My dinosaurs name is a Triceratops. The name means three horned face. It eats plants. It has a pointed tail. They lived in the Cretaceous Period. He was 30 feet long. Their bones have been found in the United States. It moved with 4 legs. Ahmad
My dinosaur’s name is Stegosaurus. My dinosaur walks on four legs. It has 17 plates on its back. It eats plants. His name means roofed reptile. Alex
My dinosaur name is T-rex. His name means King tyrant reptile. He eats meat. He has two tiny arms. He walked on two legs. He was 15-20 feet. Blake
My dinosaur is Triceratops. His name means three horned face. It eats grass. He has three horns. The whole dinosaur was 30 feet long. It moves by 4 legs.
Bradlee K.
My dinosaur is the T-rex. His name means king tyrant reptile. It eats meat. He has a large head and large teeth. Its feet were over 36 inches long. He is 40 feet long. His bones were found in China. He walked on four Brendan legs.
My Dinosaur is Pteranodon . The name means winged and toothless. His diet is fish. He has a back bone, wings, claws, legs, no teeth and a beak. It moved by flying. Brianna
My dinosaur is a Stegosaurus. He is called a roofed reptile or covered lizard. He has four legs. My dinosaur eats plants. Carmelo
The name of my dinosaur is Triceratops. It means 3 horn face. The diet is plants. It was10 feet tall. It lived in Cretaceous Period. It was 30 feet long. The bones were found in the United States. Harmony
Heidy C.
My dinosaur is Apatosaurus. My dinosaur name means deceptive reptile. He eats plants after its teeth were shaped like garden rake. He was 70-90 feet long. Its tail was about 50 feet long.
My dinosaur name is Apatosaurus. His diet is plants. The name means deceptive reptile. He was 70 feet long and he weighed 3338 tons. He walked on four feet. He was slow. Jahnekea C.
My dinosaur name is Pteranodon. The name means wing and toothless. It eats fish. They had a backbone. They had no teeth. It had two legs. It had a long beak. They lived 64 million years ago. They are 3 feet long. They were found in Wyoming, South Dakota and Kansas. They fly. Katherine
My dinosaur’s name is Velociraptor. It means Speedy thief. It has sharp teeth. He liked to eat meat. He was 5-6 feet long and weighed 15-33 pounds. He was 3 feet high. He had a stiff tail that helped him turn around quickly. Kevin B.
My dinosaur is Apatosaurus. He is a deceptive reptile. He eats plants. He has four feet. He has a very long neck and tail. He has a little head. Kevin R.
The name of my dinosaur is Triceratops. It means 3 horn face. The diet is plants. It was10 feet tall. It lived in Cretaceous Period. It was 30 feet long. The bones were found in United States and Canada. Sarah K.
My dinosaur is a Velociraptor. The name means Speedy thief. The diet is meat. Weight is15-33. The tail moves quickly. It lived 80 million years ago. The dinosaur was 5-6 feet. It ran fast - 20 miles per hour. Sydney C.
My dinosaur is Pteranodon. His name means winged and toothless. He eats meat. He has hands and feet and a back bone and wings. He lived in the Triassic to the Cretaceous Period. It is 3 feet. It moved by Sydney T. wings.
I learned about T-rex. The name means King tyrant reptile. He was a meat eater. He was 15-20 feet tall. He walks on two legs. Tyler
My Dinosaur is a stegosaurus. He had spikes on his legs. The name means roofed reptile. He ate plants. It was 26 feet long. He weighed 6,800 pounds. He walked on four legs. He has spikes on legs. He was 30 feet long. Vanessa