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ULMA AGRÍCOLA S.COOP. B. Garibai Nº9 •Oñati 20560 (Gipuzkoa) SPAIN Tel.: +34 943 034 900 • Fax: +34 943 716 466 Web: www.ulmaagricola.com

ARMENIA GOTHIC TYPE GREENHOUSE PROJECT ARMENIAN HARVEST PROMOTION CENTER 10 Vazgen Sargsyan Street, office 95 Telephone: (+374 10 ) 589863, 589864 (ext 105) web: www.ahpc.am

MR ARMEN HARUTYUNYAN Marketing and Foreign Relations Manager Mobile: (374 98) 311551 Skype: armenianharvest e-mail: aharutyunyan@ahpc.am

Date: 22/03/2012

QUOTATION Nº: 13921 Armenia AHPC (G9-3HA)  OBJECT: Installation of 1 gothic G9 type greenhouse, total area covered 31.450m2

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