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Arlington Aces
Aces House Soccer is a recreational league for player’s grades K-6. Boys and girls play in separate divisions in 1st-6th grade (grades and/or genders may combine depending on registration numbers). Kindergarten will be co-ed. Players are placed on teams based out of the park they choose when registering and are allowed one reciprocal friend request. Players may not request coaches or more than one friend and may not make circular friend requests. Practice location, days and times are determined AFTER registration closes on August 6 and are based on the availability of volunteer parent coaches. Please note practice and game locations may differ from the Community Center Park you register your child from. You will receive your practice and information on how to view your game schedules from your coach after the pre-season coaches meeting. Games will begin September 9 and conclude October 22.
Fall Registration Deadline Sunday, August 6

Until Sunday, August 6, you may register online or in-person at Camelot, Pioneer or Arlington Ridge Center. After August 6, you may contact the program supervisor to see if there is any open roster spots on teams. We are unable to honor friend requests for late registrants. (KVW)
For more information about programs on this page contact Kevin Wollnik, Recreation Supervisor, at kwollnik@ahpd.org.
Pre-K Soccer
Professionally licensed coaches lead fun filled and age appropriate games and activities designed to develop important soccer skills and increase enjoyment of the game. Games will take place on Saturdays between 10am - 11:15am. There is no soccer on Saturday, September 2nd and Monday, September 4th. For more info, please contact Chip Lemberg at chip@ahaces.com (KVW)
Arlington Ridge Center
Junior Aces - Fall Season

For players looking to further soccer skills in a competitive environment. Players are coached and trained by our professionally licensed coaching staff, and games are played internally between registered players. There is no soccer on Saturday, September 2. (KVW)
Arlington Ridge Center