Mrs. Arthur’s first grade students learned about bats from reading all kinds of informational texts. Here is what they learned and want to share with you!
Bats are mammals. They hang upside down on trees and caves. Baby bats drink milk from their mom.
Bats are mammals. Bats don’t get tangled in your hair. Bats eat frogs. Bats are black and brown. Bats can bite with sharp teeth.
Bats are black and brown mammals. Bats can sleep upside down. Bats can live in trees and caves.
Bats are mammals. Bats eat fruit and frogs. They hang upside down in trees and caves. Bats are black and brown. Bats are wild animals. Bats have good eyes and ears.
Bats are mammals that can fly. Megabats eat fruit. The big bats wings are five feet long. The small brown bat eats insects.
Bats are mammals. Bats eat frogs and bugs. They have big ears. Bats have four fingers and one thumb. They have big ears that help them hear very well. Bats eat insects.
Bats are mammals. Bats have four fingers and one thumb. They can help people by eating mosquitos and insects.
Bats are mammals. Bats help us by eating bugs. Bats have long wings. Bats use echolocation to locate insects. Bats can be black or brown.
Bats are mammals. They eat frogs and mice. They have good eyes to see in the day. They can hang with their claws on a bridge. They have big ears and hear very well.
Bats are mammals. Bats have four fingers and one thumb. They can help people by eating bugs.
Bats are mammals. Bats eat frogs. Bats live in caves. Bats are wild. Bats are wild and eat fruit. Bats sleep upside down.
Bat are mammals. They help people and they eat mosquitos. They are black and brown and they come out to hunt for insects at night.
Bats can eat frogs. Bats can fly. Bats have wings. Bats drink milk from their mom.
Bats are mammals and bats eat frogs, other insects, moths and mosquitos. Bats do not get tangled up in your hair at all.
Bats are mammals. Bats eat insects. Bats help farmers by eating the bugs. Bats eat frogs.
Bats are mammals. They eat frogs. Bats sleep in caves. Bats get milk from their mom. Baby bats are pink when they are born.
Bats are mammals. They live in caves and trees. Bats eat frogs, moths, fruit, and mosquitos. They are the only mammals that fly.
Big bats are called fruit bats. Bee bats are small. The bats in America are called small brown bats. Bats are not blind. Bats are great for hearing. Bats are nocturnal. Bats use echolocation to find food.
Bats are mammals. Bats are big. Bats eat fish, frogs, insects and fish.