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A CHALLANGE TO ENGINEER "ALI: MIRZA: OF CITY OF JHELUM Engineer "Ali: Mirza: tries to exclude Saiyiduna: Mu"a:viah RD: from a Number of 'Aya:t and Texts of Tradition by making an argument that these 'Ata:t and 'Ah:dith: were were spoken by Deity and His Prophet [Peace Be Upon Him] Prior to the period when Saiyiduna: Mu"a:viah RD: embraced 'Isla:m. So these Texts of Qur'a:n and 'Ah:adith: excludes him. Any one who tries to present these Proof Texts WHICH ARE FOR the Virtues of S:ah:a:bah [RD:] for Sayiduna: Mu"a:viah RD: , Apostate Engineer from Jhelum tries to respond him/her with this argument , which may be restated and resentences as follow: " As the TexTS OF 'A:tat were Spoken or Descended [By 'ALL-H THE ONLY DEITY]prior to the Period Saiyiduna: Mu"a:viah Accepted 'Isla:m they only include all S:ah:bah RD: WHO HAD ACCEPTED 'Isla:m Prior to the time these 'AYA:T WERE SPOKEN [TO HPLY PROPHET PBUH] OR DESCENDED [UPON HOLY PROPHET (PBUH)] BY 'ALL-H [SUBH:AN-NU: VA TA"A:LA:] If this Enginner Of City Of Jhelum is correct then what is his response if some one argues follow := 1]The 'A:yah which saith that:=

‫حافف ظ‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ظو ن‬ ‫ه لن ن‬ ‫إ فننا ن ن ك‬ ‫ن ن ننزل كننا الذ ذك كنر ونإ فننا ل ن ظ‬ ‫ح ظ‬

Surah 15. Al-Hijr, Ayah 9 Transliteration:= 'Inna Nah:nu nazzalna: 'aldh:dh:ikra va inna lahu: lah:a:fiz:u:na Translation: Verily We Do Make It To Descend upon Him ; and Verily We are Its Conserver [Savier/Protecter]. Explanation:= " 'ALL-H MADE QUR'A:N [DH:IKR/DH:ICR]TO DESCENT [NAZZALNA:] ON HOLY PROPHET AND 'ALL-H IS ITS CONSERVER" Using Engineer's trick one can say that this 'A:yah is speaking for those 'Aya:t of Holy Qur'a:n which had been revield upon Holy Prophet Prior to the Revelation of This very 'A:yah "Surah 15: Ayah 9, written above. This is a Divine Punishment to "Ali: Mirza: Of Jhelum that his own Engineered System generates doubts of coruption and mutilation in the Texts of a Number of 'Aya:t of Holy Qur'a:n.

2] If is is so strict to exclude Saiyiduna: Mu"a:viah RD: from such Verses and Traditions then he must have to accept that the tradition "MAN CUNTU MAULA:...." which he claims th be Mutvatir is ABSOLUTELY SILENT ON all those who of Whom Holy Prophet was Maula: at the present since Cuntu/Kuntu is a word of past. It is used for far past and not for near past. If it is considered as Past then it is indefinite and it cannot suggest whether it is near past or far past. In any case in excludes all those of whom Holy Prophet became Maula: ofter this past tense. What is the point. The point is that there are several persons of Whom Holy Prophet was Maula: yet Saiyiduna "Ali was Not Maula: of them. If a Past Tense in the Text of a Verse of Holy Qur'an or in the Text of a Tradition of H:adith: can Exclude Saiyiduna: Mu"a:viah RD: then Some more things or persons can be excluded from Past Tenses of TEXTS of Verses of Qur'a:n or Texts of 'Ah:dith: or both, and "Ali Mirza: is likely to reject this consequence and corollary of his own Fundamental Theorm that Parst Tense Excludes a number of Persons or Things that are not included in word of Past Tense by PARITY OF REASONING. By Parity Of Reasoning Holy Prophet Can be the Maula of a Number of Persons and Saiyiduna: "Ali: connot be their Maula, a result that can annoy Engineer "Ali: Mirza Since his own Engineered Technique is destroys his system of argument. Similarly by parity of reasoning "Ali Mirza: is compelled to exclude some 'A:ya:t from Ayah :9,Surah 15. Al-Hijr. Is this his system or he is going to state some principles engineered by him? It is a fallacy that when a system goes against Saiyiduna: Mu"a:viah RD: "Ali: Mirza accepts it and when it goes to Saiyiduna: "Ali: RD: , The Engineer rejects it. It appears that he is making grounds for his Rafd: and it may also be the case that he is indirectly trying to Attack the belief the Conservation of Holy Qur'a:n from Corruption and Mutilation etc. Every thing is possible for Engineer "Ali Mirza: , since he his a perpetual mutant and ever changing person. THE SYSTEM OF "ALI MIRZA DOES FIRE BACK UPON HIM. HE CANNOT DEFENT HIS SYSTEM. IF HE WANTS TO MAKE HIS SYSTEM CONSISTENT HE MUST HAVE A SINGLE STANDARD AND NOT MULTIPLE STANDARD . THIS IS THE DIVINE PUNISHNENT ,DIVINE AVENGE AND DIVINE REFUTATION OF THIS HERETIC FOR HIS RAFD: AND EMINITY AGAINST SAIYIDUNA MU"AVIAH RD:. ENGINEER "ALI: MIRZA: CANNOT DEFEND HIS DUEL STANDARD 'INSHA:'ALL-H. THAT IS A CHALLANGE 'AL H:AMDULILLAH. TO THE FOLLOWERS OF "ALI: MIRZA: FOR THE SAKE OF 'ALL-H,QUR'A:N ,'ISLA:M,S:HA:BAH,'AH:ADI:TH: DO NOT LISTEN TO THE APOSTATE LECTURES OF THIS HERETIC UNLESS AND OTHERWISE YOU HAVE SUFFICIENT KNOWLEDGE TO DETECT HIS FALLACIES,FLAWS,INCONSISTENCIES AND HERESY IN HIS APOSTATE SYSTEM OF ARGUMENTS.


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