By: Edward and Maria
Banks Elementary School Kinston, NC 2nd and 5th grade collaborative writing project
When we get to school, we unpack then we do morning work like math and reading. We get to have snack in the mornings. We have recess outside around 11 o'clock. Our equipment outside that we have is slides, swings and, jump rope. We play dodge ball, kickball, soccer, Frisbee, swing and, tag. We laugh and talk. Sometimes we get extra recess but, it gets really hot!!!! When it's hot we wear shorts and short sleeves. When it is cold we wear a fat jacket, boots and hard pants. When it gets really hot we start sweating and then we get water. When it's cold or starts to rain we get to use the iPods or we play Hangman. We play Silly Sports and Goofy Games too. How is your recess?