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1 Engineer “Ali: Mirza: argued in his lecture 116-b etc. that := 1] Some ‘Ah:adi:th: narrated by ‘Imam Bukha:ri: which are generally used for the Fad:a:’il /Vertues of Saiyiduna Mu”a:viah are not included in the BAB [Chapter/Division] of Z:ikr/Z:icr of Mu’aviah Of Holy Bukhari: . This shews that ‘Imam Bukhari did not consider them worthy of including them in this Bab. 2]Imam Bukhari: did not know that these traditions are about the VIRTUES [FAD:A:’IL]OF Mu”aviah RD, other wise Imam Bukhari would have included them in the Bab Of Zikr of Mu”aviah RD. 3] Engineer “Ali Mirza makes the following satyr:= It is revealed after fourteen centuries that these Traditions are about the Fad:a’il of Mu”aviah RD. He also makes a worse satyr then this that this was not known even to the angels [ of Imam Bukhari:].




Answering the arguments of Engineer “Ali Mirza 1] According to the H:anafite Subgroupt of ‘Ahlussunnah, One may dispute with the ‘Abva:b [Divisions/Chapters ]of Holy Bukhari. That is one may suggest that a given tradition included in a Ba:b of Holy Bukha:ri should be placed in another Ba:b of Bukha:ri. Such disputes ‘Imam Bukhari: not on the text of a Tradition but on the inclusion of the Tradition in a suggested Ba:b [suggested by Imam Bukha:ri] is known to scholars and students of H:anafiah. NOTE: This answer is according to the standard of “Ali Mirza the Engineer, since he disputes on the thirty Divisions of Qur’a:n and consider Flaw [S-QM] and imperfection in the Thirty Divisions of Holy Qur’a:n. If any Engineer “Ali Mirza disputes from the ‘Ijma: of thirty divisions of Qur’an then he does not have any right to deny the right of any one who disputes with Imam Bukhari on the Divisions of Holy S:ah:i:h: Bukhari. How ever we do not go to such extents and believe that Divisions of Qur’a:n and Bukha:ri are flawless and perfect. 1



The only difference is that to believe there is flaw [S-Q-M]in divisions of Qur’a:n is Cufr/Kufr, but in the case of Holy Bukha:ri:, it is not. Any how this is a counter Answer , one that is termed as Anti Venom by the Self of very “Ali Mirza: , also termed as Digestive Power [Phakkee/Phakki:] by him. 2] According to ALL Non H:ANFITE SECTS OF SUNNISM [‘Ahlussunna Val Jama:”ah] Divisions of Bukha:ri Shari:f are correct and valid. This means that if Imam Bukha:ri: did include a H:di:th: in a Bab then it is correct, valid and accurate. But it is agrees upon that a content of Text of the Tradition of a H:adi:th: in Holy Bukhari in a certain Bab can be used in an other Bab of Bukhari Shari:f , and argumentations and reasonings in issues of that Ba:b is correct even if Imam Bukha:ri did not use it in that Ba:b. There is no such principle that even if a Tradition of Holy Bukhari that is in a Ba:b of Holy Bukhari can be used in an other Ba:b of Bukha:ri ,but it cannot be used in that Ba:b just because Imam Bukha:ri Hath not included it in that Ba:b. As for S:ah:i:h: Bukha:ri Shari:f, One Must Know it that there are some traditions in Holy S:ah:i:h: Bukha:ri: that can be included in more then one Ba:b yet Imam Bukhari: did not include it in all [or more then one]’A bva:b. But this doeth not mean that it cannot be used in matters of other Abva:b [or other ba:b], just because in is not included in them[it]. Thus the claim is that it is not Necessary that Imam Bukha:ri included a tradition in more then one Bab/ Abva:b if it is able to be included in . It may please be noted that we have claimed “Not Necessary” we have not claimed “Necessary Not”. The difference between the two must necessary be kept in mind. 2



The claim that Imam Bukhari did not know that these tradition can be used in the Bab of Z:ikr of Mu”aviah RD, IS BASELESS. Not to include in a Ba:b is one thing and not to know that it can be included is an other thing. It is just like the claim that the claimant hath read Imam Bukha:ri:’s mind. “Astaghfarullah. Thus what so ever is alleged to mean by the Engineer is falsified , by the grace of Divinity ‘ALL-H SUBH:A:N-HU VA TA”A:LA: . FOLLWERS OF THE ENGINEER NAMELY ALI MIRZA ARE REQUESTED TO TAKE A COMARATIVE STUDY OF ARGUMENTS OF ALI MIRZA: AND THE REFUTATION OF HIS ARGUMENTS IMPARTIALLY AND UNBAISED. If the find the refutation correct then they are requested to ask “Ali Mirza to confess that his argument in lecture 116-b is incorrect . SUBH:A:NALLAH VABI H:AMDIHI: SUBH:ANALLAHIL “AZ:I:M



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