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BISMILLAHIRAH:MA:NIRRAHI:M @@@@@@@@@@@@@ BISMILLAHIRRAHMA:NIRRAHI:M@@@@@@@@@@ DISCUSSION ON PROOF TEXTS PRESENTED BY DENOUNCERS OF SELF POSSIBILITY OF FALSEHOOD IN DIVINE STATEMENTS. SOME COMMENTS ON THE ALLEGED PROOF TEXTS PRESENTED BY THE SITES LIKE: It is the Axiom of AhlussunnahwalJama:''ah tha '' DEFECTS , BADS ,FLAWS,IMPERFECTIONS ETCETERA UPON[IN] DIVINE ESSENCE AND ESSENTIAL ATTRIBUTES OF DIVINE ESSENCE ARE SELF ABSURD /ABSURD IN ITSELF. SPEECH Is [Does Be] One Of The Eternal Essential Attributes Of The Essence Of Divinity 'ALL-H [SWT].IT IS ABSOLUTELY SIMPLE, ABSOLUTE, ABSOLUTELY PERFECT,WITH OUT EXPRESSIONS, SENTENCES ,WORDS,LETTERS AND '-''RA:B.This is termed as Kala:m 'An Nafsi: in The system of Majority of Sunnites. It may be noted that the word Nafsi: is not in the sense of inness of body. This is the valid term and one who makes objection in this term is actually inspired by Minority Sunni Cults [MSC]. There is an other Speech Of G-D Which do Consist of LETTERS,WORDS EXPRESSIONS ,SENTENCES, '-''RA:B AND ORDER. It is not an Essential Attribute Of G-D. It is Temporal. It is called as KALA: 'AL LAFZ:I:. When Majority Of Sunnites do say that, Al Qur'anis eternal they do refer to kalam 'An Najai,and not to kalam 'Al lafzi. When the (Contiguently) temporal Attributes and Qualities are refered to Qur'an the are refered to kalam' AL lafzi.Thus it is beyond doubt that the'Arabic word kalam is applicable in real meaning ( PRIMARY MEANING) ON BOTH OF THEM. If some one does deney that the ''ARABIC WORD Kala:m is not Applicabel to a Speech That is with out Letters, words etcetera commits an error.How ever in general it is not allowed to use the word KH-L-Q /CREATION/TO CREATE, ET CETERA even for the Kala:m 'Al Lafz:i: since the SL-F nevernever used the word KH-L-Q / CREATION in rewference to It.At best the word H:A:DITH [and not H:ADI:TH] Is used in speceial cases.How ever in exceptional cases such as debated or in educatrional envoirments where it is required to clearify the concept(ion)s one may use the word CREATION /TO CREATE even for Kala:m 'an Lafz:i:. BUT KALA:M 'AL LAFZ:I: Is not a set of EXPRESSIONS SENTENCES,WORDS,LETTERS, BUT KALA:M 'AL LAFZ:I: IS CONSTITUED of Letters, Words, Expressions, Sentences AND THEIR MEANINGS.THIS IS THE REASON PLURALITY OF KALA:M 'AL LAFZ:I: EXISTS.One KAL:M 'AL LAFZ:I: MAY DIFFER FROM ANOTHER KALA:M 'AL LAFZ:I: ,IN MEANING, FORM,CONSTRUCTIONS,KIND OF SENTENCES,WORDS AND MEANINGS AND SENSES. This Speech is not NOT included in Essentiial ATTRIBUTES Of G-D. The traditional way of Great Sunni Imam is to Predicate the word Ghair Makhlu:q to Qur'a:n and not to predicate the word Makhlu:q to it. When they pradicate to the words QURA:N , KALA:MULLAH ,ATTRIBUTES OF ETERNITY THE KALA:M 'AN NAFSI: IS INTENDED. When the word QURA'A:N IS Predeicarted by ATTRIBUTES OF TEMPORALITY THE KALA:M 'AL LAFZ:I: IS INTENDED. BUT it is not in the practsive to Predicate the word /Noun 'AL QURA:N BY THE WORD CREATION even in the sense of Kala:m 'al Lafz:i:.Such a practice is discorraged. After understanding the concept of Majority of SUNNITES INREGARD TO AL QURA:M, KALA:M 'AL LAFZ:I: AN KALA:M 'AN NAFSI: ONE MAY TERN HIS ATTRNTION to the proof texts presented by denouncers of the SELF POSSIBILITY of Falsehood /Falsity in Divine Statements There are four prerequisites which must be known to understant the real meanings and senses of the Quotations presented by the denouncers of Self Possibility Of Falsehood / Falsity in Divine Statements. FIRST PREREQUISIT:There Are Two Divine Speeches. A] One Is An Essential Attribute Of G-D.B] One Is Not An Essential Attiribute Of G-D. The First One Is Eternal And Uncxreated. The Second One Is Temporal [And Created]. Second Prerequisit:-

No Sunni Theologian Of the first generation ever said 'AlQur'a:n is Created even in the sense / meaning of the Second Speech sated in the First Prereqisit. The words QUR'A:N , 'ALQUR'A:N , Kala:mullah, in general do refer to Eternal Speeech the First Speech Stated in the First Prerequisit and not to the Temporal Speech , THE SECOND SPEECH unless and otherwiseit is explicitly stated,or is indicated by external or internal indicators , or by the demand of context et cetera. Third Prerequisit:S-l-f even disliked to predicate words Creation , Created,made ,making, even to Kala:m 'Al Lafz:i:. They did think that by stating Qur'a:n or Kala:mullah Is Created et cetera even in the sense /meaning Of KALA:M 'AL LAFZ:I: one may get involve in the fallacy that they are confirming MU''TAZILITES, Jahmites etcetera and Muslim Philosophers. But thing did go topsytervy when a number of theologians of Sunnites did begen to believe that Kala:m 'Al Lafz:i: is Eternal and Uncreated. To refute this misconception they did have to state that KALA:M 'AL LAFZ:I: is Temporal. Yet as a respct they still disliked to use the words CREATION ,CREATED ,INVENTED For The Kala:m 'Al Lafz:i. But latter on it become necessary to state it in debades or during education to convey the idea not as a general practice but as an educational requirement in schools of theological and polemical studies. Further to combat some Minorities of Sunnis , Majorities of sunnies find it necessary since some minorities believe that ATemporal thing may either be Created or Uncreated. To refute this concept it became necessary to State that Kala:m 'Al Lafz:i: Is Created. Or In Some exceptional cases Qur'a:n is Created, When the word Qur'a:n Refers to KALA:M 'AL LAFZ:I:. Forth Prerequisit:In the light of the above PREREQUISITS it is clear that when a number of SUNNI PHILOSOPHERS,LOGISISTS,DIALECTISTS,POLEMISTS ,THOLOGIANS AND TEACHERS OF RATIONAL STUDIES used the word FALSEHOOD / FALSITY [ KIDHB] in reference to G-D THE DID MEAN ''''''''' FALSEHOOD / FALSITY [K-DHB] IN (UPON) THE SELF OF ETERNAL SPEECH [ID EST KALA:M 'AN NAFSI:] """ and NOT in KALA:M 'AL LAFZ:I:. . In order to clearify and to explain this openion ,Let it be assumed for a sake of an argument that Falsehood / Falsity in Kala:m 'AlLafz:i: is Self Absurd. Even then these TEXTS WHICH ARE PRESENTED OR QUOTED BY THE DENOUNCERS OF SELF POSSIBILITY OF FALSEHOOD IN DIVINE STATEMENTS are SCILENT AND OMBUTESCENT ABOUT THE SELF ABSURDITY OF FALSEHOOD / FALSITY IN THE STATEMENTS OF KALA:M 'AL LAFZ:I:. OF G-D. THEY ONLY STATE THE SELF ABSUDITY OF FALSEHOOD UPON [IN] THE VERY SELF OF KALA:M 'AN NAFSI:.. SO IT IS A FALLACY TO APPLY OR SUPER IMPOSE THESE TEXTS ON THE ISSUE OF SELF POSSIBILITY OF KAA:M 'AL LAFZ:I:. EVEN if it is supposed that Falsehood / Falsity in the Statements / 'AKHBA:R OF KALA:M 'AL LAFZ:I:. IS SELF ABSURD [MUHA:L BIDH DHA:T]. FURTHER if it is supposed for the sake of an argument that authors of these Texts did believe that the Falsehood/ Falsity in the Divine Statements of Divine Kala:m 'Al Lafz:i:. is Self Absurd, they never Stated their this belief, at least in these Texts which are the supposed Proof Texts OF DENOUNCERS OF SELF POSSIBILITY in Divine Statements.These Texts and the Contents of these Texts are ABSOLUTELY Scilent and INFINITELY Obmutescent over the issues of Self Possibility and Self Absurdity Of Falsehood /Falsity in Divine Statements. FIFTH PREREQUISIT:In te begening when DENOUNCERS OF SELF POSSIBILITY OF FALSEHOOD EMERGED IN SUBCONTINENT SOUTH ASIA ,FOUNDERS of the sect misunderstood misunderstood Denouncers Of Self Absudity Of Falsehood /Falsity in Divine Statements [VERBAL DICTA] .These Denouncers began to Quote from works of Great Sunni thologians in the support of the Dogma Of Sel Absurdity of Falsehood / Falsity in Divine Statements.More than Thirty portions of TEXTS WERE QUOTED in the favour of this Dogma of Self Absudity of Falsehood /falsity . A Number of responces were given to them and one of the responce is that ALL THOSE QUOTATIONS PRESENTED AS DICTA PROBANTIA / PROOF TEXTS DO REFER TO THE SELF ABSURDITY OF FALSEHOOD / FALSEITY IN [ UPON] THE VERY SELF OF 'ALKALA:M 'AN NAFSI:. and not Upon / In 'AL KALA:M 'AL LAFZ:I:..

Some of the Denouncers after realizing the power of responce did not continue the dispute any further and closed the chapter of dispute for all practical reasons. But some of them WHO WANTED TO continue this dispute for their own reason began to argue that Falsehood / Falsity is Self Absurd even in 'AL KALA:M 'AL LAFZ:I:. But it is self evedent that QUOTATINS OF elders can not be about 'AL KALA:M 'AL LAFZ:I:..So they began to prove rather the self absurdity of falsehood /falsity ofKala:m 'Al Lafz:i:. as well. But in this attempt they began to differ from one another.They them selves got divided into several subsects. Subsects of Denouncers of Self Absurdity. 1.FIRST SUBSECT:Due to MATURIDI:. back ground they were unable to deney KALA:M 'AN NAFSI:.. but they borrowed the dogma of Eternity Of 'AL KALA:M 'AL LAFZ:I:. from SALFITES, H:ANA:BALAH And H:ru:fiah with some modifications. , and claimed that all those generations of ASHARITES and Maturidites who believed in the TEMPORALITY OF 'AL KALA:M 'AL LAFZ:I:. were in Error. See the works of this subsect. 1] ''-JA:LATUR RAWA:KIB FI: ''IMTINA:'' KIDHB 'AL WA:JIB BY ''ABDULLAH TONKI.. 2]T-ANZI:HUR RAHMA:N 'AN SH:'IBATIL KIDHB WAN NAQS:A:N BY AHMAN HASAN KA:NPU:RI:. COMMENT:= This is to believe that Words ,Expressions ,'Arabic EC CETERA ARE ALL ETERNAL. One can not scape by deneying their Eternity and still believing in the Eternity Of Kala:m 'Al Lafz:i:. 2. SECOND SUBSECT:They began to deney the distinction [T-F-R-Q-H] b/w 'AL KALA:M 'AL LAFZ:I:. and KALA:M 'AN NAFSI:. They declaired that all those ASHARITES and MATURIDITES who make a distinction b/w these two are in Error. See the following work: MALFU:Z:A:T of 'AHMAD R-D:A of Baraili Part 04. Comment:This means that there is no difference b/w the SPEECH that is with out WORDS, LETTERS, EXPRESSIONS and the Speech that is NOT with out Them. This is the denial of THE OBVIOUS AND THE EVIDENT. 3. THE THIRD SUBSECT:They begen to believe in 'AL KALA:M 'AN NAFSI: due to their Maturidi. back ground.But they borrowed from Salfites, H:ana:balah etcetera the Dogma of Eternity Of Kala:m 'AL LAFZ:I:. How ever they realized that KALA:M 'AL LAFZ:I: consists of Letters ,Words, Sentences ,Expressions and their order or all of them., which can not be Eternal and Uncreated. So they claimed that Kala:m 'Al Lafz:i: is also with out These Letters ,words ,Expressions, Arabic Sentences ,and is Eternal . Yet what so ever is found constituted of Words, Letters etcetera is NOT 'AL KALA:M 'AL LAFZ:I: but READING(S) [Q-R'A-H /Q-R-'-A:T], PRONUNCIATION(S) [T-LAF-FUZ: / T-L-FZ:A:T] ,PRINTS /IPPRINTS [N-Q-SH/ N-QU:SH] They believe that KALA:M 'AL LAFZ:I:. Is Eternal and with out the Words, Letters THAT IS KNOWN to be in QUR'A:N. These words , letters ,Surahs and their Order etcetera are some thing which emerged from lack of capacity of Organs / Instruments [''ADAM M-SA:''ID 'AL 'A:;AH]. This is the first sect that denied that KALA:M 'AL LAFZ:I: is not what is believed to be as KALA:M 'AL LAFZ:I:. by the entire Muslim world but it is some thing different. What so ever is believed to be Kala:m 'Al Lafz:i:. bu all the Muslim Sects is not 'Al Kala:m 'AL Lafz:i: as according to them. Strange as is but it is also a fact that this sect tried to ascribe their new invented belief to Great Sunni Theologians. How ever no one accepted their false

alligations which the ascribed to Great Sunni Theologians. See MAQA:LAT KAZ:IMIAH VOL02. COMMENTS:This is nothing but denial of Kala:m 'Al Lafz:i:.. Denial of KALAM 'AL LAFZ:I:I is a Pure Kufr beyound any doubt.To claim that KALA:M 'AL LAFZ:I:. is also with out Words, Leters and their Order and to declair the REAL 'AL KALA:M 'AL LAFZ:I:. is not 'AL KALA:M 'AL LAFZ:I: but as Prnunciations of KALA:M 'AL LAFZ:I:. OR READINGS /RECITATIONS of Kala:m 'al Lafzi:. can not assist the claiment to scape from Pure Kufr. Since the openly accept that what so ever is composed of temporal words , letters , Expressions ,''ARABIC SENTENCES, AND their ORDER IS NOT 'AL Kala:m 'Al Lafz:i:.. Similarly it is necessary upon their Dogma that QUR'A:N Recited by Holy Prophet MUHAMMAD [S:AWS] is not 'AL KALA:M 'AL LAFZ:I:. but the Pronunciation og 'AL KALA:M 'AL LAFZ:I:. [ NA''U:DHU BILLA:H]. Since according to their dogma Recitations , Readings,and Pronunciations Of Kala:m 'al Lafz:iI are not 'AL KALA:M 'AL LAFZ:I:.. Further they do not believe that what so Ever is consisted of TEMPORAL LEETTERS, WORDS ARABIC EXPRESSIONS is QUR'A:N. Since the only Kala:m 'AL LAFZ:I: they believe is Eternal and free from Temporal words of 'ARABIC. If some one takes a COPY [M-S:H:F] of 'AL QUR'A:N 'AL KARI:M and Claims It is neithewr 'AL QUR'A:N nor Kala:m 'AL LAFZ:I:. then this is according to their dogma since they considewr irt as prints of KALA:M AL LAF:I: and not the KALA:M 'AL LAFZ:I:. It Self . N-''U:"DH- BILLAH. ACTUALLY KALA:M AL LAFZ:I: IS composed of TEMPORAL WORDS , TEMPORAL LETTERS TEMPORAL EXPRESSIONS AND THEIR TEMPORAL ORDER. Un fortunately there is a person who did not belongs to denouncers of self possibility , yet it appears that he believed in three KALA:MS. 1]temporal kala:m 'al lafz:i:.. 2]ETERNAL KALA:M 'AL LAFZ:I:. 3] ETERNAL KALA:M 'AN NAFSI:.. But almost every one of these attemted to prove the Self Absurdity of Falsehood / Falsity in the Statements of Kala:m 'Al Lafz:i: assuming it to be Temporal, descending from their repective original psitions. This does shew that in their sub consiousness they knew the weakness of their original positions. They all knew that Kala:m 'Al Lafz:i:. IS tEMPORAL BEYOUND DOUBT BUT THEY ARE DENEYING THE EVEDENT AND THE OBVIOUS. A]-Sanuusiyy in his book ˆUmdatu ‘Ahli-t-Tawfiiq says, “Are miracles as proof of the truthfulness of the Messengers of Aļļaah proofs in the mind’s eye, or by convention, or by normal necessity according to the relevant indications? There are different sayings. According to the first two (the mind’s eye and convention), it is impossible for a liar to have a miracle, because for the first it would lead to contradicting the sound mind, and for the second it would lead to saying that there is a flaw in what Aļļaah has informed, jalla wa ˆalaa, because to affirm the truthfulness of a lie is to lie, and it is impossible that Aļļaah should lie, since His Speech agrees with His Knowledge…. B]” “Moreover, if He was attributed with lying, and His attributes are all eternal, then it would be impossible for Him to be attributed with being truthful (in His Speech,) while it is correct that He is attributed with it, since He must be attributed with Knowledge. This would mean that what is correct would become impossible.[34]” Then he points out that the first two sayings are about the same. , C]“Third, it has been established that Aļļaah is attributed with complete perfection, and truthfulness is an attribute of complete perfection which’s opposite is a flaw, and it is impossible that Aļļaah should be attributed with a flaw, so He must be truthful. D] It is impossible that Aļļaah could lie, because His Speech/Kalaam must agree with His Knowledge, and speech in agreement with knowledge cannot by but truthful.” A‫؛‬-Sugħraa,” and “Al-Wusaa This is the portion of Text of AS-SANU:SI:. [R.H] . But this does not prove the Self Absurdity of Falsehood /Falsity in Divine Statements. One may discuss the whole quotation in detail which may be done if time permits but it is quite clear even to the beginers in Theological studies that

the whole passage is taken out of the Context. The following two statements are the central propositions upon which Denouncers of Self Possibility may reley. 1] """" it is impossible that Aļļaah should lie, since His Speech agrees with His Knowledge""" 2] if He was attributed with lying, and His attributes are all eternal, then it would be impossible for Him to be attributed with being truthful (in His Speech,) while it is correct that He is attributed with it, since He must be attributed with Knowledge. This would mean that what is correct would become impossible. Then he points out that the first two sayings are about the same. 3], it has been established that Aļļaah is attributed with complete perfection, and truthfulness is an attribute of complete perfection which’s opposite is a flaw, and it is impossible that Aļļaah should be attributed with a flaw, so He must be truthful. These are the only sentences which are the proof texts/ Dicta Probantia of the denouncers of Self Possibility Of Falsehood in Divine Statements.Let them be studied. @@@@@@@@@@@@FIRST DISCUSSION@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ A Flaw in the Verbal Dictum [Vebal information] of G-D IMPLIES A FLAW IN THE ETERNAL SPEECH Of G-D., WHICH IS SELF ABSURD. AsSanu:si:. due to brievity only reffered to the agreement b/w Omniscence and Divine Eternal Speech,without discussing the Nature Of Agreements , and types Of Agreements b/t Omniscence And Eternal Speech Of G-D. AGREEMENT B/W THESE TWO ATTRIBUTES Of G-D AND THEIR TYPES ARE DISCUSSED TO SOME EXTENT IN PREVIOUS ARTICLES AND SOME SHALL BE DISCUSSED LATTER..But if no discussion is done even then there is no problem for the believers of Self Possibility Of Falsehood in Divine Statements ,since Assanu:si:. is discussing about The Eternal Speech [Say 'Al -Kala:m 'An Nafsi:.] As Sanu:i. is not discussing about the Self Absurdity Of Statements Of 'AL KALA:M 'AL LAFZ:I:. Of G-D. He is Absolutely Scilent and Obmutescent over the issue of Self Absudity or Non Self Absurdity Of Falsehood / Falsity in Divine Statements [Verbal Dicta]. Thus the sentence of ASSanusi: """" it is impossible that Aļļaah should lie, since His Speech agrees with His Knowledge"""" Can be interpreted as fallow:= ''' IT IS SELF ABSURD THAT THERE IS FALSEHOOD IN THE ETERNAL ATTRIBUTE OF KALA:M ['AL NAFSI:. ] OF G-D SINCE IT AGREE WITH DIVINE OMNISCENT."""" THE ENTIRE SENTENCE OF ASSANUSI:. '' for the second it would lead to saying that there is a flaw in what Aļļaah has informed, jalla wa ˆalaa, because to affirm the truthfulness of a lie is to lie, and it is impossible that Aļļaah should lie, since His Speech agrees with His Knowledge…""" IS INTERPRETED AS FOLLOWS: A Flaw in the Verbal Dictum [Vebal Information / Verbal Inspiration] of G-D IMPLIES A FLAW IN THE ETERNAL SPEECH Of G-D., WHICH IS SELF ABSURD, SINCE ETERNAL ATTRIBUTE OF KALA:M 'AN NAFSI:. OF G-D AGREE WITH DIVINE OMNISCIENCE At best Denouncers of Self Possibility Of Falsehood /Falsity In VERBAL DICTA. may try to deduce the self absurdity of Statements Of Kala:m 'Al Lafz:i:.from the Sel Absudity Of Falsehood /Falsity In Kala:m 'An Nafsi:. . But this is not an explicit Sentence of Assanu:si:. rather it is a d4duction of persons other than ASSANUSI:. . One has no right to ascribe his won deductions to ASSANU:SI:. As the words of AsSANU:SI:. even if the deduction is made from his own sentence . This alleged diduction is invalid and it is beyond the scope of the present work to discuss the invalidity of this diduction. The thing that is in the scope of this article is to shew that these denouncers deduce some thing from a sentence of an Author and then ascribe the deduced result to the author. This is a fallacy. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ SECOND DISCUSSION @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Falsehood can not Sustain with the Divine Essence and Can not be Identical to Divine Essence, Since Falsehood /Falsity is a Defect all all dects are SELF ABSURD UPON [IN] G-D.One must accept that Falsehood is Not Only Self Absurd Upon [In] the Self Of Kala:m 'AnNafsi:. but Also UPON [IN] THE VERY SELF OF ESSENCE OF DIVINITY ; RATHER ITS PRIME Self Absurdity is Upon the Necessary in Existence thenUpon the Essential Attributes Of THE NECESSARY IN EXISTENCE.No where the Falsehood /Falsity is said to be Selff Absurdin Statements Of Kala:m 'Al Lafz:i:. [VERBAL DICTA].

One how evermust accept that KALA:M 'AN LAFZ:I:. IS TEMPORAL and not Eternal ,hence ASSANUSI is only discussing about Eternal Attributes Of G-D and not discussing about Temporal things. All the things which ASSANUSI is saying is about the Eternal Attribute of G-D and not for the Temporal KALA:M 'AL LAFZ:I:. Thus all the consequences which ASSANUSI:. is saying ARE FOLLOWING if it is supposed that Falsehood is an Eternal Attribute Of G-D. AS KALA:M 'AL LAFZ:I:. is Temporal Falsood can not be supposed as an Eternal Attibute of Falsehood . @@@@@@@@@@@@ GENERAL DISCUSSION IN DETAIL@@@@@@@@@@@@@ PART-1 The following sentences need some more explanations. 1] if He was attributed with lying, and His attributes are all eternal, then it would be impossible for Him to be attributed with being truthful (in His Speech,) while it is correct that He is attributed with it, since He must be attributed with Knowledge. This would mean that what is correct would become impossible. Then he points out that the first two sayings are about the same. 2] it has been established that Aļļaah is attributed with complete perfection, and truthfulness is an attribute of complete perfection which’s opposite is a flaw, and it is impossible that Aļļaah should be attributed with a flaw, so He must be truthful. These sentences do shew that As SAnusuI' did not mean what is being tried to be taken from his sentences. This also shew that to what an extent a person can twist the sentences of the elders in his zeal to shew his vies from them. These sentences of 'AS SANU:SI:. do not support the believers of Self Absurdity Of Falsehood /Falsity in Divine Statements. Falsehood / Falsity is a BAD, A FLAW and a Defect, and according to Axiom of 'AHLUSSUNNAH WAL JAMA: ''AH """ ALL BADS,FLAWS , DEFECTS, UGLIES ARE SELF ABSURD UPON [IN] THE VERY SELF OF ESSENCE OF DIVINITY [ THAT IS G-D]"""" Since it is the Self Implication [Intrinsic Implication /Implication In It Self ] that any defect /bad/ flaw where it be an Attribute or an Act or some thing beside these two, is Self Absurd [MUH:A:L BIDH DHA:T] UPON [IN] THE VERY SELF OF THE ESSENCE OF DIVINITY""" But this does not imply the Self Absurdity of any defect etcetera Separate ,distinguished, Distint from Divine essence and Alien to the Divine Essence. Any thing if Not Self Absurd Upon [In] the Essence Of Divinity is IMSEPARABLE and INDESPENSIBLE from the Essence o F g-d, and is SEPARATE and DISTINGUISHED From Any Thing That Is Separate From Divine Essence. As Sanu:si:. presents somemore independent proofs. But 'AS SANU:SI:. is once again scilent about the Self Absurdity of Falsehood or Not - Self Absurdity of Falsehood in Divine Statements. If there is a Self Absurdity of an Attribute Upon [In] G-D ,Then it is not Implied that the Attribute Is Self Absurd Upon /In Some Thing Separate From G-D. Since All the Self Possibilities Of Temporals Ar Self Absurd Upon /In G-D. WE are confident that even a beginer in Theological Studies shall never say that 'AL KALA:M 'AL LAFZ:I:. IS G-Dor G-D iIs 'Al Kala:m 'Al Lafz:i:".. tHERE FORE NO Person of Sound mind can say that As Sanu:si:. is discussing about Kala:m 'AL Lafz:i:. AS SANU:SI:. Does say that 'ALL-H is Attributed with Complete Perfecton, But AS SANU:SI: does not say : Kala:m 'AlLafz:i:. is Attributed withthe Atteribute which are Attributed to DIVINE ESSENCE Since Neither 'ALL-H is Kala:m 'Al Lafz:i:. nor Kala:m 'AL Lafz:i:. Is 'ALL-H. as sanu:si: DOES SAY It is [ INTINSICALLY] Impossible that 'ALL-H should be atrributed with FLAWS. He does not say that It is [ intrinsically] impossible that Kala:m 'Al Lafz:i:. is Attributed With FLAWS. So it is incorrect to ascribe to AS SANU:SI:. What he did not say. The only Responce that can be given is that ''''''ALTHOUGH 'AS SANU:SI:. did not State the Self Absurdity Of Falsehood / Falsity in Divine Statements but it can be proved rather deduced from certain expressins of 'AS SANU:SI:. that Falsehood / Falsity in Divine Statements are Self Absurd. .The answer is irrespective of the validity or invalidity of the deduction from the

expressions of 'AS SANU:S':., ONE HAS NO RIGHT TO ASCRIBE THE WORDS TI AS SANUS:S:.,WHICH HE NEVER SAID ,HE NEER WROTE. NOTA BENE:'ALL-H Is Attributed with Eternally Complete Perfections, and KALA:M 'AL LAFZ:I:I.IS ATTRIBUTED WITH TPEMPORALLY COMPLETE PERFECTIONS.' 'AL KALA:M 'AL LAFZ:I: Is A trributed With Temporal Perfections. The Divine Essence Can Not be Attributed With Telporal Perfections, Since all Temporals are Flaws UPON [IN] THE ESSNCE OF DIVINITY. HENCE they are Self Absurd UPON /IN THE DIVINE ESSENCE. IF 'AS SANU:SI: would have slightest idea what would be done by using his certain expressions he must have refuted such people explicitly. PART-2 LET THE STATEMENT '' 2] if He was attributed with lying, and His attributes are all eternal, then it would be impossible for Him to be attributed with being truthful (in His Speech,) while it is correct that He is attributed with it, since He must be attributed with Knowledge. This would mean that what is correct would become impossible". be considered. A] IF G-D IS attributed With An Attribute then this means that THE DIVINE ESSENCE Is Attributed by The / That Attribute.But as it has been stated above that Neither 'ALKala:m 'Al LAFZ:I:. IS G-D nr G-D IS 'AL KALA:M 'AL LAFZ:I:. A s 'As Sanu:si: is using the form of argument IF A then B The consequences only follow when there is no distinction b/w Kala:m 'AL LAFZ:I:. and G-D.IN other word KALA:M 'AL LAFZ:I:. IS THE DIVINE ESSENCE. If G-D is Attributted WITH fALSEHOOD /fALSITY [ WHICH IS TRANSLATED BY DENPOUNCERS AS LYING] then the consequences follow. But as 'AL KALA:M 'AL LAFZ:I: is Not G-D, nothing can be said what if Kala:m 'Al Lafz:i:. is associated with fALSHOOD /fALSITY. IF KALA:M 'AL LAFZ:I:. IS ATTRIBUTED WITH FALSEHOOD THEN THE RESULT "" IT WOULD BE IMPOSSIBLE FOR G-D TO BE ATTRIBUTED WITH TRUTH " DOES NOT FALLOW. The content of the text is absolutely scilent over this issue. PART -3 FALSEHOOD / FALSITY can not Sustain WITH [ WITH/ WITHIN] DIVINE ESSENCE AND FALSEHOOD / FALSITY CANNOT BE IDENTICAL IDENTICAL TO DIVINE ESSENCE, SINCE both of them are Self Absurd.On must accept that FALSEHOOD /FALSITY is not only UPON /IN ETERNAL KAlA:M 'AN NAFSI:. BUT ALSO UPON /IN THE VERY SELF OF ESSENCE OF DIVINITY [N-F-S DHA:T ' AL 'ALU:HIAH], rather Falsehood/ Falsity is primerily Self Absurd UPON /IN NECESSARY IN EXOSTENCE ,and then SECONDRILY FALSEHOOD /FALSITY Is Self Absurds Upon / In The Eternal Speech [ Say 'Al Kala:m 'An Nafsi:.]. No where the Falsehood / Falsity is said to be Self Absurd Upon /In 'AL KALA:M 'AL LAFZ:IUi:. [ VERBAL DICTUM]. One must not deduce the SELF Absurdity of Falsehood /Falsity VERBAL Dicta Of G-D by Himself and ASCRIBE IT TO 'ASSANU:SI:.. Tis is incorrect . A discussion on the allege deduction of the Self ABSURDITY of falsehood / falsity in Divine KALA:M 'AL LAFZ:I:. is beyound the scope of this article. PART -4 As-Sanuusiyy states, “and our saying that lying is possible in the mind’s eye alone, for someone telling the truth, does not put a doubt in his truthfulness once we are sure he is telling the truth. This is because the possibility in the mind’s eye only means that if it happened instead of being truthful, then that would not lead to an impossibility in the mind’s eye. It does not mean that it is possible that Aļļaah could lie.” ]Muĥammad ibn Yuusuf As-Sanuusiyy (896 AH), Sħarĥu-lMuqaddimaat, 1st ed. (Maktabatu-l-Maˆaarif, 1420), 245 There are two approaches [TA''BIR:R] FOR A SINGLE REALITY. 1]Any thing that Does imply an ABSURD is ABSURD. [This is the approach from the side of 'IMTINA:''] 2]Any thing which when supposed to Exist /Occur Does not Imply an Absur Is Possible.

[This is the approach from the side of Possibility /Contingency] . Both Do Imply each other. Any how the sentence '' It does not mean that it is possible that Aļļaah could lie.” can be interpreted as follow:-It is Self Absurd That there is Falsehood /Falsity ( K-DHB) in Eternal Divine Speech [ SAY 'AL KALA:M 'AN NAFSI:.] AL AAMIDI:. AND HIS TEXT:Al-Aamidiyy[33] states in ‘Abkaar Al-’Afkaar: “I do not know of any disagreement among those who say that Aļļaah is attributed with Kalaam/ Speech, that lies are impossible in His Speech, whether it be the eternal attribute of His Self (as the Sunnis say), or the one (as the Muˆtazilah and Anthropomorphists believe) that is sounds and lettersSayfudDiin Al-Aamidiy, Abkaar AlAfkaar, 2nd ed. (Kairo, Egypt: Mabaˆah Daar Al-Kutub Wa-l-Watħaa’iq Al-Qawmiyyah, 1423), 2/83.. COMMENT :The interpretation of """ Aļļaah is attributed with Kalaam/ Speech, that lies are impossible in His Speech, whether it be the eternal attribute of His Self (as the Sunnis say), """" This mat be interpreted as follow:Falsehood / Falseity is Self Absurd in Kala:m 'An Nafsi:.. As for Mu'tazila if they believe that Falsehood is Self Absurd in Kala:m 'Al Lafz:i:. then it does not mean 'AHLUSSUNNAH WAL JAMA:''AH also believe it . Reality is that No 'ahlussunnah Wal Jama:''ah has ever explicitly said that Falsehood /Falsity is SELF ABSURD in Kala:m 'AL LAFZ:I:..

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