南 北 韓 軍 人 的 曖 昧 情 事
[ 食事 ] Cooking/Eating
發現火了以後,烹飪和吃飯這件事創造了人類文明,從古至今,不論東西方, 吃飯的意義從單純的為了溫飽,變成了社交行為的代號 The invention of fire flourished civilisation and the purpose of eating had changed from simply to supress hunger into a socialization activity.
[ 共同语言 ] Common Language 電影 [近戰距離]
一首平安夜就足以讓交戰的三國暫時弭平對立關係 Resonance is what unites us at a time when all seems to separate us.
[ 亦敵亦友 ] Friend or Foe
明明是同胞,大家有相同的語言、歷史和文化,但要視對方為非殺不可的敵人 Camaraderie and humanity seen in Panmunjom in the past. The relationship between the soldiers are better than we thought.
檯面上,一起吃飯成了神聖的儀式,透過每間不同的機能,去消減他們之間的緊張氣氛 ,同時必須拋開身份象徵,也就是制服,回到你我皆凡人的立場才能一起吃飯。他們在 這個正式的飯局中就算脫光了依然被監視著,目的達成但又必須快速地回到現實。這個 光明正大吃飯過程是真正的自由和快樂嗎? Above the ground, dining together became a ritualistic event. By reforming the 7 conference room on the border, the soldiers have to go through 7 designated programs in order to get to the dining table. From defensive to relaxed, they get to strip off their identities(changing room),realise thet they are all human being(the ‘mirror’) and experience a change in emotion( jimjilbang) before dining together. However they are being watched throughtout the process and once they finish the dinner, the soldiers are forced to go back to the reality immediately(they are able to see the outposts from the washing area).
軍人們長時間的監視,會因為逐漸熟悉,變成窺視,對對方開始產生好奇心,甚至產生 默契和暗號。私底下,軍人們透過地道,相約每天晚上回到這個地方,偷偷摸摸地一起 吃飯,但這才是真正自由的飯局。諷刺的是,以往戰爭的空間元素和語彙反而成了讓他 們可以在快樂相聚的空間。 Under the table, they started to dig their own tunnel to find their own way to have a meal together without being overwatched. Ironically, the space elements from war bacame the spaces for them to true freedom and happiness.
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南 北 韓 軍 人 的 曖 昧 情 事