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Paksya KareoTanggeran

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Jejak Hijau

Jejak Hijau

Landmark design based on local species of Tangerang

Year: 2023

Location: Tangerang, Indonesia

Status: Concept, Runner up ofTangerang CityLandmark Competition

Role: Principal Designer

One of the e orts to strengthen and improve Tangerang’s branding is to build iconic and attractive landmarks. This landmark aims to create a city character by emphasizing the character of the local area but still integrated and harmonious on a city scale.

Thedesign conceptfortheTangerangCity Landmark design takesthe basic shape of thewingsofthekareobirdandthefort,this shape was chosen because the kareo bird has a very deep meaning for the people ofTangerang City, especiallythe Larangan area,whilethe basic shape ofthefort,this shape was chosen because the origin of the name of the city of Tangerang is from “tanggeran” which means a landmark building. Namely a fortress made as a landmark by 3 arias.

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