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Guest Passes
Bring your out of town guests to the pool with you! Residents may purchase a pack of 10 swim coupons for $72. Coupon books may be purchased during regular business hours at Camelot and Pioneer community centers and the Arlington Ridge Center. They are nonrefundable and must be used by May 2024.
CareGiver Passes
Perfect for your childcare provider, grandparents, etc.
• Annual R/NR Fees: $80/$105
• Summer Only R/NR Fees: $41/$56
Available for purchase in-person during regular business hours at Camelot and Pioneer Community Centers and the Arlington Ridge Center.
Daily Admission
Morning Wade (M-TH only) $5/$7
Does not include admission during the afternoon or evening session.
Open Swim/Lap Swim $9/$13
Does not include re-admission during the evening session. Evening Swim (After 6PM) $7/$10
Daily admission fees apply unless participant has a valid pass. Even if you are not swimming, you need to pay the admission fee. We must be in compliance with strict bather loads as set by the Illinois Department of Public Health. Pool pass swiping and daily admissions ensures we accurately remain in compliance with bather load limits.
Caregivers will receive a picture pass (which must be presented when accompanying the child to the pool for admission). Call 847.577.3025 for more information.
Use of Flotation Devices
Your child’s safety is our highest priority. For swimmer safety, floatation devices such as inner tubes, rafts, water wings and foam noodles are not permitted in the pools. Swimsuits with integrated floatation devices are also not permitted. US Coast Guard TYPE III approved life jackets are allowed. We have a limited number available for use. Life jackets do not make a child drown-proof. Children in life jackets must be supervised by an adult at a maximum of arm’s length reach at all times when in the water. Children in life jackets are not allowed to go down slides or off the diving boards. There is no substitute for adult supervision.
Pool Closing Policy
The following conditions may warrant closing of the pools:
• Severe weather: Staff will always proceed with caution for participant and staff safety
• Fecal accidents: Staff will follow rules established by the State of Illinois when determining how long the pool needs to be closed after a fecal or vomit accident
• Mechanical problems
Summer swim lessons have several conflict dates for various reasons. All of the fees are calculated taking these conflict dates into consideration.
• No lessons at any location on Tuesday, July 4 due to the holiday
• There are no lessons at any locations on Saturday, July 29 due to the Interpark City Swim Meet
• Lastly, there are no lessons on specific dates due to swim meet conflicts. Please see your online class notes and receipt to verify
Pass Eligibility
Family Passes will be issued to: Two adults per family living at the same address. Children (17 years or younger) of either adult, living at the same address. 2-Person passes will be issued to: Two individuals living at the same address. At least one must be 18 or over. Exceptions: The following groups may be added at no extra charge: Adults up to age 25 who are full-time students: a college ID is required in order to process pass registration form at time of purchase. Children who are dependents of married parents, but do not live in household year round (divorced parent who has child living with them certain times of the year, foster children and foreign exchange students) must be listed on pool registration form at time of purchase. There is a 10% senior discount on the annual pass options. There is no senior discount on the summer only option.
Proof of Residency
Adult: 1. Driver’s license or State ID with your current address. 2. If you don't have either of these then you can bring in two of the forms listed below: utility bill (gas, water, electric. Sorry, no phone bills accepted) with your name and mailing address, voter registration card, vehicle registration card