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Real-Time Processes For Real-Time Social Marketing Processes: The Social Marketing Playbook by Jessica Liu October 24, 2018

Why Read This Report

Key Takeaways

Social networks are a real-time media channel, yet marketers have trouble managing social content in real time. B2C marketers underestimate the volume and pace requirements of social marketing and experience competing attention between inbound inquiries and outbound messaging. As social marketing spend increases, marketers need to effectively and efficiently utilize those budgets by implementing specific processes. Strong processes allow social media to serve not only marketing goals but also goals across the entire enterprise.

Marketers Need Two Distinct, But Interdependent, Processes Marketers should separate social marketing activity into two processes: always-on versus campaign. The two modes require different operations to achieve their respective outcomes, but they intersect at strategic process points.

This is an update of a previously published report; Forrester reviews and revises it periodically for continued relevance and accuracy.

Set Up Protocols In Advance To Serve Activities That Require Quick Turnarounds To keep up with the speed of social media, marketers must implement anticipatory protocols to accommodate activities that require immediate approvals and speedier response times. Processes Must Be In Lockstep To Serve The Greater Organization The different processes cannot operate in silos. For companies to succeed, teams must work together and share information to better serve their end customers.

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For B2C Marketing Professionals

Real-Time Processes For Real-Time Social Marketing Processes: The Social Marketing Playbook by Jessica Liu with Brigitte Majewski, Melissa Parrish, Caitlin Wall, and Christine Turley October 24, 2018

Table Of Contents

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2 Marketers Struggle To Keep Up With The Speed And Scale Of Social

Three Staffing Models Help You Build A Socially Fluent Company

Process Issues Plague Marketers When Tackling Social Marketing

Vendor Landscape: Social Marketing Technology You Don’t Need A “Social Marketing” Strategy

3 Establish Distinct But Interdependent Processes For Social Demands Establish A Process To Master The AlwaysOn State Set Up Protocols To Serve AlwaysOn Activities That Require Hyperquick Turnarounds Establish A Separate Process To Master The Campaign State Set Up Protocols To Serve Campaign Activities That Require Hyperquick Turnarounds

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10 Processes Must Be In Lockstep And Serve The Broader Organization Recommendations

12 Get Your Social Marketing Processes In Gear For Real Time 13 Supplemental Material Forrester Research, Inc., 60 Acorn Park Drive, Cambridge, MA 02140 USA +1 617-613-6000 | Fax: +1 617-613-5000 | © 2018 Forrester Research, Inc. Opinions reflect judgment at the time and are subject to change. Forrester®, Technographics®, Forrester Wave, TechRadar, and Total Economic Impact are trademarks of Forrester Research, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective companies. Unauthorized copying or distributing is a violation of copyright law. or +1 866-367-7378

For B2C Marketing Professionals

October 24, 2018

Real-Time Processes For Real-Time Social Marketing Processes: The Social Marketing Playbook

Marketers Struggle To Keep Up With The Speed And Scale Of Social Marketers know that social media is unlike any other marketing channel. When compared with traditional television and print, which allow for long lead times, social marketing planning and execution feels like racecar driving: fast speeds, quick turns, and lots of competition. Consider the extraordinary characteristics that make social media unique: ›› Prolific content creation and consumption. In late 2017, Twitter wrote that “hundreds of millions of tweets” were sent every day.1 In its Q2 2018 earnings call, Snapchat touted more than 3 billion daily snaps created.2 The astronomical volume, pace, and unpredictability of social content can overwhelm marketers. Brad Jakeman, president of the global beverage group at PepsiCo, told AdvertisingAge: “It was once sufficient for us to produce four pieces of content a year — mainly TV — and we could spend about six to eight months developing that one piece of content and spend $1 million on each piece of film. Now that four pieces has turned into 4,000; eight months has changed to eight days and 8 hours.”3 ›› Short content shelf life. Social networks publish immense content volumes via continuous news feeds, creating an ever-changing user experience. The consequences: shortened user attention spans and content that stales quickly. A debate over the color of a dress incited a Twitter frenzy, spiking mentions at 303,000 tweets per hour on the first day. By day two, #thedress usage plummeted.4 Users expect brands in social media to keep pace. When musician Beyoncé namedropped Red Lobster in a new song, it created a surge in Red Lobster social discussion. But the restaurant chain tweeted a response 8 hours later, an unsatisfactory delay that social users vilified.5 ›› Impatient customers with high expectations. User expectations for brand interactions have grown on social networks. Sprout Social, a social media management solution (SMMS), found that 46% of people it surveyed have used social media to complain about a business. Lack of a brand response yielded 35% of consumers saying that they would never buy from the brand again and, worse, a bad or unhelpful brand response increased the chance of those people boycotting the brand by 43%.6 Process Issues Plague Marketers When Tackling Social Marketing Social marketing demands speed and timeliness, but marketers have trouble keeping up with its realtime nature. Mike Mothner, CEO of Wpromote, explains, “You can’t apply the same types of marketing workflows and approvals to social; those [traditional] workflows iterate too slowly.” While misaligned strategy, resourcing, and organization contribute to marketers’ troubles, process problems are core to the issue. These problems include: ›› Too many approvals. Companies, particularly regulated ones, often insert multiple approvers to minimize risk. However, this hierarchy creates bottlenecks, delays content creation, and causes missed opportunities. Social media allows a slim window to join a conversation before content becomes stale. Thanks to Wendy’s streamlined process, flat marketing structure, and empowered

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For B2C Marketing Professionals

October 24, 2018

Real-Time Processes For Real-Time Social Marketing Processes: The Social Marketing Playbook

employees, the brand was able to capitalize on a customer tweeting, “Yo @Wendys how many retweets for a year of free chicken nuggets?”7 Wendy’s quick response: “18 million,” propelling #NuggsForCarter to most-retweeted-tweet-of-all-time status.8 ›› Unsuitably long lead times. Marketers who are accustomed to traditional media’s prolonged processes may have difficulty thinking in accelerated social time. Multiple approvers outside of marketing who can’t move at social marketing’s speed exacerbate the problem. One social media agency told us that stakeholders “who have not had their ‘gears greased’ don’t understand that social has to be up and running in a matter of days instead of weeks,” which creates bottlenecks and delays. ›› Divided attention. Social marketers find their priorities split between managing inbound communications versus planning for outbound content. Companies ill-equipped to handle a large volume of incoming messages default to reactive mode, pushing proactive mode to the back seat. “The inbound volume is daunting if you don’t have the right resources or right structures and processes in place to manage that day in and day out,” states Andrew Caravella, vice president of strategy and brand engagement at Sprout Social.

Establish Distinct But Interdependent Processes For Social Demands Marketers must implement workflows that can handle unpredictability and react quickly while still facilitating future planning. To achieve this balance, branch social marketing workflows into two separate but connected states: always-on versus campaign processes. We define these as such: “Always-on” social marketing processes are a steady state of activities that are unpredictable and customer or industry initiated. Examples include customer inquiries, brand mentions, cultural moments, industry breaking news, and crisis management. “Campaign” social marketing processes are time-bound efforts that are planned and brand initiated. Examples include integrated branding efforts, regularly scheduled social series, new product launches, contests/promotions, holiday/seasonal messaging, and live events. Consider a fictional shoe brand, “Kicks,” that builds separate but related processes to handle both always-on and campaign social marketing needs fluidly (see Figure 1).

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For B2C Marketing Professionals

October 24, 2018

Real-Time Processes For Real-Time Social Marketing Processes: The Social Marketing Playbook

FIGURE 1 Always-On Versus Campaign Social Marketing Processes, Illustrated With Fictional Company “Kicks”







Industry or customer


Examples and triggers

Customer inquiries Customer tweet: “@Kicks, where can I find the green in size 8?”

Brand mentions Instagram photo and caption: “Loving my new @Kicks!”

Cultural moments Fashion blogger Tumblr post: Star athlete spotted buying Kicks

New launches Instagram photo: Sneak peek for the upcoming new Kicks co-lab line

Industry breaking news Retail publisher Facebook post: Sneaker technology reaches new heights

Contests/promotions Tweet incentive: 20% off with code

Holidays/seasons Pinterest board: Gift ideas for December holiday shopping season

Live events Facebook Live video: Kicks-sponsored athletes competing at the Olympics

Crisis management Global news outlet tweet: Kicks defect forces a recall

General brand messaging Facebook ad: generic “Kicks means performance” brand platform

Social series “How to” video series: “How to care for your Kicks in 30 seconds”

Establish A Process To Master The Always-On State Brands typically begin their social presences with always-on because they are compelled to respond to unexpected customer or industry prompts. After realizing demand for social customer service, Apple finally joined Twitter with an @AppleSupport account to assist.9 Whether activities are customer initiated (e.g., inquiries, comments, brand mentions) or industry led (e.g., culturally relevant moments, industry breaking news), the always-on state is one encompassing process (see Figure 2): ›› Plan diligently to avoid social media stumbles. Social media’s unpredictable nature makes planning critical in the always-on state, but time pressures tempt marketers to rush this step. Do your due diligence by creating a master social marketing playbook that maps all of your always-on processes. Include key information such as people, workflows, timing, and templated responses. Digital transformation agency SapientRazorfish works with its clients to establish a red-yellowgreen customer response framework indicating an urgency level and dictates steps for how to react to each color state. For customer service activity specifically, apply Forrester’s recommendations on social customer care.10

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For B2C Marketing Professionals

October 24, 2018

Real-Time Processes For Real-Time Social Marketing Processes: The Social Marketing Playbook

›› Monitor your social footprint. Fielding incoming customer messages is table stakes but also look for proactive opportunities to engage. According to Dan Moriarty, former director of digital strategy and activation at Hyatt, “Instead of responding only to those who @mention or tag our social channels, which often meant they had a problem that needed solving, the past few years have been about proactively responding to anyone who mentions our brands with or without our social channels included.”11 Rely on your social listening platform to push relevant brand, competitive, industry, and cultural alerts so you can detect early brand crisis and join pertinent conversations.12 ›› Respond to deliver on your brand promise and manage your social reputation. For common issues covered in your playbook, use templated responses to deliver fast answers. For unique questions, cultural moments, or opportunities to avert crisis, loop in other departments and dictate a deadline for action and response. Safe Auto Insurance Company assembled lists of insurance FAQs and bucketed common questions into three categories to allow for faster access to answers and improved response times internally and externally. It routes customer-specific questions to its claims or customer service groups to take the conversation into a private environment and replies within hours. ›› Measure to assess your always-on performance. Regularly track key performance indicators (KPIs) and metrics established during the plan phase to get a pulse on how your process is working. For example, if your company measures customer satisfaction (CSAT) using a time-toresolution metric, customer service agents will focus on average speed of answer (ASA). From 2010 to 2013, BNP Paribas increased its number of mentions and subsequently its brand visibility by 5,000% by alerting its services team of negative feedback in real time, allowing the company to quickly resolve those issues.13 ›› Optimize to improve process efficiency. An effective process requires adjustments and iterations. Assess your process against business objectives and KPIs. For example, has your streamlined process decreased ASA but failed to improve CSAT? Set up experiments: Isolate distinct stages of your process, change a variable, and track progress toward the goal. Additionally, audit employees and ask if any part of the process is cumbersome or unclear. Health Care Service Corporation (HCSC) registered 800,000 new individuals in the Affordable Care Act’s first year but lost $800 million in that business line. HCSC looked to call center, survey, and social data to assess ASA but determined that it actually needed to decrease customer effort scores (how conveniently and easily customers could get information and answers). The company adjusted processes, like its call center’s automated prompts, and saw improved CSAT.14

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For B2C Marketing Professionals

October 24, 2018

Real-Time Processes For Real-Time Social Marketing Processes: The Social Marketing Playbook

FIGURE 2 The Always-On Social Marketing Process Steps Create distinct tracks for: — Customer inquiries and brand mentions. — Cultural moments and industry breaking news. — Crisis management.



Master playbook

For all tracks, include RACI charts, flow charts, key approvers, permissions, templated responses, creative and voice brand guidelines, and expected turnaround times.

For crisis management, also include SWAT team chart and crisis escalation steps.

Set up alerts for brand and competitor mentions, industry news, and cultural keywords.

Social listening platform

Field incoming customer messages or brand mentions.

Sort and tag messages.

Social media management solution

Direct to appropriate internal teams and mentions.

Whenever possible, use templated responses.

When impossible, activate designated teams to create quickly approved content.

Track KPIs that serve business objectives.

Report metrics via social, marketing, and other enterprise dashboards.

Any social tech tracking metrics

Marketing measurement and optimization solution

Business intelligence platform




Social media management solution

Assess process against business objectives and KPIs.

Efficiency metrics reports

Set up experiments to test variables if needed.

Interview colleagues.

Adjust as needed.

Internal surveys and feedback forms


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For B2C Marketing Professionals

October 24, 2018

Real-Time Processes For Real-Time Social Marketing Processes: The Social Marketing Playbook

Set Up Protocols To Serve Always-On Activities That Require Hyperquick Turnarounds Certain always-on social marketing activities require even more timeliness due to their higher risk or reward profile. To achieve even greater speed-to-market, implement additional protocols for these efforts: ›› Crisis management when your brand’s reputation is on the line. Crises do not abide by a 9-to5 work schedule. Proactively define a SWAT team and circulate names and contact information to involved parties, especially for off-hour situations. Identify a social administrator empowered to take quick action, such as removing posts. SapientRazorfish worked with a prominent consumer packaged goods (CPG) client to address a health issue concerning one of its products. The brand activated its SWAT team of marketers, agency representatives, PR agents, and lawyers, and all hands on deck worked through the weekend to respond to the crisis in an appropriate and timely manner. For further detail, read Forrester’s recommendations on how to manage social crisis.15 ›› Timely cultural moments that allow for brand relevance and potential breakthrough. Legal approval and too many cooks are often holdups for quick responses. Activate a pre-identified legal representative to fast-track creative and media approvals. Identify which stakeholders you can bypass to publish content faster. “Some organizations aren’t designed for real time and require multiple sign-offs from executives, but social content has a very short shelf life,” explains Josh Rickel, former vice president, product marketing at Spredfast. Establish A Separate Process To Master The Campaign State Brands and agencies incorporating social into brand planning must rethink the entire campaign process instead of treating social media as an afterthought channel. Travelers Insurance’s digital marketing team worked across the organization to develop integrated marketing plans in these steps: identify business objectives, distill audience insights from all channels, create a narrative for business units to deliver content, develop a channel strategy that includes social media, and plot a master editorial calendar before moving into review and activation stages. Campaign activities vary from planned social posts to full multichannel communication efforts, but the process to implement those activities in a social media environment remains the same (see Figure 3): ›› Plan using social media for insights, testing, and distribution. Don’t think of social media as only a place to push content. James Gross, cofounder of Percolate, says: “Marketers are coming out of treating social as a customer service channel and trying to move it to brand marketing. Ultimately, a marketer’s goal is to move social into the strategic part of the overall planning process.” Use social media to vet ideas and better understand your customers. Test different messages with a small budget before committing bigger spend. You may even realize that social media is not the right place for this particular campaign — and that’s OK.

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For B2C Marketing Professionals

October 24, 2018

Real-Time Processes For Real-Time Social Marketing Processes: The Social Marketing Playbook

›› Produce unique assets for each social network. Do not subscribe to a one-size-fits-all mindset where TV commercials are repurposed for Facebook as is. To maximize user engagement, assets should be unique to each social network. This requires foresight in early production stages (e.g., photo or video shoots). Brands also need to create templated assets for dexterous campaign use. Global beauty company Henkel created a principal story that served as a master asset template for the duration of a certain campaign. From there, Henkel’s local marketing teams could pull from the pre-produced templates and adapt creative assets to fit the social channels important in their local markets. ›› Distribute social posts using automated tools. Automation streamlines the approval process compared to emailing spreadsheets. When publishing content to social networks, schedule posts through social networks’ native dashboards or via a third-party platform covered in Forrester’s social marketing playbook tools and technology report.16 Companies with quieter social media activity may publish directly to social networks, whereas global consumer packaged goods (CPG) company Unilever relied on an SMMS to post large volumes of diverse social content by brand.17 ›› Measure to assess your campaign performance. Using metrics instituted in the plan phase, assess whether KPIs have moved the needle on your campaign’s business objectives. For example, after running a brand reputation campaign to boost favorability, use social listening to see if brand sentiment improved by comparing pre- and post-campaign sentiment. Or your goal might be to increase seasonal sales. The Four Seasons Hotel New York needed to offset business travel decline in the summer. Using a targeted social campaign and highlighting family-friendly amenities, the hotel saw its year-to-year summer revenue grow by 5% and its social community increase by double digits.18 ›› Optimize to improve process efficiency and efficacy. Improve your campaign process by conducting a postmortem with internal stakeholders; internal feedback fosters understanding for future improvements. Ask participants to complete a scorecard on what worked and what didn’t in your campaign process, and assess performance gaps in content quality, timelines, team dynamics, and your team’s general sentiment. Additionally, bring in other parts of the organization, like product, legal, compliance, customer service, and agency partners, to improve understanding and to uncover other optimization opportunities in the campaign process. Smoothing this process with the marketing group and beyond will set you up for success with your next campaign.

© 2018 Forrester Research, Inc. Unauthorized copying or distributing is a violation of copyright law. or +1 866-367-7378


For B2C Marketing Professionals

October 24, 2018

Real-Time Processes For Real-Time Social Marketing Processes: The Social Marketing Playbook

FIGURE 3 The Campaign Social Marketing Process

Steps •

Gather audience insights across channels, including social.

Social listening platform

Identify business objectives.

Craft an integrated brief.

Develop a channel strategy using social as a testing ground.

Social media management solution

Plot a master editorial calendar.

Map the production schedule based on channel strategy.

Create a measurement plan.

Create assets unique to each social network’s purpose, audience, and formats (e.g., size, length, orientation, sound, etc.).

Incorporate stakeholder feedback, and get approvals.

Create and execute a tagging strategy according to the measurement plan.

Schedule social content to go live (organic or paid).

Assign a budget amount for paid posts.






Production resources

Social media management solution

Social adtech

Word of mouth marketing platform

Track KPIs that serve business objectives.

Report metrics via social, marketing, and other enterprise dashboards.

Any social tech tracking metrics

Marketing measurement and optimization solution

• Business intelligence platform


Assess process against business objectives and KPIs.

Set up experiments to test variables if needed.

Interview colleagues.

Adjust as needed.

Efficiency metrics reports

Internal surveys and feedback forms

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For B2C Marketing Professionals

October 24, 2018

Real-Time Processes For Real-Time Social Marketing Processes: The Social Marketing Playbook

Set Up Protocols To Serve Campaign Activities That Require Hyperquick Turnarounds Similar to always-on, specific campaign activities exist that demand faster response times. To achieve even greater speed-to-market, implement additional protocols for these efforts: ›› Live events that offer real-time content opportunities. Insert a dedicated staffer onsite to feed content in real time. Position another resource in front of the social controls to monitor for content creation opportunities and user-generated content reposting in real time. One social media agency places its staff onsite at a client’s industry events in order to feed content to brand managers on standby. These brand managers provide quick approvals and post event content without significant lag. ›› Promotions, contests, and sweepstakes that engage consumers for a set time. These popular social marketing activities offer greater engagement but also unpredictability. Map as many social scenarios as possible and hold dress rehearsals to practice each outcome, ensuring that all team members are prepared to act. The Voice, a singing competition television show, partners with Twitter to create 5 minutes of real-time audience voting during which viewers can “instant save” a singer from leaving the show.19 To pull this off, the show activates Twitter staff to track tweet votes and anticipates contestant name misspellings by writing a list of spelling permutations in advance.20

Processes Must Be In Lockstep And Serve The Broader Organization Operating always-on and campaign processes independently leads to confused consumers when voice and messaging are inconsistent and lost opportunities when teams do not share insights. Imagine if our fictional sneaker company, Kicks, learned on social media that customers universally detested its newest sneaker, yet it pushed forward with a splashy ad campaign for said sneaker. Kicks would appear tone-deaf. The two processes must work closely with one another as well as integrate into the broader organization; ultimately, they should: ›› Integrate with each other. Insights from the measure phase cross-pollinate with the opposing plan phase (see Figure 4). For example, multiple customer inquiries from your always-on process might indicate customer confusion about your product, leading you to plan a How-To social video series in your campaign process. Additionally, the always-on monitor phase might alert you to an industry crisis, pushing you to delay your upcoming planned campaign. To sync your two processes, establish frequent communication with weekly status meetings, and give advance warning for rush jobs or anticipated busy times. Allianz built trust by having upfront conversations with its stakeholders and prepared them for expected work. “Don’t ask forgiveness later; ask permission early,” recommends Kary Delaria, social media manager. ›› Integrate with ancillary teams. Always-on processes intertwine with the customer service center, and campaign processes mesh with media and PR teams. Legal and compliance also interact with both modes. Educate stakeholders on how your processes dictate workflows

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For B2C Marketing Professionals

October 24, 2018

Real-Time Processes For Real-Time Social Marketing Processes: The Social Marketing Playbook

through the teams. Sophisticated organizations have moved their social customer care process into customer service centers. Hertz connected its customer service agents to its marketing team’s social conversation monitoring software, thereby syncing the teams and improving Hertz’s social customer response rate.21 ›› Integrate with the broader organization. Break social media out of marketing and create a stronger social enterprise. Social media insights help research and development improve products and services, human resources engage talent prospects, and customer insights assemble a richer customer portrait. Manifest, a service design agency, works with marketers to pull in product teams and feed them social insights to inform product development. General Electric (GE) hired a former social media marketer to run its social media recruiting efforts and strengthen the connection between marketing communications and GE’s “employment brand,” improving dialogue and process between the formerly siloed entities.

FIGURE 4 Always-On And Campaign Social Processes Integrate With Each Other













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For B2C Marketing Professionals

October 24, 2018

Real-Time Processes For Real-Time Social Marketing Processes: The Social Marketing Playbook


Get Your Social Marketing Processes In Gear For Real Time Many B2C marketers are so busy reacting to social media, they barely have time to step back and evaluate themselves. Failing to methodically plan your always-on and campaign social marketing processes puts your brand at risk, not just during a social crisis but also competitively when your campaigns fail to use the full power of social media for brand planning. Get started with these steps: ›› Understand the volume of conversation. Use a social listening platform to reveal the volume of conversation on your category, competitors, and brand. This gauge gives you a sense of the opportunity and urgency that awaits you and determines the types of processes you need to implement. Twenty-one percent of US online adults are Social Skippers who don’t seek out interaction with companies on social media.22 If your customers are in this group, you won’t converse with them via social marketing. ›› Audit your current social processes. Investigate how you currently conduct your social processes by sketching flow charts, and identify how long it takes to move from stage to stage. Do your sketches align with your social needs? With the process flow charts in this report? If not, identify the gaps and redraw. Invite diverse teams to this audit, including customer service, customer insights, agencies, legal, and security and risk. And don’t forget the Post-it notes.23 ›› Define your cross-functional core team. Cross-functional teams working closely together enable fast social marketing execution. Schedule regular meetings to discuss customer findings and internal process issues, and tackle them as a group. Travelers Insurance held a daily morning call with its social listening, customer service, marketing, and PR teams. The multidisciplinary team collectively reviewed reports of all customer interactions across Travelers Insurance’s social accounts from the previous 24 hours and addressed “non-obvious” problems, creating a stopgap to address issues and better serve its customers.

© 2018 Forrester Research, Inc. Unauthorized copying or distributing is a violation of copyright law. or +1 866-367-7378


For B2C Marketing Professionals

October 24, 2018

Real-Time Processes For Real-Time Social Marketing Processes: The Social Marketing Playbook

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Supplemental Material Companies Interviewed For This Report We would like to thank the individuals from the following companies who generously gave their time during the research for this report. Allianz






General Electric

Sprout Social


Travelers Insurance



Safe Auto Insurance Company © 2018 Forrester Research, Inc. Unauthorized copying or distributing is a violation of copyright law. or +1 866-367-7378


For B2C Marketing Professionals

October 24, 2018

Real-Time Processes For Real-Time Social Marketing Processes: The Social Marketing Playbook

Endnotes Source: “How policy changes work,” Twitter Blog, October 20, 2017 ( company/2017/HowPolicyChangesWork.html).


Source: Arman Panjwani, “Snap Inc. Q2 2018 Transcript,” Snap Investor Relations ( Files/S/Snap-IR/reports-and-presentations/snap-inc-q2-2018-earnings-transcript.pdf).


Source: Alexandra Bruell, “The Ad Agency of the Future Is Coming. Are You Ready?” Ad Age, May 2, 2016 (https://


Source: Elaine Reddy, “The power of now: everyday fashion,” Twitter Blog, September 11, 2015 (https://blog.twitter. com/official/en_us/a/2015/the-power-of-now-everyday-fashion.html).


Source: Sara Haralson, “Red Lobster Made a Really Lame Beyoncé Joke,” Fortune, February 8, 2016 (http://fortune. com/2016/02/08/red-lobster-beyonce/).


Source: “The Q3 2017 Sprout Social Index,” Sprout Social (


Source: Tom Ward, “Nuggs And Sass: Inside Wendy’s Social Media Secret Sauce,” Forbes, May 9, 2017 (https://www.


Source: “#NuggsForCarter is now the most Retweeted Tweet of all time,” Twitter Blog, May 9, 2017 (https://blog.


Source: Lauren Johnson, “Apple Finally Joins Twitter With an Eye Toward Socializing Its Customer Service,” Adweek, March 3, 2016 (


See the Forrester report “Build Customer Relationships With Social Customer Care.”


Source: “Customer success story: Serving the Social Guest the Hyatt way,” Conversocial (http://www.conversocial. com/hubfs/Hyatt_Case_Study.pdf?t=1459909923789).


Forrester researched, analyzed, and scored the 12 most significant enterprise social listening platforms in our 30-criteria evaluation. This report shows how each provider measures up and helps B2C marketing professionals make the right choice. See the Forrester report “The Forrester Wave™: Enterprise Social Listening Platforms, Q1 2016.”


Source: Tatiana Tilearcio, “Understanding Social Listening Brand Health for Financial Services,” Synthesio, October 16, 2015 (


Source: HCSC presentation at Clarabridge, C3 Conference 2016.


See the Forrester report “Social Crisis Management: Get Back To Basics.”


See the Forrester report “Vendor Landscape: Social Marketing Technology.”


Source: “Establishing Global Brand Consistency,” Percolate (


Source: “How Four Seasons increased revenue with a genius social promotion,” Spredfast (https://www.spredfast. com/social-media-case-study/how-four-seasons-increased-revenue-genius-social-promotion).


Source: Fred Graver, “Tweet to ‘save’ artists on NBC’s The Voice,” Twitter Blog, November 12, 2013 (https://blog.


Source: Jennifer Arellano, “Voting on ‘The Voice’: Is the Twitter ‘instant save’ a good thing?” Entertainment Weekly, November 12, 2013 (


Source: Keith A. Quesenberry, “Social Media Is Too Important to Be Left to the Marketing Department,” Harvard Business Review, April 19, 2016 (


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For B2C Marketing Professionals

October 24, 2018

Real-Time Processes For Real-Time Social Marketing Processes: The Social Marketing Playbook

See the Forrester report “Social Technographics® Reveals Who Your Social Audience Is — And How To Approach Them.”


Source: “Create a process flow diagram to kickstart your plans,” Post-it ( ideas/articles/create-a-process-flow-diagram-to-kickstart-your-plans/).


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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.