Engineer "Ali Mirza in one of his lectures [Lecture # 134] disgraces Saiyiduna "Umar Bin "Abdul "Azi:z by comparing him with the Heretic Ghula:m Rasu:l Sa"i:di of Na"i:miah. This sheweth his hatered towards each and every member of the family of Banu 'Umaiyah whether he BE SAIYIDUNA: "UTH:MA:N RD: or Saiyiduna "Umar Bin "Abul "Azi:z RH:. According to Apostate Engineer "Ali: Mirza: Of Jhelum Saiyiduna: "UMAR BIN "ABDUL "AZI:Z is to Banu 'Umaiah as Ghulam Rasu:l Sa"idi is to Barailvi Scholars. But it is necessary to shew the Heretic believes of Ghula:m Rasu:l Sa"i:di . 1] Ghula:m Rasu:l Sa"i:di believed that Holy Prophet is Omnipresent [H:add:ir Va Na:z:ir] See Taud:i:h 'Al Baya:n , Tabya:n 'Al Qur'a:n. 2] Ghula:m Rasu:l Sa"i:di believed that Holy Prophet was Omnivolent. He has discussed his belief in his several books. 3]He believed that Mu"jiza:t are in Power of Prophets. [Kasb]. 4] He believed that it is allowed to call Ghairullah for help in Ma Fauq 'Al 'Asba:b . 5] Barailvis in general believe that Naz:i:r of Holy Prophet is Muh:a:l Bidh: Dh:a:t , ,and not in Divine Omnipotence. But Ghula:m Rasu:l Sa"i:di went several step ahead of them. He believed that Naz:i:r of every person [Shakh:s:] is Muh:a:l Bidh Dha:t ['Astaghfarullah] See Third Voume of [alleged] Sharh: of Holy Muslim Shari:f by Ghula:m Rasu:l Sa"i:di:. Even Barailvi Scholars declare Ghula:m Rasu:l Sa"i:di as out of folds of Barailvism since they declare that Only Naz:i:r of Holy Prophet is Muh:a:l Bidh: Dh:a:t. They believe that Naz:a:'ir of other persons are in Divine Omnipotence and Mumkin. 6] The former Teacher of "Ali: Mirza: has also criticised Ghula:m Rasu:l Sa"i:di for his several mistakes and fallecies. Ghula:m Rasu:l Sa"idi had anti Tauh:id tendencies and inspite of all this Engineer "Ali: Mirza : alleges that he worked for Tauh:i:d. It is a disgrace to make a ratio of Saiyiduna: "umar Bin "Abdul "Azi:z RD: and Ghula:m Rasu:l Sa"i:di.