Engineer "Ali: Mirza: possesses one of the greatest heretical mind in his skull. He has a command to mix Couples of Opposites like truth and falsehood, Orthodoxy and Heterodoxy [Heresy] , etc. In his lecture No#133 he has did the above stated act. While discussing Dajja:l [Deciever] , the Engineer also tried to follow Dajja:l by minxing the Couples of Opposites in his Lecture #133. He has incorporated several Heresies and Heterodoxies with True and Correct Traditions. So they must be told and noted so that one may not be decieved by this act of an Engeer Of Jhelum namely "Engineer "Ali: Mirza: . [We have considered Engineer as a part of the name of the stated above Heretic, whose heretical lecture is under the attack of of our Critique].
1] Heretic "Ali: Mirza: suggests for his audiances that they should watch two films := 1,a] The Irianian Film Of People Of Cave. 1,b] The Film Of Q-t:-r , on Saiyiduna: "Umar RD: . The cunning heretic mind excuses as follow:= He is advising and recommending these films for those who watch films of Hollywood and not to those who do not watch any film.
Objection O,1] To make films on Holy and Noble Personalities are trangrssions and to watch them approches to Blasphamy, while normal Hollywood films are transgressions but do not approach to Blasphamy and disgrace. But the cunning mind of this Engineer cleverly hid this issue. O,2] He Cleverly hid the Point that the Iranian Films are not based upon the True Traditions of Books like Bukha:ri , Muslim etc. but on the fake books like 'Al Kafi, Nahj . So they cannot be trusted, since they did contain concocted matterials from most unauthentic and unreliable sources of traditions. Comment: This does unvail the conspiracy engineered by the Engineer.
2] The Engineer disgraces an 'A:yah Of Qur'a:n by
calling it as "The Most Dangerous Alarming 'A:yah". Astaghfarullah. He is probebly applying these words for '-"Ra:f :179. The word Dangerous is highly objectionable word and is certainly borrowed from Anti Qur'a:nic eliments who accuse 'Al Qur'a:n as a dangerous book in Holy Books of Religions , Astaghfarullah. But "Ali: Mirza: Borrowed this term from Anti Qur'a:n elements. Actually this is a conspiracy to concieve the Idea in the minds of the audiances that atleast some 'Aya:t of Qur'a:n are dangerous. Once this idea is concieved in the mind of the audiances they shall not make any objection when they shall ever hear the false allegation against the Holy Qur'a:n that Qur'a:n is a dangerous book. They atbest shall say that not the whole Qur'an but some of Its Portions. 'Astaghfarulah and Na"u:dh;ubillah. If "Ali: Mirza: was loyal to Holy Qur'a:n he would have used some a better word for the portions of Divine Texts, instead of Blasphemous word "Dangerous".
3] Engineer "Ali: Mirza says that "God doeth not make human beings to astray but human beings themselves astray". The literal translation of "Ali: Mirza:s' words are := God doeth not make {a} Human ['Insa:n] to astray, [but] [the]Human himself astraieth for himself.
[The niouns are used as anarthrous in Urdu , i.e with out any articles'however in EngLISH TRANSLATIONS to convey the exact meaning the articles , they are in square brackets prior to nouns instead of writing nouns with anarthros]. According to Islamic Orthodox Creed [Ahlussunnah]Acts of Human Beings, Jin Beings and Angel Beings are Creations Of 'ALL-H since ALL-H IS THE ONLY CREATOR OF ALL POSSIBLE THINGS,ACTS,ATTRIBUTES AND EVENTS. Mu"tazilites however denied that God is the Creator of acts of Human , Jin etc. Beings since they opined that this means that God maketh them to astray. Imam Bukhari did write a Book Proving that acts of Human Beings are Divine Creations [Creations Of Deity]. Things must be kept in mind that:= ACTS OF DEITY ['ALL-H] ARE CREATIONS OF DEITY ['ALL-H]. But the converse of this is not true that is: Any Created Act of God is Not Necessary the Act of Deity. If a human beings are misguided or decieved or gone astray, then the question is : Who is te Creator of these Acts Of Human beings. The Elder Mu"tazilite did not answered this question and remained silence on this most critical Question. But it is suggested that they held an irretional and illogical view that:= These Acts only have doers and agents but No Creator. But latter Jabai explicitly stated that Human beings are the Creators of their Acts whether they are good or evil or else,
and 'ALL-H is not the Creator Of Them, 'Astaghfarullah. 'Ahlussunnah differentiate between a Creator Of an Act and an Agent [Doer/Fa:"ilun] of the Act in principle. So stated Above acts are Creations Of 'ALL-H and ALL-H is not a Doer Of them but The Only Creator Of Them. It is clear from this lecture:133 of the Engineer and some previous lectures of him that he fallows the Opinion of Jabai or Pre Jabai Mu"tazilites over the issue. WE ON THE CONTRAY BELIEVE THAT 'ALL-H IS NOT THE DOER OF ACTS OF HUMAN , JIN ,ANGEL ANIMAL etc. Beings but the Creator of them. We differentiate between the word Agent and Creator, when the word Agent is used in the meaning of Doer. Majority Of Ahlussunnah how ever do believe that Deity ['ALL-H] is the Creator and the Agent of His Own Acts say Divine Acts.
SUMMARY:= S,1]'ALL-H Is the Creator and Doer of His His Acts. S,2]'ALL-H is the Creator but not the doer of Acts Of Rational Supposita [ say Human Beings etc.] . S.3]Rational Supposita [say Human Beings] are the Doers of their Acts and Not the Creators of their Acts. S,4]An Act which hath a Doer but no Creator is Intrinsically Absurd and Rationally Impossible. COMMENT: The Sentence quoted above must be studied with care. We are not going to give any benifit of doubt to the Engineer,
since he has indicated several times that he follows Mu"tazilite view . It may be the case that some stuch follower of "Ali Mirza may interpret his sentence as follow: Deity ['ALL-H] Doeth not make people to astray as the doer of the act of astray but is only the Creator of it. This type of interpretation is not confirmable to his previouly delivered lectures [Listen Lectures104:a,b,c;103]. Hence this is an invalid interpretation, 4] Engineer "Ali Mirza: does believe that it is not Shirk [Schirck/Shirc/Shirck(alternative possible spellings in different languages)] to believe Bestowed ["AT:AI] Powers to Ghairullah over Reasons [ Ma: Fauq Al Asba:b]. He even believes that even Dajja:l shall have such Divine Powers ['Astaghfarullah]. His Sentences are translated in Engish with great care which he spoke in regard to the Debate [M-na:z:irah] Of Dajja:l and the Faithful [Miu'min]: Ali Mirza says that Dajjal will say to the faithful:= I am growing vegetable [Sabzah] from the earth [Zami:n],Rains from the Skies,If [You] wish then to resurrect you after killing you'. [Now Ali Mirza suddenly remarks]
<Now these are the Qualities>. Then Ali Mira suddenly shifts from his problematic and ambigous remark to narrate the sentences of the future Faithful [Who has Not Yet Born]. He will say " A H:adi:th: is conveyed to Me , that thou art a Great speaker of Falsehood. He [Dajja:l] shall say THAT he is shewing great acts; when all other people have believed in ,why shall this man not believe. This man Shall respond that Ihave recieved a H:adith: and that he
[This Man] shall not be impressed [Dajja:l].
The Objection is no the words stated above, and reproduced below once again:=
<Now these are the Qualities>. The Question is these are the Qualities of What? If Ali Mirza replies that these are the Qualites of Divinity then a Pure Shirk is Implied. Since Only Deity Possesseth the Qualities [Attributes] of Divinity , and One that Possesseth the Qualities that Only Possesseth by Deity is Deity [Himself].Dajja:l cannot and does not possess these qualities and properties , since Dajja:l is a Created Person and certainly Not a Deity. Dajja:l is a false claiment of Divinity. So in this case Engineer "Ali: Mirza: becomes a Mushrik if he replies the question by the word Divinity. If "Ali: Mirza: replies the question by the word Non-Divinity, then the entire set of sentences spoken by The Engineer Becomes useless . Actually it is nothing is these Qualities are of Not-Divinity. "Ali Mirza: does believe that it is not allowed to Pray to Ghairullah . Listen to Lecture #03 But this is also the belief of "Ali Mirza that it is not a matter of dispute [as according to Ali Mirza] between him and Pseudo Sunnis about the Omnivolence of Created Persons
like Prophets , saints etc.So there is nothing which prevent "Ali Mirza: from the implied conclusion that Dajja:l shall posseses Powers to to these acts stated above.
So Ali Mirza is Definitely a Mushrik. [Mushric/Mushrick/Muschrik/Muschrick/Muschric (Alternative spellings in different Languages) etc]. Since there are Multitudes of articles of Shirk and to believe in any one of them maketh the believer as a Mushrik. How ever it is equally incorrect to deny these traditions. AS Per Islamic Article Of Faith , these Traditions Must Necessarily be Interpreted as Follow:= Dajja:l Shall not have Powers to do the acts , neither Essentially nor Bestowedly , but he shall use tecniques and tricks [Probebly Scientific Tecniques]. For example even today scientists are able to cause rain by using chemical spray by aeroplains etc. But it cannot be said that they have been bestowed by the Power to make rain . The power to cause rain is not associated with their Essences [Dh:ava:t] but just imploy methods and tecnologies to cause artificial rain. The rains which Shall be caused by Dajja:l shall be Artificial Rain and not the Natural Rain. Asfor the Resurrection of the Faithful after killing him shall be an act of Science. As we have seen that in Operations of Human being even heart transplantation are possible and even tranplantation of artifitial heart is Possible. Dajja:l shall use Medical Sciences to save the faithful from his clinical death just after when he shall be cut in to two approximately equal pieces.
These interpretations are necessaory. In midvial period when scitific advancements premative or protoprimative , it was sufficient to say that every thing which Dajja:l shall do shall be acts OF DECIEVINGS And Fallacies.In essence the acts of Dajja:l shall be acts of Decepcion and deception. So there is a difference in using a scientific method with normal human powers and Super Natural Powers. For example every person can fly by using an aeroplain but none of the passiengers and the pilots of the areoplain has the power to fly by a Power associated to the essence of the Suppositum/person. Result := Scientific Divices are diffewrent prom powers associated to the essences of persons. So every thing is clear and it is clear that Only Deity Hath the Power to make a person [a rational suppositum] to resurrect. An other example:= Today to record sound is just a scientific tecnique. But suppose that if some one has invented a Time Machine and he trevels back in time to the old civilisations claiming that he is a Deity /God [Astaghfarullah] and shews tape recorders as a false evidence to his false claim of divinity ,he may decieve many since to capture [human] sounds would be sufficient for people of ancient civilisations to accept the false claim of Divinity. It is hoped that people who have been misguided by Ali Mirza must have been clearified from the fallacies of this Engineered Deception.
5] "Ali: Mirza: criticises the report of Holy Muslim that the faithful shall be Khid:-r . But the repports of Holy Bukha:ri and Holy Muslim are acceptable even if they do not state chain of narrators. Since Imam Muslim would never have included a weak tradition or a Sanad-less tradition. He only skips it. Any how "Ali: Mirza: tries to negate the Exceptional Cases of Holy Bukha:ri and Holy Muslim. Since if even they have some weak or concoctive reports then their Exception dowth Ceaseth once for all times. If only authentic traditions of then are S:ah:i:h: then they become on the same level as other books even equal to Must-dr-k H:a:kim etc. Since they do not constitue an Exception. This is what this person wants to do. Any how we cannot except this for Bukha:ri and Muslim the two Holy Books which are out of bounds of all Possible Criticism.
5] Disgrace Of Some Weak/Infirmatur Traditions. Although Ali Mirza is correct in his claim that weak traditions cannot be used in any type of argumentation , but we use the word Shameless and Immodest [Behu:dah in Urdu] for a number of Weak traditions. But then the question is if some traditions are shameless and immodest then what shall be said for the writers of the books who included them in their works. To correct the words of Engineer Ali Mirza , it is recommended to use the words like Improper, Unauthentic, Unauthorative, Unprincippled,
Apocryphal etc. But not words like Shameless etc other wise it is implied that "the writers of them were Shameless other wise they would not have coolected them". It is correct that weak traditions cannot be used in any argument in particular in the accusations against S:ah:a:bah , but the very same "Ali: Mirza: never criticised the book Khilafat va Mulukiat for incorporating weak and Infrumature traditions against some S:ah:abah RD: . Although the Great Heretic mind of the second decade of`the twenty first century has misinterpreted Correct Traditions according to the weak traditions collected by the Author Of the Book Khilafat Va Mulukiat, instead of criticising this author for collecting weak traditions. But in several lectures "Ali: Mirza: has denied weak traditions and it is hoped that he shall one day accept that the weak traditions of the book stated above are unreliable and not trustworthy.
6] "Ali: Mirza has claimed for three methods for defence against Dajja:l. But there is atleast one more which he has missed. This is the Basic AXIOM of Islam , Naqs: "Alalla:hu Muh:al Bidh:dh:a:t. To be one eyed is a Naqs: [N-qs:] so this Principle canbe used as a defence against Dajja:l as well. As Incarnations ,Manifestations Theophanies ,Formatrions are Naqa:'is: , they all are Muh:a:l Bidh: Dh:a:t Upon 'ALL-H SUBH:ANAHU Va TA"A:LA:. So The claim of Dajja:l is falsified by this 'Isla:mic AXIOM.
NOTE: We Believe that Naqs: "Alallah Va "Alas:s:ifa:tidh: dh:a:tiah as Muh:a:l Bidh:dh:a:t, but Naqs: "Alas:s:ifa:tilfi"liah as Muh:a:l Bil Ghair , "Ali: Mirza: cannot argue against our stand by claiming that this answer even goeth against us. How ever if it is some how accepted that Naqs: "Alas:s:ifa:tilfi"liah as Muh:a:l Bidh: dh:a:t instead of Being Muh:a:l Bil Ghair "Ali: Mirza: cannot argue against the the Divine Power Over Falsehood, since truth of Divine Speech is an Attribute of an Attribute of 'ALL-H and not the Attribute Of 'ALL-H, since an Attribute Of 'ALL-H is not ALL-H.Engineer "Ali: Mirza: cannot argue unless and otherwise he claims that Qur'a:n Is 'ALL-H and 'ALL-H is Qur'a:n. Athough 'ALL-H and Qur'a:n both are Uncreated but Neither 'ALL-H is Qur'a:n Nor Qur'a:n is 'ALL-H. So if Qur'an Just an Attribute Of 'ALL-H but Not 'ALL-H then a Relative Attribute Of Qur'a:n is an Attribute Of an Attribute Of 'ALL-H but not an 'ATTRIBUTE of 'ALL-H. AN ATTRIBUTE of Qur'a:n can only be an Attribute Of ALL-H if and only if Qur'a:n is ALL-H and ALL-H is Qur'a:n.
SUMMARY: If an Attribute of 'ALL-H is Not 'ALL-H THEN An Attribute Of an Attribute Of 'ALL-H is not an Attribute Of 'ALL-H.
RESULT:= If it is supposed that Naqs UPON ALL-H and His Atttributes are Muh:a:l Bidh:dh:a:t , it is Certainly NOT
Implied that Naqs: Upon the Attributes Of Attributes Of 'ALL-H are also Muh:a:l Bidh: dh:a:t. I once my self wrote a letter TO THE FORMER teacher of "Ali: Mirza: namely Zubair in support of Divine Omnipotence over Falsehood but not over Eating , Hunger, Sleeping ,Incarnation, Sexual ACTIVITIES, Madness etc. but he did not responded poperly. Actually Zubair "Ali: Zai was also against Saiyiduna 'Ash Shah 'Isma:"i:l Shahi:d RH:, BUT he did not exposed his enimity explicitly. We are proud of 'Ash sha:h 'isma:"i:l Shahi:d.