DJemaiel Ahmed ©
Lines of my soul
The most strange thing about mind is that if you become a watcher, it start disappearing. Just like light disperses darkness, watchfulness disperses mind. Meditation is simply watchfulness.......
Between lines i tried to create emptiness for your soul to dance . While it touched a new love with a new page, the pen become me and we become an irreversible dance. Now, it is stopped, it’s for you to continue the dance. It will, may not, be the same dance, but it came from the same source.
Between lines
you are me
i am you
Remain a watcher
a dance with lines
Return to the source
feel the silence
be aware of yourself
A moment of ecstasy
cannot be shared on words
Be the watching
On the moment of watching
thoughts disappear
time stop
ego die
cosmic conscience
connect our souls
We are the universe
experiencing it’s self
we are love
Between are me..i am you...Remain a watcher...a dance with lines. Return to the source....feel the aware of yourself.. A moment of ecstasy..cannot be shared on words. inspire... ...expire Be the watching....On the moment of watching...thoughts disappear time stop.....ego die.....cosmic conscience..connect our souls... We are the universe..experiencing it’s self.......we are love. F e e l .