Scmsa midyear report march 2015

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Suez Canal Medical Students’ Association ‫الجمعية العلمية لطالب الطة جامعة قناة السويس‬

Suez Canal Medical Students’ Association ‫الجمعية العلمية لطالب الطة جامعة قناة السويس‬

SCMSA EXCHANGE SCMSA Outgoing Exchange Report First Of all we started a small marketing campaign online and shared some of previous exchange testimonies and experiences here are some examples: Check the Event Here:

Suez Canal Medical Students’ Association ‫الجمعية العلمية لطالب الطة جامعة قناة السويس‬

After that we had on Field Campaign with the Recruitment of 2014-2015: Explaining about exchange process and how it works

Suez Canal Medical Students’ Association ‫الجمعية العلمية لطالب الطة جامعة قناة السويس‬

SCMSA outgoing Exchange Advertising Campaign Goal: Approach all the students in the Faculty of Medicine Suez canal University and orient them about the Outgoing program.

Team: we starting in forming the team with opening a call on SCMSA server for motivated SCMSA members. The following members applied for the team:            

Ziad Tarek - 2nd year omar Fares – 3rd year Essra naser - 2nd year Rana belal – 2nd year Hend Abdelfatah - 3rd year Manar abdelaziz - 3rd year Mohamed Nabil 3rd year Maram elshiekh 3rd year Jayda hassan 3rd year Ahmed Abdelhamed 3rd year Slawa Kelany - 3rd year Nehal Sami 3rd year

-We had our first meeting Thursday Dec 4th, we put the plan and every member knew his role.

Work on field: the actual work started on the same day of the first meeting, I and Mr. Omar Heikel traveled to Cairo to take our IFMSA materials and buy the flags of the Advertised countries. At the same time Mr. Omar naser and Mr. Omar fares were in Portsaid buying the other materials for the campaign (IDs prints, Holder, Robes, Glue and Pins).

Suez Canal Medical Students’ Association ‫الجمعية العلمية لطالب الطة جامعة قناة السويس‬

On Saturday I went to finish the printing (World map- SPIN Wheel – Croatia LOGO – Exchange Banner).

The plan was as the Following: Sunday 7th of Dec preparing materials and finish the approvals, campaign to be start on Monday 8th of Dec at the building of Lectures. The campaign hold for 4 days till Thursday 11th of Dec. The work was divided as the Following: -3 members on the desks of the exchange with the Newsletters and Stickers. (Mohamed Nabil- Jayda hasan – Maram El sheikh) -1 member for the Data show (Nehal Sami) -1 member for the Spin Wheel and Map (Salwa Kelany) - Rest of the team direct talk to all students.

 Budget:       

6 Country flags 1.5 x 1 M – 30 LE Each. Printings (Exchange banner 1 x 1.5 M + Map 1 x .7 M + Croatia Logo .2x.3M) 85 LE. 13 IDs Printings 65 LE. 13 Holders 85 LE. Sticky notes and Pins 17 LE. Robes 3.5 LE. Fiber background 1 x 1 m from el Keresli 30LE.

Total: 465 LE. *Data Show was For free.

Suez Canal Medical Students’ Association ‫الجمعية العلمية لطالب الطة جامعة قناة السويس‬

Pictures of Preparations:

Campaign pictures:

Suez Canal Medical Students’ Association ‫الجمعية العلمية لطالب الطة جامعة قناة السويس‬

Suez Canal Medical Students’ Association ‫الجمعية العلمية لطالب الطة جامعة قناة السويس‬

The Exchange Exam 50 Student Applied for the exchange and had the written exam as usual and after that the interviews were held to finalize the selection process: The results were announced one week after the interviews, and the unit’s distribution was Done at the same time and a planned orientation session is to be conducted next Sunday then the AFs will be filled within a week from that day

Best regards, Mohamed Ismail Fahmy, Vice LEO Out

Suez Canal Medical Students’ Association ‫الجمعية العلمية لطالب الطة جامعة قناة السويس‬

Exchange Interviews and Scoring: After the Exam we Hold the Interviews for all the Applicants and it lasted for one week, the interview was held by SCMSA LEO Out Mohamed Abdelwahed and SCMSA VP Mary Bshara , After that the results of the Exam and Interviews were finalized with the Rest of the Board Members and the Contracts were distributed according to priority of the highest score in both the Exam and the Interview and SCMSA Activities. The final Results were send on the official Mailing Server of SCMSA. And the students who did not get a contract were but in a waiting list in case someone dropped theirs.

Suez Canal Medical Students’ Association ‫الجمعية العلمية لطالب الطة جامعة قناة السويس‬

After Distribution of the Contracts we hold an awareness session for the students who got the Exchange unites to explain everything about the process from Giving the Access to the database till the Arrival of the CA and Travel. We Explained how to deal with the IFMSA official SCOPE and SCORE websites and how to fill an Application Form, and Helped the Students in fulfilling the required Documents. Then after the session there was a daily follow up with the students to answer their inquiries about the AF and the desired departments and cities, and to make sure that the AFs will be done before the Deadline. All the AFs have been submitted and sent to the NEO-out and NORE in time.

Best Regards,, SCMSA LEO-OUT 2014-2015 Mohamed Abdelwahed

Suez Canal Medical Students’ Association ‫الجمعية العلمية لطالب الطة جامعة قناة السويس‬

SCMSA SCORA Name: Merna Ahmed Ezz El-Din

Post: SCMSA "Suez Canal" LORA

Report on period from: 1 / 11 / 2014

To: 15 / 2 / 2015

 Mr&Mrs Breastestis : 

Participated in Movember Campaign by: -

Online Campaign regular sharing


Outreach Campaigns ( We Were the Only LC to Do So)

Won The Best Movember Campaign in IFMSA-Egypt ( 400 photos with mustaches + Special Broad university Campaigns) �

Completed Breast Cancer Surveys carefully.

 World AIDS Campaign : 

Top 3 Achievements in this Period 

Arranged a training of two parts -

Scientific part: given by Ms. Dalia AbdelNasser and attended by SCMSA – Enactus & Y-peer members


Advocacy Given by Ms. Omnia Mostafa (Board Member in Ypeer Egypt)

Onfield Campaign & Celebration : On Wednesday, Arranged to distribute scientific materials through our trainees and to Hold A Celebration for the Occasion of WAC And End First Term SCORA Celebration. �

 Recruitment Campaign : 

Successful with Full Participation of whole team in preparation.

Attractive and informative booth

Most Recruits are New SCORAngels �

 SCMSA 2nd Local GA: 

We made sure that all SCORA new members will attend through contacting them personally.

We arranged SCORA session well with short informative presentation and Funny Sketch about Anti-Sexual Harassment and

Suez Canal Medical Students’ Association ‫الجمعية العلمية لطالب الطة جامعة قناة السويس‬ AIDS. 

SCORA session Delivered in SCORA week with very good attendance.

 Managerial Work: 

Call For Vice LORA Positions.

Call For Local Co-Ordinators for the projects.

Attending UNAIDS Training by Mr. Ahmed Saleh

Attending National UNAIDS Conference by Mr. Ahmed Saleh and Mr. Ahmed Essam

 Ahmed Saleh Was Selected in the National SCORA Core Team. (Since LORAs are not allowed to Apply) and As SCORA Newsletter Editor.  We Attended " Raise Your Voice " Event with very big delegation.  We were represented in IFMSA-Egypt 2nd Local GA in Menofia by Mr. Ahmed Essam and Ms. Raneem Bekheet.  We Got Involved in Women Around the Clock Project.  I attended Pre-EMR Workshop on Maternal Health and Safe Abortion.

 Working On women Around the Clock Training by February 25th.

Top 5 plans for the coming period

 Working on HIV Awareness to the public.  Working on the rest of our projects ( Anti-Sexual Harassment-FGM– Breast Cancer )  Participation in IWD  Hosting Local Campaign about Contraceptives and Safe Abortion.  Too Many Batches' Exaaaaaaaaaaaams !  Tight Deadlines  Inco-operation of my team.

Top 3 Obstacles Faced

Suez Canal Medical Students’ Association ‫الجمعية العلمية لطالب الطة جامعة قناة السويس‬

SCMSA-SCORP Midterm Official Report National Aspect SCMSA has joined the entire national project opened during the last term (Blood donation, CPR, Human Rights, GSI) Reporting: Amr Hassan (SCMSA LORP) Blood Donation Project:  We have attended all the national meetings.  We have attended the national workshop in Cairo.  We have joined the online working group and ready for doing our share in the online campaign.  We hold our Blood donation campaign: 1. Three days online campaign. 2. One day awareness and ABO. 3. Two days blood donation with Ismailia regional bank.  I have sent the contact information of my local coordinator to the national one.  We have respected all the deadlines.  We will conduct our second local blood donation campaign on the last week of April.

Cancer Patient reinforcement Project:    

We have attended the national meeting. We have attended the national workshop in Cairo. We have applied on hosting the national workshop. I have sent the contact information of my local coordinator to the national one.  We have respected all the deadlines.  We have shared in the work of the online Campaign.

Suez Canal Medical Students’ Association ‫الجمعية العلمية لطالب الطة جامعة قناة السويس‬  We have conducted our local training by Dr.Karim Salam from 57 hospital.

Human Rights Project:  We have worked on the national online campaign; we were the best LC in it.  We haven't attended the TNHRT because of a problem in the date (we hold a local GA in SCMSA in the same day) and we have sent our apology for our inability to attend the training.  We have attended the national online Campaign.  I have sent the contact information of my local coordinator to the national one before the new deadline.  Finished our share in the online campaign work.  We have conducted our human rights local training.  We preparing to do finish our local campaign soon.

Global School Initiative:  We have attended the national online meeting.  I've opened a call for the local coordinator and I've sent the data of the local coordinator on time.  We started searching for the school.  We take the approval of working in 24th October primary school.  We will start our field work within this week.

Students Rights Project:  We hold the local campaign at the beginning of this term as a finishing of the last year work waiting for the new notification from the national coordinator.  We are going to conduct our second local campaign during march.

Peace:  We have attended the national online meeting.  I've opened a call for the local coordinator and I've sent the data of the local coordinator on time.

Suez Canal Medical Students’ Association ‫الجمعية العلمية لطالب الطة جامعة قناة السويس‬  We have attended the national TNT of peace in Beni-Swief Capacity building camp.  We are going to start the publicity during this month.

Anti-Sexual Harassment:  I've contacted the SCORA and I took the details of the local coordinator.  I've represented SCMSA in the national training of anti-Sexual harassment.  We are going to conduct our local training within 2 weeks.

Suez Canal Medical Students’ Association ‫الجمعية العلمية لطالب الطة جامعة قناة السويس‬

Local Aspect - I have worked on the team capacity and now most of our SCMSA members know SCORP projects and join it. - I have worked on increasing SCORP team members in our RC and Local GA. - I have worked on 2 local projects as ( ABO team , Dump and deaf signs learning )

ABO Team: Our aim: To make a database with the blood groups of many students and volunteers in all the NGOs.This database will help as in many emergency situations and It will also help us in controlling the regularity of the students blood donation. - We started our work by training in the regional Blood bank and the clinical pathology department for about 10 students - We have increased our team to be 25 members qualified for making ABO. - We have contributed in small events to assure the quality of our project, then in large event to start our ABO data base. - We have now a database and receiving emergency calls.

Dump and deaf signs learning: Our aim: To teach the medical students the dump and deaf signs for any emergency situation they may need in.

Suez Canal Medical Students’ Association ‫الجمعية العلمية لطالب الطة جامعة قناة السويس‬

SCMSA-SCOPH On the Local Point of view: 1- Diabetes :  Attended the WDD 2014 in cairo  Local campaigns :  Target Audience: primary health care units’ attendants & public in the streets, in front of big supermarkets in Ismailia (Metro) and cafes.  Methodology: The local coordinator with the team used an interactive approach in managing this project; campaigns were conducted through face to face one on one health education about diabetes and its relation with hypertension.  Outcomes: about 300 people received the health education about diabetes , 200 were got their blood pressure measured & 150 were blood glucose measured .  LC : Miss/ Sanaa Shawki 1- first campaign in El-saba’ banat PHC & Mohamed Ali street 2- second campaign in El-Mahsama PHC & surrounding areas 3-third campaign in suez canal university teaching hospital 4- fourth campaign in suez canal universities 5-the celebration in El-sultan Hussien Street

Suez Canal Medical Students’ Association ‫الجمعية العلمية لطالب الطة جامعة قناة السويس‬

2- Antidrug addiction project Phase 1 >> *The local workshop: about 30 SCMSA members attended the three days of the training and they received the certificate from the smoking & antidrug addiction center .

*The campaigns: 3 schools in Ismailia city till now were covered by a training for three days each 1- El-Mogama’ language school 2- 24 Oct Language School 3- Ali Mubara School

Suez Canal Medical Students’ Association ‫الجمعية العلمية لطالب الطة جامعة قناة السويس‬

Phase 2 >> Awareness for the youth: approvals have been taken for clubs, streets & universities. Will start next week Safe liver project 1-Attended the national workshop 2-the local workshop will be next week 3- Registration for the vaccine is opened; we have 100 names till now! :) Hand Hygiene & Infection Control Project: 1- Attended the national workshop 2- the local workshop will be next week in the same day of safe liver project

On the national point of view: SCMSA Had delegates during the SCOPH Sessions in all IFMSA-EGYPT GAs as well as IFMSA-EGYPT capacity building camp. SCMSA has been following the plan of action for all transnational and national projects in IFMSA-EGYPT by having representatives in all of SCOPH national activities and events as well as making sure to have a follow -up of the event locally in Ismailia. Examples of the national events attended:

1-the national world diabetes day in Cairo 2-The national workshop for hand hygiene and infection control 3- The national workshop for safe liver project

Suez Canal Medical Students’ Association ‫الجمعية العلمية لطالب الطة جامعة قناة السويس‬

SCMSA SCOME Name: AHMED GAMAL Report on period from: 1/11/2014

Post: LOME To: 30/3/2015



Top 3 Achievements in this Period

RECRUITMENT CAMPAIGN SCMSA LOCAL GA Session of Evidance based Medicine by ahmed fetoh in banisuef National event of Evidance based Medicine

Suez Canal Medical Students’ Association ‫الجمعية العلمية لطالب الطة جامعة قناة السويس‬ Top 5 plans for FIRST AID the coming period Research Methodolgy

Suez Canal Medical Students’ Association ‫الجمعية العلمية لطالب الطة جامعة قناة السويس‬ SCMSA Was selected as the Host of Evidence Based Medicine Workshop in 19th March 2015: Our personal respect and thanks go out to IFMSA. SCOME -D Mr Ahmad Badr Mesbah and IFMSA-EGYPT NOME Mr Mohamed Hassan

Suez Canal Medical Students’ Association ‫الجمعية العلمية لطالب الطة جامعة قناة السويس‬

SCMSA Social & Events We started our work on 15th of November by organizing "The Annual Scientific Conference for Community Medicine" under patronage of Suez Canal Authority. The conference was held in the University Theatre on two days, there was a social program for these two days, first day to "Beach Club" and the second day we went to "Suez Canal New Lane" and all the guests were astonished and pleased by the visit.

In December we organized "SCMSA 2nd local GA and training" with attendance of more than 80 medical students, the GA was only one day with committees' sessions, training and energizer games.

We share in organizing "Clinical Pathology Annual Conference" on 14th and 15th January.

In the period from 25-27th February we organized "Community Oriented Emergency Medicine", the conference was held in University Hospital hall, beside conference sessions there were nine different workshops on basic life support, blast injuries and disaster management training, medical and paramedical and school students attended these workshops.

Suez Canal Medical Students’ Association ‫الجمعية العلمية لطالب الطة جامعة قناة السويس‬

The 18th SCMSA Summer School on Infectious Diseases and Tropical Medicine We started the first wave of advertising

Suez Canal Medical Students’ Association ‫الجمعية العلمية لطالب الطة جامعة قناة السويس‬

SCMSA Members Internationally SCMSA was represented in IFMSA Egypt delegates as follows: IFMSA MM Antalya : Mohamed Abdelkarem attended as the only representative in SCOME Session . IFMSA pre MM : Ahmad Awad Attended External Representation Workshop . SRT Vienna : Khalid Hegazy , Mohamed Abdelwahed , Essameldin Mohamed Adel ,Dana Badry , EMR11 : Mary Beshara Attended SCORP Session Esraa Khalid Attended SCOPH Session George Tadros Attended SCOPE/SCORE Session

EMR11 OC members : SCMSA Supported :Mohamed Abdelwahid as Logistics cocoordinator Mohamed Ismail Fahmy as Visa Coordinator

For preEMR : Ahmed Essam Fetooh Attended WHO Simulation workshop Omar Nasr Attended WHO Simulation workshop

Suez Canal Medical Students’ Association ‫الجمعية العلمية لطالب الطة جامعة قناة السويس‬

Thanks, SCMSA Board 2014/2015

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