Scmsa end term activity report 2014 2015

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Suez Canal Medical Students’ Association ‫الجمعية العلمية لطالب الطة جامعة قناة السويس‬

Suez Canal Medical Students’ Association ‫الجمعية العلمية لطالب الطة جامعة قناة السويس‬


1) Welcome to SCMSA 2) SCMSA recruitment campaign 3) SCMSA local GA 4) Standing committee reports: 

SCOPH report

SCORP report

SCORA report

SCOME report


5) SCMSA 18th Summer School 6) Other Events and conferences 7) Training Support Division

Suez Canal Medical Students’ Association ‫الجمعية العلمية لطالب الطة جامعة قناة السويس‬

Welcome to SCMSA It is with utter pride and glee we, the family of SCMSA, present to you our LC end term report. Within the pages of this report, you will find that despite the usual hardship in every medical student’s life, we never stopped gathering around all year long, conducting products and organizing events, proving to ourselves and others, that Medical students have the most influential impact on their society. With every intention of humility, SCMSA prides itself by being widely known for its aptitude of holding booming occasions, energized personalities and unique individuality. So, it is both our honour and pleasure to present you this quick overview on our activities through this whole year. Yours Delicately,


Suez Canal Medical Students’ Association ‫الجمعية العلمية لطالب الطة جامعة قناة السويس‬

Recruitment Campaign I was responsible for the general management of the recruitment campaign .In the campaign we had a booth for each local committee in which every officer and his team stood to explain the committee activities to the students and showed them materials sampling our work over in SCMSA over the years. The campaign lasted for three days in the faculty halls. The recruitment campaign was a huge success with more than 150 new members recruited.

Suez Canal Medical Students’ Association ‫الجمعية العلمية لطالب الطة جامعة قناة السويس‬

Local GA After recruiting and finishing exams, That was the perfect time to hold a Local SCMSA GA. It aimed at introducing SCMSA in more detail to our new members and to share the board's vision of the new term with all members. Board members gave short account about their respective committees followed by detailed longer sessions all over the week with their teams (Which was called SCMSA Week). The Local GA was a huge success. It brought all SCMSA family closer to each other and gave out the chance for new ideas to burst from the minds of the new members.

Suez Canal Medical Students’ Association ‫الجمعية العلمية لطالب الطة جامعة قناة السويس‬

Standing Committees’ Report

1- Diabetes:  LC: Ms Salwa Dohim Ms. Nour elhoda abo Elnaga  Methodology: we held a local workshop in coordination with the LCs to train the new members, then we held campaigns in the university hospital & ELsabaa banat PHC .  Outcomes: about 250 people received health education about diabetes and they were got their blood pressure and glucose level measured.

Suez Canal Medical Students’ Association ‫الجمعية العلمية لطالب الطة جامعة قناة السويس‬

2- Hand hygiene project:  LC: Ms Sanaa Shawky  A delegation of 6 members including the LPO and the local coordinator attended the national workshop hosted by O6U-SMA

Suez Canal Medical Students’ Association ‫الجمعية العلمية لطالب الطة جامعة قناة السويس‬ 3- Safe Liver:  LC: Ms Rana Belal  Methodology: the LPO attended the national workshop in the capacity building camp. The local coordinator opened a call for the vaccine registration and we there were a registration desk in the university hospital and our faculty for more than 2 months then we ordered the doses from VACSERA

and we gave the first

dose in June and the second in July.  Outcomes: 147 persons received the first 2 doses of HBV vaccination.

Suez Canal Medical Students’ Association ‫الجمعية العلمية لطالب الطة جامعة قناة السويس‬ 4- Anti-drug addiction & epidemiological studies project :  LC: Khaled Hegazy & Mahmoud fouad under supervision of the national coordinator of epidemiological studies project miss /Esraa Khaled the LPO  Methodology: first of all we

held a local workshop in our faculty in

cooperation with the Egyptian Antidrug and smoking center. Our trainer was Dr Mohamed elShafaey

 Outcomes: 40 SCMSA members were trained on the effect of drug addiction on youth as well as how to give a health education against it, the trainees they received their certificates. Then a study was made under the supervision of the faculty of medicine suez canal university under the name of " Effect of health education program on awareness of preparatory school students regarding drug addiction" as a part of the epidemiological studies project .  AIM OF THE STUDY: This study aims at improving the awareness among preparatory school students about addiction and its complications that will contribute in decreasing the prevalence of substance abuse among that age group.

Suez Canal Medical Students’ Association ‫الجمعية العلمية لطالب الطة جامعة قناة السويس‬

Sampling Methods: Sampling was done in stages: Schools selection: Preparatory school students in Ismailia city were listed and given numbers. Classes’ selection: The workshop consisted of a cluster sample of randomly chosen classes from the school Study group and another one were selected for the control group. Methods of Data collection: We used prepared pre-questionnaire and post-questionnaire to assess the impact of the workshop. Results: Results show improvement in knowledge of students of the study group concerning all questions related to the general knowledge about smoking and addiction with remarkable increase (93%) in knowledge in question of Nicotine and addiction, improvement in knowledge of students of the study group concerning all questions related to social, cultural, religious beliefs towards smoking and addiction especially the students’ opinion about Drug addiction and liquors in religion with (53%) increase. As well as improvement in the knowledge of students of the study group according to knowing smoking its components and effects especially in the

Suez Canal Medical Students’ Association ‫الجمعية العلمية لطالب الطة جامعة قناة السويس‬ effect of Nicotine with 72% increase, knowledge of students of the study group related to knowing the effects of Drugs especially concerning Drugs and AIDS improved by (54%), Hepatitis (42%) and sexual ability (46%) with decline in issue concerning Drugs and cancers with (10.7%). Conclusion: Our study concluded that the health education and peer education programs are effective in improving the awareness of adolescents regarding substance addiction.

Suez Canal Medical Students’ Association ‫الجمعية العلمية لطالب الطة جامعة قناة السويس‬

5- Build Your Body:  LC: Mr. Abdulrahman Harby  The local coordinator attended the national workshop during IFMSA-Egypt 3rd GA hosted by ASSA-Alex. 6- Anti-TB & Smoking  LC: Mr. Omar Nasr  We attended the national anti-smoking workshop held in El sawy culture whee. SCMSA has been following the plan of action for all transnational and national projects in IFMSA-EGYPT by having representatives in all of SCOPH national activities and events as well as making sure to have a follow -up of the event locally in Ismailia.

SCMSA LPO/ Miss Esraa Khaled was chosen as the National Coordinator of the Epidemiological Studies project

Miss Esraa Khaled attended SCOPH sessions in the EMR

SCMSA vice LPO/ Miss Rana Belal was chosen as the head of IFMSA-Egypt project contribution team –SCOPH team.

Suez Canal Medical Students’ Association ‫الجمعية العلمية لطالب الطة جامعة قناة السويس‬

1- Blood Donation Project:  We have attended all the national meetings.  We have attended the national workshop in Cairo.  We have joined the online working group and did our share in the online campaign.  We hold our Blood donation campaign: 1. Three days online campaign. 2. One day awareness and ABO. 3. Two days blood donation with Ismailia regional bank.  We have respected all the deadlines.  We conducted our second local blood donation campaign on the last week of April.

Suez Canal Medical Students’ Association ‫الجمعية العلمية لطالب الطة جامعة قناة السويس‬ 2- Cancer Patient reinforcement Project:       

We have attended all the national meeting. We have attended the national workshop in Cairo. We have applied on hosting the national workshop. We have respected all the deadlines. We have shared in the work of the online Campaign. We have conducted our local training by Dr.Karim Salam from 57 hospital. We made awareness campaign in the university about the psychological support to the cancer patients and how to deal with them.

Suez Canal Medical Students’ Association ‫الجمعية العلمية لطالب الطة جامعة قناة السويس‬

3- Human Rights Project:    

We have worked on the national online campaign; we were the best LC in it. We have attended the national online Campaign. Finished our share in the online campaign work. We made our local event and shared it with another 2 LCs of the same right in the project distribution.  We have conducted our human rights local training.

Suez Canal Medical Students’ Association ‫الجمعية العلمية لطالب الطة جامعة قناة السويس‬

4- Global School Initiative:  We have attended the national online meeting.  We have respected the deadlines of the project.  We started searching for the school to approve our entrance then we took it.  We take the approval of working in 24th October primary school.  We went to the school for three times to give the students the questioner and to collect them again.

Suez Canal Medical Students’ Association ‫الجمعية العلمية لطالب الطة جامعة قناة السويس‬

5- Students Rights Project:  We have attended the national online meeting.  We have respected the deadlines of the project.  We hold the local campaign at the beginning of this term.  We made an awareness campaign to the students about the students rights.

6- Peace:  We have attended the national online meeting.  I've opened a call for the local coordinator and I've sent the data of the local coordinator on time.  We have attended the national TNT of peace in Beni-Swief Capacity building camp.

Suez Canal Medical Students’ Association ‫الجمعية العلمية لطالب الطة جامعة قناة السويس‬

7- ABO Team: Our aim: To make a database with the blood groups of many students and volunteers in all the NGOs.This database will help as in many emergency situations and It will also help us in controlling the regularity of the students blood donation. - We started our work by training in the regional Blood bank and the clinical pathology department for about 10 students - We have increased our team to be 25 members qualified for making ABO. - We have contributed in small events to assure the quality of our project, then in large event to start our ABO data base. - We have now a database and receiving emergency calls.

Suez Canal Medical Students’ Association ‫الجمعية العلمية لطالب الطة جامعة قناة السويس‬

On the National point of view:  SCMSA had delegates during the SCOPH Sessions in all IFMSA-EGYPT GAs as well the capacity building Camp.  We have joined all the projects that have been nationally in IFMSA-EGYPT.  We send representatives in all of SCORP national activities and events.  We have been chosen as the host for the CPR national celebration.

Suez Canal Medical Students’ Association ‫الجمعية العلمية لطالب الطة جامعة قناة السويس‬

Mr & Mrs Breastestis : The National Workshop: was attended by the local co-ordinator : Manar Abdelaziz & Nourhan Osama El hendawy

Suez Canal Medical Students’ Association ‫الجمعية العلمية لطالب الطة جامعة قناة السويس‬

local Workshops - We were careful to deliver what we learned to medical students which in turn will spread the knowledge about such an important issue Around 30 students attended and participated actively in the workshop. We made sure this year that the workshop will be all in simple Arabic so that the participants wont face a problem dealing with public about that information that might be hard to be discussed By the end of the workshop we made sure that the attendants completely got the needed information by making dialogues from the real life and testing how would they react to them. Local Campaigns : As the only LC Working on both male and female reproductive cancers, we made our own materials locally to be able to hold extra-ordinary public campaigns and to make difference to people's lives with very low cost.

Suez Canal Medical Students’ Association ‫الجمعية العلمية لطالب الطة جامعة قناة السويس‬

The Male part : - Nadeen El-Sabaa was the one resonssible for Movember and she completed her mission perfectly - with simple materials and attractive tools we were able to make more than 500 of the target audience aware of prostate and testicular cancer. SCMSA-SCORA won the best Movember Campaigns in IFMSAEgypt. The Female Part : As we know the terrifying statistics about breast cancer and cervical cancer, we gave so much care to this part, Although we got the national materials very late, we made our local materials : Fliers, Posters and stickers Our target audience approximately 300 women from : Primary health care units , elderly houses, commercial areas and clubs.

Suez Canal Medical Students’ Association ‫الجمعية العلمية لطالب الطة جامعة قناة السويس‬ Pink ribbon stickers telling women to be aware of their bodies were filling ISMAILIA Streets.

Online Campaigns we participated actively in movember online campaign by sharing posts regularly and having too many photos with mustaches or male members growing their real mustaches ! also we had our local online campaigns about breast and cervical cancer that were all in Arabic and we made sure to share it with friends to spread the knowledge.

Suez Canal Medical Students’ Association ‫الجمعية العلمية لطالب الطة جامعة قناة السويس‬

WORLS AIDS CAMPAIGN 2014 : Unfortunately, late materials made us have trouble achieving our goal at this project by delivering its message not only to medical students but to the public. National Workshop : Was attended by the Local Co-ordinator : Ahmed Saleh Local Workshop : Was conducted through Dalia AbdelNasser Target : around 50 Medical and non medical students from other NGOs ( ENACTUS – Y-Peer ) the workshop didn't only include information about HIV/AIDS but also Advocacy Training was conducted by Omnia El-Erakey ( Certified Y-Peer trainer ) to help trainees to get familiar with the public idea about HIV and how to react well to them in order to be convincing and delivering the right message exactly to the point. Local Campaigns : We made sure that non-medical students will take the message back to their colleges and society to aware people and correct their myths about the disease and the diseased.

Suez Canal Medical Students’ Association ‫الجمعية العلمية لطالب الطة جامعة قناة السويس‬

We Conducted the information to medical students as they are the future doctors who should lead the change and stop stigma and discrimination against HIV patients.

Under the theme of new year's eve, we held The WAC Celebration making wishes to get to zero stigma , zero discrimination and zero new HIV infections.

Suez Canal Medical Students’ Association ‫الجمعية العلمية لطالب الطة جامعة قناة السويس‬

UNAIDS National Celebration (Cairo) : SCMSA was represented by Ahmed Saleh & Ahmed Essam, whom participated actively and helped Areeg El Haw in the best way to Make IFMSA-Egypt desk very honouring.

Suez Canal Medical Students’ Association ‫الجمعية العلمية لطالب الطة جامعة قناة السويس‬

International Women's Day : - SCMSA-SCORA Held an online campaign to encourage girls to say what they want to freely , to regain their self-confidence and to stand against any sort of violence or violation against their rights to live equally as men.

Women around the clock : Online Campaign : SCMSA-SCORA participated actively through the online campaign by sharing the posts through our official page, taking photos with the CLOCK and by our members sharing the awareness' photos through their profiles to correct many misunderstandings about women's health. Medical and Non-medical Trainings : Although we didn't have certified trainers from SCMSA , we didn't save an effort to hold the trainings, we skipped the recruitment step but we agreed with many NGOs from Ismailia to attend the non-medical training.

Suez Canal Medical Students’ Association ‫الجمعية العلمية لطالب الطة جامعة قناة السويس‬

The Medical Training was given by Mr. Marslino Malek and it witnessed great success that satisfied both the trainees and the trainer The Non-Medical Training was given by Mr. Ibrahim Mahmoud and also it was very fruitful that the day run smoothly wit great outcomes. Around 50 students received the training. Outreach Campaigns : Actually we were aiming at BIGGER campaigns, but due to lack of time we just got to some primary health care units. We are working on completing the campaigns at the start of the new term due to our belief in the importance of every subject the project working on.

Suez Canal Medical Students’ Association ‫الجمعية العلمية لطالب الطة جامعة قناة السويس‬

POST GRADUATION OPPORTUNITIES CONFERENCE: SCMSA hold its annual post-graduation conference with attendance that exceed 100 students who were enthusiastic to know everything about their life career and this conference was a special one that was our most achievement in this year

Suez Canal Medical Students’ Association ‫الجمعية العلمية لطالب الطة جامعة قناة السويس‬ Evidence based Medicine:  We have participated in the EBM project and there was a session of Evidence based Medicine by Ahmed fetoh in banisuef  We have hosted the National event of Evidence based Medicine

PLAB pathway conference: For the first time we are presenting you successful examples from SCMSA former members in UK pathway .The opportunity wasn’t always available to meet those who have actively succeeded in UK pathway steps , they talked to them ,Learned and planed for their careers .

Suez Canal Medical Students’ Association ‫الجمعية العلمية لطالب الطة جامعة قناة السويس‬

SCMSA Outgoing Exchange End Term Report First Of all we started a small marketing campaign online and shared some of previous exchange testimonies and experiences here are some examples: Check the Event Here:

Suez Canal Medical Students’ Association ‫الجمعية العلمية لطالب الطة جامعة قناة السويس‬

After that we had on Field Campaign with the Recruitment of 2014-2015: Explaining about exchange process and how it works

Suez Canal Medical Students’ Association ‫الجمعية العلمية لطالب الطة جامعة قناة السويس‬

SCMSA outgoing Exchange Advertising Campaign Goal: Approach all the students in the Faculty of Medicine Suez canal University and orient them about the Outgoing program.

Team: we starting in forming the team with opening a call on SCMSA server for motivated SCMSA members. The following members were applied for the team:            

Ziad Tarek - 2nd year omar Fares – 3rd year Essra naser - 2nd year Rana belal – 2nd year Hend Abdelfatah - 3rd year Manar abdelaziz - 3rd year Mohamed Nabil 3rd year Maram elshiekh 3rd year Jayda hassan 3rd year Ahmed Abdelhamed 3rd year Slawa Kelany - 3rd year Nehal Sami 3rd year

-We had our first meeting Thursday Dec 4th, we put the plan and every member knew his role.

Work on field: the actual work started on the same day of the first meeting, I and Mr. Omar Heikel traveled to Cairo to take our IFMSA materials and buy the flags of the Advertised countries. At the same time Mr. Omar naser and Mr. Omar fares were in Portsaid buying the other materials for the campaign (IDs prints, Holder, Robes, Glue and Pins).

Suez Canal Medical Students’ Association ‫الجمعية العلمية لطالب الطة جامعة قناة السويس‬

On Saturday I went to finish the printing (World map- SPIN Wheel – Croatia LOGO – Exchange Banner).

The plan was as the Following: Sunday 7th of Dec preparing materials and finish the approvals, campaign to be start on Monday 8th of Dec at the building of Lectures. The campaign hold for 4 days till Thursday 11th of Dec. The work was divided as the Following: -3 members on the desks of the exchange with the Newsletters and Stickers. (Mohamed Nabil- Jayda hasan – Maram El sheikh) -1 member for the Data show (Nehal Sami) -1 member for the Spin Wheel and Map (Salwa Kelany) - Rest of the team direct talk to all students.

 Budget:       

6 Country flags 1.5 x 1 M – 30 LE Each. Printings (Exchange banner 1 x 1.5 M + Map 1 x .7 M + Croatia Logo .2x.3M) 85 LE. 13 IDs Printings 65 LE. 13 Holders 85 LE. Sticky notes and Pins 17 LE. Robes 3.5 LE. Fiber background 1 x 1 m from el Keresli 30LE.

Total: 465 LE. *Data Show was For free.

Suez Canal Medical Students’ Association ‫الجمعية العلمية لطالب الطة جامعة قناة السويس‬

Pictures of Preparations:

Campaign pictures:

Suez Canal Medical Students’ Association ‫الجمعية العلمية لطالب الطة جامعة قناة السويس‬

Suez Canal Medical Students’ Association ‫الجمعية العلمية لطالب الطة جامعة قناة السويس‬

The Exchange Exam 50 Student Applied for the exchange and had the written exam as usual and after that the interviews were held to finalize the selection process: The results were announced one week after the interviews, and the unit’s distribution was Done at the same time and a planned orientation session is to be conducted next Sunday then the AFs will be filled within a week from that day

Suez Canal Medical Students’ Association ‫الجمعية العلمية لطالب الطة جامعة قناة السويس‬

Exchange Interviews and Scoring: After the Exam we Hold the Interviews for all the Applicants and it lasted for one week, the interview was held by SCMSA LEO Out Mohamed Abdelwahed and SCMSA VP Mary Bshara , After that the results of the Exam and Interviews were finalized with the Rest of the Board Members and the Contracts were distributed according to priority of the highest score in both the Exam and the Interview and SCMSA Activities. The final Results were send on the official Mailing Server of SCMSA. And the students who did not get a contract were but in a waiting list in case someone dropped theirs.

Suez Canal Medical Students’ Association ‫الجمعية العلمية لطالب الطة جامعة قناة السويس‬

After Distribution of the Contracts we hold an awareness session for the students who got the Exchange unites to explain everything about the process from Giving the Access to the database till the Arrival of the CA and Travel. We Explained how to deal with the IFMSA official SCOPE and SCORE websites and how to fill an Application Form, and Helped the Students in fulfilling the required Documents. Then after the session there was a daily follow up with the students to answer their inquiries about the AF and the desired departments and cities, and to make sure that the AFs will be done before the Deadline. All the AFs have been submitted and sent to the NEO-out and NORE in time. International Events: SCMSA Participated in the 3rd PRET&TNT that was held in Dahab from 5th to 9th May 2015 OC from SCMSA : Mohamed Abdelwhed Participants From SCMSA : Mina Munir

Best Regards,, SCMSA LEO-OUT 2014-2015 Mohamed Abdelwahed

Suez Canal Medical Students’ Association ‫الجمعية العلمية لطالب الطة جامعة قناة السويس‬

SCMSA Incoming Exchange End Term Report

SCMSA Hosted Incomings in Both July and August: In July 3 Students:  



They Worked in Clinical Cardiology Department, and worked also in the scientific and research studies in that department. 


They Had social program arranged in Ismailia and outside Ismailia , Trips to Cairo , Alexandria, Ras Sudr , Elain ELsokhna , Port Said 

Certificates :

At the End of their clerk Ship the students Got Their Certificates Signed and Stamped by the Dean and the supervisor Professor.

Accommodation :

They Stayed in A Student Apartment Fully Equipped with all the required facilities , Air Conditioner , Kitchen , Bathroom , Water heating , TV , Bed for every student . 


They Had 2 meals Per Day Breakfast and Lunch and the Hospital

Suez Canal Medical Students’ Association ‫الجمعية العلمية لطالب الطة جامعة قناة السويس‬

Photos for the Accommodation

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Incoming Students in Trips

Suez Canal Medical Students’ Association ‫الجمعية العلمية لطالب الطة جامعة قناة السويس‬

Students in The Hospital

Suez Canal Medical Students’ Association ‫الجمعية العلمية لطالب الطة جامعة قناة السويس‬ August: SCMSA Hosted 9 Exchange Students: -2 SCOPE -7 SCORE 


They Had social program arranged in Ismailia and outside Ismailia, Trips to Cairo , Alexandria, Port Said, Sharm El shaikh , St Catherin , Dahab , And Participated in the IFMSA Egypt 7th NEW in Siwa 

Certificates :

At the End of their clerk Ship the students Got Their Certificates Signed and Stamped by the Dean and the supervisor Professor.

Accommodation :

They Stayed in A Student Apartment Fully Equipped with all the required facilities, Air Conditioner, Kitchen, Bathroom, Water heating, TV, and Bed for every student. 


They had 2 meals Per Day Breakfast and Lunch and the Hospital

Suez Canal Medical Students’ Association ‫الجمعية العلمية لطالب الطة جامعة قناة السويس‬

Students At The Hospital

Suez Canal Medical Students’ Association ‫الجمعية العلمية لطالب الطة جامعة قناة السويس‬

Students in Social Program National Events: SCMSA Participated in the 7th NEW as OC with SCMSA LEO-In Mina Munir

Suez Canal Medical Students’ Association ‫الجمعية العلمية لطالب الطة جامعة قناة السويس‬


SCMSA 18th summer school on tropical medicine and infectious diseases was

held in Ismailia the city of charm and beauty where it started from the 20th of July to the 2nd of august.

It was a real mix of business and pleasure; as the scientific program includes lectures, classes and clinical rotations where the students became well oriented about different diseases in the tropical medicine branch & as the treasurers of Egypt can’t not be missed we have arranged a social program for the applicant where they visited Cairo, Alexandria, port-said and red sea resort. We had 27 applicants this year from more than 9 different countries with the biggest representation from the United Kingdom.

Suez Canal Medical Students’ Association ‫الجمعية العلمية لطالب الطة جامعة قناة السويس‬

Social and conferences:


started our work on 15th of November by organizing "The Annual Scientific

Conference for Community Medicine" under patronage of Suez Canal Authority. The conference was held in the University Theatre on two days, there was a social program for these two days, first day to "Beach Club" and the second day we went to "Suez Canal New Lane" and all the guests were astonished and pleased by the visit.

-In December we organized "SCMSA 2nd local GA and training" Our local GA had an attendance of more than 80 medical students most of them were new SCMSA members, the GA was one day, We opened our event by a talk of our president Mr.Ahmad Awad to make an introduction about IFMSA-Egypt history, different standing committees and its local committees' then every local office had a talk about their sc work, projects and campaigns, then we had two different trainings "Communication skills" and "Leadership" and there was also some energizer games. -We shared in organizing "Clinical Pathology Annual Conference" on 14th and 15th January under patronage of Clinical Pathology department of Suez Canal University Hospital.

Suez Canal Medical Students’ Association ‫الجمعية العلمية لطالب الطة جامعة قناة السويس‬

-In the period from 25-27th February we organized "Community Oriented Emergency Medicine", the conference was held in University Hospital hall on three days, beside conference sessions there were nine different workshops on basic life support, blast injuries and disaster management training, medical and paramedical and school students attended these workshops, in addition to a closing ceremony in Beach club where the attendees had dinner and enjoyed Semsemya music and culture shows. -On 17th of May we organized "Updates In Upper GIT Endoscopy Workshop" with attendance of more than 60 doctors of different universities, the closing ceremony was on the beach with sea food and some oriental shows. -In the period from 20th July and 6th August, we organized a perfect social program for summer school students and the incoming exchange students, we had about 35 incoming students and summer school, we organized half day trip to Port-Said and a day use trip to Ras-Sedr, two days trip to Alexandria to see the citadel, enjoy a free tour in Montaza& Royal palace, shopping at Raml Station and enjoy eating sea food, another two days trip to Cairo to visit the pyramids, sphinx, Egyptian Museum, the citadel, free tour in the bazaar and Moez El Deen street, we finished our social program by a tour in southern Sinai, we visited Saint-kathern Mountain to enjoy the sun rise, then one night at dahab with snorkelling and bedwen night , three days at Sharm El Sheikh with diving, safari and free tours in the old market and Soho Square.

Suez Canal Medical Students’ Association ‫الجمعية العلمية لطالب الطة جامعة قناة السويس‬

Suez Canal Medical Students’ Association ‫الجمعية العلمية لطالب الطة جامعة قناة السويس‬

Training Support division With the presence of a large number of certified trainers among SCMSA members , our TSD has seized that opportunity by holding a lot of trainings in different occasions all year long either as a part of another event ( during GA , Standing Committees workshops , etc..) or as a separate training event. Training Support Division Director was Mr. Mohamed Ismail Fahmy who was appointed at the beginning of the term and he proved to be a good trainer. He conducted many training sessions over the term with almost all of the standining committeeds that proved to be really good and interesting for the members. He also had a plan for a training camp which unfortunately wasn’t held because of the timing issues.


Suez Canal Medical Students’ Association ‫الجمعية العلمية لطالب الطة جامعة قناة السويس‬

SCMSA Members Internationally SCMSA was represented in IFMSA Egypt delegates as follows: IFMSA MM Antalya : Mohamed Abdelkarem attended as the only representative in SCOME Session . IFMSA pre MM : Ahmad Awad Attended External Representation Workshop . SRT Vienna : Khalid Hegazy , Mohamed Abdelwahed , Essam Eldin Mohamed ,Dana Badry . EMR11 :  Mary Beshara Attended SCORP Session  Esraa Khalid Attended SCOPH Session  George Tadros Attended SCOPE/SCORE Session  For EMR 11 OC: SCMSA Supported : Mohamed Abdelwahid as Logistics cocoordinator Mohamed Ismail Fahmy as Visa Coordinator For Pre-EMR11: Ahmed Essam Fetooh Attended WHO Simulation workshop Omar Nasr Attended WHO Simulation workshop Merna Ezz-Eldien attended SCORA Workshop Muhammed A. Kamal attended SCORA Workshop

Suez Canal Medical Students’ Association ‫الجمعية العلمية لطالب الطة جامعة قناة السويس‬

Thanks, SCMSA Board 2014/2015

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