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ENGINEER “ALI MIRZA AND HIS CLAIM THAT IMAM IBN TAIMIAH COMMITED KUFR [ASTTAGHFARULLAH] Engineer “Ali: Mirza does not believe that ‘Ima:m ‘ibn Taimiah RH: is a Muslim rather he believes that ‘Ima:m ‘ibn Taimiah is a Ka:fir. This may be an effect of Takfiri: Minded Zubair , the former teacher or master if Engineer “Ali: Mirza. Engineer “Ali Mirza: claims that that he does not declare ‘Ima:m Ibn Taimiah RD: as kafir since it is he might have repented prior to his death. This implies that if ‘ima:m ‘Ibn Taimiah RD: did not repent , then he dies as a Ka:fir. That is what this person namely Engineer “Ali: Mirza: to do. This is a conspiracy of pragmatic mind of “Ali: Mirza: of Jhelum. He want to convince his audiences and his viewers that ‘Ima:m ‘Ibn Taimiah RD: committed a Kufr with Certainty and certitude. [ ‘astaghfarullah]. One of the objections conceived in the mind of the Objection Maker [“Ali Mirza:] is that ‘Ima:m ‘Ibn Taimiah RD: IS THAT:=

Ima:m ‘Ibn TaImIah belIeves ThaT The Temporals [h:ava:DITh:] are begInnIng- less, anD There Is no fIrsT Temporal exIsTenT. Engineer “Ali Mirza: claims that this is a Kufr with Certainty. It appears that the objection of “Ali: Mirza: must be analyzed in several preliminaries.

fIrsT prelImInary:= ‘Ima:m ‘Ibn Taimiah RD: and the Dogmas of PreExistence and Eternity of Divine Essence [‘ALL-H ] and Divine Atrributes. An Infinite Back Word Series Of Temporals [H:ava:dith:] implies that “ To Each and Every Temporal Thing there is a Temporal Thing Prior to It. But no member of the Infinite Series is Temporal [Non Eternal]. The following are the Implied Results of this belief.


3 1] ‘ALL-H is INFINITE Prior to Each and Every Temporal Thing in the Infinite Back Ward Series. 2] The Divine Attributes Of ‘ALL-H are Infinitely Prior to Each and Every Temporal Existng tThing in the Infinite Back Ward SeriesSereis . 3] The Series Does not Reache to Eternity Since No Member of the Series is Eternal. In other Words , there is an Infinite series of H:ava:dith:; and to each and every H:a:dith: of the Infinite series of H:va:dith there is a H:a:dith: Prior to it . Yet none of the member of the infinite Back Word Series of H:ava:dith: is Eternal. So there is no member in the Infinite Back Ward Series that is Eternal , Yet it is in direction toward Eternity. But it never reaches to Eternity, but always tends to the Eternity. Even the beginning-lesness of the series cannot imply the series to reach at Eternity. MATHEMATICAL EXPLANATION:= This concept can best be understood by MODERN MATHEMATICS. For Example there are Infinite Many Real Numbers Prior to Any Arbitrarily Chosen Real Number say


Yet none of the number in the set of Infinite Many Real Numbers Prior to the Number

β0 is infinitely Prior to it i.e

β0. Like wise there are infinite many Temporals Prior to any given Temporal say 0 yet none of them is Infinitely Prior to

0 .

Only Eternity and Eternals [Divine Essence and Divine Attribibutes].

IMPLIESD RESULTS:= A] This doeth Imply that the ETERNITY AND PREEXISTENCE OF DIVINE ESEENCE [ALL-H] AND DIVINE ATTRIBUTES ARE PERPETUALLY AND ETERNALLY CONSERVED. B] The infinite Back Ward Series is not Eternal since no member of the series is Eternal and the Necessary and Sufficient Condition for an Infinite Series to Be Eternal is thatAtleast one of the Member of the Series is Eternal and PreExistent. DIFFERENCE FROM PHILOSOPHERS:= Philosophers Of Islam Like Ibn Sina and Ibn Rushd believe that Some Temporals like the world or the Basic Matter [Prime Matter] of the Cosmos is Eternal. The False Impression. It does appear that an Infinite Series approaching towards Eternity reacheth Eternity and atleast one of the Member of the series is Eternal. This is not the case . SIMILARITYES AND DISSIMILARITY FROM MAJORITY OF AHLUSSUNNAH [ASHA:’IRAH AND MATURIDIAH] Similarity: 1] ALL-H and His Uncreated Attributes are infinitely Prior TO the Series of Temporals . 2] ALL-H and His Uncreated Attributes are PRE-EXISTENT AND ETERNAL NOT ONLY TO EACH MEMBER OF SERIES BUT TO THE SERIESITSELF. Dissimilarity


4 1] ALL-H and His Uncreated Attributes are infinitely Prior TO the Finite Series of Temprals as according to Majority of Ahlussunnah and ALL-H and His Uncreated Attributes are infinitely Prior TO the Infinite Finite Series of Temprals according to Minority of ‘Ahlussunnah. 2] ATLEAT ONE TEMPORAL IS ACTULLY FIRST TEMPORAL according to Majority Of Ahlussunnah and any one of the Temporal can be claimed to be Relatively First according to the Minority Of ‘Ahlussunnah. DECLARATION Minority of ‘Ahlussunnah Cannot be declared as Non ‘Ahlussunnahj or as Kafir. Or Both. That is Extremism and Kharjism. The saqme is true for Majority of ‘Ahlussunnah. We have tried to shew that ‘Imam Ibn Taimiah RH: neither Denieth Eternity Of ‘ALL-H naf His Uncreated ‘Attributes Nor Denieth Their Pre Existence as incorrectly assumed by Zubair “Ali Zai and his Apostatre Student Engineer “Ali Mirza: of the Place called Jhelum.

seconD prelImInary:= ‘Ima:m ‘Ibn Taimiah RD: believed that there is a difference between CREATION and Temporal. According to him each and Every Creation is a Temporal but not Every Temporal is a Creation. When he saith ‘AL H:AVA:DITH: LA ‘AUVALA LAHA: ‘;It means Temporals which are not Creations. Such Temporals are Divine Acts. According to ‘Ima:m ‘Ibn Taimiah RD: Divine Attributes are Uncreated and Eternal but Divine Acts are Not Eternal [Temporal] But also not Created. One may summaries as follow:= 1] Divine Essence [ ALL-H Subh:a:n-hu: Va Ta”a:la:] is Eternal, Pre Existent Continous and Uncreated . 2] Divine Uncreated AttributesOf ‘ALL-H [ ALL-H Subh:a:n-hu: Va Ta”a:la:] Are Eternal, Pre Existent Continous and Uncreated . 3]Divine Nouns Of ‘ALL-H [ ALL-H Subh:a:n-hu: Va Ta”a:la:] Are Eternal, Pre Existent Continuous and Uncreated . 4] Divine Acts and Doings are Neither Eternal nor Created., Neither Pre-existents nor Continuous. So ‘Imam ‘Ibn Taimiah is neither talking about Creations nor Talking about Divine Attributes as incorrectly assumed by Shaikh ‘Al Ba:ni: RH: . There are two types OF Divine Acts. [α] Transitive Acts [Doings] .[ β] Intransitive Acts. Creation is one of the Transitive Acts.


5 “Imam Ibn Taimiah sharply differentiateth between Act of Creation and the Created Thing. That is a Transative Act and a Term of the Transative Act. Very Few Divine Acts which emanateth from Divine Attributes Have Terms as in the case of Act of Speaking. The Ability TO Speak [Ability of Speech] is the Divine Attribute, Act of Speaking is the Divine Act which Emanateth from the Stated Attribute of Speech is the Divine Act , and the Words, Sentences, Expressions and Letters Spoken are the Terms of the Divine Act of Speaking. What that is implied from the works of ‘Ima:m Ibn Taimiah is as follow:= I} The Attribute of Speech is Eternal [Qadi:m/Ghair H:a:dith:] , Ghair Makhlu:q and Ghair Maj”u:l. In other words they are Ghair H:a:dith: [Eternal] , Ghair Makhlu:q [Uncreated] and Ghair Maj”u:l[Unmade]. 2] The Act of Speaking is Neither Eternal Nor Makhlu:q [Created] and Also not Maj”u:l [Made]. They are Just H:a:dith: [Temporal/Non Eternal/Ghair Qadi:m], but neither Makhlu:q nor Maj”u:l. In other words they are H:a:dith: [Non-Eternal/Temporal/Ghair Qadi:m] Yet Ghair Makhlu:q [Uncreated] and Ghair Maj”u:l[Unmade]. 3] The Terms of Divine Acts Of Speaking are Temporal [Non Eternal/H:a:dith:/Ghair Qadi:m] and Maj”ul. Yet they are neither Eternal nor Makhlu:q’ . In other words they are H:a:dith: [Non-Eternal/Ghair Qadi:m] , Ghair Makhlu:q [Uncreated] Yet Maj”u:l [made].

This theological delicacies may be understood properly . I my self differ and believe in “Ash”arite and Maturidite believes in regard to the Divine Speech yet ‘Imam ‘Ibn Taimiah cannot be declared as Kafir or even Ghair Sunni, as alleged by JHELUMI ENGINNER “ALI MIRZA. Shaikh ‘Alba:nis was unable to understand the Delicacies of the Concept of ‘Ima:m ‘Ibn Taimiah RH: . Simple Minded Shaikh “Ali Zai was also confused since both Zubair “Ali Zai AND Shaikh “Alba:ni: RH: were neither theologians nor Philosophers. But Shaikh ‘Alba:ni: never declared ‘Ima:m ‘ibn Taimiah as Kafir, since he confessed the Superiority Of ‘Ima:m ‘Ibn Taimiah RD: OVER Himself. Zubair “Ali Zai did not have the courage to declare ‘Imam ‘Ibn Taimiah RH: to declare as a Ghair ‘Ahl H:adi:th: . He knoweth consequences of this . But Engineer “Ali Mirza: can say any thing to any one. Wate for the Day Engineer “Ali Mirza saith some thing to ‘Ima:m Bukha:ri [‘Astaghfarullah]. ASHARITES AND MATURIDITES DO BELIEVE THAT ONLY ESSENTIAL ATTRIBUTES OF ALL-H ARE UNCREATED AND ETERNAL. THE BELIEVE THAT ACTS OF ‘ALL-H Are CREATED AND TEMPORAL. RELATIVE ATTRIBUTES OF ETERNAL ATTRIBUTES ARE ABSTRACTIONS. ONLY EXTREMISTS CAN DECLARE ANY ONE OF THE FOUR SCHOOLS OF THOUGHT AS GHAIRU ‘AHLISSUNNAH [‘ASTAGHFARULLH] .


6 Similarly Zubair “Ali Zai had no idea of Immanent Act [Acts in association of the Essence of the Agent or Acts Subsisting in the Agent of the Act] and Not Immanent Acts, [Acts with neither Subsisteth in the Essence of the Agent of the Act nor Exist in Association with the Essence of the Agent of the Act] i.e Eternal /Extraneous Acts.

Third Preliminary:= One may simply explain that ‘ALL-H [SVT] Is Reciting Qur’a:n such that to each and every Recitation of Qu’a:n there is a distinct Recitation Prior to It. This implies an Infinite Series of Recitations of Qur’a:n in Back Ward Direction. This is Sufficient to shew that H:avadith: Have no beginning. May one ask the Engineer of Jhelum if ‘ALL-H Himself speaketh Qur’an then Which on e of the following options is correct about the Act of Speaking of Qur’a:n BY ‘ALL-H Himself???? 1] The Act of Speaking and the Spoken Qu’a:n both are Ghair H:adith: , Ghair Makhluq and Ghair Maj”u:l. 2] They both are H:a:dith: ; both are Ghair Makhlu:aq and Ghair Maj”u:l. 3] They both are H:a:dith: ; they both are Ghair Makhlu:q; Yet the act of Speaking is Ghair Maj”u:l and the Spoken Qur’a:n is Maj”u:l . 4] They both are H:a:dith: ; they both are Ghair Makhlu:q; Yet the act of Speaking is Maj”u:l and the Spoken Qur’a:n is Ghair Maj”u:l . 5] None of these.

This Multiple Choice Question Exposes the True Reality and Real Truth of the Engineer of City of Jhelum . There is a very very strong Probability [Not Just Possibility] that Our Enginner Shall Not Attempt to Answer? There is a very very strong Probability That the Enginner Of Jhelum shall use his engineered Technique of just Reciting this MCQ and then saying

ASTAGHFARULLAH . As if it is some thing a sort of Kufr. To prevent Engineer”Ali Mirza from using this sort of technique which is Engineered by him we present a verse from Holy Qur’a:n Itself.

Indeed, We have [JA”ALNA:HU] made it an Arabic Qur'an that you might understand. AZ-ZUKHRUF (THE ORNAMENTS OF GOLD) - ‫سورة الزخرف‬

‘A:YAH NUMBER 03. This is a Verse used by Mu”tazilah to prove that Qur’a:n is a Malhlu:q. Diffent Sunni subsects used different interpretations and explainations of this Verse. Each one of them is capable of refutation Of Mu”tazilite Argument from this verse. Ima:m Ibn Taimiah’s Approach is different from a number of 6

7 Other Sunni Scholars, Philosophers, Dialectics, Theologians, and Debaters . According to him there are things which are neither Eternal nor Creations. How ever these like Divine Attributes are NOT Per Se Subsistent [Qa:’im Bi Nafsihi:], yet they are not like Essential Attributes but are ‘Acts. A number of latter commentators of Ima:m ‘Ibn Taimiah explained that Attribute of Speech is both Essential and Active. It is neither Pure Active Attribute nor Pure Essential Attribute of ‘ALL-H. But a critical study reveals the fact that has been explained above. Any how the words spoken by ‘ALL-H Himself are Neither Eternal Nor Creation yet Temporal like the very act of speaing as according to ‘Ima:m ‘ibn Taimiah RH: . May one ask Engineer “Ali Mirza: . “Does he differentiates between the QUR’A:N SPOKEN BY ‘ALL-H HIMSELF and the QUR’A:N RECITED BY Human Beings, Angel Beings and Jin Beings [additionally QUR’A:N on recording devices]? Also does he believe that Qur’a:n Spoken or Recited By ‘ALL-H Himself is Creation or not if not then Eternal or Temporal”? It would have been a good thing that this Engineer “AliMirza would have asked his former teacher [Zubair “Ali Zai] about this question. But as Zubair has passed away nothing can be done now. One may go back to Mu”tazilah –‘Ahlusunnah controversy. The problem began when Mu”azilah denied Divine Attributes.

“The denial or the acceptance of the Divine Attributes has led to another problem in Muslim theology with regard to the nature of the Qur’an — whether it is Eternal or Created. The traditionalist Muslims argued that the Qur’an is the Word of Allah (S.V.T.) and Existed before its Revelation and even before the Creation of the world.That is Quran is PreExistent. This is a belief in the pre-existent Qur’an, which is prior in time to the Creation of the world and human.”

It is reported by Imam ash-Shahrastani (RH:.) that the Hanbaliyyah do not say that the Qur’an in this physical form as a printed book read by Muslims is Eternal and Uncreated: “We should not assert the Eternity of the letters and sounds, which subsist in our tongues.” The position of Imam ‘Ah:mad Ibn H:anbal (RH:), requires further clarification, because he asserts the Eternity of the Qur’an, and at the same time, as it seems, he does not Attribute Eternity to the copy of the Qur’an, which we read in the present book form. In this regard one can conclude 7


that Imam ‘Ah:mad Ibn H:anbal (RH:) distinguishes between two Qur’ans of the same kind. The first Qur’an, Revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (SAS.), is Eternal, having its own Existence and Reality before the Creation of the world, and the Qur’an that comes into existence whenever we recite it.It is certainly different from the one that is descended upon Holy Prophet [S:AVS]. Ima:m ‘Ibn Taimiah RH: differentiateth between the QUR’A: N SPOKEN/RECITED BY ‘ALL-H Himeself and one THAT is reviled or inspired to Prophet [S:”AVS] . But the act of recitation of QUR’A:N by ‘ALL-H Himself cannot be a Creation, and the Recited QU’R’AN, Recited by ‘ALL-H Himself is also not a Creation. An Infinite Backward series of Recitations of Qu’a:n and Recited Qur’a:n may be termporal but with out a begening as explained in above Preliminaries. See above. This single answer is capable to refute “Ali Mirza: alleged Objection on ‘Ima:m ‘Ibn Taimiah RH: Once for all times .

Forth Preliminary:= It appears that ‘Ima:m ‘Ibn Taimiah Contradicted a S:ah:i:h: H:adi:th:. It may be the case that Engineer of Jhelum considers that to reject a S:H:I:H: H:ADI:TH: is Kufr. But is is not the correct thing. Since these traditions are about the Creations. If an Uncreated thing excludes them it is just according to the basic Axiom of ALL Sunni SUBSECTS. How ever majority of Ahlussunah believes that any thing Uncreated is Eternal but Some Minorities of ‘Ahlussunnah do believe that Not All Uncreated are Eternal. But they agree on one Point that Any thing Uncreated is not among the Creations and Creatures of ‘ALLH. IF Enginner “Ali Mirza: can declare that Imam ‘Ibn Taimiah Contradicted some S:AH:I:H: H:ADI:TH: and there for he is Kafir then “Ali Mirza must have declared ‘Abu “Ala: Maududi: as Kafir since he EXPLICITLY deny the H:ADI:TH: OF HOLY BUKHARI: That SAIYIDUNA IBRA:HI:M SPOKE FALSEHOOD THREE TIMES.


9 ABU “ALA: MAUDUDI: DID NOT ACCEPTED ANY INTERPRETATION BUT CLEARLY REJECTED THE TRADITION.[See his views about the H:Adith: of Three Falshoods of Saiyiduna ‘Ibra:hi:m “Alaihis Sal:m IN Maududi’s Work]. But “Ali: Mirza is silent as churches’ mice and is not likely to break the ice. So he cannot claim that he declare Imam Ibn Taimiah has committed a Kufr just because he has rejected a S:H:I:H: H:ADITH: , OTHERWISE HE HAS TO SAY THE SAME FOR MAULANA: MAUDU:DI. If it is Assumed for a While that ‘Imam ‘Ibn Taimiah is saying for the Creations and not for “Neither Eternals and Nor Creations” that they have no beginning , then this statement can only be kufr if it contradicteth an Explicit “Ayah or Mutvatir H:adith or there is an ‘Ijma:” on the Kufr to this belief. But there is none. In case of S:ah:i:h: H:adi:th: this Engineer of the City of Jhelum cannot declare ‘Ima:m ‘ibn Taimiah RD:as Kafir or One That Commiteth a Kufr With Certainty, other wise he Must have to Declare Mula:na: Maudu:di as Kafir or One Who Commiteth a Kufr with Certainty or Both , since he not only denied a S:ah:i:h: Tradition but also presented many doubts in the Principles of H:adith: . [ They require an other discussion which is beyond the scope of the present discussion]. But why there is a conspiracy that Ima:m ‘Ibn Taimiah is declared as One Who committed a Kufr With Certainty and Why Maulana: Maudu:di: was not declared as one Who Committed a Certain Kufr is that Engineer “Ali Mirza: RD: declares any one who defends ‘Ahlussunnah and S:ah:abah as Committer of Kufr With Certainty and remain silent on any one who commits a similar mistake yet attacks S:h:bah.

‘Ima:m ‘Ibn Taimiah, Sha:h “Abdul “Aziz and Qa:di: ‘Ibn “Arabi are the targets of Engineer of Jhelum Since the defended a Number Of S:ah:abah RD: and Maula:na Maudu:di: is a beloved hero since he attacked a Number Of S:ah:abah RD: .

Fifth Preliminary:= A] The Great Conspiracy The perpetual silence of Engineer “Ali: Mirza: in regard to Enemies of S:ah:abah RD: and their works , yet attempts of finding Kufriat in works of Defenders of S:h:abah is just an Exposition of “Ali: Mirza: of Jhelum. One must not listen to this person UNLESS AND OTHER WISE He/She Has the full Knowledge of Qur’a:n ,’Ahadith: , Books of Sunnism, and Books of Enemies of S:ah:a:bah. This person is very tricky and he may misguide any one who has not studied the stated above works in detail.


10 He Recites the Text of ‘Ah:a:dith: but the ‘Ah:a:dith: do not descend his throat, He recites Qur’a:n but Qur’a:n does not descend similarly. He is worse then Kharjites and a number of Rafid:ites since he Explains Qur’a:n and ‘Ah:adith: incorrectly and wrongly. B] A Conundrum For “Ali Mirza: If ‘Ima:m ‘Ibn Taimiah did Commit a Kufr With Certainty then He became a Kafir at that Moment , rather a Murtadd [May ‘ALLH Forbit for writing this Sentence yet is is just for an argument],Yet “Ali Mirza: Claims that he does not declare ‘Ima:m ‘Ibn Taimiah RH: as Kafir giving Our ‘Ima:m the benefit of doubt of Possible Repentance before his death in 1328 AC/728 AH. But if Engineer is assumed to be correct in his allegation then he must have to provide an Evidence of Repentance, other wise the Engineer himself becomes Kafir for declaring a person not as Kafir who has committed a Kufr with Certainty as according to his own False Allegation . NOTE: IMAM ‘IBN TAIMIAH HATH CERTAINLY NOT COMMITTED ANY KUFR YET IT IS IN THE KUFRIAT OF “ALI MIRZA THAT HE FALSELY ASCRIBES A KUFR TO SOME PERSONS AND YET CLAIMS THAT THEY ARE MUSLIMS OR NOT KAFIRS. SUCH A PRACTICE IS AN INDEPENDENT SELF EVIDENT KUFR. THOSE HOW ARE FALSLY ASCRIBED WITH KUFR CONTINUE TO BE MUSLIMS YET ONE WHO PRACTICE SUCH AN EVIL ACT CEASES TO BE A MUSLIM. C] An Exposition of a Great Possible Conspiracy: An other point is that it is possible that this Engineer may use the same technique for Mirza: Ghula:m Qadiani: by excusing that he [ i.e the Engineer ] Does not declare him as Kafir for the similar benefit of possible Repentance before his death in 1908 AC. So this is a Possible conspiracy engineered by the pragmatic mind of “Ali: Mirza: Of Jhelum. We believe that allegation of “Ali Mirza: on ‘Imam ‘Ibn Taimiah RH: is False with Certainty and the Possible Conspiracy of “Ali: Mirza to save Mirza: Ghuman of Qadiya:n is Exposed before it could actuate BY AN OTHER Mirza: namely “Ali: Mirza: of Jhelum. D] Great scholars some time commit mistakes and errors either by rejecting a S:ah:I;ih; H:adi:th: or interpreting it wrongly and incorrectly. They cannot be declared as Ghair Muslim or Ghair ‘Ahlissunnah or both. In principle This Man “Ali Mirza of Jhelum accepts it as in the case of Maudu:di: he does not say that Maudu:di: Had coomitted Kufr, But “Ali Mirza: Jhelumi is trying to declare Great ‘Ima:m ‘ibn Taimiah RH:as Committer of Kufr/Cufr. Astaghfarullah. His dangerous Explanation that he [“Ali Mirza:] does not declare ‘Iman Ibn Taimiah RH: as Kafir/Cafir giving him the benefit of doubt of a Possible Repentance prior to his death is an other conspiracy that “Ali Mirza is trying to convince his followers [ALIMIRZIS] that ‘Imam ‘Ibn Taimiah did became a Kafir for some time in his life and if he died with out Repentance He died as a Kafir. Astaghfarullah. What a great Scheme indeed. All Gratitudes to ‘ALL-H that this conspiracy Engineered by “Ali: Mirza Jhelumi comes to Exposition.



Sixth Preliminary:= It is likely that Engineer “Ali: Mirza sooner or latter may declare something against 11


‘Ima:m Bukha:ri RH:and ‘Ima:m “Ah:mad Bin H:anbal RH: . So we shall estimate what this apostate engineer can say against them. This requires a separate work. That shall be discussed latter. For 12


the time being The Apostate Engineer of Jhelum is refuted by the Grace of ‘ALL-H [SVT].



REFUTATION OF AN OTHER ALLEGATION OF “ALI MIRZA [We have copied this refutation ,which is presented else were, for the convenience of our readers. ]

Simple minded Zubair “Ali: Zai made an objection on ‘Ima:m ‘Ibn Taimiah RH: that He called Saiyiduna: ‘Ibn “Umar ED: as Bid”ati: [Heretic]. Zubair “Ali Zai was immediately informed that he misunderstood the Text of ‘Imam ‘Ibn Taimiah RD:. The proper explanation of Text of ‘Imam ‘Ibn Taimiah RD: was presented to Zubair “Ali Zai. Initially Zubair “ALI: Zai refused to accepted any explanation or interpretarion of the Text of ‘Ima:m ‘ibn TaimiahRH:. But in several oral discussions Zubair was defeated and he was unable to reply. So Zubair began to make excuses. He said that if such explanations and interpretations of Text of ‘Ima:m ‘Ibn Taimiah RD: be accepted then Explanations of TEXTS of Shah ‘Isma:”i:l and a number of [‘Ahlussunnah] Deoband Scholars must also be accepted. He was informed that inspite of legal debates and disputes etc. ‘Ahlul H:Adi:th: do accepted the explanations of ‘Ahlussunnah Deoband Scholars like Maulana: ‘Ashraf “Ali: TTha:nvi, Maula:na: Qa:sim Na:natavi etc. In the case of Shah ‘Isma:”il Shahi:d ALL THE ‘Ahlul H:adi:th: defend him throughout the Indian Subcontinent. This annoyed Takfiri: minded Zubair “Ali: and he declared Sha:h ‘Isma:”i:l Shahi:d as Kafir on several issues.


15 His main objections were := 1] Sha:h ‘Isma:”il believed in a form of Va:tatul Vuju:d as Evident from his book “ABQA:T. 2] He believed that “ALL-H Hath Omnipotence our Falsehood [Kidh:b]. On the contrary Zubair believed that ‘ALL-H Hath no Omnipotence over Falsehood . From ‘Imam ‘Ibn Taimiah to Maula:na: ‘Ashraf “Ali Thanvi , Zubair “Ali Zai declared each one as a Non Muslim. This caused a great problem and due to immense pressure he remained silent on the issue of Takfi:r of ‘Ima:m ‘Ibn Taimiah, Sha:h Valiyullah, Sha:h ‘Isma:’i:l Shahi:d RH: . How ever he did not remain silent over “ulma:’ of ‘Ahlussunnah Deoband. But he knew that if he declared them as Kafir, a large majority of ‘Ahlul H:adi:th: shall not accept his declaration. Zubair “Ali: Zai was quick silver in declaring any one as Ka:fir who disputed from him or from whom he disputed, even on the issue of interpretations of ‘Ah:adi:th: . How ever in case of ‘ima:m ‘Ibn Taimiah RH: he was finally silenced and purported that he has accepted the Explanations but not in the case of Sha:h ‘Isma:”i:l Shahi:d RH: . Seven months latter Zubair “Ali Zai promised that he would remain silence on the Alleged Objectionable Texts of ‘Ima:m ‘Ibn Taimiah RH: . It appears that Zubair “Ali: Zai some how injected his objections in the mind of “Ali: Mirza: Of Jhelum who has no regard for ‘Ima:m ‘ibn Taimiah RD: etc. but but have tremendous sympathies for Rava:fid: [‘Astaghfarullah]. This same objection is repeated by the Engineer of Jhelum namely “Ali Mirza: . So it is necessary to respond the objections of Zubair “Ali Zai and the same is true against the Objections of “Ali: Mirza: of Jhelum. The “Arabic word B-D-“- means to make some thing with out any example. ‘ALL-H is called Badi:” since He made heavens and earths with out any examples just by His Omniscience. As a Religious Term it means Heresy and Apostate. ‘Ibn Taimiah RH: did not declared Saiyiduna: ‘Ibn “Umar RD: AS Bid”ati, or an an agent of Bid”ah in the meaning of Heresy but in the LITERAL MEANING. The literal meaning. ‘Ibn “Umar RD: made an ‘Ijtiha:d which was not found in the times of Saiyiduna “Abu Bakr etc. So in the literal meaning it is an Innovation since it was nor found previously in the ‘Isla:mic World. How ever it is a Sunni Axiom that no ‘ijtiha:d of any S:ah:bi: RD: can be termed as Heresy [Bid”ati/ Mubtadi” IN THE TERMONOLOGICAL MEANING], yet the word can be used in the literal meaning.]

“An other example is that Saiyiduna: “Umar RD: usred the word B-D”A-H for the Jama:”ah of Tra:vi:h:” .


16 So this is an example that the word Bid”ah is sometime used in the Literal Meaning [A thing not found before /Innovation ] and not in the Terminological Meaning [Heresy/Unorhtodoxy,Heterodoxy]. When this answer was presented to Simple and Takfi:ri: minded Zubair “Ali :Zai HE RESPONDED AS FOLLOW:= I accept this in principle , but my [New] objection is that why ‘Ima:m ‘ibn Taimiah RD: used this word , why he did notchose any other word frokm “Arabic Language for the intended meaning. He was responded that it is beyond the scope of the domain of any discussion about any author who so ever he may be ,why he did chose a particular word, the issue is that what is the literal meaning OR THE INTENDED meaning of the chosen word. ‘Ima:m ‘Ibn Taimiah RD: could possible alternatives and ‘Ima:m could chose any one of them [from “Arabic Language] ,yet the question is not that what ‘Ima :m COULD do , the question is What Imam Did do, and what is the correct explanation of his word used in the sentence. This answer silenced Zubair “Ali: Zai once for all. Zubair “Ali Zai was hyper Sensitive with the fear that he might be expelled from the domain of ‘Ahlul H:adi:th:. He was always afraid of Muh:aqqiq ‘irsha:d ‘Al H:aqq ‘Athari, that he may refute his views and it is quite obvious that Muh:aqqiq ‘Irsha:d “Al Haqq is the one of the scholars of Highest Eminent in the ‘Isla:mic World ,But “Ali: Miza has no respect of any one. He continues to accuse Great Scholars of Sunnism in particular ‘Ima:m ‘ibn Taimiah RD:. But “Ali Mirza is silent as church’s mice against the enemies of S:ah:abah RD:, WHO BELIEVE that S:ah:bah RD: like “Abu Bakr, “Umar. “Uth:ma:n Radiyallahu “Anhu, “A:’ishah Rd:iyallahu “Anha:, as Muslim Bila: ‘Ima:n [Astaghfarullah]., and it is likely that he is not going to break the ice. An other answer which may be included in this article is that to claim an act as Innovation is one thing and to declare the Agent of the act as Heretic is an other thing. Similarly the difference between Innovator and Heretic are two different things. Ima:m ‘Ibn Taimiah RD: only meant that “This ‘Ijtiha:d OF ‘Ibn “Umar RD: was not found prior to his act of ‘Ijtiha:d. But it is not an heresy even if it may not be preferred. Since This ‘Ijtiha:d was not found in the times of Noble Caliphate.

Multi-Standard Of Engineer “Ali Mirza Maulana Maudu;di: DECLARED some act of Saiyiduna: Mu:”aviah RD:as Bid”ah [‘Astaghfarullah] :not in the Literal Meaning but in the Religious Meaning . But “Ali: Mirza remained silenced as if he has not read it. [Khi:lafat Va M-lu:kiat BY M A.A Maudu:di:] This implies that “Ali: Mirza: has enmity of ‘Ima:m ‘ibn Taimiah because he defended Saiyiduna: Mu:”aviah RD: This is a Multi-Standard of “Ali Mirza:.


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