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By: Angel

The big– trex ‘s name means tyrant lizard king. They have a long tell and are 40 feet tall. It is a meat enter.

By: Zechariah

The stegosaurus’ name means roofed reptile. They are plant eaters. The stegosaurus has boney plates and moved with his 4 feet. They lived in the wild and his tail was huge.

By: Maggie

The Apatosaurus’ name means deceptive lizard. Their neck is as toll as a drff. LookLike adrff. It Wox on four legz and ets leaves on trees.


The pterahodon has big wings. Thay lice to eat meat. Their name means wing fnger.

By: JP

The T-rex has a humongous tail. It lived until 65 mya. Some bones were found in the USA. The T-rex is 40 feet tall and moved with its back

By: Seth

The T-rex’s name means tyrant lizard king. The t-rex eats meet. 45 feet toll. It has sharp teeth.

By: Hannah

The Apatosaurus’ name means deceptive lizard. The diet that they eat is leaves. Their bones have been found in the Western U.S. and Northwest Mexico. It had a long neck and was up to 90 feet tall. He walks on four legs.

By: Hailey

The stegosaurus’ name means roofed reptile. Their diet is mostly plants. The stegosaurus moovd whith four legs. They look like they have bony plates.

By: Mackenzie

The velociraptor’s name means quick thief. They liked to eat meat and they moved on two legs. The velociraptors length is 6.5 feet . Their bones have been found in China. Anuthur place were the bones have been found is in former Mongolia. Velociraptors are fast and have sharp tethe.

By: Paytyn

The Pteranodon’s name means wing finger. It has a long neck and wings. Their diet is meat. The Pteranodon move by flying. It has feet.

By: Jorden

The stegosaurus' name means roofed reptile. They are plant eaters. They have humongous tales. They way 30 pounds. Their bones have been found in the U.S.A. They walk on for feet.

By: Shelby

The triceratops lived from 145-65 m.y.a. Its bones have been found in the Western U.S and Southwest Canada. He has three big horns and a huge head. It is a plant eater. Their name means three horned face. The triceratops is 30 feet tall and walks on four legs.

By: David

The stegosaurus has a spiked tail and they wolk on four feet. They are 30 feet tall. It is a plant eater. The stegosaurus likes to drink water.

By: Anna

The Apatosaurus’ name means deceptive lizard. The tail is very long. They walk on four legs. It is 75 feet long and 90 feet tall. It eats plants. The time it lived was during the Jurassic period. It’s bones were found in Western U.S. and Northwest Mexico.

By: Nicholas

The T-rex lices to eat meat. It walks on 2 feet. Thay are big and tol. The T-rex’s name means tyrant lizard king.

By: Brady

The velociraptor wus a quick thief and their diet wus meat. They ran on 2 legs. The velociraptor has a long tel.

By: Lane

The stegosaurus’ name means roofed reptile. Their diet is plants. It is 30 feet tall and walks on for legs. They have a small brain.

By: Shaquerria

The pteranodon likes to eat fish. He likes to fly. It has bones. He got a lot of food. They have a long neck and wings.


The T-rex is a meat eater. Its name means tyrant lizard king The T-rex has 2 sharp teth.

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