A CRITIQUE ON LECTURE 05 Engineer "Ali Mirza: says in his lecture 05:= 1] Not every Shirk is Complete Kufr and that is the reason he does not declare some Believers of Shirk as Not Muslims. But this is very dangerous idea since Engineer "Ali: Mirza: wants to decieve his followers , listeners, audiances and viewers that there believes are Neither Complete Shirk Nor Complete Kufr [K-fr/C-fr]. But to believe that any Ghairullah is Omnipotent or Omnisence or "A:lim 'Al Ghaib or Omniovlent is a Mushrik [Mushric/M-shr-ck]. So very secretly he induced the concept that these believes are incorrect yet neither Perfect Kufr nor Perfect Shirk. [The word Perfecgt is used in the meaning of Complete , some thing which is not partial]. This makes "Ali: Mirza: himself as a Mushrick [Mushrik], a complete Mushrik. It is reported that his family members held these believes and articles of Shirk and he still wants to save them from the Verdict [Fat-va:] of Apostasy. A request to the followers of "Ali Mirza:
For the Sake Of 'ALL-H either do not listen to "Ali: Mirza: or research his Apostasy in the case he is listened.