributing in foreign currency inflow and creating a real momentum in the region for agricultural inputs and products marketing.


antari Group (GKB) is one of the leaders in the field of fruit and vegetables export. Created 50 years ago, the Group now has 4,600 hectares and became the major exporter of citrus in Berkane, a region reputed for its seedless, juicy and sweet clementines. Since its establishment, the Kantari Group mobilizes all necessary resources to ensure high quality products for costumers. Thus, all operations of the Group meet Good Agricultural Practices standards (GLOBALGAP) and its packing stations are HACCP and / or BRC certified. Moreover, the Group has set up control systems certified by external bodies in order to guarantee the quality and safety of its products. It is worth noting in this regard that the Group received numerous national and international awards for its quality policy. Recently, the Group has undertaken a products diversification policy to ensure to its customers a wide range of fruits and vegetables and guarantee regular supply. The main export markets of the group are: the EU, Russia, Canada, the USA, the Middle East, Scandinavia and Africa. In these markets, the Group’s clementines are marketed under various recognized brands, including: Berkane Premium, Berkane Kids, La Perle de Berkane, Fresh, Gold, Latchyna, Sol, Victoria, Gloria Kids, Kelma Kids. Kantari Group chairs the Berkane climentine Protected Geographical Indication Association.

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Morocco Nadorcott Seedless Naturally seductive The mandarin Morocco Nadorcott Seedless stands out by its original and surprising flavour thanks to a perfect balance between sweetness and acidity. Its aromatic and juicy flesh, sweet with a point of acidity, melts in the mouth offering an exceptional tasting experience. The new label Morocco Nadorcott Sedless®, intertionally protected, reflect the « Natural » and « Premium » characteristics of the fruit and pledge the uniqueness of this mandarin worldwide. Its excellent shelf-life and its late availability from mid-January to mid-May makes it the worldwide star of easy-peelers.


Discovered in 1982 in Morocco, the Nadorcott mandarin tree is the outcome of the INRA (National Institute of Agricultural Research) research program in Afourer station, located in the region of Beni-Mellal in Morocco, as well as the extensive work undertaken by les Domaines Agricoles, since the beginning of the 90s, which confirmed the self-sterility of this variety. This new variety of mandarin, discovered by the researcher Nadori El Bachir, is the result of a natural hybridization of Murcott variety (mandarin tree). Thence, Nadorcott was chosen as a trade name, combining both Nadori and Murcott. Nadorcott Mandarin, also known as Afourer refering to the research station where the variety was discovered, selected and planted for the first time by les Domaines Agricoles in 1990. Thanks to the collaboration between “INRA” and “les Domaines Agricoles” in the field of citrus cultivation, this late season variety of mandarin tree was developed, which will distinguish the contemporary history of the Mediterranean citrus cultivation.


Over time, researchers have noticed that Nadorcott mandarin tree was self-sterile. Indeed, if the Nadorcott mandarin tree is planted in isolation, away from a pollination with other varieties, the fruits produced are seedless. The Moroccan Nadorcott is thus produced in 100% isolated and regularly controlled orchards. This isolation ensure a naturally self sterility of the fruit inhibiting a cross-pollination with other citrus fruit varieties, avoiding therefore having fruits with seeds. Without using any genetic manipulation.

Morocco is the unique origin investing in natural isolation.


Nadorcott mandarin is produced in Morocco in the regions of Chichaoua, Marrakech, Souss, Gharb, Safi and Beni-Mellal. The production of the Nadorcott mandarin takes place from January to late April, which allows its commercialization from midJanuary to mid-May, and therefore create a late availability on the shelves unlike other mandarin varieties. Nadorcott mandarin is produced in Morocco in the regions of Chichaoua, Marrakech, Souss, Gharb, Safi and Beni-Mellal. The production of Nadorcott mandarin takes place from January to late April, which allows its commercialization from mid-January to mid-May, and therefore its late availability on the shelves unlike other mandarin varieties.

APNM, MOROCCAN ASSOCIATION OF NADORCOTT PRODUCERS: The APNM joins Moroccan Nadorcott producers holding a

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t h e

production license. Its main mission is to preserve and promote the Nadorcott mandarin tree variety in Morocco. The APNM ensures that the products features and quality fulfill adequately the specifications requirements set by Morocco Nadorcott Seedless’ label, such as the isolation of orchards to avoid having fruits with seeds. The APNM does also federate producers through sharing cultural 111 practices and technical know-how to improve continuously the quantitative but above all qualitative production of Nadorcott and the intrinsic quality of the fruit. Finally, the Moroccan Association of Nadorcott Producers also promotes the Nadorcott variety of Morocco through the Morocco Nadorcott Seedless’ label.


Proud of the exceptional quality of the Nadorcott mandarin grown in the heart of its original soil, Morocco, growers are committed through the Morocco Nadorcott Seedless® label to offer to their clients an exceptionally tasty Mandarin that guarantees a homogeneity of visual and taste characteristics throughout the season and season after season. This new label (launched in January 2016) enhances the original growing area of this mandarin variety as well as the guarantee of a natural tasty, seedless fruits. A wide-ranging communication plan was launched to establish this label as a synonym of requirement, quality and trust.


From the production, Morocco Nadorcott Seedless® mandarin is strickly controlled, at all stages guaranteeing premium quality fruits. Moroccan Nadorcott mandarin’s plants are certified pathogenwww.agri-mag.com


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free and come from approved tree nurseries that ensure a highly demanding quality control from seed to plant carried out by an independent control company. Fruits bearing the Morocco Nadorcott Seedless’ label are produced in isolated orchards, at least around 5 kilometers of other compatible citrus fruits. This isolation inhibits cross-pollination of the Nadorcott trees with other citrus fruits varieties and guarantees Nadorcott’s self-sterility, and thus the absence of seeds in the fruits. From production to distribution, the Morocco Nadorcott Seedless® label guarantees flawless traceability and a premium quality fruit thanks to the compliance with accurate and strict specifications, particularly: - Identification system ensuring the traceability of the Nadorcott variety to the source. - The implementation of a specific system “GESVATEC” which provides an additional guarantee of the origin and the authenticity of the fruit for exports. - Draconian checks at the packaging stations (carried out by an independent control company). - Control of the variety authenticity by the Independent Establishment of Control & Coordination of Exportations (EACCE).

Choice” certification.


Morocco Nadorcott Seedless® stands out by its exceptional taste thanks to its juicy, sweet and aromatic flesh combined with a perfect balance between sweetness and acidity. The intense orange color, smooth skin and beautifully flattened shape make the Morocco Nadorcott Seedless’ Mandarin a very seductive fruit. Being naturally seedless and easy peeling, Nadorcott mandarin is popular among consumers all over the world. In addition to its excellent shelf life, its late production allows a commercial availability from mid-January to mid-May, satisfying both consumers and distributors. The outstanding growth of Nadorcott is due to a common strategy to all producers that aims to establish and increase the notoriety of the Moroccan Nadorcott and its label Morocco Nadorcott Seedless in the four corners of the world.

In addition to guaranteeing a genuine, seedless and tasty fruit, the Moroccan Association of Nadorcott Producers (APNM) is in charge of ensuring the marketing development of the Nadorcott variety in Morocco, but more specifically on the international level. This growth entails the implementation of measures and a common strategy to all producers aimed at establishing and increasing the reputation of the Moroccan Nadorcott Mandarin tree, and its Morocco Nadorcott Seedless’ label throughout the world. This strategy has generated in that way a continued growth in terms of exported volumes since 2007. During this last decade, the Moroccan Nadorcott exports experienced an outstanding growth (Multiplied by 7,5 between 2007 and 2016).

Key Figures

The Moroccan Association of Nadorcott Producer is: · 212 licensed producers member in 2018 (against 160 in 2017) · 105 000 T exported in 2015/2016 · 125 000 T exportés en 2016/2017 · 171 000 T exported in 2017/2018


The Moroccan Nadorcott producers are committed to farm their orchards in a way that rationalizes the use of fertilizers and treatment products and gives priority to environmentally friendly methods. These techniques are based on observation, prophylaxis and biological control, in other words, the use of natural preventive such as friendly-insects to protect the crops from damaging pests. The production units are certified according to a strict repository, internationally recognized, including the “GLOBALGAP” certification, as for the majority of it, it is still on going for a “Nature Agriculture du Magherb / Fruit Logistica 2019 P. 40



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Organic Agriculture

Steady development in Morocco Morocco has a significant horticultural production, and the organic sector has grown rapidly since its establishment in 1986. AMABIO, the Moroccan Association of Organic Production Chain Value, is a driving force, offering technical assistance to farmers and working together with the government on developing strategies for organic agriculture in Morocco.


nitiated in 1986, the first export of organic commodities was citrus. Later, exports extended to vegetables, medicinal and aromatic plants and other exotic products. Between 1990 and 1994, organic growers were particularly active in the development of the organic sector in Morocco, by the rapid increase in the cultivated lands they had allocated to the production of fruits and vegetables, which increased from a few hectares in 1990 to over 300 ha in 1999. In 1998, another category of organic growers appeared: Smallholders within cooperatives in the rural and mountain

area. They were assisted by NGOs to launch marketing operations of organic medicinal and aromatic plants collected in forests. Argan forest was also subject to regulatory certification, and the oil is currently marketed as endemic argan oil of Morocco. During the last decade, the areas dedicated to organic farming increased significantly, with a growth rate of 54% per year.

Low-input, high-labor and local varieties

Moroccan agriculture has many advantages that promote the emergence of

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organic farming: - The land and the climate are suitable for the production of off-season products for EU markets - Easy access to labor is another strength in the Moroccan agricultural production - The persistence of traditional agriculture has allowed the conservation of farmers’ expertise on “natural� (low input) production - In all Moroccan regions, especially in the High Atlas, local varieties have been conserved in a dynamic way by farmers since centuries. Farmers have been able to select varieties resistant to diseases and pests and adapted to local environwww.agri-mag.com

mental conditions. Self-seeds reproduction on farms has remained predominant in these areas.


While organic production in recent years has developed significantly in terms of area, production and export, many constraints remain and can be summarized as follows: · The conversion period of 2 to 3 years, during which productivity declines and

the product is not valued · The increase in production costs caused by high costs of certification, currently performed by foreign regulators; · The scarcity of authorized inputs, including bio-pesticides and composts in the domestic market as well as seeds and plants used in organic farming; · Lack of subsidies for professional entities (farmers, cooperatives...) ensuring the take-off of the sector;

· Lack of communication and promotion of organic products by government entities in both national and foreign markets; · The lack of a domestic market for organic products, although there is a significant potential national demand.

Driving organization: AMABIO

The Moroccan Association of Organic

Beleco is a Moroccan company specialized in cultivation of organic aromatic and medical plants The organic herb farm is located in Belfâa which is about 50 km in the south of Agadir in the region of Souss-Massa in Morocco. Beleco owns 13 ha all certified under the ecological Standard ECOCERT. Ecological agriculture is not only about a temporary market trend, but it is furthermore concerning life attitude.

Our Contribution to the region :

Since the foundation of BELECO the company is involved in the continious development of the region Belfaa. BELECO is always striving after being in balance with its sustainable and natural environment and therefore willing to make a contribution in the region. BELECO has become part of a development program for organic farming, a public-private partnership project, also known as PPP Project. This particular project has been set up by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the SEQUA development organization in order to support European private sector companies that plan practiced-oriented training in developing countries. As part of the development program, local farmers are supported in their work and receive help for the conversion into organic farms. The achievement of these objectives has to be ensured by a solid education of the farmers in regard to certain production techniques and support concerning the preparation for the ecological certifications. This assistance is intended to have a positive impact on the region, where should be responsible production, as well as committed and respectful interaction with the environment. The achievement of these objectives has to be ensured by a solid education of the farmers in regard to certain production techniques.

Our Products :

BELECO offers a wide selection of herbs from controlled organic cultivation. We produce Fresh and dried herbs. For the fresh products we mainly focus on : Chive; Rosmary; Thymian. Concerning the dried product we focus on : Calendula. focus particulary on If you can’t find your desired plant on our list, please contact us! Possibly we can cultivate it for you through our producers partner.

Contacts : belecomail@gmail.com I sales@beleco.ma


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Production Chain Value (AMABIO) was created in 2010. Its mission is to define and implement together with the government a strategy for the future development of organic agriculture. It also offers technical assistance to farmers and engages in the extension of good practices. Moreover, AMABIO promotes the consumption of Moroccan organic products both nationally and internationally. AMABIO brings together all the operators in the sector including producers and processors, exporters of fresh and processed organic products; inspection and certification bodies; suppliers of organic inputs; researchers and extension society; non-governmental associations and organizations (NGOs) promoting the organic sector, environmental protection and sustainable development. The government and AMABIO signed in April 2011, a program contract up to 2020 for the development of the organic sector. A program of investment up to 100 M€ was signed, to boost the implementation of operations in order to reach the following objectives (refer to the table). The program contract is based on the following axes to reach the objectives: 1. Development of the research and extension actions; 2. Improvement of the conditions of valorization, marketing and promotion for organic products in the domestic market 3. Development and promotion of the export sector; 4. Improvement of the professional condition framework. The Moroccan Ministry of Agriculture has developed an organic national reg-

OBJECTIVES 2020 Situation 2011 Objectives 2020


Surface (Ha)

4 000

40 000

36 000

Production (T)

40 000

400 000

360 000

Exports (T)

10 000

60 000

50 000

Income in foreign currency (millions €)




Job creation (millions of working days)




ulation (N°39-12 published in February 2013), in coordination with AMABIO. Farmers have until now certified their products through private certification and control bodies since no national body was available, but this will now change since implementing decrees relative to the organic national regulation have been published. The national authority for approving certification bodies is the Moroccan Accreditation Service (SEMAC). Farmers purchase seeds, fertilizers and other inputs from companies that import most materials from the EU. There is a real need for a professional association of companies that import and distribute organic inputs to the organic operators. Such an association should defend the farmers’ rights to reduced taxes on imported organic inputs, which are currently at the same level as conven-

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tional inputs. In addition, production of Moroccan organic inputs should be encouraged by government entities to decrease the high costs of inputs especially for smallholders.

High diversity of organic crops

The soil and climate diversity offer a wide range of products. Most of them are grown naturally without any treatment what give them high potentiality to be easily certified to organic products. Moroccan organic farming is divided in seven sub-sectors of products. - Fruits: Citrus, Berries, stone fruits, nuts, dry fruits, pome fruits Vegetables: bulbs, roots, tubers, leafy, fruits (tomatoes, zucchinis, eggplant, cucumber,…) - Aromatic and medicinal plants, www.agri-mag.com

the services of a European certification body.

National subsidies for the organic sector

spices, condiments - Cereals - Processed (Oil, Fruits) - Argan (Oil seeds, Oil) - Livestock products (Meat, honey)

Exports: Citrus dominated

The export-oriented activities generate substantially all revenues of the national organic sector. The exports are dominated by citrus, mainly “Maroc Late” variety, while zucchini dominates within vegetables. For processed products, orange juice dominates. The EU is the main destination market. France, Germany and Switzerland were the first European importers of organic produce from Morocco. France imports almost 90% of citrus and 79% of processed products. Germany is the leading importer of early vegetables with 61% of the volume of this category.

Compliance with EU regulations

The European regulation is strict. To export an organic product to Europe, it must be produced and controlled equivalently to EU regulations. If the exporting country is among the countries whose production rules and control are deemed equivalent to EC Regulation 1235/2008 on imports from third parties (Argentina, Australia, Costa Rica, India, Japan, New Zealand, Switzerland and Tunisia); the product is automatically approved. For the other exporting countries (USA, Canada, China, Morocco...etc), organic products are subject to import authorizations within each Member State. Nevertheless, in all cases, the products must be certified and inspected at each stage of production to be exported abroad. Moroccan farmers exporting to EU have until now used

To promote organic farming, the Moroccan government has developed a strategy that aims both to encourage producers to move towards organic production, and then to convert to organic, and to raise awareness among producers and the population in general on the importance of organic farming. The main measure is the grant of the certification costs. The Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries subsidise agriculture in general by other financial supports for agricultural equipment (drip irrigation) and agricultural inputs, which are freed of tax when imported to Morocco.

Organic research in Morocco

The program contract signed has scheduled funds for R&D estimated up to 6.25 M € until 2020. AMABIO has launched a call for three research and training institutions (INRA-ENAM and IAV) in Morocco to suggest R&D projects. Members of AMABIO are called to express their needs and shape them in subjects to be treated by researchers in order to adjust their research operation to the professional requirements in a dynamic approach. INRA which is the only government institution dedicated to agronomy research in Morocco is aware about the research in organic sector. Beside its cooperation with AMABIO, a national research program is under consideration in order to develop links between different agroecosystems needs and the experimental sites (24 experimental farms of INRA over Morocco). Soil fertility, composting, organic horticulture, plant protection, plant and animal breeding, socioeconomics... are main topics undergone by INRA’s researchers to answer professional calls. International cooperation with EU research institutions in the framework of CORE Organic and TIPI Organics will be an excellent opportunity to link northern with southern Mediterranean countries to sustain organic research in a globalized world. Khalid Azim


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