Engineer ‘:Ali: Mirza: has divided the S:AH:A:BAH in Legal and Real. He has misinterpreted a Tradition according to his heretic views . This is a refutation of this heretic subdivision of S:ah:a:bah in Legal and Real.
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Engineer ‘:Ali: Mirza: has divided the S:AH:A:BAH in Legal and Real. He has misinterpreted a Tradition according to his heretic views . This is a refutation of this heretic subdivision of S:ah:a:bah in Legal and Real. Preliminary One The Literal Meaning of the ‘:Arabic Word “S:ah:a:bah” is Companion. In the terminology of Shar’: there are several definitions of the term given. Page 1 of 8
Page 2 of 8 But all the definitions are based on the individuals known as S;h:a:bah by Muh:addith:u:n. The case of the word “S:ah:a:bah” (Singular: S:h:a:bi:) is exactly like the word Rusul (Sing:Rasu:l). Similarly the same is true for their singular. The word Rasu:l means Messenger or Apostle. But there are several definitions in of the words Rasu:l and Rusul. But like the word S:ah:a:bi: and S:h:a:bah the definitions of the singular and plural forms of the word Rasu:l is based upon the known individuals. Preliminary Two A Person cannot be excluded from the status of S:ah:a:bah due to the differences in the definitions of the Words S:ah:abi: who is accepted as a S:ah:a:bi: by ‘Al Muh:addith:u:n. A Person who is reported as Rasu:l cannot be declared as a Non –Rasu:l [Gh:airu Rasu:l] due to the differences of Definitions of Rasu:l. Similarly if a Person is reported as a S:ah:a:bi: by Authentic Traditions or by Qur’a:nic Text cannot not be excluded from being a S:ah:abi: by using different definitions. Preliminary Three A person who drifted from ‘Isla:m ceaseth to be a S:ah:a:bi immediately, but as long as he remains as Muslim he enjoyeth full protocol of a S:ah:a:bi:. So the Faith is the Necessary Condition of being a S:ah:a:bi: . [ Holy Prophet is the Last and Final Nabi: and Rasu:l]. Any doubt of Rationality is rejected and discarded on the basis of Axioms of ‘Isla:m and ‘Ahlussunnah Val Jama:’:ah. Preliminary Four A S:ah:a:bi: is not infallible yet s S:ah:a:bi: cannot commit a Sin or a Transgression which contradicteth the Essential and Necessary Attributes of a S:ah:a:bi: . If a Person is a S:ah:a:bi: [S:h:a:biah] then he/she cannot cease to be a S:aha:bi: if he/she doeth not commit the Acts contradicting the Necessary Conditions of being a S:ah:abi: which are Cufr/Kufr and Shirk/Shirc. So if they commit any act less than these two acts , they enjoy full protocol of being a S:ah:a:bi: . Preliminary Five. Page 2 of 8
Page 3 of 8 A Person (Male or Female) if he/she who was a S:ah:a:bi: initially can only be declared as to become a Non Muslim by ‘Al H:adi:th: ‘Al Mutva:tir or S:ah:i:h: Li Dh:a:tihi:. Weak and Fabricated Traditions cannot be used for this purpose. Preliminary Six A Sin or a Transgression can only be ascribed to a S:ah:a:bi by a Mutva:tir or a S:h:i:h: Tradition only. My Personal inclination is that even S:ah:i:h: Li Gh:airihi cannot be used for this purpose. As for H:asan Li Gh:airihi: they are actually Weak Traditions which invigorate due to their convergence , but if there is some obtracke [Ma:ni’:] in there invigoration their convergence is equal to nothing. Preliminary Seven Words like Qur’a:n, Nabi:, Rasu:l, S:ah:abah existed in ‘:Arabic Language before the Birth of Holy Prophet and did have heir respective literal meanings. But after the Advent of ‘Isla:m these words were provided special meanings and were used in them. It is presumed that Holy Prophet did have some Special Definitions for these words. All the disputes in the books are just to investigate and definitise these meanings. There Literal Meanings are still known , conveyed through ‘:Arabic Lexicons , but it is strongly prohibited To use them by Ummah in their literal meanings. Some times it iss Kufr , Some time it is a Great Heresy but not a Kufr. But the Text of Qur’a:n and Authentic Traditions some times they are used in their Literal Meanings. This does not mean that these words are allowed to be used in Literal Meaning in Regular Usage. Preliminary Seven Some Angels and some Prophets are called Rasu:l . This cause a Problem since Angels are not Prophets and No Rsu:l is a Not- Nabi: [Gh:airun Nabi: / Not Prophet]. There are several attemted solutions to this problem. The best one is that the Word Rasu:l [Pl: Rusul/R-s-l] is is used in their Literal Meanings in such sentences of ‘Arabic Sriptures where they be the Sacred Qur’a:n or Holy Books of Reliable Traditions. But this does not mean that they are allowed to be used in their literal meaning by ‘Ummah of Rasu:l. Some heretic sects like Luma:niah in Carachi/Karachi claimed that Holy Prophet [PBUH] is the Last Nabi: but not the Last Rsu:l [Na’:u:dh:billah Va ‘Astagh:farullah]. His Infidelic heresy was based upon the problem of confusion of literal and terminological definitions of Religion. Page 3 of 8
Page 4 of 8 ‘Ima:m Gh:aza:li did anticipate such a Possible Heresy. Similarly to reject the Nomenclature of Shar’: is a Herasy. But such attempts were always condemned and such heretics were either declared either as Non Muslims or Heretics. When the Mirza: of Qa:dian began to prepare himself for the claim prophethood ,he initially tried to use the word Nabi: for himself in their literal meaning. Lahorites [Fallowers of Muh:ammad ‘:Ali: Lahori] still try to defend Mirza of Qa:diya:n /Qa:dian/Qadia:n by taking the word Nabi: in the literal meaning or sometime assigning a different definition to it. Following the Mirza of Qa:diya:n the Mirza: of Jhelum adopted the basic heresy yet he used it for a different words S:ah:a:bi ‘As:h:a:bi et cetera. His purpose was also some what different but the Method was borrowed from Mirza: of Qa:iy:an. He wanted to make doubts in the Companionship of the Companions of R-su:l of ‘ALL-H [‘-LL-H] [SWT/SVT] Preliminary Eight. Folowing Mirza of Qa:diya:n and Muh:ammad ‘:Ali: Lahori: Muh:ammad ‘Ali Jhelumi the Mirza: of Jhelum used the lIteral meanings of the words S:ah:abi, ‘As:h:a:b , ‘As:h:a:bi: to make and cast doubts in the Shar’:i: meanings of the word S:ah:a:bi, ‘As:h:abi etc. Preliminary Nine. Neither the literal meaning of the words S:ah:abi:, ‘As:h:a:bi, S;ah:a:bah etc. constitute the the type of S:ah:a:bi: in Shar’:i: meaning nor the Literal Meaning of the words Rasu:l , Rusul constitute the a kind of Rasu:l in the Shar’:i: meanings of the Word Rasu:l ,Rusul, etc. How ever Mirza of Jhelum is playing the very same game on the words S:ah:a:bi:, ‘As:h:a:bi etc.which was played by Lahorite Mirzais for Mirza: of Qa:diya:n. It is certain that some of the basic materials and techniques of Muh:ammad ‘:Ali: Jhelumi are directly borrowed from Muh:ammad ‘:Ali Lahori: and his followers. It is irrefutable that Muh:ammad ‘:Ali: Mirza: does borrow techniques from different heretics and Anti ‘isla:mic Sects and Religions say Baha:’ism. Preliminary Ten There is no such types of S:ah:a:bi like legal [Qa:nu:ni: /Canonical] and Real [H:aqi:qi:]. Such a subdivision is incorrect by all standards of ‘Isla:m. Such a Division is just by Mirza: Of Jhelum is just a fallacy and a heresy. Page 4 of 8
Page 5 of 8 It is similar to a subdivision of Rasu:l in Real and Legal [Na’:u:dh:ubillah Va ‘Astagh:farullah] Preliminary Eleven. There are definite differences between a S:ah:a:bi: and a Rsu:l but the Law /Principle for these terms is one and the same , that is they cannot played with such heretic methods and techniques as in vented by Lahorites, and Borrowed by Jhelumites. As Mirza: of Jhelum was unable to deny the S:h:a:biah [Companionship] of some S:ah:a:bah [Companions ] of Holy Prophet ,he was compelled by his desire to declare them as Legal. Thus he wanted to deny them as Real S:ah:a:bah by using this borrowed Technique. Preliminary Twelve. If for sake of an argument it is accepted that such a division is correct then Saiyiduna: Mu’:a:viah RD:, Saiyiduna: ‘Abu: H-rairah RD:, Saiyiduna: ‘:Amr Bin ‘Al ‘:A:s: RD:, Saiyiduna: Mughi:rah Bin Sh-‘:bah RD: etc all are the Real and True S:ah:a:bah just like Saiyuduna: ‘:Ali: RD:, Saiyiduna: H:asan RD:, Saiyiduna: Bla:l RD: etc. So The word for S:ah:a:bah /’As:h:a:bi: in the tradition “…….Innaka La: Tadri: Ma: ‘Ah:dath:u: Ba’:daka ……………..] is in the Literal Meaning. It is certainly and definitely Not in the Shar’:i: Meaning. So Engineer ‘A:li: Mirza: deliberately attempted to cause a Confusion for his Heretic purpose. Additionally ‘:Ali: Mirza: wants to make doubt in the Sunni belief of
‘AJMA’:I:N. SINCE Enemies of S:ah:a:bah do not believe in ‘As:h:a:b ‘Ajma’:i:n but in ‘AS:H:A:B TABI’:I:N , Engineer ‘Ali: Mirza of Jhelum is casting doubts not only in the Definite Salvation of S:ah:a:bah like ‘Ima:m Va ‘Ami:r Mu’:a:vah RD: but on the Principe of ‘As:h:a:b ‘Ajma’:i:n . [NA’:U:DH:UBILLAH VA ‘ASTAGH:FARULLAH] Result Engineer ‘:Ali Mirza: of Jhelum is just using a Mirzai Tecnique which he had borrowed from Mira’:I Lahori: sect and has used against ‘Ahlussunnah for the four Heretic Purposes. 1] To make confusion in the MEANING OF A TEXT OF H:ADI:TH: 2] To make doubts in the SALVATION of Some S:ah:a:bah.
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Page 6 of 8 3] To make doubts in the Sunni Principle of ‘As:h:a:b ‘Ajma’:i:n and to replace it by the heretic principle of ‘As:h:a:b Tabi’:’i:n. 4] To make doubts in S:ah:i:h: Marfu:’: TRADITIONS OF ‘AH:A:DITH: of S:ah:a:h: in General ,Holy Bukh:a:ri: and Holy Muslim in Particular and in M-vat:t:a:’ in addition. Some question for ‘Ali: Mirza: of Jhelum on his heretic subdivision of S:ah:a:bah into two types Legal and Real. 1] Are Saiyiduna: ‘:Ali: RD:, Saiyiduna: H-san RD:, Saiyiduna: Husain RD:, Saiyiduna: ‘:Amma:r RD: , Saiyiduna: B-lal RD:in Real S:h:a:bah or in Legal S:h:a:bah? 2] Are Saiyiduna: Mu’:a:viah : RD:, Saiyiduna: M-gh:-rah RD:, Saiyiduna: ‘Amar Bin’:Al ‘:A:s: RD:, Saiyiduna: ‘Abu: H-rairah RD: , Saiyiduna: B-lal in Real S:h:a:bah or in Legal S:h:a:bah? 3] Do you think that this H:adi:th: discussed above contradics of the Sunni Principle of ‘As:h:a:b ‘Ajma’:i:n? 4] If a tradition is S:ah:i:h Marfu:’: then the S:ah:a:bi who narrates the tradition from Holy Prophet is Legal or Real? 5] Are there some S:ah:i:h: Marfu:’: in Holy Bukh:a:ri: and in Holy Muslim which are narrated by Legal S:ah:abah in their chains of Reporters and not by Real S:ah:abah (as according to ‘:Ali: Mirzite subdivision of S:ah:a:bah discussed above). ANSWER IS EQUIRED WITH ATLEAST TWO EXAMPLES IF THE EXIST 6] If there is a S:ah:a:bi which is legal according to Man from Jhelum namely Engineer ‘:Ali: Mirza: in a chain of S:ah:i:h Marfu:’: Hadi:th: with all other Narrators [R-VA:H] as TH-QA:T [Sing :-TH:-Q-H], such that he is the only S:ah:a:bi: in the chain of reporters/narrators. ANSWER IS EQUIRED WITH ATLEAST TWO EXAMPLES IF THE EXIST 7] If a H:adi:th: is M-rs-l then it misses a S:ah:a:bi: from the chain of reporters/Narrators. So the question is which type of S:ah:a:bid does it miss , Legal or Real or both?
Epilogue This man Engineer ‘A:li Mirza: has come step by step to make doubts in Bukh:a:ri and Muslim , in all S:ah:i:h: traditions just by declaring that the S:ah:a:bi: the chain of Narrators is just legal and not real. The alleged types of S:ah:a:bah is not found in ‘Us:u:l Of H:adi:th: . This is very important that such an alleged type innovated by ENGINEER ‘:ALI MIRZA: . Page 6 of 8
Page 7 of 8 We take the meaning which of S:ah:abi: that is necessarily used in the ‘Us:u:l ul H:adi:th: . There is no such subdivision of S:ah:a:bah which heretic of Jhelum suggested in the ‘Us:u:lul H:adi:th: . We take only this meaning as the valid Term of the word S:ah:a:bah , S:ah:a:bi: etc.
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