Duty of Care: As a retired optometrist and medical device industry executive for over 30 years, I have had extensive experience in reviewing data, filtering that data when necessary and drawing meaningful conclusions when providing care for my patients or serving my company. It is critical to gather all relevant facts for a given decision while guarding against “paralysis of analysis." My decades of experience as a clinician and research and development executive have prepared me for making those decisions in an efficient and effective way. Duty of Loyalty: While in the corporate world, I also completed a career in the United States Air Force, retiring from the Reserves with the rank of Colonel in 2010 after 30 years of service. I have adopted as my own the Air Force Core Values of “Integrity first, Service before self and Excellence in all we do." These values have served me well in all aspects of my life and will continue to be my foundation if elected as an AHRMA Trustee. Fiduciary Duty: I had the pleasure of serving on the Senior Management Board of a medical device company during the last seven years of my career. The responsibility of the Board was to serve the interests of our shareholders including, among other things, managing the P&L of our $800M Division. Furthermore, within my own function I was responsible for managing a multimillion-dollar budget which included expenses for personnel, consultation contracts, required government payments, travel, etc. A fiduciary’s responsibility is to understand and represent the needs of the individuals being represented. I have accomplished this in life and in my career by open, honest and frequent communications. If elected as an AHRMA Trustee, I would make understanding members’ needs a priority by routine communication through discussions at events, or by being accessible by phone, text or email. I am now retired from corporate life and I look forward to applying my energy towards something that over 3,000 of my AHRMA friends and I thoroughly enjoy. AHRMA serves an essential role in preserving the interest and history of motorcycles during a pivotal time in their development. I would be honored to serve AHRMA as a Trustee and to help maintain this important link to the past. Respectfully, Scott Robirds, O.D.
We race motorcycles for any number of reasons: the speed, the thrill, the competition, the people and camaraderie, the trophies. Maybe you just like to build and ride cool bikes and enjoy the comments from spectators and other riders. The bottom line here is certainly a common one: fun. AHRMA racers are a dedicated collection of passion-driven people willing to travel most anywhere in the country to experience the fun racing with AHRMA can deliver. There’s another dedicated, passionate group of folks who give of their time and travel to these events: the AHRMA volunteers. Without them, there would be no races, and no fun. As AHRMA Trustee, Debbie Poole, mentioned in a 2018 Vintage Views article, “The volunteers come out event after event, year after year, without complaint and with smiles on their faces expecting nothing but to help make the event a success and keep AHRMA viable nationally, WWW.AHRMA.ORG
brianl.ahrma@gmail.com Calabasas, CA Region: West Brian Larrabure AHRMA Member #8348 1st term trustee, 15 year member, Roadrace Event Committee member and your 2020 Treasurer. Fellow members, my three-year term as your trustee is rapidly approaching its conclusion. Hopefully, you’re happy with the progress the board has made over the past few years. Working together we have overcome many hurdles over the past three years, including the sudden loss of our Roadrace Director, the retirement of our Executive Director along with the pandemic. With all that in mind we all came together to focus on making progress on many key tasks, here are a few highlights of our accomplishments: 1. Transitioned to a member race sign up management platform to take us in to the future; 2. Re-designed our magazine; 3. Built a broader member support system; 4. United as “One AHRMA”; 5. Made our accounting systems more transparent; 6. Trademarked our brands, names , logos and the “AHRMA Classic MotoFest”; 7. Secured major venues to host our cross platform MotoFests; and 8. Streamlined our rules proposal systems. I’m not much of a politico so while I am always ready to help any member and keep an open door to all paddock at the events you may or may not know me. Serving has been challenging at times while being mostly enjoyable. I continue to offer my service as a candidate for trustee and hope that you will support my re-election campaign, Thank you in advance for your support.
Brian Larrabure
and in their region.” She continues in her article with a quote from former AHRMA Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Dave Janiec. He said, “AHRMA’s greatest asset is its group of volunteers.” Make sure you tip your helmet to these folks during race weekends. The AHRMA MAG wants to recognize this committed group of individuals on an ongoing basis. This month, we’ll feature several of the volunteers who braved the rainy conditions at Barber and kept the program running smoothly throughout the weekend. There were many more behind the scenes who didn’t end up in a photo. We’ll also add a 2019 interview with some off-road volunteers. For future installments of the ‘Volunteer Spotlight,’ we’ll need some names and photos of AHRMA volunteers from various events (all disciplines) along with a short story of how they became involved, what motivates them, etc. Send to this address: ahrmamag@ahrma.org