Solutions to prevent stomach problems Your digestive tract plays a role in mood, immunity, and intuition. Here’s how to harness its power to prevent stomach problems.
nce you’ve polished off a meal, you probably don’t give it much thought. But when you push away from the table, your gut’s work is only beginning—it will take between nine hours and a day or two for the food you just ate to be fully digested. During that time, your stomach and small intestine break your food down into molecules that the small intestine’s thin lining can absorb, allowing essential nutrients-the energy stream that fuels every cell in your body—to enter your bloodstream. The lower part of your small intestine then wrings out the water remaining in your meal and ushers it into your colon, which funnels it into your bloodstream to help keep you hydrated. As straightforward as this process sounds, the seemingly simple chore of digestion depends on a finely orchestrated series of muscular contractions, chemical secretions, and electrical signals all along the 30-foot-long gastrointestinal tract. But there’s also plenty you can do to keep this operation running smoothly. Here’s how. 1. Follow its pace. A rushed meal is out of sync with the creeping pace of the gut. First, savor your meal. In a neat bit of mind/body magic, the thought, sight, and aroma of good food jumpstart the digestive process, signaling the stomach and salivary
glands to secrete chemicals that will help break down food. Chew your food well so your gut doesn’t have to work as hard to break it down. Eat slowly to avoid gulping air, which will make you gassy, bloated, and—thanks to the mind’s payback to the body—irritable. 2. Nurture your gut’s residents. Gut-friendly bacteria use fiber, an indigestible carbohydrate, as their main food source, so eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, such as oats, barley, whole wheat, and popcorn. Fiber also aids the passage of food and waste through the gut. Most adult women should aim for over 20 g of fiber a day; men should get at least 30 g. But again, go slowly: Increasing your fiber intake too quickly can cause gas and bloating. 3. Watch out for foods that trigger digestive problems. Common heartburn culprits: acidic, spicy, and fatty foods; caffeinated and carbonated drinks; chocolate; and onions. Notorious gas producers include beans, onions, and cruciferous vegetables like cauliflower, cabbage, and radishes. (These veggies are loaded with vital nutrients, so don’t shun them altogether, but enjoy them in small doses.) The same goes for packaged low-carb treats and other foods containing artificial sweeteners—especially the sweetener sorbitol. 4. Eat a little less.
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People who are overweight are more likely to suffer from digestive problems. Whatever your weight, though, regular exercise can help alleviate stomach pains like gas and bloating. In a study involving 983 people participating in a weight loss program, the more physical activity people got each week, the fewer GI symptoms they had. Aim for at least 20 minutes of moderate activity each day. 5. Got heartburn? Cut down on fatty foods. In addition to losing weight and not eating before bedtime, eating less fat can make your stomach less irritable. Fat softens the sphincter muscles that close the lower esophagus, making it possible for stomach acids to back up into it. Avoid marbled meats and whole-milk products. How to cure a stomach ache When you feel a stomach ache coming on, it’s hard to take your mind off of the pain and get on with your day. No matter what’s causing the problem, you want it to go away fast. If your stomach is bothering you, try some of these steps to get some relief. Treating Nausea Drink clear liquids: With nausea often comes vomiting, and vomiting can cause dehydration. If your body is dehydrated, it will take longer to heal and you will feel the effects of nausea stronger than usual. Drink 2-4 ounces of water every 15 minutes while you are awake to try and keep hydrated.
or sugar-filled including oatmeal, broths, toast, crackers, rice. Also try to avoid dairy based foods as these contain natural bacteria which your stomach might not agree with. Try cola syrup: Cola syrup is a thick liquid that tastes just like your favorite cola pop. The syrup has been used for many years to treat nausea, and can be taken plain or sipped over ice. Take 1-2 tablespoons every few hours to help ease your nausea. Take baking soda: Although this is the primary ingredient in most antacids, you can take baking soda plain by dissolving a tablespoon of it into a glass of warm water. Drink the water slowly, and repeat the process every few hours until your nausea goes away. Drink apple-cider vinegar: Different from regular vinegar, apple cider vinegar works on nausea by absorbing unwanted nutrients in your stomach. Mix 2-3 tablespoons of the liquid with a glass of warm water. Drink the solution every few hours until your nausea goes away. Drink mint tea: Mint tea is proven to be effective in relieving nausea. What you need to do is steep the dry leaves of mint, about a tablespoon full, in half liter of boiling water for as long as half an hour. Strain it for a while and then drink . While you drink the mint tea, eat the mint leaves along with it. This is because simply eating mint leaves which are boiled also help relief the nausea.
Try electrolyte-supplemented sports drinks. These replenish the sodium and potassium in your body which it needs in order to fight illness.
Get lots of rest: Your body is fighting a bacteria or virus in your stomach, and needs energy to do so. To provide it with the energy it needs, spend extra time sleeping and lying down. Avoid exercising or moving too much.
Drink peppermint, chamomile, or ginger tea with honey. These three herbs have shown to have a positive effect in reducing the feeling of nausea. Eat bland foods: Your body needs nutrients to keep its energy up as it tries to recover from your stomach pains, so provide it with easy-to-digest foods. Choose foods that aren’t spicy, greasy,
Vomit if you need to: As horrible as vomiting feels, it is a healthy way for you to clean your system. Vomiting is your body’s way of expelling the bacteria or viruses in your stomach that may be causing your illness. Although the process of throwing up can be incredibly uncomfortable, most people report feeling greatly relieved of their nausea immediately afterwards.
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tips to manage high BP without pills
Hypertension on the high? Here are top 10 tips to get it down and keep it down.
Seven in 10 adults are at a greater risk of stroke or heart attack because their blood pressure is too high. Desk jobs, lack of exercise and eating salty fast foods have contributed to the problem, even among the young. If your level is consistently at or above 140mmHg/ 90mmHg (referred to as 140 over 90). The 140 figure is the systolic pressure — the pressure reached when the heart forces the blood around the body — and 90 is the diastolic pressure — the lowest pressure that occurs between heartbeats when the heart relaxes. In India, experts say, the prevalence of hypertension ranges from 20-40 per cent in urban adults and 12-17 per cent among rural adults. But there’s no reason to worry.
1. Go for a weekly jog Jogging for just an hour a week can increase your life expectancy by six years, according to a Copenhagen City Heart cardiovascular study of around 20,000 men and women aged from 20 to 93.
Simple measures will help to cut your risk.
Researchers believe jogging delivers multiple health benefits, improving oxygen uptake and
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lowering blood pressure, as well as many more benefits. However, any physical activity can help lower blood pressure by strengthening the heart so it can pump more blood with less effort, thereby decreasing the force on the arteries. Power walking can be just as effective as jogging. 2. Enjoy yoghurt Just one small pot a day can reduce your chances of developing high blood pressure by a third, according to a study presented at the University of Minnesota in the US. Scientists think naturally occurring calcium can make blood vessels more supple, enabling them to expand slightly and keep pressure low. They found those who ate a 120g pot daily were 31 per cent less likely to develop high blood pressure over a 15-year period than those who did not. 3. Go Bananas Eating potassium-rich foods, such as bananas, and reducing salt intake could save thousands of lives every year, according to a new study published in the British Medical Journal online. Potassium is an important mineral that controls the balance of fluids in the body and helps to lower blood pressure. Making sure you eat five. 4. Down with salt Salt draws in fluid, raising the volume and pressure of blood in your arteries. But it’s not just the salt cellar you have to worry about — processed foods such as biscuits, breakfast cereals, takeaways and ready meals contain 80 per cent of the salt we consume, says the Blood Pressure Association. Check labels: more than 1.5g salt per 100g is a lot, but less than 0.3mg per 100g is a little. 5. Lose weight Research has shown that dropping just a few kilos can have a substantial impact on your blood pressure. Excess weight makes your heart work harder and this strain can lead to high blood pressure.
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6. Don’t smoke The nicotine in cigarettes stimulates your body to produce adrenaline, making your heart beat faster and raises your blood pressure, making your heart work harder. 7. Work less Regularly putting in 40 hours per week at the office raises your risk of hypertension by 14 per cent, the University of California, US, found. The risk rises with overtime. Compared with those who worked fewer than 40 hours a week, workers who clocked up more than 51 hours were 29 per cent more likely to have high blood pressure. Overtime makes it hard to exercise and eat healthily, say researchers. So try to down tools with enough time to relax in the evening and eat a healthy supper. Set a message on your computer as a reminder to go home. 8. Seek help for snoring Loud, incessant snoring is a symptom of obstructive sleep apnea. And more than half of those with this have blood pressure significantly higher than expected for their age and general health. Cutting out cigarettes and alcohol and losing weight will help. 9. Switch to decaf Duke University Medical Center, North Carolina, US, found caffeine consumption of 500mg, roughly three cups, increased blood pressure by three points. Effects lasted until bedtime. Scientists say that caffeine can raise blood pressure by tightening blood vessels and magnifying the effects of stress. 10. Think beetroot A study published in the journal Hypertension found drink ing a 250ml cup of the juice can cut blood pressure readings in those with high blood pressure by around seven per cent. It’s thought the effect is produced by beetroot’s naturally high levels of nitrate. Eating other-rich foods — cab bage and spinach — might also help.
easy tips to stop snoring
noring occurs when the flow of air from the mouth or nose to your lungs makes the tissues of the airway vibrate. This usually is caused by a blockage (obstruction) or narrowing in the nose, mouth, or throat (airway). When you inhale during sleep, air enters the mouth or nose and passes across the soft palate camera.gif (the back of the roof of the mouth) on its way to the lungs. The back of the mouth—where the tongue and upper throat meet the soft palate and uvula—is collapsible. If this area collapses, the airway becomes narrow or blocked. The narrowed or blocked passage disturbs the airflow, which causes the soft palate and uvula to vibrate and knock against the back of the throat, causing snoring. The tonsils and adenoids camera.gif may also vibrate. The narrower the airway is, the more the tissue vibrates, and the louder the snoring is. You do not snore when you are awake because the muscles of the throat hold the tissues in the back of the mouth in place. When you sleep, the muscles relax, allowing the tissues to collapse. Snoring can be so loud that it keeps your bed partner awake. You may also have a less restful sleep. Sleep quality may decrease as the loudness of the snoring increases. And snoring can result in daytime sleepiness.
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Snoring that affects how well you sleep may increase your risk of high blood pressure. Believe it or not, but snoring is a serious trouble. If a person snores occassionaly, it is quite normal. But, if one tends to snore very often, it is time to be cautious as this can lead to serious problems. Snoring can signify sleep apnea, which is a potentially life-threatening condition that needs to be discussed with a doctor. It can also lead to trouble in your relationship with your spouse as it hinders their good night sleep. Here are a few tips how to deal with the problem: - One should try sleeping on his/her side rather than back because while doing this, the tongue and muscles in the throat collapse, which restrict snoring. - Use of nasal spray to provide temporary relief from nasal congestion can also help in solving the problem. - Avoid consuming alcohol, at least 4 hours before going to bed and also cut down on cigarettes. - Being overweight can also lead to snoring. So, it is advised to maintain a helathy weight. - Use higher pillows as they help in keeping the airways open by supporting the neck so the throat is less constricted.
Prolonged exposure to paint affects brain
n fact, your brain is the boss of your body. It runs the show and controls just about everything you do, even when you’re asleep. Not bad for something that looks like a big, wrinkly, gray sponge. Your brain has many different parts that work together. The biggest part of the brain is the cerebrum. The cerebrum makes up 85% of the brain’s weight, and it’s easy to see why. The cerebrum is the thinking part of the brain and it controls your voluntary muscles — the ones that move when you want them to. So you can’t dance — or kick a soccer ball — without your cerebrum. The cerebrum has two halves, with one on either side of the head. Scientists think that the right half helps you think about abstract things like music, colors and shapes. Do you often get migraine or nausea if exposed to the smell of paint of glue? Shift to a safer location as people who are exposed to paint, glue or degreaser fumes may experience memory and thinking problems later. According to research, brain may never fully recover from exposure to paint, glue or degreasers at work. “Solvents pose a real risk to the present and
future cognitive health of workers, and as retirement ages go up, the length of time that people are exposed is going up, too,” explained Erika L. Sabbath from Harvard School of Public Health in Boston. The study involved 2,143 retirees from the French national utility company. Researchers assessed the workers’ lifetime exposure to chlorinated solvents, petroleum solvents and benzene. Benzene is used to make plastics, rubber, dye, detergents and other synthetic materials. Chlorinated solvents can be found in dry cleaning solutions, engine cleaners, paint removers and degreasers. Petroleum solvents are used in carpet glue, furniture polishes, paint, paint thinner and varnish. The research found that people with high, recent exposure to solvents were at greatest risk for memory and thinking deficits. For example, those with high exposure to chlorinated solvents were 65 per cent more likely to have impaired scores on tests of memory and visual attention and task switching. “The people with high exposure within the last 12 to 30 years showed impairment in almost all areas of memory and thinking, including those not usually associated with solvent exposure,” Sabbath noted.
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cne on the back and chest are estimated to occur in 61% patients.
Are you suffering from back acne
If you say that you have never ‘faced’ acne at any age, then you are probably were a blessed star-child with extra-terrestrial genes, because a majority of human being have dealt with acne at some point or the other in their lives.
What is truncal acne? Doctors say that acne vulgaris is a common skin condition that is characterised by an area of seborrhoea, comedones, papules and nodules that occur on the face, chest, back and upper arms. Dr Sadaf Rangooni, consultant dermatologist says, “Of this truncal acne i.e acne on the back and chest are estimated to occur in 61% patients.” Why does back acne occur? Dr S S Trasi, dermatologist explains, “Back acne, like acne of face and elsewhere are caused due to the activity of the oil glands. We have maximum oil glands on the face, shoulders, the back and the buttocks, hence acne appear on these areas more.” Men are more prone to back acne “Acne is basically hormonal in nature. Usually, women get pimples more on the face and men
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get more pimples on the back,” says Dr Trasi. Causes of acne on the back -Pityriasis Capitis (dandruff ) is characterized by excessive flaking and abnormal shedding of
the skin. -Seborrheic dermatitis - is an inflammatory condition characterised by scaling and erythema. -PCOD- polycystic ovarian diseases also causes Truncal acne. -Acne post laser treatment- it can cause folliculitis due to the heat generated by the laser therapy. -Shaving and waxing can also lead to folliculitis. -Any kind of occlusion, friction or heat can also cause acne. -Also seen in patients who have acne prone skin. Treatment It is a little difficult to treat acne on the back because skin is thicker in the area feels Dr Trasi. She suggests, “Usually acne leave scars are pigmentation which can be treated with lasers.” Dr Sadaf says, “The patient should be put on topical combination of clindamycin and benzoyl peroxide or retinoic acid derivative. In resistant cases, systemic antibiotic should be given.” He adds that the patient should use benzoyl peroxide bathing soap and a salicylic acid peel should be done in an interval if 15 days.
Eating grapes reduces knee pain S
uffering from knee pain? Adding grapes to your diet can help you lessen that excruciating knee pain. Daily grape consumption may help alleviate pain associated with symptomatic osteoarthritis of the knee and improve joint flexibility and overall mobility, a research said. This is possible because of polyphenols (antioxidants) found in grapes. “Our findings provide promising data that links grape consumption to two very important outcomes for those living with knee osteoarthritis: reduced pain and improvements in joint flexibility,” said Shanil Juma from Texas Woman’s University, US. During the study, researchers assigned 72 men
and women with knee osteoarthritis (OA) to either consume grapes in the form of a whole grape freeze-dried powder or a placebo powder. The results showed that both men and women consuming a grape-enriched diet had a significant decrease in self-reported pain related to activity and an overall decrease in total knee symptoms. This beneficial effect was more pronounced in females. Evidence of increased cartilage metabolism was observed in men consuming the grape-enriched diet, the study noted. Osteoarthritis is more likely to occur in people over 45 years of age, and women are more likely to have osteoarthritis than men.
Daily cup of coffee good for eyes
Researchers have said that one cup of coffee could help prevent deteriorating e y e s i g h t and possible b l i n d n e s s from retinal degeneration due to glaucoma, aging and diabetes. Raw coffee is, on average, just 1 per cent caffeine, but it contains 7 to 9 per cent chlorogenic acid, a strong antioxidant that prevents retinal degeneration in mice, according to the Cornell study. The retina is a thin tissue layer on the inside,
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back wall of the eye with millions of lightsensitive cells and other nerve cells that receive and organize visual information. It is also one of the most metabolically active tissues, demanding high levels of oxygen and making it prone to oxidative stress. The lack of oxygen and production of free radicals leads to tissue damage and loss of sight. Chang Y. Lee, professor of food science and the study’s senior author, said coffee is the most popular drink in the world, and we are understanding what benefit we can get from that. The study has been published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.
What causes male infertility
ale infertility affects a large number of couples in our city. For every five couples who are facing fertility problems and cannot have a child, there is one couple where the problem is only with the male partner.
a couple is experiencing difficulties in conceiving. A malignant tumour that develops in the testicle may destroy testicular tissue. If not detected early enough it may also spread to other parts of the body.
Here are some reasons that lead to male fertility.
Diabetes Diabetes has been found to have an effect on the quality of sperm.
Mumps Contracting mumps after puberty may damage sperm producing cells in the testicles. Some men suffer permanent sterility. Varicocele Varicocele is said to occur when veins, which drain blood from the testicles become swollen and engorged. This leads to blood not circulating out of the testicles properly. The increase in blood leads to a rise in temperature in the testicles. This can hinder the production of sperm. It has to be pointed out that although the theory of diagnosing and treating varicocele sounds logical, treating it does not always result in improvement in the sperm count or quality. It is estimated that even after satisfactory treatment of varicocele, significant improvements in the count occur only in approximately a fourth of all patients who undergo surgery. Undescended testicles As a male fetus develops in the uterus, his testicles typically form inside his abdomen and descend into the scrotum shortly before birth. When the move doesn’t take place, the baby is born with a condition known as cryptorchidism. Usually the testicles descend themselves by the sixth month of life. Untreated, undescended testicles may affect fertility or lead to other medical problems. Testicular cancer Testicular cancer is sometimes diagnosed when
Surgery or injury Serious trauma to the testicles can affect the production of sperm and possibility lead to sterility. Damage from sport or by accident can rupture vessels that supply blood to the testicles. Additionally, surgery to correct an undescended testicle or repair a hernia may lead to damage of a man’s sperm producing capabilities. Physical abnormalities In a small number of men, the fluid deposited in the vagina during intercourse may not contain sperm. This may be due to a blockage or malformation of the urethra vas deferens or epidydimis, which prevents the sperm from combining with other fluids to create semen. Prolonged and consistent exposure to high temperatures Heat can have a detrimental effect on normal sperm production. Typically, people who work in high temperature environments like furnace workers or boiler room personnel are affected. Too much stress, fatigue or alcohol Overwork, anxiety and too many alcoholic drinks have a negative effect on libido. Until recently, most cases of impotence were thought to be psychological. But there is increasing evidence to show that this is not always the case. New oral medication offers widespread success.
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Yawn can cool your brain
t may look unpleasant in office meeting or in the middle of a social dinner but yawning does help cool your brain.
Yawning frequencies of people also vary with change in seasonal temperature, a research said. “The contagious yawning is constrained to an optimal thermal zone or range of ambient temperatures. Yawning subsequently functions to keep the brain temperature balanced and in optimal homeostasis,” explained psychologist Andrew Gallup from State University of New York at Oneonta (SUNY Oneonta). The researchers hypothesised that yawning should only occur within an optimal range of
temperatures - a thermal window. To test this, Jorg Massen and Kim Dusch of University of Vienna measured contagious yawning frequencies of pedestrians outdoors in Vienna, Austria and during both the winter and summer months. They compared these results to an identical study conducted earlier in arid climate of Arizona, US. Pedestrians were asked to view a series of images of people yawning, and then they self-reported on their own yawning behaviour. Results showed that in Vienna people yawned more in summer than in winter, whereas in Arizona, people yawned more in winter than in summer.
Tips to tackle swollen feet
hether it’s due to the heat or pregnancy issues or even stress, swollen feet can wreck havoc on your daily routine. Here are a few remedies to help soothe those throbbing feet:
Cut back on your salt intake as salt contributes to water retention / oedema in feet. Opt for sodium-free salt instead. Lie on the ground, with your feet at least 12 inches above the level of your heart. Remaining in this position for 10-15 minutes, three or four times a day, will prove extremely beneficial. If your weight is on the higher side, losing those extra kilos would be an ideal option to consider. Excess weight not only puts pressure on the veins, but also slows the circulation of body
fluids, thereby causing swollen feet. Standing or sitting in the same position for long hours contributes to swelling of the feet. In case you have been sitting for long time, make sure you get up and walk every one or two hours. The reverse applies if you have been standing for a long time. Soak feet in hot and cold water alternately for 10-15 minutes each. Sleep with your feet in an elevated position by placing a pillow under your ankles. Also, avoid sleeping with your feet placed directly under the fan.
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Sugar is the culprit behind heart diseases
esearchers have uncovered evidence that sugar has a direct effect on risk factors for heart disease, and is likely to impact on blood pressure, independent of weight gain. Research Fellow with Otago’s Department of Human Nutrition Dr Lisa Te Morenga, Professor Jim Mann and colleagues have conducted a review and meta-analysis of all international studies that compared the effects of higher versus lower added sugar consumption on blood pressure and lipids (blood fats or cholesterol) both of which are important cardiovascular riskfactors. They located dietary intervention trials published in English-speaking journals between 1965 and 2013, comparing diets where the only intended differences were the amount of sugars and non-sugar carbohydrates consumed by the participants, and which measured the effects of these diets on lipids and blood pressure. They found 37 trials reporting effects on lipids and 12 reporting effects on blood pressure. The findings from the individual trials were then pooled to determine the overall effects from all
the studies. Dr Te Morenga says previous research showed that there did not appear to be any special metabolic effect of sugars making people more likely to gain weight on high-sugar diets compared with low sugar diets when the total amount of carbohydrates and energy remains the same. The problem with sugar is that it contributes to inflammation of the arterial walls. It does that by generating an insulin spike, and when insulin spikes continuously it starts to ravage the fragile, but ultra-important endothelial lining of blood vessels. If the endothelial lining becomes damaged, all the well-known causes of heart disease problems swarm to the scene and create the inflammatory mayhem that eventually leads to heart attack and stroke. What’s worse is that excessive sugar consumption can also cause weight gain. Weight gain, combined with sustained high insulin levels, can lead to insulin resistance and diabetes—which further increases your risk of cardiovascular disease.
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Make your kids emotionally strong mental health and anxiety among youth. However, school-based test anxiety interventions should not be considered a first line approach to treating severe anxiety disorders such as PTSD, but could be employed to teach students how to handle anxious emotions, Weems cautioned.
An easy way to better prepare kids to handle anxiety and keep anxiety-related disorders at bay may lie in the school-based test anxiety interventions, a research said. Anxiety problems are among the most common emotional difficulties youths experience, and are often linked to exposure to disasters. “Test anxiety interventions may be a practical strategy for conducting emotion-focused prevention and intervention efforts because of a natural fit within the ecology of the school setting,” said Carl Weems of University of New Orleans, US. Showing students how to cope with test anxiety might also help them to handle their built-up angst and fretfulness about other issues. “Anxiety intervention programmes that focus on academic matters fit well into the demands of the school routine, and do not carry the same stigma among youth as general anxiety programmes do,” Weems noted. The research group was among the first to study the effects of Hurricane Katrina on community
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“Don’t make your child a coward,” says psychologist Dr Anupama Gadkari, squarely blaming parents and teachers for making them fragile. “Their tolerance level is going down due pressure from parents and teachers. They’re not habituated to hear ‘no’. Make them stronger to face problems, don’t shield them all the time.” Career counsellor Dr Pravin Bhatia advises the parents not to compare their wards. “Only scoring good marks can’t be criteria for growth. If you see old geniuses who had made their mark, you will find that all of them used their mind in a creative manner. They were never good in academics, but they used their mind to achieve greatness.” He asks “parents and even teachers to take care during exam season”. “Don’t always discuss studies and papers with them. Try to divert their attention and keep the atmosphere lively,” says Bhatia. The well-known counsellor adds that it’s up to the parents to make their wards strong. “Today’s parents lack knowledge about parenting practices. They should read or learn how to treat their wards and more importantly learn to say ‘No’ to their unnecessary demands,” stresses Gadkari.
‘Society is ignoring importance of sleep’
leep plays a vital role in good health and well-being throughout your life. Getting enough quality sleep at the right times can help protect your mental health, physical health, quality of life, and safety. The way you feel while you’re awake depends in part on what happens while you’re sleeping. During sleep, your body is working to support healthy brain function and maintain your physical health. In children and teens, sleep also helps support growth and development. Leading researchers have revealed that society has become “supremely arrogant” in ignoring the importance of sleep. Scientists from Oxford, Cambridge, Harvard, Manchester and Surrey universities warn cutting sleep is leading to “serious health problems”, the BBC reported. They say people and governments need to take the problem seriously.
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Cancer, heart disease, type-2 diabetes, infections and obesity have all been linked to reduced sleep. The body clock drives huge changes in the human body. It alters alertness, mood, physical strength and even the risk of a heart attack in a daily rhythm. It stems from our evolutionary past when we were active in the day and resting at night. But scientists have warned that modern life and 24-hour society mean many people are now “living against” their body clocks with damaging consequences for health and wellbeing. Prof Russell Foster, at the University of Oxford, said people were getting between one and two hours less sleep a night than 60 years ago. Emerging evidence suggests modern technology is now keeping us up later into the night and cutting sleep.
Health benefits of Amla juice Amla or Indian gooseberry is popular since decades due to its nutritional benefits. In India, this fruit is used in making pickles, chutneys, jams and murabbas. Amla juice is a healthy drink as it is a storehouse of vitamin C and other nutrients which provide an array of health and beauty benefits. Amla fruit is greatly renowned and amla juice is also used in Ayurvedic medicine. Here are a few reasons as to why you should consume amla juice and say yes to good heath. - Amla works as a hair tonic and is an essential ingredient for hair care. It not just helps in strengthening of roots of hair, but also enriches hair growth. It also prevents dandruff and premature graying of hair. - Amla juice is helpful in relieving constipation in piles. Also, it helps in regulating bowel movements and cures chronic constipation. - Drink amla juice with honey in the morning to get that perfect glow on your face and blemish free skin. - It is very useful in improving eyesight. It also counters diseases like reddening, itching and watering of eyes. - And last but not the least, daily intake of amla juice helps in fighting bad breath and strengthens teeth. How to prepare Amla juice? Ingredients: 1 cup Amla (Indian Gooseberry), cut into pieces 1cup sugar A pinch of salt A pinch of cardamom powder (optional)
for a glass of amla juice Procedure: Wash and dry the amlas and place them in a bowl. Adding 1 ½ cup of water to the pressure cooker, place the bowl in it. Cover the pressure cooker with its lid and light the stove. Switch off the stove after one whistle. Remove the bowl from the stove when there is no pressure in the cooker. Now gently touch the gooseberry to see if it has cooled down. Press the amlas with in between your fingers to break them into pieces and remove the seeds. Grind sugar into fine powder. Grind the amla pieces. If you find it difficult to grind them, add some sugar powder and then grind them. To prepare the amla juice concentrate, mix the amla paste with sugar powder and salt. You can place this concentrate in a freezer safe box and store it in the freezer. You can add 2 to 3 spoons of this concentrate to a glass of water whenever you require amla juice. You can add some cardamom powder and stir well. This juice concentrate can be stored in the freezer for 8 months or more.
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7 habits that cause belly fat
bdominal obesity, also known as belly fat or clinically as central obesity, is excessive abdominal fat around the stomach and abdomen. There is a strong correlation between central obesity and cardiovascular disease. Abdominal obesity is not confined only to the elderly and obese subjects. Abdominal obesity has been linked to Alzheimer’s Disease as well as other metabolic and vascular diseases. Visceral and central abdominal fat and waist circumference show a strong association with type 2 diabetes. Researchers first started to focus on abdominal obesity in the 1980s when they realized that it had an important connection to cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and dyslipidemia. Abdominal obesity was more closely related with metabolic dysfunctions connected with cardiovascular disease than was general obesity. Check out these seven habits that can cause belly fat – and be sure to do the opposite, so you can shape up and lose those unsightly bulges as fast as possible! 1. Drinking Carbonated Drinks Regularly Can’t last a day without gulping down a can or two of soda? If this is you, then you’re certainly not being kind to your body. According to researchers, consuming one or two cans of
soda daily causes your waistline to increase at least five times faster than those who barely drink soda in the course of a week. The concept behind this is that the high amount of sugar used in sodas trigger your craving for food, so you end up eating more than you should during mealtimes. Diet sodas aren’t any better than regular varieties since these contain artificial sweeteners, which can increase your appetite as much as sugar does. So if you have that serious craving for a satisfying drink, opt for healthy smoothies, fresh fruit juices, or a glass of water with lemon zest and mint leaves. You’re doing your body and overall health a favor by choosing a more nutritious drink that’s also low in sugar content. Since soda only causes you to add pounds without quenching your thirst, why bother drinking it, right? 2. Using a Larger Plate Each Time You Eat Whether it’s a buffet dinner or just a regular meal at home, pay attention to the size of plate you use at mealtime. In a survey conducted among obese individuals, it was discovered that these people prefer larger plates over smaller or medium-sized ones. With a large plate size, they have more space for their food. So, how does this habit cause belly fat? Simple. When you have a larger space to pile up your food, you tend to consume more than your body needs, and that leads to more fat stored in your body. To avoid this nasty chain reaction, make it a point
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to use smaller plates and resist the urge to eat or go back for seconds when you’ve already had enough. 3. Dining Late at Night While it’s true that your body naturally burns some flab as you sleep, it might not be able to efficiently do so when you go to bed on a full stomach. Aside from causing belly fat, eating late and reclining on a full stomach increases your risk of developing acid reflux and indigestion, since gravity is no longer able to pull everything in your tummy straight down. To prevent these conditions, consider eating smaller meals at night and don’t lie down for at least three hours after dinner. If possible, just snack on fruits in case you feel a bit hungry at night instead of raiding the fridge for sweet desserts to satisfy your craving. 4. Eating When Sad, Angry or Upset Do you find yourself eating absent-mindedly when your emotions are at their peak? The next time you catch yourself doing this, try to snap out of it before you end up eating a double cheeseburger and fries. Emotional eating does nothing to make you feel better. If there’s anything you can get from this habit of eating whenever you’re upset or stressed out, it’s just hideous belly fat. The best way to combat this response to stress is by drinking a glass of water, talking to a friend, or taking a relaxing walk. Choose an activity that doesn’t involve eating, so you can stop yourself from loading up on extra calories when you’re feeling emotional. 5. Consuming Low-Fat Foods More Often Some people assume that high-fat foods and drinks lead to more fat storage in your belly. The truth is, monounsaturated fats are not bad for you. If anything, foods such as avocados, olive oil and seeds work well in eliminating belly fat. Be wary of too many low-fat foods, since manufacturers often add sugar to these items. And you know what that means – the more sugar you have in the body, the greater your chances
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of storing more body fat. 6. Depriving Yourself of Sleep Ideally, adults should get about seven to nine hours of sleep each night. When you fail to get enough sleep, your level of cortisol (stress hormone) increases and causes you to crave sugary foods. With that in mind, it’s harder to get rid of belly fat when you keep the habit of not getting enough sleep regularly. To maintain normal levels of the stress hormone cortisol, try your best to attain the recommended hours of sleep every night. This way you can balance your cortisol levels while boosting production of leptin, a type of hormone that causes you to control your appetite. 7. Not Getting Enough Protein in Your Regular Diet Have you been depriving your body of proteinrich foods? Generally, healthy adults should consume at least 20 to 25 grams of protein in each meal, although this depends on your activity level and body size. Men in particular should get an additional 10 grams of protein with every meal to ensure excellent health. By increasing your protein intake, you can balance out your blood sugar while reducing insulin levels to promote a faster metabolic rate. What’s more, protein helps control hormones that increase your appetite, so you can slim down naturally. To power up your daily meals, consider eating high-protein foods such as ricotta cheese, shellfish, turkey, skinless chicken, salmon and eggs. These are your best options because of their low fat and high protein content – a great combination for slimming down and shaping up! So are you ready to say hello to a flatter tummy and a more gorgeous body? Just be sure to avoid these seven bad eating habits, and you can be on your way to improving your body size and overall health.
Common skin problems in babies
baby’s skin is so delicate that even a slight scratch or rash is known to make them very irritable.
an allergic reaction to soaps, lotions or even a detergent you’re using to wash your baby’s clothes.
Remember that newborns are quite prone to rashes and most are harmless and disappear on their own within a few days. Here’s looking at some common skin problems in babies:
Dry skin: Most newborns are born with extremely dry skin, which starts peeling in the days after they are born. This usually stops soon but if it worries you, ask your pediatrician to suggest some medicine.
Diaper rash: This inevitable rash can keep your baby (and you) up all night long. Keep checking your baby’s diaper area often. If you spot redness and soreness, apply a diaper rash cream immediately and keep the area open and dry as much as possible. Ensure that the diaper isn’t too tight or left too long on your baby. Change it as often as you think necessary and use a diaper rash cream whenever required. Baby acne: Tiny pimples on your baby’s face may be a common phenomenon and usually clear up on their own in a few days time. Avoid applying anything on it. Birth marks: Birthmarks are common in babies. They can be there when the baby is born or even appear after a few weeks or months. Eczema: This red rash can be itchy and is more common in babies who have a family history of asthma or allergies. It usually appears on the face but is also known to appear on the elbows, chest or arms and gradually becomes dry and scaly. This type of rash is usually triggered as
Prickly heat rash: These small pink-red spots are caused due to sweating and mostly appear on neck, diaper area and armpits. Keep your baby as cool and dry as possible and make him/ her wear loose, flowy cotton clothes. Avoid using too much powder on your baby’s skin — the tiny grains of baby powder can be inhaled by babies causing them discomfort. Avoid powdering till your baby is at least four to six months old. White bumps: Also known as milia, these small white spots are seen on the nose and caused by skin flakes that block oil glands. As the glands open, these spots usually disappear on their own after a few days. Yeast infections: Even babies suffer from yeast infections, which make an appearance after a baby has been given antibiotics. Thrush, appears white and on the tongue and mouth, while a yeast diaper rash is tomato red accompanied by small red pimples at the edges. Ask your doctor to prescribe medicine.
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Study lists dangerous chemicals linked to breast cancer
ertain chemicals that are common in everyday life have been shown to cause breast cancer in lab rats and are likely to do the same in women, US researchers said today. The paper in the peer-reviewed journal Environmental Health Perspectives lists 17 chemicals to avoid and offers women advice on how to minimise their exposure. They include chemicals in gasoline, diesel and other vehicle exhaust, flame retardants, stain-resistant textiles, paint removers, and disinfection byproducts in drinking water. “The study provides a road map for breast cancer prevention by identifying high-priority chemicals that women are most commonly exposed to and demonstrates how to measure exposure,” said study author Ruthann Rudel, research director of the Silent Spring Institute. “Every woman in America has been exposed to chemicals that may increase her risk of getting breast cancer,” said co-author Julia Brody. Brody described the paper as the first to comprehensively list potential breast carcinogens and detail ways for experts to measure them in women’s blood and urine. The study also recommends seven ways for women to avoid these chemicals: - Limit exposure to exhaust from vehicles or generators, don’t idle your car, and use electric lawn mowers, leaf blowers and weed whackers instead of gas-powered ones. - Use a ventilation fan while cooking and limit
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how much burned or charred food you eat. - Do not buy furniture with polyurethane foam, or ask for furniture that has not been treated with flame retardants. - Avoid stain-resistant rugs, furniture and fabrics. - If you use a dry-cleaner, find one that does not use PERC (perchloroethylene) or other solvents. Ask for “wet cleaning.” - Use a solid carbon block drinking water filter. - Keep chemicals out of the house by taking off your shoes at the door, using a vacuum with a HEPA (high-efficiency particulate air) filter, and cleaning with wet rags and mops. The research was funded by the Avon Foundation. The Silent Spring Institute is a 20-year-old organisation made up of scientists who focus on the environment and women’s health.
Lifestyle affects baby in womb more than genes
our nutrition, mental health and lifestyle could affect the baby in your womb even more than the genes, a study showed.
Genetic differences alone best explained 25 per cent of the epigenetic variation between babies, with the remaining 75 per cent best explained by the interaction of genetic differences and the prenatal environment, the study showed. Epigenetics, and in particular DNA methylation marks, are thought to link a baby’s development in the womb with its risk of obesity and heart disease in later life, said Keith Godfrey, a professor at the National University of Singapore. “This research provides important new evidence that fixed changes in a baby’s genes have only a modest influence on its epigenetic profile at birth,” Godfrey noted. Development in the womb can in some ways be likened to an orchestra, in which genes are the instruments and epigenetic changes are the musicians who determine the sound that is heard, or the baby that is formed.
The researchers used an analysis of epigenetic marks on DNA for the study. They used samples of umbilical cord tissue DNA from 237 individuals (131 Chinese, 72 Malay, 34 Indian). The baby’s epigenetic profile was determined using infinium array technology and a million potential inherited genetic polymorphisms were measured. Genetic polymorphism promotes diversity within a population. “This has fundamental implications for how epigenetic studies will be conducted in the future and for our understanding of how the mother’s nutrition and lifestyle have long-lasting effects on the health of her children,” Godfrey maintained. The study appeared in the journal Genome Research.
“Most of the variation between babies arises from interactions between the environment experienced in the womb and the genetic information inherited from the parents,” he added. Epigenetics refers to the complex set of reactions that control the development and maintenance of plants and animals by switching parts of the DNA on and off at strategic times and locations.
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