Some comments onLectures 36 and 148

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Some questions on two Lectures L:36 and L:148. In Lecture 36 "Ali Mirza says that there are eight books . In his lecture he states that there Bukha:ri and Muslim are the only books in which each and every Muttas:il 'Al 'Asna:d Tradition [Rava:yah] is Correct [ S:ah:i:h:] . In other eight books he says their traditions are 80 % correct and 20 % not. He is so stunch that he refuses to call them AS S:-H:A:H: . But he mischievely remains silent for those who believe in 'Us:u:l 'Arba"ah. Since they do not consider Bukha:ri by Imam Bukh:a:ri:[ d:256] a, Muslim261, Ibn Majah Imam Ibn Majah, T-rm-dh:i:, Imam289 'Abu Davud,N-sa:'i: d 275 , M-snad 'Ah:mad and MuvattaĘź Imam Malik by Imam [d:179]. Instead they believe in Kitab al-Kafi by Muhammad ibn Ya'qub al-Kulayni al-Razi (329 AH), Man la yahduruhu al-Faqih by Muhammad ibn Babawayh , Tahdhib al-Ahkam by Shaykh Muhammad T:usi: and Al-Is:tibs:ar by Shaykh Muhammad Tusi. Also a secondary group of Twelvers' books like like Nahj 'Al Bala:ghah by Shari:f Rad:i:, claimed to be collected by the said Author after 300 years after the death of Saiyiduna: "Ali and other books . These believers reject Bukhari and Muslim as Concoction and replace them by the five books stated above. Not to menstion the rest of six books. So does "Ali: Mirza equate the five Non Sunni books with the eight Sunni Books or not? What he says about those five Non Sunni books. When he commented a number of Sunni "A:lims for making argumentations from weak Sunni Traditions claiming them as criminals , he is absolutely silent on Non Sunni Scholars who believe in Non Sunni Books stated above , and some other books not mentioned above for sake of brievity. Did "Ali: Mirza Applied The Mudaddamah of S:ah:i:h: Muslim on these Non Sunni Books? What "Ali: Mirza: wants to do is to disgrace Sunni Scholars and to remain silent as an idol to Non

Sunni Books and their authors. Why? The answer need not to be mensioned, since it is obvious and evident to every rational suppositum [ person]. If believers of these ATLEAST five Non Sunni Books ARE not DENOUNCERS OF 'AH:ADITH as according to Engineer "Ali: Mirza: then his duel standard is uncovered once for all. So if one may ask Engineer "Ali: Mrza: a simple question , "Ali: Mirza: shall not be able to reply properly:=

Q:= If "Ali: Mirza does consider Denouncers Of 'Ah:a:di:th: as Muslims then why did he not included their sect in the title of his lecture 148? If he does not consider them as Muslim then why did he included the believers of books like books in 'Us:u:l 'Arba"ah etc, in the title of this lecture? Please note that it is CERTAINLY and Definitely False if any one claimeth that the People of 'Us:u:l 'Al 'Arba"ah believe in Bukhari: and Muslim. Even the Principle of Traditions and the Science of R-JA:L of them are different from that of Bukhari: and Muslim etc. Also any one who have studied their termonology and Nomenclature of Catagorization of traditions Doeth know with Certainty that not a single Tradition of Bukha:ri , Muslim .... etc. is S:ah:i:h: according to their standards stated above. Inspite of all these facts and realities Engineer "Ali: Mirza:

continously argue that they believe in these Sunni Traditions since they are still published in Persia. The reason for the publication of these books is not that they believe in Books like Bukha:ri: , Muslim etc. but for making objections in Sunni and Non Sunni debates. It is some how similar to the publications of Islamic Books in Europe and America. But these countries are more liberal and do allowe certain degree of freedom to Muslims for Publishing Sunni Holy Books like Qur'a:n Bukha:ri: Muslim etc. So the argumentation of Engineer "Ali: Mirza: is absolutely invalid and infinitely unsound. "Ali: Mirza: is certainly a deciever and a fallacy maker. Some time his false sentences motivate a person to pray to 'ALL-H : O 'ALL-H Save the 'Ummah from him. HE IS SUCH A PERSON WHO IS A QUICK SILVER TO RESPONSE TO MATLANA: ZAR VALI FOR HIS COMMENTS ON AEYGHI [see lec 148a]BUT IS SILENT ON THE BAD LANGUAGES OF THE PEOPLE OF FOUR PRINCIPLES AGAINST S:AH:ABAH RD: in 153 lectures.

Are his followers still believing in him.?

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