AHRMA MAG September October 2024, Vol. No. 6, Issue No. 8

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Race Reports & Stories

• Lodi Dirt Track

• Quiet Oaks Campground

• Racing Safely with AHRMA

• AHRMA Classic MotoFest ™ at Laguna Seca

• New Jersey Motorsports Park

• Honda Hills

• ...and much more!

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welcome to the AHRMA Mag


Steph Vetterly ahrmamag@ahrma.org


Daniel May, Greg “GT” Tomlinson, Cindy McLean, Terry McPhillips, Leasha Overturf, Richard Brodock, Bob Robbins, Greg Adomaitis, John Waverka, David Stark, Holly Varey, Debbie Poole, Wren Beckett, Joshua Schucker, Bob Bean


Abigail Buzzelli, Craig Chawla, Paul Elledge, Steph Vetterly, Keith Powell, Sharon Bean, Mark Glenn, Leasha Overturf, Kevin McIntosh, Shane Powers, Holly Varey, Etechphoto.com, Powell B Photo, Sharon Coad, Nickless Photos, Monti Smith, Sharon Bean, Jacob Schucker

ADVERTISING advertising@ahrma.org


The American Historic Racing Motorcycle Association


8913 Town and Country Circle #1093 Knoxville, TN 37923


888-41AHRMA (888) 412-4762


Lots of racing across all the disciplines at WeatherTech Raceway Laguna Seca.

Photos by sharon coad and Powell b Photo

AHRMA MAG is published ten times a year by the American Historic Racing Motorcycle Association. All rights reserved under International and PanAmerican copyright conventions. Reproduction of this work in whole or in part without the written consent of the publisher is strictly prohibited. AHRMA MAG is printed in the United States of America. The articles contained in this magazine are works of journalism and do not represent the opinions or ideas of AHRMA MAG. AHRMA MAG and the publisher assume no responsibility for the content of advertisements. While we welcome submissions, the magazine is not responsible for unsolicited manuscripts or photographs. Please do not send originals.

from the editor

I’m so excited for this issue! We have an outstanding amount of content from the multidiscipline racing that happened at WeatherTech Raceway Laguna Seca. There’s a copious amount of road race content from lots of different viewpoints.

As the race season draws to a close, we have some important races on the horizon. Barber Motorsports Park is always a phenomenal hit, so keep an eye out for our December issue when we showcase all the action (and check out how the new motocross track went over). We also have the off-road finale in Henryetta, which should hit this magazine for the January 2025 issue.

As always, we’d love to get your take on events, showcase your bike finds and bike builds, and get you showcased in your favorite magazine - the AHRMA MAG. Send your words and photos in anytime to ahrmamag@ahrma.org for a chance to be featured!

see you on the track!

Thanks to everyone who subscribes and looks forward to each issue.

We at AHRMA MAG want to hear from our readership. We’d like to know how we’re doing. Send us feedback and comments about your favorite stories and columns, likes and dislikes and what you’d enjoy seeing in future issues.

email: ahrmamag@ahrma.org call: 888-41AHRMA (888-412-4762)

photo by


Daniel May, Executive Director email: executive.director@ahrma.org

8913 Town and Country Circle #1093 Knoxville, TN 37923

Ed Roman, Special Committee Chairman email: ed.roman@ahrma.org


email: membership@ahrma.org

8913 Town and Country Circle #1093 Knoxville, TN 37923


Cindy McLean email: communications@ahrma.org



ROAD RACE DIRECTOR - Leasha Overturf email: roadrace.director@ahrma.org

OFF-ROAD DIRECTOR - Terry McPhillips email: offroad.director@ahrma.org

DIRT TRACK DIRECTOR - Richard Brodock email: dirt.track@ahrma.org




Debbie Poole email: pooleschl1@hotmail.com


Mike Dixon - michael.dixon@ahrma.org

Jeff Hargis - jeffhargis@comcast.net

Bob Robbins - bobr@inter-techsupplies.com

David Rutherford - david.rutherford@ahrma.org

Tim Terrell (Treasurer) - tim.terrell@ahrma.org

Colton Roberts (interim) - coltonroberts3065@hotmail.com


Al Anderberg - al.anderberg@ahrma.org

Kerri Kress (interim) - kerrikress@gmail.com

Wesley Poole - wes.ahrma@gmail.com

Luke Sayer (Secretary) - sayerlu@gmail.com

Kelly Shane - kelly.ahrma@gmail.com

Greg Tomlinson (Chairman) - chairman@ahrma.org

Rob Hall (270), Alex McLean (122), Christopher Spargo (19), and Dave Roper (7) at the start of an AHRMA Vintage Cup race at New Jersey Motorsports Park



Where we have been, and where we go from here

he key to the AHRMA’s future is found in its past. Collaboration and cooperation among vintage motorcycle enthusiasts and a variety of organizations made AHRMA possible and will help AHRMA thrive going forward.

The seeds of vintage motorcycle racing in the United States were planted by several enthusiasts during the late 1970’s. Robert Iannucci is recognized by AHRMA as the primary founder of vintage motorcycle road racing. By the early 1980’s, other groups began offering scrambles, motocross, observed trials, flattrack, and concourse events to the competition options for vintage riders. In the West, Fred Mork, Dick Mann, and Mike Green were nurturing the California Vintage Racing Group (CVRG). In the Southeast, Bob and Marrie Barker, along with Will Harding, were launching the Historic Motorcycle Racing Association (HMRA).

By 1986 it was clear that a national organization was needed to provide consistent competition rules and procedures and made sense to support the burgeoning sport of vintage motorcycle competition.

The American Historic Racing Motorcycle Association (AHRMA) was initially formed by Robert Iannucci as a privately held corporation. Other regional vintage racing groups were brought together under a single set of rules and one banner. In 1989, AHRMA was reorganized into the member-owned not-for-profit association we have today.

During the last 35 years, many other individuals and organizations contributed and collaborated to help AHRMA grow. Tom McGill, Mike Smith, Beno Rodi, Gary Winn, the

American Motorcyclist Association (AMA), Daytona International Speedway, The Championship Cup Series, BMW of North America, and the American Motorcycle Institute are among the events and industry partners who made AHRMA’s growth and success into the early 1990’s possible.

The future of vintage motorcycle racing in the United States will only be possible through collaboration with allied organizations. Since 2009, AHRMA has been prohibited from working with the AMA and other related motorcycle racing organizations. This restriction has hurt AHRMA, the AMA, and vintage motorcycle racers and fans in North America. Instead of collaboration, which helped make AHRMA possible, there has been fragmentation.

In early July 2024, as a result of behind-the-scenes efforts undertaken during recent years by AHRMA Founder Rob Iannucci, in cooperation with AHRMA and the AMA, this restriction was lifted and AHRMA and the AMA are once again permitted to do business again in any manner that they choose.

We must move forward. Although AHRMA exists to recreate the sights and sounds of the past, we must adapt and collaborate with other organizations, who sometimes have a different mission and members with different

interests, to fulfill our mission in today’s changing and challenging environment. The basic economics of vintage motorcycle racing requires robust partnerships to be feasible. Plus, partnering with other racing organizations will expose their members to the fun and fellowship that makes AHRMA events so special and unique.

For many AHRMA members, our passion is showing the world where motorcycle racing started, and how it has evolved by putting the coolest bikes on the planet where they belong – on racetracks. We need to bring the pedigreed collections out of the basements and garages, so those motorcycles, and the people who own, build, and race them, can tell their stories, keep history alive and continue making history.

Daniel May

Here we are, barreling down the back straight of the 2024 AHRMA racing season, with just a few more corners to go before we cross this year’s finish line. It’s been a wild ride full of incredible racing and moments that’ll stick with us long after the season wraps up. If you’re like me, you probably kicked off the year with big plans and high hopes. From mapping out schedules, rounding up your racing crew, and prepping bikes, to those mid-season overhauls, it’s been a whirlwind that’s now got us taking the white flag on the AHRMA calendar.

Chasing the Dick Mann National Vintage Championship has taken me all over the country, and along the way, I’ve soaked in the unique vibes of each AHRMA pit, the joy of riding these incredible machines, and, most importantly, the camaraderie of our AHRMA racing family. Whether it’s dirt or pavement, this journey has been about so much more than attempting to win races or titles. It’s been a celebration of our passion for our bikes, the friends who ride (and wrench) alongside us, and the

For the 2025 Trustee election we have the following trustee positions open:

WESTERN: Al Anderberg, Kelly Shane

EASTERN: Mike Dixon, David Rutherford

This year’s election schedule is as follows:

• October 1-15 - Trustee Candidate Statement submission

• November 1-30 - Trustee campaign period

connections that make each event feel like a reunion with the best kind of extended family. From those firstrace jitters to the mid-season grind, it’s the moments in between that really stand out.

It’s the relief of finally getting that stubborn engine to fire up, the nods of respect between rivals who are really just friends in different leathers, and how every race feels like a reunion with the kind of family you actually look forward to seeing. As we near the last lap—or loop, if that’s more your style!—we’ve got a lot to reflect on. We’ve hit up pits and paddocks from coast to coast, each one a reminder of why we keep doing this. It’s not just about the podiums or points; it’s about hearing that vintage engine roar to life, catching a whiff of exhaust that smells like pure victory, and the rush of chasing down the next bend.

This season has been packed with tall tales that get taller with each telling, long nights in the pits, shared laughs in the paddocks, and all the ups and downs that come with chasing that perfect lap across the

Heads up,



country. Whether you’re on knobbies or slicks, I hope you’ve stayed at the front of whatever race you’re running—or at least had a blast chasing it. Because no matter what discipline you’re into, the spirit of the AHRMA racing family is the same across the board.

I’ll catch you in the pits—ready to race, always up for feedback on how we can make our member experience even better, and definitely eager to bench race over a cold one when the track goes cold. Hope to see you there!

Greg “GT“ Tomlinson


Members!!! AHRMA Needs YOU!!!

• November 15 - paper ballots sent to those who don’t have email addresses. Must be received in the Association Voting offices by December 15

• December 1-15 - online election

If you are thinking of running for Trustee, get your statement prepared early. I know this overlaps with Barber, and that’s why the early notice. If you start now, you can have your statement completed and ready to submit when the statement submission period opens.

Please make sure that any photo you provide is a head & shoulders shot like you would get for your passport or driver’slicense.

Once the Candidate Statement Submission period closes, each


candidate will have the opportunity to submit one email message to me to be sent out to the full membership.

Please note, you must hold a current Full Membership during the election period in order to be eligible to vote. If you wish to vote please check to make sure your membership does not expire between November 15 and December 15.



It’s a busy time for us!

With Barber on the horizon (and I hope you all make this event, it’s going to be awesome!) and the Henryetta final coming up, there’s lots to do!

Speaking of the Henryetta final, we have a regional challenge going on there to determine which region has the best Vintage and Post Vintage/ Next Gen Riders! This special Motocross des Regions challenge is going to pit a Vintage team from each region as well as a Post Vintage team from each region in a challenge match! The Vintage teams will compete in a one moto race on Saturday and the Post Vintage team on Sunday. This will have a four-man team from each region in a single moto challenge. Olympic scoring will be used to determine which team brings home the bacon. It should be a great race!

As this is being written, the Off Road Planning Committee and I are working on the 2025 National schedules. After looking at the past schedules, it has been determined that we need to provide fewer, but better events, events that meet the needs of the disciplines that our members are riding. Our primary objective is to exceed expectations and create a memorable rider experience for all.

This is always a challenging endeavor as there are many things that go into creating a schedule to meet our needs. Each event chosen needs to meet all of AHRMA’s requirements. First and foremost, does it meet everyone’s needs? Is


it good for AHRMA, its members, its hosting partners, sponsors along with all other stakeholders?

For new locations, does the course, track or terrain meet the needs of the event being put on (be it VMX, PV/NGMX, Cross Country or Trials)? Does it have the potential to be able to create an event that is worth driving to since many of these will be a distance from some of our members? Is the host willing to make the changes necessary in order to meet the needs of the old bikes that we ride? Is it a location that we can draw enough riders to make it worthwhile for our hosts to do the required changes and still make a profit?

For locations that we have been to in the past, does the venue meet the requirements listed above? Are there things that can be done to elevate those events to make them better and, if there are, is the host willing to make those adjustments? What can AHRMA do to help promote these events and make it worthwhile for the hosts to have us back?

In addition to all this, there are many questions to be answered that could impact where we go and when. Questions like, what dates are available? What events are being done locally that might conflict or be impacted with the proposed schedule? How does the schedule impact the regions? What is the weather like in the timeframes we are looking at? What holidays will impact the schedule? And, of course, many more.

As you can see, the amount of work, research, compromise and effort that goes into creating a schedule is tremendous. And this is only the preliminary work in making an event happen.

Once the National schedule is solidified, each Regional Coordinator and their team gets to go through the same process and procedure to bring you regional events.

When you see them, thank the members of the Off Road Planning Committee and the Regional Coordinators and their teams for their time and effort in putting all of this this together. By the time they are done, they will have orchestrated more than 100 different events for the year. These are dedicated people that spend a lot of time and effort on your behalf!

One final note, if you really want to understand all that goes into this, volunteer to help. We can use volunteers at both the regional level and the national levels. If you don’t know what opportunities are available for volunteering, please contact me and I will get you in touch with the proper people.

Have Fun, Be Safe, and Go Fast!



2024 Motocross des Regions Challenge

T&S Racing - Henryetta, OK - November 9 & 10

Format & Guidelines

Olympic Scoring will be used to determine the winning regional VMX or PV/NGMX four-rider team. If there is a tie, the oldest collective-age team wins.

Region team rider eligibility: the rider must reside in the region, be a full member of AHRMA (no weekend members), attendance at one regional event (waived for members living more than 300 miles of the closest regional event).

Regions field one four-rider VMX Team of Experts (if needed, Intermediate riders may be included) with a minimum collective age of 160 years and race on Saturday. The three best finishes for each team counts.

Regions field one four-rider PV/NGMX Team of Experts (if needed, Intermediate riders may be included) with a minimum collective age of 160 years and race on Sunday. The three best finishes for each team counts.

There will be one VMX moto on Saturday morning and one PV/NGMX moto Sunday morning.

If nine Regions field a four man team, there will be 36 riders at the gate.

The number of laps (5-6) will be determined each day based on the time available.

The entry fee per rider is $20.

Suspension Upgrades

1974 Motocross des Nations Team USA: Jimmy Weinert, Tony DiStefano, Jim Pomeroy, and Brad Lackey

time flies when you are having fun!

Can you believe the race season is almost over? At the time of this writing AHRMA is on the way to Pittsburgh International Race Complex and then we close things out in October with Barber. It’s hard to believe because it feels like yesterday that I became the Road Race Director!

There is a lot of excitement about going to Pitt Race. It’s a new track for AHRMA and I’m excited to see how things go. Track management has been so easy to work with and I know we are going to have a great time. I have spoken often about teamwork and in the final phases of putting a race weekend together the track management always becomes part of the AHRMA team.

Barber planning and logistics have been underway for a few weeks now. As a racer I did not give that much consideration to what it takes to put such a weekend together. Now, I’m learning firsthand! We have a 12-person planning committee working together to insure all 3 AHRMA disciplines are successful and that our racers and spectators have a great time. Watch for

the request for volunteers at Barber to come out soon!

Speaking of having fun, we had a great weekend at Blackhawk Farms Raceway in August. The staff and volunteers were treated to a fantastic meal provided by a few sponsors and put together by our very own Marcia Heck. Marcia also brought in her husband’s band Gas Can Alley which provided for some much-needed Saturday night relaxing and dancing. To top off having a great time at Blackhawk, our beloved starter Ed Bargy had a guest throw the final flag of the weekend. I do believe Mike Dixon had a fun time doing it too!

Let’s keep having fun and being safe!

Leasha Overturf



LEFT: Mike Dixon throwing the final flag of the day.
RIGHT: Ed Bargy and Sue Witalka get a fun break while Mike works the flag.

Gary Moore Spirit Award

The Gary Moore Spirit Award stands as a beacon of honor and recognition within the AHRMA Dirt Track community.This esteemed award is named in memory of Gary Moore, a legendary figure who exemplified the values of competitiveness, sportsmanship, dedication, and community spirit in the world of dirt track racing. We invite you to nominate outstanding individuals who embody these qualities for the 2024 Gary Moore Spirit Award.


Gary Moore was more than a competitor; he was an inspiration. Known for his fierce competitiveness, he raced with heart and skill, setting a standard for excellence on and off the track. Beyond his racing prowess, Gary was celebrated for hissportsmanship and his unwavering commitment to the AHRMA and the dirt track community. His legacy lives on through those who continue to

Board Meeting Minutes from Laguna Seca (7/22) are available on the AHRMA website under the News section.

www.ahrma.org/ news

follow in his footsteps, demonstrating a dedication to the sport and a willingness to give back to others.


The Gary Moore Spirit Award seeks to honor individuals who have significantly contributed to the AHRMA Dirt Trackcommunity by demonstrating the following qualities:

• Competitiveness

• Sportsmanship

nominations is September 30th, 2024. Nominations received after this date will not be considered.


• Dedication to the Sport

• Helping Others

• Giving Back

• Nomination Process

We are seeking nominations for individuals who epitomize the spirit of Gary Moore. If you know someone who fits these criteria, we encourage you to submit a nomination with a brief write-up about the nominee. The deadline for submitting

Questions? Contact: Richard Brodock

AHRMA Dirt Track Director



2024 Eastern Interim Trustee Election Results

Iam pleased to announce the result of our Interim Trustee Election that was held to fill the Eastern trustee seat vacated by Carl Anderson’s recent passing.

The vote was held on Thursday, August 22, 2024 and run in accordance with our bylaws with our Secretary, Luke Sayer, administering the election. 11 members of our board considered 4 candidates for the position.

Those Candidates were Jeff Oakley, Beno Rodi, Colton Roberts and Jeremy Maddrill.

Please join me in congratulating Colton Roberts as our newest addition to the board, winning the election by obtaining a majority of the votes.

From Colton: “Hello AHRMA Members, my name is Colton Roberts. I spent a large amount of my childhood attending AHRMA Road Race and Dirt Track events with my dad, Jason. I became a racing member of AHRMA in 2016 after earning my road race license at

the age of 18. I have continued to compete in Road Race and Dirt Track events since and am looking forward to becoming more involved in the other offroad disciplines. I have also been proud to serve as your Vintage Road Race Rules and Eligibility Committee Chairman for the past four years.

I want to express my gratitude to the Board of Trustees for choosing me to be a part of their team. I am excited about the opportunity to contribute to the organization’s mission and serving our membership.”

On behalf of the board I would like to thank all four candidates for stepping up and volunteering to serve on the board of trustees. We are fortunate to have so many qualified club

members to consider for this seat and appreciate their service to the membership.


Greg “GT“ Tomlinson


Blackhawk Farms Raceway Disciplinary Actions


everal AHRMA members were issued Disciplinary Actions from incidents at the 2024 Blackhawk Farms Road Race event.

Tim O’Brien was put on probation with AHRMA thru October 31st, 2024. On August 14th, 2024, AHRMA’s Roadracing Referee and Road Race Director documented an on-track incident in violation of AHRMA Handbook Sections 3.61 and 6.1.4. Tim attempted to pass another sidecar on the inside of a turn. He was closing at a high rate of speed and attempted to take the inside line where there was insufficient room to stay on the track surface. To avoid initial contact with the other rig, he ran off the inside of the turn into the grass. As he re-entered the track, he immediately contacted the other rig, losing control, and ejecting both himself and passenger off the machine and onto the track surface. The responsibility for the decision to pass another racer rests with the overtaking rider. Tim was being overly aggressive and made a poor decision to pass at this point on the track. There is simply no excuse for this action, and it could have resulted in serious medical injuries to himself and others.

Bruce Testa was issued a written reprimand for his actions at Blackhawk Farm Raceway on 8/2/24, resulting in contact with another rider (Noel Korowin #510). Bruce was riding overly aggressive, and the Referee and Race Director concluded that he made a poor decision to pass given the location and conditions. This behavior is considered an OFFENSE as outlined in our handbook, paragraph 6.1.4 “exhibiting disregard for the safety of any participant, including the offender.” Our Roadrace procedures are clear with respect to safe passing during competition. Per 3.6(l) “The responsibility to pass another motorcycle rests with the overtaking rider.”

What was also troubling for our officials was his lack of acknowledgement for this behavior, and an assurance from Bruce that it would not be repeated.

This behavior will not be tolerated, and any future incidents will be addressed with elevated sanctions which could include probation or suspension.


Mark Jurczyk was put on probation with AHRMA thru June 30, 2025, as the result of an August 14th ontrack incident in violation of AHRMA Handbook Sections 3.6l and 6.2.1e.

After review of all the pertinent information surrounding the incident and discussion with race staff, we noted several aggravating factors which form the basis of our recommended disciplinary action. This event occurred during practice. There is simply no excuse to be riding aggressively resulting in contact with or downing of a fellow participant. The downed rider was a student wearing a safety garment to indicate to others his status. Mark did not indicate to race officials that he had done anything wrong, that it was simply a racing incident, yet interviews with the corner workers and the downed rider indicated that he in fact made contact during the overtake. It is our decision that Mark was being overly aggressive and made a poor decision to pass a vested rider at this point on the track. There is simply no excuse for these actions, and it resulted in serious medical injuries to another rider. This probationary period will allow Roadrace staff to evaluate his behavior at future events and allow Mark to demonstrate he can compete safely without further incident.

Racing Safely with AHRMA



This article offers valuable insights into racing safely with AHRMA, specifically within the Road Racing discipline. AHRMA, known for its wide array of racing opportunities, caters to riders and motorcycles of various ages and experience levels, ranging from newly licensed racers to seasoned professionals. However, this diverse mix brings a range of skill levels, power differentials, and varying closing speeds, all of which require heightened awareness and caution from every participant.

Key Points for Safe Road Racing with AHRMA:

1. Varied Skill Levels and Machine Power : The wide range of riders and motorcycle displacements means that there are significant differences in speed and skill on the track. Regardless of these differences, every rider shares the responsibility of recognizing and adapting to the varying speeds and abilities of others.

2. Race Planning and Class Grouping : AHRMA officials meticulously plan race days, grouping riders by speed in practice sessions and carefully combining classes in races to ensure safety, even with 56 different Road Racing classes to manage. This planning aims to create a safer environment by minimizing speed disparities within groups.

3. Passing Responsibility : A critical point reiterated by AHRMA’s Safety Committee is that the overtaking rider bears the responsibility of making safe passes. Faster riders must approach slower ones with caution, avoiding aggressive maneuvers, especially near corners or high-speed sections. Even if a pass seems clean, tight situations can quickly become dangerous.

4. Practice vs. Race Pace : It’s important to recognize that the dynamics of a practice session differ from an actual race. Fast riders may not always find the perfect opportunity to match their race pace in practice due to the presence of slower riders. It’s essential to prioritize safety over speed during these sessions, sometimes requiring faster riders to wait for a safer opportunity to pass.

5. Learning from Experienced Riders : One of the unique aspects of AHRMA racing is the presence of experienced and professional riders who model considerate and clean passing techniques. These moments provide valuable learning opportunities for newer racers and emphasize the importance of patience and respect on the track.

6. Safety and Reporting Incidents : Safety remains a top priority, and racers are encouraged to report overly aggressive or unsafe behavior to referees, AHRMA officials, or safety committee members. Addressing these concerns promptly contributes to maintaining a safe and enjoyable environment for all participants, regardless of their skill level.

In essence, racing with AHRMA is not just about competition; it’s about fostering a safe, inclusive, and educational environment for riders of all levels. By respecting the diverse range of skills and machinery on the track, AHRMA continues to offer a series where competitive racing and safety go hand in hand.

Welcome, Race Fans!

Compression-Testing America’s Economic Engine at NJMP

When all the branded road signs negate the need for GPS, when a stack of calendars count your years in operation and when the track-side luxury condo-garages keep filling up, that shining business on a hill has hit its north star.

New Jersey Motorsports Park (NJMP), arguably the city of Millville’s highest-profile podiumtopper in terms of tourism, was the site of the sixth round of the 2024 Bridgestone Tires AHRMA Roadracing Series. This makes it another name on the map no different than Bloomingdale or Birmingham at either end of this year’s schedule. Millville: It’s about an hour south of Philadelphia, the home plate of Major League Baseball’s favorite son, Mike Trout, and home base of the P-47 Thunderbolt. It’s the kind of homeaway-from-home readers of this magazine root for outside of their annual visit and “Holly City” locals know deep down is always just

about to turn that corner toward prosperity. Thing is, “crown jewel,” “hidden gem” or “diamond in the rough” boils right down to who you ask and we picked a real pressure-cooker, a trio of tripledigit days during the first weekend of summer, to find out.

“It’s the anchor,” Daniel May, AHRMA’s black leather-clad

executive director, said of NJMP’s undisputed significance and why in god’s name we were smack dab in hell. His BMW boxer clinked as it cooled post-practice while racers draped themselves over box fans on blast like it was some sort of bivouac. Perish the thought, but in an economically battered city like Millville – where financial assistance from “Empowerment

Zone” corporations and payments in lieu of taxes are designed to level the playing field – few things come easy. So, for the remainder of this piece, consider that similar hard-luck town near you and where else your getaway dollars go besides $3.29 a gallon, Gatorade and the gold medal.


Millville and its 28,000 residents loom large in Cumberland County, always maligned as the poorest part of tax-happy New Jersey. The region – a blend of bayshore fishing, migrant-fueled farming and three urban centers – was always floundering in bad news. The aftershocks of a once-in-alifetime global economic disaster (no, not this one, the other one) were not an ideal time to enter the full-time job market but, for $425 a week, there it stood: a May 27, 2010 voicemail and an offer to be a local newspaper reporter. I’ve been out of the game for as long as I was in, but seven years is 2,500 days of morning, night, weekend and holiday coverage of Millville’s topical to tragic: gangland gunplay, contentious council meetings, a local radio host’s triumphant return and a bucket list flight aboard a Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress out of the airstrip next to NJMP.

My former paper put out an in-depth read last summer chronicling the crisis: “This forgotten N.J. county is worse off than parts of Appalachia. How can that be?” We’ll get to that in a moment. Presumably reading the writing on the pit board, Millville city leaders have put many of their eggs into the gear head’s clutch basket and you know what… it’s working. The modern motocross facility just across the street from NJMP was buzzing with activity while AHRMA’s event unfolded in perfect earshot across the tree line. Want to race go-karts for bachelor weekend, hit bike night and live music at the on-site pub or watch the Blue Angels do their thing? Like the sign said on the weaving way out, “life is better at the track” and we don’t

disagree. For those who crave the cacophony of fire and steel, it’s Millville or bust.


The sincerity of Omarey Williams, the county’s shared services coordinator, shone through in just about everything he said. “The race track is supremely important and it has brought in a lot of tourism and business. I would say it’s one of the jewels.” Millville’s historic stage theater, quaint cottage shopping village and longstanding arts center offer up a few more veins to tap in this tangled thing called tourism. “Everything is within arm’s reach if they want to branch out,” he said of getting visitors and locals alike

to explore options beyond their primary destination.

Enough with the Econ 101. This is, after all, a magazine about motorcycle racing. The weekend of June 21 through 23 was, in a word, (really) hot and as a fair-weather road rider these days, I don’t know how the full-body racing suit gang gets down. The heat radiates in waves, a blurred mirage off the recently repaved 2.25-mile, 12turn Thunderbolt course. A highstrung engine begins to breathe in a decrescendo that bangs down the ‘box. Teenage flaggers on summer job duty ask how old my trusty twin, the wristwatchreliable ‘74 GT185, is. There’s the futile whine of roll-start machines and the shoulder-to-shoulder shade in rented paddocks where tire warmers finish the job that

David Tompkins (33Q), Justin Hebbel (72), Tim Joyce (26), Daniel May (93)

NATIONAL - road race

100 degrees could not. There are copious notes, Sharpie scribbles and slivers of tape all over these machines: carburetor jet sizes scrawled on the float bowl, race numbers, grid position, the classic “fuel on/off?” and some mathematical equation I couldn’t quite make out on a gas cap.

Up close, nudging the red-whitered-white apex for position, roadracing is as subtle as buckshot. Exposed crank-ends on some of the many RDs and TZs whirling away as operators kept the fires lit under adverse carburation conditions, the GSXRs, FZRs and CBRs of the “Next Gen” late-1980s/early ‘90s power in plastic era, and the modernleaning, neck-twisting Sound of Singles, Battle of Twins and Sound of Thunder races. In fact, the entry list for that latter trio of Millennium-era and up bikes takes up a mighty large chunk of the results and arguably assists with keeping this race on the… uh… road.


Exit the main highway headed south toward the track and the “Welcome, Race Fans” billboard atmosphere comes on the pipe real quick: fuel, food, lodging and all those last bits of local flavor in exchange for a few hundred dollars before the gate fees hit your bank account. If one is going to drive 900 miles from West Bend, Wisconsin to Millville and take three days to do so, Pat and Kat Hanson of Grid Iron Racing have the logistics nailed down. “We supplied up in Millville. We purchased all our food for the weekend. We had lunch in town,” Pat said. “You don’t want to have to pull the extra weight if you don’t have to. Every time you bring in a race, you have people buying supplies.” The story at Blackhawk Farms Raceway in Illinois “is about the same type of economic situation,” he added. “The race track is a big draw, especially for amateur cars and bikes.”

Charity Giovanelli, who has worked for NJMP since its 2008 inception, is director of the Rider’s Club and track operations

manger for two-wheeled events. More importantly, at least in the perspective of this piece, she lives in nearby Lawrence Township and understands the region. “[Racers] stay at hotels, they eat at restaurants. There’s always people coming through the paddock asking, ‘Hey, where’s a good place to eat? A mom-and-pop place?’” She estimated about 300 attendees would come through the gates for this weekend; that headcount swells to 2,000 for MotoAmerica, which returns in September. With that big-ticket

event, superbike fans from around the tri-state region of Delaware and Pennsylvania once again pay to play in – where else? – Millville.

“NJMP is proud to make racing and the world of motorsports accessible for the community,” said Brad Scott, the track’s president and chief operating officer. “Ever since we opened in 2008, NJMP has worked to create epic events, like AHRMA, that appeal to those local to Cumberland County and to those traveling from out-of-state. And

Brian Larrabure (14), Vincent Borbone (860) PHOTO CREDIT ETECHPHOTO.COM

with each year we are thrilled to see new and returning guests to our park and the county.” Thread the compression tester into the beating heart of America’s economic engine and this is what keeps it out of the red. For perspective, statistics published by the track show NJMP in 2016 paid $2.1 million in salaries and wages, another $275,000 in property taxes and spent $1.2 million with vendors in Cumberland County. That splash of liquid cash is the trickle-down fuel this economic engine needs

to keep firing because in Millville and the surrounding communities, there weren’t enough bootstraps in the world to stop the “giant sucking sound,” as Ross Perot said in 1992, from taking goodpaying, easily-attainable and longlasting generational factory jobs down the drain.


You could write this same story about Gettysburg. Virginia International Raceway’s 270,000

annual visitors, the $403 million Road America generates for Wisconsin annually and Heartland Motorsports Park having some 230 “event days” each year in Kansas would also work. Williams, the county tourism coordinator, said high-profile events help regional businesses to improve services, hire more staff and boost foot traffic while encouraging other entrepreneurs to give it a go as a marketing opportunity begins to twist together like so much safety wire. The host town needs that parasitic draw of racing; some might not like the noise, but you’ll like the revalued tax bill even less.

“Every place, no matter where you go, will have its drawbacks,” Williams countered when we hit on this region’s hard knocks reputation and the planning/ zoning pains of motorsport. “There is so much here that people don’t know about.” To wit, the bartender inside a very nearby brewery offering the first escape from five hours in the furnace shared his consensus on race fan overflow: “It depends on the event.” There were occasional visits from the track with trailers in tow, but nothing too profound. So we kept exploring.

It had been a long time since I walked the airstrip’s barbed wire fence neighboring the road race circuit. The humble military museum inside America’s first defense airport, where so many World War II bomber crews sat down 70 years later to share their stories, piped Big Band music over tinny speakers to an audience of one one. Standing next to a static display of a Vietnam-era battle tank, AHRMA’s symphony of speed played out downwind in the distance. Millville: it’s the place I bent Dave Mirra’s ear for a quote as he went RallyCross car racing for the sport’s first US foray, the place I bent a celeste blue Bianchi around the red-white-red-white apex and the place I bent the rules more than a decade ago to score a Flying Fortress flight “for a story.” They say you can’t go home again, but you can pay it forward. To the place that helped kick start a career and, in turn and in time, grew to feel something like a second home, it’s Millville or bust.

Kiwi Stephen Briggs who rode that same bike to second in the 1995 World Bears Championship. It’s always referred to as the “CR & S Britten” from its racing days PHOTO CREDIT CRAIG CHAWLA


As the competition roared past me toward the flying bridge, I propped my bike against the tire wall and climbed over to bake in my leathers for the rest of the race. I was kicking the tires just past the last turn on the track at NJMP. Riders were passing through with throttles wide open to catapult down the straight.

My third-hand Kramer single had just made a familiar sound, a sort of “clap” that signaled that its weekend was over. I was still in fighter pilot mode; I had been having a lot of fun chasing a bigger bike from a different class and as I put the Kramer to sleep, my first thought was “at least I’ll be able to focus on getting my vintage bike up to speed.”

I have been racing at New Jersey Motorsports Park in multiple events a year for 11 years, and in that time, it has rained during the race day twice. It is always sunny; it is always hot. This June’s AHRMA event was no exception, with pure, brutal sun and

temperatures peaking in the mid90s. I learned my lesson years ago and rented a garage with as many friends as we could fit—I recommend this move to everyone who can. It’s cheap, gives you full shade from the sun, a cool, clean concrete floor as opposed to sand covering your race tires, and protection from the torrential rain and wind that inevitably stalks this track almost every night, but even the garage gave us little relief this weekend.

Just repaved, NJMP Thunderbolt is a 2.25-mile-long clockwise track with a short straight split by the start/finish and a flying bridge for the flagging team. The straight ends in a wide, fast right up a short hill. This turn one was widened this winter, eliminating about 12’ of the inner radius. This acts to speed the exit up the hill, which turns sharply right, breaking mid-turn and sloping down to a righthand chicane then a quick left. This then drifts onto a straight with a hill that peaks, giving a fast bike a moment of airtime. The hill rolls down straight for a

sweeping entrance into a right turn that dares you to keep your hand on the throttle and not let off. This runs out straight for 400’ and quickly leans over to a tight left-hander that empties uphill onto a straight and a long righthand sweeper that spills slightly downhill into a tighter and smaller radius right which ends abruptly at the mysterious turn 9—an almost 90-degree turn that sends new riders unsure of their brakes past the turn and into the dirt every weekend. A quick flick left is a fast left-hand carousel that lets out on a small hill and leads to a quick switchback that runs under the bridge to a fast right-hander onto the straight after which you go at it again and try to do it better next time.

It is a fast and challenging track that is one of the best on our circuit and I would like to see more riders join us there.

NJMP includes another, smaller, track and those new to the course are often surprised to learn that between these tracks is a large pub, open late, with an outdoor pool that is free to those with entry wristbands. My kids spend most of their time there, waiting out the clock between races.

My weekend started in the usual way, prepping my bikes way too late with two weeks of high stress, rebuilding the engine on my Sportsmanwinning CB350 after a cam chain fatality at Barber last year. My modern bike, an older Kramer single, needed work as well, a rebuild of the fuel pump in hope of finding the


power I had lost by the end of last season. I like to top off the stress by travelling to the races in my 1989 Ford camper van which I have completely rebuilt but which still contains that element of unreliability because of its age. Entering the track gates is step one in my recovery. Step two is seeing my AHRMA friends all loading out and feeling the same excitement I am; step three comes Friday morning at the club-run practice when we see if the machines still move!

This year’s race turnout was better than expected with healthy grids for both days and 13 new riders taking the race license class! Local MotoAmerica superstar Kayla Yaakov teamed up with Mark Morrow to coach the students and help them make it to the mock race. A large contingent of acquaintances from Brooklyn were pitted next to us and took the race class—they looked like serious riders and I hope to see them back at the track soon!

My friends and I tried to hit every practice session available on Friday, jumping off the modern bikes and onto our circa-1970 Hondas for session after session, brutalizing ourselves in the hot sun. By end of day the Honda was close to dialed-in as I tried to play Gary Swan, hunting for the timing mark on the spark plug strap. The Kramer was back to its old self, hauling me over the line again and again but not exactly at my previous lap times. Another rider approached me at the end of the day and inquired about my weak showing on the lap time sheets. “I heard that you are a Sunday man!” he said, implying that I was holding back with some strategic intent. I politely insisted that I was not sandbagging and that the fine art of stuffing people in turns is best reserved for the actual race, and that the air temperature was currently 96 degrees.

There were some great bikes out on track over the weekend, beyond our club’s standard collection of absolutely amazing machines. Bob Robbins brought in a set of Brittens and had his riders scream them around for a few laps. Pitted directly behind me

was Dave Roper, who brought out Team Obsolete’s priceless Benelli 4-cylinder machine and a Matchless G50, embodying a totally honorable “ride ‘em, don’t hide ‘em” ethos that I wish more of our collector friends offered the club. As is his custom, Dave did not hold back on the Benelli, putting it down hard trying to find a faster way around his friends in turn one. Dave was back up on the Matchless G50 a few sessions later, the Benelli back to the shop to be repaired once again, Trustee Mike Dixon with some bruises from going down trying to avoid the incident.

On Saturday after practice, I had race number one. Modern bikes first: Sound of Singles 1 with the fast boys and packed together with the monster bikes of Sound of Thunder 2. After a great start, sweeping around the outside, I believe that by lap three I was holding third with top Kramer rider Mike Hausknecht just over the horizon (and fully out of reach) when the unbreakable KTM 690 engine let go just as I entered the straight. That “clap” I heard was the cam chain dropping off the engine for still unknown reasons. I will not say that I was undaunted but I am resigned to finding things to sell to finance her return as

soon as possible. The CB350 was now my focus and I had friends who travelled to the track to see all 6 foot 2” 200 pounds of me win.

I fiddled with the Honda and pretended to do whatever top riders do, waiting to go out for my first race on the CB350 that just two days before had been completely apart on the bench while I cut new valve seats by hand at midnight after a long day at work. While waiting for race nine, I retorqued the cold engine and reset the valve clearances. Rolled out at third call.

First race of the weekend for the CB350: 500 Sportsman. I was lined up on the inside. Switched on fighter pilot mode and watched everyone else scream their engines while I revved mine to Ed Bargy’s steady 1,2,3-Green flag. Clutch out—holeshot! I was first bike into turn one and lead for three laps until Chris Siarkiewicz passed me on the straight and I held onto his tail for three more to take home second place. I could not lose to a better, more determined man. But once is enough! My tachometer had given up during the race and I decided I knew what the redline sounded like so I could keep myself at pace. Once passed, the bike ahead

became my tachometer and I matched Sharky’s engine tone, running the bike out to what I guessed was 11,000 rpm.

Race 12, an hour later, I was again gridded inside for the Sportsman 350 race. Again—breathe deep, watch the cadence—Green flag goes down—HOLESHOT! First into turn one and through the whole race until Bargy sharply dropped the checkers on me in what I felt was a salute to my effort at holding back the crowd. Little did I know that Sharky was no more than eight feet behind me on the straight when we passed the line.

Sunday dawned after a big Saturday night BBQ hosted by my wife, Sarah. Only she knows what it cost us but we celebrate firsts and seconds in this family, and that included Sharky and my close friend Rick Crespo, who railed it home on his 1992 Yamaha FZR 400 RRSP and brought in its first top step of the podium after years of hard work dialing it in.

I spent the morning in the sweltering heat, going over the Honda and rushing to watch my friends race, determined to match my efforts on Saturday. A long wait until race 9. The tachometer was truly dead, so again no choice but to run it literally by ear.

Once again, we lined up for the 500 race; several bikes fewer than the day before. Green Flag down. Holeshot again and this time

a battle from the start! With 14 bikes on track in all classes, the straight was full and the whole grid was after me with Siarkiewicz, Jackson, Pinelleo, Pires, and Debelak absolutely flushing me out of every turn and pushing fast and close for six laps, touching into 1:44s. I focused, listened to the hum of the engine, and kept my head down to pull another first!

Race 12 Sunday. 18 bikes on the grid, 7 in our class for Sportsman 350.

I was again gridded on the inside with Jackson ahead of me and Siarkiewicz off to my left. His dead eyes gave me his best “I must break you” look. Bargy took his position. Bikes shifted into first gear, some redlining their engines, others waiting. The 1

board went sideways, the green flag dropped—boom! I pulled a wheelie, clutched it, and wound it out in first gear as Jackson let go late. This time I was first under the flying bridge but everyone has had practice so tried to deny me the inside line. I pushed through, leading lap one all the way around to find Siarkiewicz pulling past me on the straight, well ahead of me by the time we hit the number boards at turn one. I decided not to brake at all and just threw it in up the hill, holding him off for another lap until, once again, in full lean, wide open onto the straight, just passing the cool shade of the bridge, he came by again. Down on his tank, just walking away from my “fresh” engine. I stayed outside again as he tried to block off the inside and take turn one, but again he braked at 3 and I

simply rolled off for a moment and turned the bike, having faith that my fresh Continental tires could handle the new turn at this speed well below the bigger bikes in other classes— and I was right. Lap three was mine again. Lap four and I became aware that he and Jackson were right behind me, showing a tire at every turn. I decided to move into the center of the straight to be unpredictable. This did not work because Shark was there, pulling past me again. He was also ready for the dive and on this third attempt he matched me, meeting at the apex. At this point my tires gave up and I went into a big slide, but I did what racers do and opened up the throttle. The bike stood up and ran me right up the hill, where I ran after Shark inches away, looking for a smart place to pass. I tried this at turn six, the fast righthander. We ran in side by side and as I tried to pour on the throttle earlier than him, just pulling through the apex, I lost the tires again, a smaller slide saved by my knee or perhaps just my forward motion. My confidence in this approach shaken, I settled down directly behind Sharky, looking for a mistake to take advantage of. A mistake that never came. Second place was more than enough for me.

Another fantastic AHRMA weekend at NJMP. Come join us next time; find us for BBQ on Saturday night!


Finding the "Whys" at Laguna Seca

Motorcycle road racing is hard.

It’s hard on your time, your talent, and your treasure. It can be very hard on your body.

Why do we choose to do something that’s so hard? You could find all the “whys” for going road racing during a July weekend when the 2024 Bridgestone Tires AHRMA Roadracing Series was at WeatherTech Raceway at Laguna Seca.

The Lure of Laguna

The Laguna Seca track was a magnet that pulled in racers from across the country and the planet.

Kenny Thiebaud From Reedley, CA, came to race his 350 Honda in the 350

Sportsman and the Novice Historic Production Lightweight classes.

“I love it because just the way it goes up and down, it’s a roller coaster ride, that’s the best way I can describe it,” Thiebaud said. “You’re up here. You’re down there. Especially on the little bike you’re pulling that hill back there, it’s a little tricky, you’re just kind of waiting to get up to the top, and then wow!”

Thiebaud raced his Honda to victory in Novice Historic Production Lightweight on Saturday.

“Laguna is just gorgeous. The air is crispy, the track is fun and fast, technically challenging in a couple of spots with some blind rises,” said Paul Canale, who travelled from a suburb

of Mobile, AL, with a fleet of race bikes including a BMW R9T for Battle of Twins 1, and Sound of Thunder 2, a Triumph Thruxton for the Thruxton Challenge and Battle of the Twins 2, and a Suzuki SV650 for Sound of Thunder 3.

“It takes more than a weekend to be able to hold the throttle wide open going over turn one,” Canale said. “I’ve had a blast. I raced MotoAmerica Hooligans last weekend and I’m faster this weekend. So, I guess it takes us old guys a little while to learn the track.”

Canale used his MotoAmerica study session to take the hole shot and victory in Battle of the Twins 2 on Saturday and Sunday.

“I love this track,” said Karen FoleyO’Mahony, who raced her Honda CB175 in 200GP and 250GP. “It’s super fun, it’s super fast and it makes me look like I know what I’m doing.”

Joining her in 200GP was her husband, Tim O’Mahony. On Saturday, he held off Tim Terrell for five laps until Terrell pounced on the last lap to take the victory. Terrell repeated on Sunday after O’Mahony retired on the second lap. Karen Foley-O’Mahony was still racing and had her own tussle with fellow Pacific Northwest neighbor Tico Sandoval. He would finish fifth and she would take sixth.


For Jeff Nelson from Charlotte, NC, his first practice session at Laguna Seca was tough. “Second one is much better. Times got better, about 12 seconds from the first one to the last one yesterday,” said Nelson who raced a Honda RC51 in Next Generation Superbike 2.

“When the fog lifts, I think it’ll be fun. We got some good guys in Next Gen 2 and it’s going to be a good time.”

“Laguna teaches me courage,” said Weston Wahl who came from San Jose, CA, to race his Triumph 675.

“Going through turn 1 into turn 2 you can pass a lot of people, if you stay on the gas.”


Chris Spargo came from Minneapolis, MN, chasing points for the 2024 AHRMA Vintage Cup on John Turner’s

two-stroke 1967 Yamaha TD2. “It’s on the bucket list for sure,” Spargo said. “We drove all the way out here because it’s a real Grand Prix racetrack. Not a knife fight in a phone booth.”

Spargo took the win in 350 GP on Saturday while David Roper racing his custom-framed 1973 Harley-Davidson Aermacchi Sprint took the win on Sunday.


“This is one of my favorite tracks. We’re trying to get the sidecar lap record back,” said Johnny Glover. He came from Loomis, CA, to co-drive in the SC1 class with Kelly Bell. The duo was aboard an RSR road racing sidecar powered by a freshly-rebuilt Suzuki GSXR 1000cc motor. Asked how they would reclaim the lap record, Glover said, “That’s a good question.

I think synchronicity between us getting used to getting fast from the Corkscrew on and it’s us just getting back in sync.” The Bell and Glover duo would take second on Saturday behind Bernard Juchli and Kevin Kautzky and second again on Sunday trailing Bill Willmeroth and Kinsy Daughhetee.


Winning isn’t everything for Troy Siahaan. Beat bikes with internalcombustion engines while riding an electric-powered motorcycle developed by a team of volunteers is a much bigger victory.

Siahann competed in in Sound of Thunder, Sound of Thunder 2 and Formula Thunder aboard the Lightfigher, a purpose built electricpowered road racer. On Saturday,

Henry Brown (425) PHOTO

in a field of more than 20 bikes, Siahaan battled for a spot on the Sound of Thunder 1 podium with Rennie Scaysbrook. Siahaan would eventually finish fifth with Scaysbrook third. The pair would tangle again on Sunday with Scaysbrook taking third and Siahaan sixth. Saturday’s Sound of Thunder 2 race was a rematch with Siahaan winning and Scaysbrook second. On Sunday, it would be Scaysbrook first and Siahaan second.

“From the day this program started to now, which was about five years ago, it’s been a huge progress, a huge jump,” Siahaan said. “We’ve developed the bike quite a bit in that time. Not as much as we wanted to, but when you consider we’re just a bunch of guys on our off time, to find time to do this and develop things on the side and on our off hours. We’re not a full factory team, but we like to pretend we are one. It’s been just amazing the progress we’ve made considering all these things.”


Sal Valdes brought a Ninja 400 from San Jose and, “Lord willing, I am passengering on a side car. I’ve been here a few times. I love AHRMA because these people are awesome. They’re really friendly and they’re here to have fun.”

Valdes finished sixth in Sound of Thunder 4 on Saturday, eighth on

Sunday and caught a ride with Stuart Clotworthy in the Formula Classic (SC4) sidecar class both days.

Ryan Shu, from Concord, CA, who raced his 2021CBR1000RR Fireblade SP, had done some track days at Laguna, but was racing there for the first time. “AHRMA this weekend opened up a class called Directors Choice, I believe, to get more people to come out and race. I’m having a great time this weekend with AHRMA so far,” Shu said. “You know the community is great, there’s a ton of beautiful bikes out here, extremely cool classic bikes, along with newer bikes as well. And you know everybody that I’ve met here has been extremely cool and amazing.”

On Saturday, Shu rode to victory and took second on Sunday behind Eric Gulbransen.

The 10-lap Director’s Choice race was a chance for Thomas Goble, from Seattle, WA, to race his Yamaha R6 at Laguna for the first time. “It’s fun. I like it. You’ve got all the vintage classes and it’s an opportunity for me to be at Laguna Seca,” Goble said. “It’s really cool because the track is like a roller coaster. It flows very nicely and it’s just very fun to ride.”


Asked why he road races, Henry Brown said, “it’s a lot of fun. You get to go fast and compete against people you know.” In this case, one of the

people he knew was his father, Marc. The duo travelled from Vashon Island, WA to take their track experiences to another level.

“Well, this is our first race weekend, so we we’ve done track days together, but it’s nice traveling together and working on the bikes in the pits together,” said Marc Brown.

Asked why he brought his son into racing, Marc Brown said, “because I had an extra bike, and we thought it would be a safe place to ride a motorcycle fast rather than on the street.”

On Saturday, racing in the Sportsman 350 class, Marc Brown was second to Kevin Hipp with Henry Brown completing the podium. On Sunday, Marc Brown checked out early and took the win while Henry just missed the podium in fourth.

“This is the same bike my Dad raced,” said Grant Spence. Originally from New Zealand, Spence traveled from El Paso, TX, to race the 350cc AJS his father campaigned 70 years ago in New Zealand. This was his third trip to Laguna. Spence also raced a Honda CB750. Spence said, “This is great bucket list stuff for me from New Zealand. Obviously, the AJS has changed over the last 70 years, but it’s the same bike.”


Eric Johnston had visited Laguna twice as a spectator. On his third trip, he would be racing. “That’s how I got into AHRMA. I was coming here to watch,” said Johnston who came from Los Angeles, CA, to race a 1970 BMW R75 in BEARS and a Honda CB350 in the Novice Historic Production Lightweight class. “I was literally walking around here as a spectator with my little boy, and I said, ‘I got to get this into my life’ and here I am.”

Johnston was third in in Novice Historic Production Lightweight on Saturday and the former-fan-nowcurrent-racer won on Sunday.

Johnny Glover and Kelly Bell (869) PHOTO

2024 Vintage Cup - 350GP

Bridgestone Tires AHRMA Roadracing Series

Spargo / Roper Split

A decisive win and a missed opportunity add a chapter to historic motorcycle racing at a historic track.

On July 20 and 21, the American Historic Racing Motorcycle Association (AHRMA) brought Rounds 12 and 13 of its 2024 Vintage Cup series to WeatherTech Raceway Laguna Seca as part of the 2024 Bridgestone Tires AHRMA Roadracing Series. The 2024 Vintage Cup highlights AHRMA’s 350 GP class.

Christopher Spargo travelled from Minnesota to California in the chase for Vintage Cup championship points. Spargo took the win on Saturday aboard John Turner’s two-stroke 1967 Yamaha TD2 while David Roper racing his custom 1973 Harley-

Davidson Aermacchi Sprint took the win on Sunday.


Sponsored by Hagerty Insurance, Roadracingworld.com, and NYC Norton (nycnorton.com), AHRMA’s 2024 Vintage Cup features the 350 GP class which includes 350cc four-stroke and 250cc two-stroke powered machines built up to and including 1968. Featured bikes from this era would include bikes such as the AJS 7R “Boy Racer”, 350 Manx Norton, Benelli 350Four, Aermacchi 350 Road Racer, Yamaha TD2, and more.

In Saturday’s race Spargo had the hole shot into turn one maintaining and increasing his lead with the powerful TD2 Yamaha throughout the race to take the checkered flag unchallenged. Meanwhile

Roper and Walt Fulton, who was also on a custom 1973 HarleyDavidson Aermacchi Sprint battled for second, Roper ultimately succeeding with Fulton hot on his heels to take third place.

The balance of the grid in order of finish included: Matthew Winiarski, riding a 1968 Ducati 350 Mark 3 and David Rhodes, on his 1966 Yamaha TD1.

“Roper and Fulton put on one of the best races of the day battling for second place, sounding like a synchronized B25 bomber as they climbed the hill toward the famous turn one kink on the front straight of Laguna Seca,” said Kenny Cummings of NYC Norton.

On Sunday, Spargo missed the start of the race, allowing Roper

David Roper (7), Walt Fulton (63)

and Fulton to repeat their sonic and visual duel from Saturday putting on a beautiful show of 350GP racing motorcycles with Roper getting the win, Fulton second and Winiarski third. Spargo ultimately made it into the race and clicked off the fastest laps of the weekend, managing to take fourth place and a handful of Vintage Cup championship points.

“It’s a shame Spargo missed the race calls and came out late because judging by his fast times he would have been on top of the box. In any case Roper and Walt did not disappoint and their beautiful Harley-Davidson Aermacchis were substance and style in this beautiful California atmosphere,” shared Kenny Cummings. “This race for the championship is up for grabs and I’m very anxious to see how things play out for AHRMA’s next rounds at Blackhawk Farms, the first weekend of August.”

Greg “GT” Tomlinson, 2024 Chairman of the AHRMA Board of Trustees said, “Chris Spargo’s lap times proved he was the racer to beat this weekend and while he didn’t take the win on Sunday, it was awesome to see him put his head down, get to work, and try to chase a podium spot, he was a man on fire!”

Rounds 14 and 15 of the AHRMA National Road Race Series will be August 2-4 at Blackhawk Farms Raceway in South Beloit, IL.

The annual Vintage Cup spotlights one of AHRMA’s road racing classes with extra attention on competitors in the selected class during each race event. Enhanced awards for the Vintage Cup competitors are presented separately from other class trophies during the Saturday awards ceremony at each AHRMA National Road Race event.

Highlights from each Vintage Cup race will be reported in RoadRacingWorld.com’s online edition. At the conclusion of each season, the perpetual Vintage Cup trophy will be engraved with the national champion winner’s name and presented to the winner at the National Awards Banquet to keep for one year.


Saturday Results - July 20, 2024

1 – 19

2 – 7

Christopher Spargo, 1967 Yamaha TD2, Hopkins, MN

David Roper, 1970 Harley-Davidson ERTT, Hicksville, NY

3 – 63 Walt Fulton, 1968 Harley Davidson, Montrose, CO

4 – 813 Matthew Winiarski, 1968 Ducati 350 Mark 3, Long Beach, CA

5 – 97L Dave Rhodes, 1966 Yamaha TD1, Columbia, IL

Sunday Results - July 21, 2024

1 – 7

David Roper, 1970 Harley-Davidson ERTT, Hicksville, NY

2 – 63 Walt Fulton, 1968 Harley Davidson, Montrose, CO

3 – 813 Matthew Winiarski, 1968 Ducati 350 Mark 3, Long Beach, CA

4 – 19 Christopher Spargo, 1967 Yamaha TD2, Hopkins, MN

AHRMA Two-Stroke Racers Win Cash Prizes & Bridgestone Tires at Laguna Seca

The most world-renowned racers of history started on two-strokes before transitioning to four-strokes, iconic racers such as three-time Grand Prix Motorcycle World Champion Wayne Rainey, threetime consecutive GP500 World Champion Kenny Roberts, and four-time MotoGP World Champion Eddie Larson. Twostrokes are the bikes of racing history, and AHRMA is the perfect place to put them on full display. Ralph Staropoli, AHRMA member and racer, has been racing the Open Two Stroke since he raced AMA Pro, or what’s now known as MotoAmerica, back in the late 1990s. He’s raced with AHRMA since 2016, winning over a dozen championships with various classes, including Open TwoStroke, Sound of Singles 2, and Sound of Singles 3. Last year

at the infamous WeatherTech Raceway Laguna Seca, he saw an opportunity to help draw some extra focus on his favorite race class, organizing and raising over $4,000, and bringing an influx of 22 racers to the grid. Seeing how well his previous efforts were awarded, he took on the challenge once again for 2024.

Organizing and raising the sponsorship money from a group of individual AHRMA racers as well as from Comstock Energy and Rising Sun Cycles, MojoYamaha, and Blacksheep Racing, Ralph (with the help of Lorraine Crussell) brought in a purse of $3,750 to pay out Saturday’s races ($600 for first, $400 for second, $200 for third and $50 for fourth). Bridgestone Motorcycle Tires even awarded a set of tires for the top winner on Saturday.

Ralph’s efforts did not go unnoticed, with the WeatherTech Raceway Laguna Seca round having the largest Open Two Stroke grid of the season. An outstanding 27 two-stroke road racing motorcycles with engines ranging from 125 to 750ccs participated in the class. The 250s dominated the field, taking the top podium spots. On Saturday, Ralph Staropoli, on his 2002 Honda RS250, took the overall win followed by Vince Rolleri, on his 2000 Yamaha TZ250, and Roger Baker, on his 1997 Yamaha TZ250. On Sunday, Staropoli and Rolleri repeated their performance with Adrian Jasso taking third, on his 2017 500cc Suter.

“At this point, we’re just trying to keep the Open Two Stroke people engaged,” explained Ralph. “It’s tough. Two-stroke motorcycles, the ones that we race, are really

Roger Baker (16)

labor-intensive; they’re not just “put oil in ‘em, put gas in ‘em, and ride ‘em.” We’re jetting two or three times each day, we’re rebuilding engines every other race weekend. That’s just what a two-stroke needs. We’re hoping that we get a lot of attention to the AHRMA Open Two Stroke with these money races and see the competitiveness out there with

all the different classes. These are the real, purebred race bikes; they’re the real thing. This is what the world used to race, and we just want to keep them alive. They’re one of the most fun kinds of bikes to ride.

There are two great series over in Europe that are still alive for

these bikes - one in Italy and one in France and they have full grids of 35+ bikes. It can work if we can just get everyone out there on their bikes as much as possible.”


Saturday Results - July 20, 2024


1 – 99X Jon Schendel, 2004 Yamaha TZ125

2 – 512 BJ Bohrer, 1996 Honda RS125

3 – 329 Matthew Crabtree, 1995 Honda RS125

4 – 256 Darrell Baker, 1996 Honda RS125


1 – 80L Ralph Staropoli, 2002 Honda RS250

2 – 22V Vince Rolleri, 2000 Yamaha TZ250

3 – 16 Roger Baker, 1997 Yamaha TZ250

4 – 74X Oliver Hutchinson, 2007 Yamaha TZ250


1 – 1h Adrian Jasso, 2017 Suter 500

2 – 117 Dave Crussell, 1978 Yamaha TZ750

3 – 19 Chris Spargo, 1976 Yamaha RD400

4 – 78E Ed Sorbo, 1975 Yamaha TZ750

BJ Bohrer (512)
Oliver Hutchinson (74X)
Chris Spargo (19)

The Long Road to Laguna

Five months ago, I started thinking about a rather crazy plan. I was already scheduled to leave my job early May in order to accommodate the race season and begin the next chapter of my life, but how could I maximize the time off this summer? I took a look at my bucket list and decided on a few items to tick off. One of those was to take my Yamaha WR250R from Brantford, Ontario, Canada, to Seattle, WA, then ride from Seattle to Laguna Seca and race with AHRMA. I’m still kind of amazed

that it all worked out, exactly to plan. Better than planned, in fact.

To me, Laguna Seca is a track that holds a certain amount of mysterious prestige. It’s one of the most iconic tracks in the United States. I’ve seen its sweeping turns and infamous corkscrew many times in MotoGP coverage. The thought of experiencing that for myself made me giddy and nervous. With a generous offer of bikes to ride from Dave Rhodes, who I met at the Barber Vintage Festival last year, I arrived there on July 18th, head spinning with the scale of the place— just on the drive in. It really did feel like a big deal.

What made the deal even bigger was that I was going to get to share the experience with great friends. Ash and Tyler, whose place I stayed at in Oakland while I explored San

Francisco, were also there to race. Ash was one of my Build. Train.Race (BTR) teammates last season and brought her Royal Enfield to ride with AHRMA. Current BTR teammate, Lauren Prince, would also be racing on her Ninja 400. Plus, many of the standard characters would be there: Dave Roper, Kenny Cummings, and new friends I’d met at Barber last year like Tim Terrell and Bob Lewin. The icing on the cake, however, was that my best BTR bud, Emma Betters, was flying out from Colorado after a work conference in order to crew and support. Could this be any better?!

I had hoped to ride all three of the bikes Dave brought, but ended up focussing on two, which worked well, even if they were totally different animals. A 1974 TA125 Yamaha, which I had ridden at Barber last year, and a 1997 TZ125, which I’d never been on, or anything like it. Friday practice began with a small glitch. The TZ holed its piston after the fourth turn of the first lap; growing pains

I’ve made it! Across the continent and down the coast. Let’s go, Laguna Seca! PHOTO CREDIT HOLLY VAREY

after being off-track for years. The day was too busy to get the TZ fixed up right away, so the remainder of the sessions were on the ‘little’ 125. That’s okay. I like that bike and feel pretty comfy on it, but I was struggling with the downshifts into the heavy braking zones and missing gears, drive, and time. Overall, I got less than half the practice time I’d hoped for on Friday, but coaching help from Scott Rybarik, my BTR team manager, before arriving at Laguna, and more coaching from Shane Turpin, offered much insight into how to ride this track and get the most out of it. As Scott said, ‘it’s not a hard track to learn, but it’s tough to go fast’.

I wasn’t fast on Friday and I wasn’t particularly fast on Saturday either. The TZ got fixed over Friday night and Saturday morning with Dave’s tireless efforts and Emma’s deft hands, but with so little time on it, the race that morning was more like trial by fire. I ended up by myself with no one to play with, but that allowed me to focus on my lines and figure out how to ride this new and very different machine. It had a potential I was barely tapping into; definitely the raciest race bike I’d been on to date and very easy to fall in love with.

The Formula 125 race in the afternoon started out well. I led off the line and, after a lap or two, was at the front of all the classes on track, leading the race. Clear track ahead, I was feeling good, but the bike was starting to act funny. My revs were jumpy through the power band and I didn’t have consistent drive: the clutch was slipping. I was starting to lose time and, to add insult to injury, coming into the final turn before the front straight on lap four, I was unable to get the bike into first gear. I ended up on the edge of the track, hunting and pecking for first gear while everyone behind me blew past and took off down the front straight. By the time I got moving, they were almost out of sight under the bridge into turn one. I had two laps to hunt them down and regain my position, but it simply wasn’t enough time. The bike needed some maintenance. The two Daves (Rhodes and

Fulkerson), Emma, and myself got to work and replaced the clutch for Sunday’s race.

Sunday morning was foggy. We had a later start to the day as corner workers couldn’t see each other on the hill at the back of the track. You would think a track in California to be hot and sunny all the time but Laguna Seca is often cool and shrouded in cloud, being

on the Pacific coast. The mist finally lifted and we headed out for practice, followed quickly by the first three races of the day, which included Sound of Singles 3 and me on the TZ. I was starting to have fun on this bike. I still wasn’t fast, but it was beginning to feel more natural. I ended up battling with a couple riders, one not in my class, and that was a mixture of fun and frustrating. Every time

Bob Lewin and I swapped places in the races. It’s fun to pit these TAs against one another!. PHOTO COURTESY HOLLY VAREY
Emma getting her hands dirty on “proper” motorcycles! PHOTO CREDIT HOLLY VAREY

I’d pass him on the brakes into various turns, he’d pass me back on whatever straight came next so I could do it all over again. Regardless, the practice was valuable and I came off smiling, wanting more.

The Formula 125 race that afternoon was going to be an improvement; I was determined to kick ass. We had a new rider on the grid on a very tricked out 175 who I didn’t recognize. He shot off the line as Ed flew the starting flag and led into turn 2. ‘Okay, this is gonna be fun!’ I said to myself. I love a good chase! Michael, as I’d later learn his name, gained a bit of a lead over the first lap. His bike had motor. He’d pull up the hill between 6 and 7 and I’d lose a little, but then coming down from the corkscrew I’d consistently gain, closing the gap into 11. He’d open it along the front straight a little, then I’d close it on the brakes into turn 2. I went to pass him on the outside coming out of 5 on lap 3 and he pushed me off onto the curbing and I had to back off. No worries, I had a plan and time to execute it. He kept turning to look behind him a couple times a lap and every time I was right there. This was fun! I had great drive coming out of 5 and on lap 4 I decided it was time to make a pass and make it stick. I took a wider entry to straighten out the exit and got on the gas earlier, this time flying past him on the inside. I covered my line through 6 and absolutely railed up the hill, bike screaming, towards the corkscrew. The pass stuck and when the checkered flew two laps later it was a rush of feelings as I sat up and hooted in my helmet. Heck yeah! I’d cut 8 seconds off my fastest lap between Saturday and Sunday. This was definitely the finish to the weekend I was looking for.

Despite the fun ON the track, however, it was the fun simply AT the track, with the people, that made the weekend special. Not really knowing Dave Rhodes too well, I got to learn a lot about him and couldn’t be happier to share his bikes and support. Dave is endlessly generous. He offers so much to AHRMA, the other riders in our pit, the many friends he has

in the paddock, to me, Emma, even people he just met. He insisted on feeding everyone at least once a day and greeted me with a cup of tea each morning. He was trusting and respectful of mine and Emma’s mechanical knowledge and encouraged us to get our hands dirty every time there was a task that needed doing. One of the sweetest thing of all, shortly after I arrived, Dave started referring to the TZ (tee zee) as the TZ (tee zed), just for me and my Canadian pronunciation.

We shared our garage with a slew of wonderful characters. Chris Spargo was there with his blazingly fast Yamahas, and I was thrilled to get to know him better. What a standup guy and fierce competitor. Mike, Sakis, and Zeca were next to us and added much entertainment to the event. Sadly, Zeca had a crash Friday that fractured his left scapula and prevented us from racing together. Friend of everyone, Dave Fulkerson was team support for Spargo but also leant a hand to us as often as he could. His Wisconsinite accent and calm efficiency was most welcome and I loved this addition to our group. Across the paddock, Bob Lewin prepped his TA125 for the weekend and had great finishes. Bob also trucked my bin of race gear across the country from Tennessee, and back again, which was one of many puzzle pieces that made this

whole effort work out. Probably the best addition to our small team (and my enjoyment of the weekend) was getting to share the experience with my bestie, Emma. We’re both old souls, born forty, and so getting along with the (vintage) folks of the vintage racing scene is not only easy, but also such a comfortable and rewarding space. She hit it off with everyone and was an instant asset to the team. She took a huge load off my mind by diving in and managing tire pressures, warmers, the GoPro, race calls, plugging in my vest, TZ disassembly and reassembly, gearing changes, clutch replacement… the list goes on. It was a pleasure having her there and I’m pretty sure she’s hooked on AHRMA at this point. Plus, there’s another TZ125 AND an MT125R on offer to her for Barber this year. Now THAT’S gonna be fun!

Racing Laguna was a massive endeavour and the result of many small and large efforts coming together. I am overwhelmed with gratitude for the opportunity and support in getting me there. I very much hope to be back one day.

Huge thanks to Dave Rhodes, Renee and Tim, Patrick and Kat of Brit Iron Racing, AHRMA, Scott Rybarik, Shane Turpin, Ash and Tyler, Emma, Paul and Sharon Bowyer, and Phil Ashmore. You all made this dream come true!

Dream team after a long, hard weekend: Emma, Dave Rhodes (post cross-country), me. PHOTO CREDIT HOLLY VAREY
Jeff Bushey and Keith Caldwell had some close racing in 60+ intermediate

WeatherTech Raceway Off-Road Bonanza

Over on the far side of the WeatherTech property was a festival of off-road offerings for the weekend.

Vintage motocross took center stage on Saturday, with thirteen races filling the grids. The track prep, after trying several methods over previous years, seemed to show the best results yet and the track held up better than in past years.

Sandy soil has its challenges for a lot of riders, but some profess to love it, and it was obvious who those riders were.

Pat Brown always kicks up the terra firma, but on this track he shot powerful roosts at anyone daring to try and get close. Mike Brumit and Duke Dowell both got seconds behind Brown in 60+ expert, but not close enough to get a face-full. It was much the same in Classic 500 expert, with Andrew McKeag making a valiant effort to catch him, getting a 2-2.

A Weathertech re-match from 2023 between Wes Poole and Colin McLean in Sportsman 500 expert was again an exciting highlight with Poole and McLean swapping 1-2 finishes, McLean prevailing. They both had mechanical and or fallingoff difficulties in Open Age expert, but even at that managed to finish second and third overall (McLean, Poole) behind quick Cody

Johnson who won moto two and got the overall.

Sportsman classes were the largest of the day, but Premier and Classic classes numbered nearly 30 entries, a respectable presence. The largest of these were Classic 500, and Premier 500. Kelly Shane won handsomely in Premier 500 expert with a 1-1, ahead of Andrew McKeag who went 2-2 ahead of Al Anderberg. Previously mentioned, Pat Brown ruled the Classic 500 expert class, while Emmy Poole (3-1) Todd Glass (2-3), and Arnie Beckman (1-4) took the podium finishes in Classic 500 intermediate. The 60+ intermediate class remains the highest entry count class at most events, and at WeatherTech, it was Tony Harrell who went 1-1 ahead of eleven others for the win. Jerry Castillo (2-3) was second, and Carl Cox (4-4) was third.

Three motos for Post Vintage and Next Gen classes ran after the Vintage program concluded. Most classes had single riders, one of the exceptions being PV 60+ intermediate. John Mello won the class over the five other competitors, ahead of Carl Cox and Stephen Wolf. PV 60+ expert saw four racers going after it, and Mike Brumit swept each moto, with Raymond Spore and Jim Jenkins finishing second and third.

While the Vintage MX was going on, the Ridge Runners motorcycle club of Santa Cruz were finishing up their trials section set-up. The Ridge Runners have been partners of AHRMA’s for decades, going back to the AHRMA Hollister events in the 90’s, and they put on an excellent and fun trial every time. Sunday morning over 40 entrants dispersed to the 10 sections cleverly laid out on terrain that is relatively limited. Modern Classic intermediate, typically the class with the most entries, was this

time bested by the Modern Classic novice class in this regard. It is always encouraging to see a growing novice class, as it means new people are coming into our sport. Modern Classic intermediate had 10 entries, and Clay Benedetti was the champ (17 points), followed by Mike Zesiger (21 pts) and Blake Lawson (23 pts). Novice competition amongst the 13 entrants was very close; winner Landon Ummel had 5 points, followed narrowly by David Greenland (6) and Emmy Poole (7).

After the conclusion of the trial and a quick rest, the cross country competitors lined up. The course is a difficult one to set up due to very thick vegetation on the hillsides and in the canyons, but this year a machine that literally eats the stuff was rented and completely new trail was run through previously inaccessible land. Still a challenge, but somewhat less of one than before, 28 riders took that challenge. Fast times were clocked by Wes Poole (Sportsman Open expert) and Matt Winslow (PV Open expert), until the final lap when young Ethan Mendes overtook Poole who had crashed in the second-to-last turn and had difficulty getting started again.

The full weekend concluded without incident, but with many happy riders, and the quiet of the hills returned as the sun dipped into Monterey Bay below us. Where else can you enjoy your chosen sport and catch a glimpse of the California coastline at the same time?

A colorful Ron Melton gets the checkered in 70+ expert
The Post Vintage/NG train
Bryan Wenzel looking very skilled on his DOT
Youth C class rider Eddie Poole zips up the hill
Robert Bellicitti in the height of concentration




The 2nd Annual Dick Mann Memorial Championships held at the historic Lodi Cycle Bowl was an exhilarating event that paid tribute to the legendary racer Dick Mann while celebrating the rich heritage of dirt track racing. Hosted by the American Historic Racing Motorcycle Association (AHRMA), this event brought together enthusiasts and competitors to honor Mann’s legacy and the sport’s history.

The Lodi Cycle Bowl, located in

Lodi, California, has long been a staple in the dirt track racing community. Established in the mid-20th century, this track has witnessed countless thrilling races and has been a training ground for numerous aspiring racers.

The Cycle Bowl is not just a track but a symbol of endurance and passion for the sport, standing the test of time as a premier racing venue. Over the decades, it has hosted a myriad of events, each contributing to its storied legacy. The Lodi Motorcycle Club, which manages the Cycle Bowl, has

ensured that the track remains a vibrant part of the community, fostering a spirit of camaraderie and competition.

Dick Mann, one of the most versatile and accomplished motorcycle racers in history, left an indelible mark on the sport. Born in 1934, Mann’s career spanned several decades, during which he achieved remarkable success in various forms of motorcycle racing. He was a two-time AMA Grand National Champion, securing titles in 1963

Richard Brodock (278), Tom Fredrickson (62s), Tim Rott (45)

and 1971. Mann’s versatility was unparalleled; he excelled in road racing, motocross, dirt track, and even enduro events.

Mann’s legacy is not merely defined by his victories but by his profound influence on the sport and its community. Known for his mechanical ingenuity and racing prowess, he was a racer who could not only ride but also build and tune his machines to perfection. His contribution to motorcycle racing extends beyond his own achievements, as he inspired generations of racers to pursue excellence and innovation.

AHRMA’s decision to dedicate an annual memorial championship in his honor is a fitting tribute to a man whose life was intertwined with the sport he loved.

AHRMA was founded in 1989 with a mission to restore and preserve the legacy of historic motorcycles and the sport’s rich heritage.

AHRMA organizes a variety of racing events across the United States, including road racing, motocross, trials, and dirt track. These events are designed to celebrate vintage motorcycles and provide a platform for enthusiasts to showcase their meticulously restored machines.

AHRMA’s commitment to preserving the history of motorcycle racing is evident in its diverse events and active community of members. The organization has grown significantly over the years, becoming a key player in the vintage motorcycle racing scene. By hosting events like the Dick Mann Memorial Championships, AHRMA ensures that the contributions of past legends are remembered and celebrated while promoting the continued growth and appreciation of the sport.

The 2nd Annual Dick Mann Memorial Championships at Lodi Cycle Bowl was a spectacular display of vintage motorcycle racing. The event attracted a diverse group of racers, from seasoned veterans to enthusiastic newcomers, all eager to compete on the iconic dirt track. The atmosphere was electric, with fans

and racers alike sharing a deep appreciation for the sport’s history and the legacy of Dick Mann.

The races featured a variety of classes, showcasing diverse types of vintage motorcycles. From classic flat trackers to early motocross bikes, the event highlighted the evolution of racing machines over the decades. Each race was a testament to the skill and dedication of the riders, as well as the enduring appeal of vintage motorcycles.

The competition was fierce, with racers pushing their vintage machines to the limit. The dirt track at Lodi, with its tight turns and challenging surface, tested the riders’ skills and their motorcycles’ capabilities. Spectators were treated to thrilling battles for position, expert handling of the classic bikes, and the unmistakable roar of vintage engines echoing across the venue.

Pete Demas (63)
Wesley Poole (19x)


The championships kicked off on Friday with the 1/4-mile short track night race. This classic format, a staple of American dirt track racing, was a fitting start to the weekend. Riders on vintage motorcycles took to the oval track, where they demonstrated their skills and the capabilities of their meticulously maintained machines. The 1/4-mile short track, known for its fast-paced and tightly contested races, set the tone for the weekend with thrilling heats and edge-of-your-seat action. The riders maneuvered through the turns with precision, and the roar of the engines created an electrifying atmosphere. Notable Finishes include Chris Rudy on his Harley Davidson KR winning Brakeless Heavyweight over Luke Sayer (BSA) and Greg Tomlinson (Triumph). Dennis King would take victory in the Vintage Cup class, Seventies Singles, Over Maury Austin and Al King.


Saturday morning brought a change of pace with the TT (Tourist Trophy) race, a format that combines elements of flat track and motocross. The TT

track featured both left and right turns and a jump, adding a layer of complexity to the competition. Riders had to navigate the varied terrain with agility and control, showcasing their versatility. The TT race highlighted the diverse skills required in dirt track racing, as participants tackled the technical challenges with finesse. This race was a crowd favorite, offering spectacular jumps and tight corners that tested the riders’ abilities to the fullest. Wes Poole would show off his MX skills would take home triple victories in Sportsman 360, Heavy Vintage, and 30+. Brothers Christopher Ross and Ross Ross would finish first and second respectful in MadDog and first and third respectful in 50+.


Following the TT race, the action continued Saturday afternoon with the 1/6-mile short track race. The smaller track size intensified the competition, as riders had to make quick decisions and maintain high levels of concentration throughout the race. The 1/6-mile track demanded precise handling and strategy, with less room for error compared to the larger 1/4-mile track. This race was characterized by its close quarters

and frequent overtaking, making for a series of thrilling heats that kept the audience on the edge of their seats. Brian Filo (Honda) would take home the win on in Sportsman 360 over Wes Poole (BSA) and Rob Poole (BSA). Filo (Yamaha) would also grab second place in Sportsman 750 behind Jerry Bland (Triumph). Claiming his first ever flat track victory Fuzzy Beeching walked away with first place in 50+.

Chris Ross (29)
Robert Mcdonnell (6H), Wesley Poole (19x)


The championships concluded on Sunday with another round of the 1/4-mile short track race. This final day of racing provided riders with one last opportunity to showcase their skills and compete for top honors. The familiarity of the track from Friday’s race allowed competitors to refine their strategies and push their limits. The Sunday races were marked by intense competition and a

palpable sense of culmination, as riders gave their all to finish the weekend on a high note. The final races were a testament to the enduring appeal of dirt track racing, blending speed, skill, and excitement in a fitting tribute to Dick Mann’s legacy. Tim Rott would edge out Tom Fredrickson for the win in Vintage Light with John Burger taking third. Burger would also take the win in 450am and Billy Hiles winning 250am.

The 2nd Annual Dick Mann Memorial Championships was more than just a racing event; it was a celebration of history, community, and the enduring spirit of motorcycle racing. By honoring the legacy of Dick Mann and the sport’s rich heritage, AHRMA has created an event that not only preserves the past but also inspires future generations of racers and enthusiasts.

As the dust settled and the engines quieted, the impact of the event was clear. The Lodi Cycle Bowl, with its historic significance,

provided the perfect backdrop for a weekend of unforgettable racing and heartfelt tributes. The spirit of Dick Mann lived on in every lap, every cheer, and every shared moment of joy and remembrance.

A fitting tribute to a racing legend and a testament to the vibrant community that continues to thrive in the world of vintage motorcycle racing. AHRMA’s dedication to preserving and celebrating the sport’s history ensures that events like these will continue to inspire and captivate for years to come.

Special thanks go out to the entire crew and sponsors that helped make this event great; Bob Agnees, Billy Hiles, Al King, Debbie Poole, Al Webber, Law Tigers, and Lodi Motorcycle Club.

Emory Gray (82Y)
Rob Poole (57z), Ralph Lee (8E)


The Pursuit of the Dick Mann National Vintage Challenge


Is this what it’s like? How long until this ends? This is gonna hurt! Those were my slow-motion thoughts as I slid across the unforgiving pavement, reality blurring as my body and bike parted ways. By the time I hit the sand trap and tumbled to a stop, I was jolted back to real time, dusted off my pride, and thought, “This is no way to start the first race of the year!” But hey, if it were easy, everyone would do it, right?

So here we are, well in to the 2024 AHRMA racing season, and what a wild and wonderful ride it’s been so far. My goal was ambitious from the start: to chase a national title in each of AHRMA’s disciplines with the ultimate aim of winning the coveted Dick Mann National Vintage Challenge. It’s not just about showing up; it’s a pursuit of perfection across four of AHRMA’s five disciplines, where only the most versatile, stubborn (and perhaps slightly unhinged)

riders have a shot at the crown. A tall order? Absolutely. Worth every busted knuckle, long drive and sleepless night? You bet!

This journey has been more than just a hunt for titles; it’s been a celebration of the machines that keep us dreaming and the community that keeps us going. From the first race jitters to the mid-season grind, there’s been plenty of riding and wrenching, but what stands out most are the moments in between. The laughter shared over makeshift repairs, the knowing nods between rivals who are friends first and competitors second, and the way every event feels like a reunion with the best kind of dysfunctional family. We’ve hit the pits and paddocks from coast to coast, and every stop along the way has been a reminder of why we do this. It’s not just for the podiums or the points; it’s for the roar of a vintage

“speedy magoo”

1968 Triumph TR6C, 650cc

With five national titles hanging from his handlebars, Speedy Magoo is a longtime regular in Road Race paddock. Originally traded for two snowboards, this street-legal, fire breather enjoys the asphalt in the Road Race discipline, roaring

through Classic 60’s 650 and every once in a while, challenging in B.E.A.R.S. as a bump-up. Mr Magoo is a good soldier, making the best of the occasional overcooked corner, a constant reminder that speed and style are timeless companions.


engine firing to life, the smell of exhaust that somehow smells like victory, and the simple joy of chasing the next corner. It’s for the bench racing stories that get told a little bigger with each retelling, the late nights in the pits, the laughter in the paddocks, and the shared tales of glory and mishap as we criss-cross the country in pursuit of that fleeting, perfect lap.

From the Trials to Dirt Track, Road Race and Cross Country to VMX, these bikes and their stories are what keep me coming back race after race. They’re more than machines; they’re partners in the pursuit of the Dick Mann National Vintage Challenge, each with a role to play and a chapter to add to the saga of this season. Here’s to chasing titles, swapping stories, and celebrating the legacy of AHRMA vintage racing, one checkered flag at a time.

van eel”

1968 Triump T120, 650cc

Slip Van Eel carries a piece of dirt track history as Skip Van Leeuwen’s 1968 Ascot TT winner, the only factory dirt tracker Skip ever let go. SVL battles primarily in Dirt Track’s Sportsman 750 and equally goes all-in for

the brakeless heavyweight classes, staying true to the heritage of getting sideways at speed. The old boy is the real deal and a tribute to the glory days when racing was raw, and every victory was a hard-fought bar to bar battle.

“lil buckaroo”

1967 Triumph T100C, 500cc

Lil Buckaroo is the Swiss army knife of the bunch—a jack-of-all-trades pulled from a dusty barn and given a second life. Primarily romping through Cross Country’s Classic class, Lil Buck also flexes its versatility in VMX Classic and even takes to Dirt Track

with a simple switch of wheels and tires. Whether he’s racing brakeless heavy weight or attempting to overachieve in Sportsman 750 as a bump-up, this scrappy underdog is indispensable in the hunt for glory.



1973 CR250M, 250cc Elsinore

A contemporarily improved MX’er, Nora’s got twostroke fire in her belly. Built and tuned at Woolies Workshop, this bike was previously owned and raced by the man himself with his fingerprints all over her molar rattling upgrades. I

use Nora to rack up extra seat time and improve my VMX skills, particularly in Sportsman 250. Quick off the line and agile in the corners, she’s the one I count on when the going gets rutty and the jumps get steep.

1950 Triumph TR5, 500cc

Dusky came into my life as a chopper, but after some convincing (and a lot of wrenching), she’s been resurrected to her stock form. This rigid heavyweight beauty is my go-to for the Trials discipline, competing on the three line in the novice class. An engine that is a little too

hot for trials proves that she’s no slouch on the Dirt Track either, occasionally racing in the Dinosaur class and taking on the added challenge of brakeless heavyweight competition. Let’s just say, there’s never a dull moment with Dusky.

“Mean Joe Green”

1958 Triumph T110, 650cc

There’s history etched into every bolt and timing gear of Mean Joe Green, a bike that once belonged to the legendary Triumph tuner Danny Macias. Third place at Catalina in ’59, MJG was recovered as a land speed racer before getting molded back into it’s current

motocross form. Now, he roars to life primarily in VMX’s Premier Open Twins class. No stranger to the rough and tumble of Cross Country either, racing in the Premier class or bumping up to Classic. He may be old, but he’s got some serious bite.


Shady Acres motocross park

Shady Acres, ahhhhh…sounds so relaxing…like a day spa or a retirement home. It is only when you add in the “Motocross Park” surname that the true nature of this Western Maryland gem is uncovered. To be fair, during AHRMA’s yearly visit to the expansive former dairy farm, there is certain to be more than a handful of retirement-aged racers and support crew members, a plethora of vintage motorcycles in service far beyond the original manufacturer’s expected retirement date, and many dollars of would-be retirement income spent on such motorcycles and the accompanying farkles and fuel. And, despite plenty of mud baths in recent years, this is hardly a day spa. But I suppose it can be relaxing in the way race experiences can be considered therapeutic and time spent fraternizing with the AHRMA race family is an escape from the stresses of everyday life. Certainly,

for the AHRMA volunteers from the national scene and the hosting Mid-Atlantic region, the challenge of executing sign-up, tech inspection, rider meetings, starts, scoring, awards, and all the other unseen tasks throughout a two-day Bridgestone Tires AHRMA National Motocross and Cross Country event is hardly relaxing, but is rather satisfying when pulled off and everyone has had a great time.

While the volunteers aim to please, so to do landowners Paula and Tim Thomas, who have historically been strong supporters of the vintage scene and always prepare the Shady Acres Motocross Park property with enthusiasm and commitment. As in the past few iterations of this early July event, Tim has trimmed and arrowed a varied cross-country loop, cut a fresh natural terrain grass track to cater to the vintage motocrosser, and tilled and manicured the

existing traditional motocross course for the weekend finale post-vintage/next-gen action. All of which have become wellregarded in recent years as fit-forpurpose and wildly entertaining. With a pit area packed full of racers, the promise of decent

Bob Bean going through the barn for cross country
David Sgambati (292), Bill Hester (735), Jim Golliher (17j), Jeff Reed (416)

weather, and some cool Fourth of July holiday vibes, this weekend was a ton of fun.

I know I just said decent weather, and while that was the overwhelming truth for the weekend, there was a touch of late evening and overnight rain leading into Saturday morning. However, this slight deviation was a dust mitigation blessing and by the time tech inspection opened for business on race day, the weather had cleared and would remain pleasant through the duration of the event. The vintage racers lined up for the first of four cross-country starts over two days and faced the worst of the rain’s aftermath as first on course. After a single lap, most of the muddiness and slick areas had become manageable and the soft terrain helped form good berms and lines. By the time the afternoon’s post vintage participants took the green flag, things were great out there. For Sunday’s races, the loop really shined after already generating praise earlier in the weekend from a variety of skill and age level racers. A conglomeration of terrain, speed, and difficulty, Tim definitely nailed this year’s layout. Blazing fast straights along the edge of farm fields leading into single track that is fun and perfectly balanced between flowing and technical. A few sparse areas with rocks, plenty of elevation change, and plenty of opportunity to pass. The grass track area on the south edge of the property morphs each year in a

differing serpentine along a small creek and flowed exceptionally well this year once a line was worn in and riders became familiar with the course. And the barn…can never get enough of the simple joy of riding through this landmark of the Shady Acres repertoire.

The vintage motocross grass track morphs each year in similar fashion as Tim paints the landscape using the tractor as his brush(hog). Fast straights, sweepers, a few tight switchbacks and one-eighties, a pair of fence row elevation changes that make suitable natural terrain jumps, and an exciting rubber band start in view of the crowd of spectators makes for a pleasurable day on a limited travel machine. The longshorn grass clippings left behind from Tim’s mowing activities provided a unique two-fold slip factor challenge by retaining some of the prior evening’s moisture giving the traditional wet grass factor, and then the shear volume of clippings present in some areas would actually move beneath the tire to really get your attention in the early laps. Post vintage and next-gen bikes took the stage Sunday as they lined up at the same start line but took a hard left at the end of the first stretch and settled into the freshly watered and groomed motocross course laid out upon the hillside

overlooking the former farm’s barnyard. Very nearly vintage friendly, in this era of modern MX tracks incorporating Supercross style elements, the Shady Acres main course is approachable to all skill levels while remaining challenging, fun, and competitive. Reasonable doubles, rollers, whoops, and a tabletop wellplaced for spectator pleasure are combined with a nicely prepped surface and a solid layout. Most of the track is viewable from the edge of the pit area except for a few small portions, which leads to some exciting moments as battles rage through the unseen areas and a new leader emerges airborne over the tabletop leading to the finish line.

Another successful, competitive, and entertaining event in the gorgeous landscape of Maryland’s Garrett County. Shady Acres, ahhhhh…relaxed, invigorated, ready to return! I’ll bring some of my could-have-been retirement income, you provide the awesome. Thanks to the Thomas’, the efforts of the national and regional AHRMA volunteers and Bridgestone Tires for continuing to sponsor multiple AHRMA National Championship series.

Torey Trout (16T)


As I pull in to Honda Hills in Thornville Ohio on Thursday before the National races are to be held, My thoughts are mixed. This is the first time in many years I have driven to a race with out my Co-pilot, and better half, Sharon the Barefoot Photographer. As Sharon’s mom was not doing well, it was decided Sharon would stay with her at the nursing home and come at a later time if possible. She did drive the seven hours late Friday, arriving before midnight.

This iconic track, which had hosted Pro Nationals many years ago, is now being resurrected by the Baker family who have invested a huge amount of time and money into making it great once again. They have made many changes and continually work to improve every aspect of the facility.

The track, located in a natural valley, has much to offer. Trying to build a modern track, but one that is suitable for vintage racing,

is a challenge in itself. The short uphill start into a left hander helps separate the racers and also shows who not only has quick reflexes but horsepower as well.

A new section added this year was a short set of roller whoops followed by a off-camber hill turn that in practice was slick as snot and challenged everyone's throttle control. It was designed to slow down the speed heading into "the Wall." And it worked well. Most of the rest of the track was the same as last year’s track, but without the optional bypass over the double jumps.

On Saturday, the vintage bikes rolled the whoops while on Sunday the PV bikes were doing some jumps through them.

Same with the table top jumps on the finish line straightaway. Most of the vintage bikes staying low and short, while on Sunday the more modern bikes were clearing the table top jumps. I will tell you this - when the slide in

your 400 CZ locks at about half throttle, it becomes real exciting, real fast... Kill button and clutch control timing is a skill you better have in your repertoire! Try going three laps that way! Not only in one moto, but happens again in another moto! A big shout out to Jay Gref for the loan of a bike in the last moto.

Rocketship Racing had their large pit area set up, helping riders. Their list of riders winning classes is long and can be seen by their very colorful racing gear. Also making its Debut was Vintage Factory with Andy Steger doing TV interviews and photo shoots. Watch for much more coming in days ahead.

The weather cooperated for a perfect weekend of racing, and racers were treated to a evening of good music, sliders made by the infamous "Jammer" were shared by many and of course the delicious meal provide by "Miss Ramona and sidekick Tracy Gibbens."

Diamond Don came all the way from Texas!
Trini Cunningham showing that the women can jump, too!
Stacy Gibbens and Joanne O’Neill were this close the whole race.
The new sand section provided new challenges for the novice riders.
The Irish couple, Rory and Joanne
Halpin O’Neill

Tim Spigelmyer (512), Jed Zerance (69J)

he duties of a successful AHRMA, or any series, race coordinator never really cease. Most folks recognize the race weekend activities required to execute the season’s schedule, keep the program moving each day, and facilitate a great and fair experience for all, but there is plenty of action behind the scenes that, while less visible, is equally important. One such task is the constant search for property with the perfect mix of acreage, parking, terrain, location, agreeable owners and neighbors, and an open date on the schedule. Pretty simple, eh? And while the Mid-Atlantic (MA) region has been blessed with a solid base of year-to-year venues that can be counted upon, a cautious eye toward the future is always a wise move in the everchanging landscape of land usage challenges in the off-road riding and racing community. Many factors other than the pure tangibles listed above come into play when considering where the series evolves in the coming years:

TWhere will the series attract the most participants? Can the geographic distribution of races within the region be more equitable? Do new venues bring an increase in enthusiasm? And certainly, some existing spots can unexpectedly drop out of contention due to landowner changes, environmental factors, or has happened to several popular locations in the past, the series simply outgrew it. So, in saying all that, having a few irons in the fire to pull out as needed is almost a requirement to keep the MA region rolling.

Thankfully, with some diligent attention to the challenges outlined above, Dave Kutskel was able to secure a prime destination for addition to the 2024 schedule. In fact, this place ticks just about all the boxes on the “let’s have a race there” checklist. At first mention, Quiet Oaks Campground doesn’t quite sound like a venue interested in a weekend invasion by a bunch of motorcycle racers, but there is


July 20-21, 2024

history here. This spacious and beautiful campground located on the top of a mountain near Cross Forks, Pennsylvania is certainly a friend to the off-road crowd as it purposefully caters to the expansive ATV trail system that the Commonwealth has been curating in its northern counties and the local communities that allow ATV access throughout the area. But even bigger for our racer cohort is Quiet Oaks’ longstanding stint as the home of the perpetually sold-out Rattlesnake Enduro, an AMA National Enduro Championship round held by the Brandywine Enduro Riders (BER) club utilizing the campground property as well as many acres of surrounding state forest. To be able to bring the vintage racing enthusiasts onto this hallowed ground is an impressive addition to the region. In fact, this year’s inaugural vintage race was scheduled the weekend right before the Rattlesnake Enduro. I know a racer or two that took the green flag in each event this year and if the schedule remains the


same in 2025, I can see a few folks looking to challenge themselves by tackling AHRMA and NEPG back-to-back, maybe even on a post vintage machine. Anyone?

Despite the misnomer, at least for this weekend, of QUIET Oaks, the campground’s owners are big fans of having the race series roll into town and do their very best to accommodate and cater to the racers, fans, families, and pets. With ample parking spread out across the picturesque slope of property, and available electricity and hot showers, the campground is a great place to spend the weekend on its own. Add motorcycles to the mix and it is darn near paradise, after all, this area is known as “God’s Country”. The Roadkill Café atop the hill serves a mean breakfast at ridiculously attractive prices and transitions to a hand-dipped ice cream parlor in the afternoon… mmmm, ice cream. A great barb-que vendor is situated in the middle of all the activity and the food was equally praised. Many thanks to the Flack family for welcoming AHRMA to a wonderful home for the weekend!

All the amenities and ice cream and such are great, but what about the racing, what about the course? Well, as the home of a National Enduro round, there’s little doubt the terrain is going to be on point. Understandably, our race action isn’t going to explore the vast areas beyond the campground’s ninety acres as is the case with an enduro event, but there is plenty of ground available to create a solid cross-country loop and a massive grass area that is traditionally transformed into a grass track test section perfect for vintage motocross. Trail boss Mike Zdybak and Dave went to work over several visits to outline each course in preparation for the mid-summer event. And speaking of mid-summer, that brings fears of hot and muggy weather usually avoided by long hare scramble type races, but the weather at these high elevations was welcoming and reasonably comfortable for late July.

Saturday’s motocross action took place on the aforementioned

Brock Kutskel (K5)
Keith Ciaramella (93)
Dave Smeal (63B)

grass field, which is situated in somewhat of a bowl configuration providing many elevation changes and a relatively clear line of sight for spectating throughout the grounds. Miles of ribbon stretched between hundreds of posts outlined an exciting track taking full advantage of the bowl’s terrain. A pair of parallel driveways cut across the inclined middle area of the grass parcel and serve as a series of great makeshift vintage friendly jumps when attacked perpendicular to the drive. A complete lap covers approximately 1.2 miles and flows through a wide variety of tight curves, high speed sweepers, natural whoopde-doos, and plenty of throttle pinned straightways where you can explore the bikes top-end potential or your nerve to pin said throttle. Despite a bit of dust, the racing was exhilarating and competitive and many racer’s positive comments afterward reinforced the consensus that this was a fun layout.

The cross-country races on the following day would line up for the green flag in the same area but dash directly into the surrounding woods rather than to the MX track’s first turn. With so many

years of enduro races taking place in these woods, there are preexisting trails crisscrossing the property in varying states of use. Mike was careful in selecting trails that hadn’t seen recent use, so the ground wasn’t totally beat up or rough from last year’s event. Between these carefully curated sections, a bunch of fresh single-track was cut to maximize the finite acreage of the property. The forest here is beautiful with a lush undergrowth full of ferns and a variety of other ground cover vegetation. The trees are closely spaced, and the course follows a generally tight but flowy and fun path through a variety of small elevation changes, off cambers, and a carving jaunt through a tunnel of tall pines. The dirt is lush organic brown, tractable, and nearly (for PA) rock-free. After about three miles in the thick woods, the course bursts out into the open and follows nearly the entire MX track in reverse flow from the prior day, a stark contrast to the lower speeds and technical nature of the trail behind you. That dichotomy creates a unique and enjoyable aspect to the cross-country loop that levels the playing field between the stick

farm warriors and the MX throttle jockeys.

What a beautiful part of the world and an awesome place for a wonderful experience. Thanks to the owners and staff of Quiet Oaks Campground for adding the vintage race scene to your repertoire and we hope to visit again next year with more people in tow! While this is understandably stretching the geographic footprint of the region’s typical race schedule a bit further north, if you’re a racer that was on the fence about making the trip this year, be aware that you missed a good one and make plans to get on board next year, you won’t regret it. Thanks to Dave K for closing the deal to add Quiet Oaks to the schedule and to his support staff for getting all the details right to make these weekends a seamless affair. It is hard work and much appreciated. When the opportunity arises, please show your appreciation by supporting the sponsors of the 2024 season: Potomac Vintage Riders, Preston Petty Products, Stainless Cycle, Grove Printing, KMI Printing, Horizon Homes, and M3One.

Jim Laird (87J)



2024 Bridgestone Tires AHRMA Roadracing Series

AAR: Academy of Roadracing SRS: Sidecar Racing School

Date Venue


Roebling Road Raceway; Bloomingdale, GA (AAR & SRS)

3/15-17 Carolina Motorsports Park; Kershaw, SC (AAR & SRS)


†Buttonwillow Raceway Park; Buttonwillow, CA (AAR & SRS tentative)

5/10-12 Talladega GP Raceway; Munford, AL (AAR & SRS)

5/24-26 Nelson Ledges Road Course; Garrettsville, OH (AAR & SRS)

6/21-23 New Jersey Motorsports Park; Millville, NJ (AAR & SRS)

7/19-21 *†WeatherTech Raceway Laguna Seca (AHRMA Classic Motofest™); Salinas, CA (AAR & SRS)

8/2-4 Blackhawk Farms Raceway; South Beloit, IL (AAR & SRS)

9/6-8 Pittsburgh International Race Complex; Wampum, PA (AAR & SRS)

10/10-13 Barber Motorsports Park; Birmingham, AL (no AAR or SRS)

* all events, except Barber Motorsports Park, are hosting both the AAR and SRS

2024 Bridgestone Tires AHRMA Vintage Motocross Series

Date Venue


Wildwood MX Park; Kentwood, LA

3/23 Farm 14 MX; Centreville, MS


Burrows Ranch; Chrome, CA

4/20 South of the Border MX (SOBMX); Hamer, SC

4/27 Irish Valley MX Park; Paxinos, PA



Freestone MX; Wortham, TX - CANCELLED

Chaney Ranch; Warner Springs, CA

5/26 Thunder Valley; Lakewood, CO

7/6 Shady Acres Motorsports; Friendsville, MD


Weathertech Raceway Laguna Seca; Salinas CA*

7/20 Honda Hills MX; Thornville, OH


Muddy Creek Raceway; Blountville, TN

8/17 Motomasters; Mexico, NY

9/7 Field of Dreams MX Farm; Greensburg, PA

9/15 Rattlers Run; Fairfield, WA


Johnsonville MX Farm; Yantis, TX

9/29 Bushey Ranch; Canby, CA

10/12 Barber Motorsports Park; Leeds, AL

10/26 Mill Creek Motorsports Park; Combs AR

11/9 T&S Racing; Henryetta, OK

2024 Bridgestone Tires AHRMA Post Vintage Motocross Series & 2024 Bridgestone Tires AHRMA NextGen Motocross Series

Date Venue

3/17 Wildwood MX Park; Kentwood, LA

3/24 Farm 14 MX; Centreville, MS

4/21 South of the Border MX (SOBMX); Hamer, SC

4/28 Irish Valley MX Park; Paxinos, PA

5/5 Freestone MX; Wortham, TX - CANCELLED

5/19 Chaney Ranch; Warner Springs, CA

5/26 Thunder Valley; Lakewood, CO

7/7 Shady Acres Motorsports; Friendsville, MD

7/21 Weathertech Raceway Laguna Seca (AHRMA Classic Motofest™); Salinas CA *

7/21 Honda Hills; Thornville, OH

8/11 Muddy Creek Raceway; Blountville, TN

8/18 Motomasters; Mexico, NY

9/8 Field of Dreams MX Farm; Greensburg, PA

9/15 Rattlers Run; Fairfield, WA

9/22 Johnsonville MX Farm; Yantis, TX

10/13 Barber Motorsports Park; Leeds, AL

10/27 Mill Creek Motorsports Park; Combs AR 11/10 T&S Racing; Henryetta, OK

2024 Bridgestone Tires AHRMA Cross Country Series

Date Venue

3/16-17 Wildwood MX Park; Kentwood, LA

3/23-24 Farm 14 MX; Centreville, MS

4/6 Burrows Ranch; Chrome, CA

4/6-7 Sugar Hill; Whiteville TN

4/19 South of the Border MX (SOBMX); Hamer, SC

4/27-28 Irish Valley MX Park Paxinos, PA

5/4-5 Freestone MX; Wortham, TX - CANCELLED

5/18 Chaney Ranch; Warner Springs, CA

5/18-19 Reynlow Park; Reyoldsville, PA

6/8 Grizzly Trial and Cross Country; Grizzly Flats, CA

6/15-16 Tennessee Ridge Runners; Bybee, TN

7/6-7 Shady Acres Motocross; Friendsville, MD

7/13-14 Stateline Riders; North Pownal, VT

7/21 Weathertech Raceway Laguna Seca; Salinas CA *

8/9 Muddy Creek Raceway; Blountville, TN

9/21-22 Johnsonville MX Farm; Yantis, TX

9/28 Bushey Ranch; Canby, CA


Barber Motorsports Park; Leeds AL

10/25-26 Mill Creek Motorsports Park; Combs AR 11/8-9-10 T&S Racing; Henryetta, OK

2024 Redwood Engineering AHRMA Vintage Trials Series

Date Venue

4/13-14 Chirtpit Trials, Ringold, GA

4/6 Burrows Ranch, Chrome, CA

4/6 Sugar Hill, Whiteville TN

5/18 Chaney Ranch, Warner Springs, CA

6/8-9 Grizzly Trial and Cross County; Grizzly Flats, CA

6/15-16 Tennessee Ridge Runners, Bybee, TN

7/21 Weathertech Raceway Laguna Seca, Salinas CA *

9/14 Rattlers Run, Fairfield, WA

9/28 Bushey Ranch; Canby, CA

10/11 Barber Motorsports Park, Leeds AL

11/8 T&S Racing; Henryetta, OK


2024 AHRMA Northeast Schedule - visit ahrmane.org

Date Event Disciplines

4/26 Irish Valley MX Park; Paxinos, PA

4/27-28 Irish Valley MX Park; Paxinos, PA

National/Regional Motocross Practice

National/Regional CC & V, PV, NG MX

5/18-19 Lamoka; Bradford, NY Cross Country and Motocross

6/7-9 Unadilla; New Berlin, NY Cross Country and Motocross

6/22-23 Ashcraft Run; Bellefonte, PA Cross Country and Motocross

6/29-30 Allen's Farm; Lawton, PA Cross Country and Motocross

7/13-14 State Line Riders; N. Pownal, VT

National/Regional Cross Country and Motocross

8/3-4 Irish Valley MX Park; Paxinos, PA Cross Country and Motocross

8/17-18 Moto-Masters MX; Mexico, NY

National & Regional Motocross Regional Cross Country

8/31-9/1 Bear Creek Sportsmen; Hancock, NY Cross Country and Motocross

9/14-15 Kelso Creek Classic; Minerva, NY Cross Country and Motocross

9/28 Zoar MX Park; Springville, NY Motocross Practice, 8AM-5PM

9/29 Zoar MX Park; Springville, NY Motocross

10/5-6 French Woods; Hancock, NY Cross Country and Motocross

10/13 Cayuga County Riders; King Ferry, NY Cross Country and Motocross

10/26-27 White Rose; Spring Grove, PA Cross Country and Motocross

Championship Criteria for Cross Country and Motocross are:

• Six (6) events minimum to qualify for regional championship and year-end awards.

• Best seven (7) events count toward points championship.

2024 AHRMA Heartland Schedule - visit ahrmahl.org

Date Event Disciplines

5/19 Alma MX; Alma, NE V, PV, NG MX

6/23 Gateway MX; Lebanon, MO V, PV, NG MX

8/25 Misfits MX; Amoret, MO V, PV, NG MX

TBD Razors Edge MX; Farragut, IA V, PV, NG MX

10/25-27 Mill Creek; Combs, AR V, PV, NG MX & CC

2024 4SR AHRMA Vintage Dirt Track Series

Date Venue















Beaver Creek Speedway; Toney, AL - ST

CrossRoads Motoplex; Jasper, FL - ST

Baton Rouge Speedway; Baton Rouge, LA - 3/8 Mile

Lodi Cycle Bowl: Dick Mann Memorial Championships; Lodi, CA - ST

Lodi Cycle Bowl: Dick Mann Memorial Championships; Lodi, CA - TT

Lodi Cycle Bowl: Dick Mann Memorial Championships; Lodi, CA - ST

Lodi Cycle Bowl: Dick Mann Memorial Championships; Lodi, CA - ST

Georgia Karting Komplex; Carnesville, GA - ST

Athens County Fairgrounds; Athens, OH - ST, TT

Athens County Fairgrounds; Athens, OH - 1/2 Mile

Beaver Creek Speedway; Toney, AL - ST

Barber Motorsports Park; Leeds, AL - ST

Barber Motorsports Park; Leeds, AL - ST

Baton Rouge Speedway: Season Finale; Baton Rouge, LA - 3/8 Mile

Schedules and venues are subject to change, Visit regional websites for up to date information

2024 AHRMA Mid-Atlantic Schedule - visit ahrmama.org

4/13-14 Rocket Run; Three Springs, PA Cross Country and Motocross

4/27-28 Irish Valley; Paxinos, PA National/Regional Cross Country and Motocross

5/4-5 Sutton Station; Summerville, PA Cross Country and Motocross


Reynlow Park 1; Reynoldsville, PA National Cross Country

6/22-23 Ashcraft Run; Bellefonte, PA Cross Country and Motocross

6/30 Allens Farm; Lawton, PA Motocross


Shady Acres; Friendsville, MD National/Regional Cross Country and Motocross

7/20-21 Quiet Oaks; Cross Fork, PA Cross Country and Motocross

8/24-25 Coyote Run; Ebensburg, PA Cross Country

9/7-8 Field Of Dreams; Greensburg, PA National/Regional and Motocross


Blacks Hollow Recreation; Spring Church, PA Cross Country and Motocross

10/12-13 Reynlow Park 2; Reynoldsville, PA Cross Country and Motocross

10/26-27 White Rose; Spring Grove, PA Cross Country and Motocross

All MX events will host Vintage, Post Vintage, and Next Gen (up to 1999) competition.

All Regional CC events will host Vintage, Post Vintage, and Disc Brake (up to 1999) competition.

Mid-Atlantic Championship criteria for Cross Country and Motocross are:

• Rider must be an active AHRMA member.

• Minimum six (6) class placings required to qualify for series championship and yearend awards.

• Best six (6) cross country class placings/points count toward CC series championship.

• Best six (6) motocross class placings/points count toward MX series championship.

Date Event


3/2-3 Fingerlake; Red Bluff, CA - cancelled Cross Country, VMX, PVMX

4/6-7 Burrows Ranch; Chrome, CA * National Trials, Cross Country, VMX

4/21 Leapfrog Classic Trials; Frong Pond Motoranch; Vacaville, CA Trials

5/4-5 Steel Stampede, Deschutes County Fairgrounds; Redmond, OR Trials, VMX

6/8-9 Grizzly Trials and Cross Country; Grizzly Flats, CA National Trials, Cross Country

6/22-23 Golf Course Classic; Ontario, OR * Trials, Cross Country, VMX, PVMX

7/20-21 Weathertech Raceway Laguna Seca (AHRMA Classic Motofest™); Salinas CA *

National Trials, CC & V, PV, NG MX

8/10-11 Pomeroy Memorial; Yakima, WA * Trials, Cross Country, VMX

8/24-25 Tea Cup Trials & Scott Trials; Point Arena, CA Trials

9/14-15 Rattlers Run Ranch; Fairfield, WA National Trials, VMX

9/28-29 Bushey Ranch; Canby, CA * National Trials, Cross Country, VMX

10/20 Original Standard MX, MMX Racing; Marysville, CA V, PV, NG MX

2024 AHRMA Northwest Regional Championship Series

• all Northwest events count for 2024 Northwest Championships

• VMX - 9 events, 4 to qualify, best 7

• Trials - 10 events, 5 to qualify, best 7

• Cross Country - 7 events, 4 to qualify, best 5

• Regional points awarded at National events on Northwest’s schedule

• PVMX, NGMX - support only - no season points

You must be an AHRMA member to receive Regional AHRMA Championship Awards and Points. Non-member points will be removed and rescored for members.

* denotes Iron Butt Weekend

• complete 2 motos in the same class

• 3 trials loops

• finish cross country in all 5 scheduled events

Date Event


2/11 Sunshine State; Waldo, FL V, PV, NG MX

3/16 Wildsville; Reynolds, GA V, PV, NG MX & CC

3/22-24 Farm 14; Centerville, MS National CC & V, PV, NG MX

4/6-7 Sugar Hill; Whiteville, TN National Trials & CC

4/13-14 Chirt Pit; Ringold, GA National Trials

4/19-21 S. of the Border; Hamer, SC National CC & V, PV, NG MX

5/11 Fannin Cnty MX; Fannin County, GA PV, NG MX

6/1-2 Aonia Pass; Washington, GA Trials, CC, V, PV, NG MX

6/15-16 Tennessee Ridge Runner; Bybee, TN National Trials & CC

7/13 Acres Above; Lookout Mountaun, GA Trials

8/9-11 Muddy Creek; Blountville, TN National V, PV, NG MX

8/17 Henry’s Hills; Cornelia, GA Trials

9/14-15 Hickory Hills; Lenoir City, TN Trials

9/21 Aonia Pass; Washington, GA Trials, CC, V, PV, NG MX

10/11-13 Barber Motorsports Park; Leeds, AL Trials, CC, V, PV, NG MX

Date Event Disciplines

3/15-17 Wildwood MX; Kentwood, LA National CC & V, PV, NG MX

3/22-24 Farn 14; Centreville, MS National CC & V, PV, NG MX

5/25-26 Swan MX; Tyler, TX V, PV, NG MX

5/3-5 Freestone County Raceway; Wortham, TX CANCELLED National CC & V, PV, NG MX

6/8-9 3 Palms Action Sports Park; Conroe, TX CANCELLED CC & V, PV, NG MX

9/20-22 Johnsonville MX; Yantis, TX National CC & V, PV, NG MX

10/5-6 Waco Eagles; Waco, TX CC & V, PV, NG MX

10/25-27 Mill Creek Motorsports; Combs, AR National CC & V, PV, NG MX

11/8-10 T&S Racing Final; Henryetta, OK National CC, Trials, V, PV, NG MX

Regional Championship Requirements to Qualify

• You must be an AHRMA member to receive Regional AHRMA Championship Awards and Points. Non-member points will be removed and rescored for members.

Motocross Regional Championship

• Must score points in 7 of 9 races of which 2 must be a regional-only race

Cross Country Regional Championship

• Must score points in 10 of 14 races of which 1 must be a regional-only race.

All race points count toward a regional championship





6/1 Aztec Family Raceway; Colorado Springs, CO V, PV, NG CC

6/16 Aztec Family Raceway; Colorado Springs, CO V, PV, NG MX

6/29 Thunder Valley Motocross Park; Morrison, CO V, PV, NG CC

7/14 Sweney Cycle Ranch; Brush, CO V, PV, NG MX

8/18 Sutak Raceway; Alamosa, CO V, PV, NG MX

8/31 PNCC Hare Scramble; Potter, NE V, PV, NG CC

9/15 Sweney Cycle Ranch; Brush, CO V, PV, NG MX

10/5 Aztec Family Raceway; Colorado Springs, CO V, PV, NG CC


10/13 Aztec Family Raceway; Colorado Springs, CO V, PV, NG MX 2024 AHRMA Rocky Mountain Schedule - visit ahrmarm.org

2024 AHRMA Southwest Schedule - visit ahrmasw.org

2/4 Duel in the Desert; Shorty’s Cycle Park; Blythe, CA

Glen Helen Raceway; San Bernardino, CA V, PV, NG MX

3/24 Shorty’s Cycle Park; Blythe, CA V, PV, NG MX

4/13 Willow Springs Raceway, CA Trials

4/21 Motoland; Casa Grande, AZ V, PV, NG MX

4/27 Pasha GP, Glen Helen Raceway; San Bernardino, CA CC (Grand Prix)

5/18-19 Chaney Ranch; Warner Springs, CA National CC, Trials, V, PV, NG MX

6/23 Bull Hollow Stampede, Bull Hollow Raceway; Monticello, UT V, PV, NG MX

TBD 11 Mile Corner V, PV, NG MX

7/20-21 Weathertech Raceway (Laguna Seca); Salinas, CA National CC, Trials, V, PV, NG MX

10/27 Octoberfast Grand Prix, Glen Helen Raceway; San Bernardino, CA CC (Grand Prix)

12/8 Shorty’s Cycle Park; Blythe, CA V, PV, NG MX

12/15 Glen Helen Raceway; San Bernardino, CA V, PV, NG MX


October 25th, 26th, & 27th

Vintage Specific Designed Tracks

Friday, Oct. 25 Cross Country 1:00pm and Saturday 9:00am

Saturday, Oct. 26 national vintage motocross

Sign up 9:00 AM - 11:30 AM; practice 12:30 PM - 1:00 PM MANDATORY riders meetings 12:00 PM; Racing begins 1:00 PM

ARHMA National PVMX/NG Sunday, October 27th Sign-up 7:00am-10:00am MANDATORY riders meeting 10Am; racing begins 11AM

R E G I S T E R T O R A C E : W W W . A H R M A . O R


Directions to the track: from Hwy 16 East and 265 Intersection in Fayetteville, AR, Travel East on Hwy 16 E. aprox 26 miles to Combs, AR. Turn right (south) just past the Combs store on 4275 Mill Creek Road. Travel 2 miles and the Razorback Riders Campground and Track entrance will be on your left 1/4 mile past cemetery


PRICE: $8,000


CONTACT: (415) 509-6114


1950 triumph t-100

PRICE: $16,000

LOCATION: Lewiston, ID CONTACT: (208) 589-0312

SWAP MEET ADS: AHRMA members may submit two free Swap Meet, non-commercial, motorcycle-related ads of up to 50 words each, per issue. Each ad will run only once, but you are welcome to renew monthly. All ads will also be placed on www.ahrma.org for at least one month.

MARKETPLACE ADS: The Marketplace plan is specifically designed for small business owners. Members or nonmembers may submit an ad of up to 50 words and may

PRICE: $9,500

LOCATION: Lake Worth, FL CONTACT: (561) 635-2948


include 1 photo. This ad will appear both on ahrma.org’s AHRMA Swap Meet page, and in AHRMA MAG’s Marketplace section for 2 issues, with photo. Marketplace ads cost $25 for 60 days and may be renewed as many times as you like.

Please include: name, address, phone number and AHRMA membership number with your ad.

Go to: www.ahrma.org/classifieds-etc/


AHRMA members invest a lot of money in their sport. In addition to owning 19 motorcycles, the average member spends over $10,000 each year on new and used motorcycles, parts, accessories, publications, race fuel,

safety gear, tools and other related items. In other words, the association's members represent nearly $60 million in


Triumph trials cub built by Speed and Sport. Matt’s Dad did the motor, and Matt did just about everything else to make a competitive AHRMA trials bike.

PRICE: $4,500 LOCATION: San Rafael, CA

CONTACT: Kevin Burrell - (415) 518-8066

1999 suzuki gs500 - Professionally race prepared. Lots of new parts, R6shock, Honda F4 caliper, new chain and sprocket, 34mm Mikuni carb conversion , manuals and brand new Bridgestone tires. Bike has a title. A ton of spares including a complete extra bike, big shim kit and a few model specific tools. Very clean and ready to race. Priced to sell. Can deliver to Barber.

PRICE: $2,500 LOCATION: Burlington, WI

CONTACT: Rick Newman (262) 758-2766

2018 honda crf450 cylinder head - Rob North Triumph

Triple Frame No. ME 0085 Miles Engineering No. 85. Originally bought from Miles Engineering by Mervyn Elwood (Northern Ireland) as a Rolling Chassis. This bike 5,HC as documented, Full story can be sent . I would say that it will be a valid track asset.

PRICE: $48,000 LOCATION: Europe

CONTACT: George Stroud (504) 715-5596

vintage views magazines - I have almost all Vintage views magazines from 2001( i think) til present. Wife kept a few where I made the print. Free to anyone who wants, have to free up space and don’t want to toss in recycle bin.

LOCATION: Richland, MI

CONTACT: Mick McCauley (269) 312-6004

SF bay area to 2024 Barber event and back - Asking for a friend with a Krämer HKR EVO2 R needing transportation to and from the 2024 Barber event.


CONTACT: Norman Smith (707) 477-5888

1976 bultaco 250 pursang - 1976 pursang, model167 matching #’s. Have owned for over 20 years as a backup racer. Seat cover, chain and sprockets, front rim, bars, cables, grips, fenders, mikuni, from Bultaco motorcyles(Hughs) . Has older progressive suspension shocks(no leaks) have original betor rear shocks(need rebuild) 1 hour on new top end and bore. tires ok shape, suzuki rm fork seals. manual included. can send pictures

PRICE: $3,200 LOCATION: Richland, MI

CONTACT: Mick McCauley (269) 312-6004

ex luke connor race bike - 1976 triumph 750 -

Braced frame, Works shocks, aluminum swing arm, RaceTech forks, new Excel rims, stainless spokes, A/P Racing calipers, belt drive TTR MAG, new motor, 11-1 JE pistons, KibbleWhite, Barnett SRM pressure plate, 34mm Mikunis, 520 chain. Can deliver to Barber.

PRICE: $6,000 LOCATION: Chatsworth, CA

CONTACT: Gary Swan - (818) 675-5625

famous “franken-sixty” sportsman 350 - race ready -

Hybrid SL-350 motor, modified CB-160 frame, 35mm Ceriani forks, CB-450 brake, Progressive shocks, D.I.D. shouldered rims, Trackmaster tank & seat, Full TTR 362cc motor, TTR MAG, 34mm Mikunis. Six races on bike – Four 1st places – One 2nd place – One 3rd place. Super light, super fast. Can deliver to Barber.

PRICE: $6,000 LOCATION: Chatsworth, CA

CONTACT: Gary Swan - (818) 675-5625

transportation to barber

Southern California to Barber. Contact me for any questions.

LOCATION: Chatsworth, CA

CONTACT: Gary Swan - (818) 675-5625

motorcycle transportation

Will transport bikes and gear to road race and/or multi-discipline events, Florida to California, and all events in between.

Port Orange, Florida Ralph Wessell - (386) 760-0932

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