1 minute read

ADULTS Experience and discover.

Are you prepared for the upcoming consolidated election on April 4? See how the library can help you get election-ready for this and all elections at ahml.info/research/civics. Here, you’ll find key dates for upcoming elections, information about registering to vote, tools to help you with a sample ballot and highlighted local resources that can help you learn about candidates.

Candidate Forums


Thursday, March 2, 7–9:15 p.m. / Zoom

Join Arlington Heights Memorial Library and League of Women Voters Arlington Heights for a live, nonpartisan forum featuring candidates in local upcoming races. Get informed and educated about the coming elections as you learn about candidates’ individual positions on a variety of topics. The event will be moderated. Join one or all:

7–8:15 p.m.: District 25 Board of Education

8:15–9:15 p.m.: District 214 Board of Education

The Weird and Wonderful World with Mary Roach

Wednesday, March 1, 7–8 p.m. / Zoom

Don’t miss this virtual evening with New York Times bestselling author, Mary Roach. Annalee Newitz will join her in conversation to discuss Roach’s frank approach to science, the importance of humor, and explore the weird, wonderful world in which we live.

Mary Roach has explored topics from the curious lives of human cadavers, packing to visit space, the afterlife, the alimentary canal and more.

This event is made possible by Illinois Libraries Present, a statewide collaboration among public libraries offering premier events.

Parents’ Turn: Creating a Healthy Home for the Whole Family

Saturday, March 4, 10:30–11:30 a.m. Hendrickson Room

See page 4.

Writer’s Ink

Wednesday, March 8, 7–9 p.m. / Zoom

Start the novel, short story or poem you always meant to write and join instructor Jacob Knabb for this facilitated meetup. All skill levels and writing styles are welcome.

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