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Today, we continue this tradition as Muller’s original soda Factory is a part of the Arlington Heights Historical Museum, a cooperative e ort of the Historical Society, Park District and Village in Arlington Heights, Illinois. All proceeds
WOODSHOP Beginner Wood Working
Do you want to create a beautiful wood project but don’t know all the ins and outs of a Wood Shop? In this class, you will learn how to use the equipment properly while making a wood project. All supplies are included. (KM)

Beginner Woodcarving
Are you determined to learn how to carve objects out of wood? This specialized art form is both fun and relaxing. You will need to bring a carving set to class -- a tool supply list will be handed out on the first day of class. Blocks of wood are included in the class fee. (KM)
Carve On
Learn to carve one-of-a-kind relief plaques, simple figures and other special projects through this specialized art form that is both fun and relaxing. A supply list is available at the first class. Register early as space is limited. (KM)
Learn The Lathe
Have you ever wanted to learn how to do wood turning and use a lathe? Learn the process step-by-step during class time. You will receive a project assignment to complete before the next class. Your class fee includes one extra visit to the Wood Shop during regular hours to practice your new skills. You need to schedule your shop visit with the Park District Staff in the Gift Store in advance in order to make sure the lathe is available for use. (KM)