Zubair ali zai and killer of Ammar RD

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ALI MIRZA OF JHELUM IS AN OPPONENT OF SAIYIDUNA MU”AVIAH RD. But his former teacher Zubair Ali Zai believed than even the killing of Saiyiduna “Amma:r RD: is not going to hell, and that the act of killing was just an Error of Ijtih:ad. Is Ali Mirza going to declare Zubair Ali Zai as a Nas:ibi. We provide an irrefutable proof from “Al H:adi:th: H-D:RW. Responding to a question that Saiyiduna Abu Ghadiah [RD] killed Saiyiduna “Amma:r RD, Zubair Ali Zai replied as follow:= “ Summery Of The Research:= This H:adi:th (1): is weak with all of its Chain of Narrators. Therefore it is wrong to call it S:ah:i:h: . The killing of [Saiyiduna]“Ammar by [Saiyiduna] Abu Al Ghadiah in S:-FFI:N, IS HIS Ijtiha:di: Error” Let it be hoped that after this piece of EVIDENCE Ali Mirza shall declare ZAUBAIR ALI ZAI as Nas:bi, if he is loyal to his views and believes.(2) FOOTNOTES:= (1) The tradition says that the killer of “Ammar and snatcher of his goods shall go in Fire. Se that Zubair Ali Zai proved that this tradition is weak. Even the tradition with the word QI:LA IS WEAK SINCE IT IS A PASSIVE VERB AND THE SUBJECT OF THE VERB IS OMITTED IN THE H:DI:TH: .References of the traditions are :=1)T:ABQ:T 3/261,2)M-SNAD AH:MAD4/198,3)AS:S:AH:HI:H: 5/19. (2) IT MAY BE NOTED THAT PEOPLE LIKE MAUDIUDI AND ALI MIRZA ,ISHAQ JHAL USE THE KILLING OF SAIYIDUNA “AMMAR RD AS THE CRITERIA THAT SAIYIDUNA “ALI RD WAS ON THE RIGHTEOUSNESS. And Zubair Ali Zai does not consider even the killer of Saiyiduna “Ammar RD TO GO INFIRE AND CONSIDER THIS AS AN ERROR OF IJTIHAD AND NOT EVERN A MUNKAR ERROR. What a pity for Ali Mirza. He has no way but to declare Zubair Ali Zai as a Nas:bi, and to delete on of his lectures about him in which he claimed that Zubair Ali Zai was a “Alim who was speaker of truth. (3) (4) (5)

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