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2023/2024 SCHooL YEAR
Age-Appropriate Curriculum to develop a child’s love of learning. Our play-based curriculum is provided in a safe, nurturing environment which allows the children opportunities to grow socially, emotionally, intellectually and physically. Children participate in a variety of activities everyday including art, music, movement, dramatic play, math, science, block play, story time and group discussions. We strive to prepare children for kindergarten. Our program is designed to give your child the tools and experiences they need to assure a positive transition from preschool to kindergarten. Some ongoing skills emphasized throughout our twoyear program are recognition and printing of first name with upper and lower case letters, naming basic colors and shapes, finding upper and lower case letters when named, and reciting numbers 1-20.
3-4 year olds
Students must be 3 by September 1, 2023
One teacher and one teacher aide (16 students max)
Tuesday and Thursday
About the Instructors
Skilled professionals schooled in early childhood and/ or elementary education teach the preschool program. Our instructors are kept informed of current trends in education by attending early childhood workshops and conferences throughout the year. Our teachers help the children develop new interests, learn good work habits, follow directions, socialize, share and establish self direction.
Preschool Tuition
Learn more at ahpd.org/programs/preschool/
4-5 year olds
Students must be 4 by September 1, 2023
One teacher and one teacher aide (20 students max)
Monday / Wednesday / Friday
* Recreation Park PM class will be canceled if there are not enough students
• Children must be toilet trained; pull-ups are not allowed.
• Children in the 3-4-year-old program must be 3 by September 1. Those in the 4-5 year old program must be 4 by September 1. Proof of age is required at the time of registration. Please provide a birth certificate for registration.