12 minute read
800 Falcon Drive Arlington Heights, IL 60005 ahpd.org/fv • (847) 640-2574
• Six Indoor Tennis Courts • Six Outdoor Tennis Courts • Four Racquetball Courts • Racquet Repair and Stringing • Cardio Tennis • Personal Training
2022/23 Indoor Season September 1, 2022 – May 31, 2023 Membership and class registrations are accepted throughout the season.
Permanent Court Time Applications received after the August 8 drawing will be accepted and assigned their selection of court time from those remaining time slots on a first-come, firstserved basis. Contact Summer Krones at skrones@
ahpd.org for an application.
Court Reservations Members may reserve open court time in-person or by telephone at any time up to seven days in advance. Members may cancel a reservation up to 24 hours in advance without charge. Non-members may reserve open court time 24 hours in advance and payment is required at time of reservation. Guest fees apply. Private Drills Do you have four or more friends that want to take lessons but can’t find the right class at the right time? Forest View staff can work with your schedule to find a time that suits your group. You do not have to be a member to enjoy this benefit. Member/Non-Member rates apply. Contact Tennis Director, Russ Hadziabdic
at 847.640.2574 to set up your lesson session.
Private Lessons The club offers private lessons in tennis and racquetball. Rates vary by individual staff. Members pay a discounted rate. To arrange a private lesson, please contact the club at 847.640.2574.
Tennis Travel Teams Forest View women’s teams compete in the Northwest Suburban daytime league with Glenview, Niles, Winnetka, Wilmette, Highland Park and South Barrington. Contact Tennis Director, Russ Hadziabdic
at 847.640.2574 for league information.
Forest View Academy Program The Forest View Academy Program is offered year round with a schedule change in the summer. The Academy Program is for junior players that want to pursue a competitive pathway, whether that is through high school team or tournament play. The focus of the training is skill set improvement and application to competitive play. A Forest View Junior membership and pro placement are required for Academy participation. Contact
Tennis Director, Russ Hadziabdic at 847.640.2574 for information and placement.
Personal Training Individual, group, and package training sessions are available for teens and adults. Contact the front desk
or Summer Krones at skrones@ahpd.org for more information.
Court and Guest Fees Tennis Prime Time $32 Tennis Non Prime $26 Racquetball Prime $12 Racquetball Non Prime $8 Adult Guest Fee $12 Junior Guest Fee $6
Did you know youth who play tennis get better grades? 48% have an “A” average.
Did you know youth who play tennis are more likely to engage in healthy behaviors like eating balanced meals, getting plenty of rest, and having good sportsmanship?
QuickStart Tennis Lessons
Tennis lessons designed for children 10 & under using balls, courts, and racquets sized to the age and ability of the student. The age appropriate equipment enables students to develop sound technical and tactical skills in a child centric environment. Agility, balance, and control skills are emphasized in this class. (NA) Novice
Code Age Day(s) Time Date(s) M/NM Fee
65240 7-9 yrs T 4p-5p 8/23-10/11 $184/$220 65241 7-9 yrs Th 4p-5p 8/25-10/13 $184/$220 65248 6-9 yrs Sa 10a-11a 8/27-10/15 $162/$196 65242 7-9 yrs T 4p-5p 10/18-12/20 $230/$270 65243 7-9 yrs Th 4p-5p 10/20-12/22$208/$218 65249 6-9 yrs Sa 10a-11a 10/22-12/17 $184/$220 Advanced
Code Age Day(s) Time Date(s) M/NM Fee
65244 7-9 yrs T 4p-5p 8/23-10/11 $184/$220 65246 7-9 yrs Th 4p-5p 8/25-10/13 $184/$220 65251 7-9 yrs Sa 10a-11a 8/27-10/15 $162/$196 65245 7-9 yrs T 4p-5p 10/18-12/20 $230/$270 65247 7-9 yrs Th 4p-5p 10/20-12/22$208/$248 65256 7-9 yrs Sa 10a-11a 10/22-12/17 $184/$220
Junior Academy - Green Dot
This class is a bridge from Advanced QuickStart to our Forest View Academy program. Pro approval is required for this class. Please contact Tennis Director, Russ Hadziabdic to arrange an evaluation or with any other questions regarding this class. (NA)
Code Age Day(s) Time Date(s) M/NM Fee
65258 7-12 yrs T 6:30p-7:30p 8/23-10/11 $184/$220 65259 7-12 yrs Th 6:30p-7:30p 8/25-10/13 $184/$220 65257 7-12 yrs Sa 11a-12p 8/27-10/15 $162/$196 65261 7-12 yrs T 6:30p-7:30p 10/18-12/20 $230/$270 65262 7-12 yrs Th 6:30p-7:30p 10/20-12/22 $208/$240 65260 7-12 yrs Sa 11a-12p 10/22-12/17 $162/$196
Adult Drill & Play
If you’ve never played tennis, or haven’t played in awhile, this class is for you. Brush up on your strokes and strategy in a play oriented atmosphere. (NA) Novice
Code Age Day(s) Time Date(s) M/NM Fee
65059 18+ W 1p-2p 8/24-10/12 $184/$230 65055 18+ Sa 11a-12p 8/27-10/15 $168/$198 65060 18+ W 1p-2p 10/19-12/21 $216/$258 65056 18+ Sa 11a-12p 10/22-12/17 $184/$242 Intermediate
Code Age Day(s) Time Date(s) M/NM Fee
65053 18+ Sa 8:30a-10a 8/27-10/15 $252/$302 65057 18+ Th 10a-11:30a 8/25-10/13 $288/$342 65054 18+ Sa 8:30a-10a 10/22-12/17 $288/$342 65058 18+ Th 10a-11:30a 10/20-12/15 $288/$342

We’re all about Tennis 7 W. College Drive • Arlington Heights, IL 60004 ahpd.org/htc • 847.398.7780
Facilities and services designed for the completed player in you. • 8 Indoor Tennis Courts • Group & Private Lessons • In-House Leagues • Travel Leagues • Permanent Court Time • Cardio Tennis Classes • Lounge/Viewing Area • Racquet Stringing • 10 and Under Program • Racquet Demo Program • Locker Rooms • Bar/Concessions • Pro-Shop • Ball Machine Rental • Free WiFi • Pickleball
Club Hours & Court Rates
Indoor Season: August 29, 2022 - May 31, 2023
Day Time Hourly Rate Mon-Thurs 9am-5pm $26 5pm-9pm $32 9pm-10pm $26 Friday 8am-5pm $26 5pm-9pm $32 Saturday 8am-6pm $32 6pm-8pm $26 Sunday 8am-4pm $32 4pm-6pm $26 *The Club may close up to 45 minutes earlier than scheduled when there are no reservations.
Platinum Package
Players 50+: 2 Hours for $28
Monday-Friday from 1-3pm. Non-member fee is $3.75. Limit 1 court per member, must play from 1-3pm.
Guest Fees Non-Member Adult: $12 guest fee Non-Member Student: $5 guest fee Membership Rates | No enrollment fees
Effective September 1, 2022
Membership 1xPayment OR Monthly Dues Junior $100 N/A Adult $306 $25.50 Family $462 $38.50
Member Benefits • Court Reservations: Open court-time reservations may be made in-person or by telephone at any time up to seven days in advance. Members can cancel up to 24 hours in advance without charge.
Non-members may reserve open court time up to 24 hours in advance and payment is required at the time of reservation. • In-House Charge Account: Members are entitled to use in-house charging privileges. • Permanent Court Time/Leagues: Members are entitled to participate in leagues and purchase permanent court time at any point during the season. Permanent court time refers to the automatic reservations of a court on the same day at the same time each week. • Lessons Discounts: Members receive a discount on group lesson fees and on Pro Shop merchandise.
Current members have priority sign-up during registration.
Improve your game with Private Lessons
Non-Prime time
1 person 2 people 3 people $78/hour $84/hour ($42/person) $117/hour ($39/person)
1 person 2 people 3 people
Prime Time
$82/hour $88/hour (44/person) $120/hour (40/person)

Registration Information Memberships must be paid in full prior to registration for membership discount and registration benefits. Session I Program Dates
Monday, August 22 - Sunday, October 30, 2022
Classes will NOT meet Monday, September 5.
Member Registration 10am on Monday, August 8 Open Registration 10am on Monday, August 15
Session II Program Dates
Monday, October 31, 2022 - January 22, 2023
Classes will NOT meet November 24-November 25 or during Winter Break (December 23 - January 1).
Member Registration 10am on Monday, October 10 Open Registration 10am on Monday, October 17
Please be sure to register for program early! Our programs fill quickly. On occasion, when too many people wait until the last minute to register, classes may be canceled.
Make-up Policy In order to maintain the integrity of our classes regarding content, size, consistency and progression, we do not offer make-ups. Member Registration 10am May 3 Students will develop basic fundamentals on hand eye coordination, balance and agility. Classes are designed with FUN racquet skill games. (MP)
Code Age Day(s) Time Date(s) Fee
64933 5-7 yrs M 6p-7p 8/22-10/24 $203 64937 4-6 yrs T 4p-5p 8/23-10/25 $225 64934 4-6 yrs F 4p-5p 8/26-10/28 $225 64935 5-7 yrs Sa 12p-1p 8/27-10/29 $225 64936 5-7 yrs S 10a-11a 8/28-10/30 $225 64982 5-7 yrs M 6p-7p 10/31-1/16 $248 64983 4-6 yrs T 4p-5p 11/1-1/17 $248 64984 4-6 yrs F 4p-5p 11/4-1/20 $203 64985 5-7 yrs Sa 12p-1p 11/5-1/21 $225 64986 5-7 yrs S 10a-11a 11/6-1/22 $225
Red Ball 2
After passing level 1, curriculum will be focused on proper techniques for ground strokes, volleys and serves. (MP)
Code Age Day(s) Time Date(s) M/NM Fee
64938 6-8 yrs M 4p-5p 8/22-10/24 $203/$253 64939 6-8 yrs Th 5p-6p 8/2510/27 $225/$275 64940 6-8 yrs Sa 10a-11a 8/27-10/29 $225/$275 64941 6-8 yrs S 11a-12p 8/28-10/30 $225/$275 64942 6-8 yrs S 9a-10a 8/28-10/30 $225/$275 64987 6-8 yrs M 4p-5p 10/31-1/16 $248/$298 64988 6-8 yrs Th 5-6p 11/3-1/19 $225/$275 64989 6-8 yrs Sa 10a-11a 11/5-1/21 $225/$275 64990 6-8 yrs S 9a-10a 11/6-1/22 $225/$275 64991 6-8 yrs S 11a-12p 11/6-1/22 $225/$275
Orange Ball 1
Players will use the low compression orange ball and be introduced to cooperative rally play. (MP)
Code Age Day(s) Time Date(s) M/NM Fee
64925 7-9 yrs M 5p-6p 8/22-10/24 $203/$253 64926 7-9 yrs W 4p-5p 8/24-10/26 $225/$275 64927 7-9 yrs Sa 9a-10a 8/27-10/29 $225/$275 64928 7-9 yrs S 10a-11a 8/28-10/30 $225/$275 64929 7-9 yrs S 1p-2p 8/28-10/30 $225/$275 64974 7-9 yrs M 5p-6p 10/31-1/16 $248/$298 64975 7-9 yrs W 4p-5p 11/2-1/18 $248/$298 64976 7-9 yrs Sa 9a-10a 11/5-1/21 $225/$275 64977 7-9 yrs S 10a-11a 11/6-1/22 $225/$275 64978 7-9 yrs S 1p-2p 11/6-1/22 $225/$275
For more information about programs on this page, contact Heritage Tennis Club at 224.765.5012.

Orange Ball 2
Players will implement advance techniques and tactics. They will learn to rally and point play with a low compression orange ball. (MP)
Code Age Day(s) Time Date(s) M/NM Fee
64930 8-10 yrs W 6p-7p 8/24-10/26 $225/$275 64931 8-10 yrs Th 4p-5p 8/25-10/27 $225/$275 64932 8-10 yrs S 2p-3p 8/28-10/30 $225/$275 64979 8-10 yrs W 6p-7p 11/2-1/18 $248/$298 64980 8-10 yrs Th 4p-5p 11/3-1/19 $225/$275 64981 8-10 yrs S 2p-3p 11/6-1/22 $225/$275
Green Ball
Introducing more live ball drills, point play, and rally skills. Advanced technique and playing strategy will be implemented (MP).
Code Age Day(s) Time Date(s) M/NM Fee
64921 8-10 yrs T 4p-5p 8/23-10/25 $225/$275 64922 8-10 yrs W 6p-7p 8/24-10/26 $225/$275 64923 8-10 yrs Th 4p-5p 8/25-10/27 $225/$275 64924 8-10 yrs S 2p-3p 8/28-10/30 $225/$275 64969 8-10 yrs T 4p-5p 11/1-1/17 $248/$298 64970 8-10 yrs W 6p-7p 11/2-1/18 $248/$298 64971 8-10 yrs Th 4p-5p 11/3-1/19 $225/$275 64972 8-10 yrs S 2p-3p 11/6-1/22 $225/$275 64973 8-10 yrs S 2p-3p 11/6-1/22 $225/$275
Junior Tennis Beginner
This class introduces new players to a fun fast way to learn the game. Structure will be basic strokes, rules and developing match play. (MP)
Code Age Day(s) Time Date(s) Fee
64912 11-14 yrs T 5p-6p 8/23-10/25 $225 65034 11-14 yrs Th 4p-5p 8/25-10/27 $225 64913 11-14 yrs F 5p-6:30p 8/26-10/28 $332 64960 11-14 yrs T 5p-6p 11/1-1/17 $248 64961 11-14 yrs F 5p-6:30p 11/4-1/20 $299 65039 11-14 yrs Th 4p-5p 11/3-1/19 $225
Junior Tennis Advanced Beginner
Players must have gone through a session before joining this class. Curriculum will be more advanced fundamentals of stroke and rally play. Students will be introduced to and practice the rules of tennis. (MP)
Code Age Day(s) Time Date(s) M/NM Fee
64908 11-14 yrs M 5p-7p 8/22-10/24 $376/$426 64909 11-14 yrs Th 5p-6p 8/25-10/27 $225/$275 64910 11-14 yrs Sa 1p-2p 8/27-10/29 $225/$275 64911 11-14 yrs S 12p-1p 8/28-10/30 $225/$275 64956 11-14 yrs M 5p-7p 10/31-1/16 $460/$510 64957 11-14 yrs Th 5p-6p 11/3-1/19 $225/$275 64958 11-14 yrs Sa 1p-2p 11/5-1/21 $225/$275 64959 11-14 yrs S 12p-1p 11/6-1/22 $225/$275
Junior Tennis Intermediate Drill & Match Play
Players will receive advanced teaching and strategy with new themes and fundamentals every week. (MP) Code Age Day(s) Time Date(s) M/NM Fee 64914 11-14 yrs M 4p-6p 8/22-10/24 $376/$426 64915 11-14 yrs W 4p-6p 8/24-10/26 $418/$468 64916 11-14 yrs Th 6p-7p 8/25-10/27 $225/$275 64917 11-14 yrs Sa 11a-12p 8/27-10/29 $225/$275 64962 11-14 yrs M 4p-6p 10/31-1/16 $460/$510 64963 11-14 yrs W 4p-6p 11/2-1/18 $460/$510 64964 11-14 yrs Th 6p-7p 11/3-1/19 $225/$275 64965 11-14 yrs Sa 11a-12p 11/5-1/21 $225/$275
JV Tennis Drill & Match Play
Pro Staff must invite or approve players. This class is for players preparing for their Junior Varsity High School team. Membership is required. (MP)
Code Age Day(s) Time Date(s) Fee
64918 13-16 yrs Th 5p-7p 8/25-10/27 $418 64919 13-16 yrs F 6:30p-8p 8/26-10/28 $332 64920 13-16 yrs S 1p-3p 8/28-10/30 $418 64966 13-16 yrs Th 5p-7p 11/3-1/19 $418 64967 13-16 yrs F 6:30p-8p 11/4-1/20 $299 64968 13-16 yrs S 1p-3p 11/6-1/22 $418
HS Tennis Drill & Match Play
Players who are playing tournaments, trying out or are on the Varsity High School Team are welcome. (MP)
Code Age Day(s) Time Date(s) Fee
65030 14-17 yrs T 4p-6p 8/23-10/25 $418 64905 14-17 yrs W 7p-9p 8/24-10/26 $418 64907 14-17 yrs Th 7p-9p 8/25-10/27 $418 64906 14-17 yrs S 3p-5p 8/28-10/30 $418 65035 14-17 yrs T 4p-6p 11/1-1/17 $460 64953 14-17 yrs W 7p-9p 11/2-1/18 $460 64955 14-17 yrs Th 7p-9p 11/3-1/19 $418 64954 14-17 yrs S 3p-5p 11/6-1/22 $418
Adult Tennis Beginner
This class is a great way for new players that will learn the mechanics of the basic strokes, scoring, and tennis etiquette. (MP)
Code Age Day(s) Time Date(s) Fee
64899 18+ M 6p-7p 8/22-10/24 $224 65033 18+ W 5p-6p 8/24-10/26 $249 64900 18+ S 12p-1p 8/28-10/30 $249 64947 18+ M 6p-7p 10/31-1/16 $274 65038 18+ W 5p-6p 11/2-1/18 $274 64948 18+ S 12p-1p 11/6-1/22 $249
Adult Tennis Advanced Beginner
For adults looking to learn fundamentals, live ball drills and match play. New themes every week to teach you all the shots in tennis. (MP)
Code Age Day(s) Time Date(s) M/NM Fee
64895 18+ M 7p-8p 8/22-10/24 $224/$274 64896 18+ Th 6p-7p 8/25-10/27 $249/$299 64897 18+ Sa 10a-11a 8/27-10/29 $249/$299 64898 18+ S 11a-12p 8/28-10/30 $249/$299 64943 18+ M 7p-8p 10/31-1/16 $274/$324 64944 18+ Th 6p-7p 11/3-1/19 $249/$299 64945 18+ Sa 10a-11a 11/5-1/21 $249/$299 64946 18+ S 11a-12p 11/6-1/22 $249/$299
Adult Tennis Intermediate Drill
Situational drills challenge more competitive players and focus on stroke development. Playing time included in every class. (MP)
Code Age Day(s) Time Date(s) M/NM Fee
64901 18+ M 7p-9p 8/22-10/24 $386/$436 65032 18+ W 4p-6p 8/24-10/26 $428/$478 64902 18+ W 7p-9p 8/24-10/26 $428/$478 64904 18+ S 12p-1p 8/28-10/30 $249/$299 64949 18+ M 7p-9p 10/31-1/16 $471/$521 65037 18+ W 4p-6p 11/2-1/18 $471/$521 64950 18+ W 7p-9p 11/2-1/18 $471/$521 64952 18+ S 12p-1p 11/6-1/22 $249/$299
Adult Tennis 4.0+
All players must be at or above a 4.0 level. Drills to challenge competitive players and focus on situational points. (MP)
Code Age Day(s) Time Date(s) M/NM Fee
65031 18+ T 7p-9p 8/23-10/25 $428/$478 64903 18+ Th 7p-9p 8/25-10/27 $428/$478 65036 18+ T 7p-9p 11/1-1/17 $471/$521 64951 18+ Th 7p-9p 11/3-1/19 $428/$478