THE MODERATE SUNNI VIEW ABOUT KILLERS OF H:USAIN. Engineer "Ali Mirza: Often present extremist view about Yazi:d .So we present a Moderate View. Ahlussunnah do differ a about their view about Yazi:d and Killers Of Saiyiduna: H:usain RD: . Our Moderate View is that Killers Of Saiyiduna: H:usain RD: and Killers of Saiyiduna: "Uth:ma:n RD: are Equal . They have the same status of Crime. How ever the Killers Of Saiyiduna: Uth:ma:n RD: may be considered even worse than the Killers of Saiyiduna: H:usain RD: ; Since Saiyiduna: "Uth:man RD: was not only 'Afd:al than Saiyiduna: H:usain RD: but also 'Afd:al than Saiyiduna: "Ali RD: , the Father of Saiyiduna: H:usain RD: . As for Yazi:d , the moderate view is that if he was involved in the Killing of Saiyiduna: H:usain RD: then he was almost equal to the killers of Saiyiduna: H:usain RD. This may ammuse a number of people and may annoy Engineer "Ali Mirza Since he has a soft corner of the Killers and Murderers of Saiyiduna: "Uth:ma:n RD: . He even claimed [in one of his apostate Lectures] that := The Matyrdom of Siyiduna: "Uth:ma:n RD: became the Caffa:rah [Kaff:arah] of His Mistakes and Errors ['Astaghfarullah].
This statement of Engineer "Ali: Mirza of Jhelum is worse then the statement " the Matyrdom of Siyiduna: "Ali: RD: became the Caffa:rah [Kaff:arah] of His Mistakes and Errors ['Astaghfarullah]. Both statements are incorrect and wrong. May 'ALL-H guide "Ali: Mirza: and lead him to the true path. At present Engineer's M-nhaj is of Heretics and Heterodoxes.