Attributes of Attributes Of Deity and Relative Attributes Of Attibutes Of Deity

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Attributes of Attributes Of Deity and Relative Attributes Of Attibutes Of Deity 11. There are two kinds of attributes in God, Absolute and Relative. These attributes are of two kinds: some belong to God considered Sustained in Himself, and these are Absolute Attributes; the others belong to Him as Creator of the world, and these are Relative attributes. 13. As God is pure act, infinite Being, and perfectly simple, the divine attributes are either identical with one His Essence or Neither Identical Nor Seperate, and with the Divine Essence. These Divine Attributes which Deitye Hath in Himself, which can be concieved in mind apart from His [Divine] relationship to His creation. They are referred to as his absolute attributes. Comparing them to relative Attributes, Relative Atttributes are Those Divine Attributes exercised especially with regard to the creation. They are called relative attributes. But there are some spacial cases. Spome of Divine Absolute aAttributes are exercised in relation to his creation as well, and they are Absoluto-Relative Attributes. They are different from Absoluto- Non Relative Attributes. Yet both of them are Absolute Attributes and not Relative Attributes. Communicable and Incommunicable Attributes The communicable attributes are those qualities of God for which at least a partial counterpart can be found in his human creations. An example of this is Mercy, which, while infinite in God, is found at least in partial form in some of His Creations .But Mercy is a Relative Communicable Attribute. Another example is Divine Power, Omnipotence Power is the Attribute Of Deity but even humans have at least a degree of Power WHICH IS Non Omnipotence Power. How ever the Non Divine Communicable Attributes are Bestowed and Created while the Divine Ones are Uncreated and Unbestowed [Ghair AL "Ata:i]. The Essential Types of Communicable Attibutes are Unique Fr Deity 'ALL-H. The Incommunicable Attributes, on the other hand, are those unique qualities for which no counterpart can be found in any Created Being Neither Essentially nor Bestowedly. According to Hanabalites and Salafites all the Divine Attributes are Etrernal , but According to 'Asharites and Maturidites Pure Relative Attributes are Not Eternal. But they all agree that every Attribute that is Not a Divine Attribute is Either Etrernal Nor Essential. Relative Attributes of Pure Absolute Attributes and Absoluto Relative Attributes are Certainly Neithewr Essential Nor Eternal.

Even if it is accepted that the Relative Divine Attributes whether communicable or incommunicable are Eternal and Essential as Minority of Ahlussunnah Holds , the Relative Attributes of Divine Attributes are not the Divine Attributes but Neither Etternal nor Essential and also not Bestowed. So the Truth of Divine Speach is A Relative Attribute of an Attribute Of Deity 'ALL-H. So Possibility of Falsehood is not a Defect or a Flaw upon Deity and His Abslotute Attributes but SINCE THE Possibility of A Relative Attribute is distinct and Sepertate not Only From Holy Deity 'ALL-H but also From His Absolute Attributes of both KINDS. If it is assumed that there are two types of Truths. a] Truth as a Relative Attribute Of Deity. b] Truth as a relative Attribute of an Attribute Of Deity say Speech Of Deity then the Possibility Of Falsehood is in relation to the latter stated Attribute which is not an Attribute Of Deity but a a Relative Attribute of an Attribute Of Deity. Imam 'Ah:mad Bin H:anban only said that the Divine Attributes of Speech [and Omniscience] is [are] Uncreated. Majority Of Ahlussunnah ['Asha:"irah and Maturidiah] claim that the Opposites of Relative Attributes of Deity are Possible and Not flaws /defects /Imperfections UPON Deity and Essential, Absolute and Emmanent Attributes Of Deity.They consider Defects etc as Absolutely Absurd and Intrinsically Impossible Upon Them . The DIVINE immanent Attributes are Identical to Deity's very own Essence. Example of this TYPES OF DIVINE ATTRIBUTES ARE Existence, Divinity [Godhead/Godhood],Aseity, Absolute Necessity ,Absoluteness. Minority Of Ahlussunnah consider all the Opposites Divine Attributes as Absolutely Impossible. But the DO NOT SAY A SINGLE WORD ON THE ABSOLUTE IMPOSSIBILITY OF OPPOSITES OF RELATIVE ATTRIBUTES OF DIVINE ATTRIBUTES. Imam 'Ah:mad Bin H:anbal never said that Relative Attributes Of Divine Attributes Of Deity are Uncreated and Essential. Inspite of this fact Zubair "Ali: Zai the former teacher of Engineer Ali Mirza Criticised Scholars and Theologians of Ahlussunna Deoband for believing in THE POSSIBILITY of Falehood of Divine Speech. He borrowed arguments from 'Ah:mad Rad:a: Barailvi [1856-1030] making objections and asking for evidences. But he missed two Significant points.

1] Not Only Scholars Of Deoban but also 'Ash Sha:h 'Isma:"il Shahi:d believed in the Possibility Of Falsehood. 2] If Zubair "Ali Zai asked for proofs for the belief in the Possibility of the Opposite of a Relative Attribute Of Deity, then he Himself had to present the Proofs of the following:= 2.1] The Proofs for the Absolute Absurdity [Absolute Impossibility] Of the Opposite of Truth [as the opposite of Not an Attribute Of Deity but as the Opposite of a Relative Attribute of an Attribute of Deity. 2.2] Did any Great Sunni Scholar ever Said that An Attribute Of an Attribute Of Deity is Included among the Attributes Of Deity? 2.3] As any thing is exactly one of the following. a] Absolute Necessary. b] Absolute Possible. c] Absolute Absurd. So he was his duty to provide proofs for his believes prior to declare others as Heretics or Apostase. 'Ah:mad Rad:a Barailvi how ever asked several questions in regard to the Absolute Possibilities defects like Ignorence, Fornication, eating,hunger,sleeping,urination , Madness, Diseases, Limitations,Movements ,Incarnations, Menifestations, conversions, Becoming Not Deity from Deity, Death, dancing etc Upon God and His Atttributes. He was alwayse answered that he is missing the point. These defects are upon the Divine Essence and Divine Essential Attributes. Hence they are Absolutely and Logically Absurd Upon Deity and Divine Essential , Absolute etc. Attributes. But it appeared that he deliberately missed the point. But why Zubair Ali Zai blindly Followed him is a question in itself? One this is however crystal clear. Ali Mirza was one the follower of 'Ahmad Rad:a Barailvi and his brain struction is still the same and he cannot understand the basic problem of the difference. How ever as for as Zubair Ali Zai is concerned he was too simple minded and a Takfiri , who even opposed great Ahlul H:adi:th: scholars . Unfotunatley he injected the virus of his errors in the cunning mind of Engineer Ali Mirza who latter evoluted as the Worse Heretic of the time.

An other problem for Engineer Ali Mirza is that he does not consider "Ilm 'Al Ghaib as Incommucable Divine Attribute. This is the reason he believes that Bestowed "Ilm 'Al Ghaib is Possible for the Prophets or Apostles or both. How ever AAli Mirza does consider Omnipresence [Al Had:ir Van Na:z:ir] as Incommunicable Divine Attribute. I personally think that Zubair was also confused on the issue probebly AFTER A telephonic discussion with Ghulam Rasu:l Sa"idi who using some alleghed rational arguments confused Simple Mind OF ZUBAIR. Any How Zubair Ali Zai was AGAINST Shah Shahi:d [Astaghfarullah] and an enimy of Diovine Omnipotence.

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