Recess at school in spring and summer
By: Madison, Trinity and Casey Banks Elementary School Kinston, NC 2nd and 3rd grade collaborative writing project
After lunch we have a lot of fun at school. We wear shorts, flipflops, jeans, boots, and dresses. It is warm in N.C. If it is snowing we have to stay inside.
We can find our friend and play jump rope monkey bars, tag, hide and seek, slides, and Frisbee. Our slides are not covered with snow. We have 3 baseball fields. When we go to school it is not dark.
We had to stay inside one time when a big dog went on the playground! What we do when we stay inside? We play 7 up and 4 corners. Also we play good morning Mr. Judge and Guess Who. When the teacher raises her hand, it is time to line up and go inside. Then we go to success maker on Friday. We read AR too. Recess rules!