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Korea’s Unique Drinking Culture and Trends

Korea’s Unique Drinking Culture & Trends


Awork day ends at 6 p.m., and this is when ‘Hoesik’ (office dinner) begins in Korea. There are much fewer Hoesik now due to COVID-19, however, the typical Hoesik includes moving on to the first and second rounds of drinking and eating together until late evening to relieve stress. ‘Somaek’ is the alcoholic drink that represents this Hoesik culture. Somaek, a mixture of soju and beer, is normally made by pouring a glass of soju into a beer glass and filling the rest with beer. Unlike cocktails, which are made by mixing various ingredients other than alcohol, the Korean way of mixing alcohol with another


仕事が終わる午後6時?韓國で「會食」が始まる?今は? 新型コロナにより會食の機會は大幅に減ったが?1次 會?2次會と場所を變えて遲くまで酒と料理をともに樂 しみ?ストレスを解消する?こうした會食文化を代表 する酒が?まさに「ソメク」だ?ソメクは燒酎とビ―ル を混ぜたもので?韓國燒酎のグラス一杯分の燒酎を ビ―ルのジョッキに注ぎ?殘りをビ―ルで滿たして作 る?酒のほかに樣?な材料を混ぜるカクテルとは異な り?韓國では酒に酒を入れるという点が異色だ? 最近では?新型コロナによる全世界的な「宅飮み」のト レンドとアルコ―ル度數が低い酒の流行などにより?

The popularity of low-alcoholic fruit soju, rather than regular soju, is increasing in overseas markets.

alcohol is unconventional.

Recently, in the wake of COVID-19 outbreak, the worldwide trends for ‘home drinking’ and for low-alcoholic drinks have generated the rise in consumption of fruit soju. Notably, the popularity of low-alcoholic fruit soju, rather than regular soju, is increasing in overseas markets.

According to the Export-Import Trade Statistics of the Korea Customs Service, exports of regular soju such as ‘Chamisul’ and ‘Chum-Churum’ amounted to USD 85.6 million in 2020, which showed a decrease by 4.6% from 2019. On the other hand, exports of fruit soju such as ‘Jinro Grapefruit’ and ‘ChumChurum Flavored-Apple Mango’ soared by 71.8% year-on-year at USD 49.58 million the previous year. From this time forth, it is expected that sweet fruit soju, which is milder and easier to drink than regular soju, will grow in popularity based around overseas markets.

果實燒酎の消費が增えている?特に?海外市 場で一般の燒酎に比べて?アルコ―ル度數が低 い果實燒酎の人氣が高まっている? 關稅廳の輸出入貿易統計によれば?「チャミスル」 や「チョウムチョロム」など一般の燒酎の2020年の輸 出額は?約8,560万ドルで2019年より4.6%減少した? 一方?「ザモンエイスル」?「スンハリアップルマンゴ―」 など果實燒酎の輸出額は?昨年は4,958万ドルで前年よ り71.8%も急增した?今後も?海外市場を中心に一般 の燒酎より口當たりがよく?飮みやすいことから?甘 い果實燒酎の人氣が高まるとの見通しがある?

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