Race Reports & Stories
• Barber Vintage Motorcycle Festival
• Vintage 99 Museum
• Athens 1/2 Mile DT
• Johnsonville Farms
• Allen’s Farm
Race Reports & Stories
• Barber Vintage Motorcycle Festival
• Vintage 99 Museum
• Athens 1/2 Mile DT
• Johnsonville Farms
• Allen’s Farm
• Bushey Ranch ...and MUCH more!
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Steph Vetterly ahrmamag@ahrma.org
Dan May, Greg Tomlinson, Leasha Overturf, Terry McPhillips, Richard Brodock, Mitch Barnes, Debbie Poole, Wren Beckett, Albert Newmann, Kate Jorgenson, Tom Edleston, Bob Bean, Mark Hawk, Steph Vetterly, Bob Close
Paul Elledge, Steph Vetterly, Mark Glenn, Sharon Bean, Mariah Lacy Photography, Mitch Barnes, Sharon Coad, Zachery Kirn, Grace Lawson, Mia Moore, Bobby Hedge, Kate Jorgenson, David Passmore, Cathy Drexler, Etechphoto.com, Nickless Photos, Eldon Holmes Photography, Steve Quinn, Sarah Marie Lane
ADVERTISING advertising@ahrma.org
The American Historic Racing Motorcycle Association
8913 Town and Country Circle #1093 Knoxville, TN 37923
888-41AHRMA (888) 412-4762
This year has gone by far too fast. With the holidays in full swing, I’m reminding myself to stay thankful. Thankful for my beginnings and my family’s interest in motorcycles (that 1988 Harley-Davidson Electra Glide’s odometer probably topped out a long time ago with all the miles my parents put on it). I’m thankful to my boyfriend who showed me the awesome world of racing and supported my interest in photographing the action and community. And I’m thankful to all of you for welcoming me into the family and allowing me to work at showcasing and celebrating all the things you accomplish.
While this year has also been challenging, it has also been rewarding. I hope everyone takes a moment to be thankful for everything and everyone in their life, and all the little events that brought them to where they are now. Here’s to 2024, with best wishes for a fantastic 2025!
So many different disciplines showcased at the Barber Vintage Festival Motocross
by eldon holmes PhotograPhy
Cross Country
david Passmore
AHRMA MAG is published ten times a year by the American Historic Racing Motorcycle Association. All rights reserved under International and Pan-American copyright conventions. Reproduction of this work in whole or in part without the written consent of the publisher is strictly prohibited. AHRMA MAG is printed in the United States of America. The articles contained in this magazine are works of journalism and do not represent the opinions or ideas of AHRMA MAG. AHRMA MAG and the publisher assume no responsibility for the content of advertisements. While we welcome submissions, the magazine is not responsible for unsolicited manuscripts or photographs. Please do not send originals.
Thanks to everyone who subscribes and looks forward to each issue.
We at AHRMA MAG want to hear from our readership. We’d like to know how we’re doing. Send us feedback and comments about your favorite stories and columns, likes and dislikes and what you’d enjoy seeing in future issues.
email: ahrmamag@ahrma.org call: 888-41AHRMA (888-412-4762)
Daniel May, Executive Director
email: executive.director@ahrma.org
8913 Town and Country Circle #1093 Knoxville, TN 37923
Ed Roman, Special Committee Chairman email: ed.roman@ahrma.org
email: membership@ahrma.org
8913 Town and Country Circle #1093 Knoxville, TN 37923
Cindy McLean email: communications@ahrma.org
ROAD RACE DIRECTOR - Leasha Overturf email: roadrace.director@ahrma.org
OFF-ROAD DIRECTOR - Terry McPhillips email: offroad.director@ahrma.org
DIRT TRACK DIRECTOR - Richard Brodock email: dirt.track@ahrma.org
CROSS COUNTRY COORDINATORJeff Oakley email: jeffoakley325@gmail.com
Debbie Poole email: pooleschl1@hotmail.com
Mike Dixon - michael.dixon@ahrma.org
Jeff Hargis - jeffhargis@comcast.net
Bob Robbins - bobr@inter-techsupplies.com
David Rutherford - david.rutherford@ahrma.org
Tim Terrell (Treasurer) - tim.terrell@ahrma.org
Colton Roberts (interim) - coltonroberts3065@hotmail.com
Al Anderberg - al.anderberg@ahrma.org
Kerri Kress (interim) - kerrikress@gmail.com
Wesley Poole - wes.ahrma@gmail.com
Luke Sayer (Secretary) - sayerlu@gmail.com
Kelly Shane - kelly.ahrma@gmail.com
Greg Tomlinson (Chairman) - chairman@ahrma.org
The 2025 AHRMA racing season is in the history books. Dirt Track wrapped up the season at Baton Rouge Speedway in the beginning of November, with Off-Road finishing off at Henryetta, OK, the following weekend on November 8th. The Road Race final was held at the Barber Vintage Festival, hosting all three disciplines across a spectacular weekend. There is still work to be done as we calculate final points for the National and Regional Champions, order championship jackets, and wrap up loose ends. Simultaneously, we are working on 2025, finalizing the schedules and getting race venue contracts signed.
I was browsing the MotorsportReg (MSR) database for AHMRA in 2025, and we had 26 National Off-Road events, 10 National Road Race events, and 9 National Dirt Track events. This does not include regional Off-Road events that are not included in the MSR data. That is a total of 45 National Events. We were racing nearly every weekend this spring/summer/fall!
In additional to my role as AHRMA Executive Director, I am also the Road Race points keeper, so I collect a variety of statistics to help better understand the demographics of our members. In 2025, Road Race had 6,243 race entries, and 668 unique individuals who road raced. This is nearly identical to the 2024 numbers (6,275 race entries, 662 unique individuals). So, while we did not grow, we did maintain attendance numbers.
We are in the process of collecting similar statistics for the Off-Road and Dirt Track disciplines. It is important for us to understand the discipline demographics so we can better plan events and schedules to best serve our members. Knowing the details of where our members live, how far they travel, and how often they race is key to producing a race program that is cost effective and serves the membership in the fairest and most equitable way.
While most of you are planning your winter motorcycle projects, the AHRMA staff is just as busy preparing for 2025. In addition to finalizing schedules, there is plenty
of housekeeping to take care of in the off months. AHRMA ended its fiscal year November 31, 2025, so there is accounting work to be finalized and tax returns to file. The AHRMA website will “roll-over” to 2025, and sponsorship packages are being finalized for the upcoming season. No rest for the weary, but we are up to the task.
In closing, I encourage you to think about becoming an AHRMA volunteer. As a not-for-profit, AHRMA could not run the race programs without the help of volunteers. Whether it is at the track, in a committee, or just helping out in general, your involvement will let us continue to bring you the quality events in the most costeffective manner.
Daniel May
For those who casually observe or race with AHRMA, it might seem like running our events and business operations is a well-oiled machine, handled by an army of staff ensuring every member’s needs are met. But since this is the Barber issue, I’d like to give you a peek behind the curtain at how our biggest event of the year comes together each October.
Starting in May, a dedicated team of about 20 people begins meeting with the staff at Barber Motorsports Park. This AHRMA event team is predominantly made up of volunteers. Over the months leading up to the event, we meet weekly, planning, refining, coordinating, and managing our event needs with the venue. On the ground, volunteers are tirelessly at work building courses, mapping out parking, and ensuring every racer and crew member has a smooth and enjoyable experience.
Did you know that a volunteer created the parking and pit maps, assigned your pit space, and emailed you your spot amid the 70,000 attendees? Or that the person handing you your credentials sat there all day—unpaid—greeting
you with a smile to ensure your weekend went off without a hitch? The same goes for the tech inspectors, trials checkers, and sweep riders on the cross-country course—they step up to give you the chance to race and have fun on your motorcycle.
The broader point is this: AHRMA thrives because of its volunteers, who support both our business operations and our racing events. The to-do list is long, and we’re always in need of passionate individuals willing to lend a hand. From membership and accounting to magazine contributions, regional coordination, registration, tech inspection, and race-day corner work, it takes a community to provide the best experience possible for our riders.
So, on behalf of the Board of Trustees (all volunteers themselves), I ask this with humility: Not what AHRMA can do for you, but what can you do for AHRMA?
Do you have professional skills that could benefit one of our committees or business operations? Are you interested in growing your region or
helping organize an event? Perhaps you could lend a hand on race day with tech inspection, flagging or checking? Is marketing or social media your forte? Or maybe you have the means to become a benefactor? Whatever your skills, time, or resources, we graciously welcome your help—every good deed and idea matters.
Equally, we appreciate constructive criticism and especially welcome solutions, but we love volunteers who are ready to turn solutions into action even more. As we look to 2025, I humbly ask: What will you contribute to AHRMA?
Let’s make a difference—together.
Greg “GT“ Tomlinson
Member #14562
RR / DT #5
MX / CC #50
email: chairman@ahrma.org
Within the blink of an eye our 2024 race season is over. I must admit on the drive to Barber, I was a mix of excitement for how the weekend was going to turn out with a little bit of melancholy thrown in realizing it was the last race weekend of the season.
Barber was truly exciting. How can you beat a perfect weather weekend with lots of great racing going on? I learned a new level of AHRMA dynamics with so many people at a single race weekend. From getting folks checked in to making grid adjustments each day and putting safety plans into place on the fly. Not to mention the Vintage Cup, Open 2-Stroke and Pro Challenge purse races that brought extra excitement
to the paddock and especially during the Saturday night awards. Wait? Did I mention King Kenny Roberts? That was also very cool!
My favorite aspect of the weekend was the teamwork of the staff and volunteers. We had eight new volunteers that ranged from retired racer to injured racer to folks off the street excited to participate with AHRMA at Barber. The energy was high and though my team had every reason to get worn out, they rallied all weekend long and made sure I was always in the right place at the right time. For that, I will always be grateful!
Speaking of grateful- now is a chance to once again tell the sponsors and racers who donated to the Staff/Volunteer meals a big thank you! You all uplifted everyone and gave us all a reason to fellowship together. It was truly wonderful and very much appreciated. Now we move to 2025…
At the time of this writing, I have not released
the final schedule yet. My goal was November 1, but a few curve balls were thrown my way, and I’ve had to shuffle a bit. If my wishes come true it will be settled within the next week or so. Good news is the first 5-6 race weekends are set. And we are returning to PITT RACE!
While I work to settle the race schedule, I’m also working on the 2025 budget. In addition, I’m working with the Safety Committee on some new protocols, joined a membership sub-committee and already throwing out ideas for 2026 with the Road Race Committee. There is no time to chill out in the off-season as there is always good work to be done. Kind of like you getting out in your shop and working on your bikes. Speaking of working on bikes- who is going to run the 2025 500 Premier Vintage Cup?? I can’t wait to see the mix of racers to join in.
Cheers to wrapping up 2024 and looking forward to 2025! I look forward to seeing you all at Roebling Road Raceway in February!
Until then, be safe and enjoy the holiday season!
Leasha Overturf
As this is being written, the Off Road Planning Committee and I have just finished the 2025 National schedules. Our primary objective is to exceed expectations and create a memorable rider experience for our members.
This is always a challenging endeavor as there are so many variables that go into building a schedule that meets the requirements of all stakeholders. This includes our members, the promoters who hold the event, the land holders, our sponsors and supporters.
Here are some of the things that we look at:
For new locations, does the course, track or terrain meet the needs of the event being put on (be it vintage motocross, post-vintage / next gen motocross, cross country, or trials). Does it have the potential to be able to create an event that is worth driving to since many of these will be a distance from some of our members. Is the host willing to make the changes necessary to meet the needs of the old bikes that we ride? Is it a location that we can draw enough riders to make it worthwhile for our hosts to do the required changes and still make a profit?
For locations that we have been to in the past, does the venue meet the requirements listed above. Are there things that can be done to elevate those events to make them better and, if there are, is the host willing to make those adjustments. What can AHRMA do to help promote these events and make it worthwhile for the hosts to have us back?
In addition to all this, there are many questions to be answered that could impact where we go and when. Questions like, what dates are available? What events are being done locally that might conflict impact with the proposed schedule. How does the schedule impact the regions and their schedules? What is the weather like in the timeframes we are looking at? What holidays will impact the schedule? And, of course, much, much more.
The amount of work, research, compromise, and effort that goes into creating a schedule is tremendous. And this is only the preliminary work in making an event happen.
Keep in mind that each Regional Coordinator and their team gets to go through the same process and procedure to bring you regional events once the National schedule is complete.
Make sure that you thank the members of the Off Road Planning Committee as well as all the Regional Coordinators and their teams for their time and effort in putting all of this this together. By the time they are done, they will have orchestrated more than 100 different events for the year. These are dedicated people who spend a lot of time and effort on your behalf!
If you really want to understand all that goes into scheduling and putting on an event, volunteer to help. We can use volunteers at both the regional and the national levels. If you don’t know what opportunities are available for volunteering, please contact me and I will get you in touch with the proper people.
In closing, I hope you all have a great holiday season and that Santa brings you lots of moto toys!
Have Fun, Be Safe, and Go Fast!
Terry McPhillips
As we stand on the edge of the 2025 season, it’s the perfect moment to reflect on a truly exceptional 2024 season. This past year has been nothing short of inspiring, with countless milestones reached, unforgettable races, and a community that continues to grow stronger with every twist of the throttle. I want to take this opportunity to thank every rider, volunteer, official, sponsor, and supporter who made 2024 a season to remember.
The success of 2024 is only setting the stage for what promises to be an even more thrilling 2025 season. As we move forward, I’m excited to share that we have several initiatives in the pipeline to further grow and enrich our community. Expect new
events, expanded opportunities for youth and first-time riders, and continued enhancements to the rider experience at all of our meets. Our goal is to ensure that every event is welcoming, competitive, and, most importantly, fun.
This year, we’ll also redouble our efforts to bring in new riders— whether they’re seasoned veterans looking for a fresh challenge or enthusiasts who are just discovering the world of vintage racing. We are more than an organization; we are a family, and there’s room for everyone. Your passion and your stories inspire new members and fuel the engine that drives our mission. Let’s work together to share the joy of AHRMA racing far and wide.
As we turn the page to a new chapter in 2025, my message is simple: let’s build on our successes, learn from every lap, and ride into the future with pride and excitement. Thank you for making 2024 unforgettable, and here’s to a spectacular season ahead!
Ride fast, ride safe, and see you at the track!
Richard Brodock
Over the past 12 months, we have contacted every off-road member if their race number does not meet the current standards. Many of you have responded and have taken care of this. We thank you for doing so!
However, there are still some folks who have not addressed the changes required. Please take a look and verify that your permanent race number meets the following criteria. See section 3.9.2 in the 2025 AHRMA Handbook.
This can be found at ahrma.org/ahrma-handbook
• Up to three positions (i.e. 0-9)
• One or two numbers with one following alpha letter
• If following letter is used:
- the letter must be upper case
- the letter must be at least 3” tall
- it must be ON THE BIKE
• More than one letter
• More than three positions (i.e. No four-digit numbers, or combinations of numbers & letters in any form)
• The following letters: B, D, I, O, S, and Z
• Punctuation marks or special symbols (i.e. “’”, “.”, “,”, etc.)
• Leading letters
• Leading zeros
• Single digit zero - “0” or single digit one - “1”
If your bike does not meet these requirements by January 1st, the race number will be purged from the race number tables for VMX, PVMX/ NGMX and Cross Country.
To update your race number, go to the contact page on the AHRMA website and select offroad race number request in the Topic drop down. We’ll help you get a new number that meets the specifications listed above.
We appreciate all your help in completing this project!
Several AHRMA members were issued Disciplinary Actions from incidents at the 2024 Pittsburgh International Race Complex and Barber Motorsports Park Road Race events.
Alexander Cook was issued a 6-month probation with AHRMA on October 1st, 2024, thru March 31st, 2025. On September 21st , 2024, AHRMA’s Roadracing Referee submitted a formal report to the Road Race Director documenting an on-track incident during the AHRMA road race event at Pittsburgh International Race Complex. AHRMA Handbook Section 3.6Road Race Procedures, Section 3.6l states that the responsibility for the decision to pass another motorcycle rests with the overtaking rider. AHRMA Handbook Section 6 - Offenses, Penalties, Protests and Appeals, Section 6.1.4 states that an offense includes reckless or dangerous riding, or an act exhibiting a disregard for the safety ofany participant or any other person, including the offender. It was ruled that Alexander made a poor decision to pass atparticularly dangerous corner, and it resulted in serious medical injuries to another rider requiring Lifeline transport from the facility. While investigating this incident, there was concern expressed from other riders regarding risky overtakingmaneuvers during the weekend and at other events.
Joseph Walano was issued a written reprimand for dangerous riding during the 2024 AHRMA road race event at Pittsburgh International Race Complex. AHRMA Handbook Section 3.6 - Road Race Procedures, Section 3.6l states that the responsibility for the decision to pass another motorcycle rests with the overtaking rider. AHRMA Handbook Section 6- Offenses, Penalties, Protests and Appeals, Section 6.1.4 states that an offense includes reckless or dangerous riding, or an act exhibiting a disregard for the safety of any participant or any other person, including the offender. It was ruled that Joseph made a poor decision to pass on the race course and caused him to enter Turn #17 with too much momentum to avoid contact, causing serious injuries to a fellow rider.
Derek Kimes was issued a 6-month probation through June 30, 2025, combined with a minimum 3 race weekend observation period with AHRMA. AHRMA’s Road Race Director Leasha Overturf, in coordination with interim Road Race Referee Tony Pentecost, documented several on-track incidents during the 2024 AHRMA road race event at Barber Motorsports Park. AHRMA Handbook Section 3.6 - Road Race Procedures, Section 3.6l states that the responsibility for the decision to pass another motorcycle rests with the overtaking rider. AHRMA Handbook Section 6 - Offenses, Penalties, Protests and Appeals, Section 6.1.4 states that an offense includes reckless or dangerous riding, or an act exhibiting a disregard for the safety of any participant or any other person, including the offender. It was ruled that Derek made multiple poor decisions during the weekend event that resulted in serious medical injuries to himself as well as track damage.
he 2024 Redwood Engineering National Vintage Trial series was a resounding success, featuring 14 events that brought together over 200 participants from across the country. With an average of 40 riders per event- and some drawing more than 50 or even 60 competitors- the series continues to grow in popularity and spirit.
TThe season culminated in an exciting finale in Henryetta, Oklahoma, where riders from Missouri, Montana, Washington, California, Colorado, Michigan and throughout the southern states gathered to compete. The energy and talent on display proved how competitive and enjoyable this series has become. We are proud to announce the top finishers in each AHRMA Trials class for the 2024 season- congratulations to all!
As we look to 2025, AHRMA is thrilled to welcome back Redwood Engineering as the title sponsor. Riders can look forward to returning to some of their favorite venues, exploring exciting new locations, and revisiting long-missed sites that haven’t been part of the series for years.
Trials riding is not only an incredible way to sharpen your skills across all types of riding, but also offers unbeatable value for seat time. Enjoy friendly rivalries, share a laugh as you walk the sections, and experience the camaraderie that makes trials riding unique.
Make 2025 the year you discover (or rediscover) the fun and challenge of trials. We’ll see you at the sections!
OPPOSITE: photo #3 courtesy of Gary Holbert photos # 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14 credited to Sharon Coad photos #1, 2, 4, 7, 8, 13 credited to Steph Vetterly
1. Greg GT Tomlinson (photo #10)
1. Steve Glinski (photo #8)
2. Robert Bellicitti
3. Dennis Simoes
1. Bill Douglass (photo #13)
2. Bryan Wenzel
3. Don Duquette
1. Stephanie Daniels
1. Graham Foster (photo #1)
2. Rob Poole
3. Kelly Shane
1. Fran Hall
2. Charlie Higdon
1. Jeff Bushey
1. Greg Houchin (photo #14)
2. Robert Lord
3. Scott Kirn
1. Colin Kirn (photo #7)
1. Wes Poole (photo #11)
1. Mark Sturtevant (photo #4)
2. Todd Stanley
3. Frank Shoenbeck
1. Blake Lawson (photo #9)
2. Keith Caldwell
3. Henry Gregorich
1. Emmy Poole (photo #12)
2. Zachary Kirn
3. David Greenland
1. Scott Stewart (photo #5)
1. Gary Holbert (photo #3)
1. Brad Jones (photo #6)
1. Eddie Poole (photo #2)
2. Charlie Poole
Standing here on the mezzanine in October of 2021, I do have a little smile while looking down at my collection of 70 motorcycles. Scratching my head, I am trying to remember exactly when the museum project began……. not knowing the exact date, could be because I am still a bit weary.
Here goes the story of Vintage 99.
After more than a couple of years of commercial construction, my wife, Meredith, and I are a bit tired from having to learn about zoning, building regulation’s, unplanned inspections, stop work orders, parking lot regulations, etc. We are smart enough for me to have
a master’s degree and Meredith made the Dean’s list in college. We own a financial advising firm but did not know squat about commercial construction. The commercial construction project, which seemed to grow legs every month has been taxing on us to say the least, and still happily married for 38 years. The construction weariness was partially
caused by my “Ready, Shoot, Aim” attitude when it comes to many areas of my life. I have always been the first one to cross the creek or first one to jump
the triple. That attitude does not work well in commercial construction. We got all the permits, passed all the tests and regulations, we proudly have a coveted “Certificate of Occupation.”
Was this the beginning of Vintage 99?
Vintage 99 Motorcycle Museum is now complete and open on weekly on Friday and Saturday. It is a 14,000 sq ft commercial venue with motorcycles infused in every corner. It came to life with a heavy payment to the landowner after he removed 35 abandoned vehicles, two porta-john’s and a boat with a hole in the hull. The ten men that I hired, via Tod Miller, who is a multipletime AHRMA champion, were ready at 7:30 am “on the starting gate.” The guys were ready to cut down and chip the 52 unkept trees that surrounded the edge of the 2.5 acres, located in the center of Jeffersontown, a suburb of Louisville, Kentucky. Two bobcat drivers were there as well on the “second row of the starting gate” with engines revving, to begin tearing down a lengthy dilapidated privacy fence as soon as I called them on my cell phone. All this crazy construction activity loosely began early in the morning of February 28th, 2021.
Was this the beginning of Vintage 99?
walk into our kitchen with Glenn on speaker phone. We would discuss Fellowship of Christian Athletes Motocross camps, our professions, our faith in the Lord or a new rear tire for one of our dirt bikes. I really miss those interactions with my older brother whom I dearly loved.
Over the months following his passing, my entire being hurt with loneliness that could only be replaced by my sibling. Glenn was always there for Meredith and me, no matter what time of the day or week it was. I began to long for remembrances from our childhood. What I wanted was those two yellow Suzuki’s that we
had as children. I wanted to touch the seat, grab the bars of a set of 1975 Suzuki’s. My TM 100 was for sale in Florida by my friend Joel McKelvy. He told me how much it would be, and how I could ship it to my house. That one was easy to find. I began searching eBay and local advertisements for the elusive 1975 Suzuki RM 125, and I found one. The problem was it was in a junkyard in Michigan without a motor. I did not hesitate to send one of my employees to get it. It was what you would call an old turd……. which became a beautiful bike that I entered in the VJMC bike show in Ohio in 2018. Over that next year, working on it and restoring the 1975 RM 125
The venue is complete and is located near our home in Louisville, KY. It is a motorcycle museum called “Vintage 99,” in honor of my late brother Glenn who passed away in April of 2017. My brother Glenn was older and was an accomplished racer, husband to Julia, and father to their son Alex. Glenn was the coolest brother! When we were young, I was #100 and Glenn was #99 when we raced at Three Springs Motocross just outside of Reeds, NC. We spoke every other day through our adult lives. A common scene for us was 3-4 times per week I would
with my own hands, my spirit began to settle after my brother went to heaven. The bike is now in the museum, it is not a perfect restoration……. but it was the first one. Now we have over 70 bikes in the museum.
In late 2001, I started riding and racing motocross again with my dear friend Mike McManus. David Bailey, who is also a friend and competitor, and his wife Gina have also stayed close. We raced against each other in the 1970’s, and we even have a tribute 1986 Honda CR 500 in the museum that has #6 on the plate.
My job back then was to recruit the crowd and David’s was to teach motocross. David leads motocross schools at various tracks in the Midwest for a 501c3 organization called DREAM Foundation of Kentucky. DREAM Foundation supports those with Muscular Dystrophy. My oldest son, Mitchell had Muscular Dystrophy and David helped us raise $20,000 to assist families effected by the disease. This style of teaching lead us to be deeply involved for the last 22 years with Fellowship of Christian Athletes Motocross Ministry (FCAMX). FCAMX camps teach motocross skills and the Lord throughout the US and Poland, with their partner
PROEM. These camps use the same training style that David Bailey started for us back in 2001.
Our son Marshall, age 24, is now a Moto-missionary in Poland, racing, studying, and teaching, and mentored by Przemek and Agata Dwulat of PROEM.
As I look back to the Fall of 1971, daddy took us to see “On Any Sunday” which was playing at the local cinema in Lexington, NC. When the curtains closed
and Malcom Smith closed the movie, we drove by and looked in the windows at Honda of Lexington. It was a bit odd to be doing this since we had never asked our parents for dirt bikes. Glenn was 16 and I was 13 when we later began racing motocross on a sweet pair of new Suzuki’s; a 1975 RM 125 for Glenn and a 1975 TM 100 for me. Our parents were raised modest in our small rural community of North Carolina. Charlie, our, dad, was a mechanic at Schlitz Brewery and our mom, Betty Jo, sold advertising at the local newspaper. Being a kid, I did not realize we did not have much money. Later in our racing careers that became vividly evident. I remember times daddy telling us that he was going to be working third shift for a month or so. Third shift received a pay increase versus working dayshift. He did not tell us why, but I know now why he worked third shift. Daddy did this every time, saving extra money to buy us a motorcycle. On Christmas morning, 1971, I got up first and went into the living room seeing a blue 1971 50cc Honda Mini Trail and a blue 1971 Honda CT 70 with two half helmets beside the tree. I ran into Glenn’s room and said, “Glenn get up now, we have Hondas!”
Was that the beginning of Vintage 99?
……. none of these things individually started Vintage 99, but they all participated in the construction and the story. Vintage 99 is to support and encourage motorcycle enthusiasts indefinitely. For sure, the fabric of my life has been blended with motorcycles. I am increasingly thankful for third shifts at Schlitz Brewery. My guess is that many readers of this magazine had parents who sacrificed to buy motorcycles for their children like my dad, Charlie Barnes, did.
From where I sit on the mezzanine, the beginning of Vintage 99 is only part of the story. The future is the exciting part. Our son, Marshall age 24, along with the Dwulat’s are helping to write the next chapter of the story……. God Bless Motorcycles!
Vintage 99 Museum 10205 Taylorsville Road Lousiville, KY 40299
Vintage99museum.com FCAMX.com PROEMministries.Org
Several years ago Youth Trials classes were proposed and passed by the Board of Trustees. There are three lines under the class structure, Youth C rides the 4 line, Youth B, line 3, and Youth A rides the 2 line. There is no minimum age for AHRMA Youth classes, and they are open to kids up through age 14.
The new class seems to finally have attracted attention, with several kids taking to the trials sections with their parents and/or grandparents.
The first time I saw Colin Kirn of Missouri was in 2022 when he was riding with his father, Zachery, and grandfather, Scott, at the AHRMA national trial at
Heartland Motorsport Park in Topeka, Kansas. At the time he was 11 years old, and had been riding since the age of 6, having started out on a 70cc electric start machine. He first rode in the AHRMA Youth class at 10 years of age, on a TY80. Last year, when he began to outgrow the little bike, he and his grandpa Scott turned the TY into a big-wheeled TY80; Colin loves the mechanical side of things too, including engine building, tune-ups and general pre-competition maintenance.
After two events this season in the Youth B class, Colin has moved
into the regular AHRMA trials classes riding as a Classic Novice on a 125cc 1968 Honda 90 Trials.
Edison and Charlie Poole got their pre-trials experience by riding around their grandparent’s
property in Mendocino, California, and around their house and surroundings in their new home of Clark, Colorado, on a little Honda 70 and 50. Their launch into trials began at the very end of last year, and was due to the generous long-term loan of a TY80 by AHRMA members Mike and Teresa Houde. Eddie, aged 7, rode the Bushey Ranch trial event, in the rain, and was pleased to have finished two full loops. His dad, Wes, rode with him and coached him through the sections, as he still does for both Eddie and Charlie.
After riding the little TY 80 and the trusty Honda 70 around their “track” encircling the house in Colorado for the rest of the fall until snow began to cover the trails, Charlie decided she would also take the plunge in 2024. This caused Grandpa Poole to dig out a TY 80 he’d bought over 25 years ago. AHRMA trials rider and friend, Dan Gawronski, went through the little machine and got it ready for the 2024 season. Charlie had just turned 10 a week before the Burrows Ranch national, and Ed was now 8, when they both participated in that event, both riding the Youth C class. Two weeks later, they both rode in the Northwest regional event , the Leap Frog Classic, in Vacaville, California, where they met another young man riding his first trial, grandson of the event property owners Blake and Kim Lawson.
Blake has been involved in AHRMA motocross and cross country for several years and tried trials more recently. Kim began riding the Beginner line last year. When the event at their property came around, grandson Brant, already an accomplished rider at the age of 7, was a bit nervous about riding an actual “official”
event. He felt a little encouraged to know two other kids were also riding, and he was able to ride around to the sections with his grandma Kim. As it turned out, Brant won the Youth C class that day. So, needless to say, he is excited to do more events!
What better way to have your kids or grandkids grow into AHRMA, experience the kindness and encouragement given by the AHRMA family, and to meet other kids and build new friendships?
For any help in getting your Youth Class trials rider started, shoot me an email at: pooleschl1@hotmail.com with any questions.
The AHRMA Dirt Track racing scene roared back to Athens, Ohio, for the much-anticipated 2nd Annual Athens ½ Mile event at the historic Athens Fairgrounds. With three ½-mile races held over two action-packed days, this event attracted riders of all ages and bike sizes, providing thrills, spills, and a celebration of vintage and contemporary dirt track racing. Located in southeastern Ohio, the Athens Fairgrounds has been a cherished part of the local community for generations. Dating back over a century, the fairgrounds originally hosted
agricultural fairs, livestock exhibitions, and community events, becoming a focal point for local traditions and social gatherings. Over the years, its spacious oval track has become a prime venue for motorsport events, including dirt track racing, making it an ideal setting for the AHRMA Vintage Dirt Track. With its rich history and legacy, the fairgrounds continue to attract motorsport enthusiasts, young and old, to watch or compete on its storied track.
The Athens Fairgrounds’ halfmile oval track was groomed to perfection for the weekend’s
races. Riders ranging from youth competitors to seasoned veterans suited up for a weekend of highoctane dirt track action. The event showcased everything from vintage two-stroke motorcycles dating back to the 1970s to modern machines optimized for dirt track racing. Spectators filled the stands, ready to cheer on their favorite riders, with a palpable sense of anticipation in the air. The 2nd Annual Athens ½ Mile was a testament to the broad appeal of AHRMA Dirt Track racing. Riders aged 5 to 82 competed alongside each other, bound by a shared love for the
sport and a deep appreciation for the machines that make it possible. The event was not just about winning, but about creating memories, building community, and honoring the sport’s roots. In addition to racing, attendees had the opportunity to explore a variety of exhibits featuring motorcycle show, vendor booths, and food trucks. Enthusiasts admired rare bikes, swapped racing stories, and shopped for memorabilia. For many, the event was as much about camaraderie as it was about competition.
The 2nd Annual Athens ½ Mile at Athens Fairgrounds was a resounding success, capturing the essence of what makes AHRMA events so special. By celebrating dirt track racing’s rich history and welcoming riders of all skill levels and ages, this gathering fostered a strong sense of community. It also reinforced AHRMA’s commitment to preserving the heritage of motorcycle racing while cultivating the next generation of enthusiasts. Looking ahead, the Athens Fairgrounds and its dedicated team are sure to remain a cornerstone for AHRMA events in the Midwest. Riders and fans alike are already counting down to next year’s race, eager to once again experience the thrill of dirt track racing at this iconic venue. For now, memories of close battles, friendly rivalries, and smiles on young riders’ faces linger—a fitting end to a spectacular weekend of racing.
AHRMA national competitors representing 14 states spanning coast-to-coast and all points in between found themselves in the middle of the best bass fishing lakes in the southern United States. Yantis, Texas, is surrounded on three sides by Lake Fork which is known for its championship-quality bass; just up the road is Lake Tawakoni, another fishing treasure of Texas. Championship AHRMA Off-Road racing made its debut this weekend thanks to our hosts April and Cole Johnson, owners of Johnsonville MX Farm. The facility itself is just beautiful and the scenery is more of a manicured forest than the typical motocross facility. It’s an incredibly breathtaking piece of property that just happens to have a motocross and crosscountry course as its prime features.
Thursday before the racing kicked off, early arrivers were invited to take part in the annual Jack Thomspon Tiddler Ride. The ride took our travelers through the piney woods of northeast Texas and through the small lake communities nearby. Later that
evening, park visitors were served a tasty meal of fish and shrimp along with all the traditional “fixins” and dessert. Without a doubt, this was the best trackside meal this writer has ever been served! It was a great time for many of our racers and families to catch up and of course do a little bench racing. It’s funny how similar racing stories can be as large as fishing story tales.
Friday was our cross country race day. The crew at Johnsonville MX Farm had laid out a wonderful three plus mile course through the woods and hay fields of the property. Just the right mix of technical and single track to open and spacious areas for catching your breathe and possibly making a pass. Trampas Parker led both races to the overall wins though it was Steve McHorter with a great second place finish in Vintage and Joel White a second-place finish in Post Vintage competition. The racers all agreed the course was a perfect mix for both new and veteran riders. Trampas Parker concurred with his fellow racers
LEFT: Scott Slay (6)
BELOW: Scott Plaster (907), Jason Elder (33)
and stated “this course is one of the most fun on the AHRMA circuit.” Dinner later in the evening was courtesy of the Denham Springs, Louisiana, racers; they served their now-famous Pastalaya for all the folks in attendance.
Vintage motocross was on deck for Saturday’s race program. The preparation of the motocross track for vintage racing was excellent. To tame a current day motocross facility to meet the needs of our classic machinery is no light challenge. Cole Johnson exceeded the challenge and prepared the facility beyond expectations. Come race day, the track was wellstaffed, and the course received maintenance throughout the racing program. While in somewhat of a drought in Texas, dust was never an issue. The race of the day was the Sportsman 250 Expert class in which Craig Jackson chased Kyle Kyzer both motos as the two set the fastest lap times of the day. Kyzer held off the challenge by a bike length each moto and took the win.
Sunday’s Post Vintage and Next Gen Motocross program saw the track morph into a slightly more aggressive track with tweaks to several jumps and a deeper cut to the track surface. With temperatures running into the mid-90s, the racing was equally as hot on this day. Many race classes had just seconds separating the front of the pack from the back of the pack. The surprise of Sunday’s program was the inaugural race for Abbi James which saw her compete with Tracy Gibbens and Calvin Sartain in a nail biter of racing in the Ultima Novice race. Gibbens went on to victory with Sartain finishing second and James third overall. Compliments rained down all weekend on the course for pleasing both the older vintage bikes and the modern bike riders of the weekend.
Thanks to all the staff of Johnsonville MX Farm, AHRMA volunteers, and of course the racers for making this a memorable event. For a first-time event, it was quite a success and we’re looking forward to future events.
Sidney Mocke
he 15th anniversary of the Robert W. Bushey Memorial Vintage Weekend, hosted by the Bushey family, took place on September 28th and September 29th in Canby California.
This weekend was spectacular, sunshine, hot weather for racing, volunteering, spectating and gathering with the AHRMA family!
Friday, the annual Jeff Bushey organized dual sport ride took place again. This year many members of the Northwest family got to the ranch early to ride along the river and up to the lookout. The camaraderie continued with the largest potluck of the season where we caught up with old friends and made new ones surrounded by tasty food made by many of the race community!
On Saturday morning, the chill of the autumn air did not stay around long. I was lucky enough to help out this year at section 9 overlooking the pond with a waterfall feature that the Master riders had to climb up. Debbie
Poole and Judy Jorgenson, the scoring crew, got the opportunity to be wrapped up in the trials excitement, too, since all the sections were along the river. Thank you to the many lap checkers, scoring crew, and the fans (some of whom assisted when riders needed their bike pulled out of a difficult situation). A special thank you to Redwood Engineering for sponsoring the trials.
As for results, there were 55 riders. The largest class of the day was the Modern Classic Novice with 14 riders, David Greenland captured the win with the fewest points of any rider all day only having one dab on lap 1, nice job David! The Modern Classic Intermediate was the next largest class of the day with ten riders, Michael Zesiger snatched the win with 19 points.
Other winners for the day included the following: Greg Tomlinson put on quite the show in the Rigid Heavyweight Novice class. Rob Poole, the trials master, and designer of the course had quite the adventure but came out on
top in the Premier Heavyweight Expert class, Chas Higdon took the win for the Intermediate class, and Mike Stone won the Novice class. In the Premier Lightweight category, Bob Bellicitti won over Jacob Ritorto and Sean Chase in the Expert class and Mike Houde swept the competition in the Intermediate class over Bryan Wenzel and Al Anderberg. Mike Miller won his class in the Premier Lightweight Novice class. Jeff Bushey captured the win in the Classic Expert class and Greg Houchin won in the Classic Intermediate class. Wes Poole edged out Gary Gronow in the Modern Classic Master class. Todd Stanley snatched the win over six competitors in the Modern Classic Expert class. Cy Yee came out on top in the Modern Classic Beginner class over his competitor William Boehm. Ed Schandl took the win in the Modern Twinshock Intermediate class. Scott Stewart won his class, the Air Cooled Mono Masters class. John Shufelt captured the win in the Air Cooled Mono Intermediate class. Three Youth C competitors took to the course, Eddie Poole came out on
top over his sister, Charlie, and Declan Boehm.
Later Saturday afternoon, a larger crew of score keepers gathered by the bridge and prepared for the over eight mile loop designed by Jeff Bushey and Wayne Hawes, the cross country course started with a shotgun blast and they were off! A total of 45 riders competed in this year’s cross country which combined both vintage and post vintage bikes alike. The tradition continued with the capturing of bras for motorcycle gear at the awards, Perry Freund, Sidney Mocke, Tre Hawes, Nic Hawes, and Kelly Shane all sported their bras at the trophy ceremony! Ethan Mendes was the first to the bridge! It was a fantastic race with a battle for the win between Ethan Mendes, Zaio Demarco, and Wes Poole. Ethan Mendes came out on top, crushing his second place competition, Zaio, by ten whole seconds!
A local food truck came out for the event and sold a delicious prime rib dinner on Saturday evening, which filled our bellies. The heat of the community campfire was a wonderful way to wrap up the evening under the stars with friends and family!
On Sunday, there were 176 entries into the motocross. Some of the highlights for the day were newcomer Perry Freund in his first season with AHRMA snatching the win in the Sportsman Novice class over five other competitors. The Sportsman 250 Expert race had many fast racers. Chet Mauer made his comeback after two years off of a bike; he got the holeshot in moto one and the win; Zaio Demarco captured the win in the second moto and won overall. It was a blast to see the battle between father and son with Jeff Mendes edging out his son, Ethan, to take second place. The largest class of the day was the Vintage Open Age Expert class with 11 competitors. Wes Poole came out on top winning both motos followed by Zaio Demarco and Ethan Mendes. It was a grand battle between the same top three
in the cross country the previous day!
Thank you to our regional and national sponsors: Motion Pro, West Country Stables, Laguna Electric, Gorrono Art, The Jorgenson Family, 1 Up Motorsports, Kaptured By Kate Photography, Bridgestone Tires, Hagerty, and Redwood Engineering.
Thank you to the many volunteers who make these events possible, a special thank you to the Bushey family, the Poole family, Terry McPhillips, the lap checkers, flaggers, trials observers, score keepers, and all those many hands that help design, layout, and take down the weekend. Without the many volunteers we cannot make these events happen!
here’s a simple reason why the Barber Vintage Festival (BVF) draws over 70,000 motorcycle enthusiasts each year: it’s the best. Period. It’s AHRMA’s crown jewel, showcasing every discipline we offer, alongside a massive swap meet, bike shows, manufacturer demo rides, a sprawling vendor fan zone, the legendary Barber Vintage Motorsports Museum, and, most importantly, an incredible gathering of our motorcycle-loving community. What’s not to love?
In a nutshell, BVF is four days of full-throttle motorcycle bliss. From the moment you unload your bike to the last lap on Sunday, Barber Motorsports Park in Leeds, Alabama, becomes the center of the motorcycle universe. Whether you’re racing, swapping, spectating, or just soaking in the vibe, there’s no better place to be in October.
This year marked the 19th annual festival, and boy, did it deliver. One of the highlights was the return of AHRMA’s Off-Road disciplines, complete with a brand-new motocross track. Built from scratch by Allen McWilliams and his team, the Lot G space was transformed into a vintage-friendly masterpiece reminiscent of 1970s motocross. With natural elevation changes, era-appropriate jumps, and a flow that riders loved, it became an instant hit. The weekend’s racing was unforgettable, from the classic Premier 500 singles kicking things off to the bar-tobar action of the Post Vintage and Next Gen bikes closing out Sunday. And yes, I had my own epic battles out there—still catching my breath!
Over in Lot C, the Trials and Cross Country events made their triumphant return. Friday morning’s trials drew the biggest turnout of the year with 63 riders tackling eight challenging sections. Competing on Beno Rodi’s 1938 Royal Enfield was a surreal experience—what a machine! By the afternoon, the Cross Country course tested everyone’s endurance
with its rugged terrain, narrow trails, and creek crossings. Surviving that final lap was a win in itself.
The dirt track action in Lot E added another layer of excitement. With manufacturers offering demo rides right next door, fans flocked to the grassy slopes to watch fast-paced, competitive racing. Highlights included the Astro Cup Championships and appearances by legends like David Aldana and Bubba Blackwell. AHRMA regular Wes Poole also stole the show, juggling multiple disciplines in his pursuit of the Dick Mann National Vintage Challenge.
Off the track, there was no shortage of activities. The swap meet is always a must-visit, whether you’re hunting for parts to save your weekend or just browsing for treasures. The fan zone across the way was buzzing with vendors, industry friends, and, of course, the Wall of Death, which never fails to impress. No trip to Barber is complete without a visit to the museum. Honestly, it takes two days to fully appreciate the collection, but even a
quick walkthrough is awe-inspiring. Friday night’s “Motorcycles by Moonlight” fundraiser, honoring Kenny Roberts (this year’s Grand Marshal), was a special highlight.
And let’s not forget the road racing. Barber’s circuit is a rider’s dream—a perfect mix of speed and technicality, like tearing through a skate park with max horsepower. Championship battles came down to the wire, with the Vintage Cup Finals and Barber Pro Challenge delivering nonstop thrills. Seeing Kenny Roberts take lunchtime laps on one of his championship-winning machines was the cherry on top. As for my own road race weekend? Let’s just say I’ll be back next year with a vengeance.
Finally, on behalf of the AHRMA Board of Trustees and Executive Team, a huge thank you to Barber Motorsports Park, our sponsors, staff, volunteers, and members. You made the 2024 Barber Vintage Festival the best yet. Mark your calendars now: October 3-5, 2025. We can’t wait to see you there!
here’s an old saying: Never meet your heroes. After an exhilarating, actionpacked weekend at the Barber Vintage Festival, hosted by AHRMA, I can confidently say that either this phrase is profoundly mistaken, or you’ve been looking up to the wrong heroes.
TAt 46, I find myself on the younger side of “vintage” in the AHRMA paddock, but motorcycles have been a cornerstone of my life since childhood. Growing up in Daytona Beach, Florida—a city synonymous with motorsports—I was steeped in the lore of road racing from an early age. My father, an avid enthusiast, would regale me with stories of legendary racers like Kenny Roberts, Dave Aldana, and Scott Russell. These weren’t just names; they were larger-than-life
figures etched into the asphalt of racing history. Watching King Kenny Roberts wheelie his screaming, bright yellow, smoke-belching Yamaha around Daytona’s high banks wasn’t just a spectacle—it was the moment my passion for motorcycles was ignited.
Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine I’d one day share the track, the paddock, or even a conversation with these icons. Yet, that’s exactly what AHRMA does—it fosters a community where the love of motorcycles transcends generations and connects us with our heroes in the most meaningful ways. This year’s Barber Vintage Festival epitomized that spirit. Having Kenny Roberts—three-time Grand Prix World Champion—as the Master of Ceremonies was a
stroke of brilliance. Watching him pilot his iconic 0W48 YZR500, the very machine that clinched the 1980 Formula 500 Championship, on Barber’s undulating, picturesque track was nothing short of mesmerizing. The bike screamed with the ferocity of its era, and Roberts wielded it with a precision that left no doubt as to why he’s called “The King.”
For many in the crowd, this was a chance to relive memories of seeing Roberts dominate in the 1980s. For others, particularly younger riders, it was their first encounter with the legend in action. I spoke with riders who admitted they’d only heard whispers of his greatness but were now forever fans after witnessing his mastery firsthand. The effect was electric. This wasn’t just nostalgia; it was a
passing of the torch, a spark igniting the passion of the next generation of vintage racing enthusiasts.
With my responsibilities focused on crewing this year, I had a rare opportunity to explore the event in depth. Wandering through the festival, I found myself drawn to the flat track area—a realm where grit, skill, and history collide. Over the loudspeakers, I heard a name that made my heart skip a beat: Dave Aldana. Another hero, brought to life from the countless stories my father had told me. The black leathers with the skeleton motif were iconic in my mind, a symbol of audacious talent. Little did I know that I would not only see
Aldana in action but also meet him in person. Sitting beside him in the pits, shaking his hand, and sharing a moment was surreal. He was grinning ear to ear, clearly still in love with the thrill of racing. That joy was contagious, reminding me why we’re all here— for the sheer, unfiltered passion of motorcycles.
Back in the paddock, I found myself rubbing shoulders with yet another hero. Stefano Mesa, a racer whose exploits I’ve followed on YouTube and over the loudspeakers of countless races, was pitted right next to us. Yet this wasn’t the Stefano Mesa of the highlight reels; this was a friendly, down-to-earth neighbor. Over the course of the
weekend, we laughed, exchanged congratulations (more on that later!), and shared stories. Mesa’s humility and warmth underscored what makes motorcycle racing so special: our heroes aren’t untouchable figures—they’re one of us. They embody the passion, the camaraderie, and the sheer joy of this sport, reminding us that admiration is well-deserved. But this event wasn’t just about heroes—it was a celebration of everything that makes motorcycling extraordinary. Bridgestone’s AHRMA Road Racing finale at Barber Motorsports Park during the 19th Barber Vintage Festival, brought to us by BMW Motorrad, was a resounding success. Mark Hoyer
from Cycle World described it best: the Barber Vintage Festival is the “largest celebration of motorcycling and culture at a racetrack in the USA.” This year’s festival lived up to that reputation and more.
The grids were packed with an incredible variety of bikes, showcasing the full spectrum of motorcycling history. From the early hand-shift machines to the cutting-edge electric bikes, every class offered fierce competition. The roar of engines echoed across the rolling Alabama hills, each bike telling its own story of innovation, perseverance, and passion. The diversity of machines was awe-inspiring— each one a testament to the
ingenuity and dedication of its builders and riders.
For me, this weekend was more than a race. It was a pilgrimage, a reminder of why we love this sport so deeply. It’s not just the speed, the adrenaline, or the competition—it’s the community. It’s the heroes who inspire us, the friends we make along the way, and the shared love for these magnificent machines.
If you’ve ever doubted whether meeting your heroes is worth it, let me reassure you. At Barber Motorsports Park, surrounded by the AHRMA family, it absolutely is. These heroes don’t just live up to your expectations—they surpass them, leaving you more
passionate and inspired than ever.
The event unfolded with remarkably little drama, which is always a blessing in racing, making the weekend was a testament to the skill and awareness of the riders, as well as the diligent work of the AHRMA staff and Barber’s safety teams.
The weekend wasn’t without its drama completely though, as Paul Elledge faced a potentially weekend-ending mechanical failure on his BMW in the Vintage Superbike Lightweight class.
In a display of true AHRMA camaraderie, a fellow competitor offered up their bike, enabling Paul to continue racing. His resilience and borrowed ride paid off in spades, as he claimed victory in both Saturday and Sunday’s races, securing the championship with a margin of just over 100 points.
The Thruxton Cup Challenge provided edge-of-your-seat action. Saturday’s race saw intense competition among the top three, with positions constantly changing. Gregory Glevicky emerged victorious, followed by Clint Austin in second, and Dr. Paul Canale rounding out the podium in third. Sunday’s race brought a slight shuffle in the standings, with Gregory Glevicky once again taking the top spot, Clint Austin finishing second, and Dr. Paul Canale in third. The consistent performances were enough for Clint Austin to clinch the championship.
The Saturday Sound of Thunder 4 race kept spectators on the edge of their seats with a thrilling battle among the top four riders. Drew Jankord claimed victory, followed closely by Mikayla Moore in second, Kevin Dinsmoor in third, and Jonathan Hollingsworth in fourth. The riders swapped positions throughout the race, showcasing incredible skill and determination, with all four crossing the finish line within a mere two seconds of each other. Sunday’s race brought a new level of intensity as Landen Smith surged to victory in a commanding performance. Jonathan Hollingsworth finished strong in second place, with Saturday’s winner Drew Jankord taking third,
and Mikayla Moore claiming fourth, finishing eight seconds behind the leader. Both races showcased incredible skill and determination from the riders, making the Sound of Thunder 4 class one of the weekend’s standout highlights. With so much action happening across the weekend, it was impossible to keep track of every race. From tightly contested battles to standout individual performances, the competition remained fierce in every class. Each race brought its own share of excitement and showcased the dedication and talent of the AHRMA paddock.
The Pro Race crowned on an unforgettable weekend, showcasing the best of what AHRMA racing has to offer. The competition was fierce, with Stefano Mesa delivering an exceptional performance to take the win. His precision and consistency on the track proved unbeatable, securing his spot at the top of the podium. Meanwhile, the battle for second and third kept fans riveted until the very end. Hayden Gillim narrowly edged out Tyler Scott for second place, with a razor-thin margin of less than a tenth of a second separating the two riders as they crossed the finish line. The intensity of the race was a testament to the high level of skill and determination on display.
This race encapsulated the essence of what makes AHRMA events so special. The weekend wasn’t just about the intense competition or the stunning ontrack performances; it was about the relationships, shared passion, and the joy of connecting with others who share a deep love for racing. Watching your heroes compete is always inspiring, but seeing them in the paddock— sharing laughs, giving advice, and being part of the community—takes that inspiration to another level.
As the weekend came to a close, it served as a powerful reminder that in the world of motorsports, it’s not just the races that matter; it’s the people. And sometimes, meeting your heroes can be every bit as rewarding as watching them excel on the track.
he final rounds of the 2024 American Historic Racing Motorcycle Association (AHRMA) Vintage Cup championship was a smackdown between the series leaders.
Rounds 18 and 19 of AHRMA’s 2024 Vintage Cup series, which highlights the 350 GP class, were held October 12 and 13, at Barber Motorsports Park in Leeds, AL as part of the 2024 Bridgestone Tires AHRMA Roadracing Series.
Rob Hall had secured the 2024 Vintage Cup championship during rounds 16 and 17 at Pittsburgh International Race Complex during the prior weekend.
Nonetheless, Spargo chose to fight until the last checkered flag was thrown, racing to victory on Saturday and Sunday, with Hall coming in second both days.
Sponsored by Hagerty Insurance, Roadracingworld.com, and NYC Norton (nycnorton.com),
AHRMA’s 2024 Vintage Cup features the 350 GP class which includes 350cc four-stroke and 250cc two-stroke powered machines built up to and including 1968. Featured bikes from this era would include bikes such as the AJS 7R “Boy Racer”, 350 Manx Norton, Benelli 350Four, Aermacchi 350 Road Racer, Yamaha TD2, and more.
During Saturday’s race, Alex McLean, riding Rob McKeever’s 1967 Aermacchi Drixton, took the hole shot, but was immediately overtaken by Hall, riding Stuart Carter’s 1965 AJS 7R. Spargo on John Turner’s 1967 Yamaha TD2 moved into second exiting turn 2. Spargo took the lead within the first few corners, and built a gap on the field. During the penultimate lap, Hall reeled Spargo in, passed him but couldn’t make it stick. Spargo won with Hall 2.5 seconds behind and McLean third.
The balance of the grid, in order of finish was: Jerry Duke, fourth on a 1967 Ducati 350 Scrambler, David Roper finished fifth riding his 1970 HarleyDavidson ERTT, John Tunstall, sixth on a 1981 Ducati Pantah, Craig Light, seventh on a 1973 Bultaco, Jim Jowers, eighth on a 1960 AJS 7R, Larry Watts, ninth on a1968 Ducati 350, Doug Bowie in tenth riding a 1968 Ducati Mach 1,Patrick Svilans in eleventh position on a 1964 Harley Davidson Sprint 350, Brian Larrabure finishing twelfth on his 1967 Harley-Davidson Aermacchi Ala D’Oro, and Eric Watts thirteenth, on a 1972 Ducati 350. NYC Norton and close friends of AHRMA pitched in for a purse that was distributed to the first five finishers in Saturday’s race.
“It was very nice to be able to give Spargo another special Vintage Cup trophy since these trophies
are only given out on Saturdays and all but one of his wins were on Sundays this season,” said Kenny Cummings of NYC Norton. “It was also special to present the 2024 Championship trophy to Rob Hall at the heavily attended awards ceremony Saturday evening. After the awards on Saturday, I asked Rob if he’d be riding tomorrow after clinching the championship knowing that his 7R was incredibly tired and on its last legs. Rob replied, ‘I’ll have a little surprise for you tomorrow’”.
On Sunday, Hall appeared on the grid riding his 1965 Honda CB160. While McLean again took the hole shot, Hall flew past him before the exit of the first turn. Spargo passed McLean exiting turn two. Hall kept a sizeable gap over Spargo’s powerful TD2 twostroke until the last lap when he experienced a mechanical issue on the CB160 and had to roll back a bit enabling Spargo to close the gap and win the race. Hall took a commendable second on a broken bike, and McLean again rounded out the podium.
“I was just as surprised as the thousands of fans on the side of the hill when Rob Hall dominated the field, turning 1:47s on his Honda CB 160 street bike on Sunday,” said Cummings. “Although not entirely eligible for the pukka 350GP class, this spectacle was the perfect capper to the wonderful series we’ve had this year of true Grand Prix bike racing.”
Cummings continued, “along with the fireworks happening at the front there were many great battles within the race, with Jerry Duke giving McLean a run for his money on Saturday, and John Tunstall, Jim Jowers, and Eric Watts having a great race on Sunday. Another great vintage cup, I am a proud papa, I want to thank every single 350 GP racer who signed up and put their bikes out there this year. Looking forward to the big 500 Premier as the featured class for Vintage Cup next year.”
The balance of the grid in order of finish: Roper in fourth, Jowers
Saturday Results - October 12, 2024
1 – 19 Christopher Spargo, 1967 Yamaha TD2, Hopkins, MN
2 – 270 Rob Hall, 1965 AJS 7R, Charlotte, NC
3 – 122 Alex McLean, 1967 HD Aermacchi Drixton, Jacksonville Beach, FL
4 – 9K Jerry Duke, 1967 Ducati 350 Scrambler, Florence, AL
5 – 7 David Roper, 1970 Harley-Davidson ERTT, Hicksville, NY
6 – 36T John Tunstall, 1981 Ducati Pantah, St. Petersburg, FL
7 – 79A Craig Light, 1973 Bultaco, Peachtree City, GA
8 – 37 Jim Jowers, 1960 AJS 7R, East Hampton, NY
9 – 141 Larry Watts, 1968 Ducati 350, Blacklick, OH
10 – 350 Doug Bowie, 1968 Ducati Mach 1, Lilburn, GA
11 – 35X Patrick Svilans, 1964 Harley Davidson Sprint 350, Toronto, ON
12 – 14 Brian Larrabure, 1967 Harley-Davidson AERMACCHI Ala D’Oro. Calabasas, CA
13 – 87 Eric Watts, 1972 Ducati 350, Blacklick, OH
Sunday Results - October 13, 2024
1 – 19 Christopher Spargo, 1967 Yamaha TD2, Hopkins, MN
2 – 270 Rob Hall, 1965 AJS 7R, Charlotte, NC
3 – 122 Alex McLean, 1967 HD Aermacchi Drixton, Jacksonville Beach, FL
4 – 7 David Roper, 1970 Harley-Davidson ERTT, Hicksville, NY
5 – 37 Jim Jowers, 1960 AJS 7R, East Hampton, NY
6 – 36T John Tunstall, 1981 Ducati Pantah, St. Petersburg, FL
7 – 87 Eric Watts, 1972 Ducati 350, Blacklick, OH
8 – 35X Patrick Svilans, 1964 Harley Davidson Sprint 350, Toronto, ON 9 – 79A Craig Light, 1973 Bultaco, Peachtree City, GA
fifth, Tunstall sixth, Watts seventh, Svilans, eighth and Light, ninth.
Greg Tomlinson, 2024 Chairman of the AHRMA Board of Trustees said, “I’d like to extend congratulations to Rob on his 2024 Championship in the 350 GP Class. He along with the entire field of riders put on a heck of a show this entire season and put an exclamation point on the series at Barber Motorsports Park this weekend. I’d also like to thank NYC Norton and Roadracing World for their support of the Vintage Cup class and look forward to 500 Premier as the highlight vintage class in 2025.”
The 2025 Vintage Cup will feature the 500 Premier class. The first two rounds of the 2025 AHRMA National Road Race Series will be
February 15-16, 2025 at Roebling Road Raceway in Bloomingdale, GA.
The annual Vintage Cup spotlights one of AHRMA’s road racing classes with extra attention on competitors in the selected class during each race event. Enhanced awards for the Vintage Cup competitors are presented separately from other class trophies during the Saturday awards ceremony at each AHRMA National Road Race event. Highlights from each Vintage Cup race will be reported in RoadRacingWorld.com’s online edition. At the conclusion of each season, the perpetual Vintage Cup trophy will be engraved with the national champion winner’s name and presented to the winner at the National Awards Banquet to keep for one year.
The sight and sound of two-stroke race bikes returned to the 19th Barber Vintage Festival. And, Kenny Roberts was there to cheer them on!
More than 20 two-stroke machines ranging from 125 to 500ccs participated in the Open Two-Stroke class during the American Historic Racing Motorcycle Association race event at Barber Motorsports Park on Saturday, October 12. The event was part of the Bridgestone Tires AHRMA National Roadracing series.
The majority of the entrants were on 250cc, followed by 125cc and just one 500cc machine. The 250s dominated the field taking the top podium spots. Ralph Staropoli, on his 2002 Honda RS250, took the overall win followed by Oliver Hutchison, on his 2007 Yamaha TZ250 , and Sven Bley, on his 1997 Honda RS250 NX5.
Ralph Staropoli organized and raised the sponsorship money from a group of individual AHRMA racers as well as from Iconic Motorbikes, Comstock Energy, Rising Sun Cycles, and MojoYamaha, for a total purse of $6,000, which was paid out for Saturday’s races.
1 – 262 Jacob Trosper, 1998 Honda RS125
2 - 329 Matthew Crabtree, 1995 Honda RS125
3 - 8 Eric Lukehart, 1995 Honda RS125
4 - 27C Steven Belknap, 2004 Honda RS125
1 – 80L Ralph Staropoli, 2002 Honda RS250
2 – 74X Oliver Hutchinson, 2007 Yamaha TZ250
3 - 83A Sven Bley, 1997 Honda RS250 NX5
4 - 146 Paul Stamper, 1992 Yamaha TZ250
1 – 12 Adrian Jasso, 2017 Suter 500
The AHRMA Vintage Dirt Track National at Barber Vintage Festival is a standout attraction that brings vintage flat-track racing back to the forefront of motorsport culture. This spectacle, now in its second consecutive year as part of the Festival, captivates both seasoned enthusiasts and newcomers, blending history, nostalgia, and high-octane excitement. Set at the famed Barber Motorsports Park in Birmingham, Alabama, the event offers a deep dive into the culture of motorcycle racing.
The Festival pays homage to this extensive heritage by offering a jam-packed weekend of activities, including road racing, motocross, swap meets, stunt shows, and historical exhibits. The addition of flat-track racing to the festival in 2024 marked a notable milestone, as AHRMA brought this classic form of racing back to Barber after its successful introduction in 2023.
Flat-track racing is a cornerstone of AHRMA’s mission. This uniquely American form of racing, with its roots dating back to the early 20th century, involves riders sliding their bikes through turns
on oval tracks. It remains one of the most exhilarating forms of racing, combining speed, skill, and daring maneuvers. AHRMA’s revival of vintage flat-track at events such as this provides a fitting tribute to this storied racing discipline.
This year, AHRMA Vintage Dirt Track brought even more excitement, energy, and vintage charm. The proving grounds at Barber Motorsports Park provided the perfect setting for racers to test their skills on historic machinery, thrilling spectators with every lap. The return of flat-track racing underscored its
barber motorsports park growing popularity and cultural significance within the broader vintage racing movement. Riders competed in multiple classes, with machines ranging from vintage twins to powerful singlecylinder racers, each representing a distinct era of flat-track history. Fans packed the viewing areas, eager to witness riders drift through corners in a display of raw talent and guts. The thrill of seeing vintage bikes tackle the flat track reminded everyone of the roots of motorcycle racing while demonstrating the enduring appeal of flat-track competition.
One of the marquee classes this year was the Astro Cup, which invited former professional flat-track racers to compete. The Astro Cup, named in honor of the Bultaco Astro flat-track racer popular in the 1970s, draws together accomplished riders and offers a unique blend of fierce competition and camaraderie. The presence of these exprofessionals such as Charlie Roberts, Ronnie Jones, Jamie James, and Garth Brow elevated the stakes, bringing a layer of prestige and drawing fans eager to see former legends in action.
Riders who had once competed on national circuits, some with storied careers and multiple championships under their belts, dusted off their leathers to race. The format, blending nostalgia and high skill, allowed these ex-Pros to showcase their enduring mastery of the sport. The combination of the Astro Cup and the Dirt Track National exemplified AHRMA’s commitment to preserving and celebrating all facets of flat-track racing.
To witness the AHRMA Dirt Track is to experience motorcycle racing as it once was: raw, fast, and unpredictable. The roar of engines, the smell of race fuel hung heavy in the air, and the crowd was electric with excitement. Watching competitors battle handlebar-tohandlebar on vintage machines, sliding their bikes sideways and carving daring lines, provided a thrill that few motorsports can match. But it’s not just about the
racing. The atmosphere at Barber during the Vintage Festival makes the event truly special.
The success of the AHRMA Dirt Track National at Barber is a reminder that the past has a place in the future. By bringing flat-track racing to the Barber Vintage Festival for the second year in a row, AHRMA and the Barber Motorsports Park have built a bridge connecting different generations of riders and fans. The event not only celebrates what has come before but also inspires enthusiasm and respect for vintage motorcycle racing in future generations.
One thing was clear: vintage flattrack racing has found a home at this event. With its combination of historical reverence, highspeed action, and community spirit, the event is poised to continue delighting fans and competitors alike. Whether through the thrilling modern bikes or the classic racing machines that define AHRMA’s mission, flat-track racing at Barber is a celebration of everything that makes motorcycle racing great—
and it shows no signs of slowing down.
Thank you to all the fantastic volunteers who came out and made this event possible; Kyle Smith, Mary Spearing, Skinny Ricky, Greg Muller, John Scales, and Autumn Davila.
This year saw the return of the motocross race at Barber on a new track. Alan McWilliams, of Mill Creek fame, was contracted to come in and build a new motocross track at the ICONIC Barber Motorsports complex. No more narrow dusty paths through the woods course. Oh no. McWilliams and his crew spent months clearing land, hauling in untold trucks full of dirt and building a track that would live up to the Barber standards.
We arrived at the Barber Facility on Wednesday and went to the lot where early arrivals were checking in. Sharon and I got checked in and sent over to the track, where we were guided to our assigned parking spot. As we would be helping with tech, we were right near the starting line entrance. While I was setting up camp, Sharon was back at the sign-up area giving a helping hand checking in new arrivals. She would spend that day and
then most of the next day over at the Hotel check-in site as well.
Our original plan was to get there early and spend a day going through the museum, but somehow we kept so busy over the next two days, we just never made it over there. I had also planned to spend a day going through the swap meet, but again, time flew so fast, that I was only able to get about half of the swap meet covered before Friday. Never did get to go see any of the road races.
I was signed up to race the cross country race on Friday, so I did manage to get the E-bike over there and take a sight lap around it. About five miles long with plenty of up and down the hillsides around the property, it was a challenge to get up some of the hills on the bike. I knew my little XR would have no problem though! The course was mostly single track and the lack of rain for weeks prior to the race would mean dust. Yep, it was dusty. No wind, so the dust just hung in the
air. The vintage cross country races took off a little late, which meant that the later post vintage classes would start late as well. Late afternoon starts in the fall, which means the sun is low and it can get dark in some of the valleys in the woods.
Back over to the motocross track, I did my track walk with fellow National #1 riders, Jerry and Rider Mattox, and Tim and Reed Borgfield of Rocketship Racing fame. The track was impressive. It was hard to believe that just a
few months ago it was the Barber dumpsite. And they were still working on making changes. There were several large dirt piles in the start and at a couple spots on the track.
Now it was a valley with the track starting off in the bottom and a series of S turns that wound through tall shade trees and up the south side of the valley; 450 foot elevations changes! As you made several small climbs and up a couple of nicely-built table top jumps gathering speed along the way, you then came to a serious downhill. Push the down button! Then a two-lane divided section and another serious downhill elevator shaft, hit the basement button quick!
The next straight had another table top, some called a double, but for most it was just a table top. This led to the farthest part of the track and a nice tight hairpin turn back and head down the other side of the valley. A nice decreasing off-camber downhill turn with a little mud section thrown in kept ya on your toes, then a nice wide fast left-hand sweeper took you to another right hand tight corner and up the side of the valley and more trees. A few more up and downs and offcambers brought you around to the finish line table top jump that only the fast guys would try to clear. A big sweeping bowl turn would bring you back to the start.
There were plenty of spectator watching areas on both of the hillsides along the track and there was even a gravel path coming down from the swap meet area that brought plenty of new spectators. The only down side was the pit parking on the other side. It was a little rough and the grass was high and the trail down to the track was dusty. Definitely not up to Mr. Barber’s standards, and he has promised to “Barberize” it before next year. If like the rest of the place, you can expect manicured perfect looking spots.
A good turn out of riders saw many full gates. Alan’s crew had the water truck running,
experimenting with how much water would be needed. As this was the first time on the new dirt mix, it would be a learning experience for all. They were pretty close as we only saw a little dust late in the day on Saturday. On Sunday with the newer faster bikes we again saw a little dust at the end of the day, But for the most part, the dirt was spectacular! Providing plenty of traction and didn’t build big braking bumps or holes. A nice solid base with just a little loam on top - vintage perfect! All weekend long, we heard nothing but good comments about the track.
I won’t go into a lot of the race results as those are available on the AHRMA website, but I must say a couple races really were a blast to watch. One of the classes were the big 4-stroke Premier bikes. Hearing those twins throttle up brought back memories of my old ‘67 Triumph 500. Wes Poole proved that an old BSA can get around the track very quickly as he put on a riding clinic. Rick Doughtry, another old timer on a beautiful Twin, was also smoking around the track.
Of special mention was Kelly Shane, who had to have gotten the long distance travel award, bringing a whole parking lot of classic bikes, even loaning some out to other racers. I think he had enough bikes there to have a full gate of racers on his bikes! Fantastic.
Our own Greg “GT” Tomlinson racing multiple disciplines over the weekend, switched out his racing slicks to knobby tires and put in some pretty good laps himself.
When all the racing for the day was done, it was over to the Tracy Gibbins’ pit area where Tracy and his wonderful, soon-to-bewife, Ramona James, had their fabulous Pastalya pot filled to the brim with the great smelling, and even better tasting, meal fit for a king. Grab a plate and dig in! There were probably over a 100 people dining on the mouthwatering delight. All the while, the
bench racing over the days’ races was in full swing.
Gary Davis went missing for a while. He made a trip to the airport and picked up a special guest. I think this might have been Brad Lackey’s first Barber event. Of Course Diamond Don and Gary were Brad’s personal drivers and guides for the weekend.
All in all I have to say, I personally thought the whole weekend was a great success with nice large turnouts in both Vintage and Post Vintage classes with plenty of great racing. The track layout was beyond great, and the dirt was perfect! Alan McWilliams and his crew can be proud of what they put together and ran for the first of what should be many races at Barber!
If there’s any truth to the old adage “absence makes the heart grow fonder”, it certainly was apparent at the Barber National Trial during this year’s Barber Vintage Festival. After it’s absence from the festival in 2023, this October’s edition was met with much excitement and anticipation. So much so that the trial garnered a one-day record number of participants. Sixty-four trialers anxiously awaited the start of what would be an absolutely amazing day of riding the hills and “hollers” of Leeds, Alabama.
Once in the woods, riders found an array of obstacles to test their physical and mental skills on a trials bike. I followed veteran, expert rider Gary Holbert into the first section. After watching him take a two right off the start I thought, “we’re in BIG trouble”.
The tests that each of us were faced with were the typical Barber obstacles. There was plenty of elevation change, rocks in the creek and gravel pile, and enough off camber turns to last a lifetime. Section number 2 had a particularly testy off camber turn which caused me two intentional dabs on the day. I got lucky on the third loop and managed to come out with a clean.
Regardless of it’s ease or difficulty, everyone was having a great day on the course. This was evidenced by lots of smiles and the lack of words that are sometimes heard echoing through the woods on a tough day. On my third loop I was waiting in line and spoke with a rider from the left coast. His comment was “we don’t have this tight turny stuff where I’m from”. My thought, which I kept to
myself, was “welcome to trials in the east”.
I would be remiss in my writing responsibilities if I didn’t offer up a few words of appreciation for those who worked so hard to make this event a reality. Steve Glinski, Mike Parshley, Dennis Simoes, and George Kirby were all part of the set-up crew that came in early on Wednesday morning ready to work. There were many other volunteer observers and scorers whose names I do not know, but many thanks goes to them as well. The one person who was most responsible for the Barber Trial comeback was Mark Sturtevant. Without his diligence and commitment to the event it most certainly would not have happened.
At the end of it all, congratulations were expressed and trophies were awarded. Handshakes and pats on the back were in abundance as they usually are at the conclusion of any enjoyable event. I’m sure that evening there were many recollections and much reriding of the day’s contest. These tales will be revisited many times during the next year until the Barber Trial comes around once again.
Out of full transparency and honesty, I dropped the ball in making sure we had coverage of the awesome cross country racing at Barber this year. I wasn’t able to attend personally, which was the first time since 2020. We had some great photographers on site capturing the action, and I would be remiss
as a photographer myself if I didn’t showcase images of our awesome membership enjoying the return of off-road racing to Barber.
This is also a great opportunity to remind everyone that we’re always looking for volunteers to help report on our events or
submit special interest stories about bikes, racers, or anything else vintage motorcycles. This magazine is for you, and I want to make sure it’s something you’re proud to stand by. If you’re interested in helping, reach out to me or any of the race directors and let us know!
Mike Parker and the Razorback Riders Club were our host to the final round of the AHRMA motocross and cross-country racing schedule leading up to the T&S Racing Championship in November. As expected, many of our racers needing that one additional race to meet qualifications or a final chance to improve their standings were in attendance, meaning that the competition level would be high.
For any newcomer to the event, the awe of the Ozark Mountain National Forest setting to a race is a thrill. The race is in the mountains of the Ozarks which creates a unique terrain for off-road competitors. This year, most of the south-central section of the country has been in a major drought so dust control was going to be an issue, and unfortunately it was. The weather
was great with wonderful fall temperatures being neither cold nor hot, and blue skies mixing with fall color was a beautiful sight to behold.
The cross-country racing is demanding as you are racing on rock and in the forest of the Ozarks. It’s a real test of the riders at this event and this year was possibly the most challenging of all with fallen trees and limbs from the drought being almost dynamically interacting with the course throughout the race program. Highlights from Friday include Polly Grow fending off Becky Hayes in the Post Vintage Women’s Intermediate program and Tim Shephard holding off the challenge from Bill Hester for the win in the Post Vintage 60 Plus Expert class. Saturday’s racing in the Vintage 60 Plus Intermediate had Steve Heathcock defeating John Mathewson and Tom
Parfitt managing to hold off John Varvil to win the Post Vintage 70 Plus Expert group. Hats off to those competitors who roughed this one out as it was certainly challenging.
The Saturday Vintage Motocross program featured the hotlycontested 50 Plus Expert class as several racers were jockeying for points in hopes of furthering their lead in the national points standings or just getting themselves into the conversation. Hoot Parker, James Sanchez, and Craig Jackson all lined up and by the time the dust settled it was Hoot Parker going 1-1 for the overall and achieving his goal of putting some distance between himself and the competition for the finals. The most interesting bike on the track really caught the attention of the fans - the massive Yamaha 750 twin cylinder bike of Bruce Dalton. The roar through the forest was so impressive it brought everyone to the side of the track to see this monster bike destroy the course. Just awesome!
Saturday night was a barbecue dinner and live music event. Mike Parker does it right at all his events and this was no exception. The food was tasty, and the band had the dance floor packed. Racers and fans mingled, played some foosball, and shared stories late into the night.
The Sunday Post Vintage and Next Gen program was a success. With nearly 100 competitors on the course for the day, dust control was going to be an issue. Watering selectively between motos was the plan to keep the course as safe as possible. National championship implications were on the line in the Post Vintage 60 Plus Expert class with contenders Jeff Reed, Trey Jorski, and Stuart McAvoy lining up amongst others. Jorski had some trouble in the first moto and took fifth place with Reed winning moto one. The second moto, Jorski and his patented holeshot put him in the lead immediately and he never looked back. Reed took second and the overall win, Jorski second
overall, and McAvoy fifth. Another standout race from the day was the Ultima Four Stroke Expert that pitted Bill Hester and Bill Rockley against each other. The two swapped positions numerous times in each moto and it was Hester’s 2-1 finish to take the win!
Another fun weekend of racing and beautiful weather. The volunteer effort saved the weekend, so many thanks to Troy Howell, Chris Todd, Albert Newmann, and Leigh Hightower, as well as the Razorback Riders for pulling it altogether.
Yep, some places were wetter than others. Billy Burns (22) goes full amphibian and STILL won both his motos in Vintage Motocross racing.
Ilooked up the lyrics to the Beatles song ‘Rain’ for inspiration as I started this write-up, and that is where the article’s title is from. If you are into the Beatles (who really isn’t?), you may know that ‘Rain’ is considered by many Beatles fans to be their finest b-side and was released on the ‘Paperback Writer’ single.
There was rain in the week leading up to Allen’s Farm, and –while Saturday’s Vintage Cross Country started out dry, it finished in light rain, which were also the conditions present at the start of Post Vintage/Next Gen (PV / NG) Cross Country race. And then the rain came down harder. And harder. The result? A fun and challenging trail laid out by the Ferguson family got really, really
slippery…and one of AHRMA Northeast’s favorite motocross tracks (98 entries for Sunday!) got really, really soggy in some of it’s “lower meadow” back and forths.
More about those Sunday racing conditions in a couple of paragraphs. First let’s cover a few highlights from the cross country racing. Billy Burns and his 1975 Can-Am 175 TNT showed up and took no prisoners (as well as Sportsman 200 Expert) in the Vintage race, with hometown favorites Mike and Tim Ferguson chasing him and winning Vintage +50 and +60 Expert respectively. Jed Zarence and his Yamaha MX were fastest of the Intermediates. Three Novices showed up and were not intimidated as things got slippery on the last lap – Corey
Bennett, Greg Peet, and Corey Bennett (Corey was pretty darn quick – but hey – he was riding a pre-modern Honda with real – i.e. disc – brakes).
The 28 PV/NG racing participants should ALL get a gold medal for putting in laps that started slippery and got a lot worse as the rains came down. If I told you Billy Burns beat all these guys AGAIN on his Can-Am, maybe you won’t be that surprised. And there were some fast folks out there - Nick Ferguson on his XR200 in PV200 Expert, Gabe Goodman in PV Open Expert, and James Henry - doing the double mind you – and winning Historic Open Expert on his Suzuki PE250. One more shoutout to skip Albers on his orange Can-Am Qualifier – he beat three other guys for the PV +60 Intermediate win.
After Saturday afternoon and evening’s rain, people woke up to glorious sunshine on Sunday morning. The Fergusons and others jumped into action and did a bit of re-routing, but they could not get around all the water in that grassy meadow, which made for some dirty, heavy bikes by the end of Sunday’s racing. As previously mentioned, 98 entries were on the books, and Merritt Brown did his magic math (sort
Battle of the 125s – Expert Russell Van Norman (171) Ultima RM leads Intermediate Henry Ahnert’s Grand Prix RM out of Turn 1.
of a human Trackside computer if you will) and worked out that ten (11!) races would be required on the day.
And that included a half dozen kids in Junior class racing – this is the first year AHRMA Northeast has been doing this, and it really adds to the family and friends atmosphere at our events.
I know I have historically covered our motocross race by race, but magazine submission guidelines AND a YMCA cycle class that starts in 90 minutes calls for a different approach -who won classes with big sign-ups? That’s where the racing is at, so to speak. So here we go: in Race 2 (PV Age classes), it was Joe Adomaitis and his mighty Maico besting five other guys for the PV +60 Intermediate win and Michael Brown’s Maico beating three other guys in PV Open Age Intermediate. Geez, somebody wave a German flag already! Race 4 was our Vintage Age class racing, and we are going to give a shout out to Craig McGinnis, who beat two other guys on his beautiful CZ (or at least it started out that way) for the Vintage +50 Intermediate win. In Race 5, let’s clink our beer bottles together for James Carman and his Next Gen 250 Intermediate win over three other competitors. He split moto wins with Lee Bond, so a shout out to Lee also.
In the biggest class win of the day, Carey Hunt and Dillon Thomas split moto wins in Next Gen Novice – and beat five other guys at the same time. Carey gets the nod due to his second moto win. Another notable Novice win took place in Race 8 with David Carman beating two other guys in Vintage +60 Novice. In Race 9, we are going to call out the AHRMA Northeast (and Mid-Atlantic) Iron Man – Dave Salmen, who split moto wins with Kevin Guernsey in Sportsman 500 Intermediate, in addition to racing two other motocross classes AND racing both cross country races the day before.
Final acknowledgements to Joey Spayd beating two other guys in Race 10’s Next Gen +40 Intermediate, and Michael Brown winning the Grand Prix 250 Intermediate class over three fellow competitors. OH WAIT –the best for last: the very intense PV 100 Intermediate class had seven racers and Ed Abdo (the man, the myth) took the win on his XR200! Way to go, Mr. Abdo.
BIG thanks to the Allen family for hosting our Motley Crew yet again on their farm in north central Pennsylvania, a race that is unofficially our longest running AHRMA NE event.
Team Obsolete is seeking a skilled race mechanic/ engine builder for their Brooklyn, NY shop
LOCATION: Brooklyn, NY
CONTACT: (718) 596-0504
PRICE: $8,900
LOCATION: Lafayetta, LA
CONTACT: (509) 845-4021
Triumph trials cub built by Speed and Sport. Matt’s Dad did the motor, and Matt did just about everything else to make a competitive AHRMA trials bike.
PRICE: $4,500
LOCATION: San Rafael, CA
CONTACT: Kevin Burrell - (415) 518-8066
Will transport bikes and gear to road race and/or multi-discipline events, Florida to California, and all events in between.
LOCATION: Port Orange, Florida
CONTACT: Ralph Wessell - (386) 760-0932
For sale! 1974 Penda. 1974 Penton 125 frame with Honda XL 125 engine with 145 kit. Completely gone through, serviced and ready to race or just play ride. A super CC bike! Email for full specs and photo package: rcolahan@epix.net. Located near Ottsville PA, ZIP 18942
PRICE: $3,200
LOCATION: Ottsville, PA
CONTACT: Richard Colahan - (610) 847-5426
Hybrid SL-350 motor, modified CB-160 frame, 35mm Ceriani forks, CB-450 brake, Progressive shocks, D.I.D. shouldered rims, Trackmaster tank & seat, Full TTR 362cc motor, TTR MAG, 34mm Mikunis. Six races on bike – Four 1st places – One 2nd place –One 3rd place. Super light, super fast.
PRICE: $6,000
LOCATION: Chatsworth, CA
CONTACT: Gary Swan - (818) 675-5625
2021 onwards Kawasaki zx10r / rr racing motorcycle fuel tank 24 liter ex wsbk
PRICE: $3,600
CONTACT: (780) 910-4114
Are you looking to expand your collection of race-ready, AHRMA rule book compliant, vintage motocross racebikes? Are you looking for something ready to compete in the Classic 250 class? We’ve got the bike you are looking for!
See more details at ahrma.org/advert-category/swap-meet
PRICE: $4,500
CONTACT: Pete Jorgenson - (253) 218-9380
I have almost all Vintage views magazines from 2001( i think) til present. Wife kept a few where I made the print. Free to anyone who wants, have to free up space and don’t want to toss in recycle bin.
LOCATION: Richland, MI
CONTACT: Mick McCauley - (269) 312-6004
Braced frame, Works shocks, aluminum swing arm, RaceTech forks, new Excel rims, stainless spokes, A/P Racing calipers, belt drive TTR MAG, new motor, 11-1 JE pistons, KibbleWhite, Barnett SRM pressure plate, 34mm Mikunis, 520 chain.
PRICE: $6,000
LOCATION: Chatsworth, CA
CONTACT: Gary Swan - (818) 675-5625
1979 CanAm Qualifier. Great shape. Hasn’t been started in 20 years but will probably start in second or third kick. Needs new tires.
PRICE: $3,200
LOCATION: North Texas
CONTACT: Mark Hansen - (817) 805-5581
SWAP MEET ADS: AHRMA members may submit two free Swap Meet, non-commercial, motorcycle-related ads of up to 50 words each, per issue. Each ad will run only once, but you are welcome to renew monthly. All ads will also be placed on www.ahrma.org for at least one month.
MARKETPLACE ADS: The Marketplace plan is specifically designed for small business owners. Members or nonmembers may submit an ad of up to 50 words and may
include 1 photo. This ad will appear both on ahrma.org’s AHRMA Swap Meet page, and in AHRMA MAG’s Marketplace section for 2 issues, with photo. Marketplace ads cost $25 for 60 days and may be renewed as many times as you like.
Please include: name, address, phone number and AHRMA membership number with your ad.
Go to: www.ahrma.org/classifieds-etc/
AHRMA members invest a lot of money in their sport. In addition to owning 19 motorcycles, the average member spends over $10,000 each year on new and used motorcycles, parts, accessories, publications, race fuel, lubricants, safety gear, tools and other related items. In other words, the association's members represent nearly $60 million in spending power!
Advertising opportunities include Sponsorships, the AHRMA Handbook, AHRMA MAG, the AHRMA website, Special Events, Barber Program and more.
Contact AHRMA and let us build an advertising package that works for you!
For more information, contact advertising@ahrma.org