AHRMA MAG June 2019, Vol. No. 1, Issue No. 5

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AHRMAMAG American Historic Racing Motorcycle Association


Roebling Road Rebuild Corsa Moto Classica Desoto & A Rare Cotton Diamond Don's JUNE 2019, Vol. No.1, Issue No.5

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welcome to AHRMA Mag EDITOR IN CHIEF Alice Sexton EDITOR AT LARGE Ron Melton ASSOCIATE EDITORS Joe Koury, Patrick McGraw FASTLINES EDITOR Volunteer Position Open MARKETPLACE & SWAP MEET EDITOR Volunteer Position Open Dateline: Accident June 1995. Taken the night before my external fixator was removed two months later, and the beginnings of my not-at all-famous racing career.


When I look at all of the Flashback stories, I’m totally jelly of those who started riding motorbikes as kids, or even as teenagers. Geez- no wonder y’all are so fast! Just before my 30th birthday I decided I’d better do some rad stuff before I got old!!! I started taking punk rock electric guitar lessons and bought a motorcycle. The only one that stuck was riding on two wheels– 1985 Honda CM200, 1979 Moto Guzzi V50, 1977 Moto Guzzi Lemans 750. After street riding and solo sport-touring (yes, my 750LM was my “sport-touring bike”) all over the eastern seaboard, including Canada, my riding was cut short abruptly in 1995 by a large left turning Buick. I’d been pretty doggone fast on the street, so at this point I was urged by many to “take it to the track,” where no Buicks could be found. Summit Point and MAARC Road Racing School, where I barely graduated due to a loose clip-on, is where my un-glorious racing career started. The story of my race school experience will have to wait until a later issue of AHRMA Mag. But there you have it, for now. As our racing season heats up, so does AHRMA Mag. You’ll find National and then Regional race reports, a very cool story from Joe Koury about getting a “not exactly historical” Honda racing machine to the first meet of the season, followed by a reminder of the origins of Honda motorcycles, racing or otherwise. So, what’s missing? Yeah, right– Dirt Track. I apologize for just now getting to this, but heck you guyz and gurlz, where is the Dirt Track LOVE? David Aldana is doing a lead-shoe, turn left, rooster-tailin’ fine job, but yo!, where are the support peeps? Robby Bobby McLendon, where ‘ya been? Fuzzy? Charlie Williams, 2018 #1 plate: Four-stroke Super Singles class and 2nd place in Seventies Singles 50+ class, has stepped up to write race reports. Who else is in? Dirt Track is one of the fastest growing race genres attracting the younger, sideburn crowd. We’d be crazy not to ride that dirt wave. Let’s get on this! Any DT photographers out there? Send me whatcha got. I’d like to thank everyone horrified by my first attempts at the Mag who have volunteered to save my butt, I'm certain the membership thanks you as well! THE KEEPINGPAST FAST! If you’re wondering why this issue is late- I’m still waiting, today on 5/27, for content from a few essential contributors- you know who you are. This means we missed our scheduled press date, so no guarantees on mail date. Sorry folks! Deadline for the July issue is June 10th.

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Time to Get Sideways, Bring it!


.5 .1, Issue No , Vol. No JUNE 2019

ON THE COVER Wes Willis tears it up during Friday's CC event at Diamond Don's Riverport National. Photo by Dale Winczewski/MX Photography 4


EDITORIAL CONTRIBUTORS Merritt Brown, "Chicago" Jerry Grakausas, Mikey Grontesky, Joe Koury, Albert Newmann, Ed Roman, Bill Ryburn, David Stark & Charlie Williams PHOTGRAPHY CONTRIBUTORS Sharon Bean, Etech Photo, Bobby Hedge, Sarah "Montesa" Lane, Kenny Lau, Albert Newman, & Ellen Voermans ADVERTISING OPPORTUNITIES Alice Sexton alice.sexton@ahrma.org | 706.492.5070 ....................................... DIGITAL COMMUNICATIONS DIRECTOR Cindy McLean cindy.mclean@ahrma.org | 904.477.6987 PRINT COMMUNICATIONS DIRECTOR Alice Sexton alice.sexton@ahrma.org | 706.492.5070

AHRMA MAG PO Box 1250, Blue Ridge, GA 30513 706. 492. 5070 alice.sexton@ahrma.org www.ahrma.org

AHRMA Mag is published ten times a year by the American Historic Racing Association, Ltd. . All rights reserved under International and Pan-American copyright conventions. Reproduction of this work in whole or in part without the written consent of the publisher is strictly prohibited. AHRMA MAG is printed in the United States of America. The articles contained in this magazine are works of journalism and do not represent the opinions or ideas of AHRMA Mag and the publisher assume no responsibility for the content of advertisements. While we welcome submissions, the magazine is not responsible for unsolicited manuscripts or photographs. Please do not send originals. The magazine is a benefit for the membership of The American Historic Racing Motorcycle Association. Please send any correspondence to AHRMA Mag, PO Box 1250 Blue Ridge, GA 30513.


JUNE 2019

So, as I complete my first full month as your Executive Director… I have to say, it’s been a busy one! One of my goals this year is to attend as many events as possible in all disciplines, race, meet and hang out with my “Keeping the Past Fast” friends. The whirlwind began at Carolina Motorsports Park in Kershaw, SC, where I attended AHRMA’s Fast & Safe Road Racing School (led by Andrew Cowell and Arthur Kowitz) on a beautifully prepared CB160 loaner bike – thank you John Scales! The racing both days was great and safe (the ambulance never moved!). I came away very impressed with how smooth and professional our Road Race Team administered the program, the excellent attendance on a wide variety of machinery (from old to new) and how much cross-over there is between our vintage and modern classes. Congratulations to all involved! Next up was Burrows Ranch in Chrome, CA. Beautiful venue and tracks! It was fun to reunite with old friends in NW and meet new ones – what a spectacular weekend! Thanks to Matt and Ginger Hilgenberg, I was able to participate in both the trials and the MX on a pair of very special machines. I also had the opportunity to meet and spend time with AHRMA Trustees Rob & Debbie Poole, Kelly Shane and Ellen Voermans. Thanks to all for the hospitality! Finally, I travelled to the Diamond Don’s Offroad weekend. I rode my BSA B40 in the trials and then helped with some loop marking refinements and spectated the Cross Country. It was particularly cool to see several “greats” such as former World MX Champion, Tampas Parker, and multi-time National Enduro Champion, Terry Cunningham, mixing it up in the woods with AHRMA’s regulars! Unfortunately, Saturday’s VMX was rained out due to heavy downpours Friday night which continued all day Saturday. The decision was made to run an abbreviated one-moto program for VMX Sunday morning and same for PVMX Sunday afternoon. This solution really salvaged the weekend and although a bit muddy for the VMX classes Sunday morning, the track was actually quite racy. By the time the PVMX classes took to the track, the conditions were near perfect. Over the weekend, I had the opportunity to spend time with various members discussing AHRMA and their likes/dislikes. Additionally, it was nice to get some face-to-face time with our Off Road Director, Fred Guidi. While meeting our members at these events proved very rewarding, the biggest challenges were back at the home office where I have been coming up to speed on the

JUNE 2019


National event entries and entry forms, administrative matters, and sponsorship inquires. Curt Comer, Executive Director 49 Ferguson Lane Elora, TN 37328 Phone: 931. 308. 0338 email: curt.comer@ahrma.org


Membership applications and renewals, all changes of address for membership, racing number assignments and AHRMA Mag delivery.

Many thanks to John Scales for the loan of his beautifully prepared Honda for AHRMA Fast & Safe Roadrace School at Carolina Motorsports Park. ins and outs of AHRMA. In addition to learning the daily operations, I quickly discovered that our most immediate challenge was our online registration system, of which we had been operating on an expired contract since the beginning of the year and was up for an immediate four-year renewal. Leading to this scenario, AHRMA’s Board of Trustees had previously authorized a committee to qualify alternate vendors and make a recommendation. This search resulted in us making the change to MotorsportReg (https://www.motorsportreg.com). Unfortunately, due to circumstances, the transition from SeriesTracker to MotorsportReg has been a bit “bumpy” for the members and the conversion very challenging for the AHRMA Staff. The situation whereby our previous system was shut down before we got MotorsportReg running and fully tested was not the optimum, but many thanks to AHRMA’s staff and some volunteers who went well beyond the call of duty to make this happen. With that said, things at headquarters have been BUSY and while I take pride in answering emails and phone calls in a timely manner, I am a bit behind and ask for patience as we morph into this new season of AHRMA. Curt Comer AHRMA Executive Director curt.comer@ahrma.org


Elli Klein, Membership Director 5765 Walnut Rd. Macclenny, FL 32063 321.277.4985/fax 904. 485. 7085 elli.klein@ahrma.org; elli.ahrma@gmail.com


DIRT TRACK DIRECTOR David Aldana: 770. 653. 1909 davidaldana13@hotmail.com OFF-ROAD DIRECTOR Fred Guidi: 724. 462. 1854 fredguidi@gmail.com ROADRACE DIRECTOR, Interim Faynisha Pentecost: 256. 506. 6603 ahrma@oneracing.com FAST & SAFE ROADRACE SCHOOL DIRECTOR Andrew Cowell: 337. 280. 1066 Elli.Klein@ahrma.org


Luke Conner, Chairman: 337. 280. 1066 luke.conner@ahrma.org Louis LeBlanc, Secretary: 225. 405. 8707 louisgleblanc18n@icloud.com Arthur Kowitz, Treasurer: 386. 547. 9504 dbsuperbiker@gmail.com Carl Anderson: 256. 353. 8356 carl849gp@yahoo.com Kevin Burns: 614. 519. 6188 68.kburns@gmail.com Fred Guidi: 724. 462. 1854 fredguidi@gmail.com Brian Larrabure: 818. 421. 3440 brianl.ahrma@gmail.com Debbie Poole: 415. 435. 0768 pooleschl1@hotmail.com Rob Poole: After 6pm 415. 990. 9003, voicemail: 415.435.0768; robpoole57@hotmail.com Beno Rodi: 770. 867. 1676 beno@rodi.net Kelly Shane: 775. 772. 2857 fax 530.587.7597; flynpenguin@gmail.com Ellen Voermans: 530. 591. 3951 chicmxr@hotmail.com WWW.AHRMA.ORG


IN This Issue Executive Director's Report


Gettin' it Together at Kershaw


Message from the Chairman


The First Honda


900 Words from the OR Director


Corsa Moto Classica


Turn Left from the DT Director


Desoto MSP & The Des Cup


MotosportReg from the DC Director


Diamond Don's Riverport International


Update from the Membership Director


Get to the Track: Race Previews


Fast Lines


Marketplace 52



Swap Meet

Flashback 13


The Last Page 54


Update from the Chairman

Generator Terrorists

It’s almost half way through 2019 race season, how can that be? Seems as if we just got started, but even at the half-way point, it’s already a year to remember. There are so many good things going on: AHRMA’s new Executive Director, Curt Comer is tackling the tough stuff, our website and social media is coming in line with the 21st century and we have a new full color magazine. We’re all working hard to make AHRMA the premier vintage and classic racing program, as many have stated, in the world. With our world class riders, members, and all of their expertise, why not be the best we can be? We have clearly cut over to MotorsportsReg.com, now owned by Hagerty Insurance. NJMP over Memorial Day weekend, was our first race full on with MotorsportReg.com. I spoke to Curt on the ground at NJMP on Friday, he was smiling, so that was a good sign. Aside from a few minor hiccups, and thanks to Elli Klein and the rest of our scoring team, I think we’re on our way to something good. Hagerty is playing a bigger and bigger role in AHRMA every day, so if you don’t already have Hagerty Insurance for your vintage and classic machines, you should. How did the live timing and scoring by Race Hero go? I’d like to get feedback from everyone on this so we can see how we’re doing, and where we need to make adjustments. Please contact me sooner rather than later with your input. All rules change proposals are in and we are starting to get them sorted out. If you feel strongly about a rule change, be sure to contact a rules committee member so that they have a clear understanding of what your intentions are with your proposal. Have all documentation that supports your change prepared for the committee as it’s not their job to research this information for you. Great job to Faynisha,Tony, and the team of hard-working officials and volunteers at NJMP, sounds like things went well. Hope to see everyone at Heartland Park at the end of the month.

About 7 years ago, I wrote a piece about generators and their use in our offroad pits. At that time, we were having members challenge other members to duels just before dark. Each of us has a favorite generator story, but I think my favorite occurred at Mid Ohio a few years back when a nameless PVR member asked repeatedly for a fellow to turn his offending generator off, which was on long after curfew. The generator jerk was adamant about leaving his muffler-less construction unit on, while no one else in that area got any sleep. At one point “the jerk” decided to leave his rig to relieve himself, which is when the fun began. Two targeted blows with a 5-pound sledge hammer rendered the offending unit useless, and it wasn’t until morning that we could see the smashed carburetor and fuel cell. Although violence of any form is never tolerated, I am sure that there have been moments when we would like to react in kind. Which brings us to the most recent example of generator violence. Now I did not witness this latest assault, but it is widely known that a Texan shot a generator at a recent event when the owner felt that the noise curfew did not apply to him. “But my kids are playing video games” was the excuse. A 357 slug silenced the noisy power unit, and the police had to be called. If I were this fellow, I would ask for a jury of his peers, not a guilty vote would be cast! All of this brings us to the point of this piece. Look, we all have generators in our trailers, toy haulers, motor homes, and pit area. All the tracks that we visit have a generator curfew. Some are 10:00PM, while others shut down at 11:00, but all have a curfew. There is a curfew for a reason, which I know may be a surprise to some. But these things are generally loud; your neighbors are trying to relax or sleep, and your noisy generator is keeping them from doing that. It does not matter that your grandkids are charging their cellphones, or you are binge watching Shameless on Netflix, being a good neighbor is more important. Now I know that there are folks out there, who are reading this and are thinking that this in no way applies to them. After all their Chinese, 4-cylinder, Porta-Power, is only 140db, and who would possibly be disturbed by that? Heck, it can't even be heard in the next zip code! So what I am inviting all generator terrorists, who refuse to abide by the curfews, to send me an email with their rationale for not flipping the switch, and for your trouble I will publish your reasons here in the AHRMA MAG. OK, let’s dust for prints here. The generator curfew rule applies to every one of us. So, if you are parked next to some rude folk who think that the rules do not apply to them, don’t resort to violence, but please alert the event staff and let us help to get the unit shut down! Remember to be a good neighbor!

Luke Conner AHRMA Chairman of the Board 337. 280. 1066 luke.conner@ahrma.org

Fred “900” Guidi AHRMA National Offroad Director 724.462.1854 fred.guidi@ahrma.org 8



JUNE 2019

AHRMA 2018 National Dirt Track Champions

Getting Better All the Time!

Even the rained-out short track race at Tar Heel, NC on May 5th couldn't keep the AHRMA 2018 Dirt Track National Champions from a bit of good old "bench racing.” Sporting their new National Championship jackets, the 2018 Dirt Track National Champions are, pictured from left to right:

The big news since the last AHRMA Mag, is that we are now officially up and running on MotorsportReg.com. Considering that this was not a planned event, those individuals, both AHRMA and MotorsportReg.com, who were involved in making this happen invested a tremendous amount of time and effort. To help the AHRMA membership and for you to help us, here are a few tips for using MotorsportReg.com if you haven't already. Current members of AHRMA can easily activate their accounts as follows: > Navigate to MotorsportReg.com; > Click on Sign In; > Click on "forgot password?"; > On the next page, enter the email address you used with SeriesTracker, click on "Find it now." > Find the email with the recovery link in your inbox/junk folder/spam folder, and reset your password. > You may then navigate to the event you are interested in and register!

• Preston Palmer: 2nd place, Dinosaur class • Beno Rodi, #1 plate, Dinosaur class • Dan Beher, #1 plate, Sportsman 750 class; 2nd place, Classic 500/750 class • Charlie Williams, #1 plate, Four-stroke Super Singles class; 2nd place, Seventies Singles 50+ class • David Aldana, #1 plate, Sportsman 600 class, Senior class, Super Senior class, Seventies Singles class, and Seventies Singles 50+ class Not pictured are: • Henry Sansing, #1 plate, Classic 250 class, Sportsman 250 class, and Seventies Two-stroke class • Scott Fluck, #1 plate, Classic 500/750 class • Michael Collier, #1 plate, Sportsman 100 class Before the TT and Short track Nationals at Aonia Pass, GA on May 18th, I found time to do a bit of AHRMA promotions, talking flat track with exuberant fans and racers at a vintage bike show in Corinth, MS.

David Aldana AHRMA National Dirt Track Director 770. 653. 1909 davidaldana13@hotmail.com

For those who are NOT members and want to register for an event, simply sign up for a free account on MotorsportReg.com, navigate to the event you are interested in, and you will be prompted to register as an AHRMA member during the event registration process. If you need assistance accessing your MSR account, contact MSRhelp@motorsportreg.com and put "AHRMA" in the subject line. Make sure that you are properly connected with MotorsportReg.com with a valid email whether you wish to register online or not. We use the email list to distribute important information to our membership, and if your email is NOT on our list you won't receive updates. Please also make sure that communications@ahrma.org is accepted by your email configuration. Improvements will continue to be rolled out so please help us help you. Our Contact form has been working remarkably well, so there's something I strongly suggest: if you have a question or a comment about something that is specific to AHRMA, be it racing events, rules, membership, race registration, the website, etc., submit a contact form (found at www.ahrma.org/contact) and select the options that your question most closely matches. Posting on the AHRMA Members Only Facebook group, while it may get attention from other members, is unlikely to get the correct answer from the correct AHRMA official in any timely fashion. The contact form is configured to route notifications to the individual(s) most likely to provide you with the correct answer.

Next up: Half Mile at Darke County Fairgrounds, Greenville, OH. June 28 - 30, 2019. For info contact Rob McLendon at 850-637-5838.

Cindy McLean AHRMA Digital Communications Director cindy.mclean@ahrma.org Above: Cindy McLean announcing award winners at the 20th Anniversary of Riding into History. Photo by Amy Jaques.

JUNE 2019




FASTLINES Brady Walker’s Ramming Crew Raise $1300 for AHRMA Benevolent Fund I am pleased to announce that the Ramming Speed Racing crew was able to raise $1300 for the Benevolent Fund at the AHRMA Luke’s Racecraft National Roadrace at Willow Springs, Rosamond, CA. We spent months gathering donations from local businesses in an effort to promote the event and to host a post-race BBQ Party on Saturday night after racing was over. We all are very proud of our effort and extremely happy to help support AHRMA and especially the benevolent fund. We hope this money finds its way to deserving racers in their time of need. Ramming Speed would like to acknowledge the hard-working racers who put in the time and effort to make the Willow round more than just another race: Caroline Patterson, Joe Weir, Christopher McEvoy, Jason Reeves, Dave Ehrhart, Gary Swan, Greg Tomlinson Currently, we’re discussing how to make something similar happen at Buttonwillow in Mid-August. We’re all about promoting camaraderie and excitement throughout AHRMA. If you’d like to be part of this effort, give me a shout. Hope to see y'all at the races soon!

Membership Director, registration, scoring, and points keeper, Elli Klein is on the bleeding tech edge of this effort, with Cindy McLean quick on her heels heading up integration of the AHRMA website. Please take note that Elli will be on vacation from now until the end of June. During this time, please direct all inquiries to Curt Comer, Greg Glevicky or Cindy McLean. Curt Comer: curt.comer@ahrma.org Greg Glevicky: gregoryglevicky@gmail.co Cindy McLean: cindy.mclean@ahrma.org

Leroy Winters Memorial 6-Days ISDT Reunion Ride August 3rd & 4th, 2019, King Ferry, NY Since there was no ISDT/ISDE reunion ride set on the AHRMA National Cross Country schedule this year, the AHRMA North East Region and the Cayuga County Riders have partnered to run the event in conjunction with the North East Region’s regular qualifier event. This is NOT an AHRMA National event. All ISDT / ISDE veterans and AHRMA riders are welcome. For more information contact AHRMA NE Coordinator: Merritt Brown: mbrown326@optimum.net, 845-803-6898

Celebration of Gene Romero’s Life

From Membership Director and the Only Membership Staff. Just a reminder that I’ll be on vacation from May 27 - June 25! While I’ll be available periodically through email and fax during this time, please allow a couple of days for a response. If anything urgent comes up, please contact Curt Comer, at curt.comer@ahrma.org or for RR Faynisha Pentecost at ahrma@oneracing.org – Elli Klein AHRMA National Membership Office (Director & Staff), Road Race Registration, Road Race Points Keeper Phone: 321.277.4985 Fax: 904.485.8075 elli.klein@ahrma.org elli.ahrma@gmail.com Mailing Address: 5765 Walnut Road Macclenny, FL 32063

By now everyone knows that AHRMA is transitioning from Series Tracker to MotosportReg.com (MSR) for membership/ renewals, race registration and results, points standings and more. AHRMA extends a big thanks to John Kuzma for his years of expertise in bringing AHRMA from the dark ages of handwritten paper results and membership forms to where we are today. Thanks John! As I write this, our dedicated crew is working hard to finalize and test MSR operations at our New Jersey Motorsports Park RR event. We’re all waiting patiently, or at least trying to be patient, for the shakedown to be completed and solid information on implementation from our team. We hope to have this for you in the next issue.

Where: Southern California Triumph at SoCal Motorcycles Address: 515 W Lambert Rd, Brea, CA 92831 Date: Saturday, June 22nd Time: 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM Autograph Signing Session starts 1:00 PM • Autograph signing at 1:00 PM by many Legends: Sammy Tanner, David Aldana, Bubba Shobert, Don Emde • Burrito Truck serving Gene’s favorite meal • Guest Speakers • Video slide show of Gene Romero’s career and memorabilia • Live Music • Commemorative T-Shirt reminiscent of Gene’s championship leathers he wore in 1970. 100% of the proceeds going to Gene’s family. Special price of $20 for the commemorative T-Shirt at the “Celebration of Gene Romero’s Life” event. Ascot Motorsports will also have the shirt for sale online at: www.ascotmotorsports.com More info: https://socalmotorcycles.com.



Brady Walker brady_walker@hotmail.com

UPDATE: MotorsportReg.com


Not Getting Your AHRMA MAG? Contact Membership Director Elli Klein! Elli.Klein@ahrma.org 321. 277. 4985 JUNE 2019

Thanks to AHRMA member #109 Mikey Gontesky for submitting this awesome artifact from our history. Gontesky embodies the orginal and true spirit of our organization. His email signature says it all: RR 126, Motocross 26G and Trials Novice. JUNE 2019






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JUNE 2019

FLASHBACK Thrills, Chills and Spills! Join us in the AHRMA Time Machine. Send your awesome, waybackflashback images to: alice.sexton@ahrma.org

David Aldana 1953-4? – Santa Ana, CA. Learning to keep his balance with the aid of "training wheels," which sometimes are still needed, 65 years later! 1966-7 – Santa Ana, CA.

At a Road race riding my unicycle through the pits in the mid-1970s. Playing on my Fantic trials bike in the mid-1980s. –John Scales Member #1012777

–David Aldana Member #1875

Amateur hour in the King Dome 39 years ago! –Ben Johnson # 702 AHRMA # 1013835

In 1964 when I was 16, I started riding 650 Triumph dragbikes for Fay Myers, the Triumph dealer in Denver. This photo was taken in1966 at a local dragstrip with my friend the late Ray Uhl (Vietnam). –Byron Blend Member # 878

This photo was taken in 1978 at the Buckeye Lake, Ohio ice races. It is a Yamaha RD350 entered in the nonstudded tire class. I am the passenger and the late George Weidensall is the driver.

Ok well, this picture was taken outside of Paris on a US Army base. Maybe 1965? I played little league baseball, The Legionnaire’s was our name sponsored by the American Legion. We finished up our game, and before getting in the car there is this bike sitting between two military trailers. My Dad takes me over to it and hoists me up. BSA Goldstar obviously. Clipons and all. And that was the beginning of it all. So lucky to have original print. –Alex McLean Member #1938

That's me in 1969 second from left getting ready to attack the Nurburgring as a passenger. This was the first year I rode as a passenger and then advanced to my own outfit as a driver the next year. – Larry Coleman Member #14405

–Martin Morrison Member #16377 JUNE 2019







JUNE 2019



Our trip to the Luke’s Racecraft National Historic Roadrace Series get-together in Kershaw, SC, did not begin in Spicewood, TX. The journey originated back in 2018 at New Jersey Motorsports Park, inspiring the following story not only about racing, but of interesting encounters, new acquaintances, dealing with deadlines, fighting frustrations and proudly prevailing in the end. And somewhere near the culmination of it all was a heartwarming twist that made the experience even more worthwhile. We were plenty busy in the paddock at NJMP on Friday and Saturday. There were more ailing motorbikes to tend to than we normally stumble upon. (These ‘stumbles’ are opportunities to help keep old bikes functional and on the racetrack.) It was after dark on Friday when Kevin Burns approached me as we were returning from an exhaust spring delivery to Bill Doran and said, “You have any spare time?” My first reaction was, “Mm.” Kevin continued, “Charles Miller is havin’ a tough time with his 175 and could use some help. And he’s a really nice guy.” We found Charles the next morning pitted with the KCMO crew, Kevin and Lila. After introductions, we turned our attention to the CB175. It needed some ignition and carburetor care. We set the points and timing after de-slopping the cam chain. Joe found a loose float valve seat, and that stopped the fuel dribble. The little twin was good to go for the rest of the weekend. Later that night after cookin’ dinner, we were sippin’ on a beer when a big black SUV pulls up. Charles emerges with an economy-sized bottle of Woodford Reserve and a big “thanks.” Damn. Kevin was right about the nice. But we’d already made up our minds earlier about Charles, a genuinely fine feller. During the off-season, Charles contacted me several times, referring to me as “Yoda,”

Charles Miller (left) and Old Joe (right) after four days of mild frustration and major AHRMA RR fun. JUNE 2019

inquiring about a horsepower injection for his 175. Here’s a funny excerpt from his story: “Then, I called Joe Koury and asked if he had bandwidth to take on a mechanically declined racer like me. Luckily, he did not know how deep the ignorance ran, so he said, “Yes.” I sent him a deposit before he had time to come to his senses.” He wanted the full dose; I gave him the dollars-per-horsepower number and he didn’t flinch. The project was green-lighted. Charles said he wanted his horsepower delivered to Kershaw. He sent me a dismantled engine. I combed through all the tired pieces and started ordering parts. Charles had his own machinist, Tim Barker, handle the cylinder, crankcase and cylinder head mods. I was a mite worried early on, not knowin’ how familiar Tim was with our needs. But one long phone conversation with Tim – an experienced roadracer and motorcycle engine builder – erased all my concerns, and the finished pieces all made successful passes through my micrometers. Charles would handle the chassis, brake and suspension upgrades in Flint, MI, with Tim’s involvement using a pocket full of specs and drawings I provided. In an effort to prevent any last-minute assembly surprises at Kershaw, Charles drug the whole motorcycle (completely disassembled) down to Spicewood 30 days out. His freshly powder coated frame and swingarm sparkled. We inspected and inventoried all the pieces – including every nut, bolt and bracket – and installed his tapered steering head bearings. Charles was also in Austin for business reasons and to pick up an MZ Skorpion to haul back to Tim in Michigan. No trip to see the Kourys in Spicewood is complete without a dose of some local culture. My wife, Sheri, fed him multiple breakfast tacos from a nearby ‘stand.’ We drug him into Austin for even more tacos, enchiladas and live music. We don’t inquire about our guests’ musical tastes; we just drag ‘em into our preferred dives and wait to see what happens. Rock ‘n’ roll was our first stop for some ’50s


and ‘60s classics at the Saxon Pub. And then we headed to the Little Longhorn Saloon for some Texas honky tonk music, Lone Star beer and dancin’. Charles dug it all and fit right in. Turns out, he has an ear for rootsy music and really enjoyed the twang. Before he headed north, Charles shared a heart warmin’ story about his motorcycle. His uncle Don built the CB175 after checkin’ out the 200GP and CB160 Le Mans start machines at Barber in 2013 and asking Charles, “If I build one of those, would you ride it?” Uncle Don’s build would make it to NOLA and Barber in 2014, but racinginduced problems would intermittently plague the CB175. Uncle Don passed in 2015 and Charles told me how much it meant to him to have this motorcycle rebuilt, restored and rejuvenated. The engine build was almost uneventful. I was installing a new-design (new to me) piston that threw me some curves with deck height and combustion chamber clearance. Rob Hall bailed me out with an eleventh-hour cylinder whittle job and I sculpted the domes to fit the chambers. I had already finished the top end job on my engine, gave Joe’s motor a tune-up and oil change, and we were ready to head east, finishing the Miller motor the night before we left. We found a bent clutch disc right out of the package though, but Michael Shumaker responded to a facebook ‘Mayday’ and said he would stop by a Honda shop and get us a straight one. We did make at least a dozen trips back through the shop right before we left, just to make sure we weren’t leavin’ essential pieces in Texas. Our first hook-up with Charles was at the Ace Hardware in Camden, SC, lookin’ for some of those ‘essential pieces’ left in Michigan and Texas. Rob Hall would save us once again with a countershaft sprocket retainer plate. It takes a Hall Bothers ‘village’ to stay on the track, as Kevin Burns can attest to. Kevin Burns also had some exhaust parts waiting for us. I think we finally started the actual assembly about midWWW.AHRMA.ORG


afternoon on Thursday; our goal was for Charles to make some engine break-in laps during Friday’s practice rounds 1 and 2, or, 3 and 4. The bare frame and swingarm on the portable wooden workstand, the 3 of us dug in. By 10 PM, we were whipped. Seemed like everything we tried to assemble bucked us, including simple things like lower shock bushings. Joe made joeburgers, we swilled beer, we were ready to call it a night. But not before BJ (etech photo Brad) stuck his head in our imbroglio and said, “You know this is a contest.” 2 doors down, Jim Korn was doin’ some serious engine surgery on Matt Rice’s CB350 under the midnight oil lamp. Which motorcycle would make noise first? The Michigan-meets-Texas motorcycle threw everything it had at us on Friday. Charles put himself in charge of the bodywork installation which required all new custom brackets. He’s a capable wrenchman. Joe worked on anything and everything, ‘cause he can fix anything and everything. The rear sprocket clip refused to seat. The steering damper bracket had to be completely redesigned. At least we had a chuckle modifying a Lone Star Beer can to serve as an oil catch tank. The front brake and clutch cables 16


were too long. Clip-on issues, wiring difficulties, exhaust fit fits, the rearsets wouldn’t set, petcock positioning, oil cooler brackets... The list was long, and the frustration was pilin’ on. The little Honda was causin’ us to lose ‘the contest.’ Matt Rice’s motor sprang to life, and we weren’t even close to makin’ a Friday practice round. Scott Turner noticed we were strugglin’ with the cables. He brought a plastic box over and plopped it on the ground, “I have a few cables in here. You are welcome to dig through it.” He opened the lid. Joe’s first observation (we’d had a few) as Scott opened his cable container was, “It looked like a clown box – one of those boxes you open, and all kinds of stuff ‘boings’ out and flies across the room.” But we were able to find 2 cables that worked. The engine did fire right up on Saturday morning, but the front brake would barely stop the bike. I eventually took it all apart for a brake cam synch. It never performed as a modified brake should have. We finished all the safety wiring and sent Charles to tech. He returned, rejected and dejected. I asked him why the bike flunked. “Plastic valve stem caps. They gotta be metal.” I’d been busted for the same thing on Friday; they told me to be sure and change them

Above: Uncle Don’s CB175, all better again Right: When Texans are responsible for your oil catch tank. but awarded me a sticker. Charles bought some metal caps to install, and that’s when I noticed I’d forgotten to wire his fork drains. Kevin Burns and Joe looked through every page of the AHRMA Handbook... We had some memorable social and culinary exchanges all weekend. We grilled some bodacious boudin we’d picked up in Louisiana and Charles cooked us breakfast. The first day, he asked if we wanted a breakfast sandwich. We politely nodded heads. We figured he would go buy the sandwiches somewhere on site and we’d have to choke ‘em down. Danged if we weren’t surprised and satisfied when we saw what he’d cooked from scratch. Delicious. The other Miller crew – Danny, David, Andrea, Chuck Stewart – invited us for dinner on Saturday. Mighty fine grub, music and conversation, including discussions of many of our favorite musical artists. We are big Tyler Childers fans. Eric Lukehart knows the guy personally and invited us to a Tyler hangout, TBD. Cool. I went back to grab my songbook after Joe brought my guitar. Got hung up at


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our spot and never returned to sing a few songs. Charles provided my favorite Texas beer: Shiner Premium. How did he know? In spite of the challenges we had marryin’ a Michigan frame to a Texas motor, we were havin’ a big time. More brake tweakin’ and carb adjustments on Saturday morning and the newly minted number 88 was race ready. The CB160 race was a spectator’s delight and now that I’m retired from that class – and the 200GP – I get to watch Joe compete. He gave Mr. Glevicky all he could handle as the 2 swapped positions for the lead several times. Joe was right on Greg’s rear wheel as they entered turn 14 for a drag race to the finish line. Joe noticed a puff of Glevicky exhaust smoke as they exited the turn and knew the ‘puff timing’ was off. Normally, Hondas puff a little white cloud during downshifts entering a corner. Joe knew this out-of-character puff was an opportunity to get by; Greg had miss-shifted (not the same thing as a missed shift). He GP shifted and went down one instead of up one. Joe sped by for the win and set a (fastest) lap of 1:58.750. The old man was beamin’. Camillo grabbed the final podium spot and Charles managed a 7th on number 88’s inaugural run. The 200GP race would be just as close as the JUNE 2019

CB160 battle with Joe and ol’ number 1 trading places for the lead. Greg would prevail in this one though. Sunday’s 6-lap CB160 race gridded under gray skies and looming showers. Light rain began to fall as I was holding Joe’s bike for the Le Mans start. By lap 2, the rain was coming down pretty hard and Old Joe was a nervous wreck as it seemed like these guys weren’t at all fazed by the ‘pour, and the wet ‘phalt. Joe and Greg were out front with Camillo right behind Joe and John Scales’ number 294 right there too, barkin’ in the background. Camillo took the lead for a few corners surprising Joe and Greg, who both thought they were maintaining a sane pace in the storm. Joe later commented, “All I could think of was, ‘c’mon Camillo, not now, can’t you see it’s raining.’” Joe and Greg did pick it up a notch; a missed shift cost Camillo a shot at the end, with a Glevicky, Koury, Sassano finishing order. I think most onlookers were surprised how they rode the wheels off their bikes in those conditions. The finishing order in the 4-lap 200GP race would be the same. It looked like Joe had Gregory Glevicky as they disappeared behind the trees


with Joe in front on the final lap. But Greg was faster through turn 8 and held Joe off for another nail-biter finish with less than a half-second separating the two riders. The big news of the race, and of the weekend: Charles finished 5th after a good battle with Mark Shaver. Charles said his goal for the weekend was to finish in the top 50% in his class, and he pulled it off. He was very pleased with the bike, and that sure made my weekend too. But as we all know, horsepower ain’t the only fast lap time factor. He’s also a very accomplished rider. Still basking in his weekend, and before we packed up, Charles offered up a toast to his Uncle Don James Dorris and the Honda CB175. He would’ve been proud. Old Joe’s races were barely worthy of mention. I couldn’t keep up with Louis LeBlanc in the Formula 125 class, so that left me tangled up with some of the Formula 250 class bikes. I had a good back-and-forth with 250 rider Craig Light on his Bultaco until I went wide on an inside pass and took us both off the track in turn 3. I found Craig right after the race and offered up an apology, which he accepted. It was a dumb move and I was fortunate Craig kept the shiny side up. WWW.AHRMA.ORG





JUNE 2019

Clockwise from Top Left: Charles, still in Michigan, putting the final touches on the gleamin’ chassis. Joe Koury, David Miller and Gregory Glevicky in an adrenalinecharged conversation right after Saturday’s CB160 thriller. Charles monitoring oil drip from the old-school front brake cable lube set-up. Good times: Louis LeBlanc, Joe Koury, Gregory Glevicky, Herb Haigh, Owen McCarty, Kevin Burns, John McCarty, Rosco Tuffli, and Charles Miller. Sunday’s activities would provide 2 other close races to the finish. Don Hollingsworth’s Aermacchi single stumbled off the start leaving him several seconds behind John Scales on his Honda twin. He rode hard to close the gap, but we all thought he would need the full 6 laps to catch John (this race had been shortened to 4). He kept nipping away at John’s lead and caught him in 14 on the last lap, winning the race by just .56 seconds with Rosco Tuffli finishing third. The other thriller occurred in the Sportsman 350 race with Eric Cook and David Miller tied together lettin’ it all hang out for 4 intense laps. They were separated by just .004 seconds at the line with David prevailing. Eric finished first over David on Saturday. Non-stop social gatherings were the order of the weekend. When we first joined AHRMA, we figured the racing would be the focus and fun. Our AHRMA experiences have been more JUNE 2019

than memorable, and they are a blessing and gift that keeps on giving. Two of Charles Miller’s long-time local pals, Richard and Emmett, showed up for event. Spent some quality time with Louis LeBlanc as we found out how similar our musical interests are. He even played a few tunes on my guitar. We hung out with two other music/motorcycle pals, Stuart Sanders and Patrick McGraw. Stuart brought a spare crankshaft for his engine all swaddled in a greasy old towel. Conversations with Patrick never last long enough. Joe and I really got to know Charles as we survived all the frustrations of trackside bike building. We damn sure bonded. Hunter Longshore and BJ stopped in late Saturday night. BJ said we ultimately won ‘the contest.’ Matt Rice’s 350 refused to cooperate. Not a contest victory to savor though. Matt and his crew certainly gave it a mighty fine effort. Rosco was camped across the street. Our time with him just adds to the fun and he’s always there when you need him to lend a mechanical hand. This was the first time we’ve had Jim and Terri Korn, Herm Narciso and Scotty for neighbors along with new pal Herb Haigh and his wife. Also, always a treat to bench race with Tim Terrell. Was able to drink a beer while chasing some spark plug threads over at his pitsite. Mark Shaver’s a constant hoot – just one more of the many we wish we lived closer to. Tearfully stared at a broken valve with Kevin Burns and shared peanuts with Choctaw at the


awards ceremony. Hung out with Rik and Bill Gould. Rik broke a spoke and we managed to ‘cheat’ a new one back into the rim. Glad I brought my wheel truing stand along. We won’t race again until Heartland Motorsports Park, so there should be enough time to rebuild Joe’s engine and get Stuart Sanders some additional horsepower ready to haul up to Topeka. Sure hate to put a wrench on Joe’s little motor. It’s still running strong after a year of racing, but I know there are some tired parts inside those cases. Here’s the ‘big debt of gratitude list.’ The AHRMA staff and volunteers for providing another weekend of fun and memories. My son, Joe, for all the hard labor, the great riding, the driving and companionship. My wife, Sheri, for her behind-the-scenes support and contributions. Charles Miller for creating the project in the first place. We were tested, but we had a heck of a lot of fun anyway, gettin’ it together. AHRMA – Joe Koury Member #1012608




It boggles the brain to think such legendary motorcycles as the CL72, CB750, XR75, 250 Elsinore, CBX and V45 Interceptor sprang from a WWII-era bicycle driven by a 1-horsepower engine bolted between a pair of skinny frame rails. But they did. It was late in 1946 when 39-year old Soichiro Honda — a gifted and hard-working auto mechanic — visited Ken Inukai, a friend who ran a Tokyo taxi service. Inukai had a small generator engine, and it fired Honda’s imagination the instant he laid eyes on it. Honda proposed using the engine — examples of which were plentiful — to power a bicycle, then the prime mode of transportation in post-war Japan. Although motorized bicycles were already in use, they were rare. Honda’s vision would change all that, and quickly. A prototype was quickly built, the engine positioned in front of the handlebar and applying power to the front tire via a rubber friction roller. The setup quickly wore through the low-quality tires of the time, so Honda reworked the design, placing the engine in a more traditional location and driving the rear wheel via a belt. The design worked well, and after buying approximately 500 of the auxiliary engines from the manufacturer — carburetor-maker Mikuni Shoko — Honda began selling the innovative bikes through his fledgling Honda Technical Research Institute, but only after disassembling each engine before sale to be sure it worked correctly. Buyers came from all over Japan, and Honda’s reputation grew. In March of 1947, Honda hired his first trained engineer — Kiyoshi Kawashima. “The pay was minimal,” Kawashima recalls, “but the old man was famous in Hamamatsu, and this was a chance to work [with him].” Their first prototype engine was the legendary ‘chimney’ powerplant, which Honda originally drew up on the shop floor. “We could have done well copying that auxiliary engine,” Kawashima says, “but [Honda] didn’t like to copy things.” The ‘chimney’ 2-stroke was innovative, offering more power and using less fuel than designs of the time, but was never productionized due to a lack of manufacturing capability in post-war Japan. Later that year, Honda and Kawashima would go on to produce the vaunted A-type motorized bicycle, Honda’s first original product, one powered by a Honda-designed and -built engine that utilized a host of die-cast parts, a rare and expensive thing for a factory described as “a crude little neighborhood machine shop” in Honda’s own history. We all know what happened after the A-type’s release, but it remains amazing to see the actual roots of what would become Honda Motor Company.





Corsa Moto Classica Willow Springs International Raceway AHRMA Luke's Racecraft National Roadrace Series Report April 26 - 28, 2019 22


Great weather, hospitality via Brady Walker’s team and consistently tight racing marked the 24th Corsa Motoclassica at Willow Springs International Raceway in Rosamond, California. “Modern” two-stroke motorcycles are both quickly becoming vintage motorcycles and finding their way back to the track. On Saturday, Michael Woolaway bested the Open Two Stroke field aboard his exotic Suter, beating a field of late ‘90s 250cc and 125cc GP machines. Sunday it was Aprillia-mounted Andy Edwards taking the victory, Paul Sainthon moving from third Saturday behind Yamaha TZ750 pilot David Crussell, to second on Sunday while Stephen

Gillen put his Yamaha TZ125 on the third podium step. Next Generation Superbike shared the track with Open Two Stroke and Sound of Thunder 1. Chris Bush split from the Next Gen Superbike pack Saturday and Sunday for a run-away win. Meanwhile, Rick “Highside” Carmody returned to the AHRMA family for a SoT 1 victory on Sunday besting Jeff Graham and Robb Weins. Same cast but different characters on Sunday with Graham for the win, Weins second and Carmody third. Aermacchis dominated 350 GP which is the featured class for the 2019 AHRMA Vintage


JUNE 2019

Left: SoT 1: Jeff Graham #222 leads Rick Carmody #R39. Top: 350 GP and Sportsman 350: Walt Fulton #777 leads the 350 GP field while the Hips, Stephen #31, and Kurt #208 tangle in Sportsman 350. Bottom: 250 GP: Jeff Henise #404 holds off Jason Lindquist #13 and Damian Doffo #36. Cup. Saturday and Sunday’s race winner Walt Fulton along with second-place finisher Jim Neuenberg both raced the horizontal cylinder, air-cooled, push rod-motored Italian beauties. On Saturday, Ian Yater also on an Aermacchi JUNE 2019

completed the podium. Similar results on Sunday but with Yamaha-mounted Jason “Cupcake” Lindquist third. The 200 GP class on the West Coast is a hotbed of creativity. On Saturday, Gabriel “Doritto” Droetti took checkers and Damian Doffo was third aboard their highly-developed CB175s. Second went to Dustin Johnson riding Dr. Jeff Henise’s latest creation: The motor is a custom designed, cast and machined top end mated to a Yamaha twin lower end and mounted in a modified Honda CB 160 chassis. A last-lap petcock incident resulted in Saturday’s secondplace finish. By Sunday, with gas flowing the


entire race, Johnson took the win over Doffo and Droetti. The Willow Springs “big” track is a perfect for AHRMAs big bikes. Enter Formula Vintage and the Race 6 drama. On Saturday, the biggies were feisty. David Crussell aboard his Kawasaki tangled with Honda-mounted Darrin Gauvin ending up one-two. Russ Grainger on his Suzuki was occupied with Richard Gray until he slipped away for third. Class veterans Dennis Parrish went toe-to-toe with Pete Hokenstad to take third. With Crussell out of the mix on Sunday, Cary Andrew was on the top step, Granger took second and Gauvin third. Hokenstad had a new WWW.AHRMA.ORG


Top Left: SoS 1: Curtis Adams #45. Left: Phillip Island Challenge: Joe Pethoud #32 tracks down Ed Haazer #45. Here: VSB Heavyweight: Pete Hokenstad #99 dices with CJ Bonura #71.

nemesis for Sunday, C.J. Bonura, but was able to hang on for another fourth. The second chapter of Race 6 had a plot twist in the Omega. Vintage Superbike Middleweight racer Patrick “Patch Wookie” Wilkening crashed his Kawasaki avoiding a racer who stood-up mid turn. This also brought down Lorraine Crussell on her Yamaha TZ125 in Sound of Singles 3 and Thruxton Cup Challenge racer Eugen Casciaro. The rest of the field avoided the fracas with Stephen Gillen putting his TZ125 on top in SoS 3 followed by Kerri Kress on her Honda RS125 and Jason “Cupcake” Lindquist third on 24


his TZ125. A similar podium on Sunday with Crussell taking third as Lindquist was occupied with an inter-class tango with Casciaro. Small bikes had their share of fun on the big track. During the last lap of Saturday’s 250GP race. Dustin Johnson passed Damian Doffo for the win as Jason “Cupcake” Lindquist, who was in the podium hunt, slowed allowing Henise to take third. The Sunday version included a midrace interaction between Lindquist and Doffo. Dicing for a podium spot, the duo luridly eye-balled each other at speed down the front straight. Meanwhile, Henise, racing the same

machine Johnson rode on Saturday, lurked, sizing up the pair until a last-lap pounce gave him enough momentum, and time, for a jolly wave to the crowd as he sailed to victory. A crash during Sunday’s Race 8 turned it into two races. The first four laps of the Sound of Thunder 2 race started with KTM-mounted Curtis Adams jetting into the distance with Carmody (Saturdays winner) left to dice with Wyatt Vandergeest. Anthony Starros, crashed exiting turn 1 bringing out the red flag. The restart resulted in a four-lap fracas between Carmody and eventual winner Adams with


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Tom Wilbert third. In Vintage Superbike Heavyweight, Joe Weir and Cary Andrew squeezed maximum race action into a quartet of laps with Weir taking checkers. The new Next Generation Superbike Lightweight class was dominated by Honda NT650 Hawks. Charles Burnett and Michael Root topped the podium both days on their highly-developed versions of the beloved late-80s V-Twin cult bikes. The wind picked up in the afternoon but not enough to cool off the hot racing action. In Race 10, Jeff Graham bolted to victory in JUNE 2019

Formula Thunder while Robb Weins tangled with Battle of Twins 900cc class winner Wyatt Vandergeest. Behind them, Mike Blankenship fought off hard-charging Russell Foggan for third behind Willam Brown. On Sunday, Brown started to check out, but Blankenship spent the race reeling him in before passing in turn 8. The resulting last-lap drag race ended with victory for Brown. AHRMA nationals often host celebrity racers and Josh Hayes raised the bar for friendliness off the track and quickness in the saddle. Racing a Mojo Yamaha FJ1200-powered beast,


Hayes decimated the Phillip Island Challenge on Saturday and shared a great perspective on vintage racing during the awards ceremony. On Sunday, the PI Challenge race was another lastlap nail biter. Portland’s Joe Pethoud used seven of the eight laps to track down leader Ed Haazer before making a turn 8 pass stick and taking the victory. AHRMA –David Stark Member #5137



Super Fast Racing, The Des Cup & A Rare Cotton Desoto Motorsports Park AHRMA Race Tech National Series Race Report April 13-14, 2019 Desoto Motorsport Park and the Parker family hosted round four of the Preston Petty Products National Vintage Motocross Series and round four of the Race Tech National Post Vintage Motocross Series, on what appeared would be a rain-challenged event. With forecasts calling 26


for a 90% chance of rain each day, Ricky Parker prepared the track, in advance, to provide the racers with the best possible racing surface. Fortunately, we avoided the rain for 99% of the motocross events this weekend! For the second consecutive year, the event was scheduled one week in advance of the Riverport National in Jefferson, TX to provide a nice spring break of vintage racing for members around the country. Even with the bleak forecast, the attendance was very good and the racing was excellent. Vintage racing kicked off with Bobby Hedge of Fort Worth, TX rocketing out of the gate and dominating the first moto, leading all four laps in the 50+ Intermediate group. Moto two saw

WORDS: ALBERT NEWMANN PHOTOS: BOBBY HEDGE, SHARON BEAN & KENNY LAU, OF AWESOME SHOTS Gary Davis of Livingston, TX snag the hole shot to take the lead. But it was short-lived, as Hedge made the pass on lap two to go into the lead and never look back. Brian Oakley managed to work his way up to second place on lap three, charging towards Hedge. However, it was not enough as Hedge took the win and overall for the class with Oakley finishing second on the day. Also, in race one, the 60+ Intermediate group put on a great show, with Tony Moseley taking the overall with a 2-1 score. Race three was one of the most interesting races of the day, as Dave Boydstun of Mesa, AZ made an appearance riding perhaps the rarest bikes on the track, a Cotton. In the Premier


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Left: Bubba Hill #101 and Keith Davis #K75 exchange a mid-air stare-down in Ultima 250 Expert racing. Photo: Hedge. Top: Dave Boydstun showing off his Tractor Supply Company race gear on the super-rare Cotton. Photo: Hedge. Above Left: Curt Jaimet, Keith Davis, and Bob Bean battling Honda's to the first turn! Photo: Bean. Above Center: Innaugural Des Cup Team Champions Bubba Dennis, Trey Jorski, and Jason Dennis. Photo: Lau. Above Right: Charlene Campbell #99G out of the gate in Post Vintage action. Photo: Hedge.

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Lightweight Expert class, he put on a display showing how he was able to capture a litany of titles in years past on this very bike. Trey Jorski, in the Vintage 50+ Expert class got the hole shot each moto to lead the pack, but it was a battle behind him as Boydstun mixed it up with the Sportsman 500 Expert and Open Age Expert group. Bill Hobson took the overall in the Sportsman 500 Expert class with a 1-2 finish. And it was Bob Bean winning the Open Age Expert class. Kawasaki-mounted James Golliher of Toledo, Ohio beat out Eddie Parks with a 1-1 finish to take the Open Age Intermediate group. The 60+Expert class was the feature race on the day, which saw a highly competitive group


of racers entertain the crowd. Moto one saw Danny Wirt and his gorgeous CZ jump to the early lead over Bubba Dennis and Trey Jorski. But Jorski, a former pro, worked his way up to second place on lap two, and by lap three had passed Wirt to move into the lead and the moto win. In the second moto, Jorski had a much better start and immediately went to the head of the pack with Wirt holding off Bob Bean and Greg Gordon for second place. Jorski took the overall win, with Wirt finishing second and Bob Bean rounding off the podium for third. Charlene Campbell won the 40+ Intermediate and Devon Long took the top spot in the 40+ Expert class in race five. WWW.AHRMA.ORG


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JUNE 2019

Mike Aymond, Wes Jordan, Andrew Supak and a full race gate chasing Hoot Parker. Photo: Hedge Once racing concluded for the day, the campfires were lit and the pits came alive with cooking and bench racing throughout the park. Rain was the topic of the night and we wondered if could we could keep it away for another day? Sunday’s Post-Vintage racing started off with the high revving Grand Prix 125s and Historic 125 classes on the gates along with the Grand Prix 250 Expert and Women’s classes. Local Louisiana fast guy Hoot Parker was lined up with Bill Hobson from Eustis, Florida in the GP 250 Expert gate. The racing was close, however. Hobson, aboard his KX250, was on fire and took both motos for the win. In the 125 Historic class, Expert JC Roberts, another fast Floridian, battled with Wes Jordan of Springtown, TX. Jordan maintained a nice lead until the very last lap of the first moto when Roberts made the pass. Moto two saw Roberts with a much better start jump to the lead and held off a hard charging Jordan for the overall. Joe Morgan and Travis Shackelford swapped moto wins in the GP 125 Expert class with Morgan taking the overall. In the GP 125 Intermediate, Jason Elder cruised to 1-1 moto wins. In the GP 125 Intermediate, Jason Elder cruised to 1-1 moto win's for the overall but it was Mike Aymond and Darrick Newmann, both riding Honda CR125's, swapping moto positions with Aymond finishing second on the day. Newcomer to AHRMA racing Women’s group was Taylor Watts out of Houston, TX, hanging with the 125 Expert boys to win her class and showing some great speed. It appears our JUNE 2019

Women’s class in the region is heating up with solid competition. Randy Howell dominated race three of a stacked Intermediate group of riders, while winning the Pre-Modern 4 Stroke Intermediates, with Keith Canfield winning the GP 250 Intermediates, Charlene Campbell winning the 40+ Intermediates, and Race Davis winning the Pre-Modern 125 Intermediate Group. Simon Farmer put in a great ride to take the Pre-Modern 250 Intermediate win. Possibly the fastest gate as well as most closely fought classes of the day was the Pre-Modern 250 Expert class in race four. Curt Jaimet, Keith Davis, and Bob Bean were literally wheel to wheel from the gate drop in each moto. In order of finish it was Jaimet winning with a 1-1, Davis second with 2-2 finishes and Bean going 3-3. The group never separated more than a few bike lengths at any point for intense racing. Stealing the thunder, though, of race four was Scott Slay of Clinton, MS, literally slaying the competition on his big bore KX 500 Kawasaki in the Pre-Modern 500 Expert class. Slay was super smooth and never let off the throttle of the big bore in an amazing ride. Race eight on the day saw the rematch of Bill Hobson and Hoot Parker in the 50+ Expert class. An extremely talented group of riders featuring Stuart McAvoy, Terry Cunningham, and Trampas Parker made for exciting racing. Trampas Parker jumped to the lead of the first moto but faded back from what appeared to be some issues with his Husqvarna and it was Hoot Parker overtaking the lead with McAvoy in tow. The second moto saw Parker with the


hole shot, but Hobson quickly worked his way around Hoot on lap two for the moto win. Hoot’s 1-2 gained him the overall over Hobson’s 3-1 finish. Super-fast Intermediate Brian Oakley and Keith Canfield swapped moto wins in the 50+ Intermediate class, with Oakley gaining the overall on the day. One of the new features to the event at Desoto Motorsport Park this year was the addition of a team race for the coveted Des Cup! With a combination of skill levels forming the teams and the option of 100cc two stroke or 200cc Honda XRs, the smack talking was thick and the racing quite intense. Not since the Battle of Pleasant Hill have we seen such a fiercely-fought contest in this area of Louisiana. In the end it was the team of BA Motorsports and its riders, Trey Jorski, Bubba Dennis, and Jason Dennis proudly holding the Des Cups above their heads. Congrats to all for such an entertaining race, and to the other teams, there is always next year! Oh, the rain…at the start of the second round of motos, there was a ten-minute shower. However, the clouds parted and racing was not affected. Once racing had concluded on the day, and many with their trailers packed, the heavens opened up with a torrential storm, delivering nearly two inches of rain in the next hour. We dodged a big bullet on this weekend and those in attendance were very pleased with the great racing surface all weekend. The post forecast was 100% fun for this one! AHRMA – Albert Newmann South Central OR Coordinator Member# 5729 WWW.AHRMA.ORG



Desoto Motorsports Park AHRMA John Penton/ Preston Petty National Cross-Country Series Race Report April 6 - 7, 2019 Grand Cane, Louisiana Once again, we arrived at the Desoto Motorsports Park on Friday afternoon with the threat of rain. However, there are a couple of things we have learned about this event. One, we stand a good chance of spring rains in Northern Louisiana. And two, regardless of the weather, Keith Parker and family will have a course prepared for us. While both days of the cross-country event were free from rain, we received a good soaking each night, resulting in a muddy, challenging, but rideable course. 30


At the riders meeting on Saturday morning, we were informed of the course conditions and given instructions that, due to the weather, the race was to be shortened to two laps for the vintage class. The highlight of the riders meeting was James Smith’s presentation of the Irene Smith Trophy for “outstanding performance by a female competitor in an off-road discipline” to Danielle Ballard, Vintage Womens Expert. Now, in the interest of full disclosure, this author did not ride the course, but based the information herein from observations at the scoring tent and from rider reports, some of which came from rather dubious sources. First up was the Vintage race, which also included Post Vintage Novices and all women riders. Of the 22 mud splattered souls who completed the event, Sportsman 100 Intermediate Darel Parsons (YAM) led the way, followed by +50 Expert Chris Graber (CAM) who was 1st after the initial lap.

Congratulations Darel! You are the mud rider of the day! The rest of the field came in with few problems in the mud, with Classic Intermediate Paul Shaffner (HON) in 3rd overall followed less than a minute later by PV Womens Expert Shelia Monk (SUZ.) It was decided that for the Post Vintage race we would run a full hour on the leader. PV +50 Expert Chris Graber (CAM) was the overall 1st place finisher by besting a very fast class of experts, including fellow PV+50 Experts Mark Ray (HON,) Trampas Parker (HUS,) and Terry Cunningham (HUS,) with Historic Open Expert Alan Drane in the mix. It should be noted that 3rd place finisher Trampas Parker was 34th at the finish of the 1st lap after stopping for an injured rider. Thanks, Trampas! Darel Parsons, PV 200 Intermediate (YAM,) was the top finishing Intermediate rider, a mere 5 seconds ahead of fellow PV 200 Intermediate Kurt Parsons (HON,) in a class with five riders.


JUNE 2019

Rain, Clear Skies, Moon, & Mud

Top Left: Tom Shackelford aboard his IT200 completing the final lap of the Cross Country race. Bottom Left: Gary Davis 42U and James Smith 4D awaiting the start of the Vintage Cross Country race. Above: Sportsman Open Rider line taking off. That's Jimmy Stark, Wesley Wyman, Karl Barrow, and David Brown. Also, with five riders, was the PV +60 Expert class, led by Greg Gordon (SUZ,) with Keith Young (YAM) in 2nd and Luther Stem (HON,) Chicago Jerry (HON,) and John Gott (YAM) finishing 20th, 21st and 22nd respectively, separated by only a minute. PV 50+ Intermediate Lloyd Loux (HON,) who never gets the mention he deserves, finished 1st in class, followed by Faine Miller (YAM. After a very heavy rain on Saturday night, it was decided that Sunday’s race, shortened by about half a mile, would be a one lap sprint race. Only 14 brave participants showed up JUNE 2019

on the starting line. The top two finishers were both Intermediate riders, with Classic Intermediate Paul Shaffner (HON) having the fastest time, followed 48 seconds later by Sportsman 200 Intermediate Gary Boyles (YAM). Vintage +50 Expert Chris Graber came through one minute later followed four seconds after by PV Womans Expert Sheila Monk (SUZ.) Next was Sportsman 200 Expert James Smith (CAM) with Sportsman Open Intermediate David Brown (HUS) just outside the top five. The PV one-lap sprint race displayed some serious competition in the mud, with the top three, all PV 50+ Experts, separated by less than 10 seconds with Trampas Parker (HUS), leading Chris Graber (CAM) and followed by Terry Cunningham (HUS.) PV 70+ Intermediate Keith Parker led the +70 Intermediate class after working day and night getting the course set up. PV 200 Intermediate Travis Shackelford (HON)


was the top finishing Intermediate rider. For those interested in specific race results, check out the times and points standings at www.ahrma.org. Our hard luck award for the weekend goes to Sportsman Open Expert Gary Davis who had the unfortunate experience of being “mooned” by Chicago Jerry at the scoring line. And folks, this was truly a “full moon!” We again express our thanks to Keith and Becky Parker, their family, and the Desoto Motorsports Park staff; to the many AHRMA volunteers involved with registration, technical inspection, and scoring, to our national CrossCountry Coordinator Becky Hayes, and to our sponsors – John Penton and Preston Petty Products for a fun, muddy and memorable weekend of safe and challenging riding. AHRMA –Bill Ryburn Member# 6390







Riverport International AHRMA National Motocross Race Report April 13-14, 2019 Are we having fun yet? Seventeen years now and the answer remains the same, yes, we are. The landscape of the Big Cypress Bayou and history rich city of Jefferson, Texas, have provided wonderful memories over the years and this year would be no different. With el Nino in full effect, the motocross program was faced with perhaps its greatest challenge to date. In weeks leading up to the race rain had the bayous full, but a break in the weather pattern the week before left the courses in great shape for the upcoming weekend’s event. Rain was in 32


the forecast; however, the predicted amount was fluctuating by the hour. The prognostication proved correct as early Saturday morning the rain was relentless. With a rider vote, it was decided to run the vintage motocross program on Sunday morning and the Post Vintage program on Sunday afternoon in a one-moto format. So, what do you do with yourselves on a racefree day in Jefferson, Texas? Plenty! Many of the travelers took advantage of the day to browse the antique stores, shop in boutiques, take in some of Jefferson’s fine dining, and absorb a little Texas history. Several racers gathered at a local restaurant, Auntie Skinners, to share stories and make new friends. In the back room of the restaurant the Innaugural Shock Sox Vintage Motocross Pool tournament was conducted and there was no doubt that once again AHRMA

racers can make lemonade out of lemons! While the pool tournament result was as questionable as this year’s Kentucky Derby, Chad King was declared the winner with local hot shoe Rob Springer finishing second and Shand Garcia taking the bronze. Back at the track, the pavilion was host to a friendly poker game and cornhole tournament. Once the rain let up Saturday evening a veteran group of track designers and equipment operators set out to designing a course layout that would avoid the flooded sections of the track. Wes Willis, Dave Boydstun, and a crack team of local operators salvaged much of the course and prepared a superb alternate layout for our Sunday racing program. Incredible job, but this is not their first rodeo either, so we can be thankful to have such great resources available at our events.


JUNE 2019

Left: #72 Hoot Parker and his GP250 Honda navigating an uphill section. Top: Gary Davis leading the Sportsman Open Intermediates. Above Left: Legend of the Weekend Gary Chaplin making a hot lap on the 1969 square barrel Maico. Above Right: First turn action of a muddy Diamond Don's. Sunday morning racing was off to a great start with the Vintage 60 Plus Expert group on the track. Arkansas native Danny Wirt jumped to the lead over Dennis Murphy and multinational champion Bob Bean. Wirt won the highly competitive class with Bean finishing second and Greg Gordon taking third. Also, on the same gate, was the 40 Plus Expert group of which Devon Long held off Greg Barnes to win this class. Ireland native Lee Rook won the JUNE 2019

40 Plus Intermediates over fellow countryman Andrew Braedon. It was Gary Davis beating out Michael Harding to win the 50 Plus Intermediates and Greg Barnes topping the 50 Plus Expert class in race four. Race five had Dennis Jeffries winning the 60 Plus Novice group and Skip Kennedy winning the 70 Plus Experts. Race six featured our Legend of the Weekend, Gary Chaplin. Gary had the opportunity to ride the Bubba Dennis prepared 1969 square barrel Maico 250 and was he ever impressed. Gary stated he had never ridden a Maico of such quality back in the day. It was an honor to watch such a smooth racer handle the course! Gary was the perfect choice for a Legend and to watch him converse with everyone throughout the weekend you can tell he truly loves the sport. In other race six action it was AHRMA


trustee Beno Rodi winning the Premier Open Twin Expert class and James Bailey edging out Kenneth Jeter in ESS 500 Intermediate. Kent Hanson was flying in the Vintage 60 Plus Intermediate class but the race for second was a dog fight as Wesley Wallace made a pass on the starting straight to move ahead of Ossa mounted Tom Thomas on the final lap for second place. Track prep guru Dave Boydstun and his Cotton once again won the Premier Lightweight Expert class in this gate. Perhaps the fastest lap times on the day were from a small bore 125 rider. In race ten it was Garret Carter on a Yamaha YZ 125 destroying the track over very stiff competition in the largest class of the day, the Sportsman 125 Expert. Carter Anderson of Granite Falls, WA, took second place while Devon Long held off the challenges from Carl Mabrey to finish third. WWW.AHRMA.ORG







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Arizona Cycle Park MX, Buckeye, AZ National Series (AVDRA) February 17 Perris Raceway MX, Perris, CA National Series (CALVMX) March 31 Motoland MX, Casa Grande, AZ SW Regional Series (AVDRA) April 14 San Bernardino Fairgrounds MX, Victorville, CA SW Regional Series (WASP) April 27 Willow Springs Raceway Trials, Rosamond, CA SW Regional Series (L. Sayer) July 20 San Bernardino Fairgrounds MX, Victorville, CA SW Regional Series (WASP) October 13 Lake Elsinore Truck Track MX, CA SW Regional Series (CALVMX) November 2 MotoVentures Trials, Anza, CA National Series (B. Botzong) November 3 Fox Raceway MX, Pala, CA National Series (CALVMX) November 30 Day-In-The-Dirt Trials, San Bernardino, CA SW Regional Series (VETO/L. Leavitt) Schedule subject to change with additions/deletions.

Call/Text Luke Sayer at 562-841-3476 SW Trials Series includes all 3 Trials; no throw outs. Must ride all 3 for series awards. SW MX Series includes 7 MX events; 1 throw out. Must ride a minimum of 5 events for series awards.


JUNE 2019

Left: Ireland's Andrew Braedon aboard a CZ cruising his way to an easy win in the Sportsman 500 Intermediate class. Right: Caleb Swain leading Darren Terry in Ultima 125 action through the first turn. Garret also went on to win the Sportsman 500 Expert class that included the very fast Bill Hobson, Derrick Wedding, and Greg Barnes. Just as the Vintage group finished, we were blessed with the sun busting through the cloud coverage to warm things on an unusually chilly April day in Texas. The Post Vintage racing program received the benefit of the sun as water spots rapidly started to dry and the track began to shape up nicely. Post vintage racing kicked off with our 60 Plus classes. In the 60 Plus Expert it was Bob Bean and Dennis Murphy in a very close race from start to finish with Clark Jones keeping both in sight the entire race. Bean managed to hold Murphy off, but it was a photo finish as Murphy made a hard charge on his Yamaha down the finish straight. In the Intermediate group it was another great battle as Mike Cole of Branson West, MO, led the race until the last lap when local racer Troy Rapp made the pass for the win. Marc Warburton made the trek down from Virginia and took third place on his beautiful RM Suzuki (perhaps the most stacked and intensely fought classes of the Post Vintage program). Race two saw Greg Barnes pull the holeshot in the Sportsman 500 Expert class but Allen, TX, racer Steve Tomlinson put in a great ride to pass Barnes on lap two and take the win. Lee Rook, racing Intermediate, passed all the Experts in an impressive ride. Welcome to the Expert class upon your return to U.S. soil next time Lee! JUNE 2019

Race three featured the 125 Grand Prix classes and Grand Prix 250 Intermediates. With the 125s out of the first gate drop it was Florida native Evo Rodriguez pulling the holeshot and leading all the 125cc racers until lap two when a rejuvenated Travis Shackelford and his Honda CR125 moved into first place and began to gap the remaining riders. Dennis Murphy moved his way up on lap three into second overall as it appeared Rodriquez’s bike started to lose power. Rodriguez bested the Intermediates and it was Shackelford winning the Expert class. Recent newcomer to AHRMA, Keith Cannfield, won the 250 Intermediate class as he worked his way through a large class of riders for the win as Jeffery Blackwood of Dallas, TX, took second. Ben Paschal, aboard his 1977 Maico, holeshot the Historic 250 Novice class and held off a challenge from Stephen Nemergut for the win in race six. Also, in the same race, it was Bill Hobson going wire to wire in the GP 250 Expert class over a stacked field of Parker Jones, Hoot Parker, and Steve Tomlinson. Great ride for Hobson! Clark Jones won the GP 500 Expert and Jason Dennis won the GP 500 Intermediate in this multi-class race gate. John Mueller of El Dorado, AR, put in an amazing ride in race nine competing with Trampas Parker, Ricky Parker, and both Jones boys. Mueller grabbed the holeshot and lead the entire race. The Parkers may have figured out the XR200s might need a little more juice to run at the front of the pack with Mueller’s big bore Honda. Joel White won the 40 Plus Expert class over Greg Barnes and it was Sonny Reed edging out Jason Colon for the win in the 40 Plus Intermediate group. The 50 Plus Expert featured another familiar showdown of Hoot Parker and Bill Hobson. Hobson had the early lead but on lap two Hoot made a pass and made it stick for the


win. Kenneth Guillory of Chillicothe, OH, put in a fantastic showing to beat eleven other racers in the 50 Plus Intermediate class while Mark White of Liberty, MS, had to work his way through the pack and eventually landed in second place over Michael Harding and Keith Cannfield. Hunter Glenn, making his first AHRMA appearance, showed he definitely has the lineage of a fast family as he beat one of the faster riders from the previous weekend in Desoto, Scott Slay. Hunter won the Pre-Modern 250 Intermediate and was the overall winner of the gate. Slay won the 500 Pre-Modern Expert and Bob Bean beat out a group of fast experts for the Pre-Modern 250 Expert class. While the weather turned out to disrupt the race schedule, it did not deter us from running a good race under challenging conditions. Thanks to the host of the event, Don and Francine Rainey, for making this event such a consistent standout on our AHRMA calendar. The Barbecue dinner on Friday and the Fajita fest on Sundays “w(h)ine-down” party were well appreciated by the crowd as well as accommodating the people inside the park with amenities and upgrades to the Pavillion! Gary Chaplin was a treat to hang out with as well as former pro racers Jim Stein, Steve Wise, Brad Lackey, and Trey Jorski who visited with attendees. Trey Jorski was also the charity golf challenge winner, so congrats to Trey. The staff of Don’s is top-notch, and the volunteers are very much appreciated for making this such a standout event. Thank you and see you in 2020! AHRMA – Albert Newmann South Central OR Coordinator Member #5729 WWW.AHRMA.ORG




RAILROAD TRACKS, RHUMBAR &'GATORS Riverport International AHRMA National Cross Country Race Report April 14, 2019 In the months leading up to the 17th Annual Diamond Don's Riverport National, Mother Nature was kind enough to keep the water level down along the banks of The Big Cypress Bayou. This bayou borders much of the property on which the event is held. This year's Cross Country race offered one of the best and longest courses in recent years, due to the lower water levels, allowing for usage of some otherwise 36


soggy ground. In the weeks leading up to the event, Brant Wedding and Mike Haynes spent many man-hours clearing the trail of downed trees and brush; the remnants of a tornado that went through during last year's VMX race. They were able to piece together a course that was just little under five miles long. Without their efforts, this race would be much harder to put together. The course itself started on the MX track in front of the starting gate. From there it meandered through different segments: crossing over the train tracks a few times, running along the bayou, blasting across some open fields, through a couple of sections of tight single-track, and up, over, and along the levee a few times. From there, it crossed the road, sending bikes through

WORDS: "CHICAGO JERRY GRAKAUSKAS PHOTOS: BOBBY HEDGE, KENNY LAU - AWESOME SHOTS a semi-soggy field, through more single track on the way back, past the live alligator pen, along the railroad tracks, and back onto the MX track. Scoring was set up right at the edge of the pavilion and the MX track. This allowed for great spectating from the pavilion. Under the pavilion, there was the annual tradition of the "Rhumbar," where spectators can hoot and holler for their favorite riders while enjoying some free cocktails. This year's version was sponsored by the Texas 49 Crossing Liquor Store, which is right up the road in Jefferson. A great time was had by all. As per usual practice for the last few years, the first Vintage session also included all novices and women, regardless of whether they ride a vintage or post-vintage bike. There were


JUNE 2019

Here: #4X multi-time off-road champion Terry Cunningham taking the number two spot. Top: #S12 Shelia Monk, PV Women's Expert for the win. Right: #76 Greg Gordon dominates the PV +60 Expert class. Photos by Kenny Lau – Awesome Shots. a number of women competing, with Shelia Monk finishing the early session in fifth overall against a lot of fast guys, winning the PV Women's Expert class in the process. Other women included Danielle Ballard, winning the Vintage Women's Expert, Cross-Country coordinator, Becky Hayes, winning the Women's PV Intermediate class and Ashley Verne winning the Women's PV Novice class. Great job to all these women racers! During the vintage session, leading all riders was proverbial fast guy, Chris Graber. Visiting from Australia, and turning some fast times on a Husky, was Steve "McQueen" Baker. He was actually running second overall for a while, but ran into a couple issues later in the race, still managing to win the Sportsman Open JUNE 2019

Intermediate class. Gary Davis, from Livingston, TX, a stalwart at Diamond's but usually only on the MX track, has decided to try his hand this year at vintage CC races. He put his YZ at the top of the leader board for the Open Sportsman Expert class. There were a LOT of VERY fast guys riding in the PV session. Once again, at the end, it was Chris Graber leading the way, besting multitime off-road champion, Terry Cunningham; with Kevin Hutchinson coming across the finish line in third. Also racing were three of the Parker clan. Heith won the PV200 Exp class, followed by James Winn III and then Ricky Parker for third in that class. Former world champion, Trampas Parker was leading all PV riders on the first lap before pulling off, but


Pre-Modern Expert rider, Brandon Glenn, led him into the barrels that first lap. Glenn ended up pulling out later himself. In the PV +60 Expert class, Greg Gordon continues to dominate, winning the class at every event he has entered this year. Special thanks to all the volunteers who help to make it happen, there are too many to list without missing a couple. This was one of the best CC races ever at Diamond's. CC riders like this event, making it one of the most popular stops on the circuit. AHRMA Until next year... –"Chicago" Jerry Grakauskas Member #2333



2019 AHRMA NE Offroad Championship Series Schedule 4/27 & 28

Irish Valley MX Park, NE/NA Series Joint CC/XC Regional Event: Sat CC/XC & Sun MX- Paxinos, PA.


Lamoka MX, NE Regional: Sunday MX- Bradford, NY.

5/31, 6/1-2 AHRMA Nat’l & NE Regional: CC/XC Fri, VMX Sat & PVMX Sun- Unadilla, NY. 6/23

Allen’s Farm NE Regional MX: Sunday MX- Lawton, PA.

6/29 & 30

Mid-Atlantic/NE CC/XC & NE MX: Sat MX, Sun CC/XCBellefonte, PA.

7/13 & 14

State Line Riders, NE Regional CC/XC & MX: Sat CC/XC, Sun MX- N. Pownal, VT.

8/3 & 4

NE Regional: Sat CC/XC & Sun MX- King Ferry, NY.

8/17 & 18

Lamoka MX, NE Regional: CC/ XC On Sat, MX SunBradford, NY.

8/31 - 9/1

Bear Creek Sportsmen, NE Regional: CC/XC Sat & MX Sun- Hancock, NY.

9/21 & 22

Kelso Creek Classic, NE Regional: CC/XC Sat, MX SunMinerva, NY.

10/5 & 6

Logan’s, AHRMA NE Regional: CC/XC Sat, MX SunCortland, NY. For More Information Contact: Merritt Brown 845-803-6898, mbrown326@optimum.net Ed Roman 570-947-7329, vintmxer@aol.com PLEASE SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS! Mr. Crankshaft: www.mrcrankshaft.com Equinox Cycles: www.equinoxcycles.com • Metro Racing: www.metroracing.com Jennings ATV and Cycle: www.jenningsatvandcycle.com

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JUNE 2019


Mid-Atlantic and NE Region Race Report & 2019 Spring Update The season’s opening CC & MX event on April 27 & 28, 2019 at Irish Valley MX Park (IVMX) marked our 10th year at this venue! This MidAtlantic CC and AHRMA-NE CC joint event has the largest cross-country rider turnout of the season. There were 168 AHRMA Vintage & Post Vintage CC entries! Many thanks to the MidAtlantic CC group and Dave Kutskel for the administrative race day work. Well done! Enjoy the pictures above from the Irish Valley CC and Allen's Farm at left courtesy of Sarah Lane, AHRMA-NE’s event photographer. After the CC event, riders enjoyed gathering at the Irish Valley Pavilion to enjoy the 10th year celebration picnic and the telling of many race day stories. Rain on Saturday night and on Sunday discouraged many of our MX riders from participating on April 28th. We thank the brave souls who raced Sunday’s MX in the rain and mud! We thank Tim Krebs (owner of IVMX) and fellow AHRMA members Dan Horengic, Davey Driver and their team who prepared the IVMX courses and our AHRMA-NE Volunteers who scored, flagged and started the MX races. Hope to see everyone at UNADILLA MX REWIND on May 31, June 1 & 2 for CrossCountry, Vintage, Post-Vintage and Pre-Modern Class racing. This National Event awards points for AHRMA-NE Regional Championships as well. Coming up fast is one of our most popular MX events, Allen’s Farm, Lawton, PA on Sunday, June 23, 2019. Visit our Facebook Page and Website for details.

JUNE 2019

Quick information for Allen’s Farm: Track Info: Natural terrain, grass, off cambers, hills, new layout every year. GPS coordinates: N41.784638 W76.064084. Directions: From Interstate 81 North or South, take exit # 223 (New Milford/Montrose PA) and head west on route 706W through Montrose toward Lawton, PA. The entrance, marked by signs, is by a small faded barn on your left before the intersection of PA Route 706W and 267N and Flynn’s Stone Castle Store. Those coming from the south (Dallas, PA) or east heading west through Tunkhannock, PA along PA Route 6 West: At Meshoppen, PA Turn Right onto PA 267 North Take 267 North for ~11 miles to Lawton, PA. Turn Right after the Hayloft Bar. Turn Right onto Rt 706 East (landmark: Flynn’s Stone Castle Store). The entrance to Allen's Farm is ~1 mile east of the intersection of PA Route 267 North and PA RT 706 East in Lawton, PA. Event info: Over-night Parking for Participants & Crew Gate/admission fee: $5 Schedule: Sign up at 8AM, Practice at 9:30AM, Race at 10:30AM We are updating our email list. If you wish to receive 2019 event details and flyers in advance, please send your email address to vintmxer@ aol.com. Ivan Beattie created and manages the Northeast’s Website. Ivan created a Facebook Page for AHRMA Northeast news. For the latest event details, visit the Northeast’s Website


at http://ahrmanortheast.com or Facebook@ AHRMA Northeast. Ivan does a great job in keeping the Website and Facebook Page up-to-date and everyone well informed. We appreciate his talent and dedicated work. AHRMA Our 2019 Series Sponsors are: Mr. Crankshaft, www.mrcrankshaft.com Equinox Cycles, www.equinoxcycles.com Metro Racing, www.metroracing.com Jennings ATV and Cycle, www.jenningsatvandcycle.com - for hard to find NOS and discontinued vintage, post vintage, 1980’s and 1990’s parts for ATK, call Jennings ATV and Cycle phone # 570-836-4110. See you at the Gate! Merritt Brown, Member #5590 mbrown326@optimum.net, 845-803-6898 Ed Roman, Member #425 vintmxer@aol.com, 570-947-7329



South Central Region 2019 Spring Update Chalaine Fisher presents John McCullough his 2018 Regional Award. Photo by Kenny Lau of Awesome Shots. was a good time as we were enlightened with some stories from both Parker brothers, Heith and Trampas. Morgan Vintage Racing hooked us up with some adult beverages and Chalaine Fisher helped serve up the trophies for our winners. Thank you to all our sponsors as I believe we upped our awards game again this year. It doesn’t happen without all of you and our regional only track events. I hate to mention weather again, but we were forced to move our first regional only event to Memorial Day weekend. With over five inches of rain in a short period of time we could not provide a quality event at the Texas Vintage Grand Prix course, so we had to move the date. As you all can imagine with a full docket of events in the area picking a make-up date is quite a challenge! As of now no other adjustments have been made to the schedule but it appears to be an el Nino year so who knows? The Arkansas Dirt Riders National AHRMA event in New Blaine, AR will be first up in the fall. For this year they will be hosting a Trials National. It would be great to see some of the trials momentum from the Riverport National in Jefferson continue, so please come out and support the efforts to get this format moving in

The 2019 season is under way and we have a few updates and items to highlight as we approach the summer season. First, I would like to say Thank You to Don and Francene Rainey for supplying the Pavillion to host the BA Motorsports AHRMA South Central Regional Awards Presentation. It


Sweney Cycle Park, Brush CO. RM Regional V/PV/NG MX

May 5

Two Rivers Racing, Milliken CO. RM Regional V/PV/NG MX

June 2 June 9 July 28

Niarada MX Raceway, Niarada MT. RM Regional V/PV/NG MX. AHRMA NW Trials June 1st. Aztec Family Raceway, Colorado Springs CO. RM Regional V/PV/NG MX Pawnee Motocross Park, Sterling CO. RM Regional V/PV/NG MX

our region. Of course, the Cross Country and Motocross events are still on, so we hope to see you there. There’s been a ton of discussion in the last few months around skill level adjustments and the process. The end goal is to have racers in their appropriate class for competition by skill, and level of speed, for obvious safety concerns. While it can be very subjective, we are trying to keep the playing field as even as possible. If anyone feels they are not in the right class, gather your facts and contact me. Additionally, if you feel someone is racing in the wrong class contact me and let me know why. Not all instances require moving up levels, we can also move down as necessary. If anyone wants to help assessing riders’ skill levels or serve on the committee, please contact me, as we could use some added input. Lastly, 100cc racers get those bikes ready, as Antique Twister Racing is sponsoring the 100cc Wendi Jordan Memorial Cup at the AHRMA National event at the Texas Vintage Grand Prix Course in Donie, TX this coming November. The event will be a 100cc only event spanning both Saturday and Sunday. Watch for details in the coming months. AHRMA Keep it on the pipe! –Albert Newmann Member #5729 newmann.albert@gmail.com

2019 AHRMA/Cycle Gear

Northwest Regional Schedule April 6-7

Burrows’ Ranch; Chrome, CA

May 4-5

Crooked River Ranch; Terrebonne, OR

(NW regional CC, National trial, National vintage mx)

(NW regional vintage mx, regional trial)

May 18-19 Bodnar Ranch; Dairy, OR

(NW regional vintage mx, regional trial)

June 1-2

Niarada Raceway; Niarada, MT

(Regional vintage mx, regional post vintage mx, regional trial)

*June 8-9 – Premier & Classic; Steamboat Springs, CO* (Special event, no regional points)

June 15

LeMay Marymount Cycle Week; Tacoma, WA

July 20-21

Donner Summit; Soda Springs, CA

(NW regional trial)

(2-Day National trial)

Aug. 24-25 Tea Cup Trial; Point Arena, CA (NW regional trial, Scott trial)

Sept. 14-15 Rattlers Run Farms; Fairfield, WA

(NW regional CC, National trial, National vintage mx)

August 11 Rabbit Run Motocross, Ordway CO. RM Regional V/PV/NG MX

Sept. 28-29 Bushey Ranch; Canby, CA

Sept 21-22 Two Rivers Racing, Milliken CO. AHRMA National V/PV/NG MX

Oct. 19-20 Metcalf Motorcycle Park San Jose, CA

Schedule subject to change with additions/deletions. Four events minimum to qualify for championship. All events count toward points championship. Two Rivers National counts for DOUBLE Regional Points Other events: June 8-9-AHRMA NW, Steamboat Springs CO June 30-AVDRA Bull Hollow, Monticello UT September 15-AVDRA Thundervalley, Lakewood CO

Contact: Jason Colon


(NW regional CC, National trial, National vintage mx)

(National trial, National vintage mx)


www.AHRMARM.org www.sites.google.com/site/rmvrcorg/ www.AHRMANW.org




details at www.ahrmnw.org JUNE 2019

North West Region Steel Stampede at the Crooked River Ranch May 4-5. 2019 Terrebonne, Oregon

WORDS & PHOTOS: ELLEN VOERMANS The AHRMA Powroll/Redwood Engineering Northwest Regional Trial took place at the Crooked River Ranch near Terrebonne, Oregon. The field of 68 riders, including Gary Smith from New Zealand, rode the challenging 10-Section course through sand and rocky terrain, which promotor Pete Fisher called “tougher than last year.” Many of the riders found this to be true, returning to the pits at the end of the day with torn jerseys, scrapes, and a few sunburns. Sunday’s AHRMA/Cycle Gear Northwest Vintage Motocross series saw another large field, with 166 riders in 15 motos. The field included two

Above Left: Gary Smith from New Zealand who rode both trials and MX. Top: Ian Robertson of Scotland in the Open Age Expert class. Above: The start of the Classic 250 Intermediate/Expert and Classic 500 Intermediate/Expert classes visitors to the US and AHRMA, Ian Robertson from Scotland, and Gary Smith from New Zealand. To make things interesting, the promotor decided to hold a one-off international race and, along with Ian and Gary, riders signed up to represent Mexico,

China, South Africa, Canada and, of course, the USA. The Womens’ class had a larger than usual turnout of 11 riders, with several local ladies coming out to try vintage motocross. A couple of the ladies showed some real talent for going fast. At the end of the weekend it was obvious that everyone had a great time. Next up for the Northwest Region is the Bodnar Ranch Trial/Cross Country/ MX in Dairy, OR. AHRMA –Ellen Voermans AHRMA Trustee Member #1503

Be One of the Cool Kids. Become an AHRMA Lifetime Member!

Photo by Bobby Hedge

Contact AHRMA’s Membership Director, Elli Klein for Details. Call 321.277.4985 or Email elli.klein@ahrma.org JUNE 2019





American Historic Racing Motorcycle Association


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Pre-Entry Deadlines Mail Online

Date Venue

Pre-Entry Deadlines Mail Online

Date Venue


Lake Sugar Tree Motorsports Park; Axton, VA




Dutch Sport Park MX; Bloomingdale, MI




Saddleback East; Bedford, KY




Lake Sugar Tree Motorsport Park; Axton, VA




Shady Acres Motocross Park; Friendsville, MD




Moto-Vated Sports Complex; Gray Court, SC




Moto-Vated Sports Complex; Gray Court, SC




Two Rivers Racing; Milliken, CO




MillCreek MX Park; Pell City, AL




Oak Hill Raceway; Decatur, TX




Arkansas Dirt Riders; New Blaine, AR




Rattlers Run Farms; Fairfield, WA




Two Rivers Racing; Milliken, CO




T & S Racing; Henryetta, OK




Bushey Ranch; Canby, CA




HLR Motorsports; Moberly, MO




Metcalf Motorcycle County Park; San Jose, CA




Fox Raceway; Pala, CA




Texas Vintage Grand Prix Course; Donie, TX





Dutch Sport Park MX; Bloomingdale, MI




Lake Sugar Tree Motorsports Park; Axton, VA




Saddleback East; Bedford, KY




Shady Acres Motocross Park; Friendsville, MD




Moto-Vated Sports Complex; Gray Court, SC




MillCreek MX Park; Pell City, AL




Arkansas Dirt Riders; New Blaine, AR




Two Rivers Racing; Milliken, CO




T & S Racing; Henryetta, OK




HLR Motorsports; Moberly, MO




Fox Raceway; Pala, CA




Texas Vintage Grand Prix Course; Donie, TX



JUNE 2019

Pre-Entry Deadlines Mail Online

Date Venue

7/27-28 Shady Acres Motocross Park; Friendsville, MD



8/10-11 Pine Lake Raceway and Trails; Ashtabula, OH



9/14-15 Arkansas Dirt Riders; New Blaine, AR



9/27-28 T & S Racing; Henryetta, OK 10/5-6 Barber Motorsports Park; Birmingham, AL

9/13 9/20

9/16 9/23


Pre-Entry Deadlines Mail Online

Date Venue


Pre-Entry Deadlines Mail Online

Date Venue 6/28

Saddleback East; Bedford, KY




Donner Summit; Soda Springs, CA




Arkansas Dirt Riders; New Blaine, AR




Rattlers Run Farms; Fairfield, WA




Bushey Ranch; Canby, CA




Barber Motorsports Park; Birmingham, AL



10/19- 20 Hayes Farm; Ramsey, IL




Aonia Pass Motocross Park; Washington, GA




MotoVentures; Anza, CA






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JUNE 2019


Date Venue 6/28-30 Heartland Park; Topeka, KS



7/26-28 Road America; Elkhart Lake, WI






8/16-18 Buttonwillow Raceway Park; Buttonwillow, CA



8/30-9/1 Utah Motorsports Park; Tooele, UT



9/6-8 10/3-6

8/30 None

8/30 9/30

Gingerman Raceway; South Haven, MI

Talladega Gran Prix; Munford, AL Barber Motorsports Park; Leeds, AL

2019 AHRMA NATIONAL DIRT TRACK SERIES Pre-Entry Deadlines Mail Online

Date Venue 6/28

Darke County Fairgrounds, 1/2; Greennville, OH 6/14



Darke County Fairgrounds, 1/2; Greennville, OH 6/14



Ohio Flat Track Sport Center, 1/4; Harpster, OH




Ohio Flat Track Sport Center, 1/2; Harpster, OH




Tar Heel Speedway, ST; Tar Heel, NC




Aonia Pass Motocross Park, TT; Washington, GA 9/6



Aonia Pass MX Park, ST; Washington, GA



Aonia Pass Motocross Park, ST; Washington, GA 10/18



Aonia Pass MX Park, TT; Washington, GA





12/TBD Culman County Ag.Trade Ctr., ST; Culman, AL


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RACE PREVIEWS ROADRACE Luke’s Racecraft National Historic Roadrace Series June 26-28– Road America; Topeka, KS Pre-Entry Deadline: Mail: 6/21 Pre-Entry Deadline: Online 6/21 (Noon EST)

GPS Coordinates: 38.9325N, 95.6784W Gate Fee: $30.00/three days; $25.00/two days; $15.00/one day. Concessions: Yes Camping:Yes. With Electrical $40.00 per day. Primitive Camping free HMP has a massive amount of paved pit areas. As well (24)VIP, sponsor, or VIP Racer RV electrical spots, (62) Racer RV electrical spots, an on site RV dump station. (2) 150’x 50’ in door drive through buildings equipped with in ground scales and can be used for other activities as need. (12) each air-conditioned private showers and spotless restrooms. A two story Timing Scoring Starting line building elevator equipped. Housed within it is multiple media rooms and private class rooms as well as a racer registration center. Garages: 25’x16’ Private secure $75.00 per day or multiple day discount Lodging: Recently constructed Super 8 Motel (1 mile) 5922 Sw Topeka Blvd Forbes Field, Heartland Park, Topeka, KS 66619 https://www.visittopeka.com/hotels Nearby Restaurants: Amigos Mexican Restaurant; 5900 SW Topeka Blvd. 785-862-0255 The Blind Tiger Brewery & Restaurant; 417 SW 37th St. 785-267-2739 https://www. visittopeka.com/restaurants Weekend Schedule (subject to change depending on weather) Thursday Schedule: Gates open, Noon-10pm. Friday Schedule: Gates open, 7:00am-9:00pm. Mandatory Riders Meeting 8:00am (If you arrive later in the day, or not until Saturday, please see AHRMA Referee Bill Doran before you go on the track) Tech Hours of Operation: 7:15am-5pm Registration Hours of Operation: 7:15-5pm Practice, 9:00am-5:00pm AHRMA Roadracing School – all day. If you did not register online, report to registration by 7:15am Saturday Schedule: Gates open: 7am-9pm Tech Hours of Operation: 7:15am-5pm Registration Hours of Operation: 7:15-8am Practice: 8:00-11:00am (two rounds of practice) Mandatory Riders Meeting 11:15 Racing starts at 12:00pm Sunday Schedule: Gates open: 7:00am; Tech Hours of Operation: 7:15am-5pm 46


Schedules and venues are subject to change, visit www.ahrma.org

Registration Hours of Operation: 7:15-8:00am Practice: 8:00-10:00am; (one round of practice) Racing starts at 10:00am Track Address: 7530 Topeka Blvd SW, Topeka, KS 66619 Track Contact: Devon Hilton Phone: 785.861.7899 Email: devon.hilton@heartlandpark.com Website: www.heartlandpark.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ HeartlandMotorsportsPark/

July 28-30– Heartland Park; Plymouth, WI

Pre-Entry Deadline: 7/19 (Noon EST)

Track Sound Limits: 103db, but they do not regulate. It’s up to the club to monitor and regulate themselves. Friday AHRMA-run practice day AHRMA Roadracing School available GPS Coordinates: 43.7975° N, 87.9900° W Gate Fee: $30.00/three days; $25.00/two days; $15.00/one day. Concessions: Yes Lodging: AmericInn – Plymouth, 920.892.2669; Condos and rooms at Baymont Inn & Suites – Plymouth, 920.893.6781; More at https://www.roadamerica.com/ experiences/lodging.html Camping: Yes. More info here www. roadamerica.com/camping-info.html Shipping Address: (Note there is a $5 fee for handling, and will be collected by the track): Road America, Inc. c/o Your Name/Team, N7390 Hwy. 67, Plymouth, WI 53073. Track Info: Email: info@roadamerica.com Website: www.roadamerica.com Physical Address & Phone: Road America N7390 State Highway 67 Plymouth, WI 53073 800-365-7223 Weekend Schedule (subject to change depending on weather) Thursday: Gates open, Noon-10:00 pm. Friday: Mandatory Riders Meeting 8:00am (If you arrive later in the day, or not until Saturday, please see AHRMA Referee Bill Doran before you go on the track) Gates open, 7:00am-9:00pm Tech Hours of Operation: 7:15am-5pm Registration Hours of Operation: 7:15-5pm Practice, 9:00am-5:00pm AHRMA Roadracing School – all day. If you did not register online, report to registration by 7:15am Saturday: Gates open: 7:00am-9:00pm

Tech Hours of Operation: 7:15am-5pm Registration Hours of Operation: 7:15-8am Practice: 8:00-11:00am (two rounds of practice) Mandatory Riders Meeting 11:15 Racing starts at 12:00pm Sunday: Gates open: 7:00am; Tech Hours of Operation: 7:15am-5pm Registration Hours of Operation: 7:15-8:00am Practice: 8:00-10:00am; (one round of practice) Racing starts at 10:00am

August 2-4– GingerMan Raceway; South Haven, MI Pre-Entry Deadline: 7/19 (Noon EST)

Friday AHRMA-run practice day / AHRMA Roadracing School available GPS Coordinates: 42.4067° N, 86.1399° W Gate Fee: $30.00/three days; $25.00/two days; $15.00/one day. Concessions: Yes Lodging: The South Haven Holiday Inn Express offers a special rate to Gingerman visitors. Contact the Holiday Inn at 269.637.8800 for more information. More lodgings can be found through the South Haven Visitors Bureau – go to www.southhaven. org. Camping: Yes. Camping is available for $5 per night for each individual camping. 30 amp electric hook-up is also available. Contact maribeth@gingermanraceway.com to make a reservation. Track Address: 61414 Phoenix Rd, South Haven, MI 49090; phone 269.253.4445 Website: www.gingermanraceway.com Directions: Smartphone Apps like Waze, iPhone Maps and Google Maps can be helpful in determining the best route to Gingerman Raceway. >From Grand Rapids, MI: Follow I-196 W to Exit 20 towards Bangor/South Haven Turn left onto Phoenix St. (also called County Road 388). Destination will be on your left. >From South Bend, IN: Take US-31 N towards Michigan. Continue to Exit 24 (signs for Napier Ave). Use the left 2 lanes to turn left onto US-31 N/E Napier Ave (1.9 mi). Turn right to merge onto I-94 E/US-31 N toward Detroit/Holland (3.2 mi). Keep right at the fork to continue on I-196 N/US-31 N, follow signs for Holland/Gd Rapids. Follow I-196N/ US-31 N to Exit 20 – Phoenix St. (also called County Road 388) in South Haven. Turn right onto Phoenix St. (also called County Road 388). Destination will be on your left. Weekend Schedule (subject to change depending on weather) Thursday: Gates open, Noon-10:00 pm. Friday: Mandatory Riders Meeting 8:00am (If


JUNE 2019

you arrive later in the day, or not until Saturday, please see AHRMA Referee Bill Doran before you go on the track) Gates Open: 7:00am-9:00pm Tech Hours of Operation: 7:15am-5pm Registration Hours of Operation: 7:15-5pm Practice, 9:00am-5:00pm AHRMA Roadracing School – all day. If you did not register online, report to registration by 7:15am Saturday: Gates open: 7:00am-9:00pm Tech Hours of Operation: 7:15am-5pm Registration Hours of Operation: 7:15-8am Practice: 8:00-11:00am (two rounds of practice) Mandatory Riders Meeting 11:15 Racing starts at 12:00pm Sunday: Gates open: 7:00am; Tech Hours of Operation: 7:15am-5pm Registration Hours of Operation: 7:15-8:00am Practice: 8:00-10:00am; (one round of practice) Racing starts at 10:00am

DIRT TRACK VMC Racing Frames National Dirt Track Series June 28- 30 – Dirt Track Darke County Fairgrounds; Greenville, OH – (ST) Pre-Entry Deadline: Mail, Fax & Email: 6/14 Pre-Entry Deadline: Online 6/17 (11am EST)

GPS/Track address: Darke County Fairgrounds, 800 Sweitzer St., Greenville Oh. 45331 Gate fee: $15.00 per person per day (all ages must pay). Tickets go on sale at Gate #2 at 3:00pm for the Friday races and at 10:00am for the Sunday races. Grandstand/General admission – $10.00 per person per day (12 and under free). Camping: Yes Concessions: Yes Lodging: Holiday Inn Express, 937.548.1328; Comfort Inn, 937.316.5252; Greenville Inn, 937.548.3613 >Directions from the east: From on I-70 westbound take Exit 24 (OH-49) N/Greenville/ Clayton. Merge onto OH-49 N/S Dayton Greenville Pike and continue to follow OH- 49 N. Track is on the left. Race Schedule Schedule subject to change Friday: Hot laps begin at 4:00pm, Heat races 5:00pm; racing begins 7:00pm. Sunday: Qualifying begins at 12:00pm; heat races to follow. Contacts: Rob McLendon 850-637-5838 Facebook: Darke County Fair Websites: www.darkecountyfair.com, www. ahrmagl.org or www.ahrma.org JUNE 2019

July 20- 21 – Triangle Motorcycle Club Sport Center; Harpster, OH Pre-Entry Deadline: Mail, Fax & Email: 7/5 Pre-Entry Deadline: Online 7/8 (noon EST)

The Triangle Motorcycle Sports Center is located between Upper Sandusky, OH and Marion,OH at a town called Harpster, OH. The track is hosted by the Triangle Motorcycle Club, Inc. Gate fee: $10.00 per day Camping: Yes, free primitive camping only. Nice clean facility. Facility: Facility is lighted all night and Sheriffs are in and out. EMS ON SITE during races and on standby at all times. First responders just 5 minutes away. We have grandstands and handicap parking. Wash area if bikes need cleaning. Concessions: Vendors available; store and pizza shop only one mile away. Lodging: 15 plus hotels in a 15mi. radius in Marion, Upper Sandusky, Bucyrus, and Kenton (Mention Triangle Motorcycle Club for a discount) Track address: 8088 CH 71, Harpster, OH 43323 Contact: Ed Jerew 419.294.7684; email – edjerew@gmail.com Facebook: Ohio Flat Track Sport Center Directions: Please confirm directions from your location on www.google.com/maps. > From US23: Turn West on SR294 towards Harpster. Turn South at stop sign on CH119 and go one mile to CH71 (this is the first T road to the right, or West).We are only 1/2 mile down and on the right side of the road. Approximate distance from US23 is roughly 3 1/2miles. >From US 67: Turn onto SR294 to the right or East if coming from Ken-ton. Turn right at stop sign in Harpster or South onto CH119 and go one mile to CH71 (this is the first T road to the right, or West). We are only 1/2 mile down and on the right side of the road. Approximate distance from US67 is about six miles. Race Schedule (subject to change) Saturday Quarter Mile Event: Sign-up, 2pm-5pm; Riders meeting 5pm; Practice immediately following riders meeting; Racing begins, 7pm. Sunday Half Mile Event: Sign-up, 9:00am-11:00am; Riders meeting 11:00; Practice 11:15am; Racing begins, 12:30pm.




OFFROAD June 15 -16 – Lake Sugar Tree Motorsports Park MX, Axton, VA

June 15 - Preston Petty Products National Vintage Motocross Series June 16 - Race Tech National Post Vintage Motocross Series June 16- National Next Gen Motocross Series Pre-entry Deadline Mail, Fax and Email 5/31 Pre-entry Deadline Online: 6/3, 11am EST.

GPS: Smartphone Apps like Waze and Google Maps can be helpful in determining the best route to Lake Sugartree. GPS on phone may also be helpful. Gate fee: $25/Friday, $20/Saturday, $15/Sunday Gate Hours: Thurs 2pm-10pm; Fri/Sat 6am-10pm; Sun 6am-last person out Camping: Yes. Premium full hookups (sewer/ water/electric) $90 / weekend ($30/ day). Electric only $45 weekend ($15/day). Tent Only $30 / weekend ($10/day). Call 276.650.1158 for reservations. Concessions: Yes Lodging: For the most up-to-date lodging information, please visit lakesugartree.com’s accommodations page: http://lakesugartree. com/Accommodations.aspx Track Address: 400 Movie Movers East, Axton, VA 24054 Contact: Ryan Smith 276.650.1158 Email: lakesugartree@gmail.com Website: lakesugartree.com www.ahrmase.org or www.ahrma.org Facebook: Lake Sugar Tree Motorsports Park Directions >From Greensboro, NC: Go North on US 220 to Virginia, 28 miles. Go Northeast on US 220 to US 58, 12 miles. Go East on US 58, 11 miles. Go North on State Rte 617 to Lake Sugar Tree entrance, 1 mile. (total 52 miles). >From Richmond, VA Go East on I-64 (Portions toll) to I-95, 1 mile. Go South on I-95 (Portions toll) to I 85, 24 miles. Go Southwest on I-85 (Portions toll) to US , 54 miles. Go Southwest on US1 to US 58, 10 miles. Go West on US 58, 91 miles. Go North on State Rte 617 to Lake Sugar Tree entrance, 1 mile. (total 181 miles). >From Charleston, WV: Go Southeast on 1-77 to Virginia, 102 miles. Go Southeast on I-77 (Tunnel) to US 58, 51 miles. Go East on US 58 to State Rte 8, 36 miles. Go Northeast on State Rte 8, 36 miles. Go Northeast on State Rte 8 to State Rte 57, 4 miles. Go East on State Rte 57 to US 220, 19 miles. Go Southeast on US 220 to US 58, 6 miles. Go East on US 58, 11 miles. WWW.AHRMA.ORG


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JUNE 2019

Go North on State Rte 617 to Lake Sugar Tree entrance, 1 mile. (total 230 miles). Schedule Friday: Open practice available until 3:00pm. Gates close at 10pm Vintage Motocross, Saturday: Sign-up, 7:008:30am; rider’s meeting, 8:30am; practice, 9:00am; racing begins, 10:00am. Post Vintage Motocross, Sunday: Sign-up, 7:00-8:30am; rider’s meeting, 8:30am; practice, 9:00am; racing begins, 10:00am. Next Gen Motocross, Sunday: Sign-up, 7:008:30am; rider’s meeting, 8:30am; practice, 9:00am; racing begins, 10:00am.

June 28 -30 – Saddleback East, Bedford, KY

June 28- Speed & Sport National Trials Series June 29 - Preston Petty Products National Vintage Motocross Series June 16 - Race Tech National Post Vintage Motocross Series Pre-entry Deadline Mail, Fax and Email 6/14 Pre-entry Deadline Online: 6/17, 11am EST.

Gate fee: $20 for the weekend Camping: $20 Concessions: Yes Additional Event Information: Swap meet all weekend. On Friday afternoon, we will have “ fun grass track racing.” 3 Vintage classes and 3 post vintage classes for $20. This will be a separate course acceptable to cross country bikes and MX bikes.On Saturday night we will have a band and a “pig pickin” dinner at no additional charge. Lodging: Carrollton Kentucky and Madison Indiana have all of the brands of hotels. Facebook: Saddleback East Motorcycle Club Track Address: 700 RD Kendall Ridge Road, Bedford, Kentucky 40006 Contact: Mitch Barnes, 502.594.8245; email mitchfcamx@aol.com Websites: saddlebackeast.org, www.ahrma.org Schedule for Weekend: The gates open 8 am and the Swap meet will be open all weekend. Military Veterans get one race free. Friday: Trials competition begins @12-1:00. Fun grass track racing begins 3-4:00 Saturday: VMX practice begins at 9 and racing 10:30. Awards @4:00 and “Pig pickin” and the band starts @5-6:00. Sunday: PVMX practice begins at 9 and racing at 10:30. Awards @3:00 Directions >From Shreveport, LA: Travel south from Shreveport on Hwy 171 about 20 miles and look for arrows turning left onto Industrial Park Dr. Track is one mile down on left. >From Mansfield, LA: Travel about four miles NW on Hwy 171 and look for arrows turning right on Industrial Park Dr. track is one mile down on left. Race Schedule (Subject to Change) JUNE 2019

Trials Friday Schedule: Sign-up and tech – 7:00am; Rider’s meeting – 7:30am; Sighting lap – 8:00am; All Vintage classes, plus Post Vintage Novice race start: 8:30am. Post Vintage Intermediate and Expert race, 10:30am. Vintage MX Schedule Saturday: Sign-up – 7:00-9:00am; Practice, 9:00am Racing begins 10:30am Post Vintage MX Schedule Sunday: Sign-up – 7:00-9:00am; Practice – 9am Mandatory rider’s meeting – 10:00am; Racing begins 10:30am.

July 20 -21 – Donner Summit, Soda Springs, CA

June 16 - Speed & Sport Donner Summit Two-Day Trial; Soda Springs, CA Powroll/Redwood Engineering Regional Trials Series No Pre-entry Required for Trials

This event is not confirmed. Heavy winter and late spring snows have not yet melted. Confirmation of this event will be by 6/20. National Trials Entry fee: $40 per class. Trials event sign-up is at the Training Center Lodge. Schedule: Trials school, Saturday: 9:00am, no need to sign-up, just show up. Free to all. Saturday Schedule: Sign-up, 10:00am; rider’s meeting, 11:45am; trial starts, 12:00pm. Sunday Schedule: Sign-up, 8:00am; rider’s meeting, 9:45am; trial starts, 10:00am Directions: The Auburn Ski Club Training Center is located adjacent to Boreal Mt. Resort on Donner Summit at 19749 Boreal Ridge Road. From I-80 take the Castle Peak exit (#176) and drive to the far west end of the Boreal Parking lot. Note: Elevation 6500+ feet Gate fee: Land use fee $10 per rider per day Camping: Yes, $10 per vehicle per day Concessions: TBD - Coffee and goodies Sunday morning. Lodging Soda Springs – Boreal Inn, 530.426.1012; Truckee – Truckee Donner Lodge, 530.582.9999 or 1.877.878.2533; The Inn At Truckee, 530.587.8888 / 888.773.6888; more accommodations available in the Truckee area. Visit: www.chamber.truckee.com Track address: 19749 Boreal Ridge Road, Soda Springs, CA 95728 Phone: Auburn Ski Club Training Center 530-426-3313. Contact: Rob Poole, phone 415.889-5246, cell 415.990.9003 after 6 p.m. Email: pooleschl1@hotmail.com


July 27 -28 – Shady Acres; Friendsville, MD

July 27/28 - John Penton/Preston Petty National Cross Country Series July 27/28 - Preston Petty Products National Vintage Motocross Series July 28 Race Tech National Post Vintage Motocross Series Pre-entry Deadline Mail, Fax and Email 7/12 Pre-entry Deadline Online: 7/15, 11am EST.

Gate fee: $10 per person Gate Hours: 6:30am-8:00pm Camping: $15 per day Concessions: Yes. Lodging: Nearby hotels in Morgantown, WV Contacts: Tim – phone 240.321.7813 Facebook: Shady Acres Motocross or AHRMA North Atlantic Racing Websites: www.ahrma.org or www.ahrma-northantlantic.org Track address: 2282 Friendsville Rd., Friendsville, MD 21531 Directions from Morgantown, WV: Follow I-68 E towards Friendsville. Take exit 4 from I-68 E to MD-42/Maryland toward Friendsville. Keep right at the fork and merge onto MD-42/ Friendsville Rd. The track will be about five miles down on the left side. Schedule Friday: Cross Country signup 4:00pm-6:00pm Saturday: Cross Country Sign-up and tech, 7:00-8:00am; Rider’s meeting, 8:00am; Sighting lap all riders, 8:30am; All Vintage classes, plus Post Vintage Novice, Women, race start, 9:30am. Post Vintage Intermediate and Expert race, 11:00am. Vintage Motocross Sign-up, 8:30-11:00am; Mandatory rider’s meeting, 11:00am; Practice, 11:30am-12:30pm; Racing begins 1:00pm. Sunday: Cross Country Sign-up and tech, 7:00-8:00am; Rider’s meeting, 8:00am; Sighting lap all riders, 8:30am; All Vintage classes, plus Post Vintage Novice, Women, race start, 9:30am. Post Vintage Intermediate and Expert race, 11:00am. Post Vintage Motocross Sign-up, 8:3011:00am; Mandatory rider’s meeting, 11:00am; Practice, 11:30am-12:30pm; Racing begins 1:00pm.

August 10 -11 – Pine Lake MX, Ashtabula, OH

Aug 10/11 - John Penton/Preston Petty National Cross Country Series Pre-entry Deadline Mail, Fax and Email 7/12 Pre-entry Deadline Online: 7/15, 11am EST.

All Vintage & Post Vintage classes both days! Entry Fees: AHRMA National Championship events require that you pre-enter. Post-entries are available, at an increased price. Directions: From I-90, go South on Route 193 for 2.3 miles. Turn right (West) on PlymouthWWW.AHRMA.ORG


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RACE THE WEEKEND! AHRMA Fast and Safe RR School is Offered at All Roadrace Events Except Barber Vintage Festival in October. CONTACT ANDREW COWELL FOR MORE INFO

910. 431. 2956 Elli.Klein@ahrma.org




Road Race School Director Andrew Cowell Photo by EtechPhoto.com JUNE 2019

Gageville Rd. and go 1.5 miles. Turn left on Maple Rd. Track just down a bit on the left. Geolocation: Latitude: 41.8338222 Longitude: -80.6980562 Gate Fee: $15/day, $25/weekend Camping: Yes, primitive camping Concessions: Yes Lodging: Holiday Inn Express & Suites Ashtabula-Geneva, 440.275.2020; Hampton Inn, 440.275.2000 Track address: 3796 Maple Rd., Jefferson, OH 44047 Contact: Bud Fischer, phone 440.997.4166 Website: www.pinelakeracewayandtrails.com Facebook: Pine Lake Raceway Schedule, Friday: Sign-up, 4:00-6:00pm. Schedule, Saturday: Sign-up,7:00-8:30am; riders meeting 8:45am; practice, 9:00am; sighting lap, 10:45am; race start, 12noon. Note: First race MAY begin at 9:30am; decision will be made at the riders meeting. Schedule, Sunday: Sign-up,7:00-8:30am; riders meeting 8:45am; sighting lap, 9:00am; race start, 9:30am.


AHRMA BENEVOLENT FUND The Benevolent Fund was created in 1992 as a means of helping AHRMA members in need. AHRMA offers a variety of raffles and other fundraisers benefitting the Benevolent Fund. Members also are encouraged to contribute directly. Members in good standing for at least one year may take advantage of the fund. All applications for assistance are kept confidential. Requirements are listed in the AHRMA Handbook. Contact Bob Goodpaster 219. 942.2401 norton80_1@msn.com




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JUNE 2019




12/17/18 1:01 PM

MARKETPLACE Vintage Pistons. New Wiseco Pistons. .020 to .080 over. Mugen 360 1974 YZ250A, MX, DT, RT, YZ 360 Yamaha. 1979 YZ400 pistons. RM 370, 400, 465, 500 pistons (also fits Maico, 400, 440, 490). TM 400 pistons. Husky 360, 400, 390, 430, 500 pistons. Mugen ME360. Also sleeves available for all. Call 216.870.4121 Duc Bits! Ducati Singles & Parts for road, track, race or restoration. Real Desmo head, winning cams, factory megaphone. 1965 Diana frame, tank and engine, 150mm visored headlight rim, twin-leadingshoe front brake backing plate, 180mm double-drum Grimeca. Much else, check it out. David @ 540.877.2001

Virtually New 1972 XR750 TT: 2002 engine built by Carl Patrick, Motoplat ignition, Pingel gas taps, Supertrapp exhaust, Tsubaki chain, PBI sprockets, Scitsu tachometer, 38mm Morzocchi/Ceriani front end, Kosman Triple trees and axle, Low hours. Look for our detailed ad on Daytona Beach Craigslist. $54,500. Pat Conroy, 215.776.5079, patconroy77@hotmail. com, 327 S. Virginia Ave, DeLand, FL 32724. For sale: Conti Road Attack or Avon vintage race tires. I like the Contis better but see many bikes with Avons. Please call or email for prices. I can supply many parts and services for vintage racers, rims spokes, wheel building, cylinder boring etc. John Stephens Yellow Ducati 442 cyclecraftmotorcycles.com



FOX & SIMONS Suspension Parts, Restoration and Rebuilding. Fox Shox, AirShox, MonoShock, Harley-Davidson, TwinClicker for off-road or road. Contact Thor Lawson at 804.798.0990. Best time 1pm to 6pm Eastern time or visit: EvolutionSuspensionProducts.com.

High Quality, Adjustable, Race/ Display Stands! Heavy-Duty, fully adjustable "JackStand" style for your vintage bike! Removable handle tucks in closer to bike and accepts hand grip. TIGwelded. Stainless hardware. Industrial quality powder-coat. None finer! $125 plus shipping. Gordon McCaffer 315.729.8415. motoweld@hotmail.com.


Simply the Nicest Aluminum Bike Stand Made! Lofts ‘73/74 CR250 Honda, ‘74 Ossa Phantom ‘74 Husky Mag 250 & others w/7-9” frame spread. Crafted from 6061 aircraft alum. Lightweight, satisfaction guaranteed. $89.99 US + shipping. 419.866.8775, jeffclark@badbrush. com. Visit badbrush.com or vintagemart.net to see color pic.

NEW! ‘74 Can-Am Aluminum Chain Tensioner, spring-loaded. Now available for vintage Can-Am, mounts on stock mounting holes for OEM chain guide with modern ball bearing chain roller. Eliminates chain slap, $90.00 US + shipping. Contact Jeff Clark - 419.866.8775, jeffclark@ badbrush.com. Dealers welcome.

GIMME A BRAKE! Drum brakes for road/track. Fine magnesium Fontana replicas from Menani. Ceriani, Robinson, Honda 162, Yamaha TD3 replicas. Manx conical rear. Ducati single 2LS rear. 180mm and 230mm Grimecas. Available with/without Morad shouldered rims, Alpina spokes. David @ 540.877.2001

1963 Velocette Viceroy, “Conroy’s Follie”. One of only 700 ever made. 250cc flat-twin two-stroke, four-speed engine. Runs, new batteries, clean title, original light blue paint. Original factory manuals and an original poster included. $7700. Pat Conroy, 215.776.5079, patconroy77@hotmail. com, 327 S. Virginia Ave, DeLand, FL 32724.

Monster collection of Evel Knievel memorabilia – includes pinball machine, copies of X-rays, autographed photo, toys, artwork, books, videos, lunchbox and more. Must pick up in DeLand, FL. See Pat›s ad on Daytona Beach Craigslist for more pictures. $7700 or possible partial interesting trade considered. Pat Conroy, 215.776.5079, patconroy77@hotmail. com, 327 S. Virginia Ave, DeLand, FL 32724.


1961 Cadillac Couch Comfortable, re-uphosltered, and in good condition, made out of the tail end of a real 1961 Cadillac. Original floor of the trunk intact. Lights, with a flick of a switch, turn on, making this a really cool accent piece. Extremely heavy, must pick up. $4200. Pat Conroy, 215.776.5079, patconroy77@ hotmail.com, 327 S. Virginia Ave, DeLand, FL 32724.

Disc Brake Resurfacing Resurfacing $55 plus shipping Disc drilling $100.00 and up. Disc thinning $85.00 Frame and swingarm strengthening, modification. Frame restoration Custom axles and Wheel spacers, custom control cables, See ad in AHRMA Handbook. Tool Salvage & Motorcycle Works, 15709 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, OH 44112, 216.451.5500 or 216.851.5166

Very nice barn find motorcycle that sports an earlier repaint on the tank and fenders. This old girl is how you like to find them with all of the dust and grime that one would expect from an original old rider. After sitting for many years, the engine and transmission have been serviced and all fluids have been changed out. The 61ci EL Panhead engine sounds good and starts easy but obviously has had some time on it before being set aside for its long sleep. Don’t miss out!! Located in Albany, Oregon 97321 Phone: 541.315.3531 E-mail: greenerpastures212@gmail. com

JUNE 2019



Road Race Transport: Available for the AHRMA Midwest rounds (Road America/ Gingerman) from Southern California. $600/ bike. Includes space for toolbox, 1 gear bag & 1 spares box. Contact Brady Walker: 310-980-7129 or info@bradywalker.com

Rob North 1974 Trident 750 Fresh Engine TH- 6 cams lifters, digital ignition, Carrillo rods, light Peckett crank, C/R Quaffe 5-speed, Krober tach, 1;1 pistons, rectangular swingarm, Newby belt primary, Sun rims/ stainless spokes, belly pan, race calipers, extra new aluminum fuel tank. Race stand included. Original owner. $25,000 USA. Contact Royce at 386-317-4541. Parts: Triumph 650/750 twin race cams, new with TH-6 profile. Contact Royce at 386-317-4541. Race Bikes: 1978 Yamaha YZ250e Post Vintage, fully restored $1,200. SOS3 Race Winner 2015 KTM RC390 $4,900. Can deliver. Kendall Cranston, 830-928-7936, trailman400@yahoo.com For Sale: 1974 Husqvarna WR 175. Excellent Condition, restored but not used. A beautiful, like new cross country racer. $3,000. Rollnstones@Charter.NET

For Sale: 1961 DBD BSA Goldstar Catalina (matching numbers) Pearson bottom, end, Betor forks, Rickman front brake, Works shocks included. Ready for AHRMA MX or dual sport with LED lighting. Washington title. Price $12,000.00. Contact Bob 253-495-1731 or Birchfamily@nwlink.com. Ron Predmore 360-825-5842 For Sale: 1963 DBD BSA Goldstar All Sport (matching numbers). Bike is set up as café racer with alloy tank and 36mm Mikuni carb. Has NEB bottom end. All parts needed to convert to road race trim including 1/2GP carb, fairing, rear set pegs and shift linkage, fiberglass tank (needs re-sealed), racing pipe and megaphone. Washington title. Price $13,000.00. Contact Bob 253-495-1731 or Birchfamily@nwlink.com. Ron Predmore 360-825-5842 For Sale: 1967 CZ 250 Twin Pipe 10,000. OBO. 1967 CZ 360 Twin Pipe 11,000. OBO. 1973 CZ 380 MX As New, 6,900. OBO. Photos on request. Contact Lanny Hyde 760 964 2415, lannyhyde@verizon.net.

SWAP MEET GUIDELINES AHRMA members may submit two free, non-commercial, motorcycle-related ads of up to 50 words each, per issue. Each ad will run only once, but you are welcome to renew monthly. All ads will also be placed on www.ahrma.org for at least one month. Email your ads to: Alice.Sexton@ahrma.org Please include your name, address, phone number and AHRMA membership number with your ad. You may also mail ads to: Alice Sexton, AHRMA Mag, PO Box 1250, Blue Ridge, GA 30513. Deadline for the July issue is June 10th 2019.

MARKETPLACE COMMERCIAL ADS Marketplace is specifically designed for small business owners. Members or non-members may submit ads of up to 50 words, and may include a photo. In rare instances, ads may be delayed by one issue due to space restraints. Marketplace ads cost $25.00 for two issues and may be run as many months as you specify; ads will also be placed on the AHRMA website. Please include your name, address, and phone number along with your ad and include “Marketplace” in the subject line. Send your copy and photo to: alice.sexton@ahrma.org Deadline for the July issue is June 10th 2019.

JUNE 2019


Wanted: Bultaco Astro Pipe 1972-1973. Astro M106 / 326 cc. Also Skyway muffler. Cointact John T. Skinner 324- 821-2535 or 334-744-2536 For Sale: Rebuilt works performance shocks. New shafts ,seals and bumpers. overall length 17", eye to eye approx 16.25" Too long for my project. $300. Wanted 13,14,or 15 tooth sprocket for 1973 Rickman with Zundapp engine. Shaft hole is oval and measures 16mm x 20mm..1982 Canam 400 Qualifier. needs stator rebuilt nice shape. asking $2000. can send pics. mccauley. micko@gmail.com 269-629-3185 For Sale:1986 Suzuki RM 250, Eric Gorr Racing rebuilt motor, New Works Performance Shock, New fork Seals, Full Circle Wheels. $1095 OBO. 1998 KTM EXC 380 with extra set of Super Moto wheels, WI street title. $2750. 2001 BMW GS 1150, 54K Miles, fresh battery, rear pads, fuel filter. $3,750 OBO. Vintage Views from 1989 to present month, free, you pick up, Madison WI area. Mike, 608-837-4011, mjzeigle@frontier.com For Sale: 72 Maico 400 MX- Perfectly restored by west coast Maico master tech. Like new condition. $5550. Gordon Landreth 650-771-3069

REACH OVER 3500 TARGETED CUSTOMERS WITH AHRMA ADVERTISING! For rates and ad sizes contact alice.sexton@ahrma.org 706. 492. 5070 ________________________ Looking to reach those racers who need specific parts for their motorcycles? Marketplace is where they will find you! Send your advertisement in today and start selling your products.





A mile or so down the road, just over the bridge at the entrance to the town of Ballaugh, there’s a fine bronze bas-relief set in a white stucco gate. It is a portrait of a man and since he’s wearing a pudding bowl crash helmet, I’m pretty sure it’s a memorial.



I make a note of the name Karl Gall and the date 1939. Later on, I go to the library and pull the 1939 volume of the local paper. Gall had been one of the leading German riders of the 1930s. In the ’38 TT, Gall had crashed hard at Waterworks and been badly hurt. He’d announced his retirement after that. But as war clouds gathered, the Nazis were determined to wring as much propaganda value as possible from international motorsport. The BMW, DKW and NSU teams all got Nazi support, but it came with heavy pressure to deliver results, especially at prestigious events like the TT. Gall was persuaded to take one more shot at the Senior, on BMW’s all-powerful, supercharged “kompressor” twin. In practice he lost control going over Ballaugh Bridge and was flung headfirst into that gatepost. His teammate, Georg Meier, ended up winning the last prewar Senior on an identical machine. The beginner, however strong and pugnacious he is, and however courageous and fearless he may be at the outset, loses not only his lack of self-consciousness, but his self-confidence, as soon as he starts taking lessons. He gets to know all the technical possibilities by which his life may be endangered in combat. –Zen in the Art of Archery, p.71

One time, Steve accompanies me on a bicycle lap. It’s nearly the death of him. I collect him at Ballacraine, which is already a pretty long ride from his house, considering that he doesn’t cycle or get much of any other kind of exercise. We set off up Ballaspur and haven’t gone too far–we’re near Laurel Bank–when he calls out for me to stop. At first I think he just needs a rest, but he leans his bike against a low stone wall and starts to climb over it. “Come here,” he says. “I want to show you something.” The wall is only a couple of feet high from the road, but it’s a five-foot jump to the damp and musky forest floor on the other side. The Neb, a little stream, gurgles a few yards away. Hidden here behind the wall among fiddleheads are three little plaques devoted to Mark Farmer, a popular rider who died in 1994 while riding a Britten. “I came here once and noticed that one of these plaques had been removed,” said Steve. “I thought ‘Bloody hell, someone’s stolen one of them,’ but the next time I looked it was back and all polished. They’d just removed it for cleaning.” We clambered back over the wall. As we got on our bikes, Steve said, “I’ll tell you what my friend… I don’t want to be polishing your memorial around here.” I don’t want Steve polishing my memorial here either. But I can not think of any place I’d rather have one. –Mark Gardiner Excerpted from ‘Riding Man,’ available on Amazon. Mark Gardiner’s memoir of racing on the Isle of Man, in 2002, is currently in development as a feature film.


JUNE 2019

AHRMA National Headquarters 49 Ferguson Lane Elora, TN 37328

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