AHRMAMAG American Historic Racing Motorcycle Association
David Aldana: The Last of the Gladiators Wheel-to-Wheel Roadracing, NJMP Mill Creek's Got Some Secret Sauce
JUly 2019, Vol. No.1, Issue No.6
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welcome to AHRMA Mag EDITOR IN CHIEF, MAYBE Alice Sexton EDITOR AT LARGE Ron Melton ASSOCIATE EDITORS Joe Koury, Patrick McGraw LAST PAGE GUEST EDITOR AMA Motorcycle Hall of Fame Second call, Vintage Superbike Lightweight, Willow Springs 2007. Editor in Chief? Who knows exactly what that means? Even the experts are not in absolute agreement. MacMillan: The most senior editor working on a newspaper or magazine who decides what will be printed in it. Meriam-Webster: A person whose job is to be in charge of a group of editors. Collins: The editor who heads or supervises the editorial staff of a publication. Wikipedia: An editor-in-chief, also known as lead editor or chief editor, is a publication's editorial leader who has final responsibility for its operations and policies. Vocabulary.com: A person responsible for the editorial aspects of publication; the person who determines the final content of a text, especially of a newspaper or magazine. My perspective of this job comes from my long career in corporate communications (within the motorsports industry and others) with a background in design, not journalism. “Back in the day” creative directors and editorial directors worked together to craft content into an interesting, engaging, and communicable publication. As creative directors (way before marketing was even in our vocabulary) we were the top dogs marrying text and imagery to engage readership and “sell” whatever it is we were supposed to be selling. This could be anything from somewhat vague goals such as basic awareness, education, an idea or culture, to more quantifiable goals like growing membership, raising event attendance, or heck, even the proverbial selling of soap. Journalism is a different beast. Merriam-Webster defines it this way: the collection and editing of news for presentation through the media. So maybe I’m not an Editor in Chief, nor am I a journalist. What I do is much more than collecting and editing news, and I hope that shows in my work. While I don’t give any you-know-what’s about titles, I do care about the content of AHRMA Mag. I work pretty darn hard to stitch, weave, FAST! THE PAST conjure, or sometimes even weld the content I receive KEEPING into what I hope looks like a cohesive, effortless flow of magic for expanding the love of our sport. As I sit here waiting for final edits, we’ve again missed our press date by three days. Doesn’t sound like much, but then we have to wait in line until they can fit us into their schedule, and with the 4th of July holiday in the mix, well, you get the idea. There’s been dana: David Al a final round of proofreading added which I hope is of The Last iat s the Glad or evident in this issue. Without the generous support el he -W Wheel-to NJMP and time from our business relationships/partners, Roadracing, ot reek's G Mill CSe uce volunteer editors, photographers and proofreaders, Sa et cr e Som AHRMA Mag would not exist. I hope you enjoy this Dirt Track issue– now go slide into that corner with all you’ve got!
AHRMAMAG on Associati torcycle Racing Mo Historic American
.6 .1, Issue No , Vol. No JUly 2019
ON THE COVER 1974, now a Norton rider, David Aldana leads John Hateley at the San Jose Mile National.Photo © Don Emde, Inc. 4
EDITORIAL CONTRIBUTORS AMA Hall of Fame, John Blackstock, Becky Hayes, Matt & Ginger Hilgenberg, James Holton, Albert Newmann, Bob Robbins, Eric Watts, Ellen Voermans PHOTOGRAPHY CONTRIBUTORS AMA Hall of Fame, Charlene Campbell, Melanie Drane, Etech Photo, Alex Fisher, Dave Friedman/ Don Emde, Inc., Bobby Hedge, Matt & Ginger Hilgenberg, James Holton, Huntsman Photography, Amy Jaques, Kate & Judy Jorgenson, Ellen Voermans ADVERTISING OPPORTUNITIES Alice Sexton alice.sexton@ahrma.org | 706.492.5070 ....................................... DIGITAL COMMUNICATIONS DIRECTOR Cindy McLean cindy.mclean@ahrma.org | 904.477.6987 PRINT COMMUNICATIONS DIRECTOR Alice Sexton alice.sexton@ahrma.org | 706.492.5070
AHRMA MAG PO Box 1250, Blue Ridge, GA 30513 706. 492. 5070 alice.sexton@ahrma.org www.ahrma.org AHRMA Mag is published ten times a year by the American Historic Racing Association, Ltd. . All rights reserved under International and Pan-American copyright conventions. Reproduction of this work in whole or in part without the written consent of the publisher is strictly prohibited. AHRMA Mag is printed in the United States of America. The articles contained in this magazine are works of journalism and do not represent the opinions or ideas of AHRMA Mag and the publisher assume no responsibility for the content of advertisements. While we welcome submissions, the magazine is not responsible for unsolicited manuscripts or photographs. Please do not send originals. The magazine is a benefit for the membership of The American Historic Racing Motorcycle Association. Please send any correspondence to AHRMA Mag, PO Box 1250 Blue Ridge, GA 30513.
JULY 2019
National event entries and entry forms, administrative matters, and sponsorship inquires. Curt Comer, Executive Director 49 Ferguson Lane Elora, TN 37328 Phone: 931. 308. 0338 email: curt.comer@ahrma.org
Membership applications and renewals, all changes of address for membership, racing number assignments and AHRMA Mag delivery. Elli Klein, Membership Director 5765 Walnut Rd. Macclenny, FL 32063 321.277.4985/fax 904. 485. 7085 elli.klein@ahrma.org; elli.ahrma@gmail.com
DIRT TRACK DIRECTOR David Aldana: 770. 653. 1909 davidaldana13@hotmail.com OFF-ROAD DIRECTOR Fred Guidi: 724. 462. 1854 fredguidi@gmail.com ROADRACE DIRECTOR, Interim Faynisha Pentecost: 256. 506. 6603 ahrma@oneracing.com FAST & SAFE ROADRACE SCHOOL DIRECTOR Andrew Cowell: 910. 431. 2956 Admin: Elli.Klein@ahrma.org
Luke Conner, Chairman: 337. 280. 1066 luke.conner@ahrma.org Louis LeBlanc, Secretary: 225. 405. 8707 louisgleblanc18n@icloud.com Arthur Kowitz, Treasurer: 386. 547. 9504 dbsuperbiker@gmail.com Carl Anderson: 256. 353. 8356 carl849gp@yahoo.com Kevin Burns: 614. 519. 6188 68.kburns@gmail.com Fred Guidi: 724. 462. 1854 fredguidi@gmail.com Brian Larrabure: 818. 421. 3440 brianl.ahrma@gmail.com Debbie Poole: 415. 435. 0768 pooleschl1@hotmail.com Rob Poole: After 6pm 415. 990. 9003, voicemail: 415.435.0768; robpoole57@hotmail.com Beno Rodi: 770. 867. 1676 beno@rodi.net Kelly Shane: 775. 772. 2857 fax 530.587.7597; flynpenguin@gmail.com Ellen Voermans: 530. 591. 3951 chicmxr@hotmail.com JULY 2019
IN This Issue Message from the Chairman
Keeping the Past Fast
Executive Director's Report
The Last Gladiator
900 Words from the OR Director
Sideways at Aonia Pass
Turn Left from the DT Director
NJMP & The Orange Cup
Welcome Home Elli Klein
Mill Creek's Secret Sauce
Fast Lines
Get to the Track: Race Previews
Thank You From the New RR Directors
Marketplace 52
Can You Hear me Now?
Swap Meet
Flashback 13
The Last Page 54
Update from the Chairman
AHMRA Operations from the Executive Director
It’s almost half way through 2019 race season, how can that be? Seems as if we just got started, but even at the half-way point, it’s already a year to remember. There are so many good things going on: AHRMA’s new Executive Director, Curt Comer is tackling the tough stuff, our website and social media is coming in line with the 21st century and we have a new full color magazine. We’re all working hard to make AHRMA the premier vintage and classic racing program, as many have stated, in the world. With our world class riders, members, and all of their expertise, why not be the best we can be? We have clearly cut over to MotorsportsReg.com, now owned by Hagerty Insurance. NJMP over Memorial Day weekend, was our first race full on with MotorsportReg.com. I spoke to Curt on the ground at NJMP on Friday, he was smiling, so that was a good sign. Aside from a few minor hiccups, and thanks to Elli Klein and the rest of our scoring team, I think we’re on our way to something good. Hagerty is playing a bigger and bigger role in AHRMA every day, so if you don’t already have Hagerty Insurance for your vintage and classic machines, you should. How did the live timing and scoring by Race Hero go? I’d like to get feedback from everyone on this so we can see how we’re doing, and where we need to make adjustments. Please contact me sooner rather than later with your input. All rules change proposals are in and we are starting to get them sorted out. If you feel strongly about a rule change, be sure to contact a rules committee member so that they have a clear understanding of what your intentions are with your proposal. Have all documentation that supports your change prepared for the committee as it’s not their job to research this information for you. Great job to Faynisha,Tony, and the team of hard-working officials and volunteers at NJMP, sounds like things went well. Hope to see everyone at Heartland Park at the end of the month. Photo by Amy Jaques.
For those who may ponder or question the “who, what, when and why of AHMRA operations” let’s have a look. The first paragraph in our AHRMA handbook says we are a “memberowned non-profit association dedicated to enhancing the sport of historic motorcycle racing and the enjoyment of riders and spectators.” The stated purpose in our By-laws says, “The Association’s primary purpose shall be to promote the sport of vintage motorcycle racing by circulating printed material about the sport, conducting exhibitions to introduce the sport to the public, by conducting vintage motorcycle racing events and by giving instructional clinics for the public, all to the end of providing wholesome activity and entertainment for the social improvement and welfare of the community.” Pretty insightful guidance from our AHRMA founders. However, as we move through the years, the terms “antique,” “historic,” “vintage,” and “classic,” all mean different things to different people and generations. Nevertheless, as AHRMA members, we are in this together, not only for our own racing experiences and enjoyment, but also to preserve the motorcycles and racing history for future generations. With that being said, although AHRMA does employ a small staff for administrative functions, we are primarily a volunteer-based organization. This point has hit home with me as I’ve attended the last few events with a new outlook. There’s no way any AHRMA events could have been successful without the countless hours put forth by our volunteers. In fact, it is only through the efforts of our volunteers that you are able to enjoy the many benefits of being an AHRMA member. So, please take time to appreciate YOUR volunteers! Speaking of volunteers, if you are interested in “serving” the organization, there are many opportunities open to anyone with an interest, from helping with admin functions, working at individual events, regional events/ operations, rules and eligibility committees, all the way up to being a Trustee. For example, some of the positions at events that are typically staffed by volunteers are gate workers, registration booth, technical inspection, race staging, starters, flaggers, corner workers, referees, timing and scoring, points keeping, and the list goes on. There is truly a place for everyone! So – a BIG SHOUT OUT to our Volunteers – THANKS!!!! Please don’t hesitate to contact this office, any AHRMA Trustee, Director, Coordinator, or Event Promoter to become involved as a volunteer. Many thanks to Fred Guidi for loaning me his bike to ride at Unadilla MX Rewind. Photo by Charlene Campbell.
– Luke Conner AHRMA Chairman of the Board 337. 280. 1066 luke.conner@ahrma.org
– Curtis E. Comer AHRMA Executive Director 931.308.0338 curt.comer@ahrma.org 8
JULY 2019
OR: Pre-Entries, People
DT: Greenville and Harpster, OH
I know that this is going to come off as a bit of a gripe session, and maybe it is, but there are two things that I just need to get off my chest. These two facts of life have been creeping into our race days with increasing regularity, to the point where I need to vent. They happen at nearly each event, but as I wrap up the weekend at Unadilla, I want to scream. The first matter would be pre-entries. I know that we have had a computer malfunction the last couple of weeks that had me waking up at night whimpering and covered with sweat. But normally, the reason we prefer that folks pre-enter is it allows us to get an idea of what a moto order should look like, and how we can arrange the classes. It also gives us an idea of how many awards to buy. The reason you need to wait until after practice to determine what race you are in is that most everyone is post-entering these days. And 300 post entries need to be hand entered. This takes time, lots of time. If you know you are coming to a race, PLEASE pre-enter. It saves you money and helps us all out. The final straw occurred this weekend, when a fellow – who arrived at the track minutes before practice – became upset when he found out that he was riding back-to-back. “Really?” I said. "It's a little late for all of that. If you had pre-entered, Thor would have protected you, but we cannot make promises if you post enter, and certainly if you decide to post enter 5 minutes before practice starts." Also, at Unadilla, sand-bagging reared its ugly head. A rider on a one-day membership displayed a card that had him listed as a novice in another series. He then went out and cleared “Sky Shot” in the back of the track and basically ran off and hid from the rest of his class and everybody else. Mass protests ensued and when the offending rider was DQ’d, an ugly confrontation occurred. When told that the grading committee decided that he was not a novice – and believe me, he was not – he began throwing a temper tantrum, laying down all sorts of improper language. It did not end well for him. Verbal or physical abuse toward AHRMA volunteers or officials will never be tolerated, but why in the world would you try to antagonize the only people who can help you? We could have worked something out and he would have been given a proper class to ride in, but the minute you get out of hand, then you lose any chance of winning your argument. Nuts. So, solution two is please be honest about your ability. If you finished 4th at the New Jersey Supercross, you are not a novice in the AHRMA 250 GP Class. We may not be very bright, but we are not stupid. If you see something like this going on, let us know. Wow I feel better already! See you at Lake Sugar Tree! See you at the Gate! – Fred “900” Guidi AHRMA National Offroad Director 724.462.1854 fred.guidi@ahrma.org
The summer is upon us and the Dirt Track community is looking forward to our annual trek to some of our favorite race tracks. First, we get two days of racing at Darke County Fairgrounds in Greenville, Ohio (June 28 and 30). This half-mile cushion horse-racing track is always a fan favorite, as well as a racer favorite. It is one of the best tracks in existence. If you’ve never raced there, it’s one you won’t want to miss! Promoter Rob McLendon always does an excellent job of preparing an awesome race track and putting on a top-notch event to accommodate the vintage racers and flat track fans. Next, is the half-mile/short-track combo at the Ohio Flat Track Sport Center in Harpster, OH (July 20 & 21), but I’ll talk more about Harpster in the August issue of AHRMA Mag. The Greenville, OH weekend is also a vintage reunion of sorts because it provides a wonderful opportunity for racers from all over the country to reconnect with old friends and make new ones. Also, since the AHRMA Dirt Track Nationals are Friday and Sunday, vintage racers will have a day off in between. Many will use that break to drive an hour up the road to watch the American Flat Track (AFT) pros race at the Lima half-mile on Saturday night (June 29). It’s not every day that you can drive an hour to see the best pro racers compete on one of the best tracks. The last weekend in June will give us three exciting days of fun and great racing. Summer is also the time to propose Dirt Track rule changes. There are sure to be some interesting ones considered for the 2020 season. Looking to the future of vintage racing, and Dirt Track in particular, there are many ideas to consider. For example, I think it would be innovative to have rules that created more opportunities for vintage bikes to cross over between racing organizations. Having seen new MX and Road Racing classes being added, perhaps there could be a meeting of the minds to resolve some of AHRMA’s Dirt Track issues. In the meantime, the tracks at Greenville, OH (June 28 & 30) and Ohio Flat Track Sport Center in Harpster, OH (July 20 & 21) are next on the AHRMA National Dirt Track calendar. These two racing facilities should satisfy anyone who loves cushion-type tracks. The first photo (without bikes) is Greenville, OH and the second photo (with bikes) is Harpster OH. I’ll see you at the races! – David Aldana AHRMA National Dirt Track Director 770. 653. 1909 davidaldana13 @hotmail.com
JULY 2019
FASTLINES AHRMA Welcomes New Great Lakes Offroad Coordinator, John Owen
John Owen worked in food service management for over 25 years before giving up a great salary and starting a small, family run motorcycle / ATV shop in Grove City, Ohio. His company, Competitive Moto Sports, is proud to help support youth and women riders all over the country. Owen also sponsors the Women’s Pro Class at the World Vet Championship at Glen Helen every November and is currently sponsoring former WMA and current European Champion Steffi Laier #110!! John was introduced to dirt bikes early in life by his older brother, riding and racing in the desert through high school. Owen returned to dirt bikes when his son wanted to learn to ride, and eventually his son convinced him to try racing motocross when at the young age of 38. John is married to Nancy Owen (2 years) who enjoys going to the races with him, when she is able to take time off work. He has 4 children and 7 grandchildren, one of them, his 11-year-old granddaughter, started riding at seven and is now racing in the 65cc class. Owen joined AHRMA 20 years ago and has traveled from Maryland to California to attend AHRMA events and has supervised the track crew and starting gate at Diamond Don’s most of those years. He has been an active volunteer at many AHRMA events over the years, and on behalf of the Off-Road Team, we welcome John to his new position! Fred Guidi fred.guidi@ahrma.org
Roadracing World to Publish AHRMA RR Results
In our continuing relationship with Roadracing World, they have offered to publish our roadrace final results for the top six finishers in each race class. For this to happen, roadracers must complete their profile in MotorsportReg to include your name, bike make, model, and year. This is a great chance for AHRMA to shine, so please log into your account and make these updates.
John Owen, Offroad Great Lakes Coordinator: Jowen@competitivemotosports.com
Donner Trials Update
An announcement will be made after the July 4th weekend confirming whether or not the two-day AHRMA trial national at Donner will be held. If it is held, the date will be July 20 and 21, 2019. Please check back July 8. At this time, no replacement venue has been found if the event does have to be cancelled.
Leroy Winters Memorial 6-Days ISDT Reunion Ride
August 3rd & 4th, 2019, King Ferry, NY Since there was no ISDT/ISDE reunion ride set on the AHRMA National Cross Country schedule this year, the AHRMA North East Region and the Cayuga County Riders have partnered to run the event in conjunction with the North East Region’s regular qualifier event. This is NOT an AHRMA National event. All ISDT / ISDE veterans and AHRMA riders are welcome. For more information contact AHRMA NE Coordinator: Merritt Brown: mbrown326@optimum.net, 845-803-6898
Barber Vintage Festival October 3 - 6, 2019
AHRMA Roadrace and Cross Country National events will be featured in this year's Vintage Festival. Registration is now open for both events. Check AHRMA.org often for event info updates, and here in the AHRMA Mag August issue.
From the Membership Director Having just returned from the trip of a lifetime, 30+ days of traveling Europe by rail, I am back in the membership office, ready to take on MotorsportReg and all AHRMA membership, RR registration, and RR points related duties and queires. A big thank you to Cindy McClean and Curt and Dewanna Comer for handling the transition to the new system in my absence. Looking forward to seeing everyone at Road America! – Elli Klein AHRMA National Membership Office (Director & Staff), Road Race Registration, Road Race Points Keeper Phone: 321.277.4985 Fax: 904.485.8075 elli.klein@ahrma.org elli.ahrma@gmail.com Mailing Address: 5765 Walnut Road Macclenny, FL 32063
Not Getting Your AHRMA MAG? Contact Membership Director Elli Klein! Elli.Klein@ahrma.org 321. 277. 4985
JULY 2019
RR: A Big Thank You To Everyone For Your Patience
Can You Hear Me Now?
Over the past couple of months AHRMA roadracing has seen some big changes. A new Executive Director was appointed. We changed from Series Tracker to MotorsportReg. Tracks changed things at the last minute and we were appointed interim Roadrace Directors, just to name a few. As racers, this has been a lot to deal with in such a short period of time. I know you’ve been asked repeatedly, probably until you were sick of it, to please be patient and things will work out. There is still some sorting to do, but you’ve all been more than patient and understanding. This was proven by the great event at NJMP. Many of you have gone above and beyond to help in any way you could, and for that we are thankful. Points are still being sorted from the changeover and we ask for your patience once again. They will get sorted and will be posted when we know they are all correct. Mylaps and MotorsportReg are working together to make sure there are no errors before posting. We want to give a big THANK YOU to all the volunteers and staff who have worked tirelessly to help with all the changes. We went into NJMP worried about all the changes and the event was great. That is due to all of the behind-the-scenes volunteers stepping up and making it happen. Now that we’ll be the new Roadrace Directors, effective July 1, 2019, we know there is still plenty to be accomplished this year and in the future. Some things will change and some will stay the same. As Curt Comer, the new Executive Director likes to say, “It is a new day.” We will take whatever each day gives us to help AHRMA continue to be the best racing organization in the United States.
I'm lovin' it! You, our membership, are using the contact form on the website. As a result, people are getting their questions answered quickly. We are also seeing increasing use of MotorsportReg.com. Preliminary Roadracing Series Points have now been published, with final points available soon. Events currently open for registrations on MotorsportReg.com are now connected to the Schedules & Results page on the AHRMA website. For each discipline on this page, you will also find the National Series Championship Criteria & Eligibility, Race Registration Fees, full race schedule, including Pre-Entry deadlines, Online Registration buttons for upcoming events, and Results for past events. While Elli has been on vacation, I've been helping field questions regarding membership, race registration, etc., so I have become somewhat familiar with MotorsportReg. One of the things I've noticed is that many of you are missing information. Did you know you can insert a photo in your profile as well as photo of each of your bikes and detailed bike information? So, if you haven’t, log in and update your account today. Oh yeah – it’s a good idea to update your emergency contact and other personal data as well. In other news, Roadracing World is very interested in publishing our roadrace final results for the top six finishers in each race class. We are now in a position to provide this info, except that we need your racebike data. The information they are requesting is: finishing position, racer's name, and racebike information including year, make and model. This goes back to updating your MotorsportReg profile which is where you should update/verify all of your racebikes with year, make, and model. This is a great opportunity for AHRMA to gain additional exposure, and kinda cool for those who are recognized in the roadracing world. However, without your required racebike detail, it's impossible for us to provide them with the requested information. So- help us out, eh? Thanks!
– Tony and Faynisha Pentecost AHRMA National Roadrace Directors Faynisha: 256.506.6603 Tony: 256. 506. 8254 ahrma@oneracing.org
JULY 2019
– Cindy McLean AHRMA Digital Communications Director cindy.mclean@ahrma.org
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JULY 2019
FLASHBACK Thrills, Chills and Spills! Join us in the AHRMA Time Machine. Send your awesome, waybackflashback images to: alice.sexton@ahrma.org
Thought I'd pass this gem from 1988 along. It's me, sporting my requisite 80's road racing mullet, and my AMA Endurance teammate Jamie O'Hare at the AMA Loudon Classic. Love the new AHRMA Mag!! –Bill Gillis Member #8747
Here are the surviving bits of my first motorcycle. The infamous '1964 Homemade' featuring a Reo brand laundry machine engine. Designed, engineered, built, tuned, and ridden by a 14-year old whose parents would not allow him to have a motorcycle. Sound familiar? –Arthur Kowitz AHRMA #8154
I learned how to ride on a CT70 when I was nine years old. In the early winter of 2017, my friend Fred Walker suggested that I try racing. With that in mind, I got my bike ready. I went to Rocket Raceway and barely made one lap - it was very tuff. The second race was Irish Valley CC Regional race 2017. This shot was taken just after the flag went up, and I've gone non- stop ever since! –Jenn Smith Member# 1013250 Attached is an old photo of me aboard my new 1975 Husky CR 250 GP at my practice track in Southern California hills that are now covered with houses. I raced my first scrambles in 1971 on a stripped down Suzuki Enduro. Two years later I was racing motocross on a modified 1973 TM 250 Suzuki. It was fast, but that Husky was a rocket ship! Also great in the desert where it really shined. I saved for eight months to buy it. –Edward Frank AHRMA Life Member #1171
JULY 2019
Myself, on the left, (driver) and Don Springer (passenger) showing off our $80 check for winning the Western Canadian Sidecar championship race, 1972. Our first year of sidecar racing, all great fun. I forgot to mention the track's name Westwood in British Columbia –Dean Newton Member #1903
That's me on my first Elsinore at the Santa Cruz County Fairgrounds (Watsonville, CA) circa 1974. –Brad Jones Member #4783
The Light Brothers, Joe and Dave Light in 1964 aboard their Dad's Bultaco Metralla. We both went on to race Bultacos in MX and Flat Track. Today they each have a Metralla of their own to ride in Moto-Giros. –David Light Member #4737
Keeping the past Fast
Above: Our AHRMA event flyers have come a long way since 1996! Left: Vintage Views Cover from 2008. Photo by ETECHPHOTO.COM
JULY 2019
Britten V1000 Hot Laps at Road America July 26 – 28
New Zealander Stephen Briggs who finished second in the BEARS World Championship in 1995, will be racing with us and running hot
laps around the Road America circuit on the same Britten he campaigned that year for the CR & S team from Italy. One of ten V1000’s produced, and the first customer supplied bike in its Black and Yellow CR & S team livery, was raced from 1994 through 1998 across the world including the Isle of Man. Since being put back into race ready condition in 2014 after more than 15 years of display, the Britten now sees the track quite often for demonstration runs from events in New Zealand to the Isle JULY 2019
of Man, Assen, Barber and several other destinations. Typically, it is paired with the 1995 Championship winning ex-factory bike ridden by Andrew Stroud and kept in New Zealand and is still ridden by Andrew for demonstrations, although that bike is undergoing some rebuilding at present. The keepers of those two bikes plan to continue running them as living history at select events. Stephen Briggs enjoyed a successful professional racing career at the world level including 500 GP racing, and as a development rider for several projects. Stephen enjoys occasional racing in New Zealand and trips to the US for some AHRMA racing as well.
The iconic bike will be outside of the garages #12-13 on display throughout the weekend along with some historic photos and official Britten Motorcycle Co. merchandise available for purchase. Demonstration runs will take place each day, likely timed around the lunch break. All ten of the Britten V1000’s still exist today as complete bikes, six being in the US, and four in New Zealand. Three earlier versions also exist and remain in New Zealand. AHRMA –Bob Robbins Member #2390
THE LAST OF THE GLADIATORS BY RON MELTON PHOTOS DAVE FRIEDMAN / DON EMDE, INC. David Aldana is the current Dirt Track Director of AHRMA’s sideways scene, and the one who comes to the table with a keen eye for a well prepared, safe, smooth and vintage-friendly track that is guaranteed to be a good time. At 70 years old, he still rides five classes at every event, and is rarely beaten. When Aldana shows up with a hotrod Bultaco at a Pro Mile and signs autographs, his fan lines are stacked up longer than the ones for Jared Mees, one of the current 5-time National Dirt Track Champions. Yeah, he is a Star, and we are very lucky to have David at the helm of AHRMA’s Dirt Track program, a truly American form of motorcycle racing. More than any other type of racing, the highlight of the pro dirt track scene has been thrilling spectators and riders. The top few who have run it in deep on a mile track and not bothered to let off the gas has been epic. Dirt track racers like Kenny Roberts, who took the back-it-in skills into road racing, just lit the fires on the tracks that are still burning to this day.
JULY 2019
1974, now a Norton rider, David Aldana leads John Hateley at the San Jose Mile National. Photo © Don Emde, Inc.
JULY 2019
1969: Aldana at an east coast National with Herb Neas, a long-time BSA Service technician sent out from the company’s Nutley, NJ facility to serve at his race mechanic. Photo © Don Emde, Inc.
JULY 2019
David feet up at the Louisville ½-mile National in 1969. Below: Mid-70s, Aldana at the San Jose Mile wearing his infamous skeleton leathers. Photos © Don Emde, Inc.
Steel Shoes
If you close your eyes right now and listen, you can probably hear the sound of a dirt track racer’s steel shoe scraping the ground as he limps through the pits. It’s part of the charm. A phone call with Aldana leaves me with a smile and stories I will always hold dear. As I mention that I’ve been watching AHRMA’s dirt track from afar and would like to help the rider numbers grow with a good story, he replies, “You know that will help, but someone really needs to get up with the times and hit a bigger audience through social media, shoot some good video, and awaken the younger crowd.” It doesn’t really take long before we are crossing some of the current razor-sharp issues with AHRMA about rule changes needed, while looking at our Roadrace program success, sharing the track with more modern bikes. The future of AHRMA is at a threshold, and it’s not really about fork sizes winning races – it’s the rider. Aldana points out it takes close to two years to get changes through all of our rules and eligibility committees, so now is the time to get the ball rolling.
JULY 2019
As we talk, I realize – although he is David Aldana – one man can’t change the situation by himself. It’s really time to pass the torch, if you’re social media savvy, light up some eyes and expose our World. If each person in our group decided to pull a bike out of the garage and sponsor the kid down the street AHRMA’s numbers could really grow. So, I did have to ask, "What’s it like backing it in like David Aldana?" He replied, "I was riding with Joe Copp a while back and he just pitched it in. I said to myself, ‘I can do this.’ But once I threw it in, the bike popped up and headed towards the fence. I saved it, but was done with that riding style." If you’re in the mood for something fun, do an internet search on this legend and enjoy the ride. – Ron Melton ronpaco@gmail.com Member #2319 Special Thanks to Don Emde for the awesome photos. All photos: Dave Friedman Photos / Copyright Don Emde Inc. For more info visit emdebooks.com WWW.AHRMA.ORG
Dirt Track Heats Up at Aonia Pass 20
JULY 2019
Top: Thomas Rhodes #72X, David Aldana #13, and Adam Veith #848 at the start.
Aonia Pass MX Park
Above Left: John Skinner #66 taking 1st in the Sportsman 750ST on his Triumph.
AHRMA VMC Racing Frames National Series Race Report
Above Center: Rickie Pollack, another AHRMA colorful character, took 2nd in the Classic 500/700 TT. Above Right: Eddie Ballina #11C. Left: Jay Blackstock searching for precious traction as the green flag drops.
JULY 2019
May 18, 2019 Due to decibel noise restrictions at Callahan Speedway in Callahan, Florida, Rounds 5 and 6 of the 2019 AHRMA National Dirt Track Series were held May 18, 2019 at Aonia Pass
MX Park near Washington, Georgia. The Atlanta Motorcycle Club stepped up to the plate on short notice and hosted a very fun event. Saturday afternoon racing on an all new TT track was a big hit, followed by short track action Saturday night. TT racing was a bit dusty due to the hot, dry weather, but the crew had the short track in top-notch condition. Temperatures soaring into the 90's didn't seem to affect the spectators or the hot racing on the track. On the rise in popularity at AMC events are the recently added support classes. These include mini classes, adult mad dog classes, modern amateur classes and even a couple pro-am races. WWW.AHRMA.ORG
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JULY 2019
Top: Preston Palmer #59D, Steve Maxon #56S, and Beno Rodi #27 at the ready.
In AHRMA action, the usual suspects were at, or near, the front all day. Beno Rodi and Daniel Beher took a couple wins each in the brakeless classes. Rickie Pollock gave Rodi and Beher a run for their money in the TT. He led some laps and ended up placing second. David Aldana was a beast on the TT and short track taking double digit wins in the two events. Riding a potent Tim Bolin built 500 Yamaha, Charlie Williams out-gunned Aldana in 2 main events. In 750 Sportsman, John Skinner and Eddie Tumlin Sr. had their Triumphs on a rail. Skinner took the win. The AHRMA National Dirt Track series continues June 28 and 30 at the beautiful Darke County fairgrounds in Greenville, Ohio. The Atlanta Motorcycle Club schedule will resume September 21 with round 12 of the AHRMA series, followed by an Outlaw short track and TT race October 12. The AMC season-ending event will take place November 2 and 3 with a full slate of AHRMA trials, mx, cross country, TT and short track races. AHRMA
Here: Charlie Williams #2S having a great race weekend taking 4 podiums besting Aldana in the Seventies Singles 50+ and 450 Super Singles ST races.
– John Blackstock Member #7604
JULY 2019
New Jersey Motorsports Park AHRMA Luke's Racecraft National Roadrace Series Report May 24 - 26, 2019 24
Sunshine and comfortable temperatures accompanied the entire weekend at the great facility that is NJMP! This facility has two full road race circuits, a kart racing track, a full restaurant and VIP hotel room suites above the garages. The grids were full and there was some great racing with close battles in just about every race. NJMP did a great job attracting the general public out to the track with the addition of the swap meet and bike show. The monster truck event that coincided with our race weekend didn't cause any issues and also may have attracted some more spectators to the event! The featured Vintage Cup 350 GP class races
had multiple lead changes with Dave Roper taking the win on his 1970 Harley-Davidson ERTT in both Saturday's and Sunday's races with Alex McLean, Tim Joyce and Vincent Borbone in the chase. Jim Korn was neck and neck with Borbone in the battle for 4th and 5th place in Saturday's race on their pair of Kawasaki 250 A1Rs. Borbone overtook Korn at the end of lap eight when Jim overshot just before the carousel and did a little off-roading! The CB160 class had a great battle between Greg Glevicky and John Scales, crossing the finish line within a tenth of a second of each other. Glevicky took the win both days.
JULY 2019
Left: Dave Roper #7 leads the Vintage Cup 350GP race with Tim Joyce #59 and Alesx Mclean #122 in hot pursuit. Top: Jim Korn #679 and Vincent Borbone #860 pushing their Kawasaki 250 A1Rs in a battle to the line for 4th. Bottom: Team Monkey Foot Racing, Nick Bailey #3 with Terri Korn working the chair for a wild ride! There were 11 rigs between the six sidecar classes. What a great turnout. The screaming fast Seth Starnes/Dustin Richards team took first in modern sidecar F1 both days, and modern sidecar F2 was won by Peter Essaff. Vintage JULY 2019
sidecar saw Michael Platt debut his newly built and restored 1967 Kawasaki W1 650 rig. Another notable highlight from the weekend included a rare showing of four Vincents in the Class C Footshift races taking 2nd through 5th positions. The highly competitive Sound of Singles classes have become very popular with the addition of the KTM RC 390s. You can go racing with basically a turn-key, off-the-shelf race bike, ready to race from the showroom floor. This has attracted quite a few new riders to AHRMA and is helping to grow the organization. This weekend saw 9 KTM RC
390s on the grid in SOS2 and SOS3, three of which were new riders to AHRMA all because of the addition of KTM 390s in the SOS classes. The riders with KTM RC 390s entered in SOS3 have begun to make their own unofficial championship of sorts with the creation of their KTM "Orange Cup" championship, taking turns making trophies at each event and scoring only the KTMs finishing in the SOS3 races. The transition to the new Motosportreg. com system went fairly smoothly. We all acknowledge there are still a few hiccups to get over. But in the end, the new system should make registration easier and tech inspection WWW.AHRMA.ORG
Top: Michael Platt #10 with Karna Kerr in total control of the chair on the Kawasaki W1 650 rig. Below: KTM freight train, Colleen Urmson #675, Richard VanderStraten#425, and Cassie Cuppek #615 Bottom: Thanks to our RR on track officials and volunteers: Alex Fischer, Adam Bargy, Rolando "RO" Ampier, and Robin Coyne, making sure racers are in their corrrect grid positions.
smoother than ever in the next few upcoming race weekends and for the rest of the year and beyond. Many thanks to all the AHRMA workers who put these race weekends together for us. They work hard to make it all go off smoothly; several of them even manage to work and go racing as well! AHRMA –Eric Watts Member #1012787
JULY 2019
The KTM Orange Cup was started for the 2019 season by fellow rider Eric
Lukehart as an unofficial championship for the KTM 390s running in the SOS3 class. It’s a blast and keeps the races interesting by battling against the other KTMs by running our own race within a race. We take turns making “Orange Cup” trophies for each event which just ads to the goodwill of competition. Since starting the Orange Cup, we have attracted several new riders to AHRMA! New riders include Gabriel Figueroa, #425, Cassie Cuppek #615 and Stephany Floyd #429. We almost always hear one of the other racers come by our pit and say something along the lines of, "you know I have been wanting to get one of those KTMs, they look like so much fun!" The Sound of Singles 3 class continues to grow and we would eventually like to get an official KTM 390 class created. It’s super easy to get in on the fun, just show up on your race ready KTM 390, and who knows, you might just win a coveted “Orange Cup!”
Roebling Road Sat: 1st Eric Watts, 2nd Jacob Carter, 3rd Eric Lukehart
JULY 2019
NOLA: Sat and Sun: 1st Edward Blount, 2nd Eric Lukehart, 3rd Eric Watts. Carolina Motorsports Park: Sat: 1st Edward Blount, 2nd Eric Lukehart, 3rd Eric Watts Sun: 1st Edward Blount, 2nd Eric Watts, 3rd Eric Lukehart
Top Left: Colleen Urmson, Richard Vander Straten, Cassie Cuppek, Mark Edison, Kerry Sano, Jeff Whitmore, Eric Watts, Mark Morrow. Top Right: Eric Lukehart, Eric Watts, Jacob Carter. Above Left: Eric Watts, Eric Lukehart Above Center: Eric Lukehart, Eric Watts, Edward Blount Above Right: Colleen Urmson, Eric watts, and unknown. Below: KTM gargae at NJMP
NJMP: Sat and Sun:1st Edward Blount, 2nd Eric Watts, 3rd Eric Lukehart
Mill Creek Motorsports Park AHRMA Preston Petty Products National Motocross and Race Tech Post Vintage Motocross Series Race Report May 18 -19, 2019 Combs, Arkansas With one year under the belt for Mike Parker and Mill Creek Motorsport Park, AHRMA racers were welcomed to an improved motocross track and an adventure-filled weekend courtesy of that grand lady, Mother Nature! This hidden gem of an off-road facility sits in the Ozark Mountain National Forest and provides some breathtaking views, and of course, the muchrevered clear waters of Mill Creek to dip in your toes. The Razorback Riders Club provided a 28
great campground as well as being a courteous co-host for the event. It was obvious to all the racers that feedback from the inaugural event in 2018 was enacted upon as some of the tight race sections were expanded and updated to provide a better flow to the track, more passing opportunities, and the dust issue was well under control. With clear skies on Saturday morning and Cross-Country racing completed, the eighth round of the Preston Petty National Vintage Motocross Series kicked off. Kevin Brown of Barksdale, TX, pulled the holeshot in the first race with Arkansas native Danny Wirt immediately behind him in the ultra-competitive 60 Plus Expert class. By the end of lap one, Wirt had inserted himself into the lead with Kevin O’Brien moving into second and Bob Bean third. Wirt went on to win both moto' for the overall win with Bob Bean's 3-2 score securing second place for him on the day. The Intermediate group for this class saw William Fenner of LaPorte, TX, returning to AHRMA AMERICAN HISTORIC RACING MOTORCYCLE ASSOCIATION
action by edging out second place rider, John Fedor, with Peter Marcin finishing third overall. Speaking of returning to action, in race two, we saw long time AHRMA racer Mike “Doc” Tollett back on the scene after a few years of being MIA! The ride of the day though belonged to Devin Long as he missed the gate drop and had to make up nearly a third of the track to catch Tollett in the first moto of the Sportsman 125 Expert class. Mother Nature was mentioned earlier in this article and by the time the gate dropped for moto two of this race, action was halted as a tornado warning went into effect. Racing was delayed until the warning lifted; however, a nice thunderstorm had drenched low sections of the track creating some unintended water features. Racing was resumed, but a light, lingering rain continued for the remainder of race action and deep into the night. For the second moto of this race though, Devon Long did not miss the gate and proceeded to win the class while Steve Campbell won the 125 Intermediate Sportsman group. JULY 2019
Mill Creek Serves Up Some Secret Sauce
Above: Kevin Brown leading the pack of Vintage 60 Experts. The combined gate for Race four featured some of the most exciting racing of the day in the Vintage Open Age Expert and the Vintage 50 Plus Intermediates. In moto one, CZ mounted Keith Klump shot out of the gate with a large lead. Nevertheless, Phil Reed manage to reel him in at the end of lap one for another great matchup between these two fast racers. By lap five, Klump put some distance between himself and Reed to take moto one. Reed did not return for moto two which left Klump and Devon Long to battle in the rain and mud. Long kept his Honda CR125 screaming through the tough track conditions but the large bore CZ of Klump’s reminded us of that old adage: there is no replacement for displacement. The 50 Plus Intermediates saw the rivalry of Texans Gary Davis and Bobby Hedge resume, but this time it was the 2-1 finish of Davis taking the overall over Hedge’s 1-2. Easily, this was JULY 2019
the best race of the day in the contentious conditions for moto two. As the rain continued throughout the night, the discussion at dinner and awards presentation Saturday evening centered around whether or not to run the Post Vintage program on Sunday. Of course, those talks were just a mild dampener to the evening as it was a top-notch awards presentation inside the comfortable confines of the Mill Creek Motorsport Park lodge. Diamond Don and Wes Willis assisted with some comedic accounts of AHRMA-related racing events from days gone by as well as a fun trophy presentation. With no time wasted Sunday morning, the track maintenance crew – lead by long time track developer Mike Donelson – was quick to action, draining and prepping the track for racing. Located on the side of a hill in the mountains, the track naturally lends itself to quick drainage and with only an hour delay, round seven of the Race Tech National Post Vintage Motocross series was underway.
Race one saw a budding new rivalry continue to develop as Bob Bean and Keith Davis went to battle in the Pre-Modern Open Expert gate. Bean had to work his way around from a bad start in the first moto but by lap three he took the lead away from Davis and the moto win. The second moto had the two racers within bike lengths of each other, but it was Bean for the win and the overall. Darren Terry managed to hold off the younger Race Davis in the PreModern 125 Intermediate group in each moto for the win. This also looks to be a long-term rivalry in the making of these two highly competitive 125 racers. The Post Vintage 50 Plus Intermediate class had Rick Owens, Keith Canfield, and Alan Steele jockeying positions but it was on lap five of moto two where Owens made the pass on Canfield to secure the overall with his 2-1 finish over the 3-2 of Canfield and Steele’s 1-4. Dempsey Elders was also on the gate in the Historic Four Stroke Expert class where he won the class and put on an impressive display as did WWW.AHRMA.ORG
February 3
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Arizona Cycle Park MX, Buckeye, AZ National Series (AVDRA) February 17 Perris Raceway MX, Perris, CA National Series (CALVMX) March 31 Motoland MX, Casa Grande, AZ SW Regional Series (AVDRA) April 14 San Bernardino Fairgrounds MX, Victorville, CA SW Regional Series (WASP) April 27 Willow Springs Raceway Trials, Rosamond, CA SW Regional Series (L. Sayer) July 20 San Bernardino Fairgrounds MX, Victorville, CA SW Regional Series (WASP) October 13 Lake Elsinore Truck Track MX, CA SW Regional Series (CALVMX) November 2 MotoVentures Trials, Anza, CA National Series (B. Botzong) November 3 Fox Raceway MX, Pala, CA National Series (CALVMX) November 30 Day-In-The-Dirt Trials, San Bernardino, CA SW Regional Series (VETO/L. Leavitt) Schedule subject to change with additions/deletions.
Call/Text Luke Sayer at 562-841-3476 SW Trials Series includes all 3 Trials; no throw outs. Must ride all 3 for series awards. SW MX Series includes 7 MX events; 1 throw out. Must ride a minimum of 5 events for series awards.
JULY 2019
Top Left: Darren Terry pulling the holeshot in the Ultima 125 and Pre-Modern gate. Top Right: Steve Allen on his small-bore CZ. Abovet: Sportsman 125 racers await the start of their moto. Hoot Parker in his win of the Post Vintage 50 Expert class. Alan Drane won the Historic 500 Expert and Gary Davis was looking expertly fast in his win in the Historic 500 Intermediate group. Race four of the day had the highly competitive class of the Ultima 250 Intermediates squaring off as Kawasaki-mounted Jason Colon was impressive, winning the first moto. The second moto had Rick Fisher of Bossier City, LA, looking great beating out Race Davis and Colon to secure the overall. Wes Jordan won the Historic 125 Expert class over John Gott and it was Clayton Moore on his Historic 125 Intermediate looking very sharp in the second JULY 2019
moto beating the expert group of this class! Ultima 125 action in race six was fast and furious also as Darren Terry jumped to an early lead in the Intermediate group each moto only to leave Race Davis, Bobby Hedge, Jason Elder, and Rick Fisher to battle it out for the remaining positions. Hedge made a charge through the pack picking off each rider to get into contention with Davis, but it was not enough as Davis took second overall and Hedge third. Joe Morgan of Pearland, TX, won the Expert class. Familiar foes from earlier in the day of Alan Steele and Rick Owens faced off again in the Ultima Four Stroke Intermediates and it was Steele winning this battle. The final race of the day featured the Grand Prix 125 class, and it was a dominating performance from Springtown, TX, native “Little” Randy Owens aboard his 1980 Honda CR125 handling up on the hard charging
Travis Shackelford for the day’s win. In the Intermediate group it was Jason Elder looking very fast and running near the top of the gate beating out Clayton Moore for the win. With all the various weather conditions, the track had some dust surface at the end of the day to the surprise of most in attendance. The evening concluded with a great barbeque dinner and live band along with the day’s trophy presentation. Mike Parker and his family, along with the Razorback Riders Club, put on a great event and you could not tell it was only the second motocross race ever conducted at Mill Creek. An engaged promoter actively listening to the customer may be that secret sauce for a successful event. Mike Parker is to be congratulated and thanked for those efforts! AHRMA – Albert Newmann South Central OR Coordinator Member# 5729 WWW.AHRMA.ORG
Ups, Downs, Off Cambers, Fast Laps, and Rocks WORDS: BECKY HAYES PHOTOS: MELANIE DRANE
This Page: Just about all anyone saw of Trampas Parker as he completed 7 laps with times under 8.8. Next Page Top Left: Alan Drane taking second in the Historic Open Expert class. Top Right: Tamara Lewis scores Parker. Bottom: Sherri Parker and Becky Hayes happy to be scoring.
JULY 2019
Mill Creek Motorsports Park AHRMA John Penton/ Preston Petty National Cross-Country Series Race Report May 17- 18, 2019 Combs, Arkansas For some, just getting to the event was a trial. Mechanical difficulties and a jackknifed truck caused delays. Sincere appreciation and gratitude go to Tim Grow, who stopped to help an injured road rider. As the first person on the scene, he was instrumental in taking care of, and getting help for the rider. Mill Creek Motorsports Park is located in the White Rock Wildlife Management Area. Emphasis should be on “Rock.” For a cross country course, the unusually wide trail on the 3.5-mile loop would seem easy. However, the hills, both up and down, off cambers, and rocks made it quite challenging. JULY 2019
Friday was warm and sunny. In the Vintage race, the top 3 riders were all in the Sportsman Open Expert class: Kevin Obrien, Tim Grow, and Gary Davis. The PV race was dominated by Trampas Parker with consistent 8 minute laps, followed by Kevin OBrien and Tim Grow. The top Intermediate rider was Terry Frohnapfel.
Saturday morning was cooler and cloudy with a hint of rain in the air. Kevin Obrien was again the fastest rider, followed by Tim Grow and Shiela Monk. For day 2, Trampas Parker's goal was to get into 7-minute lap times. He was the only one to complete 7 laps with times ranging from 7 minutes 39 seconds to 8 minutes 8 seconds. It was impressive and really fun to watch. Alan Drane was second, riding in the Historic Open Expert class. As a first-time rider, Michael Law, who was third overall, signed up as an Intermediate. Congratulations on your black stripe! Although, he was the first to finish, Trampas stayed to help the scoring crew tear down the scoring station. We were able to be packed up and down off the mountain before the storm hit. It was a good day. Thanks to Mike Parker, the Razorback Riders Motorcycle Club, and a wonderful group of volunteers who make it all possible. AHRMA – Becky Hayes National Cross Country Coordinator Member #7354
2019 AHRMA NE Offroad Championship Series Schedule 4/27 & 28
Irish Valley MX Park, NE/NA Series Joint CC/XC Regional Event: Sat CC/XC & Sun MX- Paxinos, PA.
Lamoka MX, NE Regional: Sunday MX- Bradford, NY.
5/31, 6/1-2 AHRMA Nat’l & NE Regional: CC/XC Fri, VMX Sat & PVMX Sun- Unadilla, NY. 6/23
Allen’s Farm NE Regional MX: Sunday MX- Lawton, PA.
6/29 & 30
Mid-Atlantic/NE CC/XC & NE MX: Sat MX, Sun CC/XCBellefonte, PA.
7/13 & 14
State Line Riders, NE Regional CC/XC & MX: Sat CC/XC, Sun MX- N. Pownal, VT.
8/3 & 4
NE Regional: Sat CC/XC & Sun MX- King Ferry, NY.
8/17 & 18
Lamoka MX, NE Regional: CC/ XC On Sat, MX SunBradford, NY.
8/31 - 9/1
Bear Creek Sportsmen, NE Regional: CC/XC Sat & MX Sun- Hancock, NY.
9/21 & 22
Kelso Creek Classic, NE Regional: CC/XC Sat, MX SunMinerva, NY.
10/5 & 6
Logan’s, AHRMA NE Regional: CC/XC Sat, MX SunCortland, NY. For More Information Contact: Merritt Brown 845-803-6898, mbrown326@optimum.net Ed Roman 570-947-7329, vintmxer@aol.com PLEASE SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS! Mr. Crankshaft: www.mrcrankshaft.com Equinox Cycles: www.equinoxcycles.com • Metro Racing: www.metroracing.com Jennings ATV and Cycle: www.jenningsatvandcycle.com
the Ride the Passion To subscribe go to: www.vmxmag.com.au For enquiries email: sales@vmxmag.com.au
JULY 2019
Mill Creek Motorsports Park
Cool Vintage Iron in the Woods WORDS & PHOTOS: JAMES HOLTON
Top: James Smith on a GRM Trialsmaster. JULY 2019
Bottom: George Kirby on a Triumph Cub.
AHRMA Speed & Sport National Trials Series Race Report May 17, 2019 Combs, Arkansas If you like rocky hill climbs, this was the place to be, deep in the Ozark Mountains, near the clear flowing water of Mill Creek. Property owner Mike Parker prepared a very nice motocross track, with trials sections in the woods at the perimeter of the track. Approximately 1 mile in length, the trials sections were laid out by Jim Dale, Bryan Johnson, Bill Long, and myself. We had the place to ourselves on Friday morning, as CC was across the road in the afternoon and MX was on Saturday. This was the second time AHRMA has held a trials event on this property. We had 12 riders last year. And this year we had 14 testing their skills in the Ozarks. If we can put it all together, we should have a good turnout for next year. The weather was cool in the morning with temperatures in the low 60s, rising to the upper 70s by the time all the cards were turned in. If you are not familiar with the Ozarks, there are rocks everywhere leading to eight challenging sections. Section one, along Mill Creek, was a nice, flowing section with a couple of tricky turns. Section two was in what one person described as a “half-pipe.” This section flowed from one side to the other a few times. It sounds easy, but the bottom was rocky with several trees that you had to navigate around. Section three crossed a mostly dry tributary a couple of times. Sections four, five and six were rocky hill climbs. You had to keep your momentum while dodging rocks and trees. Section seven was the least rocky of the day with some nice, tight turns. Section eight went down a small tributary to Mill Creek. There were steep walls and a rocky bottom, with a few trees mixed in for the Line 1 and 2 riders. Line 3 and 4 riders rode along the top edge of the tributary and had to navigate through a rock garden. We had some cool British iron cruising the woods. George Kirby rode his very clean Triumph Cub. Bill Long rode his trusty BSA Bantam, and John Bowman was riding a rigid BSA. James Smith and I were on GRMs. We also had a good mix of TLs and TYs. Mark this event on your calendar. The facilities are first-class with camping in a large meadow. This is a beautiful part of the world and the people are wonderful. See you next year. AHRMA – James Holton Member #2043 WWW.AHRMA.ORG
Rich’s Taylor’d Porting Service Whether you’re into racing motocross or recreational dirt bikes, for maximum performance, 2-Stroke Cylinder and 4-Stroke Head Porting from Rich’s Taylor’d Porting puts the “Power” in powersports. Call Rich today!
702•858•9177 Rich Gagnon • racerclam@msn.com • PO Box 461371, Leeds, Utah 84746
Have You Updated Your MotorsportReg Profile? AHRMA is working toward having our race results published in other magazines and online publications. To make this happpen we need your help! Please complete your MotorsportReg profile with the following info for all of your race bikes: your name, bike, make, model, and year. This is a great chance for AHRMA to shine, so please log into your account and make these updates.
Sweney Cycle Park, Brush CO. RM Regional V/PV/NG MX
May 5
Two Rivers Racing, Milliken CO. RM Regional V/PV/NG MX
June 2 June 9 July 28
Niarada MX Raceway, Niarada MT. RM Regional V/PV/NG MX. AHRMA NW Trials June 1st. Aztec Family Raceway, Colorado Springs CO. RM Regional V/PV/NG MX Pawnee Motocross Park, Sterling CO. RM Regional V/PV/NG MX
2019 AHRMA/Cycle Gear
Northwest Regional Schedule April 6-7
Burrows’ Ranch; Chrome, CA
May 4-5
Crooked River Ranch; Terrebonne, OR
(NW regional CC, National trial, National vintage mx)
(NW regional vintage mx, regional trial)
May 18-19 Bodnar Ranch; Dairy, OR
(NW regional vintage mx, regional trial)
June 1-2
Niarada Raceway; Niarada, MT
(Regional vintage mx, regional post vintage mx, regional trial)
*June 8-9 – Premier & Classic; Steamboat Springs, CO* (Special event, no regional points)
June 15
LeMay Marymount Cycle Week; Tacoma, WA
July 20-21
Donner Summit; Soda Springs, CA
(NW regional trial)
(2-Day National trial)
Aug. 24-25 Tea Cup Trial; Point Arena, CA (NW regional trial, Scott trial)
Sept. 14-15 Rattlers Run Farms; Fairfield, WA
(NW regional CC, National trial, National vintage mx)
August 11 Rabbit Run Motocross, Ordway CO. RM Regional V/PV/NG MX
Sept. 28-29 Bushey Ranch; Canby, CA
Sept 21-22 Two Rivers Racing, Milliken CO. AHRMA National V/PV/NG MX
Oct. 19-20 Metcalf Motorcycle Park San Jose, CA
Schedule subject to change with additions/deletions. Four events minimum to qualify for championship. All events count toward points championship. Two Rivers National counts for DOUBLE Regional Points Other events: June 8-9-AHRMA NW, Steamboat Springs CO June 30-AVDRA Bull Hollow, Monticello UT September 15-AVDRA Thundervalley, Lakewood CO
Contact: Jason Colon
(NW regional CC, National trial, National vintage mx)
(National trial, National vintage mx)
www.AHRMARM.org www.sites.google.com/site/rmvrcorg/ www.AHRMANW.org
details at www.ahrmnw.org JULY 2019
AHRMA Northwest Regional Series Powroll/Redwood Engineering Trial/Northwest Cross Country/Cycle Gear NW Motocross Series May 18 -19, 2019 Bodnar Ranch, Dairy, Oregon
The third round of the AHRMA Northwest series took place on the Bodnar Ranch in Dairy, Oregon. The weather was a bit fickle for the Powroll/Redwood Engineering Northwest Regional Trial, with rain showers and sunshine taking turns during the morning. The Rob Poole-created course of 10 sections took 41 riders through rocks, streams, and volcanic sand. A big part of the day for many riders was finishing the loop set in the scenic Southern Oregon countryside. The Modern Classic field of 30 riders, always the largest, saw Gary Gronow win the Expert class with 18 points. Grant Menghini took the Intermediate class win with just 3 points, while Kevin Newins won the Novice class with 3 points, and Bindi Bushey won the Beginner class with 3 clean loops. Round two of the AHRMA NW Cross Country series was the usual tough Jeff Bushey/Wayne Hawes loop of water crossings, mud, ditches, trees and big lava rocks. After the shotgun blast, the 29 riders hopped on their bikes and took off like hounds after the fox. Speaking of foxes, Tony JULY 2019
Fox, on a very fast PVMX bike, was the overall winner, followed by Jon Delagnes on another PVMX machine. Always a great family event, Stephen Newell brought daughter Milana back to the finish area after her bike failed, only to carry on and finish fourth overall and third in the PVMX class. Chet Mauer, third overall, was on the first VMX bike to cross the line. Sunday morning dawned warmer and dryer for the 98 riders who took to the natural terrain MX track. The big class was the 60+ group. Rowland Coad led the nine-rider intermediate field to first place with a second and a first-place finish. Robert Bellicitti finished first in both motos to take the expert class win over the seven-rider field. The always exciting 50+ class saw the always fast Jeff Mendes take the expert win, while AHRMA newcomer Sidney Moche, took the intermediate win. AHRMA Next up – Round Five at Niarada, Montana. – Ellen Voermans AHRMA Trustee Member #1503
Top: Early Sportsman Stock 250 Expert and Intermediate Moto; Joe Klokkevold (117), Mark Baer (67U), Paul Deree (721), Jeff Mullins (4X), Tim Jackson (99V), and Peter Jorgenson (195). Photo: Kate Jorgenson. Above Left: Start of the Cross Country; Patrick Rees (368) with the hole shot, followed by Chet Mauer (B60), Wayne Hawes (310), Gavin Lieper (711), Jeff Bushey (60), and Brian Larson (509). Photo: Kate Jorgenson. Above Center: Stephen Newell rides the expert line in Section 2. Photo: Judy Jorgenson. Above Right: Women's/70+; Keith Crimin (32K), Debbie Poole (44B), Milana Newell (48) Angela Kirk (112), and Cy Yee (256). Photo: Kate Jorgenson.
AHRMA LEGACY SOCIETY Help support the long-term fiscal health of the American Historic Racing Motorcycle Association by joining the Legacy Society. Membership is reserved for those who have included a gift to AHRMA in their final estate plans. For more details and an application, visit the Member Resources page at www.ahrma.org
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Photo by Bobby Hedge
Contact AHRMA’s Membership Director, Elli Klein for Details. Call 321.277.4985 or Email elli.klein@ahrma.org 38
JULY 2019
AHRMA Powroll/Redwood Engineering Northwest Regional Trial June 15, 2019 Tacoma, Washington
Round four of the AHRMA Powroll/ Redwood Engineering Northwest Regional Trial took place on the grounds of the beautiful LeMay Family Museum at Marymount in Tacoma, Washington. The 90-acre park-like setting is one of the most beautiful on the Northwest circuit. The field of 49 riders enjoyed perfect weather and the challenging sections set up by Dana Salzman and Dirk Murphy. The loop itself was a fun ride around the perimeter of the property. Of the 49 riders, 39 rode the Modern Classic class with Jeff Favreau winning the Master’s JULY 2019
line while Gary Gronow continued his winning streak of the Expert line. Brian Loso won the Intermediate line, and Marcus Harner, cleaning all three loops, took the Modern Classic Novice win. In the Beginners group, newcomer Kyle Steele carried only seven points to win the day. Matt Parsons won the Premier Heavyweight Expert class, while Stephen Newell won the Premier Lightweight Expert class and Mike Nadeker took the Premier Lightweight Novice win. Last but certainly not least, Todd Stanley took the Classic Expert win. Next up, snow melt permitting, is the Donner
Top: Mike Nadeker, Premier Lightweight Novice. Above Left: Cheryl Long, Modern Classic Beginner. Above Right: Brian Loso, Modern Classic Intermediate. Two-Day National Trial near Lake Tahoe. AHRMA Please check online after July 8th for an update on the Donner event. – Ellen Voermans AHRMA Trustee Member #1503 WWW.AHRMA.ORG
JULY 2019
Far Left: More than 40 Dick Mann Specialities Bikes were present. Above: The spectacular bike show featuring the last DT bike piloted by Mann, an Ariel HT-framed Gold Star scrambler and Marty Paulson’s rigid BSA trials bike. Left: Graham Foster, who took the Premier Heavyweight Expert Trial win, talks with Tony Asnicar.
Steamboat Springs is located in north-central Colorado, in the beautiful
Yampa Valley. AHRMA-style vintage motorcycle racing has existed in the area since 1986, and during the past 33 years, any Steamboat event has been highly anticipated. It could be attributed to the “Yampa Valley Curse”, a generations-old belief that once a person visits the valley, he or she will always yearn to return. Another explanation could be the warm welcome of Premier & Classic Weekend hosts Jamie & Sandy Jenny, and the work of Rob Stickler, the Timberline Trailriders, and countless volunteers whose efforts make the event relaxing and enjoyable. The scenery and awesome weather certainly doesn’t hurt, either. Each year’s Jenny Ranch trial and motocross features a special guest – the list of past honorees includes Bill Nilsson, Sten Lundin, Don Rickman, Dave Bickers and many others. This year was a salute to Dick Mann and the motorcycles he has built for competitors for over 30 years. There were more than 40 Dick Mann Specialties bikes on the property, ranging from a wartime BSA Gold Star to a late-‘70s DMS-framed Suzuki DR370 MXer. The last bike Mann raced as a professional dirttracker received an award in the bike show, as did an Ariel HT-framed Gold Star scrambler and Marty Paulson’s rigid BSA trials bike.
JULY 2019
two points clear of fellow Ariel rider Kelly Shane; Dave Dewoina was another mark back in third. Sunday’s grasstrack scramble ran flawlessly on a track that featured elevation changes, technical sections and plenty of fast straightaways; most considered it one of the best ever at Jenny Ranch. As one might expect, the turnout of large-displacement four-strokes was excellent – it’s always enjoyable to see and hear a pack of thundering “big bikes” launch from the starting line! Just days after returning home, we’re already yearning to return to the Yampa Valley – could it be the curse, or the scent of castor oil? AHRMA Saturday’s vintage trial attracted 41 entrants; Premier Heavyweight Expert was a close contest, topped by Georgia’s Graham Foster, who was just
– Matt & Ginger Hilgenberg Member #224 & Member #223
American Historic Racing Motorcycle Association
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ADVERTISE WITH AHRMA! AHRMA members invest a lot of money in their sport. In addition to owning 19 motorcycles, the average member spends over $10,000 each year on new and used motorcycles, parts, accessories, publications, race fuel, lubricants, safety gear, tools and other related items. In other words, the associations’ members represent nearly $60 million in spending power! Advertising opportunities include Sponsorships, the AHRMA Handbook, AHRMA Mag, the AHRMA website, Special Events, Barber Program and more. Contact AHRMA and let us build an advertising package that works for you! For more information visit
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JULY 2019
Pre-Entry Deadlines Mail Online
Date Venue
Pre-Entry Deadlines Mail Online
Date Venue
Shady Acres Motocross Park; Friendsville, MD
Moto-Vated Sports Complex; Gray Court, SC
Moto-Vated Sports Complex; Gray Court, SC
Two Rivers Racing; Milliken, CO
MillCreek MX Park; Pell City, AL
Oak Hill Raceway; Decatur, TX
Arkansas Dirt Riders; New Blaine, AR
Rattlers Run Farms; Fairfield, WA
Two Rivers Racing; Milliken, CO
T & S Racing; Henryetta, OK
Bushey Ranch; Canby, CA
HLR Motorsports; Moberly, MO
Metcalf Motorcycle County Park; San Jose, CA
Fox Raceway; Pala, CA
Texas Vintage Grand Prix Course; Donie, TX
Pre-Entry Deadlines Mail Online
Date Venue
7/27-28 Shady Acres Motocross Park; Friendsville, MD
8/10-11 Pine Lake Raceway and Trails; Ashtabula, OH
9/14-15 Arkansas Dirt Riders; New Blaine, AR
9/27-28 T & S Racing; Henryetta, OK 10/5-6 Barber Motorsports Park; Birmingham, AL
9/13 9/20
9/16 9/23
Pre-Entry Deadlines Mail Online
Date Venue
Shady Acres Motocross Park; Friendsville, MD
Moto-Vated Sports Complex; Gray Court, SC
MillCreek MX Park; Pell City, AL
Arkansas Dirt Riders; New Blaine, AR
Two Rivers Racing; Milliken, CO
T & S Racing; Henryetta, OK
HLR Motorsports; Moberly, MO
Fox Raceway; Pala, CA
Texas Vintage Grand Prix Course; Donie, TX
Pre-Entry Deadlines Mail Online
Date Venue 7/20-21* Donner Summit; Soda Springs, CA
Arkansas Dirt Riders; New Blaine, AR
Rattlers Run Farms; Fairfield, WA
Bushey Ranch; Canby, CA
Barber Motorsports Park; Birmingham, AL
10/19- 20 Hayes Farm; Ramsey, IL
Aonia Pass Motocross Park; Washington, GA
MotoVentures; Anza, CA
* Please check online schedule after July 8th for exact date or cancellation
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JULY 2019
*Pre-Entry Deadlines Mail Online
Date Venue
Pre-Entry Deadlines Mail Online
Date Venue
7/26-28 Road America; Elkhart Lake, WI
Ohio Flat Track Sport Center, 1/4; Harpster, OH
Ohio Flat Track Sport Center, 1/2; Harpster, OH
8/16-18 Buttonwillow Raceway Park; Buttonwillow, CA
Tar Heel Speedway, ST; Tar Heel, NC
8/30-9/1 Utah Motorsports Park; Tooele, UT
Aonia Pass Motocross Park, TT; Washington, GA 9/6
9/6-8 10/3-6
8/30 None
8/30 9/30
Aonia Pass MX Park, ST; Washington, GA
Aonia Pass Motocross Park, ST; Washington, GA 10/18
Aonia Pass MX Park, TT; Washington, GA
Gingerman Raceway; South Haven, MI
Talladega Gran Prix; Munford, AL Barber Motorsports Park; Leeds, AL
12/TBD Culman County Ag.Trade Ctr., ST; Culman, AL
Register Online with MotorsportReg.com and Save! The AMCA Invites You to Join Us. Join thousands of others who share your appreciation for classic motorcycles of the past. Need Old Parts?, Need a source of Service?, Need Free Advice on your current of future project? Then the AMCA Forum is the place for you. AMCA members enjoy free access to thousands of members who are eager to share information with fellow old motorcycle enthusiast.
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For Event Previews and Technical info contact: Cindy McLean: cindy.mclean@ahrma.org
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RACE PREVIEWS ROADRACE Luke’s Racecraft National Historic Roadrace Series July 28-30– Road America; Plymouth, WI
Pre-Entry Deadline: 7/19 (Noon EST)
Track Sound Limits: 103db, but they do not regulate. It’s up to the club to monitor and regulate themselves. Friday AHRMA-run practice day AHRMA Roadracing School available GPS Coordinates: 43.7975° N, 87.9900° W Gate Fee: $30.00/three days; $25.00/two days; $15.00/one day. Concessions: Yes Lodging: AmericInn – Plymouth, 920.892.2669; Condos and rooms at Baymont Inn & Suites – Plymouth, 920.893.6781; More at https://www.roadamerica.com/ experiences/lodging.html Camping: Yes. More info here www. roadamerica.com/camping-info.html Shipping Address: (Note there is a $5 fee for handling, and will be collected by the track): Road America, Inc. c/o Your Name/Team, N7390 Hwy. 67, Plymouth, WI 53073. Track Info: Email: info@roadamerica.com Website: www.roadamerica.com Physical Address & Phone: Road America N7390 State Highway 67 Plymouth, WI 53073 800-365-7223 Weekend Schedule (subject to change depending on weather) Thursday: Gates open, Noon-10:00 pm. Friday: Mandatory Riders Meeting 8:00am (If you arrive later in the day, or not until Saturday, please see AHRMA Referee Bill Doran before you go on the track) Gates open, 7:00am-9:00pm Tech Hours of Operation: 7:15am-5pm Registration Hours of Operation: 7:15-5pm Practice, 9:00am-5:00pm AHRMA Roadracing School – all day. If you did not register online, report to registration by 7:15am Saturday: Gates open: 7:00am-9:00pm Tech Hours of Operation: 7:15am-5pm Registration Hours of Operation: 7:15-8am Practice: 8:00-11:00am (two rounds of practice) Mandatory Riders Meeting 11:15 Racing starts at 12:00pm Sunday: Gates open: 7:00am; Tech Hours of Operation: 7:15am-5pm 46
Schedules and venues are subject to change, visit www.ahrma.org
Registration Hours of Operation: 7:15-8:00am Practice: 8:00-10:00am; (one round of practice) Racing starts at 10:00am
August 2-4– GingerMan Raceway; South Haven, MI Pre-Entry Deadline: 7/19 (Noon EST)
Friday AHRMA-run practice day / AHRMA Roadracing School available GPS Coordinates: 42.4067° N, 86.1399° W Gate Fee: $30.00/three days; $25.00/two days; $15.00/one day. Concessions: Yes Lodging: The South Haven Holiday Inn Express offers a special rate to Gingerman visitors. Contact the Holiday Inn at 269.637.8800 for more information. More lodgings can be found through the South Haven Visitors Bureau – go to www.southhaven. org. Camping: Yes. Camping is available for $5 per night for each individual camping. 30 amp electric hook-up is also available. Contact maribeth@gingermanraceway.com to make a reservation. Track Address: 61414 Phoenix Rd, South Haven, MI 49090; phone 269.253.4445 Website: www.gingermanraceway.com Directions: Smartphone Apps like Waze, iPhone Maps and Google Maps can be helpful in determining the best route to Gingerman Raceway. >From Grand Rapids, MI: Follow I-196 W to Exit 20 towards Bangor/South Haven Turn left onto Phoenix St. (also called County Road 388). Destination will be on your left. >From South Bend, IN: Take US-31 N towards Michigan. Continue to Exit 24 (signs for Napier Ave). Use the left 2 lanes to turn left onto US-31 N/E Napier Ave (1.9 mi). Turn right to merge onto I-94 E/US-31 N toward Detroit/Holland (3.2 mi). Keep right at the fork to continue on I-196 N/US-31 N, follow signs for Holland/Gd Rapids. Follow I-196N/ US-31 N to Exit 20 – Phoenix St. (also called County Road 388) in South Haven. Turn right onto Phoenix St. (also called County Road 388). Destination will be on your left. Weekend Schedule (subject to change depending on weather) Thursday: Gates open, Noon-10:00 pm. Friday: Mandatory Riders Meeting 8:00am (If you arrive later in the day, or not until Saturday, please see AHRMA Referee Bill Doran before you go on the track) Gates Open: 7:00am-9:00pm Tech Hours of Operation: 7:15am-5pm Registration Hours of Operation: 7:15-5pm Practice, 9:00am-5:00pm AMERICAN HISTORIC RACING MOTORCYCLE ASSOCIATION
AHRMA Roadracing School – all day. If you did not register online, report to registration by 7:15am Saturday: Gates open: 7:00am-9:00pm Tech Hours of Operation: 7:15am-5pm Registration Hours of Operation: 7:15-8am Practice: 8:00-11:00am (two rounds of practice) Mandatory Riders Meeting 11:15 Racing starts at 12:00pm Sunday: Gates open: 7:00am; Tech Hours of Operation: 7:15am-5pm Registration Hours of Operation: 7:15-8:00am Practice: 8:00-10:00am; (one round of practice) Racing starts at 10:00am
August 16 - 18– Buttonwillow Raceway Park; Buttonwillow, CA Pre-Entry Deadline: 8/9 (Noon EST)
Friday AHRMA-run practice day / AHRMA Roadracing School available GPS Coordinates: 35.49955, -119.54267 Gate Fee: $10/person Concessions: Yes, restaurant on site Lodging: Motel 6 Central, Buttonwillow 661.764.5121 Econo Lodge Inn & Suites Buttonwillow 661.764.5207 Super 8, Buttonwillow 661.764.5117 Vagabond Inn, Buttonwillow 661.469.4146 Camping: Yes. RV accommodations: $25/day for paved, $20/ day for unpaved Showers are available Please reserve your space early, especially on busier weekends, to ensure availability. Be sure to specify a 30 amp hook up or a 50 amp hook up when making your reservations. Call (661) 7645333 or email rvpark@buttonwillowraceway. com and reserve your space today! Track Address: 24551 Lerdo Hwy, Buttonwillow CA 93206 (661) 764-5333 Website: buttonwillowraceway.com Directions: > Direct Interstate 5 Freeway access > 126 miles north of downtown Los Angeles > 196 miles south of San Jose >28 miles northwest of Bakersfield >1/2 miles west of I-5 on Lerdo Highway >60 miles from Paso Robles “Wine Country” and gateway to central coast recreation Smartphone Apps like Waze, iPhone Maps and Google Maps can be helpful in determining the best route to Buttonwillow Raceway Park.
JULY 2019
Sept 14 – Tar Heel Speedway, Tar Heel, NC
VMC Racing Frames National Dirt Track Series
Pre-Entry Deadline: Mail, Fax & Email: 8/30 Pre-Entry Deadline: Online 9/2 (noon EST)
July 20- 21 – Triangle Motorcycle Club Sport Center; Harpster, OH Pre-Entry Deadline: Mail, Fax & Email: 7/5 Pre-Entry Deadline: Online 7/8 (noon EST)
The Triangle Motorcycle Sports Center is located between Upper Sandusky, OH and Marion,OH at a town called Harpster, OH. The track is hosted by the Triangle Motorcycle Club, Inc. Gate fee: $10.00 per day Camping: Yes, free primitive camping only. Nice clean facility. Facility: Facility is lighted all night and Sheriffs are in and out. EMS ON SITE during races and on standby at all times. First responders just 5 minutes away. We have grandstands and handicap parking. Wash area if bikes need cleaning. Concessions: Vendors available; store and pizza shop only one mile away. Lodging: 15 plus hotels in a 15mi. radius in Marion, Upper Sandusky, Bucyrus, and Kenton (Mention Triangle Motorcycle Club for a discount) Track address: 8088 CH 71, Harpster, OH 43323 Contact: Ed Jerew 419.294.7684; email – edjerew@gmail.com Facebook: Ohio Flat Track Sport Center Directions: Please confirm directions from your location on www.google.com/maps. > From US23: Turn West on SR294 towards Harpster. Turn South at stop sign on CH119 and go one mile to CH71 (this is the first T road to the right, or West).We are only 1/2 mile down and on the right side of the road. Approximate distance from US23 is roughly 3 1/2miles. >From US 67: Turn onto SR294 to the right or East if coming from Ken-ton. Turn right at stop sign in Harpster or South onto CH119 and go one mile to CH71 (this is the first T road to the right, or West). We are only 1/2 mile down and on the right side of the road. Approximate distance from US67 is about six miles. Race Schedule (subject to change) Saturday Quarter Mile Event: Sign-up, 2pm-5pm; Riders meeting 5pm; Practice immediately following riders meeting; Racing begins, 7pm. Sunday Half Mile Event: Sign-up, 9:00am-11:00am; Riders meeting 11:00; Practice 11:15am; Racing begins, 12:30pm. JULY 2019
Gate fee: General admission $10; kids under 8, free. Camping: Rough camping (Free) Concessions: Yes Lodging: St. Pauls I-95 Exit 31 Days Inn .(910) 8651111. Aprox. 10 miles from track. Lumberton I-95 at Exit 22 has several Hotels to choose from. Aprox. 18 miles from track. Track address: 271 Victory Lane Tar Heel, NC 28392 Contacts: Rick Lovette – 910.258.2272; Traci Lovette – 910-258-2282 Facebook: Tar Heel Speedway Websites: www.ahrmase.org or www.ahrma.org > Directions from Fayettville: Travel approximately 20 miles south on NC-87S. Turn left onto Victory Lane. Track is on the left. > Directions from Elizabethtown: Head west on NC-87 Bypass N toward US-701 N (4.4mi); continue onto NC-41 S/NC-87 N (15 mi). Turn right onto Victory Lane. Track is on the left. Race Schedule Saturday ST Schedule: Short track practice at 6:00pm; Racing begins, 8:00pm Shedule subject to change
OFFROAD July 20 -21 – Donner Summit, Soda Springs, CA
July 20 - 21 Speed & Sport Donner Summit Two-Day Trial; Soda Springs, CA Powroll/Redwood Engineering Regional Trials Series No Pre-entry Required for Trials
This event is not confirmed. Heavy winter and late spring snows have not yet melted. Confirmation of this event will be by 7/4. National Trials Entry fee: $40 per class. Trials event sign-up is at the Training Center Lodge. Schedule: Trials school, Saturday: 9:00am, no need to sign-up, just show up. Free to all. Saturday Schedule: Sign-up, 10:00am; rider’s meeting, 11:45am; trial starts, 12:00pm. Sunday Schedule: Sign-up, 8:00am; rider’s meeting, 9:45am; trial starts, 10:00am Directions: The Auburn Ski Club Training Center is located adjacent to Boreal Mt. Resort on Donner Summit at 19749 Boreal Ridge Road. From
I-80 take the Castle Peak exit (#176) and drive to the far west end of the Boreal Parking lot. Note: Elevation 6500+ feet Gate fee: Land use fee $10 per rider per day Camping: Yes, $10 per vehicle per day Concessions: TBD - Coffee and goodies Sunday morning. Lodging Soda Springs – Boreal Inn, 530.426.1012; Truckee – Truckee Donner Lodge, 530.582.9999 or 1.877.878.2533; The Inn At Truckee, 530.587.8888 / 888.773.6888; more accommodations available in the Truckee area. Visit: www.chamber.truckee.com Track address: 19749 Boreal Ridge Road, Soda Springs, CA 95728 Phone: Auburn Ski Club Training Center 530-426-3313. Contact: Rob Poole, phone 415.889-5246, cell 415.990.9003 after 6 p.m. Email: pooleschl1@hotmail.com
July 27 -28 – Shady Acres; Friendsville, MD
July 27/28 - John Penton/Preston Petty National Cross Country Series July 27/28 - Preston Petty Products National Vintage Motocross Series July 28 Race Tech National Post Vintage Motocross Series Pre-entry Deadline Mail, Fax and Email 7/12 Pre-entry Deadline Online: 7/15, 11am EST.
Gate fee: $10 per person Gate Hours: 6:30am-8:00pm Camping: $15 per day Concessions: Yes. Lodging: Nearby hotels in Morgantown, WV Contacts: Tim – phone 240.321.7813 Facebook: Shady Acres Motocross or AHRMA North Atlantic Racing Websites: www.ahrma.org or www.ahrma-northantlantic.org Track address: 2282 Friendsville Rd., Friendsville, MD 21531 Directions from Morgantown, WV: Follow I-68 E towards Friendsville. Take exit 4 from I-68 E to MD-42/Maryland toward Friendsville. Keep right at the fork and merge onto MD-42/ Friendsville Rd. The track will be about five miles down on the left side. Schedule Friday: Cross Country signup 4:00pm-6:00pm Saturday: Cross Country Sign-up and tech, 7:00-8:00am; Rider’s meeting, 8:00am; Sighting lap all riders, 8:30am; All Vintage classes, plus Post Vintage Novice, Women, race start, 9:30am. Post Vintage Intermediate and Expert race, 11:00am. Vintage Motocross Sign-up, 8:30-11:00am; Mandatory rider’s meeting, 11:00am; Practice, 11:30am-12:30pm; Racing begins 1:00pm. Sunday: Cross Country Sign-up and tech, 7:00-8:00am; Rider’s meeting, 8:00am; Sighting lap all riders, WWW.AHRMA.ORG
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JULY 2019
8:30am; All Vintage classes, plus Post Vintage Novice, Women, race start, 9:30am. Post Vintage Intermediate and Expert race, 11:00am. Post Vintage Motocross Sign-up, 8:3011:00am; Mandatory rider’s meeting, 11:00am; Practice, 11:30am-12:30pm; Racing begins 1:00pm.
August 10 -11 – Pine Lake MX, Ashtabula, OH
Aug 10/11 - John Penton/Preston Petty National Cross Country Series Pre-entry Deadline Mail, Fax and Email 7/12 Pre-entry Deadline Online: 7/15, 11am EST.
All Vintage & Post Vintage classes both days! Entry Fees: AHRMA National Championship events require that you pre-enter. Post-entries are available, at an increased price. Directions: From I-90, go South on Route 193 for 2.3 miles. Turn right (West) on PlymouthGageville Rd. and go 1.5 miles. Turn left on Maple Rd. Track just down a bit on the left. Geolocation: Latitude: 41.8338222 Longitude: -80.6980562 Gate Fee: $15/day, $25/weekend Camping: Yes, primitive camping Concessions: Yes Lodging: Holiday Inn Express & Suites Ashtabula-Geneva, 440.275.2020; Hampton Inn, 440.275.2000 Track address: 3796 Maple Rd., Jefferson, OH 44047 Contact: Bud Fischer, phone 440.997.4166 Website: www.pinelakeracewayandtrails.com Facebook: Pine Lake Raceway Schedule, Friday: Sign-up, 4:00-6:00pm. Schedule, Saturday: Sign-up,7:00-8:30am; riders meeting 8:45am; practice, 9:00am; sighting lap, 10:45am; race start, 12noon. Note: First race MAY begin at 9:30am; decision will be made at the riders meeting. Schedule, Sunday: Sign-up,7:00-8:30am; riders meeting 8:45am; sighting lap, 9:00am; race start, 9:30am.
August 10 -11 – Moto-Vated Sports Complex, Gray Court, SC
Aug 10 - Preston Petty Products National Vintage MX Series Aug 11 - Race Tech National Post Vintage MX Series Aug 11 - AHRMA National Next Gen MX Series Pre-entry Deadline Mail, Fax and Email 7/26 Pre-entry Deadline Online: 7/29, 11am EST.
Gate Fee: $10 Camping: Free Concessions: Yes Lodging: Comfort Inn & Suites, 3971 Grandview Dr, Simpsonville, SC 29680 Track address: 14499 Hwy 101 S Gray Court SC 29645 Contact: Amanda Freeman, Phone: 606.401.6642, Email: amanda@moto-vatedsportscomplex.com JULY 2019
Website: http://www.moto-vatedsportscomplex. com/ Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/ Motovatedsportscomplex/ Directions: > Take exit 16 off of I385 and follow 101S all the way to the track. Schedule Friday: Open practice 10am-2pm Early sign-up for all events, Friday: 8:00am; additional sign-up hours will be announced daily. Vintage Motocross schedule Saturday: Signup, 7:00-8:30am; rider’s meeting, 8:30am; practice, 9:00am; racing begins, 10:00am. PVMX/NGMX schedule Sunday: Sign-up, 7:00-8:30am; rider’s meeting, 8:30am; practice, 9:00am; racing begins, 10:00am.
August 17 -18 – MillCreek MX Park, Pell City,AL
Aug 17 - Preston Petty Products National Vintage MX Series Aug 18 - Race Tech National Post Vintage MX Series Pre-entry Deadline Mail, Fax and Email 8/2 Pre-entry Deadline Online: 8/5, 11am EST.
Gate Fee: $10/day/person, under 4 free. Camping: Yes, RV sites available, $30/day. Concessions: Yes Lodging Pell City – Holiday Inn Express, 205.884.0047; Comfort Suites (newest), 205.338.5570; Hampton Inn, 205.814.3000, Quality Inn, 205.338.1314 Riverside, AL – Americas Best Value Inn, 205338-3381 (On Lake Logan Martin – offers the best rates a bit further from track than the others) *more detailed lodging information on Mill Creek website Track address: 1724 Roberts Mill Pond Road, Pell City, AL 35125 Contact: Phone: 205.699.8857 Email: jamie@millcreekmx.com Website: https://www.millcreekmx.com Directions >From Birmingham, AL Get on I-20E/I-59N; follow I-20 E to US-78 E/ Mineral Springs Rd in Pell City. Take exit 156 for US-78 E toward Eden/Pell City. Turn right onto US-78 E/Mineral Springs Rd. Take the first right onto Roberts Mill Pond Rd. Turn left at the track.
>From Atlanta, GA Follow I-20 W to AL-4 E/US-78 E/Mineral Springs Rd in St. Clair County. Take exit 156 for US-78 E toward Eden/ Odenville. Turn left onto AL-4 E/US-78 E/Mineral Springs Rd. Turn right onto Roberts Mill Pond Rd. Turn left at the track. Schedule: Vintage MX schedule, Saturday: Sign-up, 7:00-8:30am; Rider’s meeting, 8:30am; Practice, 9:00am; Racing begins, 10:00am. Post Vintage MX schedule, Sunday: Sign-up, 7:00-8:30am; Rider’s meeting, 8:30am; Practice, 9:00am; Racing begins, 10:00am.
Sept 14 -15 – Arkansaa Dirt Riders; New Blaine, AR
Sept 14 -15- John Penton/Preston Petty National Cross Country Series Sept 14 Preston Petty Products National Vintage Motocross Series Sept 14 Speed & Sport National Trials Series Sept 15 Race Tech National Post Vintage Motocross Series Pre-entry Deadline Mail, Fax and Email 8/30 Pre-entry Deadline Online: 9/2, 11am EST.
Fireworks display on Saturday evening (weather permitting). Professional Motocross scoring by Pam Lambert. Continuous improvements on an already exciting natural grass MX track. Daily updates on Arkansas Dirt Riders Facebook site.Check the site for more info. Gate Fee: $10/day, $20/weekend Gates: Open at 9:00am on Friday, weekend gate times 6:00am-8:00pm Camping: Yes, free primitive camping. No hookups. Concessions: Yes, by the New Blaine Country Kitchen Lodging: Any lodgings in Russellville, Dardanelle, or Paris, Arkansas. Contact: Bob Diffee, 501.517.8878 Lynn Burton 501.539.3361 GPS Coordinates: 35.2831 N, 93.3905 W Directions: One mile East of New Blaine, AR off Hwy. 22. From Russellville go south on Hwy 7 thru Dardanelle to Hwy 22. Turn west on Hwy 22 towards New Blaine. One mile before New Blaine turn left on Jenkins Way at the New Blaine General Store. Follow arrows to start area. Parking on right in field. WWW.AHRMA.ORG
MX - CROSS COUNTRY - ENDURO - ROADRACE - DIRT TRACK All Noleen shocks are built for the rider and their bike, by racers for racers.
MT3 TWIN PIGGYBACKS $798.00 a pair
MT1 TWIN CLASSICS $649.00 a pair
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All Noleen shocks come with a 60 day setup warranty that covers the springs and valving.
We Service/Revalve Fox,KYB,Ohlins,Showa,Works Performance,WP and all serviceable Shocks and Forks
RACE THE WEEKEND! AHRMA Fast and Safe RR School is Offered at All Roadrace Events Except Barber Vintage Festival in October. CONTACT ANDREW COWELL FOR MORE INFO
910. 431. 2956 Elli.Klein@ahrma.org
Road Race School Director Andrew Cowell Photo by EtechPhoto.com JULY 2019
Arkansas Dirt Riders coninued Schedule Friday: Sign-up and tech, 4:00pm-6:00pm. Trials schedule, Saturday: Sign-up 7:00am-12:30am; Riders’ meeting 1:00pm; Trials start 1:30pm Cross Country schedule, Saturday: Sign-up and tech (all riders), 7:008:30am; Rider’s meeting (all riders), 8:30am; Sighting lap (both vintage and post vintage), 9:30am; Vintage race start, 9:30am; Post Vintage race start, 11:00am. Vintage MX schedule, Saturday: Sign-up and tech, 7:00-12:30am; Rider’s meeting, 12:30pm; Practice, 1:00-2:0pm; Racing begins 2:00pm. Cross Country schedule, Sunday: Sign-up and tech (all riders), 7:008:30am; Rider’s meeting (all riders), 8:30am; Sighting lap (both vintage and post vintage), 9:30am; Vintage race start, 9:30am; Post Vintage race start, 11:00am. Post Vintage MX schedule, Sunday: Sign-up and tech, 7:00-12:30am; Rider’s meeting, 12:30pm; Practice, 1:00-2:0pm; Racing begins 2:00pm.
AHRMA BENEVOLENT FUND The Benevolent Fund was created in 1992 as a means of helping AHRMA members in need. AHRMA offers a variety of raffles and other fundraisers benefitting the Benevolent Fund. Members also are encouraged to contribute directly. Members in good standing for at least one year may take advantage of the fund. All applications for assistance are kept confidential. Requirements are listed in the AHRMA Handbook. Contact Bob Goodpaster 219. 942.2401 norton80_1@msn.com
SUBSCRIBE ONLINE AT www.roadracingworld.com PROMO CODE TDD15 OR CALL 909-654-4779
One Year *Offer valid in U.S. only.
JULY 2019
12/17/18 1:01 PM
MARKETPLACE Vintage Pistons. New Wiseco Pistons. .020 to .080 over. Mugen 360 1974 YZ250A, MX, DT, RT, YZ 360 Yamaha. 1979 YZ400 pistons. RM 370, 400, 465, 500 pistons (also fits Maico, 400, 440, 490). TM 400 pistons. Husky 360, 400, 390, 430, 500 pistons. Mugen ME360. Also sleeves available for all. Call 216.870.4121 Duc Bits! Ducati Singles & Parts for road, track, race or restoration. Real Desmo head, winning cams, factory megaphone. 1965 Diana frame, tank and engine, 150mm visored headlight rim, twin-leadingshoe front brake backing plate, 180mm double-drum Grimeca. Much else, check it out. David @ 540.877.2001 GIMME A BRAKE! Drum brakes for road/track. Fine magnesium Fontana replicas from Menani. Ceriani, Robinson, Honda 162, Yamaha TD3 replicas. Manx conical rear. Ducati single 2LS rear. 180mm and 230mm Grimecas. Available with/without Morad shouldered rims, Alpina spokes. David @ 540.877.2001
Cyclecraft Motorcycles, Home of Team Hermes Racing Specializing in British, European and Japanese bike Restorations. Custom buiklt racebikes, parts & fabrication. Tires: Conti Road Attack or Avon vintage race tires. I like the Contis better but see many bikes with Avons. Please call or email for prices. I can supply many parts and services for vintage racers, rims spokes, wheel building, cylinder boring etc. John Stephens Yellow Ducati 442. For info visit: cyclecraftmotorcycles.com
FOX & SIMONS Suspension Parts, Restoration and Rebuilding. Fox Shox, AirShox, MonoShock, Harley-Davidson, TwinClicker for off-road or road. Contact Thor Lawson at 804.798.0990. Best time 1pm to 6pm Eastern time or visit: EvolutionSuspensionProducts.com.
High Quality, Adjustable, Race/ Display Stands! Heavy-Duty, fully adjustable "JackStand" style for your vintage bike! Removable handle tucks in closer to bike and accepts hand grip. TIGwelded. Stainless hardware. Industrial quality powder-coat. None finer! $125 plus shipping. Gordon McCaffer 315.729.8415. motoweld@hotmail.com.
For Sale: 1972, 400CC CZ Vintage Racer. This bike has been owned by me for approx. 20 yrs. during that time it has been used for dirt riding, but never raced. it is not bent or damaged in any way. it has not been run for 10 yrs now. It was restored, but not to show quality, the engine has a new piston, and various new parts. It is in VGC. I also have the 250cc engine complete with exhaust system which goes with the bike. I have never had the 250 engine in the bike, but it would be a quick change. Total price for both is $ 6500usd. I live in KELOWNA, BC CANADA, close to the US border. Bike can be PU, or I can ship. Call for further info: 250 868 9717, ask for George. Email: gecameron@shaw.ca
Simply the Nicest Aluminum Bike Stand Made! Lofts ‘73/74 CR250 Honda, ‘74 Ossa Phantom ‘74 Husky Mag 250 & others w/7-9” frame spread. Crafted from 6061 aircraft alum. Lightweight, satisfaction guaranteed. $89.99 US + shipping. 419.866.8775, jeffclark@badbrush. com. Visit badbrush.com or vintagemart.net to see color pic.
NEW! ‘74 Can-Am Aluminum Chain Tensioner, spring-loaded. Now available for vintage Can-Am, mounts on stock mounting holes for OEM chain guide with modern ball bearing chain roller. Eliminates chain slap, $90.00 US + shipping. Contact Jeff Clark - 419.866.8775, jeffclark@ badbrush.com. Dealers welcome.
Disc Brake Resurfacing Resurfacing $55 plus shipping Disc drilling $100.00 and up. Disc thinning $85.00 Frame and swingarm strengthening, modification. Frame restoration Custom axles and Wheel spacers, custom control cables, See ad in AHRMA Handbook. Tool Salvage & Motorcycle Works, 15709 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, OH 44112, 216.451.5500 or 216.851.5166
1961 Cadillac Couch Comfortable, re-uphosltered, and in good condition, made out of the tail end of a real 1961 Cadillac. Original floor of the trunk intact. Lights, with a flick of a switch, turn on, making this a really cool accent piece. Extremely heavy, must pick up. $4200. Pat Conroy, 215.776.5079, patconroy77@ hotmail.com, 327 S. Virginia Ave, DeLand, FL 32724.
Virtually New 1972 XR750 TT: 2002 engine built by Carl Patrick, Motoplat ignition, Pingel gas taps, Supertrapp exhaust, Tsubaki chain, PBI sprockets, Scitsu tachometer, 38mm Morzocchi/Ceriani front end, Kosman Triple trees and axle, Low hours. Look for our detailed ad on Daytona Beach Craigslist. $54,500. Pat Conroy, 215.776.5079, patconroy77@hotmail. com, 327 S. Virginia Ave, DeLand, FL 32724.
1963 Velocette Viceroy, “Conroy’s Follie”. One of only 700 ever made. 250cc flat-twin two-stroke, four-speed engine. Runs, new batteries, clean title, original light blue paint. Original factory manuals and an original poster included. $7700. Pat Conroy, 215.776.5079, patconroy77@hotmail. com, 327 S. Virginia Ave, DeLand, FL 32724.
WHERE AHRMA MEMBERS BUY, SELL, AND TRADE For Sale: Rebuilt works performance shocks. New shafts ,seals and bumpers. overall length 17", eye to eye approx 16.25" Too long for my project. $300. Wanted 13,14,or 15 tooth sprocket for 1973 Rickman with Zundapp engine. Shaft hole is oval and measures 16mm x 20mm..1982 Canam 400 Qualifier. needs stator rebuilt nice shape. asking $2000. can send pics. mccauley. micko@gmail.com 269-629-3185
Rob North 1974 Trident 750 Fresh Engine TH- 6 cams lifters, digital ignition, Carrillo rods, light Peckett crank, C/R Quaffe 5-speed, Krober tach, 1;1 pistons, rectangular swingarm, Newby belt primary, Sun rims/ stainless spokes, belly pan, race calipers, extra new aluminum fuel tank. Race stand included. Original owner. $25,000 USA. Contact Royce at 386-317-4541. Parts: Triumph 650/750 twin race cams, new with TH-6 profile. Contact Royce at 386-317-4541. For Sale: 1974 Husqvarna WR 175. Excellent Condition, restored but not used. A beautiful, like new cross country racer. $3,000. Rollnstones@Charter.NET For Sale: 1973 Penton 175 Jackpiner. Excellent Condition, restored.$2700. Rollnstones@Charter.NET
For Sale: 1983 Suzuki PE 175. 1st overbore,fresh everything, stock machine, and ready to ride/race, $1,400 OBO. also, 1978 HD SX 250 roller with 2 engines, (blown), Make offer. Contact Gene @ 309264-9243, Peoria, IL. For Sale: 1972 OSSA 250 Six-Day Replica. Excellent Condition. $3000. Rollnstones@Charter.NET Road Race Transport: Available for the AHRMA Midwest rounds (Road America/ Gingerman) from Southern California. $600/ bike. Includes space for toolbox, 1 gear bag & 1 spares box. Contact Brady Walker: 310-980-7129 or info@bradywalker.com Wanted: Bultaco Astro Pipe 1972-1973. Astro M106 / 326 cc. Also Skyway muffler. Cointact John T. Skinner 324- 821-2535 or 334-744-2536
SWAP MEET GUIDELINES AHRMA members may submit two free, non-commercial, motorcycle-related ads of up to 50 words each, per issue. Each ad will run only once, but you are welcome to renew monthly. All ads will also be placed on www.ahrma.org for at least one month. Email your ads to: Alice.Sexton@ahrma.org Please include your name, address, phone number and AHRMA membership number with your ad. You may also mail ads to: Alice Sexton, AHRMA Mag, PO Box 1250, Blue Ridge, GA 30513. Deadline for the August issue is July 10th 2019.
MARKETPLACE COMMERCIAL ADS Marketplace is specifically designed for small business owners. Members or non-members may submit ads of up to 50 words, and may include a photo. In rare instances, ads may be delayed by one issue due to space restraints. Marketplace ads cost $25.00 for two issues and may be run as many months as you specify; ads will also be placed on the AHRMA website. Please include your name, address, and phone number along with your ad and include “Marketplace� in the subject line. Send your copy and photo to: alice.sexton@ahrma.org Deadline for the August issue is July 10th 2019.
JULY 2019
For Sale: 1986 Suzuki RM 250 Eric Gorr Racing rebuilt motor, New Works Performance Shock, New fork Seals, Full Circle Wheels. $1095 OBO. 1998 KTM EXC 380 with extra set of Super Moto wheels, WI street title. $2750. 2001 BMW GS 1150, 54K Miles, fresh battery, rear pads, fuel filter. $3,750 OBO. Vintage Views from 1989 to present month, free, you pick up, Madison WI area. Mike, 608-837-4011, mjzeigle@ frontier.com FOR SALE Vintage MX Motorcycle Collection Beautiful Pre-1974 and Post Vintage MX Machines. Mostly 1970-1974. All bikes run great and are mechanically perfect. Cosmetically, all bikes are beautiful with half of which are too nice to race. Up to 20 bikes to be sold. Would prefer to sell as one package. Retiring from racing due to injuries. Everything must go. Any questions call Jay 443 506 4018.
REACH OVER 3500 TARGETED CUSTOMERS WITH AHRMA ADVERTISING! For rates and ad sizes contact alice.sexton@ahrma.org 706. 492. 5070 ________________________ Looking to reach those racers who need specific parts for their motorcycles? Marketplace is where they will find you! Send your advertisement in today and start selling your products.
Gene Romero was one of the bestknown motorcycle racers in the U.S. during late 1960s and early '70s. Romero won the AMA Grand National Championship in 1970 riding for Triumph. Known as a TT specialist early in his career, Romero became a top contender in all forms of Grand National racing and won nationals on miles, half-miles, road-racing circuits and TT tracks. The biggest win of Romero's career came in the Daytona 200 in 1975. Romero had been racing in the 200 since 1967 and came close to winning in 1970 and again in 1971, when he was the runner-up. Romero came through with an excellent ride in 1975 aboard a factory Yamaha. He rode for most of the race in fourth. About midway through the race, he began to pour on the speed, passing Giacomo Agostini and Steve Baker and eventually taking the lead when Steve McLaughlin crashed under Romero's relentless pressure. 54
Romero cruised home to victory. It would prove to be his only win in the Daytona 200 in 14 starts. Born on May 22, 1947, in Martinez, California, Romero honed his racing skills on the dirt track and scrambles tracks of the Central Valley of California. He cites Johnny LaManto as a major influence on his desire to race. Romero described LaManto as a hell-raising local legend who lived at a ranch that neighbored his grandfather's ranch near Hollister, California. As an amateur, Romero used his scrambles skills to become a top TT Steeplechase rider. Not surprisingly, Romero's first pro finish came at the Castle Rock (Washington) TT in July of 1966. His first national win came two years later, again on a TT course, this time in Lincoln, Nebraska, riding a Triumph.
Romero won 12 AMA nationals during his 16-year racing career. He became known as one of the first riders to bring sponsorship into the sport from outside the motorcycling industry. One year the famous motorcycle stuntman Evel Knievel was Romero's primary sponsor. In 1970 Romero won the prestigious AMA Most Popular Rider of the Year Award. Romero raced motorcycles until 1981. After a short auto racing career, Romero became the manager of Honda's AMA Grand National dirt track racing program from 1982 to 1985. From there, Romero formed a promotions company and is involved in numerous projects from motorcycle racing series to town fairs and festivals.
–American Motorcyclist Association Motorcycle Hall of Fame JULY 2019
AHRMA National Headquarters 49 Ferguson Lane Elora, TN 37328